
To all the dedicated members of The Wild Rose Press staff, thank you for your wisdom, your support, your guidance and your commitment to both the authors that you serve and the products you deliver. You have made publishing a wonderful journey, and I am proud to have grown my roots here.



Without the support of my family, there would be no books, no novellas, no nothing—thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. Boys, Mom—I love you!

Thank you to Heartland Romance Authors and Midwest Romance Writers for your support and the "family" you've become. I’d have given up a long time ago without all of you.

Thank you also, Jackie Bannon, for introducing me to paranormal romance those many years ago! You never realized what you’d start, did you?

Last but in no means least, thank you Jewelann Cone and Callie Lynn Wolfe for dedication to this eight-part venture, and your continued enthusiasm throughout.