week four

game over

Read: Chapter 10 and the part 2 introduction

Opening Question: This week, you only read one chapter and the part 2 introduction because there needed to be space to absorb some of these deep truths from Scripture. Take a few minutes to debrief with your group. Was there something in particular you read that has been rolling around in your mind and heart over the past few days?

Discuss Life behind the Mask

Your masks, or your flesh, will never completely go away. But we can learn what it looks and feels like to choose dependence on Jesus rather than dependence on self. There are many deep, spiritual truths to explore as we consider what it means to live life free of the masks we hide behind. Chapter 10 highlights five of them.

1. The two trees (Gen. 2:16–17). God put two trees in the Garden—the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. You answered this question individually in your reading, so let’s talk about it now as a group.

2. The mask (or flesh) and the Spirit (Gal. 5:17). Take a few minutes to discuss which of the masks from chapters 2 through 9 each woman most personally identifies with. Perhaps there is one she can think of that isn’t in the book.

3. Born into Adam vs. born into Christ (1 Cor. 15:21–22). Birth determines identity. This new birth is what provides the authority by which we can choose not to live behind the mask (our flesh). Because of the fall, every person is born into Adam—leading to death. But when we choose Jesus, we are reborn into Christ—leading to life.

4. Guilt and shame. Guilt deals with our behavior while shame deals with our identity.

5. The mercy side of the cross and the grace side of the cross (Col. 1:13–14). God’s mercy holds back the wrath we deserve—Jesus died in our place, offering forgiveness. God’s grace lavishes upon us what we don’t deserve—Jesus rose from the dead, offering life.

Journal: We were created to hide, but not in a hiding place crafted by our own hands to get our needs met. We were made to find our safe place in God. Go back in your journal to week one where you briefly recorded some of the main points from your story. Which of these five truths did you least understand when you first accepted Jesus? Record in your own words how some of these truths are beginning to shape your story.

Truth to Remember: These masks, this girl-made hiding, are all a part of our flesh patterns. This may be how you cope, but this is not who you are. “For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son” (Col. 1:13).

Song: Matt Redman, “You Alone Can Rescue”