Chapter  8


“I have a carpenter’s shop on______Street, number______, in this city. I make clubs for the police. If I remember correctly, I have thus far received two orders from the high command of the police force of Central Macedonia, each calling for five hundred clubs. I should also add that sometimes a policeman in uniform comes to my shop to order a club. Then I have to make it for him free of charge. This doesn’t happen often, at the most once a month. I’ve never made any clubs for private individuals, nor has any private individual ever come to order a club from me with the authorization of the police. A month ago, three men in civilian clothes came to my shop and ordered three clubs; since I didn’t know who they were, I told them I’d have to have a note signed by the police. They went away, and I’ve never seen them again. The clubs I make for the police are about sixteen inches long. At one end there is a hole for a strap. The clubs I made for the police high command (the large orders I told you about), I painted a dark walnut color. The ones I gave the policemen free of charge, I did not paint. I left the natural color of the wood.”