This kid needs to quit trying to be inspirational!

The press conference is at the Captain Kickbutt studio in one of the big old warehouse rooms. I guess this room was full of chicken soup cans once upon a time. Now it’s filled with half the town of Redhill and journalists from the TV and newspapers. They’re all looking up at a stage where Rhonda Anderson Delaney, Spencer Daniels, George Khan and Parakeet are sitting and answering questions.

As for me? I’m hiding behind the stage dressed as ThunderButt. Hugo is with me. Tyson, full of motivation again, is watching out for The Fridge or Parakeet or whoever else might want to disrupt our plan. Out in the crowd, Abby and Pip are sitting, ready for their part in taking down ThunderButt’s evil nemesis, Famous Kid.

If the plan works, I’m going to reveal ThunderButt’s true identity to the world. But I’m keeping that to myself for now.


‘And what do you say to criticism that the Captain Kickbutt movie is going to be too dark and serious?’ asks a journalist.

The director takes a breath. ‘There’s nothing funny about fighting for truth and justice in a dying world,’ she says gloomily.

Really? But they’re doing it in tights and a cape, RAD. And his name’s Kickbutt. She’s missing the whole point. It’s supposed to be funny!

‘Spencer, have you always been a fan of the Captain Kickbutt comics?’ another journalist asks.

‘Of course,’ Famous Kid replies. ‘I’ve always loved Captain Kickbutt and Hammerhead and . . . Nelson.’

I turn to Hugo, horrified. Nelson? Nelson?

‘It’s NORMAN!’ I hiss.

‘I know!’ Hugo hisses back. And he does. He really does.

I knew it! Famous Kid isn’t even a Captain Kickbutt fan.

‘Spencer, I assume you’ve heard about the kid in the costume who stopped the bus on the weekend?’ another reporter asks.

Oh, this should be good. They’re talking about me!

‘Do you feel a sense of pride knowing that you’ve inspired the children of Redhill, and the world, to do the right thing?’

I’m sorry. What? Inspired by Spencer Daniels? You’ve got to be joking.


Oh, I’ve never wanted to thump somebody so bad! Is he really taking credit for ThunderButt? He better not be taking credit for ThunderButt!

Spencer Daniels continues, ‘To think that I’ve been able to inspire a kid to want to be like me by caring for the elderly –’


Oh, I’ve had about enough of this.

Come on, Abby and Pip. Let’s get this show started.