— Carole Koda, ever so
Jack Shoemaker — comrade and publisher
Fred Swanson — scientist, philosopher, walker
Aki Tamura and the people of Oshika village
Bob Uchida, poet-musician
Chizu Hamada, for One Thousand Cranes
Deane Swickard
Dennis Dutton for his Bamiyan poem
Eldridge Moores
Gary Holthaus
Henry Zenk, for his help with Sahaptin place names and the name “Loowit”
Isabel Stirling for research help and advice
Jean Koda
Jirka Wein, of Praha and the Southern Japan Alps
Kai Snyder
Katsu Yamazato of Naha
Ko Un of Seoul
Lee Gurga
Liana Sakeliou of Athens
Misa Honde of Kobe
Morio Takizawa of Tokyo
Nanao Sakaki, for his translation of Issa’s “snail,” nine bows
Peter Matthiessen
Satoru Mishima of the Kanto Plain
Shawna Ryan for ostrich and emu
Shige Hara
Steve Antler and Carla Jupiter, and the house above the river
Steve Eubanks for the Star Fire
Ursula LeGuin for her fine rare book on Mt. St. Helens, In the Red Zone
Young poets of Putah-toi, sitting on the summer dust