Enormous thanks go to Becka Oliver once again for her supreme guidance, support, and friendship. My editor, Elizabeth Bewley, believed in this book from the start, gave me incisive notes all along the way, and seemed to know these characters better than I did at certain points. Thank you, Elizabeth. Cindy Eagan’s wholehearted enthusiasm and good humor kept me on course, as always. Tracy Shaw, cover whiz, designed a beautiful image yet again. And big thanks to Christine Ma, copy editor extraordinaire, for getting me clear on exactly what (and where) I was talking about in the Hamptons.
Henry and Peggy Schleiff provided warm hospitality, and a lot of laughs, out in Water Mill. Blake Davis and Mariah Mitchell Davis answered my e-mailed questions within minutes. Cassidy Catanzaro responded to every text about Stillwater and Sussex County with amazing detail. Sarah Mlynowski and Courtney Sheinmel welcomed me into the hallowed halls of their writing lounge, not to mention the Twitterhood of the Butt-Lifting Pajants.
And to my family… Mom and Dad, thank you for being so wonderfully supportive of me while I worked on this book in the early stages. And JJ, thank you for everything. You are the best reader, best friend, and best sister anyone could ask for.