THE DAILY RHYTHM OF LIFE. Or the daily grind, depending on how disconnected you’ve become. Long before the arrival of hominids, the genes of every living thing came to rely on the daily cycle of the planet, the rising and setting of the sun. It is a circuit we cannot escape. Among the many intricate hormonal and neurotransmitter interactions we rely on, the production of melatonin comes with nightfall, while serotonin comes with the break of day. Within this ancient order, we’ve created an artificial microcosm, one made up of glaring lights, computers, digital gadgets, text messages, emails, Tweets, and Facebook updates that rule our days and overstimulate our nights. All these are meant to connect us, but—irony of ironies—they prevent us from forging deeper, more meaningful bonds. This section will show you how to honor your circadian rhythm and use technology without it consuming you. You will learn to slow down, take notice, and breathe deeply. For in the grand scheme of things, the only thing you truly own is this single moment, right here and right now. The connection here is learning what you can do with this moment to positively and naturally affect those that follow.