Gerri’s fourth period Geography class is well under way when there’s a sound at the classroom door and the principal, Mr. Landers, appears. Mr. Landers pulls his glasses off and drops them to a chain so they dangle just below his neck in front. He approaches Mr. Betts and nearly in unison all heads come erect and all eyes are on the teacher and principal. Mr. Landers whispers to Mr. Betts and then they both turn toward the class. Gerri’s heart sinks because it appears they are staring directly at her. What now?
With his usual severe principal look Mr. Landers quietly speaks, “Geraldine DeMore, I need to borrow you for a few minutes so please come with me.”
Gerri can only think this is another bad dream. How many bad dreams can one person endure? What’s the disaster awaiting her? Is she in trouble? Is she accused of something? Her mind is racing as she tries to think of anything at all that could be prompting this.
She slowly rises from her seat and starts toward the door but Mr. Landers speaks again as if he’s a bit agitated, “N n no, Geraldine…bring your books in case you have to go directly onto your next class.”
Gerri picks up her books and she feels like she’s on fire with embarrassment. Every face in the room is looking at her, secretly glad it’s anyone except them. Gerri steps into the hall. She says nothing and neither does Mr. Landers. He just motions with his head for her to follow and they begin the walk toward his office.
Gerri suddenly panics that this is about Dan. After all it was just this morning he pulled her aside and she noticed students staring as if it was great entertainment. Somehow that must have gotten back to Mr. Landers. That must be what this is all about. Gerri tries to formulate a defense for Dan but she’s panicking and can’t focus her thinking. She’ll just deny anything more than helping him a few afternoons and saying hi in the hall. She can’t help what kids’ dirty minds conjure up but for sure it’s only jealous gossip.
As Gerri and Mr. Landers arrive at his office he opens a conference room door off to the side of his personal office and there at the conference table is Len Ferguson in his police uniform.
“Geraldine, Officer Ferguson is a member of the Fresno Police and please don’t be alarmed. He’s not here because you’ve done anything wrong. He’s gathering information for an investigation they are doing and he thinks perhaps you may know some of the students from a little different level than I would. Okay? Go ahead and have a seat and I’ll leave you two alone to talk.”
Gerri’s heart is about to jump out of her chest. She never imagined anything like this. Why would Len possibly want to bother her at school? She’s frightened, embarrassed and her mouth is dry with a strange fear of this man.
He smiles and speaks politely for the benefit of Mr. Landers, “Yes, Geraldine. I just need to ask you a couple of questions and then get you on your way. Please…please have a seat and just relax. You’re not in any sort of trouble and thank you Principal Landers.”
Len looks directly into her eyes and smiles broadly. His outward appearance is sharp, professional with altar-boy innocence but that’s just a facade for what she fears is a very evil side. Gerri is uncomfortable with this and she wishes Mr. Landers would stay in the room but he makes a quick exit and closes the door behind him. Gerri sits alone in the small room with Len about three feet from her and she’s facing a now arrogantly smiling but silent Officer Len Ferguson. Gerri is not about to say anything and for a while it appears he isn’t going to say anything either. He just stares at her and smiles.
Gerri is twisting nervously in her seat and thinking about claiming she feels unwell but then Len breaks the silence. He leans forward toward her and makes a low volume clicking noise with his tongue as if scolding her and then speaks quietly, “Gerri, Gerri, Gerri. It is so good to see you. Are you being a good girl? Staying away from two-bit hoodlums? Seriously, how have you been doing?”
“What do you mean?”
Gerri stares at Len’s mouth. A big smile but his upper lip twitches every so often and Gerri thinks it looks a bit like an angry dog when it can’t quite decide if it’s time to bite or to wait. Somehow his smile looks totally phony and underneath is anger. She wonders what she’s done to deserve this.
“What do I mean? I mean how have you been? Doing well in school? Staying out of trouble? Ya know? How have you been doing?”
“Okay, I guess.”
“Well, that’s good. That’s good, Gerri. I haven’t been doing all that well myself. Ya see, I’ve been working on this little problem in Fresno and actually right in this neighborhood. There’s a hoodlum and his buddies who sell illegal drugs and commit burglaries. Now you will find this shocking and hard to even believe but these guys also have been known to give alcohol to young girls so they can schmoozle up-close and take unfair physical advantage of them. Unbelievable isn’t it? Right? Right, Gerri? You’ seem very quiet…if the cat has your tongue you can just shake your head up and down in agreement with me. It is polite to answer when asked a question.”
Gerri feels bullied and afraid but she slightly nods, “Yeah I guess so. I don’t really know.”
“Hmm. Well this hoodlum and his buddies do many, many bad things-things that may shock a young lady like you. They cause me a lot of trouble and it’s my job to protect the innocent public from them. So, you might say to me then why don’t you just go and arrest them? Because it seems lately I’m a half-step behind. I get close and then their so-called leader disappears into a rat hole. I’m sure he’s right around here somewhere close under my nose but I just haven’t been able to find him. He’s out of jail on bond but until his court date he’s apparently decided to not be very sociable. His friends tell me he leaves town, then comes back, leaves then returns and I don’t believe it. I think he’s right here close all the time and what I’m trying to do is get a half-step ahead of this rat. Then I’ll arrest him for some new charges and get him off the streets for so long he’ll be walkin with a cane when he sees sunshine again. Make sense?”
“Not really. I don’t know about any of this.”
“Well, Gerri…it seems you know this guy.” Len wiggles his eyebrows as if there’s something crude or suggestive involved, “ Ya know, Jake Waltrip. And you’re also good friends with his sister, Connie Waltrip. Right?”
“Gads. This is about Jake? Of course I know who he is but I don’t have anything to do with him. I haven’t seen him since you the cemetery. That’s all. I know absolutely nothing about him.”
“Right. But you’re friends with his sister and I want you to find out from her where Jake hides. Just be a good friend to me and find out. Simple. That’s it.”
“Sure, I know Connie but I don’t even see her very often at school and we aren’t close friends. I can’t even imagine asking her anything about Jake. She would never tell me anything.”
“C’mon, Gerri. You were dating this scumbag. That’s when you first met me. But oh no, you don’t know them very well. Then they are at your mom’s funeral but oh no, you’re not friends. You and this Connie are hugging and go off into a side room. But, oh no, you don’t know her very well. Then the whole gang shows up at the cemetery and stands like a bunch of clowns over to the side like they’re saluting or something. But oh no, you hardly know them. So, c’mon. Don’t make Lenny mad by acting like Lenny’s stupid or something. That would not be wise. Maybe Jake’s your boyfriend but he won’t be after I find him. Just do what’s right. Got it? Huh? C’mon Gerrie, answer, nod, blink your eyes…”
Gerri pauses but then shows her irritation toward Len, “My boyfriend? He’s not my boyfriend. He’s in his twenties and some sort of hood. He’s not my boyfriend. He took me home from school once and that was it. Period. I can’t help you.”
“Yeah. I know. Buying you alcohol at that gang hangout, Brentwood’s. How would Lenny know that? Surprising, huh? You and Jake playin licky-face and touchy-feely and hide the…never mind. Just don’t give me a bunch of crap that you hardly know him. It is interesting if that’s the only time you ever saw him that you were speeding right toward a touchdown on the very first time. Did you even know his name or do you just like to get, shall we say intimate when you meet somebody for the first time? Besides, you seem to like older guys. I’d say maybe older guys are your sweet-tooth from what I’ve seen. Like you and your professor makin’ smoochie and who knows what else. You really do like older guys don’t ya? So you can cut the innocent little lassie bullshit stuff like you’re a first-timer.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about” Gerri is breathing fast. She’s sure he’s baiting her to get angry with all the insulting things he’s saying and she doesn’t like this one bit. It’s very uncomfortable being in this room alone with Len. What could he possibly know about Dan Penn? Maybe Len appearing outside of her house last night isn’t all he’s been doing. Maybe he’s been spying on her constantly. He may have followed when Dan and Gerri were in the car together. The possibility of him stalking is scaring her badly.
His look and demeanor seem to change even while they are talking. One second his face looks calm and almost pleasant and the next second it’s red and taught. He still has the same exaggerated smile on his face as if it’s there permanently but there’s no mystery about the smile being less than friendly. Suddenly there are bulging veins on his forehead in the shape of a “v” and he’s leaning closer and closer to her. There is a real anger behind his words as if she’s lying to him or causing a problem. Why is he so focused on capturing Jake?
“Look. I’m sorry if you thought I know more than I do but you’re scaring me because I really, really don’t know about any of this.”
“So, I’m scaring you?” Len sits back a little and straightens up in his seat. He drops the smile. “Well, I am sorry for that. Really. I didn’t mean to frighten you. It’s just very important for me to find Jake Waltrip and get him locked up. I’m also sure that even though you say you can’t help I’m sure you can help if you simply try.”
“I keep telling you I can’t help and you just sit here getting angry because you’re so sure I can somehow find something out about Jake. I’m not trying to make you angry and I just can’t help.”
Len leans close to Gerri again, uncomfortably close to her face and his eyes are staring into hers, “Okay. Let me do this a different way and maybe you’ll be more willing to help. I actually came to see you today and the truth is it is more to see you than ask questions. And in your own way-too-sweet way you’re forcing me… makin me say something I told myself I wouldn’t do. Look, I like you a lot, Gerri and I think I could be very good for you. There you made me say it.”
“Now I have no idea what you mean…”
“Look, it may seem like our ages are a bit apart but it doesn’t really matter, does it? I mean if we got along really good there wouldn’t be any reason we’d have to worry about the difference in our ages. Besides, I’m a cop and there are certain powers and privileges I have that most other people don’t. It’s called power, Gerri. I’ve got it. Most women think that’s pretty cool.”
“Wha…Now really, what do you want?”
“Okay. Draggin it out of me again, huh? I must be putty in your hands. Okay, Gerri. Draggin’ it out of Lenny-boy. Momentarily you’ve made me powerless. What do I want? I want you to like me. I want you to like me a lot. I want you to like me the way you like Jake and your school-marm buddy and whoever else you’re messin around with. I want to date you. I want to spend private time with you. And I think I can make it worth your time.”
“I have to be missing something here. First you wanted me to find Jake and I have absolutely no idea how to do that and now you’re completely off on something I don’t understand. And in all this, I don’t really know you. You brought me home one night, I saw you at my mom’s funeral and at the house but I don’t really know you. Then I saw you parked outside my house and that scared me. You’re a policeman. You wear a wedding ring. You had a gun at the funeral. You’re old enough to be my dad. I’m sure you’re a nice man but that’s it. I think that’s enough.”
Gerri thinks Len is nutty and she wants out of this little room. She abruptly stands up to walk away but Len quickly reaches across the table, takes her by the arm and holds her so she cannot back up.
He looks around smiling as if they are just having a jovial conversation but he slowly stands and leans menacingly close. There’s no smile. His face is red and tense and he whispers so emphatically that saliva sprinkles her face, “Gonna drag it out of me again, huh? Okay. Then listen to this so you understand. There are two things you need to do…and I think you will do both of them once you understand all the facts. First, I want to date you and by date you I mean you’ll only date me. Nobody else. Not some crook and not some panty-waisted, pansy-ass teacher. Now in case you wonder if you can do that allow me to help you with the answer. You can. The second thing you’re going to do is find out where Jake is hiding. I ‘m gonna keep looking til I get Jake once and for all. He’s embarrassed me and when I get him he’ll go to prison…but only after I’ve had a little time teachin him manners. He didn’t learn much from his first lesson.
Here’s why I just know you’ll want to do these two things. Bein’ Lenny’s girl will keep me convinced to hold off arresting your crazy red-headed, nut-job neighbor who passed herself off as your mother. Can you believe it? She gave me, a policeman, a false statement and that isn’t good. You don’t want to see her in jail? But I can and I will. But I don’t have to. See, besides the fact I’m so good looking there are other reasons for you to be my girl.”
Gerri is nearly speechless but she flops heavily back into the conference room chair, “I just don’t know why you’re picking on me. I don’t want any trouble. I never wanted any trouble.”
“It also seems you sort of like that teacher guy and his problem is simple. Already certain people notice he’s taken a special liking to you. He could be gone faster than a bolt of lightning if I were to insist on an investigation. Teachers are handled differently. They just quietly go away to some other state. The allegation and investigation are enough to spoil a teacher’s party. You wouldn’t like to see that happen to your friend…soon to become a distant acquaintance status.”
“I-I I don’t know what to say.”
“Right. Speechless, huh? So here’s a little more for you. Week or so ago I got an anonymous call that said there was some funny-stuff going on at Calway High School, almost every evening, same spot in the faculty parking lot. So I go over there and go in the lot with my lights off. Guess who I found? Two teachers, a Mr. Stephen DeMore, pants off, arms and legs intertwined with another teacher, Mrs. Beverly Alder, naked as a jaybird and they are makin whoopee in the parking lot. It scared the crap outta them.” Len laughs, “And you should be able to relate to getting surprised in a car, and so I made a report about the faculty escapade but I’ve still got it in a desk drawer. Guess I forgot to turn it in. But that name DeMore sure rang a bell. Must run in the family. Innocent little Geraldine DeMore.”
“You arrested my dad?”
“Nope. But if I file that report, the prosecuting attorney will go straight to the school board and I imagine it will be quite a mess. You see, so many storms on the horizon and all I’m looking for is a little cooperation from you. Find Jake. Dump the teacher. Make Lenny feel special and Red stays home and Daddy can find a new parking spot with his pal.
Gerri doesn’t say a word. She feels tears of anguish roll down her cheeks and she looks at Len hoping for sympathy. If only she could just to return to her old boring life.
“C’mon. This is something to be happy about, not cry. I know you know the score and Lenny’s just lookin to score on a regular basis a little of what other guys are getting. Let’s make life easy and fun or it just might turn nasty real quick for innocent little Geraldine who I rescued from the woods, panties down around her ankles and that look of what just happened. Can’t fool me. I’m sure what you said never happened between you and Jake had already happened so yep, you know the score. Now I suspect you’re doin’ the old school teacher but let’s just put all this behind us. We can be special friends and at the same time you are a hundred percent insurance to protect your neighbor, your teacher-buddy and your dad. Looks like a good deal to me just for you bein Lenny’s girlfriend. Sound good?”
Len gets up from the table, squeezes her shoulder and as he starts to walk past her toward the door he stops and looks down at her. He gently takes her chin in his hand and turns here face up to look at him. He’s smiling, “You stay here and compose yourself. I’ll get back to work and I’ll tell that nice principal of yours you’re going to take a minute or two by yourself in here. Enjoy school for the rest of the day and I’ll be in touch real soon. Umm Hmm, I like the words you and me in touch. Close touch if you know what I mean. Has a nice ring to it.”
Gerri looks at him in complete shock but doesn’t say a word.
“Oh yeah. And when your friend Connie tells you where I can find Jake let me know. But c’mon, use a little common sense and be cagey. Don’t tip her off why you’re askin.”
Len goes out the door and Gerri sits with her face in her hands. She can’t imagine how all this has become so frightening and complicated.
Gerri sits for a few minutes and then slowly opens the conference room door. Mister landers secretary, Grace Stinson motions for Gerri to come to her desk.
“Hi Gerri. I hope that wasn’t too bad. Police investigating things you know. Can’t leave a stone unturned to get the facts I suppose. Besides he’s sort of cute. Certainly too old for you but he was flirting with me hot and heavy when he first got here. Probably a good catch being a cop and all. Must be the uniform.”
Gerri feels sick to her stomach hearing Miss Stinson’s comments and she’s probably fishing for Gerri to tell her what the policeman wanted but Gerri figures it’s just as well to pass it off as being very routine, “Yeah. I really didn’t even know about the people they’re trying to find.” She shrugs her shoulders.
“ Here. Here’s an excuse pass to give your teacher if you’ll rejoin your class now.”
“Sure, that’ll be fine.”
Gerri waits for Miss Stinson to tear the pass from her forms book and she happens to look over at the conference room on the other side of Mr. Lander’s office. Through the door glass she can clearly see Len talking to Dan. Gerri’s heart sinks. What is Len trying to do? What will he say to Dan?
Gerri takes her pass, picks up her books and walks down the hallway. She glances up at the hall clock and it’s within about three minutes of the bell ringing so she veers from her path and heads to the bathroom.
Later in Dan’s class Gerri senses that Dan is very nervous and hesitates to even look in her direction. Len must have threatened to get him in trouble. Gerri senses that having anything to do with Len is more frightening than anything she’s ever experienced, even when she was afraid of pregnancy. She imagines there are no limits to the danger of Len.
After school and before Stephen comes home Gerri decides to take the initiative and talk to Paulette. She tries to decide how to edit the events for Paulette. But for once, Gerri has too much burden on her young mind and she just wants to spill it all, or maybe just a little more than earlier come-clean sessions..
After Paulette lights her Lucky Strike and goes through the ritual shaking out the match, tossing it in the ashtray and exhaling the first long puff, Gerri unloads more details of everything starting with the encounter with Jake, the fear of pregnancy, the blow up with the relatives over the insurance, how she found out Beverly Alder is her dad’s mistress, Len stalking and his threats about Paulette, her dad and Dan Penn.
“Wow. And a few short weeks ago you complained to me that life was boring and nobody cared about you. Now you have a lot of people caring about you but some not in a good way. But ya know, it takes a lot of courage to tell me. I’m really glad you trust me.”
“Everything’s so goofed up right now. I don’t know which way to turn without causing bigger problems. I’m so scared.”
“Well, getting it off your chest is a step in the right direction. When you hold back no one can really help cause they’re playing cards without a full deck. Now you’re starting to see how things work in the real world. All of it isn’t pretty. We’ll get through all this…notice I said we? You keep talking to me and everything will get much easier and we’ll get it fixed.”
“Well, what should I do about Len? He’s scary and I believe he’s dangerous.”
“I think you’ve got a lucky break with it being Thursday. Just play it very cool tomorrow and then lay low at home over the weekend. I’m fairly certain the cop is gonna let his threats soak in this weekend and I’ve got to think about this. I mean messin with the cops is really some tender territory. First, is to decide a course of action to resolve this once and for all without having the world cave in on everybody. I’ve just got to think and we’ll get a plan together. But we’ll get you out of all this. Just lay low and try not to worry about it this weekend. I know, easier said than done but just try. If you get to feeling too worried just come over and talk. But don’t call on the phone except to tell me you’re coming over. That phone line has too many ears for any sort of private conversation.”
“I can do that, Paulette. I know you’ll help me. And believe you me, I will be talking to you this weekend. Maybe, more than you’ll want.”
“So I’m a red-headed nut-job, huh? Well, maybe he at least got something right. Still wet-behind-the-ears-flatfoot. And ya know, I just happen to think … for openers, why should I be afraid of him doing anything to me? He assumed I was your mom. I never gave any report to him at all. Just thanked him for bringin you home. Yep we’ll figure out a solution for Lenny boy.”