Nixy sat back in her office chair, not breaking eye contact with her supervisor across the desk. On the one hand, it was a relief to have the truth about the application out there finally. But now, the ax was going to fall.
The expression on Jordan Jones’s face was one of incredulity. “Well, Nixy, that was unexpected. I was coming to offer you a promotion, not fire you.”
“You were?” Did not see that one coming.
“Yes.” Jordan shook her head with a dry laugh. “I buy that you submitted the application by accident, but you understand that I can’t play favorites.”
Yes, there was that. “So, what are you going to do?”
“Good question.” Jordan tapped her finger against her full lower lip, her wide brown eyes narrowing as though weighing all her options.
Some people might have a problem having a supervisor twenty years younger than themselves, but Jordan had always been fair and impartial. And, she’d been with Silverstar since it was founded, or so the story went. Still, she sure didn’t envy Jordan’s predicament. It must suck being the boss sometimes.
Jordan shook her head. “I can’t give you the promotion at this time, you know.”
“I didn’t think so.”
“The best I can do is suspend you, with pay, as a disciplinary action. But, you will be able to return to your current position here in, mmm, two weeks. What do you have to say about that?”
She blew out a relieved sigh. “Thank you for not firing me?”
“You’re welcome.” Jordan rose from her chair and gathered her jacket and briefcase. “That should give you time for a quick honeymoon to Bezchi.”
“Yes, ma’am.” She pushed out of her own chair and extended her hand. “Thank you, again, Jordan.”
Jordan gripped her hand firmly. “I can’t afford to lose a dedicated employee like you, you know. We’ll talk again once you get back. In the meantime, Adam can pinch-hit for you, I’m sure.”
“I can’t think of anyone better suited to manage the store.” Putting a plug in for Adam could cost her a well-groomed assistant, but he was more than ready to be made a full agent.
One corner of Jordan’s mouth quirked up. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Then she headed toward the door.
“Oh, and Nixy.” Jordan turned at the door. “Congratulations on your mating. I’m really happy for you.”
The door swished open and Jordan was gone, to be replaced by over six feet of sexy Bezchian goodness.
Kai sauntered toward her, looking mouthwatering in his draping purple leggings and off-white pull-over. No more nayars for him. “Well?”
“Oh, don’t try and trick me. I know how good your hearing is.”
“I cannot seem to help it.” His grin was downright sinful as he rounded her desk. “Congratulations on keeping your job.”
“Thanks.” She stepped into the circle of his arms and inhaled his scent through her nose. “Mmm, cinnamon. My favorite.”
“You are my favorite.” He dipped his head and pressed his lips to the tip of her nose.
Ooh, something was standing at attention between them. She wiggled closer. “Yeah, well, how did your call with your most esteemed leader go?”
“It went better than I had expected. Uri was skeptical at first, but in the end he recognized the signs for what they are.”
“So, he believes we’re soul mates?”
“Aye. If for no other reason than it explains Zha’s appearance.”
“Zha? Is that the new baby?”
“Aye. Also….” He clasped his hands around her waist and lifted her to sit on her desk. “He is considering my recommendation that the elders give priority to finding love mates over arranged mates.”
“Well, that’s a start at least.” She tipped her head to one side as he swooped in to nibble at that special place just below her ear. “How do you feel about going back to Bezchi for a couple weeks?”
“Why?” He worked at the buttons of her blouse with his fingers.
“What do you mean why?” She moved her hands to cover his, stopping his progress, at least for a moment. “Your clan is there. Don’t you want to go see them?”
His gaze met hers. “There is no place for me there anymore. My soul mate’s clan is now my clan. Your home is my home. This is where I belong—with you, on Earth.”
“But, won’t you get bored? What are you going to do?”
“First, I am doing you. Right now. More than once, if Adam does not interrupt. After that, I am taking you down the hall to show you my new office.”
“Excuse me, what?”
“Jordan offered me a job.” He shrugged as if it was no big deal. “And I accepted.”
“Y-you mean we’ll be working together? Matching people?”
“Exactly.” He stuck his hand under her desk, and a soft snick from somewhere behind her reached her ear. “Now, my flame, the door is locked, and I cannot seem to get enough of you.”
“Oh, you naughty bird.” She tugged his shirt free from the waistband of his leggings and slid her hands up his chest and over his nipples. “Just don’t forget to restrain your wings, this time. I don’t want to have to use the fire extinguisher on your shirt.”
“Or I can simply remove it.”
“You won’t hear me complaining.”
His shirt came off in record time, and so did her blouse, along with her bra. His expression every time her breasts were freed never lost its wonder.
“Ah, Nixy,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of each mound. “I come from such a harsh climate, and you are so soft.”
He closed his mouth over her nipple, and she tilted her head back and moaned. Softly. Because the walls were insulated, but not sound-proof. Although, the way he swirled his tongue around and nipped at her nipples made every instinct beg to be released in the loudest, most attention-getting manner possible.
Egads, her menopausal self didn’t stand a chance against his gentle assaults. He moved back up, claiming her mouth in a soul-shattering kiss, and she was helpless to do anything but fall into it. Let him sweep her away as his hands roamed over her over-sensitive skin, touching and tweaking until she writhed with need.
“Now, Kai.” She murmured the words against his mouth.
He turned her around and bent her slowly forward over her desk. Then stroked his hands up her thighs, shimmying her skirt up inch by delicious inch.
“You are not wearing under-garments, Ms. Vogel,” he chided.
She arched her back and peered over her shoulder at him. “A girl just never knows when she’ll see some action.”
His deep growl vibrated against her back as he leaned over her, the touch of his skin against hers dragging another moan from deep inside her. Since his rebirth, his temperature had been a bit higher than before. That had been a disconcerting discovery, until he’d explained that it was his body’s defense against the colder weather.
Fall had settled into the area, and it would only get colder. Wouldn’t he be surprised when she took him to look at houses in Palm Springs this weekend? It could get cool there during the winter too, but it was still warmer than this side of the mountains.
Kai traced his fingers over her belly and slipped them into her slick folds, finding her clit as though he had a radar for it. A tremor radiated from the point of his firm circular strokes, out through her entire body.
“Kai.” She breathed out his name like a plea.
“My Phoenix,” he murmured as he pressed hot little kisses and licks along her spine.
“Can’t wait. Need you now.” Right here, right now, bent over her desk with her bare ass in the air. Screw professionalism. The tip of his shaft bumped against her opening and she arched her back. “Do it.”
And he did. He grabbed her hips and slammed into her, rocking her with each thrust.
Oh, my God, those fluttering ridge rings. Hurrah for evolution being so kind to the Bezchians.
She stretched out, the cool glass against her breasts a nice counterpoint to the heat building at her core. She curled her fingers around the opposite edge of the desk, and let her eyes roll upward as Kai pistoned into her. Sweet release cascaded, sending her soaring as if she too had wings. She bit back her scream as her walls squeezed him, and it came out somewhere between a groan and a growl. Kai found his moment two thrusts later, pouring himself into her as she clenched around him again.
The weight of him sagged against her back, and his satisfied sigh filled her with a peaceful wonder. By some quirk of fate, she had been given a second chance at love. She turned her head so they rested cheek to cheek, still joined in the most intimate way as their breath mingled.
Oh, yeah. Life was good.