I am grateful to Michael Palgon, Kevin Tobin, and the entire Doubleday team involved with this book. I’d like to thank my editor at Doubleday, Darya Porat, not only for her faith and determination in bringing this book to an English language audience, but also for overseeing the books translation and for her talents as a diligent, deft editor of the books manuscript. Deep thanks to our wonderful agent, David Kuhn, and Billy Kingsland from Kuhn Projects, who skillfully guided us throughout this project. To Geoffrey Weill—thank you.

To Professor Elie Weisel, for the kind words.

Also to the late Chaim Stolowitzky, Dr. Mordecai Paldiel, Judge Arie Segalson, the late Elisheva (Helga) Rink-Bernson, and to the captain of the Exodus, Ike Aaronovitch.

And last but certainly not least, to my dear friend Michael Stolowitzky, without whom this book could not have been written.