Chapter 19


GET READY TO receive the Priestly Prayer of the Blessing pronounced over you! Remember, the actual name (shem)—that of YHWH (your heavenly Father)—is being placed upon you through the Priestly Prayer of the Blessing. Throughout the previous section of this book I walked you through all the abstract words in the English translation of this prayer, revealing to you the deeper meaning of the original Hebrew language. Now in this chapter it is time to put it all together.

After you have proclaimed the prayer over yourself, you can also listen to the prayer being proclaimed by me in the amplified Hebrew-to-English translation and then sung over you in Hebrew by the world-renowned Messianic worship leader Paul Wilbur. Simply type this URL,, into your internet browser to access this version of the prayer being sung in either audio or video form. Both formats have been provided as a way to bless you in a powerful way.

In our English Bibles the prayer is stated in the following way:

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; the LORD lift His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

—NUMBERS 6:24–26

Now get ready to begin receiving a supernatural impartation of the Priestly Prayer of the Blessing as you proclaim it over yourself in Hebrew in the person of, the holy character of, and the power and authority of Yeshua, the Jewish High Priest in heaven! After you pronounce the amplified Hebrew-to-English translation over yourself, pray the following prayer and continue reading this chapter.

YHWH (Father G-D), I thank You that I can walk in Your shalom. You are the One who created the heavens and the earth. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Your name and the name of Your Son. Father, I thank You. I receive now Your name placed upon me, meaning Your person, Your character, Your authority, and Your supernatural power. Help me, YHWH, to demonstrate to others who You are so they too can experience Your reality. Amen..



In our English Bibles it reads:

The LORD bless you . . .

But in my amplified Hebrew-to-English translation of the prayer it is:

May YHWH (YeHoVaH, YaHWeH) kneel before you (making Himself available to you as your heavenly Father) so He can grant or bestow upon you His promises and gifts.

In the first portion of the Priestly Prayer of the Blessing YHWH kneels in front of you, His spiritual son or daughter, as a good parent desiring to make Himself available and minister to you. This requires a response. Do you keep standing, or do you humble yourself and kneel in front of Him?


In our English Bibles it reads:

The LORD bless you and keep you . . .

But in my amplified translation of the prayer it is:

May YHWH (YeHoVaH, YaHWeH, your heavenly Father) guard you with a hedge of thorny protection that will prevent Satan and all your enemies from harming your body, soul, mind, and spirit, your loved ones, and all your possessions.

In this second portion your heavenly Father places His arms around you with a divine embrace, holding you in His strong arms of protection and security.


In our English Bibles it reads:

The LORD make His face to shine upon you . . .

But in my amplified Hebrew-to-English translation of the prayer it is:

May YHWH (YeHoVaH, YaHWeH, your heavenly Father) illuminate the wholeness of His being toward you, continually bringing to you order, so that you will fulfill your G-D-given destiny and purpose.

In this portion of the Priestly Prayer of the Blessing it’s as if He loosens His divine embrace and while still keeping His holy hands upon your shoulders, He pulls away enough for you to see Him face-to-face so you can begin to experience His reality and person.


In our English Bibles it reads:

And be gracious unto you . . .

But in my amplified translation it is:

May YHWH (YeHoVaH, YaHWeH, your heavenly Father) provide you with perfect love and fellowship, never leaving you, and give you sustenance, provision, and friendship.

Your heavenly Father reveals His perfect love to you as your perfect Daddy with loving eyes and a beatific smile. He looks past your weaknesses and your frailties, pledging that He will never leave you and that He will provide you with His love, fellowship, and friendship. It is your heavenly Father saying to you, “You are my beloved son or daughter, in whom I am well pleased.”


In our English Bibles it reads:

The LORD lift His countenance upon you . . .

But in my amplified Hebrew-to-English translation of the prayer it is:

May YHWH (YeHoVaH, YaHWeH, your heavenly Father) lift up and carry His fullness of being toward you (bringing everything that He has to your aid), supporting you with His divine embrace and His entire being.

This is your heavenly Father lifting you up with His divine strong arms and carrying you, continually looking down at you as He walks. He is your loving heavenly Father.

He is also lifting up all of who He is toward you. He is putting all of Himself at your disposal. He is bringing everything that He is to your aid. He is supporting you with His entire being. Nothing is being withheld. You have the one true G-D of the universe on your side!


In our English Bibles it reads:

And give you peace. . .

But in my amplified Hebrew-to-English translation it is:

May YHWH (YeHoVaH, YaHWeH, your heavenly Father) set in place all you need to be whole and complete so you can walk in victory, moment by moment, by the power of the Holy Spirit. May He give you supernatural health, peace, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfection, fullness, rest, and harmony, as well as the absence of agitation and discord.


Now that you have pronounced the Priestly Prayer of the Blessing over yourself and then had it sung over you in Hebrew by listening to the audio or video recording on my website, you also can pronounce this over yourself and others every day!

In order for you to administer this divine prayer over others in the manner prescribed by YHWH, you must be sure that you are born again. If you are not sure that you have been born again, you can say the prayers in chapter 5 as an example, or simply pray (talk to G-D) in your own words that express what you feel in your heart.

Now that you are truly born again, and you have been made an adopted son or daughter of the one true G-D of Israel, you can effectively pronounce this prayer over yourself and others every day. Yeshua is your High Priest, and He wants to say the Priestly Prayer of the Blessing over you every day!


As you speak out loud over yourself this amplified Hebrew-to-English translation of the Priestly Prayer of the Blessing, it will be your voice speaking, but by proxy it will be Yeshua Himself in heaven speaking it through your mouth.

Your ears will hear the prayer of blessing. Your mind will be washed and regenerated through this prayer. Supernaturally the name of the one true G-D of Israel, YHWH (YeHoVaH, YaHWeH, your heavenly Father) will be supernaturally placed upon you. To have His name (shem) supernaturally placed upon you means the one true G-D of Israel’s very breath, the essence of who the bearer of the name truly is, His very person, His holy character, and His power and authority will be supernaturally imparted to you.

Now continue to pray this amplified Hebrew-to-English translation of the prayer out loud every day.