She remembers her commitments and honors them; you promise your life away but forget what you've said five minutes later.

Deep down inside, she seeks emotional security, while you seek the perfect state of freedom. While you can be callous and abrupt with her, at the same time you can be chummy with the world. Her feelings are badly bruised when you conspicuously ignore her at an intimate dinner party. But her feelings fly away when later you whisper clever love lines in her ear. In between, the peaks of misery make her feel that life's not worth living. It isn't, with you; she needs a man with a lot of warmth to offer. And the warmth that you've got just doesn't seem to go very far.


Dates: June 22—July 23 Ruling planet: The moon Element: Water Mode: Cardinal Quality: Feminine Planetary principle: Love Primal desire: Security Color: Violet Jewel: Emerald Plant: Hazelnut tree Day: Monday Archangel: Gabriel Magical number: 2 Material factor: Tenacity


Ernest Hemingway Marc Chagall Duke of Windsor Henry VIII

Louis Armstrong Pirandello

Rembrandt Rubens

John D. Rockefeller Pearl Buck Nelson Rockefeller Hermann Hesse Marcel Proust Nathaniel Hawthorne

Helen Keller Degas

Andrew Wyeth 152


You're a moon child who wears her moods on her sleeve, along with a lot of longing. You are the original creature of desire and have more cravings than you or anybody else knows what to do with.

Basically, you are the kind of person whom everyone needs to know and experience. You have a way of anticipating someone's needs before they happen, and of offering your unsolicited services before anyone has a chance to ask. You are a perpetual Good Samaritan who never feels that she does enough. Even your beagle considers you his best friend.

Because of your supersensitive emotional response to the masses, you're a lot more vulnerable than the average person. Be careful where you place your empathies, as people may take your generous nature for granted and tread on you when you least expect it. Such an experience calls for an instant retreat to scrutinize your bruised and swollen sensitivities. It's more than difficult for you to detach yourself from offensive behavior aimed in your direction and to chalk it up to someone's acid indigestion or a bad day at the office. Usually you're so concerned about another's welfare you can't help wondering if you did anything wrong. Most of the time it's not your fault, no matter what your feelings seem to be saying.

You need a lot of love to keep you happy and are prepared to give back more than your share in return. You're a highly sentimental woman who is happiest when being thought of and catered to. In turn, you love to nurture to such a degree that you have probably never had a plant that died, drooped, or contracted a peculiar disease. However, sometimes, because of a deep-seated sense of insecurity, you feel your attentions are unappreciated. You need one very special person who knows the depths of love as you do.

One must always remember that you mean well, because everything that you do is in someone's best interest. When it comes to your own interest, you crave a constant reassurance that you are loved, needed, wanted, and ap-

predated, and that your presence is pleasure-producing. When you let yourself relax and enjoy your life, you have a wondrous way of making a lovely time lovelier.

You flourish in a committed relationship. After a short while, you find casual dating unsatisfying and hunger after the security of a husband. You need caring, not casual sex or a night to remember with a ne'er-do-well you'll never see again. You're a sweet old-fashioned woman who longs to have a family, not a half-dozen "friends" to sleep with.

You're usually the one to make an early commitment. After the fifth date, it's not beyond you to start worrying about whether you're going to wear a traditional veil at the wedding. At the same time, it's not always true that your newly found "friend" is making similar preparations. Remember that relationships work best when you bide your time.

In general, you're a romantic who cries at weddings, weeps over memorable moments, and sniffles at sentimental movies. The problems in your own life often assume the proportions of those on stage and screen.

You spend a great deal of time seeking roots in places and people outside yourself. Likewise, you allocate to others far more power than you ever allow yourself. However, the fact is that, despite your fears, you are a strong woman who can endure any storm. When responsible for someone else, you can be a formidable attention-getting force who fights hard for what she wants until she gets it. By fully understanding the force of your own will, you can give to yourself what you so easily give to others. Learn to give less attention to obstacles and more to the direction of your own desires, and in the long run you will have the love you've always wanted and you'll be the kind of person you've always yearned to be.


You're your own worst enemy; there's no doubt about it. You're at the mercy of your moods, a slave to your sensitivities, and a miserable victim of the full moon. You're so insecure that you live your life from a place of defense, conjecture, and downright suspicion. You over-compensate, weave masochistic fantasies, and suffer in a self-created drama that pits you against the world. Your

sympathies are exerted in your own direction because you feel you need them far more than anyone else.

Your emotions batter you about until there is nothing left but one weepy woman who wants to be left alone to choke and drown in her own tears. However, if it happens to be a day when you feel more irritable than melancholy, you might massacre someone else's feelings with one savagely sarcastic comment that comes down like a swift blow to the brain. Instantaneously, you can turn into a cold, critical barracuda. However, while one very innocent victim is left blubbering and berating himself for what he must have done to cause such a cruel comment, what he doesn't realize is that it's a displaced anger releasing itself. More than likely, you're really mad at your mother because she told you last week that your haircut was horrendous.

When really provoked, you can get hysterical and throw the kind of tantrum that tempts a bystander to give you anything that you want just to buy some peace. What often induces such behavior on your part is that you entertain the momentary belief that you can't cope. And what usually makes you feel you can't cope is the feeling that you are an alien in a world indifferent to your needs.

You may think you need someone to love you—but do you? Yes, but often you find the love far more exciting if it's "flown in." Think about Mr. Faithful climbing five flights of stairs every day just to spend the evening. After about seven times, all you can do is look at him and say to yourself, "So what?" Softly you inquire if he wouldn't like to relocate to Southern Australia. You've heard the job possibilities are great there.

You have a penchant for falling in love with the kind of man who can never make up his mind—about you. Usually, everything else is quite clear to him. He knows how he feels about his mother, his great-aunt, his job, his boss, his secretary, his ex-wife, his first girlfriend when he was twelve, and his dog. But you . . . The brow furrows, the ebullient enthusiasm drops off to a few dragged-out monosyllables, the corneas get cloudy, and the phrases become dangerously uncommitted. Suddenly you feel like an anxiety-ridden dinner guest with a dish of inedible food in front of you and no hungry dog sitting under the table. You stand there holding your breath as he

bends over to tie his shoes, hoping fervently that when he stands up, he'll say something. He does. Good-bye.

To make up for this kind of scoundrel, who is not above absconding in the night while you go to the bathroom, you bitterly take your hostility out on some other poor innocent fellow trying his best to make a good impression but failing miserably. For instance: he talks too much (because you're making him a nervous wreck). Ultimate decision: He's a self-centered slob.

He asks what you would like to do (only because you seem to have such strong opinions). Ultimate decision: He's so wishy-washy, he's in danger of drowning you.

He has a library from floor to sky and is well informed about every subject from seventeenth-century metaphysical poetry to computer crime. Ultimate decision: Yawn. He's a desiccated intellectual who doesn't dare shut up and just kiss you.

He has a gold medal in Olympic swimming. For avo-cational activities he teaches tennis, skiing, and skydiving. In bed, he even makes you forget you're there because you want to get married. Ultimate decision: Yech, all brawn and no brains. He looks good, but you can't take him anyplace where people are expected to talk to each other.

He is a Rhodes scholar who smiles a lot. He cooks elegant dinners, has a superb sense of humor, a versatile intellect, a plethora of interests (all of which he excels in), is dangerously good-looking, and keeps seeming to be so nice. Ultimate decision: You hate him because you love him, and also because your best friend thought she saw him walking around last week with a beautiful girl. You purposely forget to change the water for the daffodils he sent you, sit back and sadly resolve the end of the affair. You really hate to do it, but you know you have to. At the same time, you comfort yourself that the decision is all for the best. After all, in the long run, how could you ever trust a great man like that to love a girl like you anyway? You'd only become a nervous wreck wondering when he was going to break your heart.

Such romantic matters are not always quite so cut and dried. There is still the relationship in which you are enslaved because you get mixed signals. At this point, the man would rather see less of you than his German shepherd. However, when you are together, he smiles a lot,

is terribly amusing, and really makes it seem as if he wants to be there. The next morning, it always seems that he has a tennis match, most evenings he spends "working," on your birthday he always has a date (needless to say, it's not with you), and when he doesn't even call, never mind send a card, you tell your friends that he means well. He does—to himself.

Too often, you become enslaved in situations where the level of human warmth just barely exceeds that of an institution for the criminally insane. When you stubbornly clutch at what's worst for you, without considering what you're really doing to yourself, you create an unfortunate personal injustice that may take years to rectify in your own mind. Try to remember that, in the end, you have to be your own mother, father, husband, sister, brother, and best friend. When you give yourself the security you're seeking from other people, you're stronger and more successful in your demands, and less willing to settle for what you don't want, just to have something. Face your life with the calm assurance that it's all coming to you as quickly as you can learn how to take it.


You're a softie who has sympathy for the underdog, the underprivileged, and the indecently deprived. Not only do you offer aid for a friend in need; you're the type to give a blind street beggar something extra for the sales tax.

You're a warm, sentimental, and vital man who lives through his intuitions and in spite of his emotions. Your mind is shrewd and thoughtful, your understanding thorough and far-reaching, and your intelligence attuned to an in-depth assessment of any situation.

You have a highly creative imagination that could bring you recognition in the arts or a great deal of pleasure in your spare time. Whatever you seriously undertake, you do it with an intensity that overtakes you.

This is especially true in regard to your career goals, which you tenaciously strive toward with a quiet passion. Nothing deters you when you become goal-oriented and driven to get what you want, no matter what the sacrifice.

In romantic matters, you're a sentimentalist who never feels secure enough in a love situation. Instead, you brood and dream and sometimes make yourself miserable with the possibilities of the outcome.

When your heart starts throbbing, your head goes out the window, and you're left bubbling over in bursts of emotion. You treat the woman of your affections as if she were a combination of the Queen of Sheba and Mata Hari. You melt at the sight of her, and as soon as she's out of your sight, dream about the next time you'll see her.

Because you're naturally generous and get a tremendous pleasure out of giving, you probably inundate her with presents. Although you're shy, you're also sensual, affectionate, and sensitive to the romantic touches that make a woman's heart flutter. You love to create those occasions when mood music, candlelight, and fine food and wine take you both to an emotional place not soon to be forgotten.

When you fall in love with a woman, you want her all to yourself and can easily resent the presence of friends, family, pets, plants, and, of course, competition. Even the milkman should keep his distance, and her male colleagues should immediately understand that her life is now different because you're in it.

In marriage, you're a loyal and devoted partner who gets a great deal of pleasure out of providing for the woman that you marry. You probably make the bed, help with the dishes, and cook the kind of meals that no one can compete with. You're the proverbial family man. You know how to make the most of the domestic scene and enjoy giving your children more attention than you probably got from your own mother. You are a concerned parent who takes an active part in his children's activities and gains satisfaction from guiding their lives in constructive directions.

You are happiest when secure in a marriage that fulfills your needs and nurtures your emotions. In turn, you have a magical way of maximizing the happiness of those you love, by openly giving of yourself from the deepest places in your heart. It is highly likely that those people whom you hold close to you value you as the precious and sympathetic being that you are. Your love light shines brightly and boasts of a person whose love power knows no limits. Your entire life is a statement of the personal

success you have created through a selfless loving and a transcendence of ego needs.


You're a man of many moods, and a mystery unto yourself. Your feelings are so subjective that you fear that the mailman has stopped liking you if you find your mailbox empty. Regardless of the matter at hand, your emotions make you suspicious, supersensitive, and very moody.

You crave love, and when you get it, you use it as a kind of mind control. If people love you, then they have to prove it through a constant devotion. In your own quiet way, you are so demanding that you can drown a person in your personal requirements, even when you're being your cool, aloof self. When you're sulking, you have a way of looking at someone as if he had contracted terminal leprosy and didn't know it. You also have a way of closing all doors to inform the accused that you've been offended.

Usually you communicate by the most indirect route. If you feel that someone has committed a minor crime against you, you withdraw, and every once in a while shoot out a few withering glances. Your eyes are like laser beams that with practice could probably turn human flesh into smoke. When the accused can't cope with the rays any longer, and blurts out in a moment of panic, "What in the devil is wrong with you?" he is answered by a carefully enunciated "Nothing." Why do something as obvious as tell him the crime, when he knows in his heart how he's wounded you?

One of the greatest offenses against Cancer is that of omission. To not be invited someplace by someone close whom you've trusted is a sin of the worst category. You live in anguish at the idea that your presence has been usurped. And that, even worse, nobody but you has noticed.

Another grave sin is indiscretion. At times, you may be even more secretive than a Scorpio with laryngitis, and cringe at the thought of someone letting your secrets loose to the world. Unfortunately, almost everything in your life is a secret that will violate your sense of self if it "gets out." You probably fib about your favorite foods, lie about your personal preferences, and refuse to discuss

your emotional makeup with anyone but a hypnotist who puts you in a trance.

In your love life, you often get snagged on the impossible dream. Basically, you're looking for a kind of Shangri-la where some voluptuous woman with a flower in her hair will tastefully seduce you and then stand back to let you claim ownership. Because you have more than a slight masochistic streak in your personality, you usually lose in love, and sometimes believe you're losing even when you're winning.

You're most naturally attracted to the vivacious but detached woman who needs your sense of schoolboy drama like a load of cement poured in the living room. This analogy is not far off, since your ardent attentions are sometimes quite suffocating. Once you've decided that you've found the woman of your dreams, she really has little to say about the situation. You have bought your ticket to fantasy land, and you're zipping along on the express. Before long, you're planning your future together and see it all in a sentimental mist that successfully clouds the fact that she is frowning in the corner. Somehow, you're not listening to her, because you're so busy telling her how it's going to be. She knows how it's going to be. She has another date in a half-hour.

Once you've made up your mind that you're in love, you can't tolerate the idea that it might not be two-sided. You will hound the object of your affections with such a degree of merciless tenacity that in a more desperate moment she might consider having you murdered. It's just a matter of time, you tell yourself, until she comes around and realizes that your desires are her desires. In the meantime, her protests may dampen your enthusiasm, but they won't deter it. Obviously she's just a woman who doesn't know her mind as well as you do, and the problem is that she resists your showing her.

In matters of love, you can be as possessive as King Kong, but sulk rather than roar. Being a dependent person who panics when left to his own resources, you tend to treat your lover like a Siamese twin who doesn't have a chance of surviving an operation. Undoubtedly, any woman you really get close to has your fingerprints on her waist and a great deal of guilt in her heart. Like no other sign, you have a way of making a woman feel like a child beater if she rejects you. And if she loves you, you give

her the freedom of a circus performer who has to do her act seven nights a week, with a few matinees in between. When it comes to your feelings, you have the flexibility of a bronze statue. You live your life so preoccupied with your own sensitivities that you either forget about other people's or cursorily consider them invalid when they fail to fit into your preconceived scheme of things. Although you can work yourself up into a really weepy state over some suffered infraction, the fact is that you're as much a victim as a four-year-old who controls his parents, his grandparents, and his nursery-school teacher. When you play from total emotional control, there is no such thing as being a loser. There is only the performance of the loser who is always greedy for more love.


Every sign in the zodiac can be broken down into three subdivisions, called decans. Each decan roughly corresponds to ten degrees—the first third, second third, and last third of the sun sign's time span, which is approximately thirty days.

As each of these periods has different subrulerships, the personality of a person is slightly modified by the specific decan it falls in. For instance, an Aries born in the second decan would be ruled by Mars, but subruled by the sun. Therefore, he would tend to display a greater sense of pride, boastfulness, egotism, and optimism than an Aries born in the third decan, which is subruled by Jupiter. This Aries would tend to be more freedom-loving, flighty, travel-oriented, and interested in subjects of a philosophical nature. An Aries born in the first decan would be the most aggressive, but not necessarily the most productive and accomplished.

Decans are important, since they do account for a more detailed assessment of an individual's personality characteristics. They also show how two people born under the same sun sign can be markedly different.

If you were born between June 22 and July 2, your sun falls in the lunar decan of Cancer.

You are highly emotional, impressionable, sensitive, and often psychic. Your personality is an affable, outgoing

one, and your behavior is gregarious, good-natured, and quite often generous.

There is tremendous creativity in your character, which calls for expression. Chances are, on the domestic level you're a do-it-yourself kind of person who can create anything from a couch to a wall hanging to a wonderful four-course meal.

You have gourmet talents in the kitchen that put most people to shame. Even if you have slaved for seven hours over some impossible dish, you serve it with more effortless ease than someone who has ordered from the corner deli.

You are a highly intense person with an urgent need for love that effaces all other desires. At times, you tend to become a victim of your own sentimentalism and have a hard time looking at an emotional issue objectively. You often get carried away by your feelings, to the point that they control you and thereby distort the reality of the situation. Sometimes you feel slighted by a situation that has nothing to do with you, and you nurse grudges that would best be either consciously dealt with or dismissed altogether.

A profound sense of insecurity pervades the deepest reaches of your soul, and sometimes you overcompensate with defensive behavior. Sly remarks, sarcastic comments, and calculated cutting phrases all communicate their point, but in the worst way. Unless you learn to be direct, not only will you suffer from the consequences, but also you will become a victim of what you don't say.

It is important that you learn to objectify your feelings and to spend some time in thoughtful analysis of the other side of a situation. When you do, all issues look less intense from where you are sitting, and somehow seem less confining. To give the other person the benefit of the doubt is, in the end, only to release yourself from negative feelings that are unnecessary.

Once you become accustomed to confronting your own emotions with greater honesty, you will gain invaluable insights, understanding, and a far richer sense of well-being.

If you were born between July 3 and 12, your sun falls in the Pluto decan of Cancer.

You are extremely intense, secretive, often psychic,

and very private. You have a penetrating mind that is deeply compassionate and strongly intuitive. A tendency to be both analytical and emotional sometimes causes you to feel confused about your own feelings.

You have tremendous emotional needs. At the same time, you sometimes feel a great deal of anxiety about fulfilling them. This is because you tend to be attracted to situations and people that do little to enhance your life. In negative situations, you often hang on for too long.

It is highly likely that your mother has had a profound effect on your life and that your ties to her are deep and pervasive. This does not mean, though, that your relationship is entirely smooth. It may, in fact, be a stormy love-hate situation that at times clouds your consciousness. Chances are, you harbor strong subconscious feelings about your mother that are highly complex and diverse. This will affect your relationships with members of both sexes, as residue feelings rise to the surface.

In general, you are a loyal friend, lover, and marriage partner. Once you consciously make a commitment to a person or situation, you view it seriously and do your best to fulfill your part. In turn, you have strong expectations of others. In love relationships, you can be extremely jealous. However, you carefully conceal your feelings and suffer inside. Marital fidelity is crucial to your sense of well-being, for the pain you can suffer from such disillusionment is strong enough to endanger your emotional makeup for years to come, as you cling to those tormented feelings.

If you were born between July 13 and 23, your sun falls in the Neptune decan of Cancer.

You are tolerant, intuitive, optimistic, and strongly sympathetic. Your mind is impressionable, receptive, creative, and often artistic. You are less ambitious than Cancers born in the other decans, and spend more time thinking and dreaming than in engaging in some aggressive activity.

You have a strongly adaptable personality that sometimes tends toward unconventional interests. Spiritualism, the supernatural, the occult, and Eastern philosophies are all areas that you may find appealing. You like to look at the world in new ways, and delight in being overtaken by the unusual.

Emotionally, you are highly romantic and often have an unrealistic attitude to your love relationships. You prefer to think of life as a continual drama whose action never ceases, and your feelings about love are often an outgrowth of this attitude.

At times you tend to get caught in the past and to take a passive approach to the movement of your own life. You often enjoy moments spent in solitary reflecting over portions of your life.

Even at your most affable, you're an extremely secretive person who is often an enigma even to yourself. No one ever knows you completely, as your reserve is impossible to penetrate. Sometimes your moody behavior puzzles people and leads them to believe that you're a little peculiar. You're not. You're merely a mysterious Cancer who has a hard time understanding yourself.


Love means everything, and without it you're a miserable person trying to make the best of things. Most likely, your greatest fear is growing old with no one to love you.

Love is a kind of nourishment that revitalizes your soul and gives you the energy to interact with the world with greater zest and vitality. You seek to insulate your deepest emotions in a tight bond of trust and sharing.

You are a highly emotional individual who often allows sentiment to saturate your romantic experiences. Therefore, it is not unlikely that you have suffered some bitter disappointments because of your relentless subjectivity.

As a defense against a tremendous vulnerability, you sometimes appear cool, aloof, and noncaring. Less intuitive individuals are perplexed by your enigmatic behavior and react defensively to it.

However, the fact is that you're not cold at all. You're merely being cautious, perhaps because you've been hurt too many times.

A difficult love life makes you moody, lackluster, and depressed. The intimate give-and-take of love is your deepest desire, and even when you try to sublimate your feelings rather than satisfy them, you often find life

much harder to handle. You have tremendous security needs that seek an outlet in an intense love relationship. And until you find your partner, a subliminal kind of pain seems to sift through you.

The devotion of a vital partner probably means more to you than material things. However, to fulfill your desire you'll need to develop more positive attitudes and an objective outlook.

You have a way of looking at all your lovers as prospective marriage partners and mentally assuring yourself that it's just a matter of time. Meanwhile, the object of your intense affections could be telling you in little ways that the only possibility is a freer kind of love that does not and never will include marriage. However, chances are that you'll make yourself believe that this person is suffering from brain fever and will soon recover his or her senses.

The more your overworked mind moves you away from reality to temporarily satisfy your emotions, the more you suffer in the long run. A prerequisite for a successful love relationship is that you have to listen to what is going on around you. And if you don't like what you're hearing, tear your attention away to another person who may ultimately satisfy you more. Remember that the end of a relationship is not the end of the world. Rather, it may be the beginning of something better. Stop clinging to the past, open your mind and your heart, and let the future come to you.


Marriage means a lot, since you crave the kind of emotional security that lasts forever. One-night stands are not your idea of emotional satisfaction, even if you had a contingent of lovers lining up for your attentions. You heartily believe in "happily ever after" and would like to make it work for you. However, sometimes you try too hard and have difficulty admitting that a bad relationship is destined for failure. When it finally breaks apart— despite your gesticulations, tears, and entreating comments —you often become bitter and disillusioned, fearful and fretful that you'll never find love again.

Fundamentally, you want someone to come home to

and to wake up with, and this means more to you than a castle in Spain or a diamond from Cartier. You find your greatest excitement in people, and have a sentimental nature that longs for situations that evoke your deepest emotions. You desire an intimate, sensual contact based on trust and profound communication, and are an honest person who hates hide-and-seek games. But you can be so guarded with your feelings in more insecure moments that you appear to be creating distances rather than evoking intimacies.

Your defensiveness often proves an obstacle to what you want most, and people have a hard time getting through. Consequently, you suffer deeply. As you stumble •through the anger that seems to imprison you, your aloof behavior can blight the marriage that you want so much to work.

Unless your moon falls in a cardinal sign, you are usually faithful in marriage, and can be quite devoted to your partner. However, you are also jealous, suspicious, and possessive, and can become excruciatingly crabby if your competitive feelings are aroused. Whenever your security is threatened, you compulsively create spaces to protect yourself. The unfortunate fact is that you're so subjective that sometimes your feelings are imaginary, and the spaces you create start to pry the relationship apart.

A childless marriage is seldom a consideration for Cancer, as matrimony is often a mere precursor to parenthood. The presence of children is extremely important to you, and is sometimes the reason why you want to get married in the first place. Whether male or female, your Cancerian nurturing instincts seek a primary satisfaction in the experiences that come through having a family.

Because the conditions of marriage satisfy so many of your urges, it's highly unlikely that you will remain single. However, it's important to give relationships time to develop before making final decisions. A nubile Cancer in an emotional frenzy over the status of being single sometimes takes on a supermarket attitude toward relationships. "Hmmn, I'll take that one, or that one ..."

Whichever one you finally take, just make sure that it's for the right reasons. If you marry just to escape a situation, you usually end up creating a worse one. This is

one area in which you should definitely separate your mind from your emotions and realize that there may be a lot more to marriage than meets your eye. Remember, a love that is blind is usually blighted, so never fail to have periodic checkups on your vision.


Money is your security blanket when everything else in your life seems unsettled. You're a formidable saver, even if you make barely enough to pay the rent. Plenty of money is a means to greater independence, since you hate borrowing and indebtedness.

You're shrewd enough to be a financial wizard and are the kind of person most likely to get rich quick. You have a highly organized mind that thrives on economic details, combined with the tenacity to sacrifice a little of the present for those blue-chip investments that will pay off in the future.

Even if you accumulate a million, you still live with the fear that inflation will get you. Some Cancers are downright cheap; others are cautious. However, since all natives born in this sign are pleasure-loving people, you don't hold back about spending it on what makes you happy, although you may haggle with the neighborhood butcher over the price of pork chops.

You love little luxuries, without being self-indulgent. Good food, good wine, a beautiful home, and the pleasure of occasional outside entertainment are experiences that are highly appealing to you.

You spend money readily on fine possessions that will last you a lifetime, but you are never tempted to spend your last penny on petty amusements or a shopping spree that takes you by storm. You know how to put your mind where your money is, and you always come out making more. It's an attribute for which you are both envied and admired, especially by those people who never seem to know where their money goes.

You are far too emotional for money to ever bring you happiness. What it will bring is a good deal of satisfaction from the sense of security it imparts and the creature comforts it provides.


You usually attain success because you have the tenacity that will take you anywhere. When you finally decide what you want to do, you devote your entire self to the perfection of the outcome, and feel uncomfortable with a lesser performance.

You're a hardworking, highly organized individual who knows how to make your shrewd sensibilities work best for you. Your trenchant assessment of any business situation often puts you far ahead of both associates and competitors. However, you still suffer the insecurity that maybe you're not as good as you'd like to be.

You're the type to bring the office home with you and to agonize in the middle of the night about a minor detail left undone. When emotionally involved in perfecting your professional performance, you work overtime and even on weekends. Nothing will persuade you to lessen the load once you've made a commitment to it.

Quite often you're the do-it-yourself type who doesn't trust anybody else to do the job as well. You make an exacting, critical boss, so devoted to high efficiency goals that you may overlook some lesser priorities—like the people's feelings who have to work with you.

You have a single-minded approach and let nothing interfere with your goals and schedules. Therefore, you often gain a high degree of professional accomplishment that brings you the respect you so desire.

Your specific career choice strongly depends on the sign in which your moon is placed, but something creative and consuming generally suits you.

The film world fascinates many Cancers, mostly because of its intensity, creativity, and sheer competition. However, to survive in such a bristling business, you first have to harden your feelings and desensitize your emotions.

You make an excellent executive because you are highly organized and extremely hardworking. Also, work with the public in politics or economics could be quite appealing.

Because you're as shrewd with other people's money

as your own, you could become a financial tycoon, a film producer, an art dealer, or a real-estate broker.

If you are the kind of Cancer who needs to nurture, teaching, nursing, or social work is more suitable to your personality.

Whatever profession you ultimately commit yourself to, you do it with a deep sense of responsibility and an all-or-nothing attitude. Serious involvement in your professional goals gives your life an additional meaning. As you mature in your profession, you take pride in the expertise that your tenacity, intelligence, and awareness have made available to you. Your mind is that of the specialist who is respected not only for knowledge but also for high performance standards. And because of this, a great degree of career security is yours. It is something you have won for yourself through the most devoted attitude toward your work. Because of your high degree of competence, your job is something that no highly energetic usurper could ever walk away with.


Your friends are an important part of your life, and you live in service to them. You have no idea how to say no when asked for aid, regardless of the difficult situation it may place you in.

Your concern for the welfare of those close to you can put you in all sorts of uncomfortable positions, from playing psychiatrist to a weepy friend at four a.m., to lending your home to a stray German shepherd that somebody else has taken in—before taking a little trip.

In turn, you expect your friends to be there for you when those murky mood swings make life too hard to handle alone. You feel rejected if the company you desire isn't immediately forthcoming. In addition, you often have a hard time asking for what you want, and expect that the important people in your life should know your desires intuitively.

It is important to realize that you are not a victim in your friendships. Rather, you have placed yourself in these situations and have to take the responsibility for what happens. Chances are, you are more appreciated by other people than you would ever guess. However, the

greater the amount of time you spend worrying about it, the more you will feel forsaken.

Your general attitude toward your friends is a highly emotional one that implies a deep sense of loyalty and trust. Close, intimate friendships give your life a profound meaning that makes the difference between a life that is enjoyed and one that is filled with longing. Living for yourself alone is never enough, since you find fulfillment in the give-and-take of shared experiences that are close and often consuming.

You are the proverbial "friend in need" who never thinks a no is appropriate. Nor is less than enthusiastic assistance an allowable response in your own behavior. Because of the degree of your kindness, sensitivity, and caring, you probably have more "best" friends than anybody else. Each individual undoubtedly feels a warm appreciation of you as a person and a thankfulness that you are a friend.


Your emotions are your stumbling block, and this can menace your health. Repressed anger, grudges, and painful remembrances can ultimately be reflected in a serious mental and emotional syndrome.

Emotional obsession, depression, severe anxiety, and a variety of gastrointestinal disorders can be deleterious to your well-being and bring you to a state of mere functioning.

Compulsive eating and escape-oriented drinking can also wreak havoc with your health and make you even more gloomy.

You love food, the richer the better, but sometimes your stomach is too sensitive to stand a heavy onslaught. Temperate eating is wisest, supplemented by regular exercise. This will make you want to eat less and will help disperse some of those morose emotions that weigh you down.

Stick to a low-starch diet that is high in protein and vegetables. When you feel the need to overindulge because you have a bad case of the drearies, stick to fresh fruit and you'll be doing your system a favor.

Take a class in yoga to help cool you out, and prac-

tice each posture diligently. You're one sign that could especially benefit from yogic breathing exercises, since they provide relief from the kind of stress that ties you in knots. Cancer women tend to suffer a period of premenstrual tension, and such a regime could provide a miraculous panacea.


Because your home is your haven, you like it to be as cozy and as colorful as possible.

For the living room, choose a plush L-shaped couch to curl up on when those murky moods overtake you. A majestic fireplace is also a must for those rainy nights when the wind makes your windows shudder and you're so thankful to be hanging out at home.

You're a special enthusiast of old-world charm, and have an eye for antiques and priceless objets d'art. Your living area is an eclectic ensemble of the very best of both worlds—the old and the new. Chances are, you prefer shutters to blinds, and a damask tablecloth to a linen one. A patrician pair of brass candlesticks adorns your coffee table; while the white cloisonne lamps lend the room a dignified luster.

A glass-top dining table supported by a chrome base is a more modern representative of your elegant furnishings. Cane chairs complement it in a very cheery way. Not only your dining area but also your kitchen possesses that Cancerian charm known only to enterprising souls who have mastered the more fanciful food dishes.

Your kitchen counter is adorned with everything from a juicer to an electric crepe maker to a ten-speed blender to a yogurt maker. And on the wall, let's not overlook cutting boards that come in every shape and size. You're still debating buying a microwave oven while you're waiting for a dishwasher to be invented that dries the dishes as it puts away the pots. You're a formidable cook who is the kind to create recipes rather than follow them. You love to entertain those close to you and those you wish would get a little closer.

However, in terms of that latter category, the bedroom is a far more crucial place for cavorting. Turn it into a love nest with potted palms, a fake fireplace, and,

of course, a four-poster! Drape tie-back curtains around the bed for a touch of drama. An electric blanket may not be necessary, but why not try some satin sheets, if only for reading in bed. That supersensual part of you should be prepared to make the most of every moment. Hang ferns here and there to create a forest effect that is as enticing as a midsummer night's dream. And in a white wicker etagere, do include a stereo speaker to sift forth sentimental love sounds through the long and wondrous night. Whenever possible, let your bedroom boast bouquets of fresh flowers. And as you wake up to greet them, vow to yourself that you will treat every day in the string of tomorrows as a celebration of the joyous life and love you have always wanted and know you will someday have.


Your cosmic challenge is to acquire a more universal perspective on your life, and in doing so, to become more emphatic. Your most highly evolved attributes are sympathy, patience, tolerance, and intuition. These develop when you go beyond your own feelings, desires, and demands, to enter the experience of another, thus gaining greater human understanding.

Too often you react to the world around you through the narrow prism of your own feelings, and in doing so, seem to filter out the feelings of others. Until you can forget yourself temporarily and try to understand another person, your life will be severely restricted by your own emotions.

As you develop a deeper compassion, you will shed some of your supersensitivity and begin to live your life without the painful restrictions your emotions impose. More than anything else, in this lifetime you need to acquire freedom from yourself and to realize that in the end it is really you who creates those unsatisfying situations you most want to avoid.


At your purest, you are master of your own emotions, and the law you observe is the highest universal law, which unites you with higher beings. You are a per-

son of compassion and humanistic love and are committed to caring for your fellow beings.

You love all, yet you are nonattached in your loving. You are generous in your services, yet you ask nothing in return. Your emotion is expansive and impersonal. It transcends sentimentalism, and thus, the restrictions of the ego, to encompass a collectivity of souls.

Your love is the vehicle of the most pervasive unification, just as your will is for the betterment of human life. You have transcended the personal and the immediate to unveil a far more joyous experience. And each day, the light of the higher forces radiates through your mind, and what you know to be your life unfolds into an experience that is limitless.


Your supersensitive feelings often get in the way of your personal progress and development. You have been known to take offense at comments, situations, and circumstances that were not even meant for your benefit. However, regardless of that fact, you harbor hard feelings that sometimes seek an outlet through sarcastic retorts. Often you can't peep outside of yourself to objectively see and hear the other side of the situation. And you have a difficult time viewing an intense personal interaction dispassionately.

The more you behave as a slighted human being, the more you put other people on the defense. Try to remember that they have feelings too and consequently can become very hurt and perplexed by your hostile remarks. It is best to practice bringing your feelings out in the open and confronting the accused in a warm, inquiring way that may, in the long run, bring you closer. The more you keep your emotions bottled up inside, the angrier they eventually become and the more they are likely to bring on some sort of psychosomatic problem.

As a general rule, you have a very difficult time being direct in your relationships. An excruciating schism exists between that which you feel and that which you are able to say. However, when this personality characteristic becomes so pronounced that both you and the people

in your life are suffering for it, then it is time for change.

Both individual psychotherapy and group therapy could prove an invaluable investment toward greater self-expression and more satisfaction on the social scene. In addition, other areas of mind expansion could also prove highly rewarding experiences leading to greater emotional growth.

When your mind makes a cocoon of your emotions, your life becomes imprisoned by your feelings rather than expanded by them. Loosen up, take yourself a little less seriously, and resolve to analyze a situation rather than just react to it. What you ultimately gain through emotional growth never leaves you. And the people who love you only appreciate your presence all the more.


Cancer with Cancer

You are a cozy couple who probably never leave the house when you don't absolutely have to. Both of you are domestics who would just as soon cook in than be taken out to the most elegant restaurant in town.

You share the same dreamy-eyed sentimentalism, shower each other with tender love tidings, and emotionally empathize in those moody moments that seem like they're never going to subside.

This is a relationship of deep understanding, a high degree of compatibility, and a plethora of physical passion. Because of the intense rapport and the feelings of selfless caring, it could easily last a lifetime.

Quiet nights with quiet talk could bring you both the kind of excitement that perhaps no one else understands, but for you represents the deepest loving and the greatest happiness.

Cancer Woman with Aries Man

You'll fall in love with his dynamic enthusiasm, but may get hurt by his lack of emotional understanding. You need more nurturing than he knows how to give, and have more insecurities than he knows how to handle.

He'll blunder his way through your life, and you'll hold back the tears when you see him leaving (even for five minutes). He can't understand why you are so emotional, and sometimes he feels closed in and closed off.

On the other hand, you are that woman he can count on and the person who will hold his hand and listen to his problems. You will support him with a sincerity that he may find irresistible. You will love him with a loyalty that inspires his respect, and you will give him the kind of understanding that he can easily find addictive.

Your cooking will send him into another realm of sensual experience, and your sexual appetites can easily keep up with his.

You are one woman who will stick by him, for better or for worse. However, whether he will stick by you is quite another story. Because he needs to roam and run about, sedentary situations make him restless. You can provide a kind of inner excitement, but until Mr. Aries is ready for it, he is better off remaining uncommitted.

Cancer Woman with Taurus Man

You are two stay-at-home creatures and can have a lovely evening just preparing a pot of stew. At times you will remind him of Mother on Thanksgiving morning. He will remind you of Daddy on days that he paid the rent.

In each other you find your security fantasies satisfied, and for both of you that is a lot. You will find him to be someone solid to lean on, while he will find you a cushion of kindness.

Together you would rather build bookcases than go to the movies, and fantasize more about a family than about future success. You are both supersensualists with larger-than-life appetites. Therefore, your bedtime compatibility could bring you to exciting places.

You want to be possessed forever and always. He wants someone to treat him like his savings account. Deep down inside, he dreams of a "little woman." And even if you are president of a multimillion-dollar corporation, you would be willing to take on that traditional role.

Although you can get caught in a vortex of emotion, he is so stable that you'll stop having moods. He appeals

to the practical side of your nature; you appeal to his sensitivities.

You were made for each other and could spend a lifetime loving. All that you have to do is meet.

Cancer Woman with Gemini Man

You are a stay-at-home, but he can't be in enough places at once. You are shy, deeply emotional, and very moody; he is detached, mental, and very changeable.

You are a gnawing enigma to each other in the best moments and a murderous annoyance in the worst.

You crave emotional security, whereas he lives for his freedom. You need to be made secure, while he needs to be challenged.

You'll fatten him up with your cooking, nag him to take his umbrella, and sulk when he leaves you at a party you attend together. He will consider you confining, obsessive, dependent, and a definite threat to his capricious nature.

The things that you take seriously, he laughs at; the things that he takes seriously, you find as incomprehensible as a computer printout. You will think he's insensitive and superficial; he will think you're a supersensitive worrier.

He can't deny that he's attracted to your warmth; you can't deny that you're spellbound by his sense of humor. You envy the way he takes life so lightly; he finds it curious the way you find so many incidents to react to.

Emotionally, you are about the least compatible. However, for this very reason you could be very good for each other if you are both willing to try. At the very least, he could realize that he really has feelings underneath his overworked mind, and you might realize that you really have a sense of humor under all the obsessive fears and insecurities. Where you take it from there is entirely up to you.

Cancer Woman with Leo Man

It might seem that you want his plasma on a silver platter. You do. When it comes to affairs of the heart, you are the superconsumer. You crave Mr. Leo's total love, attention, affection, fantasies, thoughts, dreams. In other words, you want it all

When you don't get your way, you are weepy. At first, this is effective. But after a few of the same performances, your repertoire reeks of repetition, and this man begins to cool off.

Your dependence will flatter him, but your demands will make him feel claustrophobic. On your first coffee date, you'll inquire where you stand in his future. If he is sufficiently vague to get to the second date, you'll ask him if he prefers the wedding in June or December.

You're a woman who revels in romanticism. One of your frequent sexual fantasies is hearing the words "I love you." However, your very favorite is "Marry me!" If he does, he'll find he has a very loyal and devoted wife. If he brings you daisies and kisses you a lot, he'll find a woman who will create a kingdom around him.

His blind spot is your emotions. He'll never understand why you're brooding and sulking. Just because he forgot your anniversary and then flirted with a gorgeous blond ... He can't grasp the emotional connection, and besides, he just bought you a new refrigerator last week. What more do you want? You should just take another look at the freezer. Ice cubes in three seconds!

At moments, you'll be his mother; at other times, his little girl. It's very hard for you just to be his lover, because you never feel that much at ease with your emotions. You are so insecure that you often role-play to cut off being so vulnerable. Your deep-seated emotions have Mr. Leo mystified. Your words occasionally lose him. But your fears escape him altogether.

When you're secure, you're warm, lovable, sympathetic, and supportive. When you're insecure, you're cold and withdrawn, but in a way that's always verging on the weepy. You'll be his mother if he treats you like a child. His challenge is treating you like a woman, and letting you believe it. But that takes a very selfless kind of loving. No comment on whether Mr. Leo can do it.

Cancer Woman with Virgo Man

Although your moods often confuse him, your intense emotions provide the encouragement that gives him tremendous comfort. He is as insecure as you are, though he covers it up with his will and his acute sense of logic.

You will evoke his more vulnerable emotions, and he will help you to filter life through your head as well as

your heart. However, at times he won't be as cuddly as your affectionate nature would like. He spends most of his time working, and when he's not working, he's worrying about whether he could have done a better job.

He doesn't understand your need for constant attention, and you don't understand the excruciating disciplines he puts his mind through.

He is an exceedingly mental individual, whereas you are exceedingly emotional. But if both of you can respect the other's perspectives, and can learn to work through them rather than around them, this could be a relationship of lasting value that results in a sound marriage.

Cancer Woman with Libra Man

Not only will you give him all the attentions of Mother, you'll throw in a few more. However, after you have poured yourself out to him endlessly, and all he has said to you is that he can't decide what he wants in a woman, it should be a running good-bye. Unfortunately, you'll just hang around for a few more of these tender emotional scenes.

Mr. Libra considers himself to be a person with feelings. He is, but they're all for himself. When he kisses you, he wants to hear Rhapsody in Blue, but instead, all he hears is your whistling teakettle. Just remind him that the tea is for him.

You need to be smothered in love, while he needs to sit back and think about it. Therefore, at times, when you barricade the door with your body, he feels a bit too confined. You'll send him little cards to remind him you're still living (as if he could forget, because you call him every day). Finally, the agonizing time will come when he must confront you with the truth: he has to hear bells ring. At this point, you'll get up and lean on your doorbell. Slowly he shakes his head. You offer to carry cymbals.

It takes a lot for you to realize that it's really over. But it takes even more for Mr. Libra to realize that it's even begun. The emotional timing here is so bad that it would probably take more than a lifetime for you to get together. First it might be helpful if you both die and get reborn into another sign.

Cancer Woman with Scorpio Man

You'll nurture all his needs, make him fat and happy on your cooking, and try to be understanding when he's being surly. You are kind, giving, compassionate, sympathetic, and more caring than a Red Cross nurse. You'll listen to his problems, pay him more attention than he desires or deserves, and make him feel like he's "the greatest show on earth."

All that you ask in return is love. You want to be smothered in it. You want to be drowned. You need to be possessed, cherished, and suffocated in order to feel secure. You want to hold him, consume him, devour him, and digest him. And what will remain, remains to be seen.

Mr. Scorpio appreciates your love and affection. However, something deep within him makes it difficult for him to totally accept it. He needs to keep his own space—not necessarily because he wants it, but perhaps because he has a fear that if any woman gets too close and he starts to need her, she just might be taken away.

He has a hard time trusting, and you have a hard time holding back. His moods may make you feel unloved, while your needs may make him feel he's in a prison.

On the other hand, he could find you very nice to come home to, as you are loyal, sensual, supportive, and a positive witch at conjuring creature comforts.

You'll fall in love practically at first sight, though you'll be too shy to say so. However, he'll be able to read it in your smile.

This could be a great match, should he be ready to settle for some connubial bliss. Should Mr. Scorpio have only a good fling in mind, after you tell him your sun sign he should just keep on walking.

Cancer Woman with Sagittarius Man

He'll see you as a drag to his defiant independence, and you'll see him as a threat to your tentative sense of security. You'll be hurt and hostile when he doesn't even finish his dessert because he has a twilight tennis game. And his patience will be provoked when you would rather sit by the fire than go skiing.

You want a one-woman man, but he's a restless roue who wants to sample as many pretty faces as time will permit. You need a lot of security, while he needs a lot of space. You want a man who is somewhat settled; while he has a vagabond nature that often turns him into a ne'er-do-well.

You seek a quiet kind of romance with someone who will provide an array of creature comforts. He seeks a short-lived affair that is more like an animal chase. His charm will probably rip right into your soul like a grenade going off in a sleeping village. And because you often want what you can't have, you will undoubtedly obsess, agonize, and drive yourself into a depression over the fact that he doesn't seem to want to settle down to a cozy existence.

Any way you look at it, the two of you are about as compatible as pickles and ice cream. Unless you both feel you want to become fast friends, forget it!

Cancer Woman with Capricorn Man

He is the security that you've always longed for, while you are the woman who can give him the warmth he so needs. Between you there is an undeniable attraction and a very basic understanding.

You need a strong man you can care for, and he needs a woman who knows how to care. Your vulnerable femininity will melt his cool veneer, and his competence and ambition will win your highest respect.

You are a woman who can be so nice to come home to. You will nurture his needs and never allow him to feel neglected. In return, he will be your bastion of material security and buy you the kind of creature comforts that make life worth living.

Together you can live a cozy existence, showering lots of love on each other and sharing many intense moments. Within the depths of your feelings he will be able to see the same insecurities that bring on his own melancholy moments. The more you allow your sensitivity to expand into the depths of each other, the more emotionally rich your life will ultimately be. And once you've had it, you can never deny that that is the greatest kind of wealth.

Cancer Woman with Aquarius Man

You live by your emotions, whereas he relies on his mind. This creates the kind of friction that may be more than either of you can handle.

You may think you have to knock him out with a swift karate chop and then hypnotize him with the right words just to get a little romance going. Otherwise, work up the courage to tell him you love him, and he'll respond that that's really quite fascinating. Then he'll ask you why.

Make him an ice-cream pie, and he'll take it apart, stare at it for a while, ask you what's in it, and then forget to eat it because he's too busy talking. Needless to say, Mr. Aquarius gets more pleasure in finding out how the whole thing works than he does in the actual experience.

The same goes for your relationship. He may spend agonizing hours analyzing your feelings and his thoughts, until finally you conclude that he's falling in love. Impatiently you propose, and cheerfully he informs you that all relationships are merely an illusion. At that point, you have another piece of ice-cream pie and savagely attack the crust. He smiles at you, sips his coffee, passes you the cream, and tells you that you're much too sentimental.

Although Mr. Aquarius is the good-hearted sort, he sometimes gets so entangled in his theories that he reminds you of a mad scientist who sleeps with test tubes under his pillow. If you want a man to hug you, make passionate love, and remind you how much you mean to him, start looking quickly in another direction. To show his affection, Mr. Aquarius is more likely to slap you on the back and hand you a slide rule to illustrate some recondite point to which you've only just pretended to listen. Although he means well, he is just not your type, and trying to adapt to his emotional level is like skinny-dipping in the middle of February.

Cancer Woman with Pisces Man

He will find you so nice to cuddle with. You will create a plethora of seductive creature comforts and provide the emotional backup that he needs to do his best.

Not only are you warm and sensitive, you have the

kind of womanly strength that reminds him of Mother. You will understand his moods, listen to his problems, and lend him a lot of loving assistance for those projects he knows he'll never finish.

In turn, he will write your love poems, send you daffodils in January, and bring you champagne to sip by the sea. With rapturous enthusiasm he'll make you feel like you're a combination of Wonder Woman and Aphrodite. He'll lavish praise on your femininity and provide you with the encouragement you so crave.

Sexually, you'll both send up smoke signals, drums will start to beat, bells will start to ring, and you may find out that you are deeply in love.

In essence, this combination could be a divine exploration into the deepest experience of loving. The communication here may carry you out to the farthest planes of feeling.

Cancer Man with Aries Woman

You are a truly lovable person, but your love is not meant for her.

Her fiery outbursts will send you into a sullen withdrawal. And your sullen withdrawals will send her through more fiery outbursts. The two of you are so different that you seem to be coming from two foreign countries that have never even known the other existed.

Emotionally, you are supersensitive, though you hate to show it. And she has a way of hurting your feelings even by the way she asks you a polite question.

Your feeble attempts to camouflage your vulnerability make her chew her cuticles. Your moods make her more than impatient. And your apparent passivity makes her stamp her feet just to break the silence.

You would like to spend a quiet evening at home cooking; she would like to party until dawn. She likes to think she's conquering the world, while you like to comfortably occupy a very secure part of it. You work hard for your future comforts; she works hard just to work. You are interested in having a family, but the closest she wants to come to children is the experience of knowing you. She craves continual excitement, whereas you seek security at all costs.

Just to be dramatic, she might tell you that she's leav-

ing you; calmly you will remind her to take her Dristan and her credit cards. Then you will go into the shower (probably to cry). At least, she'd like to think you're crying. But at that point it's really too late to find out, because even if she's crazy enough to turn back and run toward the bathtub, you undoubtedly have the door locked.

If Ms. Aries wants a lot of drama, she'd better go to a movie. Or pick someone else to increase her blood pressure.

Cancer Man with Taurus Woman

Much passion will pass between you. But whether the relationship remains depends on where you are both willing to take it.

You are loyal and loving, but the meaning of your moods will totally elude her. At one moment you are insecure and dependent; at another, you are totally withdrawn. Your feelings have a way of tying you both up in knots. Together, you will satiate each other's security needs. However, she is the more practical, you the more passionate. She is the earthy foundation; you are the ivory tower made of molten wax.

She tends to dwell on the fundamentals, while you linger on the romantic overtones. You are carried away by softness and subtlety; she is more entranced by some support.

You are both so jealous that you make each other feel sought after when you trade suspicions. And you are both so domestic that together you can spend a weekend cooking up a storm.

In most respects, this relationship is highly compatible. When you combine her earth with your water, the result is fertility and sustained emotion. Once you pass through the emotional communication gap, where the silence is sometimes deafening, you will both realize that there is enough feeling here to last a lifetime.

Cancer Man with Gemini Woman

You are emotional and vulnerable, while outwardly she is cool and controlled. You are often victimized by your feelings; she is put out of control by her mind.

This is one relationship whose communication is definitely going in different directions. You are so supersensitive that you consider her friendliness to other people purposely insulting. And when you sulk over your filet mignon and refuse to tell her the time, she comes to the conclusion that you would rather be with the waitress.

You both have a way of bringing out the other's insecurities that is more than painful; it's a kind of quiet emotional immolation. She has a way of laughing at the times you want her to be serious, and you have a way of being glacial when she most needs your warmth.

She can't fathom your feelings; you feel that she doesn't have any to begin with. You make her bite her tongue when you give her those dark looks and your eyes travel off into the distance. She makes you miserable when you reach to touch her and she hits you with her insipid sense of humor.

When you're together, you need an interpreter who jumps in every five minutes, talks more than either of you, and points. Otherwise, the going can be so rough that you both fumble, stumble, get very bruised, and could come out hurting each other.

Your only real hope is to stop chatting and start talking. Decide to be brave, put away your emotional masks and supports, and try leaning on each other. Even if you lose the relationship, in the end you could both stand to learn a lot about loving.

Cancer Man with Leo Woman

Though you love romantic games, you are soon defiled by the reality of your emotions. You have called her twelve times a day for countless days, and she's always busy. On the first call, you are casually interested; by the sixth, you are morosely impassioned; by the ninth, you feverishly abandon all control; soon you can no longer think and mutter to yourself about suicide from overeating.

For even her Leo sensibilities, your histrionics are indecently excessive. At your most dramatic, you are dark and brooding. When your affections are unappeased, you melt into melancholy and defiant doldrums. You try to get her attention by not speaking or calling, and with relief Ms. Leo surmises that you've finally found some self-respect. With discipline, you prolong your dolorous confine-

ment, since you want to make her suffer even more from the silence. When you find that you can no longer stand it, your clammy fingers feel their way to the phone. Assuming your cold, aloof, before-the-mirror look, you invite her to Acapulco for the weekend. She tells you that she has to wash her hair. Gulping with great dignity, you invite her to a play, midnight dancing, Sunday brunch, and a late-afternoon double feature, seven weekends from next Saturday. Graciously she claims that she's cleaning her closets. You ask if she's busy on the Saturday after Christmas. (At the moment, it happens to be July.) Yes, she replies, as a matter of fact, she's getting married.

Even if Ms. Leo's love life has been nonexistent, she won't cajole herself into considering you. She finds your moods a constant irritant and will vengefully frolic with your feelings. In turn, you find her cold, abrupt, bossy and intimidating.

Life must offer more than this, you crossly mumble. So would a sojourn in solitary confinement.

Cancer Man with Virgo Woman

You'll make her feel like a nineteenth-century femme fatale in a picture hat. You'll heartily respond to her shyness, her little insecurities, her warmth, and the way her face flushes when you compliment her on her mental powers.

She'll love the way you court her, she'll treasure your concern when she has a slight cold, and she'll be thankful for the way your affection makes her feel finally appreciated.

She'll plan consuming activities to divert your mood swings, throw surprise parties on your birthday, and remind you in a very matter-of-fact way how much everybody loves you.

For one of the first times in her life, she feels secure in her feelings, while you feel that this is the fantasy you've always hoped for. Together, you can take each other to many wondrous emotional places and enjoy the kind of emotional happiness you've never had before.

Cancer Man with Libra Woman

You'll give her all the attention she so craves, and delight in creating those cozy stay-at-home evenings she loves. For dinner parties, you'll help her cook and will

probably originate a few gustatorial delights of your own.

However, you will question why she had to spend a thousand dollars on stemware and two hundred dollars for new boots when last year's still look perfectly new.

There will be moments when your moodiness will make her morose. But not enough to take away from the joy you can experience in being together.

You will tell her how attractive she is at least five times a week, lose a little sleep when she gets the sniffles, and help her rearrange the furniture on rainy Sundays. After a hard day, she won't have to ask you to hold her, and during one of her "down" days she can expect you to sympathize with her dreary emotions.

You are sensitive, kind, caring, and deeply feeling. Even if you have cut off from your emotions in an attempt to obviate vulnerability, Ms. Libra can help restore your emotional balance. Basically, you want a woman you can be secure with, and she wants the same, plus the pleasures of shared experience. Together, you could create a romance of which only dreams are made. And with all of your charm, it's an easy task to transform a dream into the most romantic kind of reality.

Cancer Man with Scorpio Woman

For her, you're a package deal—a man with the qualities of Mother. You'll understand her moods, kiss her on the temples, bake her an apple pie, and serve her tea with lemon.

This combination is highly compatible, especially if she was born in the last decan of Scorpio. As long as she respects your feelings, you are kind, caring, and love to be controlled by Ms. Scorpio's feminine power.

You'll feel flattered by her jealousy and return the feeling fourfold, which will make her feel all the more secure. She is your constant source of inspiration, and you are her constant bastion of support. Together, life can be a team effort offering many satisfactions and memorable experiences.

You are supersensitive and nurse your bruises. However, she's so adroit at handling fragile feelings that you never have the opportunity of rolling over and playing

vulnerable. Since both of you communicate largely through what you don't say, conversation is never a problem. On full moons, you may resort to sign language, interspersed with periods of self-imposed solitude. However, as long as you both don't live together in one room, the situation is salvageable.

At times, your sexual passivity may provoke her. However, since she obtains a sense of power from being sexually controlling, this is not a major problem. And with you, Mr. Cancer, the most efficient way to control is just to command.

Once she makes you feel secure, you are loyal, loving, proud, and possessive. You'll romanticize her personality and give her total power. You'll let her take you wherever she wants to go, and make it known that she is the trip that you want to be taking.

You'll put her on a pedestal and seduce her with this new self-image. Any way you look at it, Ms. Scorpio has a lot of needs and you have a lot to offer most of them. She'll probably find you easy to love, and almost as easy to spend a lifetime with.

Cancer Man with Sagittarius Woman

You need her beside you, but she needs the space to be by herself. She'll undoubtedly inflict a mortal wound when she asks you why you're so dependent. But she'll bring you to the verge of suicide when you hand her a love poem and she laughs and shrieks, "You've got to be kidding!"

She'll never understand your sensitivities, and you'll never understand her need for freedom. You'll become so infatuated with her vitality and sense of humor that you'll want to follow her to the supermarket and spend time with her while she stands in line. You'll get emotional over the way she butters her English muffin, and when she's not looking, you'll fondle her tennis racket.

However, the more you candidly express your feelings, the more she mutters "Yech!" and asks you to shut up and pass the mustard. She's a swell person, but you need her like a hole in the head. She's a menace to your tenuous ego and a deflated balloon to your romantic reveries.

Much of the time you spend with her you'll spend

sulking in conspicuous silence, feverishly hoping that she's eating her heart out. However, when she cheerfully slaps you on the back and asks you if you have indigestion, all hope is lost and you suddenly decide 1 you want to go home, even if you are home already.

She doesn't have to love you, and she probably won't, but she should try not to batter your ego. Otherwise, Ms. Saggitarius may suffer the punishment of becoming a Cancer in her next life.

Cancer Man with Capricorn Woman

She'll be touched by the way you seem to care for her welfare. But she'll have a hard time dealing with your moods.

You seem to create slights and then sulk in them. And no matter how she tries, she can never discover what she's done wrong.

You'll resent all the time she spends at the office, not to mention those cocktail parties that seem to enhance business. In turn, she'll resent your suspicions and the way you make her feel guilty when she tries to ignore you.

However, despite these minor considerations, she needs a lot of love, reassurance, praise, and support, and you're just the person to provide it. Although you may be impressed with the fact that she's president of a corporation, you'll love her for her total personality, not for her title. With you, she can strip away her soul and stop worrying that you will find her less worthy. You don't care if she gains five pounds, doesn't have time to wash her hair, and cooks you a dinner that self-destructs on the way to the table. You want the woman, not the gilded super-achiever.

Therefore, if she can manage to look at you from a less superficial standpoint, she may find a man who is very much worthy of her attentions. However, she'll have to pay in kind for your sympathy and services. The more she lets what happened at the afternoon's board meeting get in the way of her better moments, the more she will be prying apart a potentially happy union. In order to get, she has to give. The important decision is whether she wants to pay the price for a successful private life.

Cancer Man with Aquarius Woman

You crave closeness, but she feels more comfortable with distance. You prefer cozy tete-a-tetes, and she embraces crowded settings. You enjoy quiet evenings at home, while she prefers mass riots. The differences between you are distance-producing.

You need a woman who will nurture your strengths and overlook your insecurities. She needs a man who has fewer insecurities and a greater degree of emotional detachment.

She'll become impatient with your supersensitivities, your mood swings, and your possessiveness. At the same time, you'll feel morose and sulky when she treats some meaningless stranger with as much attention as she does you.

She is a freedom-loving, freethinking woman who creates her own spaces. You tend to close them off with your attempts at getting her total attention.

At first, she may respond enthusiastically to your romantic gestures. However, if you move in too far too fast, she may take a giant step backward for a quick breath and another look.

Since she is adaptable to most personalities, she could also come to love yours. However, if you drown her in a swamp of mawkish emotions and make too many demands, she'll leave you to your sentimental dreams and memories of an affair that almost made it.

Cancer Man with Pisces Woman

This psychic rapport will leave you starry-eyed. You will sympathize with her mood swings, cry along with her in teary grade-B movies, and remember what she wore on the day you first met her.

She will marvel that you are a better cook than she is, that you are equally as sensitive, and that you seem to know not only what she's thinking, but why.

You'll both find yourselves saying the same thing simultaneously; you'll finish each other's sentences and respect each other's ideas.

This relationship is one made for lazy weeekends at ocean retreats, evenings of champagne and candlelight,

winter afternoons of Bach, quiet talk, and a snifter of brandy.

Prepare for a lifetime of love on the beach, under the stars, beside a bowl of roses, and near an open window that lets the moonlight peep in.


Dates: July 24 to August 23

Symbol: the lion

Ruling planet: the sun

Element: fire

Mode: fixed

Quality: masculine, positive

Planetary principle: creativity

Primal desire: power

Colors: red, orange, gold, yellow

Jewels: amber, ruby, chrysolite

Plants: anemone, anise, chrysanthemum

Tree: oak

Herbs: fennel, chamomile, mint, parsley

Day: Sunday

Archangel: Michael

Magical number: 19

Material factor: power through effort


Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Princess Margaret Rose

Mae West Alfred Hitchcock

Benito Mussolini Carl Jung 191

George Bernard Shaw Sir Walter Scott

Napoleon Bonaparte Percy Bysshe Shelley

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky Dustin Hoffman

Henry Ford Robert Redford

Astrologer Alan Leo Andy Warhol


You need a camel to cart around your charge cards, and a multimillionaire to pay them. You can exude glamour in a pair of jeans, but little does the world know that it took you two hours to coordinate three shades of blue. If there was a fire in your building, you'd be the only one who stops to put on your makeup. As a teenager you probably changed your clothes four times a day and twice for each meal. All the mirrors in your room were highly polished, and you were always late for school because you kept getting lost in your own reflection. You feel you always have to look your best, which could be dangerous, because you would knock down a German shepherd and two little old ladies in the supermarket to avoid your heartthrob if you felt that your hair didn't look up to par.

At dinner parties you're usually the center of attention—especially when everyone else is diving into a third helping of lasagna and you're making your celery stalk last the night. You subscribe to the belief that a woman can never be too thin—or too rich.

You love life, parties, people, and you usually see the world as a brilliant wide-screen movie. Because of your detached awareness of yourself, you have a fine sense of humor and usually laugh the. hardest when your larger-than-life drama turns into a three-ring circus. You imbue life with a luster that others find so appealing that they often form a fan club. You never have to go looking for excitement, because you find it even at the launderette, and in the lengthy checkout line at the supermarket.

Your constant gaiety and enthusiasm dazzle the crowds of people moving through your life. Because of this, it seems to some people that you are impervious to pain. Actually your pride and need for privacy are so great that you do not easily show more deeply felt emotions.

Men most often confuse the strength of your personality with the strength of your passion, and often mistake impersonal warmth for seduction tactics. However what you enjoy most is the dramatic game, and the persuasive tactics that men use to conjure your presence. You adore love if it scintillates with glamour and reeks of the romance of a midnight movie. Otherwise, you are indifferent to Chinese dinners and ten-o'clock phone calls inquiring if you'd like company.

You are independent, ambitious, and highly goal-oriented. Your prime goal is leadership on a grand scale. Your difficulty is that you cannot appreciate your successes on a small scale. As you drive yourself up the ladder of success, try not to lose hold of your mental flexibility, or else when you finally do get to the top, you will find that you are queen of an empty kingdom.


You are a snob. But unlike the Capricorn woman who discreetly drapes her body with a subdued Dior original, you wear St. Laurent on your sleeve. Your desire is for the appearance of power; if the substance is lacking, the facade will often do. This also applies to the men who move in and through your life. If you're really careful, you'll get a directory and ask them to sign in. Title first, of course.

Men are never certain what it is you really want, although sometimes they get the idea that it might have something to do with control, as you suddenly leap across the room shouting orders. Because you have a temper that could break glass, and a look in your eye that seems to threaten any self-assertive person, most men tend to be thoroughly intimidated by you. However, you really want to be treated like a little girl, you wail as they make a beeline for the nearest exit, mumbling nervously that they'll talk to you soon.

As far as love goes, you gravitate toward men who make you look good. Because appearances must be kept at all costs, you have no time for a man who may be devoted but minus money, power, status and good looks. You assign an inordinate importance not only to what your friends think but also to what your neighbors, chic acquaintances, co-workers, and the general public think. Although you may believe that you want love,

you really want romance, and unfortunately, you've never grown up enough to consider that there may be a difference. Therefore, you occupy your time with superficial values, superficial encounters, and superficial expectations of an unfolding future.

No one ever has enough power or money to suit you, so you often have to settle. Usually the man is passive and more than content to trail behind in your larger-than-life luster. You adore crowds—especially if they're populated with famous faces. Then, with undisguised abandon you quickly dash about and make yourself known to the truly celebrated. You are a skilled and enthusiastic manipulator, and because of this, you must be careful about what you really want, principally because you always seem to get it.

Basically, you have a queen complex that makes you self-centered, egotistical, childish, and outrageously haughty. Every act is well-thought-out to bring you the maximum advantage. And any person who is allowed to come close enough almost withers from your control.

If someone daring could relieve you of your expensive furs, fine jewelry, and flawless makeup, what he would find would be a little girl with soft eyes who yearns to be cherished. But if he should be so intrepid as to try to tenderly kiss your fingertips, your nails would greet his nose. Then you would meet his eyes and smile before slowly walking away. You want a man to adore and adorn you, not to love you. Life's so much safer when the softness comes in furs.

THE LEO MALE Favorable

Deep down, you're a pussycat, but you'd rather growl around a lot than let the world know it. You are proud, ambitious, and driven, and view your achievements as an extension of your personal power. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that you work faster than five steam engines in overdrive. Your overwhelming ego is a facade that protects your tender emotions. Because your needs for self-glorification are so strong, you are easily captured by insincere flattery.

Romance can rivet you to a fantasy realm that has

very little to do with real love. Your chosen lady is merely an embodiment of the ideal qualities with which you would like to be associated. Beauty, charm, a scintillating intellect, and a modicum of wealth are always comfortable starters. Because you cling to such towering standards, you are easily disillusioned. After the initial incandescence has dimmed, nothing is ever as grand or glamorous as it once seemed. Too many soul-consuming love experiences will leave you empty and searching—your blood rushing from red to jade green.

Because your nature is basically generous and protective, you are an easy prey to the femme fatale feigning helplessness and vulnerability. The practiced bat of an eyelash can send you scurrying to so many flower shops that your heartthrob's house could easily end up looking like a funeral parlor.

Despite your occasional clouds of temper, you are basically good-natured and life-loving. But to you "life" is only an assemblage of the very best. Why drink beer when you can pay more for a Pouilly Fuisse that is worth its price just in its syllables? Why settle for a VW when you can have a Mercedes—even if you do have to use your food money for the next six months for the down payment. After all, fasting can only improve your physique, and you're going to have to look your best for your exit from the front seat.

Somewhere inside, you've always preferred to see yourself as a luminous figure attracting a crowd of admiring faces. At the same time, you need one partner to play back to you the drama of your own life, and to con- . stantly assure you that you're truly lovable. Whereas the more unevolved Leo would love to languish in a den populated by beautiful bodies, you know that while that would be fun for a while, it still wouldn't satisfy your deeper emotional needs. Although you may be loath to admit it, your favorite life experience is love, and the more intense, scintillating, and romantic, the better. Years of hard work, high salaries, and powerful titles really don't seem to be worth it in the end if you have nothing more than a beautiful but empty apartment to come home to.

You are definitely the marrying kind, and you'll probably try to father your wife as well as your future children. You're the strong, honest, dependable kind of man that women often feel is their answer to the knight on

a white charger. Warmth, tenderness, and passion flow from you freely along with advice on how to do everything better, from brushing one's teeth to taking out the garbage. Even if you appear to be a shy and far more reserved Leo socially, chances are in private quarters you're more overbearing than a bull who knows he's got someone cornered. Although you might never consider yourself controlling, other people would bear witness to your daily demands, requests, and suggestions for betterment.

In terms of marriage, you're most likely to find happiness with a woman who is as challenging and aggressive as you are. The woman you finally choose to marry has to make you look good. At the same time, she has to provide an emotional foundation that makes you feel secure, needed, deeply loved, wanted, and definitely admired. Your ideal wife also has a firm shoulder you can lean on and knows how to make you feel comfortable with the more vulnerable side of yourself.

Any woman who has all these qualities need never worry that you will stray from the luxurious Leo love nest. Once you are satisfied that you have found "the one," you are Mr. Faithful personified. However, that doesn't mean you don't flirt a little, now and then—even if you don't realize you're doing it. You love the attentions of women as well as their company, and probably have more female friends than any other sign except Aquarius.

At the same time, those women who start to take your attentions a little too seriously and begin to fantasize about the beginning of an affair will undoubtedly be stopped dead when you flash a smile and start talking about how much you respect your wife. As with the female Leo, your warmth and friendliness do not imply a need for a closer familiarity. You're just a charming person who likes to be around people. If that's called flirting, well, that's not your problem. People Can think what they like. As for you, you're usually too busy super-achieving to worry about it.


When you lose your temper, you tend to fire people from your life. Then, sometime later, while they are morosely packing their baggage, you politely tap them

on the shoulder and ask them where they might be going. Your pride will send you mountain climbing, and your determination and energy are so expansive that you'll probably arrive at the top before a helicopter. Your lack of patience with the less-fiery souls around you will send you stalking away fuming and twitching. The least you demand is that your associates be psychic, because it takes too much time to answer their questions.

Unless you're the lazy Leo type, you like people in your life to move at the reasonable pace of immediately-if-not-sooner. If you do happen to resemble the more lazy lion, then you like to sink your body into a velvet armchair while you daydream about the activities at your health club, and how your energies could easily consume the phlegmatic world. You can be bombastic, bossy, and boastful. Not only were you made for the "good life,'* you created it. Your secretary, wife, and faithful Fido call you master and create a constant current of air by running to attend to your every need.

While your secretary mutters that you're a chauvinist as she is frantically scrubbing your dessert from your tie, you are bellowing because she's not in your office taking dictation. But even she is aware that your basic credo is that all the world's your servant. It has nothing to do specifically with women. As a matter of fact, who are they? Oh, that's right, they're the people you spend time with when you're not with your wife.

It's a given that you're compulsively unfaithful. After all, you need intense action from every angle, and for a person who is as romantically active as you, your marriage could never offer enough.

Your favorite types are the more flashy females who fall somewhere between a grinning beauty queen and an overdressed call girl. It is extremely important that these ladies look good, because, after all, your reputation is at stake. It is likely that you can wear yourself out in this role of Lothario. All that rich food and liquor that goes with the role can slowly dissipate and age a once-athletic body.

However, being conveniently myopic, you excell at overlooking your stomach, which is slowly creeping forward. Instead, you would rather spend your time informing one of your many women that she is sadly getting out of shape. Diplomacy was never one of your

virtues; nor is concern for the dignity of another human being. Your attitude is that someone who can't take the truth should just remain stupid and suffer. Strange how someone so enamored of the "truth" builds his life on so many lies and is so totally intimidating to anyone who ventures an honest opinion.

However, any really intelligent human being is aware that your intimidating temper is merely another form of your control that signifies that you are totally out of control. Underneath the furious glance is merely a frustrated child who wishes he knew what to do next. And this is not an easy situation for a man who condescendingly acts as if he has all the answers. Because you loudly establish yourself as a "know-it-all," you create little cushion room for mistakes. And because you're so smug and have never learned how to say "I'm sorry," you operate your life through the pressures of having to show other people where their thinking is in error.

The kindest comment that might be made about you is that you wear your insensitivity like egg on your tie. More than annoying, it's terribly embarrassing. It indicates a person one should feel sorry for, but never fear. Your egotistical outbursts are nothing more than a show to prove to yourself that you really have power. However, the fact is that it's only a matter of time until everyone around you gets tired of your repetitive performances. In the end, your emotional immaturity will always betray you, and the people who will remain in your life will be the ones you need but never really want. However, your strength is that you can quickly come up with more lies to obliterate the loneliness. It's not bad for a person who suffers from such misplaced talent. After all, it gets you from day to day and has you convinced that in the end you're really going somewhere.


Every sign in the zodiac can be broken down into three subdivisions, called decans. Each decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees—the first third, second third, and last third of the sun sign's time span, which is approximately thirty days.

As each of these periods has different subrulerships,

the personality of a person is slightly modified by the specific decan it falls in. For instance, an Aries born in the second decan would be ruled by Mars, but subruled by the sun. Therefore, he would tend to display a greater sense of pride, boastfulness, egotism, and optimism than an Aries born in the third decan, which is subruled by Jupiter. This Aries would tend to be more freedom-loving, flighty, travel-oriented, and interested in subjects of a philosophical nature. An Aries born in the first decan would be the most aggressive, but not necessarily the most productive and accomplished.

Decans are important, since they do account for a more detailed assessment of an individual's personality characteristics. They also show how two people born under the same sun sign can be markedly different.

If you were born between July 24 and August 4, your sun sign is in the solar decan of Leo. Here your ego needs are somewhat stronger than those of the Leos born in the rest of the month. Pride pushes you into goal-oriented situations in which you gain the recognition you hunger for. Driven on by ego dreams, you are like a machine out of control, and can't stop until you've run your course. Since all playtime is a waste of time—unless it's a means to meeting the "right" people—you never consider vacations unless they revolve around work. That is the closest you can come to being idle without breaking out in boils from boredom. Since you were about six, people begged you to relax, but being a tense extrovert, you've worked your way to adulthood in spasms of energy tha/ often ended in exhaustion.

You are enthusiastic, optimistic and interested in everything around you. Already you have activities set aside for when you're eighty-three, since you can't seem to fit them in any sooner. You are positive, idealistic, and very aggressive. You know how to transform ideals into realities, and your mind sets the stage with the right attitudes. You get what you want because you can't even consider failure; the only factor you reflect on is time. One day you'll want to stop the world, and you will, but when you do you won't get off.

If you were born between August 5 and August 15, your sun sign is in the Jupiter decan of Leo. You are jo-

vial, good-natured, and have an especially fine sense of humor. You love to make others laugh, and tend to look upon the brighter side of a situation. Optimism pervades your soul, even when difficulties seem to loom larger than life.

You seek a greater meaning to your existence than you can find in the material sphere. Philosophy, religion, metaphysics, and the occult are areas to which you would naturally turn to find important answers. As you grow older, education has an ever greater personal significance. Studies of all kinds become more appealing, and the excitement you gain from them can provide substantial support during periods of adversity.

There is a strong inspirational side to your personality, which others both admire and envy. You have a solid sense of purpose combined with a faith that always sees you through. Not infrequently do you find yourself listening to people's problems and offering thoughtful advice. Your inherent strength strongly attracts the more flappa-ble souls, who often assume that you find everything in life easy.

Deep within your soul, you have a robust enjoyment of life, which seldom deserts you. But unlike the Leo born in the first decan, you also derive a profound sense of pleasure from life's little treasures, and although you both share an abundance of nervous energy, you seek to balance the time dedicated to work demands. Yoga, tennis, and T'ai Chi are activities to which you would most naturally turn to gain release from inner tensions. Travel has a very important place in your heart, and each trip is a special learning experience.

If you were born between August 16 and August 23, your sun sign is in the Mars decan of Leo. You are a dynamo running at full speed, and heaven help those poor fools who get in your way. This decan has the connotations of both Leo and Aries. It is aggression directed by the most potent power of will. You live on a treadmill of push, push, go, go—and you love it, though your friends faint with exhaustion at the very thought of the tasks you casually take on. This both irritates and puzzles you, because you know that the harder you work, the greater your energy. Unlike the first-decan Leo, who works for the ego, you work for the pleasure of working.

You're not easy to be with, since your high energy, operating overtime, leaves others with half-finished sentences and three blocks behind, jogging just to keep up. You are abrupt, quick-tempered, and loathe people who yawn. Since your mind moves at the speed of light, those poor souls who talk slowly and repeat their point make you twitch. You do your best to avoid telephones, garrulous people, unenergetic individuals, and clocks. For you, hell is being sequestered with a lazy, whining, obsessive soul who repeats each sentence three times. Your only fear is of illness, because it slows you down and forces you to get at least three hours' sleep.

You're a maniac for challenges. Situations that would put others to bed get your mind and body dancing. With the greatest of ease, you can deal with each crisis, upheaval, and tragedy. What really gets you down is a period when nothing is happening, but with your courage, faith, drive, will, and tenacity, you're never down for long. You are resilience personified, merely regenerating for the next supercycle of challenges.


At its best, it's sheer romance: the impassioned glances, the breathless interchanges; the feeling of first love; the feeling of last love; the daily, dramatic phantasms. You love love; but even more, you love romance.

Even for the most supercharged Leos moving in overdrive, life really isn't worth living without loving. This is not merely a matter of loneliness, but something more complex. While Virgos claim that you are what you eat, you believe that you are what you attract. And if it happens that you're not attracting . . . You are a most idealistic sign, and often create a dream world to shield you from what you don't want to see. Eventually, disillusionment dawns, and the sun suddenly retreats. What is left is a cold, grim kind of person shuffling through a myriad of new projects in an effort to scatter the pain. The most unfortunate fact is that it usually works. In these matters, you are the cowardly lion, and your lack of courage in confronting all the factors in a love situation keeps you from learning, changing, and growing.

In matters of love, the Leo male is most vulnerable.

He has the largest ego problems in the zodiac, and to get what he wants, he's got to put it all on the line. It becomes a make-it-or-break-it situation, and the only way he knows how to survive the savage insecurity is to boast abominably, to overcompensate by a conspicuous "non-caring" attitude, or to sulk. Take away his toys and tools of worldly career attainment, and what you have is the most vulnerable of human beings, cowering under two stiff lips and a lot of self-righteous attitudes. He needs love desperately, but he'll never say it. It's infinitely more masculine to scream, shout orders, and throw around the power that society has lent him. "Big" men don't cry, they certainly don't talk about pain, and if they're fast and fortunate enough, they're much too busy even to remember they have feelings. Is it a wonder that so many Leo men really "make it"?

The Leo female is far more flexible, because her ego needs are easily gratified and her emotions are ambivalent. This is certainly the most flirtatious sign. But while Mr. Leo can heartily indulge in the sport only if there's someone securely waiting in the background, Ms. Leo can live from one flirtation to the next without the personal props. Certainly, she would like love, but unlike the Leo male, a life attachment is far from her first priority.

It's power that makes her pulse race and often leads her down the wrong path. This girl thinks in superlatives, and because she's so sly, self-possessed, and sexually magnetic, she gets what she wants, but only on the surface. Somehow, there's always something missing: she has the chinchilla, but no communication; the president of General Motors has just proposed, but he's an unbearable bore; she's involved in a mutual intoxication with an international intellect, but he has no emotions. In spite of herself, she finds the kind of consuming love that will last a lifetime, but his income won't last even a month. So it's back to the halfhearted flirtations with famous faces.

. With the most dazzling lovers, the Leo lady is lonely —so she keeps moving, is often promiscuous, and has a deep-seated fear of settling down. Like the Leo man, she sublimates her emotional dissatisfactions by driving herself toward public prominence. Until this is attained, she is strong enough to survive on superficial encounters. The key to her strength is in knowing that she is her own mother—that all love proceeds from what she gives her-

self. Her weakness comes when she can't cut the cord and see that she is too self-dependent.

In general, Leo is a loving sign, with generous, warm, and paternalistic qualities. When both sexes work to transcend their self imposed limitations, there is a great potential for many joyful love experiences. There is also an expansion of the creative drives that tend to dry up during each emotional malaise. When a Leo is in love, everything is easy. But when a Leo seeks to deceive the emotional self, the price is that life somehow becomes even more than hard.


Your need for love, approval, and affection will push you in the direction of marriage. However, whatever happens after the moment of the vows can be quite another matter.

If you are the lower Leo type, at some point you will yearn for greater freedom; if you are the higher Leo, your goal will be self-expansion, and the right union is a continual source of inspiration. Your ultimate benefit from marriage depends on where you want it to take you.

In general, the Leo need for partnership is far more urgent than most people realize, because there is a profound desire to define the ego through another. First, a partner provides the audience needed to play back the drama of personal experience. Second, the ideal characteristics of the chosen partner exalt the Leo's concept of himself. On the higher level, this ideal is based on what the person is; on the lower, what the person has and does. Third, a partner is needed to feed the rapacious ego with acts of love, approval, and affection.

The schism in the Leo personality comes from the desire to be as autonomous as the Aquarian, confused by a longing for personal loving, which obliterates the desire to live a lifetime alone. Confusion arises only because of an immature ego whose tendency is to have rather than to give.

If your mind is clear concerning your concept of loving, marriage can be a merry meeting of the minds and hearts. But if you enter into it only because you are lovelorn, seeking gratification rather than growth, mar-

riage can be a bitter mistake. Grow up first and consider your goals. The life you may save could, at the very least, be your own.


Money is a flash of green through the thumb and the forefinger, but you rarely see it because you write checks and are quick with your credit cards. You definitely prefer convenience buying, which means not knowing how much you've spent until you get the stamina to synchronize your checkbook with your charge receipts.

As an infant, your first words probably were "I want it." Since then, they've changed to "I'll have it." Spending money is your panacea for every ailment: a common cold calls for a seventy-five-dollar bracelet; a bad cough can be cured by purchasing a bottle of vintage champagne; fatigue will be banished with a pair of purple suede boots; but hysteria, anxiety, and depression run too high even to mention. It might be noted that this cure may last only until your checkbook is balanced, but this is only one of its dangers. Needless to say, the emotional satisfactions are so great that it can also be habit-forming.

At least there is one thing to be said for Leo: You're not one of those people who whine that they don't know where their money goes. With you, it's never a mystery —it's on your back (just read the labels) or in your home (who could miss that chandelier in the bathroom?).

Money is merely a means to an end. Sitting by itself in a savings account, it's simply not taking you anywhere, and when there's never any time, how can you be expected to wait for the interest? Waiting is anxiety-producing, and the mere thought of anxiety makes you fondle your credit cards. Needless to say, you've just decided that you have to be somewhere. Could it begin with B for "boutique"?


Success is your astro name and you've always known it. You feel you were born to sit on a throne and tell others what to do. Mediocrity drives you to despair, but it's not a word that applies to you, nor will it ever.

From the time you were an infant you had a sense of power. You would enter the world only to be president, prime minister, chief of surgery, or chairman of the board. On Oscar night, you could see yourself bowing to the glittering audience.

You think in superlatives, so material success means all —the more flashy and showy, the better. You reign from supremacy and only a Scorpio would dare contest it The one thing to remember as you watch your minions file forth is that you're more vulnerable than you would like to let yourself think. Since you need far more than the average human being, not only do you have to work a lot harder, but also you can stand to lose a lot more.

Basically, you want to rule the world, not just a cozy corner. Fame, power, and fortune have beckoned since you were about four. Most difficult for you are your destiny decisions, since there are so many directions in which you would like to turn.

But wherever your goals lead you, the gateway to fame will surely give way at your arrival. Both acting and directing are definite considerations, since you've always loved the limelight. Public relations is also a possibility, since you tend to be rather people-oriented. With your sense of luxury, you could be supercreative at seducing the consumer. Your sense of beauty and color can put you in high places, in positions ranging from writing vacation brochures to fashion designing, from interior decorating to selling orchids in December. Then, there's always painting, preparing new kinds of perfume, literary consultation, and, of course, teaching, since you excel in telling people what to do.

If you can't run the company, chances are you'll own it. You've always been a boss, and love giving orders as much as you love working. On-the-job idleness irritates your nerve endings, since your own success gears are far from static.

In essence, you are a workhorse and loudly let the world know it. You can drive more placid souls past their point of sanity quite easily. Your public assumes that you've undoubtedly lost yours, along with any realistic sense of timing.

When you know what you want, you have to have it quickly. One day, your name will be in lights to illuminate the dreary world.,


You seem to have more friends than the population of China. You don't really know how they all got there, but somehow the numbers keep getting out of control. You need a secretary just for your social invitations— and even then often find that somehow you're committed to three different dinners all going on at the same time.

You're so warm, charming, and friendly that strangers want to adopt you. But instead, they seem to arrange it that you adopt them. At times it may seem that you're a people collector, but the fact is that you're just agreeable and slightly confused when it comes to people priorities. When your degree of social interaction starts to sabotage your professional plans, you panic, shut off the phone, and lock your door, opening it only for the dry cleaner. You feel that people are funny, exciting, and wonderful, but when they move into your life too intensely, it can be draining and far closer to pain than pleasure.

Peace and privacy are requirements you must satisfy periodically, and when you've gone too long without them, you can become a cranky, irascible creature that no ones likes to be around.

In your more intimate friendships, you are loyal, giving, sincere, and faithful in all moments of need. Since you're often closer to your friends than your family, these ties can last a lifetime. Such friendships fill your life with great meaning, and because of your large capacity for love, the ties that bind you are seldom broken.


Here, your strength is your vulnerability, since you are prone to push yourself too far. While solar energy floods your being with an awesome vitality, the frenetic rate at which you live your life can bring you to the brink of both sickness and exhaustion.

Since Leo rules the heart, this organ is particularly vulnerable to long periods of sustained stress. In middle age, heart attacks and other coronary ailments are the Leo's danger area, so exercise caution.

Learn the gentle art of relaxation. You'll never slow down, but do observe regular rest periods. Twenty minutes a day of deep breathing and/or Transcendental Meditation will depress the heart and pulse rate sufficiently for rest and revitalization. Consider it, and be careful to avoid strain.

In general, you are healthy, robust, and have a horror of sickness. Being caged up and physically incapacitated gets you into a panic. Since everything you require and desire is dependent on your ability to move about, life is not worth living if you have to spend it in bed alone.

However, your inordinate impatience will not let any illness linger. Your mind projects so many positive thought forms that sickness is seldom a problem. It's not even a consideration. That's why it rarely even occurs.


Your home is your castle, even if you live in a cottage. You love luxury, so chances are your couch is nine feet long and covered with crushed velvet. Your ceiling seems to reach toward the sun—so high that one stares at the walls. Scattered humbly among the Picassos are some of your own paintings. Your Leo fifth-house creativity imparts color to your canvases in a splendor of splashes. Green, orange, yellow, and magenta dance off the wall and dazzle the eye.

Like the sunflower, you need light to flourish. While some people collect sculpture, you collect lamps that light up even your sleeping hours—which are never very long anyway!

In your rooms, mirrors are evident in such subtle settings as the linen closet, the kitchen cabinets, and across from the bathtub. You have five color televisions you never watch because your reflection is so fascinating. Your maid is in a perpetual state of madness because you finger the mirrors, forget to buy Drano, and frantically implore her to find your favorite shoes. Strange how they always end up in the closet.

When you get truly bored, you turn up your album of cobra love calls, don a safari hat, and with a stuffed picnic basket forage through your fur coats. When the going gets heavy because of too many big animals, you stop

to have an early lunch. Intimate friends suggest you build a stage within the privacy of your boudoir, but you explain that when you act, it has to be an adventure. Of course, you've considered moving to a medieval castle, but decided that apartments are more of a creative challenge.

Because you have always fancied wild animals and ivory, a five-foot elephant's tusk points at your refrigerator from the opposite wall. When you originally bought it, it had seemed highly original, but since then you've lost too many drunken party guests seeking ice.

When you think back upon your childhood, home was never like this. No wonder you were always bored, and staging desperate battles with your brother over the shredded wheat. And when he began to whine because he hated milk and sugar in his hair, the only good thing that home offered was the knowledge that one day you would leave.

Now that your life is like a three-ring circus, boredom begins only when you tire of your treasures. But your superexotic houseguests usually pick you up in time. Especially when you forget who they are and have to politely inquire their country of origin.


Boredom is the blight of your existence, and so you are always busy. Highly charged solar energy intensifies a sense of restlessness and enthusiasm that makes it difficult to deal with all situations. You crave constant stimulation, and when you are not totally immersed in projects, people, and activities, your agitation is overwhelming. You are painfully impatient with tedious details, colorless people, slow thinkers, slow talkers, slow walkers, and often you are abrupt and finish others' sentences without being aware of what you are doing. You prefer responses in two words or less since there's never enough time and you're tearing off to an appointment, and are probably already late.

Like all the fire signs, you demand immediate gratification, as time lapses threaten and slow cycles depress. You are driven to live a life filled with action and excitement, and when the pace slows down, you panic. You lust for a life of peaks, but what you don't realize is that too many peaks become a plain. You demand new thrills from

each day, and when you feel that they're missing, you'll exhaust yourself trying to create them, but when all attempts fail, you fall into gloom. Your most profound horror is the sense of having nothing to look forward to.

Pain and panic need not consume you in these moments if you deal more creatively with static situations. Try to accept without sorrow that maybe only 90% of your life will have the fevered pulse of a paperback novel, and the other 10% of the time need not be discarded. Take up activities that are focused inward and formulate personal excitement through creative self expression. Writing, painting, music, sculpture, crafts, and courses to expand awareness should all be considered. Develop the self-detachment of your Aquarian counterpart and learn that every man and woman is a star and has something worthwhile to offer—but to hear it, you must learn how to listen. Think about the word "slow" and make a list of all the positive states and conditions it has to offer. If you get to this point, you may realize that it's not your slow periods that confine you, it is the constrictions of your own mind. Learn how to free it from imprisoning perspectives and you will see that you are the sole power in your private universe. If you are ready to accept this challenge, you will also be ready to relinquish all the restlessness.


You are optimistic, cheerful, generous, witty, and generally good-natured. Remember, you create your own clouds—so think constant thoughts of sunshine. You have a noble nature and the strength of the lion. No task is too small. You are the leader personified and exalted in your creations. Your solar life-force can penetrate the most protective panoply. Share it with the world in a loving way, and power will pervade you forever.


Your ego and your pride are two shackles that will chain you for a lifetime if you let them. You have a will

that could make Mt. Everest crumble, so use it to expand your feeling of power from within. When you open yourself up to your intrinsic power, you will no longer need to hide behind the status-conscious trappings you favor. Enjoy your toys and trinkets, but don't let them control you, and try to be ever conscious of the difference. You have an inner strength and lordly nature that others deeply admire. Learn to be silent and flexible, and your life will be a reign of unquestionable glory. Finally, stop shouting your own reviews, or you will cease to have an audience. If you try too hard to tell the world that you're a prince, everyone will drift away muttering that you're a frog. Let humility be a coat of arms emblazoned on your robes, and your royalty will forever inspire your followers and silence the claims of all impostors.


Leo with Leo

A Leo with a Leo spells either love or hate—and sometimes both. Competition can trail off to the truly absurd, as he explains to her the principle of nuclear fission, while she, a doctor of physics, fulminates into a fiery explosion. He is horrified that she can't appreciate his helpfulness, and lets her know that she belongs in a zoo.

To him, she is willful, temperamental, and bossy. To her, he is the most foolish kind of egoist. She sees him again only to make him suffer. He sees her again only to let her know that he really didn't want to see her. It's not unlikely that on the second date, after the first exchange of the first fifteen sentences, he'll find that he's morosely munching his Chateaubriand by candlelight—but alone.

Should the smoke be dispersed by sheer chemistry, this combination has the potential of the ideal duo. Both share the same value system, sense of romance, and materialistic attitudes. When she invites him to dinner, he gasps at the salmon mousse, sighs at the year of the Pouilly Fuisse, and moans with delight over the baked Alaska. In turn, he nourishes her femininity with fresh flowers and remembers to tell her that she looks beautiful by candlelight. She is enraptured by his romantic anachronisms,

and he is in love because she is enraptured. If, at some point, both manage to annihilate their ego problems before each other, Leo and Leo could easily share a most happy marriage.

Her glamour makes him look good, so he grins good-naturedly when she displays her third new fur (and it's only September). As a husband, he is strong, successful, and supportive. And aside from her eighteen hours at the office (where she runs a million-dollar corporation), she devotes her entire time to him. Apart from his more dolorous moments alone with a half-frozen TV dinner and the notes for his new novel, called Divorce, he is truly happy. It has taken him a long time to penetrate her veneer, and what he has found are his own frailties. Now when they fight about who knows more about the art of gravestone rubbing, he is sly enough to change the subject before the chandelier breaks.

Leo Woman with Aries Man

It's nothing less than love at first sight when he dashes aggressively to your side to retrieve the appointment book you deliberately dropped. He's quick to pick up your cues. And complimentary—especially when you let your eyes drift. He adores the challenge of winning you, and your flirtations give him many challenges. The problem is that his flirtations give you indigestion. You can't imagine why he would even consider glancing at that blond slinking by, when you are right there. If he knew enough, he would be blinded. After all, when he's with you, it's theater, not a circus.

Between you there is warmth, passion, and much mutual admiration. He's one of the few men who can get away with telling you what to do. He knows it, and this excites him even more. He is enthralled by your energy and enthusiasm, and respects your independence and ambition. Your warmth and support spur him on to further far-reaching goals.

You both understand each other's fiery nature and tend to remain cool while the other is momentarily combusting. Grudges never pollute the air, because you both feel free about your anger. That is fortunate, since most other signs would lock themselves in a closet at what you cheerfully refer to as a temper flareup.

Sexually, you are highly compatible, except that he is

impulsive, while you are calculating. Everything must be canceled when you don't look your best; if the scales | should show an extra pound, there is no alternative but to tell him you've contracted mononucleosis. Admittedly, things can get pretty embarrassing if he shows up with a dozen daffodils—and his doctor. Aries can be most gallant crusaders.

He is honest, whereas you are a game-player. Most of the time he never catches on to your manipulations. If he did, he would probably think you're crazy. His inherent spontaneity will never allow him to understand why you compulsively calculate consequences. He believes in the here and now, while you tend to focus on the future. You don't want to play unless you have control; he wants to play just to play.

This is a man who can make the muscles of your heart move, and you are a woman who can make his stop dead. Between you there is much excitement, communication, and kisses, not to mention a few airborne objects. My suggestion is: for these tender disagreements, stock up on paper plates.

Leo Woman with Taurus Man

This is definitely not a match made in heaven, as you both have a will that could topple a redwood tree. He is stubborn and rigid; you are defiant and stubborn. Combined, these inharmonious qualities can spell explosion.

He is Mr. Stay-at-home, while you walk holes in the floor if you can't get out. You like the drama and excitement of life; he is content with the eleven-o'clock news.

It is not unlikely that he outdoes you in the kitchen, a quality you appreciate, since you never considered it a divine privilege to have to cook. Yet, when he's slaved for hours over the stove to create a ten-course meal, and you dawdle over the asparagus because you're dieting, the "dinner" can become decidedly cold.

He tends to get into ruts, while you compulsively create change. He can replay one record more frequently than a Buddhist meditating on a mantra while you yawn and want to throw the thing away after the third time.

He has a nervous strain dealing with your independence, and you delight in ignoring his reactions to your

need for freedom. Your drive for power can make him feel impotent; his desire to possess your spirit can make you feel hostile. He sulks during and after your flirtations, and you've forgotten them the minute after you've fled. Days after, he is still not speaking. You shrug your shoulders and seek attention elsewhere, as he exits in a state of violence.

He delights in saving money, while you save your sanity by spending it. He faints when he sees that you've spent fifteen dollars on lip gloss, while you lick your lips and smile because you love to startle his conservative sensibilities. Mutually, there is passion, but after a while he finds you a nemesis to his earthly nature. You consider sex an unnatural act if you don't look and smell like perfection. His animal sensuality is offended by your preoccupation with appearance. Your inner attitude is that love is not worth living if you have to reveal your "naked" self.

Because of this, he sees you as a mask of pretense, yet one that is undeniably seductive. He berates you because you'd rather be a Vogue cover girl than Jane of the Jungle. You berate him because his sense of sophistication is not startling, his sensuality is so earthy that it's degrading, and his stomach is slowly creeping over his belt.

What even brings you two together? Your glamorous appearance appeals to his ruler, Venus, while his sense of stability insinuates its way into your soul. He is a man you can depend on; you are a woman who makes him look good. Whether this spells love depends on how many times in one week he cooks boeuf a la bourguignonne, serving it each time as if it were the first, and how often you flirt with his friends, forget to devour his cooking, and fight to reapply your blusher when he wants to make love. As to the outcome of this strange and stormy combination, even the stars wearily abdicate all responsibility.

Leo Woman with Gemini Man

He'll charm his way in and out of your life so fast you'll forget you ever knew him. Should he stick around, he won't woo you with romantic notions, be on time for the wedding, or remember your first name. His charisma comes from the fact that he's so clever. His hang-up is that emotionally he's a fool.

This man is friendly but very fickle. His attention goes faster than a speeding bullet, and his thoughts move

like the second column on a digital clock. He's bored unless you beat him at being amusing, which can be a little exhausting unless you were trained for the entertainment business. If you're fast enough, you might fascinate him for an hour. But be careful that he doesn't wander away while you still have your mouth open.

Your beauty may attract him but not detain him. What he is most interested in is a plethora of personalities that flash across his attention span like a kaleidoscope. To keep him around, you have to game-play and switch roles so swiftly that even you may forget who you are. If you are an Academy Award-caliber actress, you may have him around for a lifetime. The question is, do you really want him?

This man must respect your mind, since he never realizes you have emotions. From the perspective of your ego needs, he is maddening, madcap, and monstrous to handle. When you lose your temper, he laughs, and when you cry, he tells you you're not using your logic. What he casually considers early, even you call unbearably late. In social situations he flirts enough for the two of you, which makes you furious, because you're so busy watching him that you forget about the other men. When you flirt to get his attention, he never seems to notice. Or worse, if he does, he may mumble in your ear, "Not bad."

It may certainly seem that this man has no feelings. The fact is that his feelings change so fast that he's forgotten he's had them. Unless you can also forget that you have yours, do yourself a favor, and instead, forget him.

Leo Woman with Cancer Man

Though he loves romantic games, Mr. Cancer is soon a victim of his own emotions. He has called you twelve times a day for 12 days and you're always busy. On the first call, he's casually interested; by the sixth he is merely impassioned; by the ninth, he feverishly abandons all control; but by the thirteenth, he can no longer think and mutters to himself about suicide from overeating.

For even your Leo sensibilities, his histrionics are indecently excessive. At his most dramatic, Cancer is dark, brooding, and could easily upstage Hamlet. But when his affections are unappeased, he melts into melancholy and the defiant doldrums. He tries to get your attention by not speaking or calling, and with relief, you surmise that he's

finally found some self-respect. With discipline, he prolongs his confinement long past a decent convalescence, since he wants to make you suffer even more from his silence. And when he finds that he can no longer stand it, his clammy fingers feel their way to the phone. Assuming his man-in-complete-control look, Cancer casually invites you to Acapulco for the weekend. Cheerfully, you tell him you have to wash your hair. Gulping to keep his voice from cracking, he invites you to a play, midnight dancing, Sunday brunch, and a late-afternoon double feature seven weekends from next Saturday. Graciously, you claim that you're cleaning your closets. Hyperventilating, and fingering his lower lip, he queries if you're busy on the Saturday after Christmas. (At the moment, it happens to be July.) Yes, you reply, as a matter of fact, you're getting married.

Only if your love life has been less exciting than Sunday morning at a convent can you cajole yourself into considering Mr. Cancer. Chances are that during the weeks of sedulous wooing, his supersensitivity will start to strangle your nerve endings. He finds you cold, abrupt, bossy, and intimidating. You find his moods a constant irritant, and vengefully frolic with his feelings.

However, at the same time, his cloying attentions energize your rapacious ego, and your lack of attention energizes his need to suffer. But when the high drama gets so tedious that you beg him to write a new script, the mind's light flashes that this poor excuse for love is not even a solution to isolation, Life must offer more than this, you crossly mumble. So does a sojourn in solitary confinement.

Leo Woman with Virgo Man

Despite his bad press as a nit-picking crab who brushes dandruff off your back collar, the Virgo man is really not as bad as he sounds. If he was born between eight and nine o'clock or between four and five o'clock in the morning, there is a good chance that you might find this relationship a stimulating one. However, if he was born between six and seven a.m. and has Virgo rising, this association will not register even long enough for you to forget it.

If you are the more Aquarian kind of Leo, being more cerebral, detached, intellectual, and interested in


your surroundings as much as in yourself, this will be a distinct advantage in any relationship with a Virgo man.

He is shy, studious, cautious, introverted, and analytical. He loves order and has more systems than an overwrought accountant. His underwear drawer looks like it just came back from the dry cleaner; his desk, as if he never worked there; and the contents of his freezer, like a pop-art exhibition. He is mystified at what you consider organization, while you silently lapse into shock at his tedious ceremonies.

You live in a social flurry of dinners, parties, theater, brunches, and ballet. He would rather read about them than live them. The cold constrictions of his logic elude you; the lack of feeling in your histrionics leaves him distraught. Chances are, the night before the maid comes, he pulls an all-nighter to clean his apartment. You stay up to dirty yours. He makes you nervous when he checks the dust in the corners, looks under your bed, and stares intently at a hangnail you were trying to conceal by keeping your hands in your pockets. On a day when you feel your most attractive, he'll lean over and whisper in your ear. You anticipate the words "I love you. I need you. I can't live without you. Come away with me or I'll kill myself." Wrong script He's telling you your coat should be cleaned.

You share springtime as your favorite season. To you it means sunshine, romance, suntans, and sensuous nights of scandalous pleasure. To him it means spring cleaning.

Of all the signs in the zodiac, you are least likely to be an inspiration to his mental health. Your temper makes his stomach twinge and his nerves shudder. Too often, he angrily acquiesces with your wishes to spare himself the tortures of your silences. But since you instantaneously lose respect for any man you can bully, his high-priced agreements only leave you cold and dissatisfied. Alas! While he is the one reputed to be critical, you are the one who can never be pleased. Whatever he does, it barely passes your standards. And no matter how you try to meet his mind, there is always something missing. It's called excitement.

Yet Mr. Virgo is kind, loyal, and faithful. But unless

he has Libra or Leo rising and shares your sense of drama and extravagance, intervals of ennui may be the price you have to pay for such stability.

His routines may bring you to a state of terminal boredom, but his consideration creeps into your heart. Mad and mindless passion is not a likely outcome from this coupling. More than likely this is because he spends all his time in the-bathroom. However, if you should be creative enough to hide the toothpaste at bedtime, who knows what can come of it?

Leo Woman with Libra Man

He'll compliment your clothing, send you seventeen valentines, and learn to make love without smudging your makeup. This is the man who invented romance, so don't be surprised when you receive tender telegrams at ten p.m. and roses with champagne at midnight.

You share his love for the ballet, Baroque music, and books that no one else has heard of. You both love luxury, have a strong sense of beauty, and take Sweet 'n' Low on your grapefruit.

On gauzy evenings you dine amid the splendor of fine crystal, piano strains, and peonies. And on cold winter nights it's a roaring fire, fine brandy, and quiet talk.

Yes, life with Mr. Libra can be more than lovely. But only if you hold your breath and smile a lot. To say the least, he is terrified of your temper, and those stormy scenes startle his soul right out of his body. To maintain peace at all costs is his pastime. Never before have you considered it yours. Suddenly, there may be a lot you have to reconsider. Mr. Libra does not at all like to suffer, and in the heat of your temper can easily disappear as quickly as he came in.

If you behave, and he is the mature type, this could be a lasting union. However, the more youthful Libran is often a slave to his sense of beauty, and incapable of any monogamous commitment. It is true that he feels most fulfilled with a partner, but in a lifetime he is capable of having even more than many.

Here jealousy is your obvious nemesis, and agonizing insecurity falls on its footsteps. You feel like you're a contestant in the Miss America contest and wonder if you'll make the finals or be coldly eliminated as "Miss

Talent." This kind of competition was never your forte, and this kind of man is never worth the waiting. Go home and think it over. Do you want it to be excitement through sharing, or are you willing to settle for a bathing-suit contest? Remember that your choice is nothing more than what you'll get.

Leo Woman with Scorpio Man

If your ascendant, the moon, or Venus is in water, and even better, in Scorpio, this combination spells sexual Sturm und Drang. Here, my dear, is the drama that you dreamed of, but the question is, how long can you stand it?

This vibration is passion personified. Exciting, yes. But as the emotions condense into steam heat, just stand back and watch your sanity go up in smoke.

If there are no water signs prominent in your chart, this encounter will start off like a lusty Italian movie and terminate like a French film where nothing really happens and even the characters are so bored that they walk away.

He is an enigma, even to himself. But if you have Scorpio strong in your chart, emotionally you'll understand him, because you'll be starting from the same place —total obscurity. The key to this man is that he talks in code: "I like your ambition; there's a great project I think we could collaborate on." Meaning: "I know you don't want to waste any time either, so let's roll down the sheets." Code: "I'm really angry!" Meaning: "I'm hurt, but won't realize it until two weeks from next Sunday." Code: "I'm really hurt." Meaning: "Now I've got you!" Code: Silence. Meaning: 1. What did she really mean by that, and why? 2. In ten seconds, two hands will be wrapped around your throat. 9, 8, 7, 6 ...

His code is not something he consciously creates every midnight for the next day of communication. Mr. Scorpio is complex, and as strange, bizarre, and peculiar as it may be, that's the way his mind works. In college, he probably failed all of his multiple-choice tests because he tried to read three answers to each of the questions, and after a while got so dizzy that he passed out. In his mind, nothing is simple: black is a darker shade of gray; a murderer is a saint who forgot his good intentions; a schizophrenic is a psychiatrist who asserts his insanity.

Comedies make him want to cry. Melodramas make him chuckle, since an awareness of the absurd saturates his soul. At his most entertaining, he has a trenchant sense of humor that causes you to smile unexpectedly as you shudder. At his most boring, he ventures nothing, stares at a point beyond your head, and retreats within the conversational framework of yes or no. Alas, you have caught him in a murky little mood. Although he still doesn't know it, it will pass. And perhaps, at this point, so should you.

Mr. Scorpio is not an easy one to love. Since he communicates in convolutions of thought and feeling, feeling through thought, feeling plus feeling, then thinking plus thinking, because it's easier than feeling, he gets himself hopelessly confused about what is really what.

At your most powerful, you're only playing with a few parts of him—until he decides that he desires all. Then watch out for the Old Inscrutable. His sense of power tells him he must be impervious to pain. Since he knows he never is, he has you under constant surveillance with ubiquitous eyes that see around corners.

Mr. Scorpio is wildly jealous, so you can just forget all your little flirtations. But alas! your consuming sense of drama will probably drive him until he's in the wrong direction. Then watch out! This man is a mold of emotional extremes, and aimless anger is not his style. He can go from cold control to violence, and back again in ten seconds. That's when it's over and you're out. It doesn't take him three strikes to see what he can't trust.

Sexually, he is a turn-on, but emotionally he can appear turned off. Old friends swear that he is of the most intense sort, yet he's often so self-absorbed that you'd rather find someone shallow. Chances are, he'll demand your total attention, dominate you with your own frailties, compliment you only on special occasions, and possess you in a kind of steaming sensuality. He is a pro at the game of power, and in this one you have no hope of winning. His rule is control at all costs. You know it well; because it's also yours—but this time you're the slave. You've always fantasized about someone strong enough to fearlessly force you about. Congratulations, you've got him. And now that that's over, you think you'll be going.

Leo Woman with Sagittarius Man

You are like putty in his hands, and he can't help but know it. From your face, the smiles and laughter never stop—even when he's not saying anything.

His is a world where humor frames an underlying philosophy: optimism. You cherish it and want to put him in a golden box for rainy days. The problem is that he must keep moving—and sorrowfully, sometimes the movement is out of your life.

He is the traveler of the zodiac, an adventurer ad infinitum, and his terrain usually transcends your control. But for once, you choose not to make this a problem. In his presence, you are delighted past your wildest probabilities. This is excitement, so a little sacrifice of the ego needs can easily slip past your control tower.

He is so good-natured that you accuse him of being from another planet. You are so glamorous that at first he thinks you're a gift from the gods. From there—if you can make it camping in hurricane country in the middle of a midsummer rush of rattlesnakes—you're on the way. At that point, when the brute forces of nature intercede and make marshmallow of your granite will, you're more than glad that one of you can still summon a sense of humor. And any deaf, dumb, and blind intruder could swear it isn't you.

You've always wanted to rub twigs together in forty degrees of wind, rain, and sleet, wearing clothes fit for ninety degrees in the shade. And as you grind your teeth in time with the saturated sticks, you wonder aloud if even ballooning in New Jersey over a field of burning matches might not be better. Then, just as you're reinstated in your cherished creature comforts, having wrenched all of the pine cones out of your hair and having found a makeup to mask the mosquito bites on your nose, it's ever onward to shoot the rapids. And on the way, a little skydiving to send the blood back to the brain.

On and on—but that's not the worst. Mr. Sagittarius is a flighty individual who blanches and balks at the sheer idea of even suggested restrictions. It's freedom that encompasses the most fortunate of men, he preaches, before jaunting to a tropical island with an Olympic swimming star who looks more like a Swedish sex goddess.

He told you that he'd be back on Sunday. He ar-

rives three Fridays later—suntanned and smiling. Should you tell him to kiss off because you'd rather clean your apartment?

It all depends on your degree of control. With enough strength and stamina, anyone who's drifted higher than the heights should be able to acclimate to the sendentary side of daily living. Well, most anyone—but not you, Leo. Good luck in the Himalayas.