Like no other sign, you obsess about what other people think of you and brood about rejection before it even happens. At moments you are defensive and hostile. At others, morose and whiny.
Some very basic and sound advice: the less time you spend thinking about yourself, the better. Make sure that your time is well planned, and keep yourself too busy to begin brooding.
Another suggestion: involve yourself more with other people. Get yourself into the position of being the support to others that you so seek for yourself, and a deep sense of well-being will come back to you. Libras are notorious for being self-obsessed. However, when you live your life from this perspective, every little problem becomes a major issue and takes on a dimension of importance that is totally out of proportion.
The quickest way to strengthen yourself is to gain distance from yourself. When you gain a perspective from which you can watch your thoughts and your actions objectively, then you will be less passive to your own life and more willing to take responsibility for what occurs within it.
Finally, on those gloomy days when nothing seems to work and you start to feel like you're the only person in the world who has problems, try to remember this ancient Chinese aphorism: "While I pitied myself because I had no shoes, I met a man who had no feet."
Libra with Libra
Together you are a dreamy-eyed pair in love with love and each other. You are the creators of the coziest
love nest, replete with those sybaritic luxuries that make life more than divine.
On blustery winter evenings you snuggle up in front of a brilliant fire and murmur love secrets.
Lazy summer afternoons see you sleeping in the sun —of course, together! Later, you sit, sun-baked but blissful, holding hands through the waning dusk, slowly sipping Singapore Slings, and getting high on each other.
Every sentence begins with "we" and trails off into mid-fantasy. Your dreams nurture you during the daytime when you have to be apart. Your thoughts are like drugs that you depend on. They take you anywhere you want to go. And you want to go a lot of places.
Libra with Libra means no limits on romanticism. You have a ticket for the heavens, and they reach out to you as you make love. However, it may take months for the marriage to be consummated, since neither of you enjoys making that first move.
Libra Woman with Aries Man
You will make his life a beautiful place to live in, and he will give you the romantic excitement you so need. At dinner, you'll drown him in the mellifluous tones of Mozart, as well as in his favorite vintage of Pouilly Fuisse.
He will feel like a sultan as he sits in the lap of loving luxuries. He will sweep you off your feet and leave you feeling shaky but blissful. Sexually, he will take you by storm and give you strings of sleepless nights that you'll come to count on, and his unbridled passions will take you places you've never been before. However, it's where you feel you're going that you worry about.
All that startling surface romanticism is fantastic for a great beginning. But you need much more than that, since you are not a one-night woman. Rather, you are the prototype of the marrying kind. But that's all right, because you certainly can be a good one.
You have patience, sophistication, dignity, and gra-ciousness. You are also sensitive, kind, and can see two sides of every issue. You can put up with his temper, even if you have to put your head under a pillow. And you can endure his selfishness if you know that there really is some love underneath it. You will rationalize his shortcomings and the fact that he always seems to interrupt you when
you're going to say something. And you will understand his ego needs even if they make you grind your teeth in another room.
Your approach is more quiet than he normally likes, since he appreciates the kind of woman who will have herself shot out of a cannon just to get his attention. He also likes a woman who knows how to make demands, while you tend to be silent and accepting.
Once he realizes that his "challenges" are getting repetitive and that each new face seems to look like the old one, then he may be ready to settle down. However, he will definitely shock himself when he sees that he's starting to live for those quiet moments, when caring is far more meaningful than cavorting.
Libra Woman with Taurus Man
This could be romance at second sight. You have the sense of beauty he so admires, and he has the money to buy the beauty you so desire.
Emotionally, you are so up and down that you'll fall in love with him mostly because he never gets depressed. He is a force of stability, while you are wishy-washy. You are an ethereal romantic, and he is a practical idealist.
He'll take care of your moods by buying you trinkets and smothering you with love. You'll satisfy his sybaritic desires by cooking him such a delectable dinner that it sends him into a swoon.
He'll give you so much attention that you'll stop sulking and whining. You'll conjure such creature comforts for him that he'll never be the same.
You need someone with strong arms, and he is just the person who can imprison you. At the same time, he needs a woman who knows how to lean.
Your affair together will have the romance of a 1940's movie, redone for color television. And your marriage will consist of those tender moments of which only advertising knows for sure.
Libra Woman with Gemini Man
Superficially, you seem to have the kind of love at which strangers marvel. However, what happens beneath the surface is something else altogether.
You need loads of emotional support, and he's like a matchstick to lean on. You are basically so insecure that you marvel at how your own mother loves you, and he is a constant reinforcement to your lack of assurance. You are romantic, sentimental, and are waiting for a kind of Cary Grant to just carry you away, while he is about as romantic as Joe Namath during an autumn workout.
At first, you are charmed by his sense of humor. However, when you realize how much you suffer for it, it has a way of losing its appeal.
He considers you gracious, charming, and well-mannered, but, on closer inspection, so dependent that after a while he feels like he's been drafted. You'll love his quick lines; he'll appreciate your creativity. He'll keep you laughing all the way to the church, but when he doesn't show up, suddenly everything ceases to be funny.
More than anything else, you are looking for a dependable kind of man who takes you seriously. So, unless he is either very highly evolved or has just had a prefrontal lobotomy, this relationship needs a lot of work before it can be considered a workable one.
Libra Woman with Cancer Man
He'll give you all the attention you so crave and delight in creating those cozy stay-at-home evenings you truly love. During dinner parties he'll definitely help you cook and will probably originate a few gustatorial delights of his own.
However, he will question why you had to spend close to a thousand dollars on stemware, and why you needed a new pair of two-hundred-dollar boots when last year's still look perfectly new.
There will be moments when his moodiness will make you morose. But not enough to take away from the general experience of joy you can have just being together.
He will tell you how attractive you are at least five times a week, lose a little sleep when you get the sniffles, and help you rearrange the furniture on rainy Sundays. After a hard day, you won't have to ask him to hold you, and during one of your "down" days you can expect him to sympathize with your dreary emotions.
He is sensitive, kind, caring, and deeply feeling. Even if he has cut off from his emotions in an attempt to ob-
viate vulnerability, you can help restore his emotional balance. Basically, he wants a woman he can be secure with, and you want the same, plus the pleasures of shared experience. Together, you could create a romance of which only dreams are made. And with all of your Libra charm, it's an easy task to transform a dream into the most romantic kind of reality.
Libra Woman with Leo Man
You want a companion; he wants a face that belongs in a couturier's catalog. If you have Venus on the ascendant, nice going—for him. He'll get the beauty of which he can boast. You'll get enough baubles to keep your mouth shut and make you think you're getting a lover.
You've always wanted a caretaker, and he's always wanted the power he feels from taking care. You are submissive, you smile a lot, and you settle for whatever makes him happy. And since it's exactly this kind of behavior that makes him happy, you could be the woman of his dreams—if only he were stimulated by your temperament.
But since he can't have everything and knows he's got to grab what he needs, he'll marry you at twenty, and then at forty he'll daydream a lot. You'll still be smiling—and wearing so much jewelry you won't be able to walk. All the better, since you're his possession, which means you had just better hang out close to home or else his temper will make you break out in acne.
You are so terrified of his anger fits that you shudder a lot and watch his eyes for the early signals. Although these periods have given you a phobia, they also keep you in good physical shape, since you do a lot of room-to-room running.
You are truly invaluable, since you have never learned you can make demands. In a mewling tone, you tenderly negotiate and usually settle for what you had before you began negotiating. Therefore, if one meets you at forty and asks you if you're happy, you'll stare back blankly and murmur that he works a lot. He does. You're not getting any younger, and he's got to keep you in plastic surgeons.
Beyond a doubt, you are the most pleasant woman with whom he could spend a lifetime. You do what you're told, you enhance his self-image, and you consider it a
treat when you get to share his spare time. The only bad part is that you bore him past the point of death. But then, life and death are so relative and philosophic. What really matters to him is the fundamentals—constant compliments. Because of you, they keep coming. So perhaps he should carry a cassette and just fantasize for the rest of his needs.
Libra Woman with Virgo Man
There is a kind of substance to this man that is truly attractive. You will admire the way he never agonizes over decisions, but sees every issue as cut-and-dried. You will be overwhelmed by his discipline in the face of distracting influences. And you will have respect for the way he does what he feels he has to do, without making a big deal about it.
However, should he start nagging you about the way you wash the dishes, and start giving you a dissertation about how you should improve your dental habits, suddenly you find that you can barely stifle a yawn.
In general, he will enjoy your savoir faire, your domestic graciousness, and your sophisticated appreciation of beautiful things. However, he'll let you know that the way you handle your money is monstrous and that you have to be demented to pay three hundred dollars for a simple linen tablecloth, even if it was imported.
He will have a hard time getting into accord with your love of luxury and will never comprehend why, when you're depressed, you have to pay thirty dollars to get your legs waxed. Instead, he'll tell you to take a course in mental and emotional discipline that is offered on television at 5:30 a.m.
Despite any kind of compatibility that can be achieved here, there will always be communication gaps that have to be carefully worked out. However, since you can see both sides of any question, and his understanding is a bit more restricted, the responsibility is really on your shoulders. In the long run, you may find that a little work time invested in this relationship could be well worth it. Mr. Virgo is not a game player. He is kind, loving, and considerate. However, it's up to you whether he is also receptive to change.
Libra Woman with Scorpio Man
You'll give him a sense of balance, and in return he'll give you a taste of intense love. You have a special sense of the beautiful and can create a setting of the most seductive creature comforts.
He'll appreciate your good sense of humor and the fact that you are airy and easy to be with. You'll detoxify his murky moods and fill his life with the little loving acts that take his heart away.
You are sentimental and romantic. However, with him you'll have time to die and be reborn waiting for a little love murmur. You fantasize about the day when he'll bring you flowers, but if you search his pockets for a trinket, all you'll find is a corporate financial statement.
You are so dependent that you hate to even go to the bathroom alone. And he is so independent that he can't understand your dependency. You are open and want to share every part of your life. He is closed and wants to share only selected moments.
You are sensual and loving, while he is sexual and possessive. Despite your faults, you are everything he wants and needs.
The question is whether he is everything you want and need. But since your needs overtake your desires, you'll be able to settle and make yourself enjoy it.
Libra Woman with Sagittarius Man
He is truly cute, charming, witty, and lovable. However, how long you can tolerate his terrible table manners is quite another matter.
He's like Dennis the Menace breaking into adolescence. And that's a heavy load for a lady who favors maturity,-sophistication, and graciousness. He has about as much savoir faire as a forest ranger. He burps in public, makes animal noises when he swallows, and wears a T-shirt and combat boots to your most elegant dinner party.
Mr. Sagittarius is a most spontaneous guy who likes to be left alone to do his thing and to tread about au naturel. He is a law unto himself, and written into that law is a clause that forbids a deep sense of responsibility. He has the most adventurous ideas, but when it comes to carrying them out, he is like a child looking at his first
Christmas tree, and the next moment, all the toys under it are broken.
If you take him at his word, you may find that you'll be waiting a lifetime. His memory is conveniently short, and so are his relationships. He sees women as a kind of entertainment that is almost as good as a great western. He'll give you his entire attention for the part that's fun. But if you need a man who's willing to be a responsible friend as well as a lover, Mr. Sagittarius is not to be considered even in your most desperate flights of fancy. Instead, think of him as an outlandish escort who is truly amusing, but certainly not a romantic stopping place.
Libra Woman with Capricorn Man
Deep down inside, both of you are insecure. However, he has a much stronger personality and a tendency to be controlling. At first, you may feel it's splendid to be so loved; however, later on, you have to admit that he is truly bossy.
He is that tree you can lean on, but the harder you lean, the greater the price. At his most primitive self, he is the outrageous kind of male chauvinist who will tell you what to eat, when to cross the street, and what to cook to keep him happy. He'll reorganize your life, inform you how to live it, and pat you warmly on the head while he points out your feminine foolishness.
The price he exacts for being so nurturing is total subservience and filial devotion. Fundamentally, he likes to play Daddy and have you be the giggling little girl. That means you must obey him, because he knows what's right for you better than you know it, and of course, that's what's right for himself. (However, don't expect to understand this part, because he'll tell you that it's all beyond you.)
If you do as he says and don't give him any lip, he'll refer to you as a "good woman." But then, with him breathing over your shoulder, when would you get the opportunity to be bad?
Whatever he does, Mr. Capricorn means well. However, his level of awareness is as advanced as that of the gorilla who grunts and beats his chest to get the female to favor his wishes. He is typically the kind of person to exit from a self-awareness seminar feeling sorry for those other people with the problems.
If you happen to favor a man who is seeking to transform a woman into a Jane of the Jungle with a severe speech impediment to prevent any back talk, this is most definitely the man for you. What you will get in return for such subjugation is the security that he loves you. But with love like this, you might as well work in a geriatric clinic. There, at least, after a hard day on your feet, you know the people will go to bed early. However, Mr. Capricorn likes to stay up late to tell you how much you need him, and to give you midnight reminders of your orders for the next day. After all, he doesn't want you to forget what you're supposed to do, because then he'll have to gentle berate you for your bad memory. And you're just too good a woman for him to make you feel bad.
Libra Woman with Aquarius Man
Any way you look at it, he's a little strange and eccentric, but also kind and very understanding. However, the difference here is that he hangs out in his head, while you tend to get stuck in your heart.
You'll meet him at a party, where he seems to be talking to everyone at once and then drifts off into a corner to observe for a while. He is a people person, and in a small amount of time loves to touch as many lives as possible.
He comes alive in a crowd, while you are tantalized by an intimate tete-a-tete. He is detached and warmly impersonal, while you are terribly attached and personalize the world with which you come in contact.
This man is definitely loving, but not necessarily in the way you think you need it. He can be loyal, devoted, and most delightful; however, he needs his space. At the same time, you have a way of feeling insecure when the person you love would rather be by himself than with you. And you tend to need the kind of attentions that Mr. Aquarius might not always be around to give.
You feel a need for shared experience, but Mr. Aquarius needs the feeling of being free. That does not mean that he will abandon you because he's found someone better. Rather, he needs to spend a day in solitude, falling in love with his astronomy equipment, or he wants to attend a seminar on quadraphonic amplifiers—alone.
If you can discipline yourself to enjoy your own company, there need not be a problem. Mr. Aquarius
needs a woman he feels is an equal in terms of developed individuality. He'll be your best friend, and help you with all your problems, but when you start treating him like a pillow, then suddenly the fun ends. Mr. Aquarius is a man who is warm, human, but also self-reliant and eager for new experience. If you can develop the same attitude, there are no limits to this relationship. But if you want a man who is more a cushion than a thinking being, you'd be better off walking on by him without any expectations.
Libra Woman with Pisces Man
He's a sentimentalist who will send you soaring past the limits of your logic. He will make you feel like you're the first woman he's ever wooed, and the only one he ever wants to. Together you will enter into a dreamlike existence where love becomes a drug more debilitating than the fruits of the poppy.
However, one day you may wake up from your romantic interlude to note that you are lying next to a man who is weaker than you are. At this point, you may slowly break out in an aggravated case of acne as you try to decide what to do for the next lively episode.
You are an open person who loves to communicate about feelings. However, except for a few effusive rhapsodies about the way he feels when the light shines on your pupils, Mr. Pisces is for the most part closed. You have a reverent attitude toward your own emotions; he would rather keep his in the closet. You love shared experience, but there are only limited portions of himself he is willing to share. He exists pretty much in the vault of his subconscious fantasies, while you can spend a lifetime trying to make your daydreams become real.
Emotionally, you both might be coming from similar places. However, how you approach life is different enough to create frictions of the minor sort. You want a man you can lean on. Mr. Pisces wants the same, but in a woman. Lean on him, and the two of you will topple over. However, if you feel you are willing to bypass the emotional brace to get to the companionship, and you don't mind enduring a regular assortment of murky moods, give it a try. You may end up with a bad back, because he can really be a heavy load, but whatever makes you happy is worth a little physical sacrifice.
Libra Man with Aries Woman
You'll drive her to a point just short of sheer insanity, because you're so indecisive. And she'll make you both nervous and depressed as she injures your self-esteem.
She is not an easy woman for you to contend with. She's so hot-tempered that at times she terrifies you, while you're so subtle that you make her lose her patience.
At first you were drawn to her—like a lamb scampering toward a butcher. However, after a few shaky scenes, when you decided she was even worse than your mother, even the fact that she was famous could no longer hold her to you.
She wants a man who will announce to the gods that he's never been so in love. If you attempt this, though, the original feelings probably won't last long. It is far more likely that she will torment you to just say something, and what you will say is that you really don't know what to say. While she's waiting impatiently for you to scream that you would die for her, instead you will mutter morosely that you have no idea what you feel. At which point she shouts, "Speak up!" because she's suddenly convinced herself she's hard of hearing.
Undoubtedly, the most romantic statement you'll make to her after the initial novelty wears off is that you don't not want her and that she's a really nice person. "Now, that's not true!" she shouts, with enough force to kill you. She hates being called "nice." It sounds as innocuous as being crippled.
Together, you are great for that blistering romance that lasts about five days, or as long as a package vacation to Puerto Rico. What happens after that time is a truly uprooting experience that you never would want to face sober. So it might be best to just drink up as you travel fast in totally divergent directions.
Libra Man with Taurus Woman
She'll think she's "in" when you begin all your sentences with "we." However, she should listen longer. There's a lot more for the hearing, like the little words "I love you." But she should not be surprised if she finds herself smoking, eating, waiting, and listening... •
Basically, you want to hear bells ring, while she's content to sacrifice the sound effects for some silence on solid ground. However, with you she'll only be treading in the cracks. You are not the one to lean on; nor are you the one to allay her insecurities. On the contrary, you may both confirm and create them.
You are a ladies' man, while she is a one-man lady. She'll demand to know if you're coming or going, and you've never considered the question, since you're usually stuck in between.
You'll love the way she takes care of you when you're sick, cooks for you when you're hungry, and cleans for you when you're lazy. However, when Saturday night comes and she finds herself alone and caressing the phone, she shouldn't start telling herself you're seeing your mother.
If she invites you over for Sunday brunch (that she's stayed up all night to prepare) and asks you what you were doing on Saturday, you'll smile in a friendly sort of way and tell her you took your fiancee to dinner.
One thing that can certainly be said about you is that you are honest. As a matter of fact, you have the kind of candor that kills. You'll inform her why you could never love her and share with her what it was that you were looking for and found in another woman. If she's smart, she'll tell you to look for the door. If it's cooking for another person that she's really into, she could get more ultimate appreciation from opening a catering service.
Libra Man with Gemini Woman
She'll adore the fact that you're romantic but not suffocating. You're intrigued with the fact that she's so clever that she always seems to call your next move.
You'll bring her violets and drown her in champagne cocktails when she feels crabby. She'll make you laugh like a fool in those murky moments when you no longer love yourself. When you're around her, lots of nitty-gritty nonsense no longer seems to matter. When she's around you, your tender little attentions start to get addictive.
You both love people, parties, the idea of midnight rendezvous, and the kinds of amusements that have the invincible luster of the first time.
You want a woman who will be your soulmate. She's
never considered such a thing, yet she's always willing to try something new.
Once you know you want her, you'll go a-wooing with a book of double crostics, the best of H. L. Mencken, and a collection of the wit and wisdom of Oscar Wilde. And that is one package compelling enough to make her stop talking for at least five minutes.
No matter how sophisticated you are, there's a part of you that's like a shy, unsure little boy. At your best, you're irresistible. At her best, she's a one-woman show. You can give each other gaiety, laughter, inspiration, and the creative urge to go ahead and conquer the world. It's been waiting too long for such talented teamwork. Even at dinner, you can be the greatest couple since Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The only difference is that you'll play the violin and she'll supply the lines to make you look like Liberace.
Libra Man with Cancer Woman
Not only will she give you all the attentions of Mother, she'll throw in a few more. However, after she has poured herself out to you endlessly, and all you have said to her is that you can't decide what you want in a woman, it should be a running good-bye. But, unfortunately, she'll just hang around for a few more of these tender emotional scenes.
You consider yourself to be a person with feelings. You are, but unfortunately they're mostly for yourself. When you kiss her, you want to hear Rhapsody in Blue, but instead, all you hear is her whistling tea kettle. But please don't get too put out. Stop and realize that the tea is for you.
She needs to be smothered in love, while you need to sit back and think about it. Therefore, at times, when she barricades the door with her body, you feel a bit too confined for your liking. She'll send you little cards to remind you she's still living (as if you could forget, because she calls you every day). Finally, the agonizing time will come when you must confront her with the truth: you have to hear bells ring. At this point, she'll get up and lean on her doorbell. Slowly, you shake your head. She offers to carry cymbals.
It takes a lot for this woman to realize that it's really
over. But it takes even more for you to realize that it's even begun. The emotional timing here is so bad that it would probably take more than a lifetime for both of you to get it together. First, it might be helpful if you both die and get reborn into another sign.
Libra Man with Leo Woman
You'll compliment her clothing, send her seventeen valentines, and learn to make love without smudging her lip gloss. She'll consider you the man who invented romance. Therefore, she won't be surprised when she receives tender telegrams at ten p.m. and roses with champagne at midnight.
She will share your love for the ballet, baroque music, and books that no one else has heard of. You both love luxury, have a strong sense of beauty, and take Sweet 'n' Low on your grapefruit.
On gauzy evenings you dine in the splendor of fine crystal, piano strains, and flowers. And on cold winter nights, it's a roaring fire, cognac, and quiet talk.
Yes, life with you can be more than lovely. But only if she holds her breath and smiles a lot. To say the least, you are terrified of her temper, and those stormy scenes startle your soul right out of your body. To maintain peace at all costs is your pastime. Never before has she considered it hers. So, suddenly, there may be a lot she has to reconsider. You do not at all like to suffer, and in the heat of her temper, can easily disappear as quickly as you came in.
If she behaves, and you are the mature type, this could be a lasting union. However, the more youthful Libra is often a slave to his sense of beauty, and incapable of any monogamous commitment. It is true that you feel most fulfilled with a partner, but in a lifetime you are capable of having even more than many.
Her jealousy is her obvious nemesis. And agonizing insecurity falls on its footsteps. She feels like she's a contestant in the Miss America contest and wonders if she'll make the finals or be coldly eliminated as "Miss Talent." This kind of competition was never her forte, but also the kind of man you are may not be worth the waiting. It would be best for her to go home, think it over, and ask herself if she wants it to be excitement through sharing, or whether she is willing to settle for a bathing-suit con-
test. Her ultimate choice will be nothing more than what she'll get.
Libra Man with Virgo Woman
She has a terrible habit of taking you at your word. Therefore, when you mumble the word "marriage" in a drunken moment after she has cooked you a devastating dinner, don't expect her to forget it as fast as you do.
She is earthy, shy, and exacting, while you are airy, indiscriminate, and convivial. You like a good time and often overlook how you get it. However, she appreciates a man she can trust, and there is no way she can forget his feelings.
She is faithful, kind, caring, and very serious. You are often unfaithful, cruel without realizing it, and sensitive only to your own needs. You can cover up the necessity for responsibility by bemoaning your own confusion, and have a very clever way, at the same time, of trying to extract her sympathy. Too often it works, because she is so empathic, self-effacing, and delighted to be able to do something for someone else.
Basically, she is a woman who needs to be needed, while you are a man who has just too many needs. But if she is so dedicated to the idea of service that she likes to play Clara Barton to a person who will hardly appreciate it, then that's her problem. But in the long run, if she allows her brains to socialize with her emotions, she might get the message that it would be best for her to just move on. Some men are demanding, but you require a romantic dream that personifies Woman. So, for whatever it's worth, perhaps you should make your own movie, pick your own actresses, and then sit back and watch your veins pulse.
Libra Man with Scorpio Woman
One look, and she'll have you, but it will be quite some time before you feel that you have her.
You are a charmer, but she sees through you. At times, she'll think you're superficial and lacking in substance. At others, she will appreciate your sense of romance and the fact that you prefer Bach's organ music to a chorus by the Rolling Stones.
You'll try to woo her with lilacs, champagne, and per-
fume, and if she prepares dinner, you'll bring her fresh basil for the salad. But when you win her, it's only with an offer of a lasting relationship.
Should you take forever to make the commitment, and she finds you flirting on the side, you might as well bring over a wicker basket and take back your trinkets. Suddenly she doesn't want you, any more than she desires a sudden case of kidney poisoning.
Although a highly evolved Libra is surely a lovable creature, the daily garden variety tends to daydream a lot about whom they don't have. You are taken in by the superficial, while she probes and patiently waits for the substance. You fly around to do the Mr. Friendly routine, but only with the beautiful faces. At the same time, she stays in one place, looks aloof, and ponders what you could be saying that's taking so long. But should she notice that you're leaning over some lovely who's writing down numbers, it's curtains for you, and more time with her own company for her.
Give you a lifetime, and you'll never understand her. However, you may desperately fall in love, moan over her cooking, and keep referring to a future of connubial bliss. However, she should make sure that that future is with you before her obsessional heart gets carried away. You may already be a newlywed whose wife is visiting her mother. You hate to be alone, and at such times can be mawkishly sentimental. So when the spout turns on, she should check to see that the water is flowing in her direction. Otherwise, she should leave her picture on your pillow, have her phone number changed, and let you suffer.
Libra Man with Sagittarius Woman
Her exuberant enthusiasm has a magical way of conjuring up your wildest romantic feelings. Her sunny personality will sweep you off your feet, and her philosophical attitudes will inspire your deepest admiration.
When you're with her, it seems that there's action in every corner. She'll take you tramping in the woods to look for wildflowers, and you'll teach her the difference between rococo and baroque music.
She's a panacea for your loneliness, and you're an electric awakening to the sentiments she never knew she had. Her jovial sense of humor will incite you to throw all caution to the winds and come on as the impetuous
romantic who has lost his mind and doesn't even want to get it back.
You'll tell her you love her twenty times a day, and she'll giggle good-naturedly and wonder if you've gone a little crazy. But don't expect her to bat her lashes and read you the poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Her way of saying "I love you" is to laugh uproariously and inform you that you're a hysterically funny character.
There are simply no limits to where this love could take you. Life with Ms. Sagittarius is a life that is constantly on the move—up and down rivers, over moun-taintops, and sometimes around in the air. However, although you may develop frostbite and get sore feet, you're guaranteed to love every minute of it. A bicycle trip in a blizzard is more fun with her than a dinner party with a hundred people, and that's because she is a party unto herself.
Libra Man with Capricorn Woman
She will appreciate your approach to aesthetics, and the way you can play your grand piano. However, when she wants somebody to just grab her, being with you is like sitting in front of the air-conditioner in mid-October.
While she is perfectly capable of appearing frigid, it's all a big show, and what she really wants is simply a lot of love. So do you, but you have a hard time doling it out or initiating any action in that direction.
You are endlessly impressed by her superachieve-ments, enamored of her appearance, and attracted to her warmth. However, there is something about her sense of stability that is a little overwhelming.
It takes you half an hour to order three courses on a menu, while she makes up her mind with just one glance. You let your insecurities overcome you, while she keeps hers coolly under cover. You are amazed at her consistent self-reliance, and she marvels at how you need assurance on what part of the room to hang your spider plant.
She will hold your hand on gloomy days, tell you ten times in one hour that she approves of your latest ski boots, and give you her solicited opinion on your most recent career conflict.
However, when she needs a shoulder to lean hard on, she'll have to look elsewhere, because you'll be wor-
rying about something else. She is the kind of woman who is solid, enduring, and devoted. You are the kind of man who is ephemeral, fickle, and self-indulgent. If you can overcome these traits, this relationship could become a close one. If not, consider it another Libra rhapsody that ends up battered and blue. And consider yourself the loser, because Ms. Capricorn is one of the few women who could bring you down to earth and make you like it.
Libra Man with Aquarius Woman
She will understand your ego needs and listen to all your problems (even with other women). You've never gotten such a degree of undivided attention, and, naturally, it can be habit-forming.
She doesn't make bells ring, lights go on, or your candles go out. However, she does make you feel like you've never felt before. It's a lot deeper than starry-eyed; it's more like devastated.
One day, you come to understand that you need her a lot more than she needs you. For months she has been a sturdy sounding board, but what have you been besides an amiable escort? Suddenly, panic sets in, and you become possessive. But it doesn't work, because she is everybody's person, but not one person's plaything.
Ms. Aquarius has an unlimited capacity for being selfless, while you have an unlimited capacity for being selfish. She can give a lot and doesn't ask much, while you can take a lot without offering anything in return. However, because there is this peculiar congruency that comes between you, you both could be quite compatible.
She will bring you to lectures on meditation and numerology, and you will teach her how to play the guitar. And because she has a million interests and knows a million people, you'll rarely see her, never have a chance to get sick of her, and will remain sufficiently insecure to maintain a consuming interest.
Besides security, you also seek the excitement of a challenge. And Ms. Aquarius, just being her honest, natural, everyday self, is one you'll never be able to overcome.
Libra Man with Pisces Woman
You will probably never understand her moods, her chaotic emotions, or the fact that she needs far more reassurance than you are probably giving her.
She is fearful of her feelings, while you have a way of enjoying yours. You rely on reasoning to gather insights, while she knows her intuition will get her anywhere. You see the world as a sharply defined puzzle; she sees it in pastel hues.
Sexually, she will sweep you off your feet, but emotionally you may feel that she brings you down. She has a way of seeing all the sorrow in the world, while you see only what gives you pleasure. She has a side that bubbles with a serious intensity while you prefer joviality to sobriety.
She is selfless; you take without saying thank you. She will listen to your complaints and will understand your problems. On difficult days, she will nurture your needs and smother you with love. The problem is, can you do the same for her?
Unless you have a very high sense of awareness, this relationship is not an equal one. However, it can be happy, peaceful, and very calm. Ms. Pisces has never learned that she deserves very much. And until she reaches that moment of reckoning, it's not fair to expect you to give her what she won't even ask for.
Dates: October 24 —November 22
Symbol: The Scorpion and the Eagle
Ruling planets: Pluto and Mars
Element: Water
Mode: Fixed
Quality: Feminine
Planetary principle: Power
Primal desire: Control
Colors: Black, purple
Jewels: Amethyst, topaz, cinnabar
Plants: Brambleberry, heather
Day: Tuesday
Archangel: Azrael
Magical number: 4
Materal factor: To rise above
Johnny Carson Billy Graham
Katharine Hepburn Dr. Jonas Salk
Marie Antoinette Grace Kelly
Richard Burton Chiang Kai-shek
Indira Gandhi Prince Charles
Pablo Picasso Robert Kennedy
Theodore Roosevelt Margaret Mead 310
Martin Luther Madame Curie
Daniel Boone Dostoevski
Edith Piaf
You are kind, compassionate, psychic, intuitive, and you will never say no to a friend in need. Your vision is total truth, and with one penetrating glance you can see all. At a party, you can feel the pain of a laughing stranger and can understand the fears behind the smirk of his best friend.
Instead of chatting at the punch bowl, you probably sit in a corner listening to someone's problems. You have an emotional power over people that leads them to tell all their secrets in the first five minutes, and because the intensity of your eyes is so hypnotic, it isn't until you've glided away that they realize they don't even know your first name.
You tend to be secretive, somewhat shy, and consider your privacy extremely sacred. Because you reveal so little of yourself in a social situation, you sometimes gain the reputation of being both aloof and inscrutable. The fact is that you are cautious in all your interactions because you're so emotionally vulnerable. You feel so intensely that you erect safeguards to make sure your feelings don't undermine you.
Often there is a sternness to your character and a do-it-yourself attitude that sometimes drives those who love you crazy. It is rare that you ask for help, and when it is offered, it is equally hard for you to accept it. Unlike your Libran sisters, you tend to be a loner, and of all the signs, you are probably the most self-sufficient, a quality in which you take great pride.
On a daily basis, you battle with a darker side where the mood swings seem to swallow you. However, with enviable determination you usually overcome them to do what you have to do and do it well. Deep inside there is a hunger that has made you search for activities with greater meaning. You are highly intelligent and have a keen memory and a probing mind that restlessly seeks a broader
understanding of the universe, and certainly of yourself. For this reason, as well as for your extraordinary insight, you can be a formidable psychotherapist as well as a psychic healer.
Unlike any other sign, you express a profound desire to rise above yourself and your limitations. Psychology greatly attracts you, as do certain areas of the occult. Both subjects amplify your interest in growth and expansion, bringing you more deeply in touch with your inner power.
The problems that would make another person fall apart and throw up his hands, you face with calm, poise, dignity, and a sense of self-possession. Any self-doubts, you keep on the inside, while on the outside you are willful, tenacious, and exert a formidable influence in all of your undertakings. Your unusual qualities of endurance and perseverance and your strength of mind can take you through any crisis and help you grow in the unfolding of new emotional situations.
When it comes to love, you can be deeply loving, loyal, highly trustworthy, and at times self-sacrificing. However, before you ever get to this point, you feel you have to first determine how much you can trust. Once you are involved in an intense and monogamous love situation, your deepest fear is abandonment. It is not unlikely that in confronting your feelings about the most important person in your life, you have simultaneously experienced a shiver down your spine as you've considered the question of what you'd ever do without this person. Because the depths of your feelings can frighten you more than a little, you are loath to confront that vulnerable part of you. Rather, you prefer to spend your time reminding yourself that you're simply a strong survivor in a very challenging world. And the fact is, you are.
However, should you find yourself in a romantic situation where you feel the affection is attenuating and you're beginning to lose more than you're getting, at a certain point of frustration your feelings cut off while your mind drifts to the possibility of a new lover. You never feel that you are compromising your fidelity if your frustrations tell you that you can only find what you need elsewhere. And so you ease yourself out of a decaying situation. Or by purposely easing yourself out, you bring on a
confrontation that only makes the relationship stronger in the long run. It is highly likely that hope was always part of your motivation.
Because your mind is so shrewd and insightful, you never act without having a profound discernment of all possible outcomes. Your intuitive understanding, combined with your strong resolve and emotional strength, makes you one woman not easily forgotten. Not only are people intrigued with your personal power, they'd probably pay to have it. However, even if someone informed you of your effect on other human beings, your sense of self-effacement would never allow you to believe it. A sincere sense of humility is part of your charm, as well as your wisdom. It's also part of the reason why people consider you so difficult to understand.
Your mind is power personified; your body a lethal weapon. You have the head of Mata Hari, the emotions of Mussolini, and the air of mystery of a Garbo. Men see you as a sort of sorceress, and you see them as tantalizing tinkertoys. As long as they remain within the confinement of your structures, they have your stamp of approval, but, should they dare to stray from your domain, they just might feel your fangs in their jugular.
You are the craftiest of connivers—the inscrutable sex siren whose tool is total mind control. Your modest goal is their complete surrender, and as any man who has crossed your path can verify, you're just not used to losing.
In sexual games, you are the cool, elusive gambler who sometimes enjoys the play even more than the prize. People are like actors so you set the stage, sit back, and watch the improvisation. You have a way of looking a man in the eyes that can make him tremble and talk too much. This especially delights you, because you know that he doesn't know what it is you are doing, never mind why.
Men never know where you are coming from, and there are many times when you're not quite sure yourself. All you're aware of is what you want and where you have to go to get it. It might take you a lifetime to come up with a reason.
You are extremely complex, moody, and often sullen during those moments when you feel powerless. You tend
to obsess, connive, manipulate, and stay up all night reading something very complex into something very simple. No wonder it takes you so long to come to your final conclusion! That kind of convoluted analysis you put your mind through is enough to send Freud running back to his couch for a rest.
You need a man in your life to make you feel like a woman, but once he's there, your mental machinations only multiply. If you hold on to him merely for sex and the emotional security, but feel that materially he doesn't suit you, you'll do your best to tear him down. You'll never risk total involvement with a man of no wealth, unless he has some kind of sensational power. Only you can control your feelings to suit any need, and you have so many needs that your mind is always working overtime.
When it comes to getting power, you are cagy and ruthless, and rely upon your sex appeal to take you places. You can detach your mind from your feelings quicker than you can bat an eyelash, and you can jump into a stranger's bed faster than it takes to pull down the top sheet.
Since sex is like breathing for you, you speak through your body. Although there are many men who prefer this kind of communication to the kind called "talking," other, more sensitive souls find it frustrating trying to decipher what you're feeling from what you seem to be saying.
You communicate in code and use eye signals, sex, sullenness, and total withdrawal to get your point across. One withering glance, and your target may fear for his life. One smile, and he forgets what he was saying. One yawn, and he is dying with sexual desire. But just one blank stare, and he wonders if you're still the same woman.
Even at your most open and accessible, you're an enigma. But when you're closed, you're more cut off than a catatonic schizophrenic. The one thing that is always communicated is that you are never crossed—without the perpetrator paying a heavy price.
Which brings us to your greatest problem: anger. Since you've never learned what to do with it, it tends to torment you in the shadowy hours. At such moments, depressions can be devastating and immobilizing if your feelings have really had time to fester.
Unless you take to punching pillows or wearing poison rings that tend to conveniently open over a victim's
martini, your anger will ultimately strike back at you, like a snake. Then you become the sad, embittered, suicidal Scorpio.
Death is always a part of you, and you can court it in subtle ways. Too much alcohol, too many pills, too many superficial scenes, and both death and life become one game that has only vague points of distinction.
Your real problem is that you are one woman with too much power and not enough self-awareness. You can see into the souls of others so easily and so far that you come out the other side. But when it comes to yourself, you get caught in your own emotional catacombs, and the danger comes in forgetting the exit and deciding to live there.
The real secret of the Scorpio is that at any time you can travel in two emotional directions. One is expansive and one is restrictive. The power comes in taking conscious responsibility for either choice, and then realizing that everything you really want is waiting for you.
At the very least, you're a charmer who knows when to speak and when to keep silent. With that certain look in your eye, you could seduce a nation, but whatever your goals, you never use your gifts against another human being.
You deeply care about people and have an overwhelming desire to rehabilitate them. Because you are so kind, compassionate, and concerned, you continually find yourself listening to a lengthy list of problems. In any position of power, it's likely that those whom you administrate think of you as a "father figure"—but one whom they respect and admire. As a friend, you are cherished for your kindness and generosity. And as a husband or lover, you are appreciated for your loyalty and devotion.
You are active, full of life, and never let anything get you down. You can overcome any obstacle and enjoy the challenge. You can suffer any degree of pain, but not burden others with it, and you can achieve any far-ranging goal, because you have the greatest perseverance.
You are rational and passionate, deeply philosophical,
and have a scintillating mind interested in probing life's deeper mysteries.
You have a unique and uncanny ability to mesmerize the mind of another. In history there have been assorted Scorpio individuals who have used their charisma to influence the masses. Such men as Martin Luther and Billy Graham have chosen religion as a pathway to the minds of the public; others, such as Theodore Roosevelt, used politics. All felt the Scorpio need to rise above their own limitations, and they dedicated their entire lives to the attainment of this ideal.
Both morally and intellectually you're a perfectionist, and hold the highest standards for those to whom you are closest. You have great powers of concentration and a mind that is perceptive, intuitive, and emotionally aware. Mentally you are strong, independent, self-reliant, and a silent warrior in times of difficulty.
In romantic relationships, you find satisfaction from a deep, lasting commitment. Once in love, you are loyal, giving, supportive, nurturing, and sensitive to the needs of your partner. However, you never feel comfortable giving lighthearted compliments, and sentimentality only sickens you.
You have a mind that is so highly complex that you see nothing as simple. Comedies make you want to cry. Melodrama makes you want to chuckle, since an awareness of the absurd saturates your soul. In college, you probably failed all of your multiple-choice tests, because you tried to read three answers each into being the right ones, and after a while got so dizzy you just passed out. You communicate in convolutions of thought and feeling —feeling through thought, feeling plus feeling, then thinking plus thinking—because it's easier than just feeling.
Because you are so emotionally intricate, you are often emotionally misunderstood. At times you may appear to be cold, aloof, and noncaring. However, the truth is that you are really self-sufficient, private, and cautious. You mind your own business, and you expect others to do the same. Unsolicited personal questions thrown in your direction only get the cold shoulder.
You are quiet but forceful. You are also strong, willful, and courageous. You have deep inner convictions and hold high ethical codes. Your essence is the high-soaring
eagle in flight, the symbol of the highest attainment. Like no other sign, you have invisible wings that will take you anywhere. It's all a part of your tremendous power, and you're not afraid to use it.
As a child, your toys were whips and chains, your favorite hero Al Capone, and your secret career goal to become a spy or a gangster. Since then, your head hasn't changed much, but success has either brought you to the top of some multimillion-dollar corporation, made you president of the entire country, or put you in the frontpage headlines as a murderer.
Gaining success was never a problem, since you have such secret scruples that even you haven't the faintest idea what they are. You take great pride in your position of power, which is understandable, since you probably poisoned several people to get it.
You are shrewd, selfish, and sarcastic. Your ears curl around corners, your memory is vaster than a warehouse of microfilm, and your mind is like a laser beam. You have a frightening habit of unraveling people's minds and motivations, while remaining inscrutable and remote yourself. But it's just as well that you stay mysterious, since to know your mental machnations is far more anxiety-producing than it is illuminating!
You are the greatest of all game players. Whatever the stakes, it's a given that you always win. You have more emotional maneuvers than any fiendish mind could manage to think of, and when your mind is intent and highly motivated, it's easier to reason with a hired killer than to talk you down.
You are a metaphor of the fire and the ice, and any woman who has experienced your Scorpion "kiss of death" will verify that it's one memory that is never forgotten. Even in love, you always calculate your options, previewing your opponent's moves, so that the entire relationship is like a chess game you've already won. Emotionally, you come close to being downright dishonest, and when your seduction tactics are worn thin, emotional intimidation always works. Then you wander out the door, leaving your lady wondering if she should have had your horoscope done just to understand your motivations.
The key to your soul is that you are terrified of the in-
tensity of your unbridled emotions, and so you either repress or displace them. The day you fall in love, you might become bitter and sarcastic, since you know that you're caught in the tides of some dangerous feeling and you're losing all control, and then your killer instincts emerge. At this point, the action gets terribly complex. If you trust deeply, your feelings of love will overcome your sense of fear and then the recipient should just consider herself lucky. However, if you stand on shaky ground, you'll become emotionally obsessed and end the relationship to get a better view. Should the woman have her tentacles deeply entwined in the sexual area of your tormented soul, then the scene gets a trifle sadomasochistic, and in a very sordid way you may become addicted to the intensity of the entire situation.
Emotionally, your changing moods are like a Ping-Pong tournament, where the action is so fast you kind of forget who's winning. The turbulence takes you from some euphoric place far beyond the clouds to an inferno of the most violent feelings. At such times, your gaze becomes icy, you demand to be alone, and God help the poor unfortunates who stumble through your path. If they happen to be the supersensitive sort, chances are even if they emerge alive, they'll never be the same. For the rest of their lives, they'll probably just mutter to themselves a lot and stare into space.
To help you over the hurdles of such savage moods and to ensure that state of euphoric intensity, you may have drunk too deeply and have relied on the divine highs of drugs. Since you seek the lofty peaks and so often get lost in the valleys, you can put your body through a self-inflicted beating that some might consider a slow suicide.
Your sexual magnetism is like a weapon. You have more mystique than a personality created by a publicist, but because you are so subtly self-destructive, the women who get caught in your web usually come out bleeding. You have a strong tendency to test your loved ones so hard that you can turn them completely off. Part of the test is to push people down and then humiliate them when they can't come up. Your deepest respect is won by another's mental strength and intelligence, the kind that puts you down as it puts you in your place. Your response, however, is the deepest kind of cruelty. Maybe a slow
smile, where your mouth twists down at the corners and with one well-chosen phrase you try to sear the most tender places of the soul. Needless to say, before people take you on, they should definitely have not only their wits about them but also a couple of weapons.
While you operate from the shadow of your personality, you are more of a menace than a dedicated psychopath. As a lover, you are totally lacking in compliments, quick with criticism, and so jealous, possessive, and controlling that you could easily move a mild-tempered woman to murder you in your sleep. You could sacrifice love and happiness for your pride and feel more comfortable destroying a relationship than entering into it. You heartily enjoy the act of ferreting out someone's feelings so that you can use them against him, and then you sit back, feel superior, and sport the sliest smirk. If you are the unruly sort, you are suspicious, cold, and can easily be moved to violence. Only in being totally out of control do you feel you can control those around you. It's interesting psychology, since it usually works.
When it comes to something you want, you know the most indirect way to get it, but it's something else altogether if you know how to keep it. That is a choice that is only up to you, and it's one that somehow takes your shrewd, all-seeing mind most of a lifetime to figure out.
Every sign in the zodiac can be broken down into three subdivisions, called decans. Each decan roughly corresponds to 10 degrees—the first third, second third, and last third of the sun sign's time span, which is approximately thirty days.
As each of these periods has different subrulerships, the personality of a person is slightly modified by the specific decan it falls in. For instance, an Aries born in the second decan would be ruled by Mars, but subruled by the Sun. Therefore, he would tend to display a greater sense of pride, boastfulness, egotism, and optimism than an Aries born in the third decan, which is subruled by Jupiter. This Aries would tend to be more freedom-loving, flighty, travel-oriented, and interested in subjects of a philosophical nature. An Aries bora in the first decan would be the
most aggressive, but not necessarily the most productive and accomplished.
Decans are important, since they do account for a more detailed assessment of an individual's personality characteristics. They also show how two people born under the same sun sign can be markedly different.
If you were born between October 24 and November 2, your sun falls in the Pluto decan of Scorpio, and your characteristics most exemplify your sign.
You are very ambitious, driven, and often highly successful. Your mind is a battleground for your emotions, and you play them out through your career. You have an uncanny mentality that is shrewd, probing, psychic, and far-seeing, but also subject to turbulent mood swings.
Since you have tremendous ego needs, a formidable storehouse of energy, and a devastating desire for power, your emotions can often be effaced in the grueling, impersonal struggle to get to the top. Your desire to dominate, as well as your intuitive sense for business situations involving "big money," has inspired your mind to seek the highest executive positions, which you run with expertise once you get there.
In your being can be found all the elements for fulfilling the American myth of success. You are self-sacrificing to the company, cool to your personal needs, tenacious, dedicated, and highly organized. You work things out to form systems where procedures start to run themselves. Meanwhile, you're laboring till midnight to discover a newer, more efficient way to aid your monetary input to multiply itself.
You enjoy the games of competition, since you're so self-confident, clever, and enamored of challenge. However, you're so ambitious that your spouse sees less of you than your secretary, who has probably come to think of you as family. You have a special power over her mind, since you are magnetic, manipulative, and in your terse, cold way, kind and caring.
It is rare that you actually lose your temper. Instead, you resort to sarcasm and cutting comments, and that is enough to keep people away when they think about moving in on your emotional territory. You have a facade that is more frightening than you like to think, but at the
same time, these sly, nonverbal intimidation tactics have gotten you many places.
At a certain point in your life, the experience of death has deeply affected you. You tend both to speculate on its significance and to be repulsed for fear that death is only synonymous with annihilation. There is a tendency for you to be drawn to occultism for uncovering the answers to some of your more unsettling questions. However, for those of you born in this decan there is a greater tendency that heavy commitments to the material aspects of your life will retard and inhibit an involvement with the mysteries.
In the later years of your life, you could gain much from an inquiry into some phase of occultism. As your perspectives alter, you will see that your satisfactions from living will become more profound and expansive.
If you were born between November 3 and 13, your sun falls in the Neptune decan of Scorpio. You are more emotionally vulnerable than Scorpios born at other times of the month and have a tendency to cling to the past. Although you hate to admit it, you are also more sentimental and tend to hold on to situations that should be over. In general, you feel more comfortable in the contemplation of any action than in its execution, and tend to fantasize a lot about how you would like life to be, rather than doing something about it.
Artistically, you have far more talent than you know what to do with. Although you have both writing and musical ability, you have a difficult time channeling your energies to gain the kind of fame you might otherwise draw to yourself.
You tend to be an escapist, and have a need for either drugs or alcohol to take you to some faraway place. More so than Scorpios born in the other decans, you seek the peaks and find yourself on a constant quest for the distant ideal. However, once an attainment becomes real, its excitement seems to diminish.
Your relationships are highly charged with a kind of narcotic romanticism that sometimes takes your soul to peculiar places. You are highly passionate and sensual and seek the same qualities in the opposite sex. At times, you tend toward obsession and get caught up in sex games.
At other times, you tend toward emotional self-sacrifice, and seem to come out of relationships losing.
Your nature is deeply sympathetic, compassionate, and concerned, and at the same time, you tend to be introverted and find it difficult to demonstrate your feelings openly.
You have a tremendous healing ability, which should be developed for your own benefit as well as for the benefit of others. For this reason, you could excel in the field of psychology and medicine and gain that meaning to your life for which you have long been searching.
Since you are also psychic, occult endeavors have always had a special appeal. With your sensitivity and insight, you could combine a knowledge of both fields to offer a great contribution to mankind.
Your special key to satisfaction in this lifetime comes" in forgetting yourself and concentrating more on the needs of others. Chances are, your younger years brought you intensely sorrowful situations that are still not resolved in your consciousness. However, as long as you allow yourself to dwell in the miasma of your own emotions, they will definitely bring you down. Always remember that you were born under the sign of Mars and Pluto, which means self-directed action sustained over time. Dreams are wonderful, but allow them to take you somewhere. The longer you contain them within, the quicker your life will pass you by.
If you were born between November 14 and November 22, your sun falls in the moon decan of Scorpio. Your mother has had a profound influence in your life and may strongly affect your subconscious behavior patterns for many years to come. Chances are that on some level this relationship has brought you a great deal of pain, but until you work out your ambivalent feelings, you may unconsciously be perpetuating this relationship in your affairs with the opposite sex. There may be times when you take on some of what you feel to be her negative qualities, and at other times you may find them in the people with whom you choose to become involved.
There is a very strong nurturant aspect to your personality, and those who are close to you will attest that you seem to gain a great deal of satisfaction from taking care of them. In turn, you need the same kind of nurtur-
ance in your close relationships that you offer to others, but it is another question altogether whether you will allow yourself to accept such offerings, and it is close to impossible for you to ask.
When it comes to feelings, you are the supersensitive sort, though you rarely show it. When hurt, you are more likely to seek solitude within the confines of your home, and once you feel secure there, analyze your pain away so that you can coolly cut the cords.
In general, you are difficult to get to know and are more emotionally distrustful than Scorpios born in the other decans. This is because your emotional needs are greater. Unlike the Scorpio born in the first decan, you have a far more difficult time channeling your emotions into your career and coming out gratified. This is not to say that you are not ambitious, but worldly success is not that meaningful if you are lonely and lacking a trusting, intimate relationship.
It is likely that you would either marry young or would spend a good portion of your life living with assorted lovers. As sex is a deeply emotional experience for you, you can incur psychological harm if you try to detach your feelings to protect yourself and take the promiscuous route. In marriage, you seek a person with a perfect combination of emotional strength and vulnerability, as well as someone who can both understand your feelings and respect them.
On a professional level, you could gain through real estate and high-priced auctions. Your mind is extremely shrewd when it comes to money, so you know how to make even a little work for you.
If you are a female Scorpio, you may be both more mysterious and more vulnerable than your male counterpart. While he can sublimate his emotions through career, sexual manipulations, and athletic undertakings, you're generally not satisfied with less than an intense, more meaningful kind of love.
You are loyal, giving, and can appear to be placid even when your emotions seem to be ripping your mind into bite size pieces. At the same time, you are reluctant to
lose control until you have shrewdly assessed the odds in every romantic situation. Unfortunately, sometimes your desires get the best of you, and you may find yourself emotionally tied to a brutal affair with no clear recollection of how you really got there.
Your sex appeal is quiet yet exciting, and emanates from your eyes. Your direct gaze and smile are imbued with a sensuality that can move a man to lust in less than a minute. Yet unlike your Scorpio brother, promiscuity is not your emotional forte. You seek security, tenderness, and trust, and for what you desire, you're willing to give all of yourself in return.
You are both more sensual and more sexually inventive than the Scorpio male, who may be more interested in the ultimate orgasm than in the total experience of lovemaking. However, due to your need for control, it may take you years to experience your sexual potential. Because your intense emotions enter into every act, a subconscious fear of abandonment may block both your emotional and sexual responses for quite some time.
Once in love, you tend to be both possessive and jealous and drown in unresolved emotions long after an affair is over. You often tread a very thin line between love and hate, passion and violence, even if the feelings are merely confined to your private fantasies.
At a very early age you realized that sex is power and that it will get you wherever you want to go. The Scorpio experience of loving will take you in many emotional directions in one lifetime. Just remember at each crossroads and impasse that you made the decision to be there.
The Scorpio male is a warrior, especially in love, but unlike his Martian sibling, Aries, usually battles against his partner rather than for her. If you are a male Scorpio, you probably operate all your romantic endeavors from a mental control panel whose emotional switch is often on "off." You are so inscrutable and emotionally maddening that a bad involvement with you is enough to send some sweet thing to a mental institution. Although you have a lot of loyalty, in affairs of the heart you are really no prize. You seldom compliment, rarely communicate, and keep your feelings carefully closeted until the object of your affections is ready to sign her life away. You want it all in writing, her signature in blood, and someone so far-
sighted she can't even read between the lines. Should she ever betray you, despite the legitimacy of the contract, she's in for the kind of murder that's so quick and silent that it's really quite painless. The worst possible penalty is if you let her live, because what she faces then is the horrendous three C's: emotional cutoff, calculated revenge, and the cold glance of death. Your eyes can create such a frigid ambience that she will nervously contemplate changing to her ski underwear.
Although you expect a kind of active devotion that exceeds the ground rules of the Mafia, you often employ a double standard in regard to your own behavior. Emotionally, you are still being loyal to your loved one when you are in bed with someone else only for sex. Of all the signs, only you can separate your emotions from your sexuality and come out the winner. However, God help the loser, especially if she finds herself suddenly emotionally involved.
Not only can you tread over someone else's emotions, you have a unique way of dragging your feet as you go. Although you are an intensely emotional human being yourself, you have an uncanny ability not to let that get in the way when you want something. You can be the most remorseless exploiter of a sexual situation and the most glacial participant in a moment of afterglow. When you've gotten what you want from someone you sexually desire rather than feel for, the first order of business is that the body be removed. You have only one objective: getting your own or your lover's body out the door—quietly.
Unless you are deeply involved and emotionally committed, any woman who tangles casually with you just may get her heart torn out. You are the most maddening kind of enigma, especially to the Taurus woman, who watches her telephone rather than her television, agonizing about whether she's ever going to hear your voice again.
Being the sly, silent type, you never volunteer any kind of commitment until the other person has sweated it out far more than just a little, but you are most likely to get caught up by the challenge of someone who is as sly, shrewd, and sexually cunning as yourself.
What you like most is being stimulated on several levels—the more, the better. You heartily enjoy an insightful intellect who sees through your emotional machinations. You adore a woman who can look you straight in
the eye, smile, and titillate you with prolonged visual contact. But what really carries you away is someone with all of the above who seems to have a power over you: a special knowledge, or an experience in a Scorpio subject, such as medicine, psychology, or some phase of the occult. Ideally, you wf«uld like to learn from a profound love experience and fantasize about a situation that is limitless in its levels of^rxcitement.
Although you ne%d love, falling in love is not an easy experience. Your need for total control as well as your critical nature can often lead you to impose limitations on many love experiences and to kill them slowly before they can come to fruition. Although in your silent way you usually wear down and overpower those around you, what you want most is to be overpowered—but through subtlety rather than force.
At this point, your extreme jealousy can evoke many sickening moments, much to your specious sense of regret. Since what you crave most is intensity, if you can't find it in pleasure, you'll finally settle for it in pain. Much like Leo, you tend to mentally dramatize the more emotionally intense moments of your life, and once you feel that your sense of pride is succumbing to a debilitating state of affairs, you cut loose with one quick blow. When you wish to end an affair with someone you're losing feeling for, you have a way of becoming invisible, so that the poor woman might wonder if you were murdered on your way home the last time she saw you. But if your desire is to withdraw in a position of power, you can derive particular glee, even if you're in pain, by informing your former friend that you've suddenly decided that it's curtains.
The most lethal trait of the Scorpio nature is the ability to make a former lover feel that she's swimming around an island in shark-infested waters. Emotionally, the Scorpio man can easily be a foggy island in the middle of a deep dark sea. The undercurrent is so strong, it can draw in unsuspecting souls. The only survivors in these waters are other warriors. Even good swimmers should beware, since life jackets have a way of getting torn apart.
Although you may feel that marriage is a necessity, your partner often feels it to be a situation that must be gotten out of. Why? Perhaps because your spouse has been chained to the four-poster too long and developed both welts and bedsores.
Your need to use marriage as an emotional base out of which you operate for all of your other activities may cause you to choose a partnership you later regret. Although in all of your other dealings you are such a shrewd and far-seeing fox, in the area of marriage your emotional, sexual, and material needs can easily overcome you.
The inherent paradox of your personality is that your pride screams that you should be a self-sufficient loner, while your tumultuous drives, desires, and nurturant needs can drive you into a connubial situation. It is true that Scorpio can weather any storm (you usually create most of them), but what luxury to leave the rain for a womblike room with a roaring fire!
Although you do not hesitate to be unfaithful when you feel a falling off of the relationship's original intensity and stimulation, deep in your peculiar heart you would most like to remain a satisfied stay-at-home. Despite your actions, in your mind, marriage has a certain sanctity, and the violation of it often leaves you more saddened than satisfied. When you admit to yourself that a fast fling in the night has no value aside from the pleasure it gave you at the moment, and you could care less if your partner disappeared from the face of the earth, you are moving steadily toward promiscuity, which you use as emotional armor.
The only other extramarital activities that could excite you, outside of sex, are mind games. You like to slowly lure your victim in and then disappear. Alas, after a time such games become boring and so tedious you tend to want to be alone.
At the same time, if the spouses of Scorpios dare to engage in extramarital dalliance, they might as well dig their own graves, because when their misbehavior is un-
covered, they'll wish they were dead (if they aren't actually helped along).
Even when you are being cool, you can be more persuasive than a champion wrestler. You realize that the key to power over another human being is in the mind, and you know how to put it through more unmerciful contortions than any hallucinogenic drug.
Because you put such an emphasis on mental mechanisms, you are extremely selective about the facts you communicate to your partner. In brief, your credo is: "What they don't know won't hurt them." It is very rare that you can envision an affair breaking up a "solid" but boring marriage, where daily support and nurturances sustain you through outside career pressures. The trick is that although you screen, censor, and consider some of your life definitely X-rated, from your marriage partner you demand total truth. When applied to you, the convenient little maxim of "What they don't know won't hurt them" changes to "What you don't know will tear you apart."
What you don't observe, you sense, and even when you're not sensing something, you're just downright sus-picfous at the least provocation. Knowing all the facts, you feel you can have everything in control and can then proceed with an "appropriate" action.
Your ideal marriage partner is intelligent, stimulating, sexual, ready to serve, and very myopic. You take up the total range of vision, and after that, everybody else is just a blur. Heaven forbid that your spouse should get glasses for distance and discover that outside of you there's a big exciting world with a lot of creatures called people. That might be the first step toward divorce—unless, of course, you bribe the optician.
Money is power. You know it and feel it, but find it hard to admit it openly. Your sense of survival is paramount, and you know how to make a dime take you as far as a dollar. However, while you can live on next to nothing, you don't necessarily enjoy doing it. Poverty is hardly one of your favorite pastimes, yet your inordinate
pride and self-sufficiency can force you to compromise a lot of little conveniences just to preserve your dignity.
There is a stern, stolid side to your character that makes you choose to suffer in silence rather than humble yourself in asking for financial aid. Of all the signs, you have the most patience to sacrifice present indulgences for future financial realizations. Deep down, you see the process of gaining wealth as gaining supremacy in a power struggle, and struggle is not only you against the establishment, but the conscious you against the unconscious element in yourself.
You heartily enjoy being associated with money, but only because it symbolizes a certain level of achievement, not for its intrinsic value. For you, money has no importance in itself. Its pursuit is merely a personal challenge, and as a possession it is only a means to an end. What you gain most from money, beyond the little luxuries and the creature comforts, is the sense of satisfaction from having attained it. For you, gaining wealth is a game called "test your personal power." It's a challenge, like chess, but with higher social stakes. You know that you'll always win. The key is in staying cool and refusing to let it control you.
Success means a great deal to you, but what you actually consider to be success can be many different things.
If you are the more business-oriented kind of Scorpio, success means having immense power. You are driven, shrewd, organized, hardworking, and highly focused in all professional undertakings, but unlike the Leo or Aries business tycoon, you don't have to shout from the top to prove your position. Instead, you are quiet, calculating, and content to pull all the strings from a place of luxurious privacy. There have been more United States presidents born under the sign of Scorpio than under any other sign in the zodiac. This is not at all surprising, since the Scorpio mind is at once shrewd, willful, tenacious, controlling, success-oriented, and highly intelligent.
Such a combination by itself is overwhelming. How-
ever, when you add to it the element of strong-willed patience, you have one human being who is unbeatable at anything he or she strongly desires.
If your proclivities pull you more toward the spiritual than the material, success becomes a kind of Faust-ian quest into the ancient mysteries. At this point, success is assessed from the more abstract perspective of values, ethics, and moral objectives. Some of the greatest spiritual figures of our time have been Scorpios or have had this sign prominently configured in their horoscopes. Also, many of the most brilliant occultists who have contributed valuable esoteric knowledge to those minds ready to grasp it have the planet Jupiter placed in the sign Scorpio.
On the other hand, you could be anything from a hired killer to a surgeon, from an international spy to an insurance salesman, from a mortician to a psychoanalyst. And after you've run through all of those, you just could very well end up a preacher. But whatever you do, it's soul-inspired, even if you're the murky, moody, depressive sort who sits around and does nothing.
At the very most, you're inordinately ambitious; and at the very least, you're sedentary but think big thoughts. Since you've always been interested in the more penetrating issues, such as man's inner motivations, you could be a superb psychiatrist. You have an inner desire to pierce the veil of pretense and a more apparent desire to grab all the power you can get. When you manage to harness your energies, you're a menace to all competitors.
Your mind is sharp, shrewd, and sly. When threatened, you're a killer of the inconspicuous, quiet type. When stimulated, you're a free-flowing force, defiant of those who cannot channel their energies.
In business professions, your motivation is power. In people and philosophic professions, your motivation is the "why." You are both highly organized and extremely adept. Your Mars co-ruler gives you the courage of the warrior; your Pluto co-ruler, the power of penetrating all obstacles. Inherently, you have all the attributes needed for success. The only hindrance you must overcome is your fear of it. Once you relinquish your need to let your fears control you, all the forces of the universe become attuned to your commands.
You can be counted on in a blizzard if the friendship is intense enough, but in return you ask for nothing less than total trust. You're so cautious, secretive, and generally suspicious that your friends are carefully screened, watched, and scrutinized before you become committed.
Your loyalty has no limits; neither does your capacity to sever feelings and nurse slights. Should you ever feel betrayed in a friendship, it's your tendency to cut the cords very quickly. First your voice becomes glacial; then all communication comes to a standstill, and your friend is turned to foe so swiftly that he almost wonders if the entire friendship was just a figment of his imagination.
Since you have little or no patience for people of the superficial sort, you tend to be attracted to personalities by whom you are stimulated and with whom you feel an intense rapport. Since you feel that this kind of chemistry happens infrequently, it is not surprising that you have very few close friends. Those who are privy to the more intimate details of your life never leave, even if they move away. There is just no getting away from a Scorpio, once you make the decision that you want someone to be there.
An acquaintance may know you for years, but never even know if you're married, if you have a pet rabbit named Neville, or if you like to sleep in a pile of leaves on the floor. If people should be invited to your home, chances are they won't get any further than the foyer and notice uncomfortably that most of the adjoining doors are shut.
If you should pass someone on the street who smiles, nods, and asks you where you're going, you'll say that you're on your way to buy some toothpaste when you're really going to the post office to mail a letter. Alas, sometimes the Scorpio mind is so convoluted that it's just lost all concept of what is straight.
The first thing the best friends of any Scorpio will affirm is that they can't remember where and how the friendships began. That's because they grew so slowly that there was no noticeable beginning. Besides, who would
immediately consider friendship with such a strange, silent person who stares and breaks the silence only to ask a question? Either another Scorpio or just some curious soul who's not easily intimidated by a pair of piercing eyes, but at the same time has an abundance of patience.
However, years after, ask that same person who they can really trust and call upon in the middle of the night to take a pet frog to the veterinarian because he seems to be having psychic problems. Obviously, old Scorpio, since even sheer insanity is not enough to break the trusted bonds of friendship.
Because you must bottle up your mind in the confines of your body, tension often tyrannizes your visceral energies. Plenty of physical exercise will cool out the constricted places and allow your mental processes more free flow. Tennis is an excellent way to refocus mental energies into a physical outlet, but if you can't make it to the courts, try jogging, jumping rope, or running in place. Visualize your anger flowing from your brain, down your spine, and into the soles of your feet, and with each movement, feel it leaving your body.
Whenever you are emotionally charged, your mind tends to work overtime, and your obsession can become a demon that destroys a good night's sleep. Learn how to let go and not be a victim of your own energies. Try hatha-yoga for total relaxation, and T'ai Chi to get in touch physically with a state of mental balance. Transcendental Meditation will get your mind moving on a slower frequency so that you will no longer be a slave to your own thoughts.
Since you are prone to extremes and excesses, you often overextend yourself in indulgences of the sybaritic sort. Too much drinking, food, drugs, smoking, sex, and too little sleep are guaranteed to be both aging and anxiety-producing. You were the inventor of "divine decadence" and also the progenitor of degenerate diseases. Since you like to push each experience to the limits, it's a good idea to kn^w first just what yours are, before you wake up in a strange white bed behind bars.
Your mind and body can take only so much intensity before you drive yourself crazy and take everybody around you with you. Drinking to get high can be especially dangerous, since you tend to blur out on your emotional controls, and if provoked, might find that your hands are wrapping themselves around somebody else's throat.
Since you have a special weakness for sex, overindulgence may bring on anything from mononucleosis to bladder disorders to those infections referred to politely as the nonspecific sort. Take special pains to keep everything nonspecific, even if that means you have to keep renewing your prescription for penicillin. Celibacy may make you break out in a rash, so if sudden eruptions should occur, visit your doctor first. Just remember to brush your teeth at bedtime with a germicidal toothpaste, since you might cause an infection to occur when biting.
Since your mood cycles make you seek solitude, your home must psychologically satisfy those hermitic urges. Chances are you like it quiet, very cozy, and your telephone taken off the hook. Compulsive phone friends who call at all hours make you twitch and think of murder.
Since your sense of privacy is paramount, you prefer your guests to come only when they're invited. Home entertainment is not one of your greatest pleasures, unless you're feeling particularly inclined.
You like a lot of space in which to roam around and think. In terms of decor, you gravitate toward dark wood and fish tanks that you can stare into for hours. Your walls are lined with books on such subjects as sex, the occult, politics, and psychology, and stretching the length of your living room is an indecently sensuous crushed-velvet sofa that seems to invite you to lie down as you pass.
The bedroom is your retreat from the impinging clamor and chaos of the world. You're a nocturnal creature and crave large, drooping swivel lamps for those times when you read until the sun comes up.
Since you're a person who hates to go to sleep, your bedroom has a particular effect on your emotional out-
look. Potted palms that seem to tower toward the ceiling make you think you're Tarzan (or Jane) leaping about for some action under the banana leaves.
Your ideal fantasy house is a secluded oceanside retreat with high hedges, sprawling lawns, and floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the foamy surf. In such a place, you revel, even on gloomy afternoons that call for a fire, an enticing book, and maybe a cup of tea with lemon.
Your dining room would be large, long, and wood-paneled. Since eating and drinking are one of your fortes, you would have a banquet table where each meal would be nothing less than a celebration. Silver chrysanthemums would adorn each setting, and a crystal carafe with a full-bodied Burgundy would sparkle in the candle glow.
The morning after your evening of self-determined overindulgence calls for ten laps in your indoor swimming pool, a little daydreaming in the sauna, and a very competitive foray on your private tennis court.
But whatever its decor, your home reflects your desire to keep both mentally and physically active, and wherever it is, it will be your very private retreat away from the world. It is an abode with an ambience that is stimulating, reclusive, cozy, and most definitely sensuous.
The glyph for Scorpio is the letter M with a tail at the end. At its highest, this shape represents the ability to overcome emotional vicissitudes reflected in life's ups and downs. The tail at the end of the glyph symbolizes the destructive sting that Scorpio is capable of inflicting both on himself and on others when strangled by his own emotions.
The challenge of this sign is balance and internal harmony. It is not enough for Scorpio to control the roar of the ocean. In addition, he must master the movement of the tides. Scorpio symbolizes the water element at its most dangerous. Intrinsic to its nature is the challenge of dying to rediscover life. This experience can be either a quiet, fearful drowning or a relaxed ride on the crest of every wave.
Emotionally, Scorpio must master the highest lessons
of the previous sign, Libra, that is, loving from a place of inner balance. Scorpio can be either passion-motivated by selfless commitment or perversion-motivated by selfish egotism. However, the key to attaining balance comes in sacrificing the constricting sense of pride that often cuts off the emotional flow. To experience love in its most expansive state, Scorpio must become emotionally adaptive to all situations, like the sign Sagittarius, which follows it. It must free itself of rigidity, and challenge itself to experience a love that is beyond its own controls. Then it can claim: "I have sought; I have found; I have purified; and I have joined together through harmony." In gaining a state of inner balance, it allows itself to have All.
Scorpio represents the most potent power in the universe. Its underlying process is the alchemy of life through death. At your highest, you are the master magician, liberated from the limitations of the incarnate soul.
When you relinquish your ego, you relinquish your suffering. When you become selfless, you become the self of everyman. When you achieve emotional calm, you become the healer of all turbulence. And in that, you become the giver of life through love, and you also become its scepter and its sword.
Your psychic tool to self-attainment is selfless love. Your task is the correct and righteous use of your emotions. Your torch along the path is your vision of the All. You are the seer past all sense forms, and the one who searches in the silence. At this point, the structures of your environment no longer delude you; nor do they shackle you with tensions that have tentacles of control. Your mind has moved beyond surface successes to seek the timeless meaning of existence. Alone, you have passed through the dark night of the soul to be filled with heat and light. It radiates from each cell as you continue your journey. In this one brief life, your soul has led you through several thousand deaths, until finally you've allowed yourself the joy of rebirth.
You're hooked on control, despite your claims to the contrary. In the dungeons of your mental machinations, control is power, and power is a parasite outgrowth of your emotional pride. You would rather be caught without clothes than be out of control. But when you do lose control, watch out, world! Here's one Scorpio uncomfortably close to either murder or suicide.
Your greatest fear is feeling like a fool, and your second greatest is appearing frail and vulnerable. Chances are, you can't even cry in a closet. Since you're so closed, you have to hide your sorrow even from yourself.
In moments of emotional crisis, you tend to cut off all feeling. Friends may mumble among themselves about the frigid state in which you seem to function, but what they don't understand is that your self-preservation instinct is rapidly sending out a signal ordering instant anesthesia.
You are more emotional than even you realize, and without such protective ploys, you fear that a merciless emotional tide will just sweep you somewhere out of sight. However, after a few months pass and the pain starts to surface, your dreams and mental flashes are startling and merciless. The question arises: "Where do you go from there to escape what you were never willing to face in the first place?" Good question.
Some Scorpios will try alcohol; others will become workaholics. Overeating only makes you more miserable in the long run, and suddenly you realize that you are creating your own dead end, and the more you try to escape, the tighter the bonds become.
As odd and foolish as it may seem, the only way for you to acquire real emotional control is to learn how to cry, even if you have to stick a pillow over your face and stuff towels under the door to make sure that no one will hear you. If what you're afraid of is hearing yourself, use earplugs. Plunge into the pain intensely, and you'll quickly come out on the other side.
The one lesson you have to learn in this lifetime is the balance between your conscious forces and your subcon-
scious fears. Once you tread that thin line, you are no longer a man or a woman; you are a magus who reaps the secrets of self-mastery. However, when you use suppression as a form of control, you teeter on a tightrope. And once you fall, the trip down is much faster than you think.
Scorpio with Scorpio
This may be love at first sight, but whether the love will be long-lasting depends on the maturity of the two individuals.
Both are intense, jealous, possessive, and dominated by the principle of pride. She is warm, sensual, and often self-sacrificing. He is sexual, demanding, and definitely ego-oriented. Unless they can come to a middle understanding and make it last, hostilities may brew heavily under the surface.
Although to the outside world he is at best an enigma, to her his mind is like an open book. Unfortunately what she reads may not always please her.
He wants to be boss, to set down the rules, and may try to circumscribe her life. Since she wants to be securely loved, for a while she'll give in and seethe under the surface. But when the resentment really starts to smolder, he may find himself in the divorce courts quicker than he can count to one.
If both are moody, it may be a very stormy situation, where suspicions rise and fall as quickly as the tides. After the afternoons of sarcasm come the evenings of tumultuous passion, followed by the mellow mornings of sensual splendor. Whatever you wish to say about the combination of Scorpio with Scorpio, there are so many emotional ups and downs that things never get a chance to get boring. However, they may get so violent and exhausting that after twenty-four hours both people feel they have just run the four-minute mile.
If both are more highly evolved, this match is an excellent one, where psychotherapy will undoubtedly have a place. Both may be so overly sensitive to the moods of
the other that each may walk around reanalyzing the other's comments until they start dreaming about them. Although there may be many sleepless nights during which one member of this partnership stays up till dawn in the effort of making a simple scene complex, there can also be much sharing based on the mutual desire for personal growth.
In this relationship, togetherness may be taken to such an extreme that the couple starts to take on the attributes of Siamese twins. The danger is that one day one or both may feel the need for separation surgery.
All Scorpios need to understand that there really is a midpoint between autonomy and total possession. Only when they make a sincere effort to tread that thin line do they relinquish the need to be dominated by their own controls.
Scorpio Woman with Aries Man
He'll sweep you off your feet and carry you over the threshold, and for once, your mind will stop trying to figure whether you're going in the right direction. However, since you're both coming from such opposite places, this passion is short-lived, and in any prolonged involvement you'll start to think of him as selfish and silly.
He's all energy, passion, vitality, and promises. He runs rather than walks, but often the direction is in circles.
Sexually, he'll take you by storm and you'll love it, since deep down inside, you've always wanted to be conqitered. He'll lift up the bed with you in it, just to show off his physical strength, and for about five days you'll think you've found your ideal. He'll dazzle you with his courage, vitality, and super-macho stamina. But when you notice that it's a much-repeated repertoire and that he's treating yours as one of a thousand faces, suddenly the starry-eyed passion dwindles.
Since he adores the idea of charging around to the tune of "My Hero," and so many women are waiting to be overcome, Mr. Aries is a busy man. However, a friend in need, he definitely is not—unless he's going to get something out of it. If you're looking for loyalty, you'd be a lot better off opening your pocket dictionary to L.
At first, his aggressive enthusiasm will win you over, but after you've seen his act a few times, he holds neither secrets nor rewards.
After a while, his arrogance will leaden the light-hearted tone of the relationship, and then you'll find yourself listening to self-centered speeches that tend to sicken you. For Mr. Aries, the entire world is a private audience that has assembled just to admire him. As long as you stay quiet, admiring, sensuous, and supportive, you're in —along with anyone else who is also that blind. If you should decide to hang on here longer consider sending him a bill for your services.
Scorpio Woman with Taurus Man
Regardless of what you've heard, he's no delight unless he's cooking you dinner, and he's probably doing that only because he's too cheap to take you out. If you break a tooth on the bread, it's undoubtedly because he bought it on sale. And if the milk in your coffee separates, it's only because he wanted to use up last month's before he opened a new bottle. Should the steak have muscles stronger than yours after six months of jogging, you know that he bargained with a discount butcher.
His conversation is great if you've been having insomnia problems, and his interests are extremely varied, if you like to watch six TV channels in one evening.
He's terribly sensitive—when it comes to his own feelings. But should you desire him to comprehend a subtle emotional situation, you may have to lean over and shout in his ear. Just don't expect him to understand the first time around, or the fifth, or the tenth, or the sixteenth ...
To tolerate this man, you need enough patience to fill that time period called a lifetime. Yet he does have one distinctive attribute—he's faithful. That's because, in essence, he's too lazy even to move from one room to another. And besides, even if he were seduced by your worst enemy, you should thank the stars for such a stroke of luck. Only make sure that you move next door so that he'll never find you when he comes trotting back.
Mr. Taurus gets in ruts, so to get rid of him for good, you have to dig him another and push him forward.
Scorpio Woman with Gemini Man
At its best, this combination is friendship. At its worst, it's a quiet but very painful kind of immolation.
Although he thinks he's very clever, you sometimes
see him as simpleminded. He seems to be going in every direction but getting nowhere, while you stay in one place but travel very far.
He gets himself exhausted seeking constant amusement, while you can find entertainment while reading in solitude. He is indiscriminately friendly and freedom-loving, while you are cautious, reserved, jealous, and possessive. He chatters on about banal trivia, while you wonder if he's really that superficial or if he's just talking in code.
His thoughts create a kind of theater, which you find fun until it gets too boring and obvious. On the other hand, he likens your mind to a French film with a lengthy script but no subtitles.
Even if he took a course in Scorpio psychology, he could never understand you, and even wearing your dark glasses, you sense that his perceptions are merely superficial.
It is true that his sense of the ludicrous always keeps you laughing, but his constant lateness ignites your Scorpio temper.
His behavior is so erratic that it would be easier to depend upon the words of a man mumbling in a coma. At the same time, your sulking when he fails to see what you're purposely not saying, forces him to leave you for a chat with a girl who knows how to giggle.
There is no doubt that you intrigue him more than any other woman, but there are many times when he finds you to be too much trouble. He's the man who can make you jealous, insecure, and close to suicidal, but your tight emotional control never lets you get that far. When the relationship starts to get heavy, you will inform him vaguely that you are too busy, that you're madly in love (even if you're just spending evenings with your cactus), or that you just want to be friends. (That's if you're already too hooked to cut off.) Deep in your heart, you hope to hear a stifled sob as a response from the other end. Instead, you hear a cheery sound that seems to be telling you good-bye. You put down the phone, stare at the wall, and admit that even in the end he got you.
Scorpio Woman with Cancer Man
For you, he's a package deal—a man with the qualities of Mother. He'll understand your moods, kiss you
on the forehead, bake you apple pie, and serve you tea with lemon.
This combination is highly compatible, especially if you were born in the last decan of Scorpio. As long as you respect his feelings, he is kind, caring, and loves to be controlled by your feminine power.
He'll feel flattered by your jealousy and return the feeling fourfold, which will make you feel all the more secure. You are his constant source of inspiration, and he is your constant bastion of support. Together, life can be a team effort offering many satisfactions and memorable experiences.
He is supersensitive and nurses his bruises. However, you're so adroit at handling fragile feelings that he never has the opportunity of rolling over and playing vulnerable. Since both of you communicate largely through what you don't say, conversation is never a problem. On full moons, you may resort to sign language interspersed with periods of self-imposed solitude. As long as you both don't live together in one room, the situation is salvageable.
At times, his sexual passivity may annoy you, though since you obtain a sense of power from being sexually controlling, this is not a major problem. With Cancer, the most efficient way to control is just to command.
Once you make him feel secure, he is loyal, loving, proud, and possessive. He'll romanticize your personality and give you total power in the relationship. He'll let you take him wherever you want to go, and make it known that you're the trip that he wants to be taking.
He'll put you on a pedestal and seduce you with this new self-image. Any way you look at it, you have a lot of needs and Mr. Cancer has a lot to offer most of them. Chances are, you'll find him easy to love, and almost as easy to spend a lifetime with.
Scorpio Woman with Leo Man
You'll make him wonder if you're speaking a foreign language that sounds like English. That's when you're communicating! As long as you open your mouth, he's always foolish enough to think he actually has a chance of understanding you. But when you close it and stare at his lower lip, forget it! All hope is lost, and so is a fleeting sense of his sanity.
At your most lucid moments, you are an enigma. But if he's trained in palmistry, face-reading, and phrenology (interpreting the bumps on your head), he might have a higher success ratio, provided he's not already too emotionally exhausted to notice.
You don't verbalize; instead, you expect him to read your eyebrows (through the sunglasses). You are intense, intuitive, and intelligent in a way he never thought of. You are aloof, while he practically overwhelms people with his presence. You live in the realm of the internal, while he exhausts himself hogging center stage. You are secretive, while he gives his loyal listeners an auditory overload.
Needless to say, the compatibility here is not compelling. And in terms of rapport, it would be easier to just mumble to your cat. When he asks you what's on your mind, after a ten-minute pause, you'll reply "nothing." That, of course, means "everything." Next step. Tell him not even to think about it. This is one game where he never even gets up to bat (or notices that there is one), because he's so dizzy wandering around the outfield.
At first, his pulse raced at the sight of your mysterious Agure, but after he realized that he didn't even know the plot, the drama got a little obscure. When he tries to Intimidate you, you just drift away. When he tries to tnake you laugh, you look at him, puzzled. After he ""seduces" you, he realizes that he's the one who's been educed. And when he tries to make you jealous, you devastate him with a look that makes him run for the center of any crowd, as he wonders nervously if you're carrying a concealed weapon.
There is no doubt about it; you have a lot of power. With both eyes closed, you can see right through his mind; and with both eyes open and a pair of bifocals, he can only get eyestrain staring at the furrows in your forehead. If he's so bored that he's lusting after the ultimate challenge, he has it here. But if it's mystery he's really after, he should do himself a favor and settle for Alfred Hitchcock. In the long run, it's a lot safer.
Scorpio Woman with Virgo Man
Since he's the nervous sort, try not to stare, or else he'll break out in hives. He is attracted to your depth, your intensity, and your sensuality. You appreciate his
stability, earthy sexuality, and sense of purpose. He may not understand you, and think your emotions silly, but he'll stay up all night listening to your problems. Even if you're repeating your point twenty-five times and going over the same sentence every hour, he will try his best to listen. At the same time, he may drown himself drinking gallons of water because you've made him so nervous.
The basic difference between the two of you is that you feel the world through your emotions and he sees it through his logic. And you both overanalyze, until the original point no longer matters.
Your moods make him shake his head in wonder. His logic on the subject of your moods makes you sulk. You feel he doesn't see the forest for the trees. He thinks that you'll only get lost in the forest.
Despite the verbal banter, he is kind and nurturing, has the best intentions, but sometimes seems to ruin it all by being so critical. Should you suddenly get sick, he'll have a ready supply of nasal spray; but while you're coughing, sneezing, and spraying, he'll scold you for leaving the cap off the toothpaste. Share with him your greatest lifetime accomplishment, and he'll find the fatal flaw. Ask him if he likes your new haircut, and he'll tell you you should do something about the split ends.
Quite unintentionally, this man invites the most pointed sarcasm, while feeling that you invite a constant restructuring of your life. Initially, this relationship may kindle a few favorable sparks, but for the most part, consider it to be one that you are just passing through. Otherwise, you can expect a lifetime of index cards and multivitamins on your birthday.
Scorpio Woman with Libra Man
One look and you'll have him, but it will be quite some time before he feels secure that he has you.
He is a charmer, but you see through him. Sometimes you think he's superficial and lacking in substance. At other times you appreciate his sense of romance and the fact that he prefers Bach's organ music to a song by the Rolling Stones.
He'll try to woo you with lilacs, champagne, and perfume. If you prepare dinner for him, he'll bring you fresh basil for the salad. But when he wins you, it's only with an offer of a lasting relationship.
Should he take forever to make the commitment and you find him flirting on the side, he might as well bring over a wicker basket and take back his trinkets. Suddenly you don't want him, any more than you want a case of food poisoning.
Although a highly evolved Libran is certainly a lovable creature, the daily garden variety tends to daydream a lot about whom he doesn't have. He is taken in by the superficials, while you probe and patiently wait for the substance. He flies around to do a "Mr. Friendly" routine, but only with the beautiful faces. At the same time, you stay in one place and look aloof, pondering about what he could be saying that's taking so long. Should you notice that he's leaning over some lovely who's writing down numbers, it's curtains for him and more time with your own company for you.
Give him a lifetime, and he'll still never understand you. However, he may desperately fall in love, moan over your cooking, and keep referring to a future of connubial bliss. Just make sure that that future is with you before your heart gets carried away. He may already be a newlywed whose wife is visiting her mother. Mr. Libra hates to be alone, and at such times can be mawkishly sentimental. So when the spout turns on, just check to see that the water is flowing in your direction; otherwise, leave your picture on his pillow, have your phone number changed, and let him suffer.
Scorpio Woman with Sagittarius Man
You'll meet him on a tour to King Tut's tomb. He'll be riding his camel as if it were a Cadillac. You'll be clutching yours and smiling as if you were wearing a pair of tight shoes.
He is a character, and one that is guaranteed to initially charm you. He has the kind of sense of adventure that can transform a New York shopping spree into an African safari, and a formal sitdown dinner into a discotheque.
You'll find him funny, friendly, and fantastically silly —especially when he takes you to the zoo to introduce you to an orangutang.
He loves sports and the outdoors to such a degree that he goes mountain climbing just to ski down. On your first date, he'll be late because he was jogging. On the
second, he'll be late because a tennis game destroyed his sense of time. And on the third, he'll be late because he misplaced his appointment book, forgot which woman he was going out with, and ended up at the wrong address.
Alas, Mr. Sagittarius likes a lot of women, is exceptionally freedom-loving, and is very disinclined to settle down. He always seems to be in a state of much coming and going, and sometimes doesn't himself know in which direction. His attentions are extremely scattered, and so, unfortunately, are his affections.
Quite unintentionally he has been known to stand up a few damsels in his lifetime. So if he should invite you on a canoe trip that never happens, and you find that he took a last-minute jaunt to Afghanistan, just take it all in stride. The key to this man is that his strides are long and he seeks to cover as much territory in each one of them as is possible. Just walking beside him, you feel you have to catch up. That is allowable, but you have to seriously ask yourself what you think you're catching up to.
Scorpio Woman with Capricorn Man
You admire his ambition, but get lonely when you never see him. He respects your devotion, but at times tends to take it for granted. At worst, this union can turn into a bitter emotional battle. At best, it can be a situation of mutual respect, much support, and a shared sense of responsibility.
One thing to remember is that you hold the power. Although he may appear to be stern, staunch, overbearing, and even critical, you can turn him into a melted marshmallow with your warmth, emotional sensitivity, and sexual passion. If he grumbles around a lot and works till one a.m. on your birthday, it's only because you've allowed it. You can get this man to stand on his head and wave his feet in the air, if that's your desire.
He is highly disciplined but very insecure. And what you read to be coldness is merely an emotional play, since he cannot tolerate rejection. Therefore, you have to be patient, understanding, and sometimes manipulative, which isn't at all difficult. And what you will have in return is a man who is highly devoted.
He tends to be depressed, especially when his career is going more slowly than anticipated, because he is only a corporate vice-president at the age of twenty-eight. If
you are supportive of his maniacal power drive and listen to his daily problems about how his secretary forgets to dot her /'s, he will develop the deepest attachment to you. However, do not expect that in return he will appreciate, tolerate, or try to understand your moods or deepest feelings.
No matter how much he loves you, this man will leave you lonely at times and give you the feeling that the universe comes cut-and-dried. You may stay up all night listening to his tales of thwarted ambition, but if in his presence you cry your eyes out, he'll inform you he's going to the store to buy eggs for breakfast. Although he may complain till your ears start ringing, he is terribly uncomfortable with your unsolicited emotional displays, and at times, is downright terrified.
Once committed, he is faithful, enduring, patient, and paternalistic. His inordinate ambition will vicariously bring you the power you so appreciate. But he will never even begin to explore your inner being. No matter how much you love him, you may always feel that there is something missing. Just remember that if you have enough personal power to discover what it is, you have enough personal power to create it.
Scorpio Woman with Aquarius Man
He will never forget you, because you are that elusive woman. Regardless of the amount of time he spends with you, he will feel so close and yet so far, and that is the key to his amorous idealism.
With this man, you had better be aggressive or else make yourself a pot of coffee, because it's going to be a very long night. He is extremely opinionated and has at least five thousand theories on the universe. Be prepared to hear each one of them or else be prepared to commit an act of rape. Granted, it may not be the most exciting scene to seduce him as he's staring blankly into a fish tank and thinking. However, if you wait for him to stop talking, you might as well wait for bronze to turn to silver. It's not going to happen.
He loves your mind, your sexuality, and your perceptions. Your emotions are quite another matter; those he finds interesting when they don't become confining. He has no idea of where your feelings are coming from or where they're going or what they're really doing there,
but he has a lot of interesting theories. As a matter of course, none of the theories usually apply, but they are provocative just the same.
You like his mind, find his gestures dryly amusing, but have to make some heavy emotional adjustments before you are ready for more than a friendship.
Sexually, he is not that satisfying to you, since he would rather think about sex than act. Emotionally, he is not that gratifying, since he is best friends with the world, and often his world includes women. He is freedom-loving and detached; you tend to be possessive and attached. Unless he makes you understand that his detachment does not obviate feeling, and unless you make yourself feel that you can have him without forcing yourself to possess him, this relationship is best kept on a lighter level.
Karmically, your love lessons bring you to opposite poles of experience. You must learn to put yourself out of an experience, but still be in it; he must learn to put himself into an experience without still having to be out of it. If both of you are open, you could help each other grow, and from this perspective, the relationship has no limits. It will take you as far and as fast as your mind and emotions want to move.
Scorpio Woman with Pisces Man
He'll treat you like a drug. The problem is that you're a woman. The essence of this irreconcilable fact is the essence of your problems with Mr. Pisces.
In regard to sex, this man is the passive sort. In regard to love, he is a garbage pail of emotion, and as to romance, he prefers the druglike dream of your distant approach far more than your personal appearance.
Aside from that, you are pragmatic, while he is the drunken idealist. Emotionally, you are serious, while he is mawkishly sentimental. And you are the strong survivor, while he is weak, sniffling, and whiny.
It is true that Mr. Pisces is as frail as his fantasies. In a time of crisis, he'll just cry on your shoulder, but don't let all this flimflam fool you. When caugfit in an emotional dead end, he can be cruel, sadistic, and cunning. Although, emotionally, he may understand where you're coming from, don't expect him to appreciate it—especially if you should assail him with a human need.
In a woman, he's looking for both a movie Star and a
mother. If you happen to fit both roles and want to play them, you've got him—as long as you don't mind sharing him with a few other faces. But remember that when he's being unfaithful, he may even be tacky enough to let you trip over the evidence.
Although at times he sees himself as mysterious, you can see through him. Despite what he may think, he never created subtlety. He learned it somewhere from a Scorpio. And judging from his behavior, that's only a fraction of the learning he still has in store.
Scorpio Man with Aries Woman
This combination is passion personified, but one that involves a primitive kind of power struggle in which egos will clash so hard that you both get bruises.
You'll get miffed at the fact that she's talking about herself rather than musing about what a mysterious man you are. And she'll get mildly outraged at the fact that you don't seem to be assenting to her self-congratulatory comments.
She'll boss you around, and if you don't do as she says, she'll step on your foot. You'll snarl and throw out a few viciously sarcastic comments, but the worst part is that she is so self-centered that she won't even be listening.
She charges around like an Amazon warrior, and although you admire her strength, you can't stand her lack of subtlety. You like to be the aggressor, but somehow she always beats you to the punch.
She is strong, ambitious, and the prototype of the liberated woman. You respect her ambition, her worldly accomplishments, her vitality, and her stamina, and she wants you to. But does she respect yours?
The first question is: Does she even notice unless you trip her? Only her bruises will tell.
Scorpio Man with Taurus Woman
You'll take her in and make her travel places she's never been before. In one evening, she'll find you alluring, mysterious, magnetic, sexy, and dangerous. You are—and you'll be glad this woman is smart enough tc know it.
You'll find her warm, sensual, domestic, insecure, an< very vulnerable. You can see right through her aspara^
quiche straight into her soul, and what you'll see is a tremendous sense of need and longing to be needed.
At first, this may scare you, and during dessert you may calculate how many giant steps it will take you to get beyond the front door, but something besides the second cup of coffee and Grand Marnier will keep you seated. You have no idea what it really is, and that's because it really is a lot of things.
For Ms. Taurus, this is a fatal attraction. Her heart will get caught up in your contradictions, and you'll enjoy the power you have in just watching her try to get out. She is like a fly under the furry foot of a tarantula, and in whichever direction she chooses to walk, she's going to get stepped on.
To her mind, you're a kind of three-ring circus without sound. She never knows what show goes on next, and half the time she doesn't even know what she's watching. What you do and say and desire and want and hate and need are all beyond her. From her perspective, the mechanics of your mind are more obscure than an Arabic translation of the Bible.
Her greatest desire is for an honest relationship without games, and the kind of passion that comes without pain. You find such scenes comforting only in the dark night of your soul, when you feel sad and lonely. At all other times you want your attention to be galvanized by some sort of challenge. In the long run, you'll only leave Ms. Taurus feeling cold and hungry.
Therefore, the outcome of this encounter is most likely to be that of two people who pass in the night. If she's smart, the first thing she should do when she sees you is just keep on walking. She'll save herself a lot of heartache, and you'll save yourself a few inches on your waistline from her cooking.
Scorpio Man with Gemini Woman
She'll play havoc with your emotions, and when you act moody and macabre just to scare her, she'll giggle in your face and chatter on as if she didn't see you.
There's no way you can control her, because she's a law unto herself. Bombard her with your mysterious airs, and she'll grin and call you "Operation Overkill." She is flip, funny, and always has the last word. Attack her with your savage sarcasm, and she'll smile and get you
back with an instantaneous retort. She is quick with the comebacks and can hold her own in any situation. And at moments, you want to dismember her because you're jealous of her blithe detachment.
Neither of you is operating on even related wavelengths. She could give you an auditory hernia from her talking. At the same time, you could give her a suicidal sense of boredom when you seldom say anything. She is mental; you are emotional. She is a spendthrift, while you are a money-maker. She is motivated by casual flirtations; you are committed to intense encounters. She is detached and freedom-loving; you are serious and jealous. You'll dismiss her on the grounds that she's superficial. She'll dismiss you on the grounds that you're predatory.
At first you find this woman refreshing, but after your energies have had a chance to blend, what you both need is a psychic purgation. Gemini with Scorpio is like trying to cross an Afghan hound with an irascible Chihuahua. It's better off just to buy a bloodhound.
Scorpio Man with Cancer Woman
She'll nurture all your needs, make you fat and happy on her cooking, and try to be understanding when you're being surly. She is kind, giving, compassionate, and more sympathetic than a Red Cross nurse. She'll listen to, your problems, pay you more attention than you desire or deserve, and make you feel like you're "the greatest show on earth."
All that she asks in return is love. She wants to be smothered in it. She wants to be drowned. She needs to be possessed, cherished, and suffocated in order to feel secure. She wants to hold you, consume you, devour you, and digest you. And what will remain, remains to be seen.
You appreciate her love and affection, but something deep within you makes it difficult for you to totally accept it. You need to keep your own space—not necessarily because you want it, rather because you have a fear that if any woman gets too close and you start to need her, she just might be taken away.
You have a hard time trusting, and she has a hard time holding back. Your moods may make her feel unloved, while her needs may make you feel you're in a prison.
On the other hand, you could find her very nice to come home to, as she is loyal, sensual, supportive, and a positive witch at conjuring creature comforts.
She'll fall in love, practically at first sight, though she'll be too shy to say so. However, you'll be able to read it in her eyes as she smiles at you over your chicken soup shimmering in the candlelight.
This could be a great match, should you be ready to settle for some connubial bliss. However, should you have only a good fling in mind, after she tells you her sun sign, just keep on walking.
Scorpio Man with Leo Woman
If her ascendant, moon, or Venus is in water, and even better, in Scorpio, this combination spells sexual Sturm und Drang. Here is the drama that you dreamed of, but the question is, how long can you stand it?
This vibration is passion personified. Exciting, yes. But as the emotions condense into steam heat, just stand back and watch your sanity go up in smoke.
If there are no water signs prominent in her chart, this encounter will start off like a lusty Italian movie and terminate like a French film where nothing really happens and even the characters are so bored they walk away.
You are an enigma—even to yourself. But if she has Scorpio strong in her chart, emotionally she'll understand you, because you'll both be starting from the same place —total obscurity. The key to you is that you talk in code. "I like your ambition; there's a great project I think we could collaborate on" means "I know you don't want to waste any time either, so let's roll down the sheets." "I'm really angry!" means "I'm hurt, but won't realize it until two weeks from next Sunday." "I'm really hurt!" means "Now, I've got you!" Silence means "What did she really mean by that, and why?" or "In ten seconds, two hands will be wrapped around your throat." 9, 8, 7, 6...
You are not an easy one to love, but this will not intimidate her. But when you communicate in convolutions of thought and feeling—feeling through thought, feeling plus feeling, then thinking plus thinking—because it's easier than just feeling, she'll either tell you you're boring her or inform you she just remembered she has another date.
At her most powerful she's only playing with a few parts of you—until you decide that you desire all, and then, watch out for Old Inscrutable. Your sense of power screams that you must be impervious to pain, but since you know you seldom are, you will have her under constant surveillance with omnipresent eyes that see around corners.
You are wildly jealous, and she is a compulsive flirt with a queen complex. Her consuming sense of drama may turn you around until you're facing the wrong direction. Then she had better watch her step, since aimless anger is not your style. You can go from cold control to violence and back again in ten seconds. If she bruises easily, she had just better behave herself.
Sexually, she'll find you a turn-on. Yet, her gaze tends to drift a lot when you turn off emotionally. She heartily appreciates that you're the most intense sort of man, but when you're so self-absorbed, she'd rather find someone shallow. Chances are, she'll have your total attention. And chances are, you'll try to dominate her with her own frailties, compliment her only on special occasions, and possess her in a kind of steaming sensuality. You are a pro at the game of power, and in this one she will have nc hope of winning. Your rule is control at all costs. She knows it well; it's hers—but this time, she's the slave. She's always fantasized about someone strong enough to fearlessly force her about. With you, she's found him. And now that that's over, she'll probably tell you she's going.
Scorpio Man with Virgo Woman
Although at first she may appear cold, in point oi fact she is just fragile. You will appreciate her mind, her stability, and her services. Together you can have a companionship that is quiet and comfortable. The problem is that you desire one that is noisy and intense.
Here there is a lot of talk but very little action, an< passion simply does not reign supreme. Together you can analyze your feelings until you both fall asleep, but it is highly unlikely that you can get the matter to reign ovei the mind.
She has an aspect to her personality that is healing, and there is a portion of your personality that needs to b<
healed. However, there is another aspect that thinks it needs a consummate kind of passion, and because of this, you are willing to take what she offers, but let the relationship pass you by.
Basically you're attracted to a woman who calls the shots and galvanizes you with one passionate glance, and Ms. Virgo tends to follow the shots in an effort to be kind and pleasing. With all the women in your life who have forced you to passivity through sheer sensual impact, niceness was never a consideration. That is why, rather than putting her hopes on you, Ms. Virgo is far better off with her pet turtle. You'll always be looking for what isn't there, but a turtle just looks and looks....
Scorpio Man with Libra Woman
She'll give you a sense of balance, and in return, you'll give her a taste of intense love. She has a special sense of the beautiful and can create a setting of the most seductive creature comforts.
You'll appreciate her good sense of humor and the fact that she is airy and easy to be with. She'll clear away your murky moods and fill your life with the little loving acts that take your heart away.
She is sentimental and romantic, but with you she might as well die and be reborn waiting for a little murmur of love. She fantasizes about the day when you'll bring her flowers, but if she searches your pockets for a trinket, all she'll find is a corporate financial statement.
She is so dependent that she hates even to go to the bathroom alone, and you are so independent that you can't understand her dependency. She is open and wants to share every part of her life. You are closed and want to share only selected moments.
She is sensual and loving, while you are sexual and possessive. But despite her faults, she is everything you want and need.
The question is: Are you everything she wants and needs? But since her needs overtake her desires, she'll be able to settle and make herself enjoy it.
Scorpio Man with Sagittarius Woman
You'll fascinate her, though she'll find you murky. And in five minutes she'll have you falling in love. Ms.
Sagittarius loves to laugh and just wishes that you did, but if you stick around long enough, she'll be willing to teach you. Despite personality differences, she is wise, positive, philosophical, and has an energy and enthusiasm that overwhelm you. Her personality is expansive, while yours is constrictive. She is adventurous and freedom-loving, while you are cautious and possessive. She knows how to fuse her mind and her body, while you often separate yours.
She'll find you charming, interesting, and sexually powerful, but she'll have a hard time understanding your emotions. Basically she is open and frank, while you are closed and indirect.
She is athletic and daring and could spend the entire day playing tennis in 100 degrees where her peppy enthusiasm will keep you on the courts until after sundown. Her personality is so zealous and romantic that you feel you've finally found your rhapsody at dawn. You have—as long as you behave yourself.
When you crowd her space with your jealousy, she'll laugh it off and call you crazy. That's because once she's committed, she's committed. You'll probably want to keep her in the broom closet, because you'll think that everybody wants her. But that's the first way to lose her, because she has to have her freedom.
Her wisdom will force you to travel in new directions, and her optimism will encourage your expansion. She will help you rise to the heights and share your revelations once you've returned. Together you could take each other to a place each of you has never been, and through a deepening love, regenerate as you realize even greater joy.
Scorpio Man with Capricorn Woman
In this relationship, there is a lot of talk but very little emotional understanding. However, in many ways the attraction is so irresistible that it borders on being fatal. From the very start, she will be bewitched and you will be turned on. The ensuing situation could be definitely erotic but in the long run emotionally deadening.
In the throes of her enchantment, she will end up giving more, and you will end up taking it. Your enigmatic behavior brings out all her insecurities. At one point she is swimming in them with her head above water but at another point she is drowned.
Although you appreciate her vulnerability, patience, understanding, and the tact that she would travel to the ends of the earth for you, you still make her suffer. You don't want to, but you get caught up in such a vortex of emotion that you can't help it. She brings out the intensity you always try to sit on, because it comes down to the fact that either you control it or it controls you. You hate losing control; and having an intense sexual, emotional, intellectual experience is just the thing to cause it.
You have a hard time accepting all she has to give, because somewhere you feel you don't deserve it. Therefore, you love the idea of her, but the actuality makes you nervous, and you may try to restrict it to brief encounters.
Your behavior will puzzle her, pain her, and put her into an emotional space where she starts doubting herself. The danger comes when she begins to believe that she deserves what little you give her. At that point, she should either withdraw or confront the fact that she's looking for misery.
You have the uncanny way of eluding your problems and making other people suffer for them. It's such an unconscious compulsion that half the time you don't even know that you're doing it until three days later, and then you may feel morose, guilty, disgusted, and deeply saddened. Until you find some way to change the pattern of your consciousness, you have to take responsibility for the pain and disruption. You have a special talent for bringing upon yourself what you fear most, and in this situation you may find that there will come a day when Ms. Capricorn will leave you. Unless, of course, you leave her first, so that you're not left hanging.
Scorpio Man with Aquarius Woman
You'll want to make love, but she'll want to go to the movies. When you are making love, she'll be musing on why the film ended without music.
Just forget trying to control her; she is so detached that she'll end up controlling you because you find it such a challenge to control her. She has about five thousand friends and takes on the personal problems of each one of them, and you sometimes feel like you're competing with the crowds at opening night.
She is so easy to be with that in a peculiar way you
find her irresistible. She is like a breath of fresh air, but if you stay around her too long, you may start feeling cold. You are passion personified, while she is mental and remote. You embrace direct experience, while she prefers having hers vicariously. After ten years together you may tell her you want an open marriage and she'll tell you she thought it always was.
If you're unfaithful, she'll be too involved in other people's lives to notice, so forget the pernicious apologies used just to get her attention. She'll give you a remote smile and say that whatever you want is fine with her, and would you excuse her, the phone is ringing.
Living with her is like having a roommate. Marriage to her is like having a friend. You'll never get tired of her, because you'll seldom see her—she's so busy living through everyone else's life.
So if it's freedom plus pleasantries that you're looking for, you have it here. From you she has financial stability and the knowledge that you'll never, leave her. For in her eyes a marriage is never marred by an affair if the marriage fulfills a man's most primal needs. She's so agreeable, cheerful, undemanding, and such a vacation from yourself that you can't help but need her. Despite your efforts to the contrary, expect to have a happy life.
Scorpio Man with Pisces Woman
Sexually, this combination is so powerful that you may both end up on the floor. She'll control you through her desire, and you'll devour her through your control. You may both expire through the sheer exhaustion of the situation, but what a way to go.
As this kind of physical chemistry is narcotic, expect to get hooked. When you are together, it may come to the point where you stop eating, sleeping, and thinking, and start losing weight. However, just how many banana-cherry splits can you really eat?
The same philosophy applies to you and Ms. Pisces. Although her abandoned sensuality sends you beyond your fantasies, her passivity will ultimately begin to bore you. A little splendor in the afternoon is energizing, but too much passion is sheer dissipation.
Your moods will drag her down, and her dependence will irritate you. You like your emotions to be challenged, while she likes hers to be gratified. You like a woman
who is ambitious, self-possessed, and successful. She is looking for a man who is all of the above so that she can be taken care of.
Any way you look at it, this is a short-lived affair. Indoors there are no limits, but what do you do when it's snowing and you're standing in silence on the street? Chances are, you'll do something to make her start crying so that you can take a deep breath and walk away. If there's anything you despise, it's phlegmatic females. Back to work. The world is waiting.
Dates: November 23—December 21
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Mode: Mutable
Qualities: Masculine, positive
Planetary principle: Expansion
Primal desire: Liberty
Color: Light blue
Jewel: Turquoise
Plant: Begonia
Day: Thursday
Archangel: Sachiel
Magical number: 6
Material factot: Growth
You have the personality of Pollyanna, the charm of an unforgettable character, and the intelligence of a highly intelligent but absentminded professor. Your welcome anywhere is always a little overwhelming. That's because you're a blithe and friendly spirit that everyone gets more than a little satisfaction out of being around.
As a schoolgirl you were probably voted "Most Popular." And as a woman your reputation still reaps loads of attention and affection. This is most likely elicited by the sparkle in your eye, your winsome laughter, and the way you magically light up a room.
You don't demand attention, you just draw it in unintentionally. Your sense of humor is a stellar force in any social situation, and your gregarious good nature gives you a following of friends who constantly encourage you to frequent their company.
All the same, you are the independent sort and do as you please without feeling you have to please any group of people. Quite strongly you rebel against possessive persons and pattern your life according to your own laws, which predicate personal freedom and privacy.
In addition, your interests are so varied and consuming that you really haven't time for idle chatter. It seems that the quintessential dilemma of your life is that you perpetually wonder where the time goes. That is because there are so many things you want to do and there's so little time in which to do them. However, you have to admit that you have the sense of timing of a person traveling through a series of time zones. Somehow, you feel that after five minutes, only one has elapsed. Therefore, not only do you have a problem getting everything you have to do done, you also have a problem being punctual.
The foremost things that interest you are travel and sports. You could be the first woman to go around the world on a bicycle and the first person to bring indoor polo to the arctic region. Your favorite fantasy object is a swimming pool, and your favorite fantasy occupation is to be an explorer.
You love the lure of far-off places, as well as the excitement that occurs in the process of getting up and going. However, if you find you are lacking the funds for an international expedition, you could be almost as happy hiking, or taking a few sailing lessons and arming yourself for a sea adventure.
When it comes to romantic matters, your attitude is "I don't care about love—just give me the sun and the wind." However, although you are the undisputed queen of the elements, you are also far more romantic than most people think.
For instance, how could any stranger suppose that that girl in a sweat shirt playing touch football believes in an ideal kind of love?
Well, you do. And your ideal is a man strong enough to hold you, yet flexible enough to let you fly around. And when you find him, you won't drown him in saccharine love statments, and you might giggle in his face if he assails you with a few. However, you will be ardent, devoted, faithful, and at the very least a best friend who inspires love.