As had been done the previous spring when Jason graduated from West Point in New York, several Tillman family members ventured to Colorado Springs so that they could witness the commencement exercises as Beau graduated from the Air Force Academy. Faced with a similar call of duty to what Beau had encountered the previous year, Jason could not break away to attend the event. Sadly, both had in turn been absent in body, if not in spirit, from the respective academy graduation of their opposite. Beyond that unfortunate reality, the representation of the Tillman family was less in number, as aside from the obvious of Savanah no longer being with them, Ashley didn’t make the trip. In explanation of why she would not attend, Ashley revealed that she had not yet emerged from her deep level of grief to the point of celebrating anything.
With understanding of her attitude, the remainder of the Tillman clan headed off for Colorado Springs without her. They arrived via their Gulfstream G280 during the early evening of May twenty-third, with a planned night return to Crockett on the twenty-fourth. Although the arrival was six hours after President Harwell had landed in Denver, they had no idea that he was in the area or what his schedule included.
As Samuel checked the family and Ms. Holloway into their hotel, President Harwell was wrapping up his lengthy discussion with Governor Damian Flynn. The two of them had covered many topics in great detail throughout the late afternoon hours, which in turn led the President to further believe that his counterpart was the right man for the position. Accordingly, he asked him to be his running mate as Vice President during the upcoming election of the fall, and Governor Flynn agreed to do so. As a result they had fostered a new relationship which would hopefully secure the White House for another four years, but the President made it known that a public announcement of any kind would need to wait for a short time.
Feeling satisfied that the side trip to Denver had been productive and well worth the effort, Jordan Harwell boarded Air Force One the following morning for the brief flight south to Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs. A short time later he was flown via the Marine One shuffle game of three helicopters to the beautiful grounds of the Air Force Academy where he would deliver a speech to the graduating class.
On seemingly every occasion prior to his staged death, Heath would have been one of the Secret Service detail to accompany the President on any venture of great distance away from the White House. That offer for the Colorado trip had been made to Agent Bishop by President Harwell a few weeks prior, as he believed that it was time to get Heath back into full duty status. Willing to follow any orders given, Heath explained that it might not be the best idea for him to return for that specific trip. Although there would be little or no chance of him being recognized in Denver, it was possible that Samuel Tillman, or perhaps one of his entourage, could inadvertently see him during the commencement exercises. Heath further explained that it was highly unlikely that the events could somehow be connected, but why risk the planned covert incursion of the coming days by raising a potential red flag of suspicion within the organization and the Republic of Texas. Learning of his falsified death could put Samuel and the organization on alert, and if that were to transpire, then the planned incursion could be foiled before it began.
The President had agreed with the logic behind what Heath said, even though he didn’t like the idea of traveling without him. As a consequence, Heath was left in Washington D.C as an added although probably unnecessary precaution.
Then as President Harwell strode up the few stairs leading onto the platform in the end zone of Falcon Stadium to give his commencement speech, he realized that Heath had been correct to be cautious. There were thousands of people in attendance, with Samuel Tillman and his family most probably being somewhere among them.
Such an assumption seemed logical based on several factors which began with the Colorado Springs Municipal Airport. There was a Gulfstream G280 which had arrived the previous evening with tail numbers matching those of the Tillman plane, and according to the most recent report from the Secret Service, the jet was still parked at the airport. In addition a Mr. Tillman and his party had occupied a handful of rooms at a local hotel the previous night. Therefore it was known that he had been in the area, and it was doubtful that Mr. Tillman would have remained if he wasn’t at the commencement proceedings.
That created, with good reason, an uncomfortable feeling for the President. To have an enemy know his exact position with an unobstructed view in a wide open setting, while not being able to have that same reciprocal awareness, was cause for concern.
However there was some solace in understanding that Mr. Tillman didn’t know he was currently under observation, and that two undercover agents seated nearby could take action against him at a moment’s notice if the need arose. As another option for the Secret Service, Mr. Tillman could have been taken the previous night at his hotel or at the airport when preparing to depart from Colorado Springs in the coming hours. However neither course had been desired by the President, as he had heeded the advice of Heath and others by deciding that it would be ill-advised. Capturing Mr. Tillman in the current setting while he had ventured into the United States would have been easier than doing so in Texas, but it would have a negative impact in that it could end any hope of capturing other members of his organization with their guard down.
As the graduation ceremony continued, Samuel sat quietly and prepared himself to stomach what would soon be happening. That was not easily achieved, and he grimaced when President Harwell began his speech.
A moment later he turned toward Victoria and whispered, “Of all the luck. The President speaks at each of the academies on a random basis, and during many years doesn’t give a commencement speech at any of them. But naturally, Harwell had to pick this year to speak here. What a way to ruin the day for Beau.”
Victoria nodded with understanding of his feelings toward President Harwell, but returned the whisper of, “Well Samuel, if you don’t point that out to Beau when we see him afterwards, then perhaps it won’t ruin his day.”
Realizing that he had been scolded by his wife with her typical elegance and sometimes bothersome logic, Samuel nodded with acknowledgement of her point. Then he sat in silence while a man he could not stand bantered on.
Shortly after the conclusion of the commencement, everyone gathered with Beau for hugs and congratulations. Mason and Courtney, although clearly not on the best of terms with each other, were beaming with delight over the accomplishments of their son. Their daughter Jennifer, in a somewhat less clumsy fashion than the previous year at West Point, was doing what she could to attract the attention of any cadet that would pass within close range.
When it was his turn to speak with Beau, Samuel offered his congratulations and asked, “So have they informed you where you will be stationed after your summer leave?”
“Yes sir they have. As has always been my plan since first arriving here, I will continue to train so that I can fly jets. Therefore extended flight school is what awaits me.”
Samuel smiled and replied, “That is excellent Beau. And hopefully when you are fully certified they will station you somewhere that will be of use to us. Otherwise you can resign your commission and come home to fly for Texas.”
Beau was stunned by what his grandfather said, but he wasn’t sure how to respond.
Then calling upon an inner strength he looked at Samuel and said, “I’m sorry sir, but I have no intention of resigning my commission. Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to earn it?”
“Well I understand that it was difficult Beau, but how are going to fly for Texas if you don’t resign first?”
“That’s exactly the point sir. I won’t be flying for Texas, because I signed a loyalty oath to the United States slightly over a year ago. I fully intend to honor that oath.”
With a slightly raised eyebrow Samuel asked curtly, “What are you saying Beau?”
“Sir, don’t you remember that I was required to sign a loyalty oath in order to remain here for my fourth year?”
“Yes Beau, I do. However I thought that was all just a ruse so that you could continue your training as a pilot. We all thought that you would ultimately come back to Texas.”
“No sir. That was not just a ruse as you put it. And after my leave, I may be stationed somewhere that will make it difficult for me to come home for a long time.”
Before Samuel could respond or escalate the tone of the conversation to an unwanted plateau, Ms. Holloway stepped forward and asked, “Beau, would it be alright if I gave you another congratulatory hug.”
Looking at the elderly woman who had been partially responsible for raising him, he replied, “Absolutely Ms. Holloway. Another hug from you is always welcome.”
While reaching out with extended arms, she made sure to do so in such a manner as to have Beau make a quarter turn away from Samuel while hugging her.
Then in seizing the briefest of opportunity, Ms. Holloway stared over his shoulder toward Samuel while slowly and silently mouthing the words, “Not here!”
Later that evening during the flight back to Crockett, Samuel solemnly sipped on a cocktail that had been brought to him by the flight attendant who replaced Domonique.
Victoria leaned toward him and asked, “So what’s bothering you?”
With a slight scowl of his face he replied, “It has to do with Beau.”
“Well I thought it was a wonderful day, and he looked so happy. You didn’t say anything to him about Harwell or his speech did you?”
“No Vic, it’s something entirely different.”
“Alright, so what’s the problem?”
“Well I can’t believe that it has happened to us again Vic, especially after Savanah, but it would appear that we have to confront another enemy within.”