Writing is personal, but publishing a book is a collaborative process. In that process I have been helped immeasurably by many people, foremost among them Jonathan Karp, the publisher of Simon & Schuster. Jon encouraged and guided me throughout. Without him my notes would have remained just notes. I also thank at Simon & Schuster in Editorial Megan Hogan, Publishing Assistant; in Publicity Cary Goldstein, Vice President and Director of Publicity; Maureen Cole, Senior Publicist; in Marketing Richard Rhorer, Vice President and Associate Publisher; Stephen Bedford, Marketing Manager; in Managing Editorial Irene Kheradi, Executive Managing Editor; Gina DiMascia, Associate Managing Editor; Ffej Caplan, Assistant Managing Editor; in Art and Design Jackie Seow, Vice President and Executive Art Director of Trade Art; Christopher Lin, Associate Art Director; Joy O’Meara, Design Director; in Production Lisa Erwin, Senior Production Manager; and Lisa Healy, Senior Production Editor.
My assistant, Ann Ungar, was invaluable in the preparation of the manuscript—and in nearly every other aspect of my life! She is attentive to both detail and nuance.
While serving in public office I was fortunate to have help from many talented persons on my staffs. Not all are mentioned in this book, although all deserve my gratitude for their contributions to the causes I served. In the Senate I was ably assisted by, among others, Rich Arenberg, Jan Welch Barrett, Bob Bean, Donna Beck, Larry Benoit, Tom Bertocci, Sandy Brown, Judy Cadorette, Paul Carliner, Bob Carolla, Jim Case, Gayle Fitzgerald Cory, Kelly Currie, Bob Davison, Diane Dewhirst, Tom Gallagher, Steve Hart, Mike Hastings, Beverly Bustin Hathaway, John Hilley, Kelly Riordan Horowitz, Charlie Jacobs, Anita Jensen, David Johnson, Kate Kimball, Charles Kinney, Margaret Malia Kneeland, Estelle Lavoie, Mary Leblanc, David Lemoine, Clyde Macdonald, Sandy Vigue Martin, Mary McAleney, Sandy Moore, Gary Myrick, Lisa Nolan, Brett O’Brien, Janie O’Connor, Marty Paone, Jeff Peterson, Martha Pope, Jeff Porter, Grace Reef, Bob Rozen, Abby Safold, Pat Sarcone, Sarah Sewall, Diane Smith, Charlene Sturbitts, Sharon Sudbay, Regina Sullivan, Kim Wallace, and Chris Williams. Anita, Larry, and Bob Rozen were also helpful in reviewing portions of this book.
Martha Pope joined me in Northern Ireland, where I was also assisted by Kelly Currie and David Pozorski. Kelly was also with me on my first tour of duty in the Middle East, along with Jim Pickup and Fred Hof. Fred returned for my second tour in that region, where I was also helped by several able officials in the State Department and in the Executive Office; they include Jeff Feltman, David Hale, Gloria Hubbard, Payton Knopf, Prem Kumar, Janice Neal, Julia Reed, Mara Rudman, Alon Sachar, Jonathan Schwartz, Dan Shapiro, and Jake Sullivan.
Throughout my life I have benefited greatly from a close and loving family. It began with my parents and siblings; how much they meant to me is clear from the early pages of this book. It continues today with my patient and supportive wife, Heather; my children, Andrea, Andrew, and Claire; and my grandson, Ian. I love and thank them all.
Mount Desert Island, Maine