Chapter 1
I sit in the last bit of class on this long Friday daydreaming about my plans for the weekend. The bell will ring in 10 minutes and then I get to go home and wait for Andi to be dropped off!! I keep looking at the clock, but it doesn’t seem to be moving! Mrs. Gromley is talking but I’m too excited to gather the details. I only hope it isn’t anything that’s going to get me into trouble by not knowing later!
Andi and I made plans this weekend. She is coming over to spend two nights! I saved exploring the attic with her, so I am dying for her to get to my house! There is a bunch of stuff in the attic of this house that previous owners left there. Nobody seems interested in going in the attic except me. I tried to get Emily to join me, but she said she is too tall and doesn’t like spiders and mice. I told her to duck and get over it, but she refuses. Andi is a lot like me she dreams of finding valuable treasures and is ultra-excited about coming over!
RIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGG! That is the bell and I am off to the bus! I jump up from my desk and grab the stuff from my hook and head to the bus. I only tripped twice but I caught myself both times! I’m like a cool ninja today! I passed Liz and Joyce and threw them a quick wave before jumping up the bus steps and into my seat. I am so glad I live so close. I am the third stop!
Nikki won’t be here until 5:00 p.m. but I need to get our treasure-hunting supplies ready to go! I ran inside, threw my backpack on the couch and ran upstairs to gather the rest of the supplies. So far, I have two flashlights that get worn on the head that I found in John’s workshop, old mismatched stretchy gloves from a couple winters ago, a pair of scissors, and a bucket of warm water with two clean rags in it. If we need more supplies, we can always go get them. This is the stuff that I thought to begin with.
I have a phone without service. It picks up and uses wifi but I cannot text people. My mom said getting me a phone would cost too much right now. Emily has one. No fair. Another reason why Emily is “normal”. I grabbed my phone and opened Snapchat and sent a quick picture to Andi to show her I was getting ready for her arrival! She sent a silly furry-eared, rainbow tongued grin back. She is so funny. I just love Andi! “RED! The couch isn’t the final resting place for your backpack! Move it or lose it now!” Mom yelled as I was checking out Andi’s Snap. “Fine, mom. I’ll take it to my room.” I said as I ran downstairs, grabbed my backpack off the couch and went back upstairs.
Emily came upstairs and said, “RED!! Why is the attic open? Are you in there???” “I’m in my bedroom!” I yelled over the Snapchat music filter that was playing. “I left it open for Andi and I to go treasure-hunting in!”. Emily seemed annoyed and snapped back, “As if you will find treasures. Pretty much anything left behind is just junk because it isn’t worth taking.” I laughed and said, “Whatever. Just keep thinking that. When the media comes to interview me because of my findings, you will not be a part of it.” “Yeah, Ginger. That’s how its going down.” Emily said and skipped downstairs to get a drink. I kept the light on in the attic, but I closed the door. I figured the light would keep bugs away. I hate bugs.