A NOTE ON production methods: the Italian government recognizes upward of twenty agencies that certify agricultural products as “organic” and “biological.” Whereas “conventional” wineries are free to use fertilizers, pesticides, and other synthetic chemicals, wineries that have been certified “organic” avoid all synthetic chemicals. Biodynamic winemaking is even more extreme in its regulation of chemical inputs: A kind of homeopathic, almost mystical approach to viticulture, it stresses the importance of a self-sustaining ecosystem and relies on the cycles of the moon. Certified in Italy by the Demeter Association, biodynamic agriculture not only eschews chemicals but replaces them with a diet of “preparations” ranging from medicinal herbs and minerals to manures and even the horns and skulls of domesticated livestock. Some wineries practice organic or biodynamic viticulture without going to the expense of certification. Those are listed herein as “organic” and “biodynamic”; those that have been certified are noted as such.