“Sometimes the smallest thing that seems insignificant can actually be a huge eye-opener, or even a whisper from God—you just have to be open to hearing it” is advice that ANN WILLHOIT (Ruther Glen, Virginia) treasures from her Grammy, ESTHER ELAINE FERKAN GREGG (Lexington, Kentucky). Ann shares that Grammy made the most beautiful and delicious angel food cake she’s ever had or seen. The icing looked and tasted as light and fluffy as the cake did. Ann remembers Grammy always making one for her mother’s birthday because it was her favorite too. It was also Grammy who started the family’s Christmastime tradition of making and sharing pizzelles—thin, light, unique Italian cookies made with an iron press. “She passed her pizzelle press and recipe to my mom, who then passed it to my sister Leigh and me. The original machine is in Leigh’s possession now, and she has truly taken the role of making them for the masses and mailing them out. I’ve found a more modern pizzelle press to use, but it doesn’t compare to Grammy’s original,” Ann adds.

1 tablespoon honey

1 (3 ounce) package cream cheese, softened

⅓ cup chopped dates

¼ cup chopped walnuts

8 slices raisin bread

1 In a medium bowl use a hand mixer to beat the honey into the cream cheese. Add the chopped dates and walnuts. Mix well with a spoon. Spread thickly onto 4 slices of raisin bread. Top with the remaining 4 slices of bread. Trim the crusts and cut each sandwich diagonally into 4 small finger sandwiches. (For a crunchier sandwich, try toasting the raisin bread.)