


As Mo walked back to the motel, she realized she didn't need to dig into Fortune's past or ask questions to get answers. All she had to do was put together what she already knew, with what she had been told. A government worker, using alias names, paranoid about her past, good with weapons, living in Sinful (Mo chuckled at that), and recognized by internationally known mercenaries.

It didn't take a genius to figure out Fortune was a member of an organization that operated on an international basis, and undercover. Probably CIA, but Mo was sure there were many other agencies she just didn't know about. Fortune could be with any one of them. Mo felt everyone was entitled to their privacy unless it endangered others. As far as Mo knew, Fortune's presence in Sinful hadn't done that so she wasn't going to try to understand why Fortune was living in Sinful. That was her business.

What puzzled Mo more was Ida Belle and Gertie. What were they doing with Fortune, obviously privy to her past and willing to help her behind the back of the local law? She'd seen them in action and even been a part of it herself. They admitted they were in deep, and they also knew Fortune had been known as Redding. Carter didn't even know that unless he was keeping it to himself. But Mo didn't believe his reaction would have been so casual if he knew Fortune's life was as risk. No, Mo thought, Carter was completely in the dark about Fortune's past. Then she smiled. He was also in the dark about Ida Belle and Gertie's current activities.

Mo pondered the times she'd seen the women as a group. An odd group of two senior women and one beautiful, mysterious young woman. They'd been eating together at Francine's the first day Mo got into town. They'd been eating together at Gertie's that first week when Carter dropped her off to join them for a drink. They came up with the scheme that went south at the Swamp Bar, but Fortune knew exactly where Gertie would be with her fishing boat. They'd worked together out at Skinny Davis' house, first to help Mo, then to help the neighbors stay one step ahead of Carter.

Finally, when Eugene had been accused of murder and Lovena Lane posed a threat to Fortune? Ida Belle had swallowed her pride in one giant butt kissing episode that made Mo laugh when she thought about it. Fortune's pucker and kiss session had been even more impressive than Ida Belle's. The reason? None of the women wanted to put Fortune under Lovena's microscope. Which meant Ida Belle and Gertie weren't innocent and bored seniors looking for a little excitement in their lives. Oh, no. Those two were in deep with Fortune even before Mo returned home.

Mo's thoughts turned back to Fortune and her suggestion that Mo leave and think things over before getting the details of Fortune's background. It didn't make sense that Fortune would worry about Mo's welfare, and not Ida Belle and Gertie's.

Had Ida Belle and Gertie been CIA in their younger days? That would explain why they and Fortune had common ground and a reason to stick together. Mo grinned. Maybe they still were! She thought of the "Mrs. Pollifax" books she'd read. Maybe they weren't as far fetched as they seemed. Mo could easily envision Ida Belle and Gertie as undercover agents.

Which brought it back to Mo. Did she want to become a part of that? If so, she could never undo it. Plus, there was the burden of possibly putting them all in danger, as Fortune warned. No, the more she considered the matter, the more she realized Ida Belle and Gertie were interested in protecting Fortune and her secrets, rather than chasing down criminals. But when the criminals came to Sinful of their own free will? That was another matter. And when they were a threat? The can of worms got even bigger.

Mo finally reached her room at the motel and paused on the walk to look down to the other end. Those guys weren't petty crooks. They were big players, international mercenaries, and they recognized Fortune. Mo realized at that moment Fortune had only one option, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. If they weren't eliminated, they'd stalk Fortune and terrorize the town until they found her. Or it might draw the attention of others just like them. Either way, Sinful was in for a rough ride, and Mo couldn't blame it on Fortune. It was just sheer bad luck or ridiculous coincidence that their paths crossed.

Mo made her decision. If the three women had a common past that involved things Mo would rather not know about, then she didn't want Fortune's background. If her suspicions were true, they'd been trained to deal with the dirty and brutal side of life. But Mo didn't have that training and knowing their past would be a heavy load to carry.

Besides, they had been there for Mo, above and beyond what someone in her position could expect. And Mo was sure it wasn't just because of her Grannie Annie's friendship with the older women. No, she remembered joking with them about hauling people's butts out of trouble and their response- they looked out for their neighbors.

Mo decided it was time she returned the favor. She'd unknowingly put them all in danger her first week in Sinful. No one brought it up, or suggested she owe them. It was time for Mo to step up and help them, even if that meant putting herself in danger. Deep down, Mo knew they were good women caught up in a bad situation, not of their own making. She had no doubt if she was in that position, they'd come to help (again) without being asked.

She pulled out her phone to text Fortune. I don't need or want the details of your life. That's your business and I won't speak about it to anyone. I realize you're in a difficult position and I'm willing to help out if I can.

She had no sooner put her phone away and pulled out her room key when Gertie rolled into the lot and slammed on her brakes. The car did a slight skid and Mo instinctively held her arms protectively over her chest.

"Have you tried a minimizer bra?" Gertie yelled out the window.

Mo rolled her eyes. Thanks, Gertie! That never occurred to me. She walked to the car as Gertie got out. "Minimizer is just an advertising ploy to get women to buy bras that are too tight. How can this be minimized with a piece of cloth? All those things do is push your boobs into an unnatural and uncomfortable position. Or leave them hanging out the sides. Surgery is the only real way to get that result, and I'm not that desperate yet."

Gertie looked her over. "Well, all I can say is if I had a rack like that I'd buy me some push up bras and low cut tops."

"I'm afraid that only attracts unwanted attention," Mo sighed.

"Honey, when you get to be my age, you'll rethink that, so don't make any rash decisions and have them lopped off. You have your retirement to think of."

Mo had a mental picture of herself at Gertie's age with back trouble from toting around a front heavy load most of her life. By then she'd need a push up bra because gravity was not kind! As far as the low cut tops? Mo was pretty sure she'd have a permanent stoop by then, making low cut tops unnecessary. Any regular top would work and Mo was certain it would still be a visual overflow. Maybe she'd better prepare for her retirement while she was still able to stand up straight!

After a mental head slap, Mo asked Gertie, "Why are you here?"

Gertie's eyes shifted to the end room. "I was hoping to do a little snooping," she confessed. Gertie's phone buzzed with a text and she held up a finger for Mo to wait while she read it. Then she smiled and said, "Welcome aboard."