Readers—a million thanks for all your loyalty, cool hashtags, reels, and graphics you have created related to the Droseran Saga, but more than that—thank you for journeying with me and Marco through these books. Love having you along for the jump!

Sincere thanks to Jamie Foley, author extraordinaire and Enclave’s Girl Wonder, for the amazing maps you find in the front matter. You got mad skillz, Lady!

Special thanks to Kim Gradeless, Jane Farrelly, and Rosalyn Schlabach for your last-minute eagle eyes on the galley. So grateful!

When life turned upside down and got insane, a handful of special friends stepped in and had my six—Deepest Gratitude to Narelle Mollet, Kim Gradeless, Jane Farrelly, Mikal Hermanns, and Beth K. Vogt. You ladies are gorgeous!!