The realm of speculative fiction is as beautiful as it is weird, and it takes a very special type of Creative to not only understand this genre, but to also be so wholly passionate about it and its writers that you make it your life’s work to provide a safe haven for those who find joy and freedom in writing these stories. A million thanks to Rebecca “Becky” Minor for heroically stepping out and starting Realm Makers, one of the most fantastic and inclusive organizations for speculative fiction authors. You are beautiful and amazing! You’ve created an environment where writers of speculative fiction have found community, encouragement, laughter, instruction, safety, freedom, recognition, camaraderie, beauty . . . There simply is no adequate way to thank you for the many sacrifices you and your family have made to make Realm Makers possible. Becky, thank you from the bottom of my heart and my own created universes. You are an out-of-this-world hero!