A Guide to the
Herbs of Magic
The following list is not complete, but it does contain all of the herbs used in the recipes in this book. It is also meant to be a guide to ingredients for creating your own recipes and in case you need to substitute any ingredients in the formulas in this book. If substitution is necessary, simply look at the list to find an herb with similar properties, magical uses, and correspondences to use in place of the original herb.
The herb list is organized alphabetically by common name, Latin name, gender (the polarity of the herb), planet associated with the herb, and finally, the herb’s element. Individual herbs carry unique patterns of energy based on their genus and makeup. Herbs that are more “active” and “aggressive” are considered “male”; herbs that are more “subtle” and “gentle” in their mechanisms of action are considered “female.” Herbs are tied to individual planets based on their energy patterns. Herbs of Venus, for example, all share a basic loving, delicate energy and can be used for similar goals.
Angelica—Angelica archangelica; masculine; Sun; fire. Magical uses: Angelica is used in magic related to exorcism, protection, and visions.
Apple blossom—Pyrus spp.; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: Apple blossoms smell wonderful and have been used in love and healing mixtures for centuries. Dried apple peels can be used if you have no access to a flowering apple tree.
Betony—Stachys betonica; masculine; Jupiter; fire. Magical uses: Betony is used for protection (especially at the summer solstice), purification, and to find love.
Bindweed—Convovulus arvensis; masculine; Saturn; water. Magical uses: Binding destructive habits, people, or forces.
Blackberry—Rubus villosus; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: The branches and fruits of blackberry are both used for protection.
Blackthorn—Prunus spinosa; masculine; Mars; fire. Magical uses: Used for exorcism and protection; the thorns are used as needles to stick in poppets, or added to witch bottles.
Caraway—Carum carvi; masculine; Mercury; air. Magical uses: This is used in spells and recipes for protection and to induce lust.
Catnip—Nepeta cateria; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: Catnip is used in love spells and to create a closer relationship between you and your cat (if you have one).
Chamomile—Anthemis nobilis; masculine; Sun; water. Magical uses: Chamomile is a strong money herb; it is used to bring love, purification, and in sleep mixtures.
Cinquefoil—Potentilla canadensis; masculine; Jupiter; fire. Magical uses: This is an all-purpose herb that can be used for nearly any desire, such as love, luck, money, health, and/or wisdom. It is also known as “five-finger grass” and it is said to protect against the evil that five fingers can do.
Clover—Trifolium spp.; masculine; Mercury; air. Magical uses: This herb is used for protection, money, love, and exorcism.
Comfrey—Symphytum officinale; feminine; Saturn; water. Magical uses: Comfrey can be used to bring money and for safety during travel. It has a visionary element to it.
Dandelion—Taraxacum officinale; masculine; Jupiter; air. Magical uses: This plant can be used to bring good luck, improve psychic ability, and call spirits.
Elder flowers—Sambucus nigra; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: The branches, leaves, and flowers of the elder tree are used in spells to expel everything from illness to evil spirits. It is used to bring protection and to connect with the Mother Goddess or bring her energy into your life.
Eyebright—Euphrasia officinalis; masculine; Sun; air. Magical uses: Eyebright is used in spells to improve memory, reveal truth, and to induce clairvoyance.
Fumitory—Fumaria officinalis; feminine; Saturn; earth. Magical uses: This is used in magic related to exorcism.
Hazel—Carylus spp.; masculine; Sun; air. Magical uses: Hazel is known as the tree of wisdom; both the wood and nuts are used to bring insight and knowledge into your life. Hazel is used to bring protection and luck.
Heather—Erica spp.; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: Heather is burned to cause ghosts to appear. It is used to preserve chastity and to bring rain.
Holly—Ilex aquifolium; masculine; Mars; fire. Magical uses: Holly has its strongest influence from the summer solstice to the winter solstice. Holly is used to bring protection and luck into your life. It is one of the classic herbs of the winter solstice and can be used to fill the home with vitality during this cold time of year.
Juniper—Juniperus communis; masculine; Sun; fire. Magical uses: Both the berries and leaves of the juniper bush are burned to bring protection or used in exorcisms. The berries can also be used for love.
Loosestrife—Lythrum salicaria; feminine; Moon; earth. Magical uses: Loosetrife is used to bring protection, peace, and the influence of the moon.
Marjoram—Origanum vulgare; masculine; Mercury; air. Magical uses: Marjoram is an all-purpose herb and can be used for protection, love, health, and money.
Meadow sage—Salvia pratensis. Magical uses: Any type of sage, including the much more common Salvia officinalis, can be used for protection, healing, money, and as an aid in spiritual cleansing.
Mint—Menthe spp.; masculine; Mercury; air. Magical uses: Any form of mint can be used for healing, money magic, and protection.
Mistletoe (American)—Phoradendron leucarpum; masculine; Mercury; air. Magical uses: Mistletoe can be used for protection, luck, and love. It is poisonous.
Mistletoe (European)—Viscum album; masculine; Mercury; air. Magical uses: Revered by druids, European mistletoe used to only be cut with a golden sickle and has the same uses as its American counterpart.
Moonwort—Botrychium spp.; feminine; Moon; water. Magical uses: Moonwort is used to bring in the influences of the Moon. It can be used to bring love or to increase money by placing it among pieces of silver, the moon’s metal.
Mugwort—Artemesia vulgaris; feminine; Venus; earth. Magical uses: Mugwort helps to open your psychic perceptions; it can be used as a psychic enhancer via incense, herbal pillows, oils, and more.
Mullein—Verbascum thapsus; feminine; Saturn; fire. Magical uses: Mullein is used for protection and exorcism and to call on the influence of Saturn for stability.
Nettle—Urtica dioica; masculine; Mars; fire. Magical uses: This is used in exorcism, protection, and hex breaking. Use of nettle to remove a hex will send it back to its sender.
Oak acorn—Quercus alba; masculine; Sun; fire. Magical uses: The oak is considered to be a sacred tree and has many magical uses. The wood, leaves, and acorns of the oak can be used for fertility, health, luck, protection, and money.
Oak moss—Evernia prunastri; masculine; Jupiter; earth. Magical uses: This is used in magic related to protection and money.
Parsley—Petroselinum crispum; masculine; Mercury; air. Magical uses: Parsley can be used to bring lust, purification, and protection; it should not be cut by someone in love.
Pennyroyal—Mentha pulegium; masculine; Mars; fire. Magical uses: Pennyroyal is used to bring strength and protection.
Pine—Pinus spp.; masculine; Mars; air. Magical uses: Pine is used for money, protection, and purification; it can be used to bring life energy into the home through the cold winter months because it is an evergreen.
Raspberry—Rubus strigosus; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: The thorny (bramble) branches of the raspberry bush are used for protection; the berries are used to bring or enhance love.
Rose and rose hips—Rosa spp.; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: Roses of all sorts are used to bring love, for protection, and to enhance psychic ability through dreams.
Rowan—Sorbus acuparia; masculine; Sun; fire. Magical uses: Rowan is used to bring protection (particularly
in the spring) and to enhance psychic ability.
Saint John’s wort—Hypericum perforatum; masculine; Sun; fire. Magical uses: This herb brings protection and can be used in exorcism and banishing.
Seaweed (kelp)—Fucus vesiculosus; feminine; Moon; water. Magical uses: This attracts sea spirits and gives protection to those traveling on the ocean.
Strawberry—Fragaria vesca; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: Both the leaves and berries are used to enhance love and bring good luck. Use sparingly.
Thyme—Thymus vulgaris; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: A wonderful herb that attracts bees and faeries, thyme has a wide range of uses: health, psychic ability, love, and purification.
Valerian—Valeriana officinalis; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: This is used for purification and to induce sleep. Use very little—this herb has a foul odor.
Vervain—Verbena officinalis; feminine; Venus; earth. Magical uses: Vervain is used for protection, purification, and love.
Willow—Salix spp.; feminine; Moon; water. Magical uses: All forms of willow are used to call on the influences of the moon. Willow can be used for love magic.
Woodruff—Asperula odorata; masculine; Mars; fire. Magical uses: This is used in magic related to money, protection, and success.
Yarrow—Achillea millefollium; feminine; Venus; water. Magical uses: Yarrow can be used to enhance psychic ability, help in exorcisms, and keep a couple together happily for seven years.