The recipes included here are the recipes called for in the spells of this book, plus a few extra brew recipes for general purposes.
Grind together all of the herbs, then moisten with the two drops of oil. Spread out on a plate or paper towel to dry for a few hours. Then, empower with your intent and place in a jar.
Binding Oil
Pour the oil into a small pot. Grind together the herbs and swirl them into the oil. Empower the mixture with your intent. Heat the oil on low, swirling the pot gently to mix in the herbs. After a minute or so when the oil has warmed enough to smell the herbs (not bubbling), remove from heat and let cool. Strain the cooled oil into a jar.
Grind the herbs together, empower them with your intent, and pour into a jar.
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar.
Go-away Incense
Grind the herbs together, empower them with your intent, and pour into a jar that you find unattractive.
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar that you find unattractive.
Grind the herbs together, empower them with your intent, and pour into a jar.
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar.
Grind the herbs together, empower them with your intent, and moisten with the drop of apple juice and drop of oil. Spread out on a paper towel to dry; place in a pretty jar.
Love Oil (women)
Grind and empower the herbs and place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar. This oil needs to be made by and for heterosexual women only.
Love Oil (men)
Grind and empower the herbs and place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar. This oil needs to be made by and for heterosexual men only.
Love Oil (gay men)
Grind and empower the herbs and place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar. This oil should be made by and for gay men only.
Love Oil (lesbians)
Grind and empower the herbs and place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar. This oil needs to be made by and for lesbians only.
Luck Incense
Grind the herbs together, mix them with the mashed strawberry, empower them with your intent, and spread the mixture on a paper towel to dry. When dry, bottle the incense for future use.
Luck Oil
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar.
Grind the herbs together, empower them with your intent, and place in a jar.
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar.
Peace Incense
Grind the herbs and mix them with the oil. Empower the mixture with your intent and spread on a paper towel to dry. When the incense is dry, bottle it in a clear or white jar.
Peace Oil
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a clear or white jar.
Grind herbs, empower them with your intent, and place in a jar.
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar.
Protection Incense
Grind herbs, empower them with your intent, and place in a jar.
Warding Incense
Grind the herbs, empower them with your intent, and place in a jar.
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar.
Protective (Modern) Witch Bottle Brew
Brew this in a cauldron or an iron pot. Follow the basic brewing instructions. This brew can be sprinkled around or worn on the body to offer personal protection.
Psychic Incense
Grind herbs, empower them with your intent, and place in a jar.
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar.
Grind together the herbs and add a pinch of salt. Empower the mixture with your intent and place in a jar.
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar.
Spirituality Incense
Grind the herbs together and add the drop of oil. Empower the mixture with your desire and spread out to dry. Bottle the incense when it has dried.
Spirituality Oil
Grind and empower the herbs and then place them in a small pot with the oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar.
Grind herbs, empower them with your intent, and place in a jar.
Grind and empower the herbs and place them in the pot with oil. Swirl the oil over low heat until you can smell the mixture in the air. Let the oil cool and then strain into a jar.
Sleeping Potion
Mix and empower the herbs and brew. Drink an eight-ounce cupful before going to bed. This potion is quite effective, but tastes bitter; I recommend adding sugar.
Nerve Tonic
Mix and empower the herbs. Brew together and slowly sip an eight-ounce cup of the tonic to relax and calm your nerves after stressful situations.
Stomach Tonic
Mix and empower the herbs and brew. Drink this tonic when feeling nauseous to calm the stomach and flush out the sickness.
Antidiarrhea Tonic
Grind herbs, empower them with your intent, and place in a jar. Drink two cups in order to bring relief.
Purification Herb Bath
Mix herbs, empower them with your intent, and bundle the herbs together in a thin cloth pouch. Place the bundle in your bath water to infuse it with purifying properties.
Cold and Flu Tonic
Mix and empower the herbs and brew. Drink one cup every six hours to speed recovery.
Wart Remover Poultice
Mix the crushed mullein and dandelion leaves together and apply it directly to the wart. Cover this with the whole dandelion leaf and cover with a cloth bandage. Replace with a new poultice every day until the wart is gone.
Vision Salve
Grind, mix, and empower the herbs; heat them in the shortening. When the mixture has cooled slightly, strain and bottle the ointment for use. Apply a dab of the ointment to the “third eye” area of the forehead and on the wrists before engaging in clairvoyance exercises to boost your abilities.
Banishing Blend
Mix herbs together, empower them, and burn them as incense during banishing rituals.
These herb blends are simple mixtures that are aligned with the elements and qualities of each of the individual signs of the zodiac. They can be either ground together for incense, carried in a cloth pouch for an herbal charm, or added to a half cup of vegetable oil to create a magical oil. In any of the options, use equal parts of the herbs—one tablespoon of each to create the proper blends.
Aries: juniper, nettle, peppermint
Taurus: rose, thyme, yarrow
Gemini: marjoram, mint, parsley
Cancer: moonwort, rose, willow leaves
Leo: juniper, mistletoe, oak leaves
Virgo: caraway, peppermint, thyme
Libra: apple blossom, marjoram, mint
Scorpio: blackthorn, heather, nettle
Sagittarius: cinquefoil, juniper, maple
Capricorn: comfrey, oak moss, vervain
Aquarius: mint, sage, valerian
Pisces: catnip, rose hips, seaweed