Chapter 18

Washington, DC

SHUT AWAY IN HIS small study just off the Oval Office, John Howard Stewart, President of the United States, struggled to come to terms with the seemingly impossible. Dark shadows, announcing the coming of night, draped themselves over the White House where he mourned the death of his vision: a world free at last from the threat of war.

The report, presented a few hours ago by Dr. Conner Mills, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, had buried it. The operative, code named Melchisedec, had been brutally straightforward. Earlier, during the intelligence briefing, Stewart had willed himself to remain as emotionally detached as possible. Alone now with the complete report spread before him, he felt helpless, a witch’s brew of disbelief and fear simmering in his mind as he scanned Mills’ introductory remarks.

The Director summarized the background of the operative, an anonymous informant who had contacted the CIA regarding the existence of an international network of prominent people holding unpublicized meetings in various parts of the world. He claimed to be privy to information leading him to believe this network posed a threat to the United States as well as the whole international community. The Agency had sought to learn the informant’s identity and his possible motives, but all inquiries had hit a dead end.

After several more contacts, the informant had finally agreed to reveal his name, but only to Mills, with the assurance he alone would conduct any vetting. He expressed fear the network might extend to the highest levels of government and, if so, the risk of compromise was too great if others in the Agency knew his name.

Ultimately, Mills became convinced that because of the informant’s unique relationship with the group, he should be authorized to conduct surveillance on the government’s behalf.

Because Mills gave his personal pledge, the operative’s name would never be revealed. The code name “Melchisedec” was assigned both to the agent and to the operation.

In the President’s briefing, the Director emphasized the religious, esoteric, and historical content of the report. Because of Melchisedec’s position, and the uniqueness of his background, Mills assured the President he was qualified to offer informed judgments on these issues.

The President rubbed his eyes and flipped open what Mills had titled:

“The Melchisedec Memorandum”

The focus of this report is on a security threat posed against the United States as well as the rest of the world by a secret organization calling itself The Brotherhood of the Sign, a society formed following the near extinction of the Knights Templar in the fourteenth century.

The Templars were a Holy Order of warrior monks committed to freeing Palestine from Moslem control and protecting pilgrims journeying to the Holy Land.

After discovering that Pope Clement was plotting with King Philip of France to steal their wealth and destroy The Brotherhood, this splinter group of Templars rejected organized religion in general and the Christian view of God in particular. However, they never allowed bitterness to blur their vision of a future utopian world.

Having shed themselves of religion, they equated this perfect world with one led by enlightened men such as themselves. Among other things, their belief system rejected outright faith in a God who loves and cares for man. The Brotherhood does believe, however, a Supreme Being created a perfect world (Paradise) then moved on, leaving man to care for it. In their view, it was failure to manage Paradise properly that led to its loss.

Since rejecting Christianity five hundred years ago, this society has been bound together by a single conviction: a door back to Paradise exists and they are destined to find the key to unlock it.

The key, they believe, is an amulet given to Adam when God banished him from Eden; one meant to be both a reminder of what he had lost and also of what, one day, would be regained. After the fratricide of Abel, the society believes Adam gave the stone to his other son, thus engendering the references to the mark of Cain.

In time, their tradition says it was given to Abraham by Melchisedec, the ancient king of Salem, or Jerusalem, where for generations it remained with his family until passed on to Moses.

Following the construction of the Tabernacle, they believe Moses placed it, along with other sacred objects, in the Ark of the Covenant and when Jerusalem fell in 70 AD, all traces of the Ark were lost and with it the fabled stone.

If used correctly, The Brotherhood of the Sign believes this stone can literally reverse time, and return the world to its original state of perfection. As I said, they believe their destiny is not only to find the stone, but also to use its powers to recover Paradise, and more important, to rule it.

One may question how such curious beliefs pose a threat to national and world security. Dr. Mills, I am sure you have investigated by background and know I am a rational man and not given to exaggeration. Credible evidence exists supporting my belief that such a stone as I describe actually exists and represents unimaginable power, both for good and for evil. The Brotherhood has sought its whereabouts for centuries, devoting their lives and fortunes to its recovery, and for only one purpose—to control its power to regain Paradise and to remake it in their own image. Soon I hope to have proof they are well on their way to finding this stone.

The President closed the folder and dropped his head into his hands. To sway his Cabinet, the Congress, and the American people securing proof of such a plot was essential. Claims of an international conspiracy conducted by a shadowy group with its foundation dating back to the Middle Ages would be hard, if not impossible, to sell without something concrete to go on. However, the President needed no such proof. In his heart, he knew he had just read the truth.

And it scared him to death.