Eight months later
Wyatt had been right. Things had only just begun.
Nina touched her fingers to the glass as she stared at the tiny person Sienna and Parker had made. For hours Nina had waited in the hall for word everything was okay, that little Melody had been born and that mom and baby were healthy. Now Auntie Nina couldn’t stop staring at the little creation.
The corners of her mouth curled as Nina looked at those tiny lips. That tiny nose. She couldn’t think of a time in her life when she had been happier. Things with Wyatt had been going well, their initial long, sweet phone calls and dates developing into spending more time together. Nina was enjoying her teaching job. Wyatt was hinting that he’d like to buy a bigger place, that it was time.
Things were perfect. In fact, they were almost too perfect.
Wyatt had never once mentioned the fact that Nina had—repeatedly—pushed him away in those early days, when they’d been battling Steve Adams. All that was almost a distant memory now, but the concern lingered. Nina hadn’t wanted to bring it up, not if it was going to rock their already precarious boat. She’d done better since they started dating, embracing what her life was now and trusting the Lord to guide her through it.
And why couldn’t she dismiss the worry? Why couldn’t Nina be happy now that she basically had everything she’d ever wanted?
The echo of Sienna’s voice counseling her to put aside the anxiety and just live, to be happy, made her smile more even as it frustrated her at the same time.
Why couldn’t she just be happy?
“She’s pretty cute. Though that’s probably because she looks more like Sienna.”
Nina turned, the smile still on her face. Wyatt was covered in sweat, dirt smeared across his face and the ball cap he had on. He still wore his bulletproof vest, was still armed and the star badge of the marshals was clipped to the front of his vest. “Did it go okay?”
“I’d rather have been here.”
Nina shook her head. “It was boring, waiting hours to hear.” She leaned closer to him. “Although hearing Parker shout at everyone was pretty funny. That man does not deal well with his wife being in any kind of discomfort.”
Wyatt cracked a smile that made him look a little less exhausted.
“But everyone is fine now. Melody is here, and Sienna is sleeping.”
He turned to stand shoulder to shoulder with her at the window. “She is seriously adorable.”
Nina nodded. She couldn’t agree more, though guys backed off when they thought a woman was baby crazy. Everyone knew that. It didn’t stop her from wanting one of her own someday. Or even four. There was a lady at church who had nine kids, and she made it look so easy.
“I want one.” Nina slapped a hand over her mouth. She’d said that aloud!
“I’m thinking we should have two, because one would be outnumbered by us and with three there’s always one left out. With two, they always have someone to play—and fight—with.”
Nina pushed off the window and took her time lifting her gaze to his face. He’d thought about having a family. He’d said us. Was he serious? Her heart leapt with hope. “Us?”
“Maybe it’s too early, but come on, Nina. It’s been months.” He stepped closer, looking more like he was chastising her than happy. “You’re it for me. I’ve known it since I met you. It works, you and me. Once you get past the fear you’ll realize it, too.”
“I’m not afraid.”
Wyatt had the audacity to smile. At her. “You’re more afraid of your own emotions than you ever were of Steve Adams.”
Before she could respond, he swept her up in his arms and kissed her. Nina squirmed, because he smelled as bad as he looked. “You need a shower.” Her voice betrayed her humor.
Wyatt apparently didn’t think it was funny, because he wasn’t even smiling. “You love me.”
“Yes, I do. And you love me.”
“Why did it take us this long to say that for real?”
Nina tipped her head to the side. “Maybe because we’re each as stubborn as the other.”
He smiled then. “That’s probably true.”
“Set me down.”
“Are you going to let go, and be happy?”
“Can I tell you that I’ll try?” Her life had been a crazy mess of danger and fear, and she wondered if she’d ever fully let go of it.
“I’ll accept that.” He sighed, then got down on one knee and held out a tiny blue velvet box with a ring in it. One perfect diamond glinted at her.
Nina froze. “What are you—”
“I’ve had this with me for weeks, waiting for the right time. I guess this is it.” Wyatt’s eyes were full of hope and a tiny bit of fear. Was he worried she might say no?
He smiled, and it wobbled. “Nina, will you—”
She launched herself at him. “Yes!”
Wyatt stood with her in his arms and kissed her again. “—marry me?”
Nina grinned at him, and Wyatt burst out laughing.
* * * * *
If you enjoyed DEAD END, look for these other great books from author Lisa Phillips, available now.
Keep reading for an excerpt from RANCH REFUGE by Virginia Vaughan