

Writing is truly a collaborative process. So many hands have touched this book and helped to shape its final form. For that, I am truly grateful. Thank you to Dr. Steven Jaffe from Emory University, who authored The Adolescent Substance Abuse Intervention Workbook, which inspired LakeShore’s recovery literature and helped to inform Eli’s counseling and group sessions. Thank you to Renee Mergen, RN, who helped me understand what happens during an overdose and how it is treated in the hospital. Thank you to the BACS eighth grade girls (2015-16) for their insight on Eli’s character arc. Without them, there would be no Steven or Benny. Thank you to the editorial team at Tiny Fox Press, for believing in Lifeline, and for helping to shape its final form.

I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to my own community of believing eyes; you have carried me through when I didn’t believe in myself. To Chrissa Pederson, my critique partner extraordinaire, for tirelessly reading (and re-reading) each draft of this novel, for pointing out my writing tics and forcing me to “kill my darlings,” for supporting my development as a writer, and for coaching me through each of the many meltdowns I had along the way. To my parents and my brother, who have lived this journey, and who have been tireless examples of courage, strength, and hope. And above all, to Scott and my girls: I am nothing without your faithfulness, love, cheerleading, patience, and constant support. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.