The Tuscan countryside was alive with sunflowers as Sara drove the silver rental car toward Max and Melanie’s farmhouse. Julia’s last email had said that she was visiting Max and Melanie for an extended stay. She had brought her paints and Max had set her up a studio in one of the guest rooms overlooking the courtyard.

Sara had gone to Florence first, but Francesca had told her that Julia was still in the country. So Sara bought a map, circled her destination in yellow highlighter, and had found her way there. As she drove up the driveway she remembered that frantic night she had contemplated ramming herself into the olive trees because of the revelation of her love for Julia. She had come a long way since then. She was in remission again, a pronouncement Sara had taken as getting a second chance in life, and she had every intention of honoring whatever time she had left.

There were no cars in the driveway and Sara wondered briefly if she had come all this way for nothing. Julia was making more trips to London and Rome to sell her paintings. Maybe she had missed her. Sara knocked at the front door and waited, but no one answered. She thought she would check the courtyard just in case. When she walked through the gate, she saw Julia standing with her back to her. She stood in front of a large canvas etching in the outline of the fountain.

“What are you two doing back so soon?” Julia called over her shoulder, assuming that Max and Melanie had returned.

“Well actually it’s been close to a year, so it doesn’t quite feel like soon enough,” Sara said.

Julia turned to face her, brush still in hand. “Oh, my God!” The shock on Julia’s face turned to joy. She quickly put down the brush and palette and came to greet Sara.

“I know you’re not too keen on surprises, but I love them!” Julia smiled.

Sara rested the large shopping bag next to her that she had carried all the way from New England. She opened her arms. They embraced and kissed. When they parted, the joy of seeing Sara was still on Julia’s face.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

“It seemed like the right thing to do,” Sara said.

Julia laughed. “Look at you!” she said.

“A new life requires a new look,” Sara smiled.

A physical transformation had accompanied Sara’s decision to return to Italy. Sara wore a red linen dress accentuating her cleavage and her reconstructed breast, an adopted twin sister to the other. Long earrings dangled just above her shoulders. She had burned her wig in the fireplace in New England. Her natural hair was longer and blonder with a few gray hairs mixed in.   Not to mention the medallion Julia gave her that she never took off.

“I went to Florence and you weren’t there,” Sara said. “So I went to Francesca’s shop and she told me where you were. She sends her love, by the way, and wanted me to tell you that Roberto and Bella are fine.”

Julia had not stopped smiling. “How long can you stay?”

Sara shrugged. “How long do you want me to stay?”

“Don’t kid around with me, Sweetie.”

“Well it seems I’ve run away from home. And this time it may be for good.” Sara smiled. “I left Grady,” she began again. “Or I should say it was a mutual decision. He wasn’t happy either, it turns out. And I quit my job and cashed in my retirement from the school system to come here. I also told my children about us. They were in shock at first. But they’re getting used to it. I think it made it easier since they got to meet you at Christmas. And, of course, everyone wants to visit. Anyway, I’m hoping you still want to explore where this might take us.”

Julia laughed a hearty laugh. “Definitely,” she said. Julia glanced at the large shopping bag next to Sara’s feet. “That must have been hell getting on the plane.”

Sara reached into the bag and took out a large globe like the one from their childhood that had sparked many adventures in their imaginations. But Sara was ready for the real thing now. “I hope you’re up for an adventure,” Sara said.

Julia smiled. They embraced again, the lady in stone witnessing the embrace. Sara had missed her, too. In the background of their reunion, the fountain offered her consent.






I’m writing a sequel to Seeking Sara Summers. It follows the next part of the journey for Sara and Julia. I estimate a 2016 publication date. If you’d like to know when the sequel is published, please go to the link below and sign up to be notified.