loose ends

You might be wondering about the blood on McPhee’s shirt. It was his own. When he went into the hall to check on the commotion, the commotion was . . .


And remember when that rabid raccoon attacked Peach Fuzz? That was Jerome, too. I know this because I found some of Peach Fuzz’s shredded shirt under Jerome’s claws.

Jerome must have followed me that night and pounced on Peach Fuzz. He somehow found his way out of the Dumpster and into the school where McPhee did exactly what he shouldn’t have done with my cat. He tried to pick him up. And you know what happens when anyone but me tries to pick up Jerome. Bad news.

We brought Jerome to the animal clinic to get him checked out, and even the vet knows enough to take precautions.


McPhee got scratched up but somehow managed to get Jerome into an empty classroom. Analie must have noticed Jerome and picked him up.


Wait. I thought I was the only person who could pick up Jerome.

That’s weird. Must be something different about Analie. I remember something she said, too. Analie said the reason she recognized Jerome was because of the drawing I did for the “Lost Cat” flyer. In other words, my art worked!

I update my list.


Then something else happens. Ms. Ortiz stops me in the hall to tell me they’re not going to use Simon’s AnemoneBob TrapezoidShorts drawing for the school mural after all. Something about legal reasons and the school not wanting to get sued.

“So, we’re going with the drawing that came in second place.”

“Which one is that?” I ask.




“All the other entries got one vote each. Yours got two.”

Two? I didn’t even vote for it myself! Which two people voted for my scribble?

“Of course I voted for yours, Marty!” Parker tells me after school. “I thought the scribble was a bold choice. It represents growing up while still wanting to hold on to your childhood.”

That’s deep. Now I’m starting to like my scribble.

“It also reminds me of the Starship Enterprise,” she adds.

“I voted for it, too,” says Roongrat. “Parker threatened to give me a wedgie if I didn’t. That’s a fact.”

Simon was shocked about not getting to do the mural. I guess he’s used to getting his way.

That reminds me, I learned a new word today.


My dad told me it means feeling happy when something bad happens to someone else.
