
To the Tule team, thank you for your support and hard work bringing another Colton story to life.

Marlene Roberts Vitale, your words of encouragement and support meant the world to me and this book would not exist without them.

A big thank you and congratulations to Lisa Dixon, who took time away studying for her veterinary boards to answer questions, read scenes, and talk about her experiences. All creatures great and small will benefit from your kindness, compassion, and care.

To my sisters in words. Carmen Cook, Anne Turner, Aliyah Burke, and Dahlia Rose. You make me so proud to be a part of the writing community and I love you all.

Neva West, for always being an inspiration.

To my husband David, who put up with many tears and bouts of self-doubt. Thank you for always believing in me. To Jackie and Satchel, you inspire me every day, and it is a privilege to be your mom. Thank you.