After Reading Activities

You and the Story...

Where did Humpty and his pals eat their meals?

Eggnog is a liquid. Can you name other liquids? What is special about a liquid?

Why did Humpty live happily ever after?

Words You Know Now...

Sort the words below into adjectives and nouns. Use each word in a sentence to retell the story.

delicious liquid
different poached
eggnog solid

You Could...Make Scrambled Eggs!

Be sure to ask for an adult’s help

You Will Need:

2 eggs

2 tablespoons of milk

a sprinkle of shredded cheese

a bowl

a whisk or fork

a pan

cooking spray

salt and pepper

What To Do:

  1. Crack both eggs into a bowl. Whisk the eggs until the yolks and the whites are mixed together.
  2. Whisk in the milk.
  3. Spray the bottom of a pan with cooking spray. Ask your adult to heat the pan.
  4. Pour in the egg mixture and start to stir. When the eggs begin to harden, sprinkle the cheese over them and stir again.
  5. Once the eggs are scrambled the way you like them, serve them on a plate. Season with a little bit of salt and pepper. (Do you like to eat your eggs with toast?)