
Thank You!


Thank you for reading The Dark Lord, the first book in the novella series Miss Beale Writes. This venture into the vintage gothic has more paranormal than my other stories. Adding the ghostly bits was tremendous fun. I look forward to the paranormal / supernatural touches for the next novella in the series.

For any questions, comments, and speculations, please contact You can find my books on my website ~~ Look for the books at online distributors both nationally and internationally.

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May I also request a review? Indie writers thrive on freely-given reviews. We’re small beans here; we don’t have the advertising budget of the Big Peeps. Of course, with any book that you enjoy, whether written by me or by someone else, please share with other readers looking for escape from the dark stresses of life. That’s the reason I write.

Dream it. Believe it. Do it.

~~ M.A. Lee



NOTE: THE QUOTATION “Methinks the lady doth protest too much” is from Shakespeare’s Hamlet.