Adam's Mark Hotel, 115
adequate compensation, 234
Advanced Laboratories at Lumileds, 308
Afeyan, Noubar, 156
Air Force (US), 115
Ajinomoto, 234
Akasaki, Isamu, 85, 95, 97, 100, 101, 107, 108, 110, 113, 115, 121, 141, 228
begins research on GaN LED, 95
develops MIS-type LED, 96
diverts funds to GaN research, 96
hires Amano, 96
as mentor to Amano, 97
moves to Meijo University, 100
and Noble Prize, 304
as pioneer in GaN field, 116
questioned by Nakamura, 99, 112
refuses to believe Nakamura working alone, 117
returns to Nagoya University, 96
shows blue GaN LED to Maruska, 99
Akihito (emperor of Japan), 305
Alferov, Zhores, 58
Alfred University (New York College of Ceramics), 135
aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN), 75, 200, 202
difficulties of growing, 200, 205
LEDs, 200: applications of in covert communications, 202; as biosensor, 202, 203; in curing, 207; in dermatology, 207; in drug therapy, 207; as flame detector, 204; in photolithography, 207; as replacement for mercury vapor lamps, 200, 208, 209; in sewage treatment, 209; in spectroscopy, 207; in water purification, 202, 208, 209
aluminum nitride (AlN), 75, 97, 98, 111, 202
Amano, Hiroshi, 85, 110, 113, 116, 117, 121
acknowledges mistake in growing InGaN, 120
attractions of GaN research, 96
bitter early experiences of, 97
grows smooth buffer layer, 98
lack of self-confidence of, 97, 100
and Noble Prize, 304
ammono-thermal growth, 313
Anan, Japan, 26, 27, 31, 34, 63, 68, 71, 118, 206
Ando, Tadao, 166
angel investors, 18, 135, 157, 179
APA Optics, 205
Applied Physics Letters, 58, 109, 123
architectural illumination, 161
Architecture of the Night (Neumann), 161
Aristotle, 51
“Auger recombination” and the droop phenomenon, 308
autoclaves, 313
AXT, 276
Aylesworth, Art, 178
Baker, Richard, 166
Bardeen, John, 53
barium titanium oxide, 41
relationship with Manuel Lynch, 287
struggles to gain acceptance of LED fixtures, 287, 288
Battelle, John, 34
Béhar, Yves, 298
Bell Laboratories, 56, 82, 87, 88, 93
Benya Burnett Consultancy, 310–311
Berlin, Germany, 125
Big Five (makers of GaN LEDs), 18, 231, 277
Bingaman, Jeff, 59
bioluminescence, 164
black body (curve), 265
Black Monday, 135
Blueband (US research consortium), 124
Blue Ridge Mountains, 133
applied to data storage, 125
as enabler of HD-DVD player, 13
significance of, 125
versus blue LED, 125
Blu-ray digital video disk players, 306–307
Blu-ray substrates, 307
Boeing 787 Dreamliner, 170
Boone, Daniel, 133
Boone, North Carolina, 133, 134
Boston, Massachusetts, 123, 152
Boston Tea Party, 152
Breakthrough with Anger (Ikari no Bureikusuru), 19
bright blue LED, 32, 62, 71, 72, 77, 82, 84, 94, 100, 104–106, 111, 118, 121, 231, 253
announcement of, 12
blocking layer in, 120
cost of funding research at Nichia on, 72
as disruptive technology, 19, 150
first applications of, 149
race to build begins, 99
reaction to Nichia announcement, 122
used for general illumination, 122
bright green LED, 13, 122, 152, 175
in traffic lights, 149
need for improved performance in, 245
British Columbia (BC), 171, 177, 180, 262
broken-spectrum light, 310
Brookfield (Brookfield Southland), 282, 283, 287
Brown University, 82
buffer layer, 75, 111, 116, 231
Bush, George W., 57
Business Week, 163
calcium chloride, 30
calcium phosphate, 30
Calgary, Alberta, 179, 190, 193, 262
attempts to reduce energy consumption in, 280
code of regulations in, 280, 289
electric energy usage in, 279
energy crisis in, 280
California Energy Commission, 280, 289, 291, 292
California Lighting Technology Center, 292
can (can trim, recessed can), 285, 287, 288
Canada, 172, 185, 262, 272, 292
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 172
Caravaggio, 165
carbon emissions (reduction in), 10, 310, i
carborundum, 51
Carmanah Technologies, 171–76, 192, 261
advantages of LED navigation lights, 175
develops bus shelters, 179
difficulty in raising funds for, 178
as maker of runway lights, 176
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), 150
Carpenter, James, 163
Cascadia, 262
charge-coupled devices, 304
Charleston, South Carolina, 46
Cheney, Dick, 285
chiaroscuro, 165
China, 145, 183, 205, 246, 267, 269, 271–73
appetite for energy in, 271
attraction of LEDs for, 271, 275
decorative lighting in, 276
electricity generation in, 273
energy conservation targets in, 273
government: recognition of LED lighting in, 17, 272; strategies for promoting LED lighting in, 273
growth of LED industry in, 276
market for LEDs in, 274
as producer of greenhouse gas, 273
Solid-State Lighting Program, 272
willingness to try new technology of, 275
China Daily, 274
chromaticity, 264
circadian rhythms, iii
Clar, James, 165
Clarke, Arthur C., 45
cleantech sector, 307
Coast Guard
Canadian, 175
United States, 176
Coleman, Tommy, 137
Colombo, Sri Lanka, 196
Color Blast, 167
Color Kinetics, 150, 152, 153, 158, 159, 166, 167, 261, 267
initial success of, 154
legal battles over technology, 157
patent position of, 156
problems in getting funding, 157
sales and profits of, 167
stakes out intellectual property, 156
targets white light products, 168
color-shifting, 155, 159, 167, 261
Columbia, South Carolina, 203–206
Colvard Farms, 138
compact multifaceted reflector (MR) lights, 310
Craford, George, 56, 59, 94, 136
background of, 54
invents first yellow LED, 55
joins HP, 56
meets Nick Holonyak, 54
predicts future of LEDs, 57
wins National Medal of Technology, 58
Cree Research, 15, 46, 51, 56, 128, 129, 131, 134, 141–45, 149, 182, 205, 222, 225, 229, 231, 232, 235, 237, 239, 245, 263, 276, 298
attempts to recruit Nakamura, 132, 143, 222
close-knit culture of, 137
collegiality of, 138
competitive nature of, 138
develops competitive GaN LED, 132, 141
endows chair, funds research at UCSB, 230
hires Nakamura as consultant, 229
introduces first blue LED, 139
invests in Color Kinetics, 157
origin of name, 133
passion of, 137
reason for developing blue LED, 136
refusal to abandon SiC, 142
sales of, 144
saved by angel investors, 135
signs up with Sumitomo, 139
wins contract from Volkswagen, 142
as world's leading maker of blue LEDs, 131
Crick, Francis, 105
cricket, 204
Crown, 141
Crystal Electronics, 196
electron mobility in, 110
giving birth to photon, 82
EverOn light, 182
Dalian Lumei Optoelectronics, 274, 276
Dapkus, Daniel, 124
Davis, Bob, 115, 133–35, 137–38, 140, 205
Dean Village, 160
Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency (DARPA), 201, 205, 306
Degas, Edgar, 165
Delsing, Per (Nobel Committee for Physics chairman), 304
DenBaars, Steve, 121, 126, 128, 219, 222, 223, 229, 242, 245, 246, 253, 275, 303, 305, 314
consults for Stanley Electric, 220
inspired by Nakamura's work, 220
on Nakamura's contribution, 240
on Nakamura's work ethic, 243
proposes research on GaN, 219
suggests Nakamura come to UCSB, 220, 222
warns Nakamura about being sued by Nichia, 222
Department of Defense (US), 89, 135, 141, 202, 206
reasons for interest in UV LEDs, 202
Department of Energy (US), 293
Diagonal of Personal Ecstasy, The, 165
Dialight, n149
digital light control, iii
Disney World, Orlando, 79
double heterojunction/heterostructure, 48, 57, 99, 100, 118, 219
“droop” phenomenon, explained, 306
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 162
Dupuis, Russell, 58
Durham, North Carolina, 131, 144
Eastern District Court of North Carolina, 229
Edison, Thomas, 12, 52. See also lightbulb
Edison Opto, 277
Edmond, John, 131–33, 137, 138, 232
determination to replace lightbulb with LED, 143
hired by Cree, 134
joins Davis lab at NCSU, 135
meets Nakamura in St. Louis, 141
on Nakamura's contribution, 239
offers Nakamura job, 222
outdone by Nakamura at conferences, 143
proposes collaboration with Nichia, 131
sees first Nichia LED, 131
tries to catch up with Nakamura, 143
visits George Craford, 136
warned by Nakamura, 141
electroluminescence, 51, 90, 92
Electronic Engineering Times, 131, 233
Emcore, 124
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 207
Empire State Building, 161
energy efficiency standards (government), ii
Energy Policy Act (2005), 59
energy reduction and use of LEDs, i
Environmental Building News, 300
Ethernet, 155
Evans, Don, 180
on need for long-lasting emergency light, 181
Exploratory Research for Advanced Technology (ERATO, Japanese government funding program), 245
Fasol, Gerhard, 71, 121–23, 125, 126, 255
federal government (US) failure to promote LEDs, 17, 59
fiber optics, 304
Flamm, Gary, 291
Flavin, Dan, 165
floodlight, 161
fluorescent lamps, 283, 295, 308–309, ii
compact (CFL), 144, 168, 265, 278, 280, 293, 294
energy efficiency of, 280
mercury in, 14, 281, n282. See also mercury
price of, 280
problems with: color rendering, 265, 280; flickering, 280; hum, 280; inability to dim, 281; tube, 8, 30, 144, 161, 165, 168, 265
Focus Lighting, 160
“foreign” substrates, 306
Franklin, Ben, 152
Franklin Institute Medal, 14
Full Moon Tower (Tiajin, China), 275, 276
full-spectrum emitter, 309
gallium arsenide (GaAs), 49, 50, 53, 66, 77, 80, 81, 89, 105, 251
gallium arsenide phosphide (GaAsP), 54, 87
gallium nitride (GaN), 46, 50, 75, 76, 82, 85, 88–91, 94, 96–99, 101, 104, 106–108, 110, 111, 123, 131, 141, 204, 219, 240, 247, 253. See also gallium nitride devices; gallium nitride wafers; GaN-on-GaN devices; GaN-on-GaN technology, cost of
appearance of thin film of, 47
as buffer layer in LEDs, 112
characteristics of, 81
disadvantages of, 81
as disruptive technology, 16
electroluminescence in, 90
imperviousness to defects of, 82
as important new material, 16
lattice mismatch problem in, 81, 111, 244
negative-type, 91
number of researchers working on, 16, 82
as polar molecule, 252
positive-type, 91, 93, 98, 112, 116
researchers in field of, 115
semi- and nonpolar materials, 252–54
significance for power-related devices of, 16, 17
gallium nitride devices, 306. See also GaN-on-GaN devices
gallium nitride wafers, 312–313
gallium phosphide (GaP), 50, 56, 64–66, 90, 151
GaN-on-GaN devices, 307, 309, 312
GaN-on-GaN technology, cost of, 308
Gaska, Remis, 205–207, 209, 210
Gateway Arch, 115
Gatorade, 79
GELcore, 300
General Electric (GE), 52–54, 145, 300
Genlyte Thomas, 266
George, Ben, 285
German Physical Society, 123
journal of, 122
Gershenzon, Murray, 90
gobo, 155
Goleta, California, 219
grants, obtaining, 305
Green, Dave, 172, 175, 176, 180
background of, 177
demonstrates unbreakable light, 171
designs LED-based anchor light, 174
leaves for Fiji, 173
love of yachting of, 172, 177, 178
motivation of, 78
returns to Victoria, 173
starts consultancy, 173
supports Light Up the World, 192
green building, 300
Green Building Council (US), 300
GreenSpec, 300
Greenwich Academy, 166
Gregory, Paul, 160
growth rate of LEDs, ii
Habitat Hotel, Barcelona, 165
Haitz's law, 11, 158, 299, 309, ii
halogen (lamps), 11, 264, 293, 297, 308–309, ii
history of, 266
Hara, Yoshiko, 233
Harvard University, 163
Haskell, Ben, 246, 248, 249, 253
Hayashi, Izuo, 95
He, Xiao Guang, 276
health benefits of types of lighting, iii
Hewlett-Packard (HP), 14, 55, 56, 123, 124, 136, 158, 219, 260, 263, 276
Higgs boson, 304
Hitachi, 234
Hitachi Cable, 306
background of, 53
coins term quantum well, 57
leaves GE, 52
makes first visible LED, 52
as thesis adviser to PhD students, 54
transfers technology to Monsanto, 55
wins National Medal of Technology, 58
homojunction, 118
Honda, 235
Honeywell, 204
Honeywell Research Center, 204
Hue (home-use lighting system), iii
Hughes, Tom, 9
Hunter, Neal, 133–38, 144, 145, 172, 180, 231, 300
Hurricane Katrina, 182
hydride (halide) vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE), 244, 247, 253, 313
Imperial Palace, Tokyo, 305
Inamori, Kazuo, 24
incandescent. See lightbulb
incandescents, banning of, ii
indium gallium nitride (InGaN), 75, 76, 100, 118, 119, 143
indium phosphide, 251
Inland Empire, California, 282
Inlustra, 254
integrated circuits, 304
International Landscape Lighting Institute, 311
Internet Securities, 153
ion implantation, 134
iPhone (Apple), 308
Iraq, 176
Irvine-Halliday, Dave, 187, 188, 301
background of, 193
coins term useful light, 189
defines concept of social pricing, 191, 196
discovers white LEDs, 187
founds Light Up the World, 190
fundraising activities of, 193, 196
hikes Annapurna Circuit, 186
makes LED flashlight, 189
manner of, 194
meets Nakamura at UCSB, 192
as mountaineer, 185
offers course in solid-state lighting, 196, 197
returns to Nepal, 187
villagers’ reaction to LED lamps, 189
vows to develop light, 186
Irvine-Halliday, Gregor, 190
Irvine-Halliday, Jenny, 186–88, 193, 194
James, Chris, 263
Japan, hostility to entrepreneurs in, 18
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 108
Japanese LED Association, 272
Japanese press coverage of Nobel Prize, 305
Japan Science and Technology Corporation, 98
Jobs, Steve, 14
Johnson, David, 156
Kaeding, John, 45, 244, 247–50, 252
Kathmandu, Nepal, 185, 189, 191
Kelvin scale (color, temperature of lighting), ii
Kennedy, Sheila, 164
bottle lamps, dangers and disadvantages of, 187, 188
lantern, 189
Khan, Asif, 46, 47, 111, 115, 200, 204
assesses Nakamura's approach, 109
background of, 203
challenged by Nakamura, 199
consults for SET, 205
as gallium nitride pioneer, 200, 201
hires Maruska, 202
makes breakthrough in UV LEDs, 201
persuades SET to target UV LEDs, 205
referees Nakamura's first paper, 109
wins funding from DARPA, 202
Kilimanjaro, Mount, 33
Kimmelman, Michael, 165
Kobe Steel, 140
Kong, H. S., 137
Krames, Mike, 308, 310, 311–313
Kroemer, Herbert, 10, 123, 221, 304
assembles team of professors at UCSB, 219
assesses Nakamura's achievement, 121
conceives double heterostructure, 57, 58
on doing research at Sarnoff Research Center, 86, 87
joins faculty at UCSB, 219
predicts end of lightbulb, 123
supports hiring of Nakamura, 223
wins Nobel Prize for Physics, 225
Kyoto University, 216
laser diodes, 50, 52, 54, 57, 104, 214
applied to: CD players, 125; television, 245
early days of, 53
infrared, 125
laser headlights, 314
laser lighting, 314
laser projectors, 314
Las Vegas, Nevada, 154, 161, 168, 266, 291
lateral epitaxial overgrowth (LEO), 126
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 293
leaf lamp, 298
LED 2.0. See under light emitting diodes (LEDs)
LED bulbs, price of. See under light emitting diodes (LEDs)
“LEDification.” See under light emitting diodes (LEDs)
LED Lighting Fixtures, 145
Ledon Lighting, 267
LEDs as replacements for incandescents. See under light emitting diodes (LEDs)
legacy lamps (halogens), 310
light, quality of, 309
Light (magazine), 161
light artist, 166
lightbar display, 150
construction of, 8
replacement of by LED, 143, 259, 278, 299
requirements for, 144
light emitting diodes (LEDs), 50, 54, 68, 74, 81, 94, 105, 107, 108, 113, 116, 155, 162, 176, 187, 260, 263, 264, 266, 269, 272, 274, 276, 283, 292–94, 297. See also bright blue LED; silicon carbide (SiC), LEDs
affinity with solar cells, 164, 171, 173, 175, 179, 269
applications: in airliners, 170, 209; in bus shelters, 179; in car headlights, 297; in cars, 141; in cell phones, 144, 277, 298; in computers, 277; in flashlights, 189, 190; in general illumination, 144, 182, 283; in outdoor displays, 149, 162, 163, 276; in refrigerators, 300; in signage, 179, 180, 261, 285; in streetlights, 180; in telephones, 55; in televisions, 88, 140, 144, 245, 277
color, ability to change, 11, 294, 299
continual improvement of, 176
controllability of, 11, 150, 162, 295, 299
conversion efficiency of, 12
cost-saving ability of, 168, 177, 179, 203, 208
defects in, 81
description of, 46
dimmability of, 287
disadvantage of, 167
double-heterostructure, 119, 120
effect of polarization on, 252
energy efficiency of, 9, 177, 208, 283, 288, 291
environmental impact of, 10, 177, 200, 275, 300, 301
fast response of, 162, 175, 176, 208
first high-brightness devices, 57
as first ubiquitous nanotechnology, 9, 50
health-related benefits of, 169, 189
history of development of, 51–57, 199
infrared, 67, 68, 77, 80, 105, 187
invention of, 52
lack of standards for, 263
LED 2.0, 308
LED bulbs, price of, ii
“LEDification,” ii
LEDs as replacements for incandescents, ii
light weight of, 176
low power consumption of, 163, 168
manufacturing process of, 47
market for, 298
mechanical robustness of, 189
national initiatives to promote, 272
nature of illumination by, 164
network effect in, 152
operating principles of, 48, 118
output of, 158
production of white light by, 50
quantum wells in, 49
red, 9, 56, 57, 174, 182, 219, 260, 277
reliability of, 261
as replacement for fluorescents, 144, 168, 245, 264, 299
as replacement for lightbulb, 13, 145, 264
small size of, 9, 46, 73, 200, 208
socioeconomic ramifications of, 192, 196
as source of economic growth, 10
start-ups formed to develop, 183
thermal management of, 265, 285
Light+Building (Europe), ii, 267, 268
lighting designer, 159–63, 265
Lighting Dimensions International, 154, 156, 158
lighting fixture, 265, 287. See also luminaire
spec grade, 266
lighting industry, 155, 262, 290
Lighting Services, 266
light pipe, 260
Light Up the World (foundation), 190, 261, 301
initial activities of, 194, 195
Kunckles Range project, 195, 196
role of, 191
social entrepreneurship, 190
typical LED system, 191
worldwide activities of, 196
Li Jian, 274
Linqvist, Svante, 15
liquid crystal display, 56, 87, 88, 144
LEDs as backlights for, 254
liquid phase epitaxy (LPE), 67, 68, 72, 74
lithium aluminate, 253
Livingstone, Ken, 179
Lockheed Skunk Works, 264
London, 179
LumiLEDs, 56, 57, 191, 231, 299
Lynch, Manuel, 283, 287, 291, 292, 300
estimates cost of installing LEDs, 288
joins Sea Gull Lighting, n300
learns builders’ requirements, 286
motivation of, 291
predicts future of LED lighting market, 290
background of, 153
at CMU, 150
notices hole in lighting market, 151
plays with LEDs, 150
magnesium, 74, 91, 92, 98, 114
Maruska, Herbert Paul, 48, 76, 85, 93, 98, 101, 114, 202, 252, 253
collaborates with Pankove, 90
devastated by cancellation of GaN research, 94
experiments at Stanford, 91
fabricates violet MIS LED, 92
goes to Stanford, 90
grows first single-crystal GaN, 89
joins RCA, 86
meets Akasaki, 99
shown GaN LED by Akasaki, 99
on working at Sarnoff Research Center, 86
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 154, 156, 181, 204, 230
Masunaga, Hidetoshi, 234
Materials Research Society, Boston meeting
1997, 101
Matsuoka, Takashi, 119
Matsushita, 23, 32, 56, 82, 95, 96, 97, 104
McLean, William, 232
Meijo University, 100
Melbourne, 163
mercury, 10, 30, 200, 209, 281
metal insulator semiconductor (MIS) LED, 91, 92, 98, 100, 141, 229
metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), 72, 76, 79, 80, 83, 94, 96, 97, 106, 124, 137, 201, 244, 249, 252, 253, 277
adduct formation problem in, 107
operating principles of, 73
versus MBE, 72
metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE). See metal organic chemical vapor disposition (MOCVD)
methane, 137
Metropolis (magazine), 156
micro-credit, 191
Miller, Herman, 298
Mimura, Ryoichi, 237
Ministry of Education (Japanese), 96, 230
Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), 95
Ministry of Science and Technology (Chinese), 272, 274
Mishra, Umesh, 16, 121, 215, 219, 220, 223, 229
Mitsubishi Chemical, 306
Mitsubishi Semiconductor, 140
molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), 72, 244, 253
Monet, Claude, 165
Montpelier, France, 123
Moyer, Jan Lennox, 311
MR16 lamps, 310
Mueller, Gary, 153
Mueller, George, 150, 151, 158, 169, 170, 172, 180, 300
background of, 153
business strategy of, 155
challenges Lys to make LED fixture, 152
compares LEDs to personal computers, 156
predicts future of lighting industry, 168
on shortsightedness of venture capitalists, 157
multifaceted reflector (MR) lights, 310
Murray Hill, New Jersey, 88, 93
Nagoya University, 95, 96, 100, 107, 110, 111, 114, 115, 119
Nakamura, Arisa, 218
Nakamura, Fumie, 218
Nakamura, Hiroko, 23, 25, 26, 43, 132, 217, 224, 225
Nakamura, Hitomi, 25
Nakamura, Shuji, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 27, 45, 56, 72, 77, 82, 84, 89, 99, 100, 103, 106, 131, 136, 137, 140, 149, 199, 200, 228, 237, 243, 244–46, 297, 298
achievements of, 14
appearance and character of, 36
applies for US citizenship, 306
awards won by, 14
becomes interested in solid-state physics, 41
becomes professor at UCSB, 15
as celebrity in Japan, 225, 236
contribution of, 14
countersues Nichia, 15
courage of, 15
decides to stay in Tokushima, 26
as defender of rights of corporate researchers, 16, 234, 241, 242
determination to join Nichia, 28
documentation of achievements, 14
family, early life, and schooling of, 37–40
as graduate student, 42
humor of, 37
initial impressions of Nichia, 26
interviewed by Kyocera, 24
as leading researcher, 14
lessons of, 17
as nature lover, 25
at Nichia Chemical Industries: anger of, 61; announces long-lived blue-violet laser, 126; appointed manager of nitride center, 216; assigned to development section, 63; attempts to introduce self to Akasaki, 115; attends conference at Research Triangle, 143; attitude to development, 105; blue-violet laser, 125; candela-class bright blue LED, 120; challenges development of bright blue LED, 62; chooses to work on gallium nitride, 80; contemplates leaving Nichia, 62; criticized for failure to develop products, 70; daily routine of, 110; decides to move to US, 218; declines Cree's job offer, 132; desires to become a scientist, 214; develops self-reliance, 42; endangered by explosions, 65, 66; enters virgin territory, 111; enthusiastic response to first results, 117; farewelled by juniors, 224; files secret patent applications, 108, 122, 233; first blue GaN LED, 112; frustrated, 216; funding for developing bright blue LED, 71; funding for measuring equipment, 68; GaAs LEDs, 67; gallium arsenide, 66; gallium phosphide, 63; gets doctoral degree, 83; as group leader, 126, 239; hears of development of p-type GaN, 112; ignores president's instructions, 105, 119; instructed to stop work on GaN, 105; invents two-flow MOCVD system, 108; isolation within Nichia, 34, 110; as keynote speaker, 123; lack of recognition by Nichia, 213; leaves Nichia, 15; makes bright green LED, 122; manages to grow InGaN, 120; meets Klaus von Klitzing, 125; meets peers in GaN field, 115; modifies MOCVD reactor, 106, 107; naivete of, 126; nicknamed “Slave,” 214; offered job by UCLA, 217; overtakes rivals, 100; passed over for promotion, 70; payment for patents, 234; praised for ability, 69; predicts end of LED research, 15; prepares for departure, 224; presents papers on two-flow system, 116; pressure on to produce products, 66, 68, 118; p-type GaN by thermal annealing, 114; publishes papers, 84, 108, 122; quantum well–based LEDs, 122; quits Nichia, 129, 224; reasons for choosing GaN, 82; refines gallium metal, 64; rejects Cree stock options, 132; relationship with co-workers, 70; rules that research must be unique, 112; as salesman, 69; selects MOCVD, 72; as showman, 13; shows Nobuo Ogawa first blue LED, 113; sidelined, 216; signs contract with UCSB, 223; sociability of, 69, 214, 225; solitary routine of, 106; speaks off the cuff, 116; style of doing research, 106, 107; submits first paper secretly, 108; suggests phosphor-converted white LED, 122; teased by American friends, 214; tells Edmond of unhappiness, 143; two-candela blue, green LEDs, 122; unprecedented lead of, 124; warned not to sign noncompete agreement, 224; welds quartz tube, 63; wins awards and prizes, 213; world's best GaN, 110; worried about teaching requirements, 217, 222
as notorious in Japan, 235
personal satisfaction of, 301
as potential Nobelist, 15
problems in finding employment, 23
thesis topic of, 42
at University of California at Santa Barbara: accuses Nichia of stunting LED market, 233; approach to research, 248; awarded compensation, 237; buys house at Hope Ranch, 225; chooses research themes, 244; collaborative research, 253; determined eligible for compensation, 235; distracted by legal matters, 246; dreams of students starting company, 254; easygoing relationship with students, 251; enraged by lawsuit, 233; establishes lab, 244; explains move to academe, 225; forms Solid-State Lighting and Display Center, 245; as group leader, 249; as inspiration, 254; intuition of, 248, 250; invites Nichia to join research center at, 235; on life in academe, 246; meets Dave Irvine-Halliday, 193; as mentor to graduate students, 247, 249; named recipient of Cree chair, 230; obtains permanent residence in US, 225; reaction to settlement, 241; refutes allegations regarding contributions, 239; research on semi- and nonpolar GaN, 252–54; settles with Nichia, 241; style of research, 250; sued by Nichia, 15, 232; sues Nichia for compensation, 233; suit dismissed, 232; teaches tricks of the trade, 250; wins funding from Japanese government, 245; wins Millennium Technology Prize, 301
at University of Florida: ambiguity of status at, 77; clashes with other students, 80; develops fighting spirit, 78; feels humiliated, 78; helps build MOCVD system, 80; lacks confidence, 78; life in the US, 79; problems accessing equipment, 79; works diligently, 78
wedding of, 43
Nakamura, Tomokichi, 38
Nakamura, Yasunori, 39
Nanjing Handson Semiconductor Lighting, 274
National Research Council (Canada), 173
“native” substrates, 306
NeoPac, 275
Newton, Isaac, 13
Next Generation Lighting Initiative, 59, 272
NHK (program on Nakamura), 235
Nichia Chemical Industries, 12, 26, 27, 29, 43, 63, 66, 70, 77, 99, 101, 103, 104, 129, 131, 152, 175, 188, 200, 213–15, 217, 227, 230, 235, 276, 277, 298
announces bright blue LED, 121, 131, 141
attempts to discredit Nakamura, 236, 237–39, 241
attempts to muzzle Nakamura, 128
begins shipments of blue-violet laser, 127
cross-licenses technology, 231
employees of, 31, 122, 228, 298
establishes center for nitride research, 215
financial difficulties at, 32
funds research of Shiro Sakai, 73
impact of Nakamura's inventions on sales and profits of, 213
meaning of name, 30
motto of, 30
new production facilities at, 122, 127
phosphor business of, 30
policy on attending conferences, 114
profits from LEDs, 122
rejects Cree proposal to collaborate, 132
secrecy of, 104
settles with Nakamura, 241
spies on Nakamura, 237
sued by: Cree and NCSU, 231; Nakamura, 233; Toyoda Gosei, 228
sues: Cree and NCSU, 231; Nakamura, 225, 231, 232; Sumitomo Corporation, 229; Toyoda Gosei, 228
summer vacation at, 31
withholds Nakamura's retirement compensation, 224, 233
Nikkei Business, 231
Nishimuro, Taizo, 234
Nissan Fairlady, 57
nitres, 229
nitrides (as research field), 115, 123, 204, 244
nitride semiconductor, 84
nitrogen, 75
Nobel Museum, 15
Nobel Prize for Physics, 15, 125, 303, i
qualifications for winning, 15
Noble, Bill, 311
North Carolina, 133, 140, 180, 181, 222
North Carolina State University (NCSU), 82, 115, 133, 134, 137, 181, 222, 229
NTT, 119
nucleation layer. See buffer layer
Oberkircher, Fred, 159
Office of Naval Research, 135
Ogawa, Eiji, 64, 104, 119, 215, 236, 238, 241
ingratitude of, 16
insists Nakamura commercialize dim blue LED, 118
instructs Nakamura to stop work on GaN, 103, 105
refuses to allow Nakamura to attend conference, 114
sidelines Nakamura, 216
takes over as president of Nichia, 103
Ogawa, Nobuo, 27, 29, 31, 62, 100, 298, 308
approach to funding R&D, 32, 33
attempts to dissuade Nakamura from joining Nichia, 28
commitment to local community, 227
death of, 215
determined not to license LED technology, 227
early life, education, and military experience of, 29
founds Nichia, 29
funds Nakamura's research, 71
initial products invented by, 29, 30
passion for mountaineering, 32
philosophy of, 31
reaction to Nakamura's first blue LED, 113
relationship with Nakamura, 32, 33
stratagems used to raise money, 33
trouble convincing customers, 30
Oh Technology, 209
Old South Meeting House, 152
optical brightening agents, 309
Opto Tech, 277
Order of Culture (Japanese honor), 305
Oregon, 280
Osram Opto, 18, 145, 231, 299, 314, ii
Owen, Robert, 164
oxygen contamination, 99
pachinko, 141
Paektusan, Mount, 32
Pankove, Jacques, 85, 101, 115
early life of, 87
excited by gallium nitride, 90
instructed to stop work on GaN, 94
makes first blue GaN LED, 92
makes first GaN LED, 91
Pasteur, Louis, 98
Pattison, Kathy, 156
Penn State University, 312
Permlight, 283, 285, 286–89, 292, 300
LED fixtures of: develops easily installed, 287; establishes sales channels for, 290; home buyer response to, 288
persistence of vision, 151
Philips, 30, 56, 145, 180, 299, ii, iii
applications of, 64
red, 51
photoluminescence, 90
photomultiplier tube, 204
PicoPower, 191
Pliny the Elder, 51
Popular Science, 128
positive-negative (pn) junction type LEDs, 48, 99, 228
Premier Solar, 191
Princeton, New Jersey, 86, 87, 91–93
Princeton University, 218
Purdue University, 82
quantum Stark confinement effect, 252
quantum well, 48, 49, 74, 75, 119
quartz, production of, 313
Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, 133
RCA (Radio Corporation of America), 51, 82, 89, 92, 94, 140, 202, 252
Reader's Digest, 52
Reich, Robert, 139
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 205
Research Triangle Park, 133, 139, 140, 182
Richmond, Dave, 93
Rimal, Babu Ram, 186
Robertson, Ken, 191
Roden Crater, 166
Round, Henry, 51
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, i
ruby laser, 52
Sadamisaki Peninsula, 37
custom designs system at University of Florida, 80
rejects collaboration with Nakamura, 82
suspected of working for Nakamura, 117
visits Nichia to explain MOCVD, 73
works on GaN in secret, 83
Sandia National Laboratories, 59
Santa Barbara, California, 218, 225, 229, 230
Santa Barbara Technology Center (Cree Lighting), 144, 229
sapphire, 88, 97, 110, 111, 244, 250, 251
Sarnoff, Bobby, 92
Sarnoff Research Center, 85–87, 93, 101
Scientific American, 14, 120, 124
SDL, 124
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 169
Seastar Optics, 172
second-generation LEDs, iii
Sematech, 139
semiconductor laser. See laser diodes
compound: 49, 50, 80, 219; black art of making, 67; three-five, 50; two-six, 50
devices, 13
Semiconductor UltraViolet Optical Sources (SUVOS), 202, 203
Sensor Electronic Technology (SET), 205, 207
develops sample UV LEDs, 206
7 World Trade Center, 163, 300
Shelley, John, 187
Electric Power, 38
geography, climate, and produce of, 34
relative to other Japanese islands, 34
Shuji Light Show, 124
Shur, Michael, 205
silane, 137
silicon carbide (SiC), 50, 51, 80, 81, 115, 133, 135, 244
black magic in growing, 138
challenges in fabrication, 134
conventional method of making, 136
history of, 134
LEDs: 112, 119; blue, 136, 141
substrates, 132
Siminovitch, Michael, 292
background of, 293
on LED revolution in lighting, 294
on Manuel Lynch, 293
Simon Fraser University, 261
Sloan School of Management (MIT), 154
Small Business Innovative Research (DoD program), 135
“smart” lighting, iii
sogo shosha, 139
Solid State Devices, 284
solid-state lighting. See light emitting diodes (LEDs)
Solid-State Lighting and Display Center (UCSB), 235, 245
Solid-State Lighting and Energy Electronics Center, 305
Soraa, 307–308, 310–311, 314, iii
Speck, Jim, 220, 242, 247, 253, 307
on Nakamura's contribution, 254
spectrum of light, 309
Spiers, Jonathan, 159, 163, 166
on job of lighting designer, 160
proposed LED application of, 162
teaches “guerilla lighting,” 160
spinodal decomposition, 120
Stanford University, 90, 91, 93, 218, 222, 223
Stanley Electric, 56, 57, 98, 140, 220
Steele, Bob, 267, 274, 298, 304–305, 311–312
first nitrides workshop at, 114, 117, 141
Stockholm, Sweden, i
Stone Age Technologies, 151, 153
Strategies Unlimited, 267, 274, 298, ii
streptomycin, 30
Sumitomo Corporation, 139, 229
Sun, Wenhong, 201
supercapacitor, 174
Suzuki, Ichiro, 242
Taiwan, 183, 205, 267, 274, 277
cost reduction of LEDs in, 277, 278
LED industry in, 277
Takarazuka School of Art, 166
Takeda Award, 14
Tempura, 268
thermal annealing, 114, 118, 119
Thomson Scientific, 15
Three Gorges Dam, 273
arranges corporate fellowship for Maruska, 89
cancels GaN research at RCA, 94
suggests development of blue LED, 88
Times Colonist (Victoria), 177
Times Square (New York), 163
crystal ball, 297
marquee sign in, 159
TIM Industries, 191
Tirrell, Matt, 222
TIR Systems, 259–62, 264–67, 276, 290
legal battle with Color Kinetics, 267
Title 22, 281
Title 24, 280, 282, 289, 290, 292
Prefecture, 35, 63, 69, 104, 126
University, 23, 24, 40, 41–43, 72, 83, 84, 117
Tokyo District Court, 228, 231, 233, 235
awards Nakamura massive compensation, 237
Tokyo High Court, 241
Toyoda Gosei, 98, 100, 141, 200, 228, 229, 277
traffic signals, 101, 149, 180, 300
Tribhuvan University, 185
trimethyl gallium, 74
tsunami (December 26, 2004), 196
Tu, King-Ning, 217
Turrell, James, 166
ultraviolet (UV) light, 199, 200
LEDs. See aluminum gallium nitride (AlGaN), LEDs
University of Arizona, 123
University of British Columbia, 172, 260, 261
University of Calgary, 185, 193
University of California, 223
at Berkeley, 90
at Los Angeles (UCLA), 216–18, 220, 221
at Santa Barbara (UCSB), 15, 16, 18, 45, 58, 109, 121, 128, 192, 201, 202, 215, 220–25, 229, 235, 237, 243, 244, 253, 254, 303, 305, iii
University of Dallas, 284
University of Florida, 72, 77, 83, 89, 137, 218
University of Illinois, 52, 53, 292, 304
University of Karachi, 203
University of South Carolina, 46, 109, 199, 201, 202, 203
relationship with SET, 206
University of Southern California, 90, 124
University of the South Pacific, 173
University of Utah, 123
Upadhyaya, Muni Raj, 191
US Department of Defense, 305–306
US Department of Energy, 310, 313, ii
utilities and subsidies on LED bulbs, ii
valence band, 50
Vancouver Stock Exchange, 179
vapor phase epitaxy (VPE), 74, 96, 136, 137
venture capital (lack of in Japan), 214
venture capitalists, 18, 157, 178
Victoria, BC, 171, 173, 177, 178
Vilnius University, 206
Walker, Robert, 124, 272, 275, 277, 278, 299
Wall Street Journal, 57
Washington, 280
Watauga High School, 133
Wayne State University, 206
Weeks, Warren, 46, 49, 124, 134, 138, 203
Well Court Hall, 160
Westinghouse, 53
winter blues. See seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Wired (magazine), 34
World Health Organization, 188
WowLighting (United Kingdom), 311
xenon lamps, 314
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 14, 123
Yang, Henry, 223
Yang, Jinwei, 206
Yawatahama, 38
on development of the Lexel, 264, 265
on future of LED industry, 268, 269
on wastefulness of legal battles, 267
on Western Canada, 262
yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG), 51
Zhang, Jianping, 206