I LOOK FROM DAI TO KURON and back again while white-hot anger flares inside me. Kuron is more tan than Dai, but the resemblance between them is too strong to be a coincidence.
:Dios mío, he’s your dad, isn’t he?: Ree breathes, staring at Dai.
:I guess there’s another little detail Dai forgot to tell us about himself,: Kalli drawls.
“Are you speaking to one another?” the man asks in a deep voice, looking irritated. “Wasp, block them, please. It’s rude to leave someone out of the conversation. On the dry decks, you are to use your real speaking voices.”
I stare at Dai, willing him to look at me, while my thoughts tumble and spin in a painful whirl. His father is the man who had Bria and Robry kidnapped and the same man who created the shredders that almost tore us apart. I can’t believe that after all the dangers we survived together, Dai never told me the truth, that his father was once a part of the Neptune Project just like my own dad. I wonder if Dai feels the least bit sorry for hiding so much from all of us. When Dai finally glances my way, the misery in his eyes doesn’t make me feel any better.
“I read your new paper on deep-water corals,” Kuron is saying to Dai with a proud smile. “Your research was thorough and your conclusions brilliant.”
“Thank you, sir.” I sense he’s surprised, but pleased, by his father’s praise. This is the first time I’ve ever heard Dai’s voice. It’s deeper than I expected, and I’m startled to see his chest is already rising and falling rapidly. Clearly he’s having problems getting enough oxygen, which is weird because he’s only been out of the water for a minute or two. It’s even weirder that his father doesn’t seem to notice how uncomfortable his son is.
“So you must be Maria, Kallisandra, and Tobin,” Kuron says as he strolls closer and studies each of my team in turn. He’s wearing a simple black suit with a high collar. His gleaming black hair is cut short and styled carefully. He looks more like a successful businessman than a scientist.
“You look surprised that I know your names. You shouldn’t be. I’ve had access to the Neptune files since the beginning, and I know all about you. Welcome to Atlantea.”
I square my shoulders and force myself to meet Kuron’s gaze when he stops in front of me. His eyes are a dark, velvety brown, just like Dai’s. According to Dad, this guy’s insane. So far he doesn’t appear crazy, but there is something really frightening about how intense he is.
“And you must be Nere Hanson.” He smiles at me, revealing perfect white teeth. “I know your parents well. I was sorry to hear about your mother,” he adds, his smile fading. “She was a brilliant mind. Your father is hardly in her league. He demonstrates it every day with his stubborn refusal to join forces with me as I build a new order under the waves. I’m glad you’re here.”
All at once, he frowns and reaches out to touch my neck. Tobin starts for my side, but Ocho grabs his arms and holds him back.
“She’s not collared yet.” The sudden rage in Kuron makes me flinch. Now I have no doubt that he was in the sub when the shredders attacked us. I’ve sensed his fury before. Kuron looks away from me to stare at Wasp and Dai. “I left express orders that they should all be collared the moment they were captured.” He bites out the words. I see the others pale.
“We would have collared them, but Dai didn’t want us to,” Wasp says in a high, girlish voice.
“You don’t need to collar them,” Dai says, panting hard now, but he still meets his father’s gaze. “We’ll keep a close eye on them. They won’t escape.”
“You’ll keep a close eye on them, will you?” Kuron snarls. “The way you all kept an eye on Bria? Ordinarily I’d trust my son’s word, but when it comes to this Hanson girl, Wasp tells me I shouldn’t trust you at all.”
“You can…trust me on this….” Dai gets out between pants. “And Wasp won’t let me speak to Nere. She blocks us all the time.”
“Is this true?” Kuron turns on Wasp, looking angrier than ever.
Her pale skin turns even paler. “I don’t block them all the time.”
“I know Ice has been trying to talk to Nere, but Wasp w-won’t let him,” Mako speaks up bravely, his eye twitching nonstop.
Wasp shoots him an evil look.
Kuron turns back to me, and instantly his angry expression disappears. “I want our new friends to feel welcome and happy here,” he says with a gracious smile, almost as if his furious outburst a moment ago never took place. “I want Nere and my son to be able to talk to each other all they wish, and I want our Neptune guests collared within the next hour. This meeting is over.”
Kuron strides out the closest door. I stare after him, totally creeped out.
I glance back at Dai. He’s staggering toward the water, but his eyes roll back in his head and he collapses before he can reach it. Whitey and Sham quickly drag him the rest of the way. His lips are actually turning blue.
:W-what’s wrong with him?: I ask Shadow as the other boys throw Dai back into the water. They jump in and make sure his head stays below the surface.
:His lungs don’t work as well as ours do in the air. They have too many gill filaments, which is why Dai is so fast and strong in the water.:
Shadow raises her fathomless eyes to me. :So basically he almost suffocates every time his father wants to talk to him up here.:
Shuddering, I slip back into the water. Kuron’s kids cluster around Dai. His chest continues to heave as his lungs fight to reoxygenate his body.
:I’m fine now,: he tells the rest and waves them away irritably.
:We love you, too, big guy,: Ocho tells him with a grin, but I can tell they’re all relieved as Dai’s color improves and he begins to breathe more normally.
:Come on, we gotta take them to the lab and get them collared,: Whitey says.
:I wouldn’t miss this show for the world,: Wasp adds with one of her awful smiles.
Wasp and Whitey lead off, and my team and I have no choice but to follow. We swim close together. From their tight expressions, my friends are clearly as scared as I am.
:Should we try to fight them?: Ree asks us on a private send. I’m miserably aware that Wasp’s probably eavesdropping on everything we’re saying.
:I don’t think so. There are nine of them and five of us,: Tobin replies. :I have a bad feeling that either Whitey or Sham alone could tear us apart if they wanted to.:
:We don’t have any choice,: I decide. :We have to go along with this and hope we can figure out a way to disable the collars later.:
Wasp halts in front of a door clearly marked CORRECTIONAL EQUIPMENT.
:Your bossman’s sure got a way with words.: Tobin shakes his head.
:He does, doesn’t he?: Wasp sounds proud of the man who created her.
Whitey opens the door and waves us inside. My arms and legs feel shaky as I force myself to swim forward first. The dim lighting inside automatically brightens, and I’m relieved that nothing looks like it’s meant to inflict punishment. Instead, the room contains one large worktable, two computer stations, and several white cabinets full of drawers and cupboards.
:Do I want to know what’s inside all those?: Ree asks nervously, looking at those cabinets.
:No,: Sunny answers without her usual smile.
Wasp heads straight for the table, yanks open a drawer, and pulls out five collars just like the ones Kuron’s kids wear.
:Ochy, make sure all of these collars work properly.:
Ocho sends us an apologetic look as he heads for one of the computer stations. :If I don’t do this, Wasp will call the keeper staff to do it, and they’ll be angry that they have to suit up in scuba gear. Bad things happen when the keepers are angry.:
:And since I know you’re considering it:—Wasp sends us a sharp glance—:disabling this computer won’t do you any good after your collars are turned on. Routine commands to our collars are sent from a locked control room high on the top dry deck. Once your collar’s on, you won’t be able to take it off again. Okay, Rad, you’re up.:
Rad swims forward and picks up two of the five collars.
:Ochy, send them a test volt,: Wasp orders.
:But isn’t that going to hurt him?: Ree protests.
:Nah.: Rad sends her a cocky grin. :Because I can generate electrical currents, the lower voltage from these won’t hurt me. A zap from them feels more like a little tickle.: A second later, he adds, :Yeah, these are working,: and picks up the last three.
:So, do the collars work on you?: Kalli asked curiously.
:My collar works all right.: Rad grimaces. :The keepers just have to give me a much bigger jolt. These three are working, too,: he tells Ocho.
Rad puts the collars back on the table, and we all stare at them.
:Who wants to be first?: Wasp asks with spiteful enthusiasm.
:I’ll help Nere with hers.: Dai picks up a collar and swims over to me. I notice him glance at Rad and give a tiny nod.
:You lunkhead—you shocked me!: Wasp cries shrilly a second later. She starts after Rad, but he’s already halfway across the lab. Moments later, he’s through the door and out of her reach. She hovers in the hallway outside shouting angrily after Rad.
All of a sudden, I can hear Dai’s voice in my head. I realize he’s speaking to me on a private send while Wasp is too distracted to eavesdrop on us.
:Nere, I’m so sorry about everything. I swear I’ll find a way to help you and the others escape.:
:Why didn’t you tell us the truth about who you were?:
:At first, I didn’t care about lying to you. I just cared about making my father happy. Later, after I got to know you, I was afraid you’d look at me the way you’re looking at me now.:
He reaches out and gently places the collar around my neck. It feels cold and heavy.
:I wish you’d never come here,: he says.
:I wish I hadn’t, either.:
:There’s no point in putting this off.: He takes a deep breath and then pushes the two ends of the collar together. I hear it clasp with an ominous click. I think I feel Dai touch my braid briefly, and then he retreats behind the table.
:Um, Ree, do you want any help?: Sunny asks after a long, awkward moment.
:I’ll do my own,: she says stonily. She picks up a collar, slides it around her neck, and presses the heavy clasp shut. Tobin, Robry, and Kalli do the same.
:We have to test them now. You know that’s the deal,: Wasp says as she swims back into the room and heads for the computer.
:We’re not letting you anywhere near these controls.: Dai cuts her off and Ocho shifts until they’re floating side by side. I’m surprised by the loathing in Dai’s tone. He seems to hate Wasp even more than the others do.
:Fine,: Wasp says with a toss of her head. :Just make sure you run a proper test on them, or I’ll tell the bossman.:
:We have to zap you now,: Ocho warns us. :I’m going to send the lowest voltage I can.:
:Do we have to raise our hands or something to show we can feel it?: Ree asks. I’m impressed she can talk. I’m so scared, I don’t trust my mental voice.
Wasp snickers. :That won’t be necessary.:
Moments later, I understand what she means. I jump when the collar sends a burning jolt that leaves my whole body tingling and quivering.
Then my friends jump, one after the other, and Whitey, Sham, and Wasp burst out laughing. My team and I stare at one another. Already I hate the thing around my neck. I want to tear it off, and I’m all jittery waiting for the next shock.
:They appear to be working just fine,: Wasp says with satisfaction. :And by the way, if you try to leave the fortress without the keepers sending your collar the proper signal, you’ll receive a lethal dose of electricity. You know, I just realized I’m starving. I’m off to lunch.:
She sends us an airy wave and swims from the room. Dai, Shadow, and Sunny stay with us while the rest of Kuron’s kids follow her.
:I’m starting to despise that girl,: Kalli says, looking after Wasp.
:Take a number and get in line,: Ree says.
:So who controls the collars when the bossman’s gone?: Tobin asks Sunny.
I notice we’re all trying not to look at Dai. I guess I’m not the only one still coming to terms with the fact that Kuron is his dad.
:The keepers stand in for the bossman when he’s away,: Sunny replies. :If they catch us going someplace we shouldn’t or they think we’re about to break something they’re going to have to fix, they’ll definitely zap us.:
:So they’re watching us right now?: Tobin asks, glancing around the lab.
:Cameras are hidden in every room of this fortress, and the keepers watch us constantly on a bank of monitors in their control room. The bossman has a set of monitors in his own rooms, too,: Shadow replies coolly, but once again, I can feel the hatred in her mind when she mentions Kuron.
I glance at my friends. They appear as freaked as I feel over the news that we’re being watched constantly by keepers who can shock us whenever they wish.
:We’d better go to lunch,: Sunny says, and heads for the door. As I swim after her, I can’t help expecting my collar to go off.
:Nere, we can all talk now,: Dai says, moving up beside me as we kick our way down the long corridors. :Wasp knows my dad will punish her if she interferes with us.:
Just looking at his familiar face makes me ache inside. His mental tone is so earnest, I almost burst into tears.
:I really don’t feel like talking to you right now,: I say instead, his father’s collar pressing hard and cold against my neck.
:Look, I really meant it when I promised I was going to find some way to help you guys escape.:
:Do you honestly think we’re going to believe a word you say after this?: Kalli asks him, her eyes flashing.
:No, I guess not,: he says. :You guys always trusted each other more than you trusted me. Some things never change.: He looks away from both of us, his mouth twisted in a bitter smile.
None of us says another word until we reach the mess hall. There I find the only way I can choke down a few bites is by focusing on my food. Whenever I look up and see Dai, I think of the insane man I just met and how much it hurts that Dai didn’t tell me the truth about himself.