As always, thank you to Darcy Burke and Elisabeth Naughton for our writing retreats and plotting chats. It is always a joy to have you physically and virtually by my side. For readers who are wondering if the references to Zagreus in this book are a nod to Elisabeth’s Eternal Guardians series, the answer is yes.
Huge thanks to Lola Famure who read this manuscript with an eye for sensitivity in writing a character with a different ethnic background from myself and set in a country ravaged by colonialism and wars. Any errors, misunderstandings, or misrepresentations in these areas are mine.
Thank you to Gwen Hayes and Serena Bell who helped me plot the beginning of this book, which was the jumpstart I needed. And thanks to Toni Anderson, who insisted I write this book next. You were right. You’re always right.
Thank you again to Gwen Hernandez, Gwen Hayes, and Toni Anderson for critiquing Firestorm and helping me to find the path Savvy and Cal take through Congo. I don’t know how to write without you anymore, so never leave me. Okay?
To my readers, as always, thank you for the wonderful emails, Tweets, and posts. It means so much to me to know my work brings you joy and that you feel like you’ve learned something from reading. Thank you for allowing my characters to enter your world.
Thank you to my children. I love you with all my heart and am so proud to be your mom.
Thank you to my husband for being my partner in this adventure. I love you.