Bibliography of Written Works


Armatage, Kay and Linda Beath, eds. “Women & Film International Festival Catalogue.” Toronto: Women & Film, 1973.

Auzel, Dominique. Le Cinéma: silence…on tourne! Toulouse, France: Editions Milan,2000.

Betancourt, Jeanne. Women In Focus. Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum Publishing, 1974.

Boulou, Ebanda de B’béri. Mapping Alternative Expressions of Blackness in Cinema: A Horizontal Labyrinth of Transgeographical Practices of Identity. Bayreuth, Germany.

Brahimi, Denise. Cinéastes Françaises. Paris: Fus-Art Publication, 1999.

Butler, Alison. Women’s Cinema: The Contested Screen. London: Wallflower Press, 2002.

Cairns, Lucille. Sapphism on Screen: Lesbian Desire in French and Francophone Cinema. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2006.

Clandfield, David. Canadian Film. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1987.

Downs, Cécile Mouette. “Top 5 French Women Filmmakers.” France Today, (March 2008): 31.

Hastie, Amelie. Cupboards of Curiosity: Women, Recollection, And Film History. Durham: Duke University Press, 2007.

Kaplan, E. Ann. Women & Film: Both Sides of the Camera. New York: Methuen, 1983.

Kay, Karen and Gerald Peary, ed. Women in the Cinema. New York: Dutton Press, 1977.

Lauretis, Teresa de. Technologies of Gender. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.

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———. French-Speaking Women Film Directors. Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1997.

——— and Ruth Ann Hottell. Francophone Women Film Directors, A New Guide. Madison, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005.

——— and Ruth A. Hottell. Francophone Women Documentarians. New York: Peter Lang, 2005.

——— and Ruth A. Hottell. “Short Fiction Films by Francophone Women Directors.” The French Review 79.6 (May 2006): 1310–50.

Pollock, Griselda. Old Mistresses. London: Pandora Press, 1985.

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Rollet, Brigitte. “Héritières et novatrices: les réalisatrices françaises contemporaines.” Women in French Studies. Special Issue (2003): 166–76.

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Silverman, Kaja. The Acoustic Mirror. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.

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Azodo, Ada Uzoamaka and Maureen Ngozi Eke, eds. Gender and Sexuality in African Literature and Film. Trenton, N. J.: Africa World Press, 2007.

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Barlet, Olivier. Les Cinemas d’Afrique Noire: Le Regard en Question. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1996.

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Dictionnaire du cinéma africain. Paris: Karthala, 1991.

Diop, Samba. African Francophone Cinema. New Orleans: University Press of the South, 2004.

Foster, Gwendolyn Audrey. Women Filmmakers of the African and Asian Diaspora: Decolonizing the Gaze, Locating Subjectivity. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1997.

Gabous, Abdelkrim. Silence elles tournent!: Les femmes et le cinéma en Tunisie. Tunis: Ceres Editions, 1998.

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Harrow, Kenneth W., ed. African Cinema: Postcolonial and Feminist Readings. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1999.

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Pfaff, Françoise, ed. Focus on African films. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004.

Sada, Niang. Littérature et cinéma en Afrique francophone: Ousmane Sembène et Assia Djebar. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1997.

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———. L’Aventure du cinéma direct revisitée. Montréal: Les 400 Coups, 1997.

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Silverman, Kaja. The Acoustic Mirror. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.



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Huillet (a film)

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