I woke up in the middle of the night. On the other side of my queen-size bed, Vivvie was out like a light. Restless and unable to even think about going back to sleep, I slipped out of bed and made my way to the door. I kept thinking about John Thomas. About his blood on my hands. About his final words.

Tell, he’d wheezed. Didn’t. And then: Tell.

What had John Thomas been trying to say?

Was he asking me to tell someone that he didn’t do something? Or was he saying that he hadn’t told?

Told what? I paced as I thought. The light wasn’t on in the living room, so it took me a moment to realize that Ivy was sitting on the sofa.

“Tess.” Ivy’s voice was hoarse. “What are you doing up?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” I said. When she didn’t reply, it occurred to me that she might have gotten news.

Bad news.

“The president—” I started to say.

“No change in his condition.” Ivy’s voice was emotionless. “They’re not sure when he’ll wake up.”

Or if he’ll wake up. My brain supplied the words that Ivy wouldn’t say.

“Vice President Hayden was sworn in as acting president.” Ivy’s tone never changed. “Senza Nome has claimed responsibility for the attack.”

I crossed the room and sat down next to her. “You’re going to see the terrorist they arrested, aren’t you?” I asked quietly. “Daniela Nicolae. You’re going to find out what she knows about the attack.”

I knew Ivy. She couldn’t make the president wake up. But she could hunt down every single person involved in this assassination attempt. Whatever she had to do to get in a room with Nicolae, to interrogate her about Senza Nome—Ivy would do it.

“Tessie—” Ivy broke off, unable to say more than my name.

I wanted to tell her that it was okay. I wanted to tell her that I understood that there were some things she couldn’t tell me. I wanted it not to matter.

But it did.

It always would, with Ivy and me.

“Do you think Walker told Daniela something without realizing it?” I asked, throwing the question out into the void. “Do you think the president’s son is the reason Senza Nome was able to pull off this attack?”

There was another long silence, just like I knew there would be. Stop it, I told myself. Stop asking. Stop pushing. Just stop—

“I don’t think Walker knew enough about his father’s security detail or Secret Service protocol to give Senza Nome the information they would have needed to make this happen.” Ivy gave me one sentence—just one.

She gave me what she could.

“Walker didn’t have that information.” I repeated what Ivy had told me, then read between the lines. “But Senza Nome would have had to get it from somewhere.”