The Fixer books, more than any of my others, are stories that have been made in revision. I am incredibly grateful to Catherine Onder for her feedback and guidance as we zeroed in on Tess’s adventures in The Long Game. Special thanks also go out to Nick Thomas, who helped see this book from start to finish. As always, I’m indebted to my agent, Elizabeth Harding, who has fought incredibly hard for this series at every step along the way. Thanks also to Holly Frederick, Sarah Perillo, Kerry Cullen, and Jonathan Lyons at Curtis Brown, as well as the fabulous Ginger Clark, who’s been a huge advocate for The Fixer since day one. I’m incredibly grateful to everyone at Bloomsbury who has worked on these books and owe a special thank you to my publicist, Courtney Griffin.
This book could not have been written without the lovely Rachel Vincent, who kept me company (and kept me sane) as I wrote it! Rachel, I appreciate how many times you listened to me say “I just need to get the [spoiler] into the [spoiler]!” I truly could not have written this book without you.
I also owe a huge debt to my mother, Marsha Barnes, who took over planning my wedding (and made it the most incredible, perfect day) when I was on deadline. Thank you to my dad for spending nine hours stuffing invitations, ordering a flower girl dress, keeping track of RSVPs, and doing all of the table and menu arrangements, so that I could write and revise (and revise!) this book. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and am grateful for each and every one of you.
Finally, thank you to my husband, Anthony, for constant support, always being there to listen, and making me laugh every single day.