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Arquebus. A shoulder-fired gun with a medium barrel length, similar in size to a modern rifle.
Braies. Knee-length, linen undergarments worn by men; usually held closed with lacing at the top.
Bubo. A swollen lymph node that often resembles a large blister and usually occurs on the neck, armpits, or groin. Buboes are a symptom of several diseases including the Black Death, or bubonic plague.
Caliver. A shoulder-fired gun similar to an arquebus, but with a standardized bore diameter which allowed for standardized bullets.
Cat o' nine tails. A whip with nine slender lashes, designed to inflict pain and break the skin during corporal punishment.
Doublet. A man's snug-fitting, buttoned jacket, usually waist or hip-length and worn over a loose linen shirt.
Jerkin. A short, close-fitting leather men's jacket without sleeves, worn over a doublet.
Main gauche. A dagger designed to be used in the left hand, in conjunction with a sword held in the right hand. Useful for attacking, parrying, and trapping an opponent's sword. Also called a parrying dagger.
Match cord. A slow-burning fuse made of twine or cord, used in the firing mechanism of matchlock weapons like muskets. Also called slow match.
Musket. A long, smooth-bore, muzzle-loaded firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder with the barrel braced against a tall fork.
Pistol. A short-barreled firearm designed to be held in one hand.
Rapier. A slender, long-bladed sword with a sharp point and an intricate hilt. Used mainly for thrusting attacks.