
In the source notes that follow, page designations refer to the page on which the reference appears. In addition, the following abbreviations will appear frequently:


            BG: Billy Graham

            BGCA: Billy Graham Center Archives

            BGEA: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

            CN: Collection

            MF: Microfilm

Part IV

            LBJLA: Lyndon Baines Johnson Library Archives

            JFKLA: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library Archives

            NARS: National Archives and Record Service

            NPM: Nixon Presidential Materials (National Archives and Record Service)

            HRH: H. R. Haldeman

            WHCF: White House Central Files

            WHSF: White House Special Files

Part V

            AH: Alexander S. Haraszati

Chapter 1: Mr. Graham Goes to Washington


  26.    The description of the crusade service is necessarily a composite, since it was not possible to be simultaneously present at all facets described. The service around which the account is primarily based occurred on April 27, 1986. Some aspects of the description, however, are drawn from interviews and observations of other services during the crusade, whose dates were April 27–May 4, 1986. The story of the traffic-directing police officer was published in the July/August 1986 issue of Decision, the official magazine of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA). All other material in this chapter is drawn from personal observation.

  27.    “Redeemer Nation” and “soul of a church.” The phrases are borrowed from Ernest Lee Tuveson, Redeemer Nation: The Idea of America’s Millenial Role (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968), and Sidney E. Mead, The Nation with the Soul of a Church (New York: Harper & Row, 1975).

  27.    “like Queen Esther.” Esther 4:14.

  28.    “his wonders to perform.” I am well aware of the strong feelings and complex theological issues involved in the use of inclusive language, which does not assign a masculine gender to God. Because Billy Graham, his evangelistic predecessors, and most of his contemporary Evangelical followers emphatically do not use such gender-neutral language, I have elected, for good or ill, to abide by the conventional practice of using masculine pronouns to refer to deity.

  29.    “Just As I Am.” Lyrics by Charlotte Elliot, music by William B. Bradbury.

Chapter 2: A Great Cloud of Witnesses

  32.    “Seek good and not evil.” Amos 5:14.

  32.    “as soon as God’s Ordinances cease.” John Cotton, “God’s Promise to His Plantation,” quoted in Harry S. Stout, The New England Soul (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986), p. 16.

  33.    Puritans envision “the New Heaven and the New Earth.” Ibid., p. 62.

  34.    “one of the greatest company-keepers.” Jonathan Edwards, “A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of Many Hundred Souls, in Northampton, and the neighboring towns and villages of New Hampshire, in New England, in a Letter to the Reverend Dr. Colman, of Boston,” in The Works of President Edwards, vol. III (New York: S. Converse, 1830), p. 16.

  34.    The revival “very much at a stop.” . . . “a new people.” Stout, New England Soul, p. 72.

  34.    Advance publicity for Whitefield. Ibid., p. 26.

  34.    People leaping from the balcony. Edwin Scott Gaustad, The Great Awakening in New England (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957), p. 27.

  35.    “the old Spirit of Preaching.” George Whitefield, Journals, cited in Gaustad, Great Awakening, p. 30.

  35.    Whitefield criticizes local pastors. Whitefield, Journals, quoted by Stout, New England Soul, pp. 192, 194.

  35.    “the Word ran like lightning.” Whitefield, Letters, quoted in Gaustad, Great Awakening, p. 27.

  35.    “not since the earthquake of 1727.” Thomas Prince, “An Account of the Revival of Religion in Boston,” p. 9, cited by Gaustad, Great Awakening, pp. 27–28.

  35.    Revival greatest where roots ranshallow. Stout, New England Soul, p. 196.

  36.    Edwards on the millennium. Jonathan Edwards, Some Thoughts Concerning the Present Revival (Boston, 1742), quoted in Stout, New England Soul, p. 204.

  36.    Marshall, Voltaire, and Paine on religion in America. J. Edwin Orr, The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening (Los Angeles: Oxford Association for Research in Revival, n.d.), p. 1, quoted in Lewis Drummond, A Fresh Look at the Life and Ministry of Charles G. Finney (Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1983), p. 18.

  37.    James McGready’s revival techniques. Charles A. Johnson, The Frontier Camp Meeting: Religion’s Harvest Time (Dallas: Southern Methodist University Press, 1955), pp. 32–37. Much of the description of the camp meetings is based on Johnson, pp. 41–68, which quotes frequently from eyewitness accounts.

  37.    “liquid boiling waves” and “flaming abyss.” James McGready, “A Short Narrative of the Revival of Religion,” in New York Missionary Magazine and Repository of Religious Intelligence IV (1803), p. 228, quoted in Johnson, Frontier Meeting, p. 55.

  38.    “slain . . . laid in neat rows.” John Lyle, “Diary of John Lyle (1801–1803),” typed manuscript, Durrett Collection, University of Chicago, pp. 21–35. Cited by Johnson, Frontier Meeting, p. 58.

  38.    “ground was crowded with bleeding bodies.” B. W. McDonnald, History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Nashville, 1888), p. 47, cited by Johnson, Frontier Meeting, p. 59.

  38.    “like the roar of Niagara.” James B. Finley, Autobiography of Rev. James B. Finley; or, Pioneer Life in the West, ed. William P. Strickland (Cincinnati, 1856), pp. 166–67, cited in Johnson, Frontier Meeting, p. 64.

  41.    “like cannonballs through . . . eggs.” Drummond, Fresh Look, p. 62.

  41.    Finney “attracted widespread criticism.” Keith J. Hardman, Charles Grandison Finney, 1792–1875 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1987), pp. 84–85.

  41.    “weepers seldom receive any lasting good.” Finney, quoted in George W. Gale, Auto biography of Rev. George W. Gale (New York, 1864), p. 272.

  41.    The Benevolent Empire. For further information, see Donald W. Dayton, Discovering an Evangelical Heritage (New York: Harper & Row, 1976); Clifford Griffin, Their Brother’s Keepers: Moral Stewardship in the United States, 1800–1865 (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1960); Winthrop Hudson, The Great Tradition of the American Churches (New York: Harper & Row, 1963); Timothy L. Smith, Revivalism and Social Reform (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1957).

  42.    “the right use of the constituted means.” Charles Grandison Finney, Lectures on Revivals of Religion (Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University, 1960), p. 13. Italics added.

  42.    “a SOLEMN FACT . . . Seldom.” Ibid., pp. 186–88.

  42.    “the only way to preach.” Ibid., pp. 208–9.

  42.    “A good preacher would also pay attention to the faces.” Ibid., pp. 210–11.

  42.    “not hesitate to use theatrics.” Ibid., p. 220.

  42.    “When the blessing evidently follows” . . . “converting sinners.” Ibid., p. 189.

  42.    “the great business of the church . . . every kind of sin.” Charles Grandison Finney, “The Pernicious Attitude of the Church on the Reforms of the Age,” Letters on Revivals, no. 23, The Oberlin Evangelist, January 21, 1846, p. 11. This letter is reprinted in full in Dayton, Evangelical Heritage, pp. 20–22.

  43.    “useful in the highest degree possible.” Finney, Lectures, p. 404.

  43.    “the millennium may come . . . in three years.” Ibid., p. 306.

  43.    “church cannot turn away . . . slavery a sin.” Ibid., p. 288.

  43.    “Finney’s converts became active participants.” See, for example, William Warren Sweet, Revivalism in America (New York: Scribners, 1945), p. 160.

  46.    “the public will think . . . it must succeed.” Letter from Moody to McCormick, April 5, 1866. Cyrus H. McCormick Papers, quoted in James F. Findlay, Dwight L. Moody: American Evangelist 1837–1899 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969), p. 117.

  46.    “Moody, save all you can.” D. L. Moody, New Sermons, Addresses, and Prayers, p. 535, quoted in Findlay, Dwight L. Moody, p. 253.

  47.    “a fair, square, practical thing.” Quoted in William G. McLoughlin, Jr., Modern Revivalism: Charles Grandison Finney to Billy Graham (New York: Ronald Press, 1959), p. 248.

  47.    Eton meeting canceled. Findlay, Dwight L. Moody, pp. 176–77.

  47.    “Moody made it a big business.” McLoughlin, Modern Revivalism, p. 166.

  48.    “the Calliope of Zion.” This phrase originated with H. L. Mencken, The Truth Seeker, April 15, 1916, p. 246, quoted in William G. McLoughlin, Billy Sunday Was His Real Name (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955), p. 155.

  49.    Sunday’s baseball career. Joseph L. Reichler, ed., The Baseball Encyclopedia (New York: Macmillan, 1982), p. 1389. McLoughlin, Billy Sunday, pp. 3–8; “Evangelist Types Vary Over Years,” Detroit Free Press, February 2, 1952. McLoughlin states that Sunday claimed to have stolen 95 bases. The Detroit Free Press credited him with 96 thefts in 116 games. The story is better with 95 stolen bases; unfortunately, The Baseball Encyclopedia is probably correct. According to McLoughlin, Sunday also claimed to have batted .359 one year, but The Baseball Encyclopedia records no such figure. Statistics for Cobb and Wills are from The Baseball Encyclopedia, pp. 751 and 1474, respectively.

  49.    Sunday’s tabernacles. To help disperse and amplify the sound, Sunday often used an Augaphone, a cone-and-umbrella-shaped device designed to disperse the voice of speaker, who stood directly under it, to all parts of the building.

  49.    “the devil’s been hunting his hole.” Sunday, quoted in Homer Rodeheaver, Twenty Years with Billy Sunday (Nashville: Cokesbury, 1936), p. 98.

  50.    “As he became flashier . . . sort of woman.” McLoughlin, Billy Sunday, pp. 174, 159, 175.

  50.    Sunday’s preaching style. Ibid., pp. 154–56.

  50.    “he used his athleticism.” Ibid.

  50.    “With Christ you are saved . . . decide now.” Boston Herald, December 9, 1916, p. 3, quoted in McLoughlin, Modern Revivalism, p. 409.

  50.    “converted without any fuss.” Quoted by Mencken in The Truth Seeker, April 15, 1916, p. 246, quoted in McLoughlin, Billy Sunday, p. 128.

  50.    “They will not have much to change.” Life and Labors of Rev. William A. (Billy) Sunday, with Selected Sermons (Decatur, Ill.: Herman, Poole, 1908), p. 324, quoted in McLoughlin, Billy Sunday, p. 129.

  50.    “So it sums up. . . . Gee whizz!” Boston Herald, December 15, 1916, p. 14, quoted in McLoughlin, Billy Sunday, p. 130.

  51.    Sunday’s patriotism. McLoughlin, Billy Sunday, pp. xxvi, 258–59.

  51.    “godless social service nonsense.” Ibid., p. 140.

  51.    “be a horticulturist.” Ibid., p. 136.

  51.    “he cooperated with Prohibitionist forces.” Ibid., pp. 231–35.

  52.    “a giant for God.” W. T. Ellis, Billy Sunday: The Man and His Message (Philadelphia: John T. Winston, 1936), p. 277, quoted in Douglas W. Frank, Less Than Conquerors (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986), p. 238.

  52.    “easier for people to do right.” McLoughlin, Billy Sunday, p. 293.

  52.    “If I had my way with these ornery wild-eyed socialists.” Sydney E. Ahlstrom, A Religious History of the American People (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1972), p. 900.

  52.    “aggregate number exceeded 100 million.” McLoughlin, Billy Sunday, p. 29. Professor McLoughlin took this figure from an obituary notice. Though he readily acknowledged it may have been exaggerated, he calculated that Sunday held, on average, 6 campaigns a year for 40 years, preaching approximately 50 sermons per campaign, with an average audience of 10,000 per sermon (in his heyday, he regularly packed tabernacles designed to hold more than 20,000 people), producing a total of 120 million. McLoughlin thought it reasonable to discount this figure by at least 20 million but did not regard the estimate of 100 million as totally implausible. Conversation, July 2, 1991.

  53.    “a gangly teenager.” The Reverend Fred Brown, an evangelist who was holding a revival in Charlotte on November 6, 1935, the date of Sunday’s death, recalled that, on learning the evangelist had died, he and two associates went into a bedroom to pray that someone would rise up to stand in the gap left by his passing. A friend of the Graham family’s, he professed to remember that Billy Graham came forward that evening and made his decision to enter the ministry. Young Evangelicals often make several commitments to “full-time Christian service” during their teenage years. Billy Graham has no specific memory of such an incident, but did not deny its possibility. Fred and Donella Brown, oral history, 1976, CN 141, Box 2, Folder 39, BGCA.

Chapter 3: Billy Frank

  57.    “her first child.” Technically, Billy was the second child. The first, a daughter, had died shortly after birth. Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), p. 60.

  57.    “no aged Simeon.” See Luke 2:22–35.

  58.    “Frank, be a good boy.” Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979), p. 24.

  58.    Frank Graham “on the sidelines of worldly pleasure.” Billy Graham, “Billy Graham’s Own Story: ‘God Is My Witness,’” Part I, McCall’s, April 1964, p. 124; Melvin Graham, interview, November 17, 1987.

  58.    Graham family’s beach visits. Frady, Parable, p. 37.

  58.    “Frank purchased a house across the road.” Morrow Graham, oral history, June 3, 1977, CN 141, Box 7, Folder 40, BGCA.

  59.    “running and zooming.” Morrow Graham, interview with Michael Hooser of World Wide Pictures (a subsidiary of BGEA), April 30, 1971. A tape of this interview was furnished by BGEA.

  59.    “never any quietness about Billy.” Morrow Graham, interview (Hooser).

  59.    “relieved when he started school.” Morrow Coffey Graham, They Call Me Mother Graham (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1977), p. 21.

  59.    “he never wears down.” Ibid., p. 35.

  59.    “sugar baby.” Morrow Graham, interview (Hooser).

  59.    She’ll “just love you for it.” Ibid.

  60.    Whippings. Graham, “God Is My Witness,” Part I, April 1964, p. 124.

  60.    Morrow Graham on corporal punishment. Morrow Graham, Mother Graham, p. 28; Morrow Graham, interview (Hooser). “The children didn’t die” is a reference to Prov. 23:13: “Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you beat him with a rod, he will not die.”

  60.    Frank Graham’s conversion. Vernon W. Patterson, oral history, 1971, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 29, BGCA.

  61.    “I knew I was born again.” Morrow Graham, oral history.

  61.    “family altar.” Morrow Graham, interview (Hooser).

  61.    Graham children learn Scripture verses. Ibid.; Melvin Graham interview, November 17, 1987.

  61.    “Are there more gods than one? . . . enjoy him forever.” Questions 5 and 1, The West minster Shorter Catechism (Richmond: Presbyterian Committee of Publications, n.d.), ratified by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, December 4, 1961.

  61.    Sabbath rules and ice-cream cones. Melvin Graham, interview.

  62.    “Be quiet, or he’ll call your name.” BG, sermon, Washington, D.C., May 3, 1986.

  62.    “you couldn’t get mad.” Noel Houston, “Billy Graham,” Holiday, February 1958, p. 136.

  62.    “You couldn’t resist him.” Frady, Parable, p. 61. A shorter version of this quote appears in Houston, “Billy Graham,” p. 136.

  62.    “Read!” Melvin Graham, interview.

  62.    “obedient simians.” Melvin Graham, oral history, June 2, 1977, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 6, BGCA; Catherine Graham McElroy, oral history, July 7, 1976, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 13, BGCA.

  62.    Billy Frank’s early reading habits. BG, interview, March 1, 1988. Morrow Graham, interview (Hooser).

  62.    “He didn’t pick up his lessons too quick.” Melvin Graham, interview.

  62.    “ability to listen intently.” Morrow Graham, interview (Hooser).

  63.    “my father eked out a bare existence.” Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part I, April 1964, p. 124.

  63.    Graham family’s affluence. Most interviewees who knew the Grahams during this period mentioned their affluence; for example: classmate Winston W. “Wint” Covington, Jr., interview, August 9, 1988; Albert McMakin (chief tenant), telephone conversation, August 12, 1988; Sam Paxton, interview, April 27, 1988.

  63.    “My daddy was my idol.” Melvin Graham, oral history.

  63.    “That was just his life, to play ball.” Morrow Graham, interview (Hooser).

  63.    “He really did like the girls.” Catherine Graham McElroy, interview, March 31, 1988. Billy’s friend Wint Covington observed that “Billy always was a ladies man. He was quite a thinker, too. That’s all he thought about.” Covington, quoted in Charlotte Observer, September 21, 1968, on story of BG Appreciation Day, 1968.

  63.    “I never went any further.” TV profile of BG, Legends, CNN, 1986.

  63.    Parents expected them “to be clean.” Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part I, April 1964, p. 124.

  63.    “get down deep into the Word.” Morrow Graham, Mother Graham, p. 256.

  64.    All-day prayer meetings. Charlotte Observer, August 10, 1958; Morrow Graham, Mother Graham, p. 34, and Morrow Graham, oral history; Patterson, oral history; Patterson, “The Prayer Heard Round the World,” Decision, October 1975, pp. 3, 12. This particular meeting was the fourth marathon prayer session the men’s group had held. In some accounts, the men’s group was identified as the Charlotte Layman’s Evangelical Association. It appears likely that the group went by both names at different times in its existence. T. W. Wilson, whose father was a participant, felt certain it was called the Christian Men’s Club at the time of this incident. Conversation, February 14, 1991.

  64.    “shake up the whole state.” Albert McMakin, interview, March 21, 1988.

  64.    “out of Charlotte.” John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 5; Frady, Parable, pp. 77–79; Morrow Graham, Mother Graham, p. 35.

  64.    “just some fanatics.” Patterson, “The Prayer Heard Round the World,” p. 12.

  65.    Ham’s anti-Semitism. Houston, “Billy Graham,” p. 135. Ham’s tactics included quoting extensively from the notorious anti-Semitic tract, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and accusing Julius Rosenwald, a philanthropist who contributed millions to develop schools for southern blacks, of planning to use these schools as vice quarters where black men and white women could cohabit.

  65.    “It made you think your mother had been talking to him.” Graham, sermon, Washington, D.C., May 3, 1986.

  65.    “Almost—but lost!” “Almost Persuaded,” lyrics and music by P. P. Bliss. Grady had responded to the invitation two years earlier during a meeting held by evangelist George Stephens, but he counted this response as the more important of the two.

  66.    “I made my decision for Christ.” BG, sermons, Washington, D.C., May 3, 1986, and Columbia, S.C., April 29,1987. See also, Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 6–7; Frady, Parable, pp. 82–83; David Lockard, The Unheard Billy Graham (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1971), p. 14.

  66.    “I’m a changed boy.” Morrow Graham, interview (Hooser).

  66.    “Oh God, I don’t understand.” BG, sermon, Columbia, S.C., April 29, 1987.

  66.    “much nicer to me.” Catherine Graham McElroy, interview.

  66.    “it didn’t change all at once.” Melvin Graham, interview.

  66.    “right up on the sidewalk.” T. W. Wilson, interview February 26, 1987.

  66.    “just too worldly.” Charlotte Observer, September 24, 1956.

  66.    BG “had to retake a final exam.” Sam Paxton, interview.

  66.    “wasn’t any dumb bunny.” Wint Covington, interview.

  66.    “roll up our sleeves to show our watches.” Wint Covington, interview.

  66.    “deep down inside me.” BG, sermon, Columbia, S.C., April 29, 1987. Graham has often repeated this account in quite similar form.

  66.    “like Sonny, Buddy, or Junior.” Boston Globe, March 27, 1950.

  67.    “Grady borrowed my watch.” Graham told this story on numerous occasions, usually when introducing or talking about Grady. He even repeated it in his eulogy at Wilson’s funeral, November 3, 1987. Like other key stories in the oral tradition, variations exist. In some versions, perhaps the most accurate, Graham only feared the watch would be ruined. Grady sometimes responded by insisting that his nervousness stemmed not from preaching but from the fact that Billy Frank was sitting right on the front row, holding his (Grady’s) girlfriend’s hand. Grady Wilson, BGEA team meeting, Disney World, 1976. Tape provided by BGEA.

Chapter 4: The Boy Preacher

  68.    T. W. Wilson “got saved.” Vernon W. Patterson, oral history, 1971, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 29, BGCA.

  69.    “if he could just preach like Jimmie Johnson.” Melvin Graham, interview, November 17, 1987. 67 “I’ll give him two weeks.” Albert McMakin, interview, March 21, 1988.

  69.    “Sincerity” . . . “a matter of principle.” Stanley High, Billy Graham: The Personal Story of the Man, His Message, and His Mission (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956), p. 108. 67 “Myrtle Beach.” Charlotte Observer, September 18, 1958.

  69.    “man is weak.” Grady Wilson, Billy Graham as a Teenager (Wheaton, Ill.: Miracle Books, 1957), p. 23.

  70.    “I’m glad to see so many of you out.” Grady Wilson, Count It All Joy (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1984; Minneapolis: Grason, 1984), p. 59.

  70.    BG’s first sermon. Noel Houston, “Billy Graham,” Holiday, February 1958, p. 138.

  70.    To “take over the freshman class!” Grady Wilson, Graham as Teenager, p. 25.

  71.    “Griping Not Tolerated.” John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 11.

  71.    “his classwork was a shambles.” Grady Wilson, Graham as Teenager, p. 25, citing an article about Graham in a 1956 issue of the American Weekly Sunday Supplement; no other reference given.

  71.    Missionary visits Graham home, reconnaissance visit to Florida. BG, interview, March 1, 1988.

  72.    “Billy, if you leave.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 12.

  72.    “a voice that pulls.” Wendell Phillips, interview, July 1, 1988. Phillips is the primary source of the description of the encounter with Jones. The frequently reported assertion that Graham was expelled from Bob Jones College is untrue, though he has conceded that absence from class and poor performance might well have led to dismissal on academic grounds had he remained in school. Florida Bible Institute founder and president W. T. Watson later reported that “a well-known Christian educator wrote me after being advised that Billy would be coming to our school—‘Billy belongs to a good family in North Carolina. His father is an orthodox, substantial Christian man. Billy has possibilities. He will do good work if you hold his feet to the fire and insist on his taking a regular course.’” W. T. Watson, The Bible Schooldays of Billy Graham (Dunedin, Fla.: Trinity College, n.d.), p. 23. (Florida Bible Institute changed its name to Trinity College.) In a later oral history, Watson confirms that the educator was indeed Bob Jones, whose calmer judgment, at least on this occasion, overcame his sense of personal affront. W. T. Watson, oral history, February 14, 1977, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 42, BGCA; also, AP, March 9, 1973.

  72.    Letters from Phillips, oranges outside dorm windows. T. W. Wilson, oral history, January 30, 1971, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 46, BGCA.

  72.    BG leaves Bob Jones. The chronologies found in various accounts of these events cannot be harmonized. Some versions are clearly mistaken. After careful consideration of the evidence, I believe this version to be accurate. Fortunately, nothing of real consequence is at stake. Sources consulted include T. W. Wilson, oral history; John Minder, oral history, September 28, 1977, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 25, BGCA; Morrow Graham, oral history, June 3, 1977, CN 141, Box 7, Folder 40, BGCA; BG, interview, March 31, 1988; Wendell Phillips, interview.

  72.    “a picture of a roulette wheel.” Vera Resue, oral history, April 18, 1980, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 30, BGCA.

  72.    “I spent the afternoon.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 12–13.

  73.    “a lanky Ichabod.” Roy Gustafson, interview, June 27, 1988.

  73.    “glorified tourist.” BG, interview, March 31, 1988.

  73.    “not a digger.” Vera Resue, oral history.

  73.    “Billy always wanted to do something big.” Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979), p. 130.

  73.    “a combination man.” Watson, oral history.

  73.    BG admires visitors, feels call to ministry. Various accounts; e.g., Morrow Graham, oral history and They Call Me Mother Graham (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1977), p. 40; Lois Ferm, “Billy Graham in Florida,” The Florida Historical Review (October 1981): 173–85.

  73.    “there is more where this came from.” Watson, Bible Schooldays, p. 21.

  74.    BG pledged never to refuse autographs. Watson, oral history.

  74.    The ten-thousand-dollar answer to prayer. Watson, oral history; also, BillyGraham, “Billy Graham’s Own Story: ‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, McCall’s, May 1964, p. 200.

  74.    “couldn’t preach for sour apples.” Roy Gustafson provided this phrase in interview, June 27, 1988; others provided the same assessment.

  74.    “an all-round wonderful man.” BG, interview, March 1, 1988.

  74.    “the gift of helps.” I Cor. 12:28.

  74.    “I polish the apple.” John Minder, oral history, February 24, 1977, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 42, BGCA.

  75.    BG’s first formal sermon. John Minder, oral history; Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, May 1964, pp. 200–201. Graham has told this story on numerous occasions. Roy Gustafson offers a variation, claiming that the first formal effort, complete with multiple sermons, occurred at a tent meeting in Tampa at which the other student ministers were Norman Vernon and Steve Cloud. Roy Gustafson, interview.

  75.    BG becomes youth director. Unidentified Tampa newspaper clipping, CN 15, Box 1, Folder 1, Scrapbook, BGCA.

  75.    “FBI did not lack for rules.” Emily Cavanaugh Massey, oral history, March 15, 1977, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 18, BGCA.

  75.    Sexual scandal at FBI. Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 15–16; Frady, Parable, pp. 117–18; Roy Gustafson, interview.

  76.    “Emily thinks a great deal of me.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 16; Morrow Graham, Mother Graham, p. 43.

  76.    Emily breaks engagement. Emily Cavanaugh Massey, oral history.

  76.    “All the stars have fallen.” High, Personal Story, p. 76.

  76.    “There is nothing to live for.” Charlotte News, September 8, 1958; Wendell Phillips, interview. Phillips no longer has this letter but confirms the essential accuracy of the quotation.

  76.    Emily’s rebuff affects decision to enter ministry. Allen Thomason, Boston Post, January 12, 1950. Frady, Parable, pp. 108–17, provides the most detailed account of the relationship between Billy and Emily, but both protagonists and several eyewitnesses challenge both its accuracy and the importance he assigned to it. The oral tradition on the matter is hopelessly muddled. The romance seems to have obtained an overblown and apparently permanent position in the Graham legend as a consequence of newspaper stories written shortly after he burst on the national scene. That it was significant, however, seems beyond doubt. In addition to Graham’s siblings, Grady Wilson, who was not on the scene, also insisted that Billy’s personality took on a more serious dimension as a direct consequence of the breakup.
   When Emily and Charles Massey married, Billy attended the wedding, sitting with the family of the bride. He recalled that everyone in the church was aware of his presence and his second-place finish. Roy Gustafson remembered that as he came down the aisle, Charles Massey looked over at Billy and winked, as if to say, “I got her.” Gustafson, interview. Over the years, Billy has stayed in touch with the Masseys, once calling them from the White House. According to Marshall Frady, Charles Massey did not imagine that Graham made the call simply because he was near a convenient telephone (Frady, Parable, p. 117). At a 1976 testimonial dinner at their alma mater, where her husband had become a professor after turns in the army chaplaincy and several pastorates, Emily Cavanaugh Massey acknowledged her pleasure at having been loved by two good men, and early in 1987 Graham described a recent visit with “my former fiancée and her husband” as “very nostalgic and pleasant.” BG, interview, February 26,1987. In general, the Masseys appear to believe the Graham-Cavanaugh romance has been sufficiently documented for historical purposes.

  77.    “I used to have the strangest glimpses.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 17.

  77.    “All right, Lord.” BG, interview, March 1, 1988.

  77.    “bartender knocked him down.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 19; Frady, Parable, p. 128.

  77.    “Folks, pray for me.” Watson, Bible Schooldays, p. 21.

  77.    “his gospel gun was always loaded.” Ibid., p. 19. Graham has recalled that although the station, WFOY, had only 250 watts of power, “we thought we were reaching the whole world through that little station.” Jerry B. Jenkins, “A Conversation with Billy Graham,” 1RTV Guide, vol. 2, no. 4, 1974, pp. 7–8.

  78.    “a young man who is going to be known.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 22.

  78.    “quarter pound of butter.” The Reverend Cecil Underwood, oral history, March 14, 1977, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 38, BGCA.

  78.    “young Graham does not mince words.” Unidentified newspaper clipping, scrapbook, CN 15, Box 1, Folder 1, BGCA. Some accounts place this meeting at the Peniel Baptist Church in East Palatka, but this clipping, obviously from a local newspaper, identifies the church as the East Palatka Baptist Church, noting that the revival was sponsored by the young people of the Peniel Baptist Church, where Underwood had become pastor.

  78.    “the first little inkling.” “The New Evangelist,” Time, October 25, 1954, p. 55.

  78.    Baptism in Silver Lake. Underwood, oral history. Some accounts identify the lake as Crystal Lake. Interestingly, Dean Minder had personally immersed Billy just a few weeks earlier, raising the possibility that his submission to Underwood’s suggestion stemmed more from a desire to please his hosts than from any burning conviction that something was missing in his life. This third baptism (the first having been his baptism as an infant) is also mentioned in a clipping from the Park Ridge, Illinois, Herald, January 16, 1942, and was confirmed by Graham in conversation, February 15, 1991. Graham also indicated that he believed his baptism as an infant had been in the Methodist church to which his father had originally belonged, rather than the Presbyterian church to which the family belonged during most of his boyhood.

  79.    “called on stumps to repent or perish.” Watson, Bible Schooldays, p. 7; Melvin Graham, interview; TV profile of BG, Legends, CNN, 1986.

  79.    “Poor little Bobby.” Watson, oral history.

  79.    “as if he were God casting the planets.” Watson, Bible Schooldays, pp. 12–13.

  79.    “Billy’s fervor.” Morrow Graham, Mother Graham, p. 54.

  79.    Sermon titles. Fliers and newspaper advertisements, CN 15, Box 1, Folder 1, Scrapbook, BGCA.

  80.    “crime has increased” . . . “fearful damage.” Billy Graham, “Signs of the Times,” sermon manuscript, CN 15, Box 1, Folder 11, BGCA.

  80.    “Hear Billy Graham.” Watson, Bible Schooldays, p. 21.

  80.    Handmade fliers. CN 15, Box 1, Folder 1, Scrapbook, BGCA.

  80.    “Dynamic Youthful Evangelist.” Grady Wilson, BGEA team meeting, 1976. Recording provided by BGEA.

  80.    “A Great Gospel Preacher at 21.” Flier for York, Pennsylvania, campaign, 1940, CN 15, Box 1, Folder 1, Scrapbook, BGCA.

  80.    “One of America’s Outstanding Young Evangelists.” Promotional flyer, CN 15, Box 1, Folder 6, BGCA.

  80.    “Good Songs Each Night.” Handbill for meeting at W. T. Watson’s Gospel Tabernacle, CN 15, Box 1, Folder 1, Scrapbook, BGCA.

  80.    “The Melody Three.” Handbill, ibid.

  80.    “Your Friends Will Be There” appeared as the tag line on most of Graham’s fliers from this period.

  81.    Capitola revival. Wilson, BGEA team meeting, 1976.

  81.    “Saul among the Benjaminites.” I Sam. 10:20–24.

  81.    Vera Resue’s valedictory. Watson, Bible Schooldays, p. 17. This prophetic address, now part of the Graham legend, was quoted extensively by Paul Harvey on his radio program of June 13, 1964. Vera Resue, oral history.

Chapter 5: Ruth

  83.    Billy meets Ruth. Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), p. 59. I freely acknowledge a considerable debt to this excellent biography by Ms. Cornwell, who has since turned her hand to a well-regarded series of mystery novels.

  84.    Lutherans held “very strange beliefs.” Billy Graham, “Billy Graham’s Own Story: ‘God Is My Witness,’” Part I, McCall’s, April 1964, p. 125.

  84.    Ruth’s childhood. Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, pp. 12–30.

  84.    Ruth’s clothes and piety. Ibid., p. 60.

  85.    “I had never heard anyone pray like [that] before.” John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 24.

  85.    “we didn’t pay much attention.” Jean Graham Ford, oral history, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 44, BGCA.

  85.    “if you let me serve you with that man.” Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, pp. 60–61. See also Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 24–25, and Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979), p. 140.

  85.    The courtship. Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, pp. 60–68.

  86.    “I’ll do the leading.” Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 73; Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 26. Despite this assertion of authority, Billy may have been prepared to compromise. A story in the college newspaper a few weeks later revealed that he “wants to head for a Far Eastern missionary field immediately after his graduation, but will go into evangelistic work if the war interferes with his plans.” Wheaton Record, March 24, 1942.

  87.    Speaking across the upper Midwest. Curtis Mitchell, Billy Graham: The Making of an Evangelist (Philadelphia: Chilton Books, 1966), p. 175. Newspaper clipping from Wheaton Daily Journal, September 13, 1941, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 4, Scrapbook, BGCA; V. Raymond Edman, “Random Recollections on Billy Graham as an Undergraduate,” n.d., CN 74 (Ephemera of William Franklin Graham), Folder 11, Box 2, Supplement 1, BGCA, “A Young Southern Evangelist,” handbill for meeting in Moline, Minnesota, CN 15, Box 1, Folder 6, BGCA.

  87.    BG replaces Dr. Edman at “the Tab.” Clipping from Wheaton Daily Journal, September 13, 1941, Graham scrapbook, CN 15, Box 1, Folder 4, BGCA; Edman, “Random Recollections”; Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 27.

  87.    LeTourneau “Number One Christian Layman.” Undated newspaper advertisement, CN 15, Box 1, Folder 1, Scrapbook, BGCA.

  87.    Identical sermons. Robert Van Kampen, oral history, May 17, 1976, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 39, BGCA.

  88.    Army rejected application for the chaplaincy. Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 75.

  88.    BG absent while Ruth is ill. Ibid., p. 78. At almost the same time, Jean Graham, who had shadowed Ruth throughout the wedding process, fell ill with bulbar polio, and Ruth may have had a light, nonparalyzing case of the same disease. Jean recovered, but suffered some lasting paralysis in one arm and in her throat. Jean Graham Ford, oral history, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 44, BGCA.

  88.    “businessmen’s dinner series.” Van Kampen, oral history. See also William G. McLoughlin, Billy Graham, Revivalist in a Secular Age (New York: Ronald Press, 1960), p. 35; Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 30; Frady, Parable, p. 145, etc.

  88.    Other accomplishments at the Village Church. Van Kampen, oral history.

  88.    “Billy’s not a pastor.” Torrey Johnson, oral history (interview conducted by Robert Shuster, BGC archivist), December 13, 1984, CN 285, BGCA.

  88.    “Get in there and preach.” Stanley High, Billy Graham: The Personal Story of the Man, His Message, and His Mission (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956), pp. 138–39.

  89.    WCFL. Some accounts identify the station as WENR, but Johnson claims it was WCFL. Torrey Johnson, oral history.

  89.    BG persuades congregation to sponsor Songs in the Night. Van Kampen, oral history. This task was not particularly difficult; Bob Van Kampen had provided key financial support for the program when Johnson ran it and believed in its potential.

  89.    “Imagine! That’s our Billy Frank.” Morrow Coffey Graham, They Call Me Mother Graham (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1977), p. 47; Catherine Graham McElroy, interview, March 31, 1988. Also, Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 80.

  89.    Van Kampen Press. Van Kampen, oral history.

  89.    Effectiveness of Songs in the Night. George Beverly Shea, interview, March 5, 1989; Torrey Johnson, oral history; Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 80; etc.

  89.    “another Billy Sunday or Moody” . . . “It was obvious.” Van Kampen, oral history.

  90.    Growth in Bible institutes. Sydney E. Ahlstrom, A Religious History of the American People (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1972), p. 913.

Chapter 6: ”Geared to the Times, Anchored to the Rock”

  92.    Beginnings of youth rallies. James C. Hefley, God Goes to High School (Waco, Tex.: Words Books, 1970), p. 21. The “Youth” section of United Evangelical Action, the journal published by the National Association of Evangelicals, regularly carried stories of Wyrtzen’s rallies, some of which drew more than twenty thousand young people. See, for example, the April 1944, May 1944, and October 1944 issues. These publications were made available to me by the staff at the National Association of Evangelicals, Carol Stream, Illinois.

  92.    Bev Shea encourages Johnson to start youth program. Torrey Johnson, oral history (interview with Robert Shuster, BGC archivist), December 13, 1984, CN 285, BGCA. Also, Torrey Johnson, oral history (interview with Lois Ferm), February 8, 1977, CN 141, Box 24, Folder 23, BGCA. There is substantial overlap between these two oral histories, and no noticeable contradictions, but the interview in CN 285 is more extensive and thorough than that in CN 141. Both are extremely rich interviews.

  93.    “the worst fit of stage fright of my life.” John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 32.

  93.    “He electrified the gathering.” Merrill Dunlop (musical director for the service), interview with Robert Shuster, CN 50, Tape T2A, BGCA. Though I have consulted this and other sources for myself, I acknowledge a debt for having been guided to them by Ron Frank, a graduate student in Church history at the Graham Center in Wheaton during the period of my research there. My appreciation for the importance of the YFC years was greatly enhanced by conversation with Mr. Frank and by his unpublished seminar paper, “Graham’s Youth for Christ Years: What Was Their Significance?” May 15, 1986.

  93.    “forty-two people responded” at May 27, 1944, Chicago rally. Hefley, High School, p. 22; Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 32; etc.

  93.    “the Bobby-Sox Evangelist.” United Evangelical Action, November 1, 1944.

  93.    “spent much of his time on the telephone.” James T. “Jimmie” Johnson, oral history, January 10, 1979, CN 141, Box 17, Folder 14, BGCA.

  94.    Torrey Johnson persuades Graham to join YFC. In some accounts of this meeting, Johnson and the Grahams found themselves booked into the same hotel, or into propinquitous hotels, quite by accident (Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story [San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983], p. 81), though Graham has been quoted as saying it was “not by chance. The Lord was in it.” Stanley High, Billy Graham: The Personal Story of the Man, His Message, and His Mission (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956), p. 140. In an oral history interview (CN 285, BGCA), Johnson states the two couples made the trip together. In yet another version, Johnson was in Miami and requested hotel reservations for both parties. Don Mott, oral history, April 18, 1983, CN 141, Box 14, Folder 1, BGCA. Given Johnson’s single-minded pursuit of his goals, it is doubtful their meeting was a coincidence.

  94.    “will you come join us?” BG, interview, March 1, 1988.

  94.    Leaving Western Springs, gaining release from chaplaincy commitment. BG, interview, March 1, 1988.

  94.    “not one bit of paper work.” Hefley, High School, p. 24.

  94.    Winona Lake conference of Youth for Christ. Also present at this and subsequent meetings were businessmen who backed the movement and college presidents such as Bob Jones and V. Raymond Edman, who hoped the organization would send their schools a fresh supply of students. Other college presidents who supported the movement included John Brown of John Brown University in Arkansas, Louis Talbot of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and Will Houghton of the Moody Bible Institute. No school seems to have benefited from the movement more than Bob Jones College. Several of the YFC evangelists were enamored of the school, and several directed as many as forty or fifty students to it each year. Torrey Johnson, oral history, CN 285, BGCA.

  94.    “We never inquired.” Ibid.

  95.    BG is “top civilian passenger.” Hefley, High School, p. 32. Some estimates run as high as 200,000 miles.

  95.    T. W. Wilson joins YFC. T. W. Wilson, interview, February 26, 1987.

  95.    “We were just these dynamic, handsome young guys.” Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979), p. 161.

  96.    “consecrated saxophone.” “YFC Girds for Action,” United Evangelical Action, August 15, 1945.

  96.    MacArthur, “the Gospel Horse.” Hefley, High School, p. 17. Torrey Johnson claims the Gospel Horse was not a YFC attraction, but the story is well attested, and the BGCA contain material on such a horse. It may be that Johnson was never directly associated with such an act. Johnson, oral history, CN 285, BGCA.

  96.    “We punched them right between the eyes.” William G. McLoughlin, Billy Graham, Revivalist in a Secular Age (New York: Ronald Press, 1960), p. 38.

  96.    1945 Memorial Day Rally. “70,000 Attend Memorial Day Rally,” United Evangelical Action, June 15, 1945; “Billy Graham Tours Country for YFC,” United Evangelical Action, April 4, 1945); Torrey Johnson, oral history (interview with Lois Ferm), February 8, 1977, CN 141, Box 24, Folder 23, BGCA.

  97.    “I believe God wants you to go to . . .” Hefley, High School, p. 31.

  97.    First meeting between Graham and Barrows. Cliff Barrows, interview, February 24, 1987.

  97.    “Graham might turn out to be a top newsmaker.” Wesley Hartzell and Jim Huffman, “Billy Graham’s Twenty Years as a World Crusader,” Chicago Sunday American Magazine, March 13, 1966, p. 4, in CN 224 (Shufelt Papers), Box 1, Folder 18, BGCA.

  98.    “Puff YFC.” Torrey Johnson, oral history, CN 285, BGCA; “Youth for Christ,” Time, February 4, 1946, pp. 46–47. According to Johnson, the telegram, whose wording was notably similar to Hearst’s later and more famous directive, “Puff Graham,” fell into the hands of Wesley Hartzell, who relayed its contents to Johnson.

  98.    Hartzell’s reports give BG wide exposure. Hefley, High School, p. 25; cf. also Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 21.

  98.    Preparation for trip to England. Torrey Johnson, oral history, CN 285, BGCA; United Evangelical Action, March 1, 1946; Charles Templeton, interview, December 2, 1987; Frady, Parable, p. 164; Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 34–35.

  99.    Fiasco at Gander AFB. Charles Templeton, interview.

  99.    “like a breath from heaven.” Torrey Johnson, oral history, CN 141, BGCA.

  99.    “We want you just like you were.” Ibid.

  99.    “He spoke for fifty-seven minutes.” . . . “It was terrific.” Canon Thomas Livermore, oral history, 1971, CN 141, Box 10, Folder 9, BGCA. The memory of the bow tie and the clerical robe was provided by BG in a talk before the Youth for Christ Council Convocation, July 26–August 4, 1974, CN 141, Box 11, Folder 55, Tape 15A, BGCA.

100.    Paul Maddox assists Graham. Torrey Johnson, oral history, CN 141, BGCA.

100.    “God really knit our hearts together.” Cliff Barrows, interview, February 24, 1987.

100.    Fog in churches. Don E. Hoke, article in Christian Life, reprinted in The Fundamentalist, January 6, 1950, in CN 360, MF Reel 1, BGCA.

100.    Manchester campaign. “Billy Graham on Evangelism,” Christian Life, January 1951, p. 11, cited by Frank, “Graham’s YFC Years,” fn. 22.

100.    “not to argue, only to explain.” Stanley High, Billy Graham: The Personal Story of the Man, His Message, and His Mission (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956), p. 143.

100.    “Billy called on me.” An unidentified clergyman quoted in High, Personal Story, p. 144.

101.    “the greatest spiritual revival.” United Evangelical Action, January 1, 1947, p. 17.

101.    Olford’s meeting with Graham. Stephen Olford, interview, April 21, 1988; Stephen Olford, oral history, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 27, BGCA; BG, interview, March 1, 1988. The three sources of this account differ in minor details, mostly with respect to chronology. Based primarily on the personnel making the two YFC trips, the version presented here seems accurate. With the passage of time, the significance of the event seems to have diminished somewhat in Graham’s assessment, but since he assigned it a prominent role in earlier accounts, it seems fair to assume that it was a pivotal occasion.

102.    “It became fascinating.” Templeton, quoted in Frady, Parable, pp. 172–73.

102.    “a similar Southern Baptist youth revival movement.” During the summer of 1946, Reiji Hoshizaki, a Nisei student at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, participated in activities of the Chicagoland Youth for Christ. That fall, his enthusiasm generated interest at Baylor for a similar program. The following year, after Hoshizaki and a fellow student, M. D. Oates, observed additional YFC activities in San Diego, they returned to Baylor committed to a youth-led revival effort, which they called Waco Youth for Christ. Months of preparation and hours-long prayer meetings culminated in dramatically successful citywide revivals in Waco, Dallas, and Houston. Then, under the aegis of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, the movement organized similarly fruitful efforts throughout the South and in Hawaii. Numerous participants in what came to be known as the Youth Revival movement—since they were not affiliated with YFCI, they were asked to drop the original designation—have become key leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention, and historians of the movement credit it with giving rise to organized youth programs in Baptist and other churches. For a concise sketch of this movement, see Katy Jennings Stokes, “Those Halcyon Days,” The Baylor Line, April 1981, pp. 23–27. The Texas Collection at Baylor contains scrapbooks, correspondence, and oral histories pertaining to the movement. I am also indebted to conversations with former participant William Cody for helpful background information and insights regarding the movement.

102.    Hearst: YFC a “good and growing thing.” Quoted in Hefley, High School, p. 13. No source given.

103.    “Modernism was on the ropes.” From a Graham sermon quoted by Charles Cook, The Billy Graham Story: “One Thing I Do” (London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1955), pp. 90–91, cited by McLoughlin, Revivalist, pp. 39–40.

103.    “America’s foremost youth leader.” Song sheet from YFC rally, Grand Rapids, Michigan, September 1947, CN 224 (Shufelt Papers), Box 1, Folder 18, BGCA. Cited in Ron Frank, “Billy Graham and Los Angeles 1949: A Date with Destiny,” (unpublished paper, Wheaton College, 1986), pp. 4–5.

103.    “A Young Athlete.” Crusade brochure, Grand Rapids, September 1947, ibid.

103.    Advertising for Charlotte campaign. “Crusade Report—Billy Graham Revival in Charlotte, North Carolina,” CN 5 (Patterson Papers), Box 1, Folder 8, BGCA.

103.    “a gaggle of gospel variety acts.” Charlotte Observer, November 23, 1947, and August 10, 1958; “Crusade Report,” Patterson Papers; Mel Larson, Youth for Christ: Twentieth-Century Wonder (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1947); quotes from Grady Wilson are from Frady, Parable, p. 174.

104.    “We didn’t really ask Grady.” BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

104.    Raising Shea’s pay. Vernon W. Patterson, oral history, 1971, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 29, BGCA.

104.    “Communism . . . South America” and “Unless . . . isolated in the world.” Charlotte Observer, November 23, 1947.

104.    “You should see Europe.” Tom Fesperman, Charlotte News, November 10, 1947.

104.    “Jesus Christ is the Hero of my soul.” Charlotte Observer, November 23, 1947.

104.    Advertisement for Northwestern College. “Northwestern College Opens September, 1944,” United Evangelical Action, August 15, 1944, p. 3.

104.    Riley talks to both Johnson and Graham. On March 12, 1946, the Northwestern board officially invited Johnson to become president of the schools, with Graham to serve as his assistant and “field representative.” Torrey Johnson, oral history, CN 141, BGCA. Some people familiar with the story believe Graham was Riley’s first choice and that the decision to invite Johnson was at Graham’s urging (see, for example, Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 42), but the early date of this invitation makes this somewhat improbable. W. T. Watson stated that Riley had first developed an interest in Graham during his visits to FBI. Watson, oral history, January 30, 1971, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 46, BGCA.

105.    W. B. Riley’s search for a successor. George Wilson, interview, August 3, 1987; Torrey Johnson, oral history, CN 141, BGCA; High, Personal Story, p. 145.

105.    Riley: “I’ll meet you at the judgment seat.” High, Personal Story, p. 145. Several versions of this story exist, none of which can be certified as accurate, since no recording of the occasion exists, and Graham’s own memory for such details is imprecise. Pollock, for example, has Riley using the biblical image of Elijah’s conferring his mantle upon Elisha, Authorized Biography, p. 42. Frady’s account appears to be a conflation of the High and Pollock versions. Frady, Parable, p. 175. Since Graham has been the ostensible source of all the accounts, I have chosen to accept High’s version because it was obtained closer to the event itself. There seems no doubt that Riley called Graham to his bedside and invoked some biblical story of succession.

105.    BG agrees only to interim presidency. Graham’s reluctance to assume the position is made clear in a letter written to the school’s board of directors eleven days after Riley’s death. In it he stated that he would become the interim president “with the clear understanding that my present responsibilities and commitments to Youth for Christ International before September 1, 1948, are to be fulfilled. . . . I have never sought this position. It has been thrust upon me. I wrote Dr. Riley several letters in which I turned down the position flatly, even requesting that he neither negotiate nor write to me anymore; but you know Dr. Riley. When he thought he was right, he held on as ferociously as a bulldog until he made me give him this promise and commitment. I intend to fulfill my obligation and commitment to Dr. Riley. . . .” Letter from BG to Northwestern Schools Board of Directors, December 17, 1947, in Minutes of Youth for Christ Board of Directors, CN 48 (Youth for Christ International), Box 9, Folder 4, BGCA. Cited by R. Frank, “Graham’s YFC Years,” n. 44.

105.    Ruth “never” moving to Minneapolis. Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 85.

106.    T. W. Wilson a successful YFC evangelist. See, for example, an account of his British campaign in United Evangelical Action, December 1, 1948, p. 20.

106.    “I would be a miserable flop.” T. W. Wilson, interview, February 28, 1987.

106.    T. W. comes to Northwestern; Beavan helps with publicity. Wilson never shared Graham’s confidence that God wanted him at the schools. “I told him one day,” he recalled, “Billy, I’m here, but I think you called me instead of God.” T. W. Wilson, oral history, January 30, 1971, CN 141, Box 6, Folder 1, BGCA.

106.    “Dear Gang.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 44.

106.    “He hired him because he liked him.” T. W. Wilson, interview, February 26, 1987.

106.    Growth at Northwestern Schools. Exact figures are hard to pin down. Authoritatively offered accounts have ranged from a low of 400 students at the beginning of Graham’s presidency to a high of 1,259 when he resigned in 1951. In an annual report of the enrollment of Evangelical colleges and Bible schools, United Evangelical Action tended to round off enrollment to the nearest hundred. For example, one article pegged the enrollment at Northwestern at 1,000 and that at Bob Jones at 3,000. United Evangelical Action, July 1, 1948, pp. 11–12.

106.    Honorary degrees. Charlotte Observer, September 15, 1948.

106.    Bob Jones gives commencement address. United Evangelical Action, July 1, 1948, p. 27.

107.    Graham attends WCC meeting in Amsterdam. Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 47.

107.    “I think Bill knows that.” Cliff Barrows, interview, March 25, 1987.

Chapter 7: The Canvas Cathedral

109.    The postwar revival. Most data cited here are from George Cornell, AP, February 5, 1951. The best accounts of the postwar healing revival are David E. Harrell’s two books, All Things Are Possible (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1975) and Oral Roberts: An American Life (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985).

110.    The Modesto Manifesto. This account, including all quotes, is based primarily on material from Cliff Barrows, interview, March 25, 1987, Greenville, South Carolina. Graham, Shea, and Wilson have all spoken frequently of this occasion, and various writers have mentioned it. Other problems they pledged to avoid included sensationalism, overemotionalism, excessive emphasis on biblical prophecy or other controversial topics, anti-intellectualism, and the lack of proper follow-up on inquirers.

110.    Bev Shea sends laundry money. Ira Eshelman (member of sponsoring committee), oral history, February 10, 1977, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 43, BGCA.

111.    “the sorriest crusade.” Grady Wilson, interview, March 1, 1987.

111.    Altoona “not one of the most blessed of events.” Cliff Barrows, interview, February 24, 1987.

111.    Deranged woman. Barrows, interview, February 24, 1987; Grady Wilson, interview, March 1, 1987.

111.    “We didn’t do much in Altoona.” Barrows, interview, February 24, 1987.

112.    Graham’s prayer at Maranatha Bible Conference. Roy Gustafson, interview, June 27, 1988. Several biographical works contain accounts of the prayer in the field.

112.    Templeton “not an expositor.” Torrey Johnson, oral history (interview with Robert Shuster, BGC archivist), December 13, 1984, CN 285, BGCA.

113.    BG “got more results.” Charles B. Templeton, interview, December 2, 1987. 110 Templeton “best used of God.” United Evangelical Action, April 15, 1946, pp. 6–7.

113.    “That was before he went to seminary.” Lawrence Young, oral history, July 1971, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 49, BGCA.

113.    “Chuck, go to Oxford.” Templeton, interview.

114.    “Bill, you cannot refuse to think.” Templeton, interview. For the full text of the great commandment, see Mark 12:29–30.

115.    “of all men most miserable.” I Cor. 15:17–19.

115.    Graham’s Forest Home “surrender.” John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 53. Frady’s account of this incident has Graham saying, “Lord, help me. I don’t have the knowledge. I’m placing myself completely, heart and mind, without intellectual reservations, in your hands. . . . Oh, Lord, I do! accept this as your word! Come what may, without question or falter, I believe in this as your holy word!” Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979) pp. 183–84. Since Graham was alone, he is obviously the only possible source for any reliable reconstruction of what he actually said, aloud or to himself, and here, as elsewhere, Frady’s recollections were apparently unaided by a tape recorder. The possibilities for variant accounts of the exact wording of this prayer are thus quite substantial, and Graham’s more recent accounts of the incident have become quite succinct—e.g., “Oh God, from this moment on, I am going to accept this book as Thy word.” I have used Pollock’s version because it lay closer to the original event and received Graham’s approval as an authentic account. Given the familiarity with which Graham’s longtime associates speak of “the Forest Home experience” and the subsequent erection of a monument on the spot where he accepted the authority of the Scriptures, there seems little reason to doubt the essential substance of such accounts.

115.    “I could not live without facing my doubts.” Charles Templeton, interview.

115.    Templeton “the most gifted.” National Council Outlook, June 1951, p. 14. Cited in Lawrence Leland LaCour, A Study of the Revival Method in America, 1920–1955, with Special Reference to Billy Sunday, Aimee Semple McPherson, and Billy Graham (Ph.D. diss., Northwestern University, 1956), p. 276.

115.    “gave [me] power and authority.” Maynard Good Stoddard, “Billy Graham: The World Is His Pulpit,” Saturday Evening Post, March 1986, p. 44.

115.    “I felt as though I had a rapier.” Billy Graham, “The Authority of Scriptures in Evangelistic Preaching,” Christianity Today, October 15, 1956, p. 6. This was Graham’s first article in the inaugural issue of the magazine.

115.    “a bronze tablet.” The tablet reads: “To the praise of God for the life and ministry of Dr. Billy Graham, who had a life-changing encounter with God here at Forest Home when, as a young preacher, he knelt with the Bible in his hands and promised God he would ‘take the Bible by faith and preach it without reservation.’ From that time his preaching was marked by a new and God-given authority. Preaching the scriptures in the power of the Holy Spirit, he has seen multiplied thousands turn to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and faith (Heb. 4:12). This tablet was placed here on April 9, 1967, when Dr. Graham preached by this lakeside.” Forest Home officials commissioned the tablet in appreciation for Graham’s role in a major fund-raising drive on behalf of the center.

116.    Groups supporting “Christ for Greater Los Angeles” efforts. Report on Billy Graham Crusade, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 14, BGCA. An estimated 250 churches, most affiliated with the National Association of Evangelicals, supported the campaign. Most of the “mainline” denominations belonging to the Los Angeles Council of Churches took no role in the early stages.

116.    Edwin Orr and Armin Gesswein conduct preparatory meetings. “Ripples of the Revival,” Youth for Christ Magazine, January 1950, p. 23. I. A. “Daddy” Moon also helped, especially in working with counselors.

116.    “around-the-clock prayer chains.” Stanley High, Billy Graham: The Personal Story of the Man, His Message, and His Mission (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956), p. 148.

116.    “a garish midway-style picture.” The museum at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College contains an exhibit focused on the Los Angeles campaign. In an interesting bit of revisionist pictorial history, the picture of Graham on the marquee has been retouched to give it a less carnival-style appearance.

116.    Hollywood Christian Group. Several accounts of the Los Angeles revival identify this organization as the Stars Christian Fellowship Group, but participants in the group confirm that the name used here was correct.

116.    Endorsement from the mayor. “Ripples of the Revival,” Youth for Christ Magazine, January 1950, p. 23.

117.    “Dr. Graham.” The Canvas Cathedral, a motion picture documentary account of the crusade that serves not only as a valuable record of the event itself but as an index of Graham’s confidence, or at least hope, that future generations might want a record of this event. CN 113, BGCA.

117.    “We don’t believe it is a concert.” “Sickle for the Harvest,” Time, November 14, 1949, p. 64. At the end of the crusade, Life magazine noted that “Graham frowned on flashy, crowd-drawing showmanship.” “A New Evangelist Arises,” Life, November 21, 1949, pp. 97–98. See also Mel Larson, “Tasting Revival,” Revival in Our Time (Wheaton: Van Kampen Press, 1950), pp. 18–19.

117.    An “authority that impressed even his colleagues.” Shortly after the crusade, Bev Shea wrote that following the Forest Home experience, “God spoke through Billy in a way I had not seen before.” George Beverly Shea, “God Was There,” Youth for Christ Magazine, January 1950, p. 16.

117.    Graham’s preaching. This account of Graham’s preaching is based on sermons published shortly after the Los Angeles crusade in Revival in Our Time, and on the film, The Canvas Cathedral.

117.    “a mile per sermon.” I do not find this estimate incredible. Maturity and television have reigned in Graham’s pulpit peregrinations, but I have made similar calculations about other peripatetic preachers.

117.    “wire recording.” AP, February 19, 1950.

117.    “I’ve learned . . . delivery that holds them.” Tom Fesperman, Charlotte News, November 10, 1947.

118.    Soviet Union “had successfully tested the bomb.” Charlotte Observer, October 2, 1948.

118.    Sermon on communism. Billy Graham, “Prepare to Meet Thy God,” Revival in Our Time, p. 124.

119.    “I pray that He would.” Ibid.

119.    “little . . . distinguished the revival.” Larson, “Tasting Revival,” Revival in Our Time, p. 13.

119.    Wide spacing of seats. Lawrence Young, oral history. Young admitted that “the crusade was pretty well bogged down as far as numbers were concerned.”

119.    “put out a fleece.” This figure of speech, indicating a practical experiment by means of which an individual seeks to discern God’s will, is drawn from the biblical story of Gideon, who set out a fleece one evening, asking God to indicate his will by causing the fleece to become wet with dew while the surrounding ground remained dry. When this occurred, he set out the fleece a second time, with the more difficult request that the fleece remain dry while the dew moistened the ground around it. When this condition was also met, Gideon concluded that the Lord was indeed with him and led three hundred Israelites in a rout of the much larger Midianite army. See Judg. 6:33–7:25. The story of the weather fleece was related by the motion maker, Lionel Mayell, oral history, October 28, 1977, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 20, BGCA.

119.    Hamblen “a key man in the area.” Larson, “Tasting Revival,” Revival in Our Time, p. 14.

119.    “Someone . . . who is a phoney.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 57.

120.    “I heard the heavenly switchboard click.” Stuart Hamblen, “Lord, You’re Hearing a New Voice,” Youth for Christ Magazine, January 1950, p. 72. The account of Hamblen’s conversion is based primarily on oral histories by Lionel Mayell and Don Mott. Similar versions occur in various accounts of this crusade. Most state, incorrectly I believe, that Hamblen was drunk from a night of rebellious barhopping.

120.    “I will keep El Lobo.” Toronto Daily Star, November 2, 1949.

120.    “Puff Graham.” BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

120.    “Puff Graham” background. Roy McKeown, interview, August 10, 1988; Roy McKeown, oral history, October 28, 1977, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 14, BGCA. Several other stories have arisen to account for Hearst’s decision to step in at this particular point. In one, a maid at Hearst’s San Simeon castle commended the meetings to her employer. In another, Hearst and Marion Davies attended the revival in disguise. In yet another, a Mrs. Edwards, an older woman who belonged to a prayer group that prayed regularly for Charles Fuller and his Old-Fashioned Revival Hour and had devoted temporary attention to BG, had somehow managed to get through to Hearst on the telephone and had shared her conviction that BG was “God’s man for this nation.” According to her testimony, Hearst made no commitment but treated her politely. Mrs. Edwards’s confidence in Graham persisted. She spent several years traveling to cities where Graham was preaching to pray for his crusades. For her story, see Pat Robertson, Shout It from the Housetops (Plainfield, N.J.: Logos International, 1972), pp. 48–53. All three stories could, of course, be true. I have personally pressed Roy McKeown for details and believe the sequence of events described here to be the most significant. Cornwell, based on her conversation with Don Goodenow, the Examiner’s picture editor, asserts that Hearst’s teletype message to his managing editors was a more prosaic “give attention to Billy Graham’s meetings.” Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), pp. 86–88.

121.    “The press will work for nothing.” J. Edwin Orr, interview, July 14, 1986.

121.    “I never thought [Hearst] would see a person like me.” BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

121.    Hearst interested in “whatever attracted the greatest number.” Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 86.

121.    “missionary just back from Korea.” Mayell, oral history. 118 Graham uses Edwards’s sermon. Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 87.

122.    Zamperini. For the story of Zamperini’s conversion and subsequent ministry to troubled youth, see Louis Zamperini, Trouble at My Heels: The Story of Louis Zamperini (London: Peter Davies, 1956). See also, Louis Zamperini, “I Had Turned My Back on God,” Youth for Christ Magazine, January 1950, p. 31.

122.    Jim Vaus. Most of the material on Vaus is from an interview conducted on August 4, 1988. Some details are from Jim Vaus, oral history, May 26, 1976, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 40, BGCA; McKeown, oral history; Jim Vaus, The Devil Loves a Shining Mark: The Story of My Life (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1974); Los Angeles Herald, November 8, 1945; and Lewis W. Gillenson, Billy Graham and Seven Who Were Saved (New York: Trident Press, 1967), pp. 87–114.

122.    Graham meets Mickey Cohen. Vaus interview; also, BG, “Billy Graham’s Own Story: ‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, McCall’s, May 1964, p. 180. Like Hamblen’s, the Zamperini and Vaus conversions stood the test of time. Zamperini established a camp for troubled boys. Vaus worked with street gangs in East Harlem for twelve years, then returned to California, where he founded an elaborate program to locate and assist runaway youth.

123.    “Louella Parsons interviewed him.” McKeown, oral history.

119.    AP assessment. Quoted in Stanley High, Billy Graham: The Personal Story of the Man, His Message, and His Mission (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956), p. 133. Precise reference not given.

123.    “biggest revival . . . since the death of Aimee Semple McPherson. “A New Evangelist Arises,” Life, November 21, 1949, p. 97.

123.    “the revival sickle.” “Sickle for the Harvest,” p. 63.

123.    “I wouldn’t go without him.” Morrow Coffey Graham, They Call Me Mother Graham (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1977), p. 51.

123.    “Prostitutes and skid-row derelicts showed up.” Benjamin Weiss, oral history, July 1971, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 43, BGCA.

123.    Campaign statistics. The estimate of inquirers is from BGEA statistical sheets, updated after each crusade. Other published accounts set the number within a range between 4,100 and 6,000.

123.    “hot-rodders in wide ties.” McKeown, oral history. The information about Fuller’s support is from Armin Gesswein, oral history, July 13, 1971, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 55, BGCA. Shuler’s support is noted in Lawrence Young, oral history. According to Young, Shuler claimed the cancellation of services to allow members to attend the revival cost his Trinity Methodist Church at least twenty thousand dollars.

123.    “something . . . way beyond me.” Gesswein, oral history.

Chapter 8: Evangelism Incorporated

127.    Ockenga’s attitude toward BG. Allan Emery, oral history, April 9, 1979, CN 141, Box 10, Folder 4, BGCA; Harold John Ockenga, oral history, March 19, 1972, CN 141, Box 11, Folder 38, BGCA.

128.    “my lips will turn to clay.” Allan Emery, oral history. Emery reported that Billy Sunday’s crusade had resulted in fifty-four new churches in Boston. See also “Evangelist Graham Depicts U.S. at Crossroads in Boston Debut,” Boston Herald, December 31, 1949; “Gospel Rally Attracts 6,000,” Boston Sunday Post, January 1, 1950; “7,500 Hear Dr. Graham in Crusade,” Boston Post, January 2, 1950; “Evangelist Calls City to Week of Penitence,” Boston Herald, January 2, 1950. All clippings from CN 17, Mid-Century Campaign Scrapbook, 1949, BGCA.

128.    “A spirit . . . I’ve never seen since.” Mrs. Allan Emery, in Allan Emery, oral history.

128.    Boston Press Conference. Lawrence Dame, Boston Herald, December 30, 1949; Allan Emery, interview, July 19, 1986. See also Allan Emery, oral history. In another press conference two weeks later, BG once again explained the details of the financing of the campaign. Boston Herald, January 10, 1950; Boston Post and Record, January 12, 1950. Emery reported BG’s salary as “something like $7,500.” Joseph F. Dineen, in a complimentary series carried in the Boston Globe, pegged BG’s salary at $12,500, April 3, 1950; Look placed it at $8,500 but noted he had taken in approximately $13,000 the previous year from love offerings and had returned his salary to Northwestern. Lewis Gillenson, “Billy Graham: God’s Ball of Fire,” Look, July 18, 1950, p. 27.

129.    “swashbuckling southerner.” Grace Davidson, Boston Post, December 30, 1949.

129.    “imminent deification of Joseph Stalin.” Gene Casey, “Evangelist Sees Return of Christ in 10–15 Years,” Boston Globe, December 30, 1949.

129.    “Wait till those gravestones start popping.” Boston American, January 13, 1950.

129.    Description of heaven. Boston Post, January 16, 1950. BG offered a virtually identical description of heaven a few weeks later in Columbia, South Carolina. Columbia State, March 6, 1950. I have not found any evidence that he made such statements after these two occasions.

130.    Prayer meetings in hell. “500 Become Converted After Sermon on Hell,” Boston Herald, January 14, 1950, CN17, Mid-Century Campaign, Scrapbook 1, 1949, BGCA; “Immortality,” Hour of Decision, 1957.

130.    Belshazzar sermon. Boston Globe, January 6, 1950. Also in Boston Traveler, January 6, 1950, and Gillenson, “God’s Ball of Fire,” Look, p. 27.

130.    Prodigal Son sermon. Boston Globe, January 10, 1950. The “uppity pig” impression was described by a reporter for the Pittsburgh Press, September 18, 1952, p. 2, reporting on the Prodigal Son sermon as rendered in that city. Quoted in William G. McLoughlin, Billy Graham, Revivalist in a Secular Age (New York: Ronald Press, 1960), p. 125.

131.    Ruth’s reaction to Billy’s acting. Stanley High, Billy Graham: The Personal Story of the Man, His Message, and His Mission (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956), p. 88.

131.    Ruth discusses marriage. Boston Globe, January 17, 1950; Dorothy Cremin, Atlanta Journal, February 9, 1950; Betty Cody, Columbia State, March 12, 1950.

131.    “They hate the gospel.” Boston Globe, January 15, 1950.

132.    BG not mercenary. Joseph F. Dineen, Boston Globe, April 3, 1950; Gordon W. Sanders (assistant city editor of Boston Herald), testimonial letter, March 1, 1950, CN 360, MF Reel 3, BGCA.

132.    “aiming for diamond greatness.” Boston Post souvenir edition, n.d., CN 360, Scrapbook 16, MF Reel 3, BGCA.

132.    Death penalty. “Billy Graham, Others, Discuss Sander Case from Boston Pulpits,” Boston Globe, January 9, 1950, pp. 1, 16. CN 17, Mid-Century Campaign Scrapbook.

132.    “Don’t anybody tell Mr. Truman.” “Revival Better than Europe Aid—Graham,” Boston Record, January 11, 1950; “We May Spend Selves into Depression, Graham Says,” Boston Globe, January 10, 1950.

132.    O’Neill “introduced him to the assembly.” BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

132.    “Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration.” Matt. 17:4.

132.    “possibly disobeyed the voice of God.” Allan Emery, oral history. See also John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 68.

132.    Haymaker’s contributions. Grady Wilson, interview, March 1, 1987; McLoughlin, Revivalist, pp. 54–55.

133.    “crusade.” Willis Haymaker, oral history, January 29, 1971, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 22, BGCA; Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 69.

133.    Strom Thurmond’s help. Grady Wilson, interview, March 1, 1987; Cliff Barrows, interview, March 25, 1987; Columbia State, March 5, 1950.

133.    Appearance at Bob Jones University. Little Moby’s Post, March/April 1950, p. 1. Little Moby’s Post is a BJU Alumni publication. 133. Time story on Columbia crusade. “Heaven, Hell, and Judgment Day,” Time, March 20, 1950, pp. 72–73. On the night Luce attended the crusade, BG preached on the Judgment and Hell. See also Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 70–71 f.

134.    Peace with God. Gerald Beavan, interview, July 27, 1988. Wyrtzen fills in, Boston Post, April 11, 1950.

135.    BG requests visit with Truman. Letter from BG to White House, February 9, 1949; Letter from Charles G. Ross, secretary to President Truman, February 9, 1949; Letter from BG to Mr. Ross, February 17, 1949. CN 74, MF Reel (Harry S. Truman Presidential Library, Letters and Telegrams), BGCA. Unless otherwise noted, subsequent correspondence pertaining to Truman is from this same collection.

135.    “his whole ambition was ‘to get President Truman’s ear.’” AP, February 19, 1950.

135.    “national day of repentance.” “Gospel Rally Attracts 6,000,” Boston Sunday Post, January 1, 1950.

135.    Appointment with Truman granted. Letters, Congressman Joseph R. Bryson to John McCormack, May 25, 1950; Matthew J. Connelly (secretary to the President) to BG, June 1, 1950; Connelly to BG, June 20, 1950.

135.    BG visits Truman. BG, Grady Wilson, Gerald Beavan, interviews; Cliff Barrows, “We Met the President,” Youth for Christ Magazine, n.d. (shortly after July 1950 visit), CN 360, MF Reel 3, BGCA; “persona non grata,” Billy Graham, “Billy Graham’s Own Story: ‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, McCall’s, May 1964, pp. 180–81; photo of group, AP wirephoto, Oregon Journal, July 22, 1950; Charles Cook, The Billy Graham Story: “One Thing I Do” (London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1955), p. 40. Participants reported that they wore white suits, and the AP wirephoto seems to confirm this. Time, however, described BG’s suit as “pistachio-colored.” Graham did indeed have a green suit, which he sometimes wore with matching green shoes. Time may have been correct; I have chosen to accept the report of the participants.

136.    “I talk to more people.” Letter, BG to Truman, July 18, 1950.

136.    Truman refuses to send telegram. Letter, presidential secretary Matthew Connelly to William M. Boyle, Jr., chairman of Democratic National Committee, August 23, 1950, declining request made by Evangelical leader Carl F. H. Henry. Connelly noted that “the president . . . has not in a single instance commended any one particular religious meeting.”

136.    “publicity-grabbing God-huckster.” See Truman’s assessment of Graham in Merle Miller, Plain Speaking (New York: Berkeley, 1973), p. 363.

137.    Meeting with Truman. BG, Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., April 30, 1986. Grady Wilson, interview, March 1, 1987; see also, Grady Wilson, Count It All Joy (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1984), pp. 206–208; Gerald Beavan interview; Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, p. 180.

137.    Portland Tabernacle. Brochure, CN 360, MF Reel 3, BGCA. The structure had modern restrooms, a first-aid room and nursery, and fifty thousand watts of lighting.

137.    Boisterous women. Portland Oregonian, August 22, 1950; Louis Hofferbert, “The Billy Graham Story,” Houston Press, n.d., ch. 11. This syndicated newspaper biography, by Hofferbert, was first published during the 1952 Houston crusade.

137.    Portland crusade attendance. Newspaper accounts of the revival generally peg the attendance at close to 650,000. BGEA claims a more modest 520,000.

137.    Eisner meets with BG. I was told this story by Fred Dienert, Eisner’s son-in-law, who claims Eisner had no idea BG was within a thousand miles. In the version related by John Pollock (Authorized Biography, pp. 80–82), Eisner had narrowed the field in which Providence was called upon to act. Both accounts credit Eisner with a strong propensity to follow “impressions,” which he regarded as God’s way of directing his life.

139.    BG considers a radio program. Raising money for radio. This account is based primarily on an interview with Fred Dienert, October 5, 1987. Dienert acknowledges a certain fuzziness on precise details. For slightly differing versions, see High, Personal Story, pp. 153–64; McLoughlin, Revivalist, pp. 63–64; Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 80–83; and BG and T. W. Wilson, oral history, March 3, 1976, CN 141, Box 32, Folder 28, BGCA. In his 1964 autobiographical series for McCall’s, in which he appears to have made several minor factual errors, BG placed the figure contributed at the service at $24,000. Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, p. 181. Gerald Beavan, whose claim to a good memory for details is supported by cross-checking with other sources, insists, along with several others, that $23,500 is the correct amount. Bill Mead and Howard Butt, Jr., both eventually became members of BGEA’s board of directors. Butt’s practice of spending six months a year in evangelistic work, which won him the sobriquet, God’s Grocery man, is mentioned in United Evangelical Action, 1954, p. 148.

140.    Formation of BGEA. George Wilson, interview, August 3, 1987; BG and T. W. Wilson, oral history. Though usually regarded as the first business manager of BGEA, Wilson was technically the second. Because Wilson was still fully employed by Northwestern Schools, BG sent Frank Phillips, the YFC director who headed the Portland crusade committee, to head up the operation during its first few weeks of operation, and he traveled to Minneapolis approximately every other week during the first six to ten months of the organization’s existence. Graham and Wilson, oral history.

140.    Hour of Decision premier broadcast. Hour of Decision, radio script, program 1, November 5, 1950, in folder with Paul S. James, oral history, March 17, 1977, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 40, BGCA; Paul Mickelson, oral history, May 19, 1976, CN 141, Box 21, Folder 14, BGCA. Mickelson was BG’s organist during this period and played on this first program. See also McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 65; Authorized Biography, p. 85.

141.    “About ten years before he was born.” Vernon W. Patterson, oral history, 1971, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 29, Addendum, BGCA.

141.    Nielsen rating. Billy Graham, America’s Hour of Decision (Wheaton, Ill.: Van Kampen Press, 1951), pp. 64–66, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 65.

141.    Expansion of radio program. McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 65.

141.    “an estimated twenty million people.” In light of the erroneously outsize claims made in recent years about the size of the audiences for television evangelists, this estimate may be overblown. See, for example, William Martin, “The Birth of a Media Myth,” The Atlantic, June 1981, pp. 7–16.

142.     Hour of Decision television program. According to BG, the impetus to produce a television program came from Leonard Goldenson, president of United Paramount Theaters, Paramount studio’s distribution division. Goldenson had met BG during a visit to Paramount, whose president, Frank Freeman, was an ardent supporter of his crusades, and he had heard the evangelist turn down a lucrative offer to star in a Paramount movie. When ABC, owned by Paramount, decided to produce a weekly religious television program, Goldenson contacted BG and persuaded him to star in it. At first, ABC donated the time; then BGEA began to pay for it to insure freedom to produce the kind of program BG wanted. When ABC, under pressure from NBC and CBS, decided in 1954 to stop selling time for religious programming, BGEA discontinued the program. BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

142.    “no one remembers.” Jerry B. Jenkins, “A Conversation with Billy Graham,” IRTV Guide, 1974, p. 8.

142.    The mail operation. BG and T. W. Wilson, oral history.

142.    BG begins “My Answer.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 87.

143.    Photos in Atlanta Constitution, December 11, 1950, p. 2; Paul James, oral history, various interviews.

143.    Atlanta love offering of $9,268.60. AP, January 6, 1951. Total contributions during the Atlanta crusade came to $127,241. BG received 55 percent of a love offering amounting to $16,852, with the remainder going to Barrows. BG told reporters that the money would be “reinvested in the service of the Lord.”

143.    BG goes on salary. BG, interview; Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, pp. 181–82; McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 67; Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 88. The November 1951 Greensboro crusade was apparently the last in which a love offering was taken.

143.    Russell Maguire’s background. “Trouble for the Mercury,” Time, December 8, 1952, p. 42. The occasion of this article was Maguire’s purchase of the conservative journal of opinion, The American Mercury. At the news of the purchase, a substantial portion of the magazine’s staff resigned.

144.    Maguire offers money. W. T. Watson, oral history, February 14, 1977, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 42, BGCA.

144.    Oiltown U.S.A. promotion. McLoughlin, Revivalist, pp. 98–99. Mr. Texas appeared in 1951; Oiltown appeared in 1952. At least part of the funding for Mr. Texas was provided by the Tarrant County Baptist Association. Fort Worth is in Tarrant County, and the sermons that led to Redd Harper’s conversion were filmed during the Fort Worth crusade.

144.    TV program funded by Texans. Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 100–101.

144.    Western hat, green suit, “Gabriel in Gabardine.” According to Barrows, the hat was a gift from the team. Though he liked it, BG eventually stopped wearing the hat because he felt it drew too much attention. Barrows, interview, February 24, 1987. Grady Wilson remembered the green suit: “I was with Billy at Boston-Hoffman in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, when he bought that green suit. I thought it was so pretty. It was what they call Charmaine gabardine. Had a real sheen to it. Some reporter called him a ‘Gabriel in Gabardine.’ [After that article], Billy got self-conscious and put [it] aside. Gave it to his brother or somebody in his family, I think.” Grady Wilson, interview, May 1, 1987. Green suede shoes were mentioned by J. Mabel Clark in an article that apparently appeared in the Austin American-Statesman, April 27, 1952. The citation is unclear in BGCA scrapbooks. In other stories from this period, reporters called BG a “Barrymore of the Bible,” a “Hollywood John the Baptist,” and a “Matinee Idol Revivalist.” In one story, published in the Midland News, January 23, 1952, a reporter indicated that BG insisted that photographers always take his “good” profile.

144.    Graham holds “an airborne service.” AP, June 9, 1951; Paul Mickelson, oral history.

144.    Governor Langlie chairs crusade. Hilding Halvarson, oral history, May 12, 1976, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 15, BGCA.

144.    Premier of Mr. Texas. AP, October 2, 1951. The crowd for the premier and other services during the Hollywood Bowl meeting was built with the aid of Henrietta Mears’s Sunday school students, who divided up the metropolitan telephone book and tried to call everyone in it. BG packed the Hollywood Bowl night after night. Ethel May Baldwin and David V. Benson, Henrietta Mears and How She Did It! (Ventura, Calif.: Regal, 1966), pp. 151–52.

145.    “a wonderful ride.” Mr. Texas, Billy Graham Evangelistic Films, 1951. Print furnished by BGEA.

145.    “God’s seal of approval.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 100.

145.    Dave Barr recalls early days of film ministry. Interview, November 14, 1987.

145.    BG expects short ministry. “Billy Graham Predicts He Hasn’t Long to Live,” Pittsburgh Press, September 8, 1952.

145.    “on Communist purge lists.” Unidentified clipping, apparently from Portland Oregonian, August 22, 1950.

Chapter 9: Principalities and Powers

147.    “your Waterloo.” Minneapolis Star, January 19, 1952.

147.    Washington crusade statistics. “Rockin’ the Capitol,” Time, March 3, 1952, p. 76.

147.    “high point of the crusade.” “40,000 Heard Billy Graham in Drizzle on Capitol Steps,” Washington Times-Herald, February 4, 1952. Most newspapers used a similar figure, although a Red Wing, Minnesota, paper carried a small article noting that an experienced crowd estimator claimed no more than five thousand people were at the service. Inexperienced observers often exaggerate crowd size, but an eightfold error seems unlikely.

147.    “you didn’t need anything but Sam Rayburn’s word.” BG, press conference, National Press Club, Washington, D.C., April 24, 1986.

147.    Involvement of congressmen in crusade. UP, January 23, 1952.

147.    “Harry is doing the best he can.” Warren Ashby, “The Message of Billy Graham,” unpublished article, n.d., quoted by William G. McLoughlin, Billy Graham, Revivalist in a Secular Age (New York: Ronald Press, 1960), pp. 243–44, fn. 47.

148.    Truman: “he was never a friend of mine.” Harry S Truman, in Merle Miller, Plain Speaking (New York: Berkeley, 1973), p. 363.

148.    “Truman eventually softened his assessment.” During his 1967 crusade in Kansas City, BG made a point of visiting Truman in Independence, Missouri. Obviously still embarrassed at the memory, when he apologized for his awkward visit to the White House in 1950, Truman countered with his own apology that his assistants had not made the rules of protocol clearer and assured the evangelist he bore him no ill will. Graham has told this story on several occasions, and members of his team have confirmed it.

148.    “when, as, and if a request comes.” Memo, Matthew Connelly to “WDH.” CN 74, MF Reel (Harry S Truman Presidential Library, Letters and Telegrams), BGCA. Unless otherwise noted, subsequent correspondence pertaining to Truman is from this same collection.

148.    BG invites Truman to address a crusade service. BG to Truman, December 23, 1951.

148.    “at Key West” . . . “not want it repeated.” Memo, WDH to Matthew Connelly, December 28, 1951.

148.    “disappointing reply,” Connelly to BG, December 31, 1951.

149.    “advantageous for the President.” BG to Connelly, January 9, 1952.

149.    “225 ministers who urged him to be present.” Gerald Beavan to Truman, January 28, 1952.

149.    “would rejoice to know that their chief executive was in attendance.” BG to Truman, January 29, 1952.

149.    BG calls the White House. Memo, ACM to Connelly, January 31, 1952.

149.    The President sends best wishes. Connelly to BG, February 1, 1952.

149.    “I guess he was just too busy.” “Rockin’ the Capitol,” p. 76. As a gesture of good will, BG sent the president a copy of Communism and Christ, a book he apparently thought might prove useful in confrontations with the Red Menace. An aide noted that the volume “was respectfully referred to the Department of State for appropriate acknowledgment.” White House memo, March 3, 1952.

149.    Congressmen support the crusade. Prebendary Colin C. Kerr, “Is America in Revival?” The Life of Faith (British Evangelical publication), February 20, 1952.

149.    Attendance at Capitol rally. “Graham Converts Congressmen,” Minneapolis Star, February 4, 1952.

149.    Pentagon prayer meetings. “Rockin’ the Capitol,” p. 76.

150.    Senator Robertson’s resolution. AP, February 15, 1952.

150.    “we can hold the balance of power.” INS, October 17, 1951, in CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.

150.    MacArthur is “deeply religious.” “Rockin’ the Capitol,” p. 76; see also AP, February 20, 1952.

150.    Religious leaders “will use my views as a guide.” Ruth Gmeiner, “Billy Graham Making Check of Candidates’ Spirituality,” UP, February 2, 1952.

150.    “I’d be elected.” AP, February 4, 1952. A slightly different account, setting this statement in the context of a conversation with a presidential candidate, presumably Estes Kefauver, was reported in the Aberdeen, Maryland, World, February 9, 1952.

150.    BG is encouraged to run for Senate. AP, February 19, 1950.

150.    “estimated he could swing at least sixteen million votes.” UPI, July 9, 1952.

151.    Eisenhower thanks BG for interest. Letter, Dwight D. Eisenhower to BG, November 8, 1951, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA. Unless otherwise noted, further correspondence between Graham and Eisenhower or other members of the Eisenhower administration with the exception of Richard Nixon is from this source. On February 14, 1952, Graham requested an interview with General Eisenhower, noting that Sid Richardson had suggested he write. In a letter written to Graham on February 21, Eisenhower tentatively granted the interview. Graham’s enthusiasm for Eisenhower may have been generated by the general’s penchant for making such statements as “the churches of America are citadels of our faith in individual freedom and human dignity. This faith is the living source of all our spiritual strength. And this strength is our matchless armor in our worldwide struggle against the forces of Godless tyranny and oppression.” Quoted in the New York Times, September 8, 1947, cited in Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988), p. 91.

151.    Richardson prompts Graham to write Ike. Billy Graham, “Billy Graham’s Own Story: ‘God Is My Witness,’” Part III, McCall’s, June 1964, p. 64.

151.    BG urges Ike to run for office. Gerald Beavan, interview, July 27, 1988. Beavan claims, and there seems to be no reason to dispute the claim, that largely on the strength of their Fontainebleau meeting, Eisenhower invited him to join his campaign staff to become his primary public relations man. Though he declined a full-time position, he did some work for the campaign.

151.    “one man sitting in Washington.” Hour of Decision, July 26, 1953, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 114.

151.    Truman and Adam compared. Quoted in ibid., p. 114.

151.    “the nation’s leaders blundered.” Houston Post, May 4, 1952, Section II, p. 1, quoted in ibid., p. 112.

151.    Truman faulted for failing to follow MacArthur’s advice. “Grace Versus Wrath,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1951, quoted in ibid., p. 115. McLoughlin reported that in a personal letter to him, Graham insisted he had studiously attempted to remain neutral in his statements about Korea, ibid., pp. 244–45, n. 64.

152.    “a new foreign policy.” Hour of Decision, November 2, 1952, quoted in ibid., p. 115.

152.    “we all seem to agree.” Pittsburgh Press, September 7, 1952, II, p. 25, quoted in ibid., p. 243.

152.    “nation desperately needs a strong spiritual leader.” BG, sermon Hour of Decision, June 29, 1952.

152.    “fortitude and courage.” Houston Post, May 4, 1952.

152.    “a Moses or a Daniel.” Charles Cook, The Billy Graham Story: “One Thing I Do” (London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1955), p. 100. All quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, pp. 117, 120.

152.    Ike’s religiosity. Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part III, June 1964, p. 64.

152.    Eisenhower to Langliere BG’s possible involvement in campaign. Letter, August 11, 1952, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.

152.    Eisenhower staff ambivalence toward BG. Internal memos from the campaign staff reveal that James Hagerty felt Eisenhower should not bother with BG, but Gabe Hogue favored communication. A memo approving a visit bears the handwritten note, “Five minutes only.” Note to General Paul Carroll from Alice S., October 2, 1952, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.

152.    Graham’s “personal survey.” “Billy Graham: Churchmen Favor Ike,” Minneapolis Morning Tribune, October 27, 1952.

153.    Graham’s efforts to visit Korea. “Army Refuses to Sponsor Graham Revival in Korea,” Boston Globe, November 28, 1952.

153.    Ockenga criticism of government policy. Boston Post, November 29, 1952.

153.    Beavan and congressional friends help. Billy Graham, I Saw Your Sons at War: The Korean Diary of Billy Graham (Minneapolis: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1953), p. 12. The congressmen were L. Mendel Rivers (Democrat-South Carolina) and Senator Clinton Anderson (Democrat-South Dakota).

153.    Graham visits Korea. “Two Visits to Korea,” Time, January 5, 1953, p. 34.

153.    “duck from bunker to bunker.” Minnesota Star, December 13, 1952, CN 360, MF Reel 23, BGCA.

153.    “750 missionaries.” Graham, I Saw Your Sons, p. 16. All profits from the sale of this book were directed to war relief and mission efforts in Korea.

153.    “We all became VIPs!” . . . “assigned by protocol to [generals].” Ibid., pp. 19, 35, 49, 52, 54.

153.    BG visits orphanages, hospitals. Ibid., pp. 29–31, 46, 55.

154.    “wept more . . . come out a man.” Ibid., pp. 34, 55. The United Press also reported that BG was truly shaken by scenes of battle and the wounds of soldiers, December 27, 1952.

154.    Reports of preaching services, commitment of Korean Christians. Ibid., pp. 24, 38, 44, 54; AP, December 15, 1952.

155.    “rugged he-man” . . . “no pinup picture.” Graham, I Saw Your Sons, p. 50.

155.    “If President Truman had taken time to visit Korea.” Widely quoted in news accounts of Korean trip. Ernie Hill, “I’ve Got Plan to End Korean War—Graham,” Chicago Daily News, December 13, 1952.

155.    BG’s plan to end war. UP, December 27, 1952.

155.    “It has been my privilege . . . born-again Christians.” From a sermon, “Peace in Our Time,” preached early in 1953, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 96. Graham would later observe that “I am convinced [Eisenhower] made his personal commitment to Christ as a boy; but he made it publicly after he had become President of the United States.” John Pollock, Crusades: 20 Years with Billy Graham (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1969), pp. 283–84. BG claimed on other occasions that both Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles had told him America’s only hope lay in religious revival. Also, Asheville Citizen, November 9, 1953.

156.    BG requests “a short chat” with the President. Letter, BG to Eisenhower, June 29, 1953.

156.    Why BG belongs to First Baptist, Dallas. Noel Houston, “Billy Graham,” Holiday, March 1958, p. 113.

156.    Review of Peace with God and Templeton’s Life Looks Up. Theodore A. Gill, “Evangelists Three,” Christian Century, March 23, 1955, pp. 369–70. Templeton’s book was published by Harper & Row. The third evangelist of the title was Dale Evans Rogers, whose inspirational book, My Spiritual Diary, Gill also reviewed.

156.    “for the man in the streets.” Billy Graham, Peace with God (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1953). Introduction, p. vii.

156.    BG sends Peace with God to Eisenhower. Thank-you note, Eisenhower to BG, November 3, 1953, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.

156.    “I have seen it happen.” Greensboro Daily News, October 15, 1951.

156.    “appealing to a higher type of social strata.” Quoted by Richard H. Rovere, “Letter from Washington,” The New Yorker, February 23, 1952, pp. 78–85.

157.    BG rejects Billy Sunday role and NBC offer. Minnesota Sunday Tribune, October 1, 1950; “Billy Graham Spurns Millions,” Christian Century, March 17, 1954, p. 351; Billy Graham, America’s Hour of Decision (Wheaton, Ill.: Van Kampen, 1951), p. 33.

157.    Bunny and Franklin are born. Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), pp. 88–89.

157.    Billy fails to recognize his daughter. Ibid., p. 87.

157.    Baptist tourists. Ruth Graham, oral history, August 26, 1978, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 8, BGCA. According to Graham, some tourists actually forced themselves into their home. “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, May 1964, p. 176.

157.    Bunny’s fund-raising gambit. Ruth Graham, oral history.

158.    GiGi remembered father’s absences. Virginia “GiGi” Tchividjian, interview, October 25, 1990.

158.    “Bye, Daddy!” Ruth Graham, It’s My Turn (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1982), p. 106.

158.    Satisfying the need for a father. Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, May 1964, p. 176.

Chapter 10: Trust and Obey

159.    “I can feel the tug.” “What Is God Like,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1951; Billy Graham, Peace with God (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1953; New York: Pocket Books, 1965), p. 31. Unless otherwise noted, all page references are to 1965 edition. NB: quotations from Hour of Decision sermons are taken primarily from printed copies of the sermons. The dates cited are taken from these reprints but may not be completely accurate in every case, since some revisions obviously occurred in later versions. For example, a sermon entitled “The Invitation of Christ” and dated 1959 includes a reference to “the late president John F. Kennedy,” who did not die until 1963.

160.    “we prayed once out in Portland, Oregon, and it poured down.” Hour of Decision television program, 1952, CN 113, Film 188, BGCA.

160.    God as Great Bookkeeper. Charlotte News, May 22, 1957, quoted in Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979) p. 303.

160.    Satan described. Graham, Peace with God, p. 48.

160.    Adam “created full grown.” Ibid., p. 33.

161.    “Christ was the substitute!” Ibid., pp. 82–83.

161.    “Only the Christian knows how to live.” Billy Graham, My Answer (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1960), p. 139.

161.    “The Christian should stand out . . .” Ibid., p. 160.

161.    BG, “The Life That Wins,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1952.

162.    Profanity and lying. BG, “Sins of the Tongue,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1952.

162.    Georgia considers prohibition. “The Whiskey Rebellion,” Time, February 20, 1950, p. 18.

162.    Graham hopes Mississippi will remain dry. Jackson Clarion-Ledger, July 10, 1952, CN 360, MF Reel 5, BGCA.

162.    Sexual content of My Answer. G. W. Target counts and categorizes these statements in Evangelism, Inc. (London: Penguin Books, 1968), p. 156.

162.    “never lick it without Christ.” Sherwood Eliot Wirt, “New Life Surges in ‘Graveyard of Evangelists,’” United Evangelical Action, August 1, 1958, p. 16.

162.    Death penalty for adultery. BG, “The Responsibilities of the Home,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1954.

162.    Perils of “innocent friendship.” Graham, My Answer, p. 42.

162.    “adultery can be forgiven.” Ibid., p. 149.

163.    “make certain that my suspicions were justified.” Ibid., p. 34.

163.    “an either/or deal.” Ibid., pp. 39–40.

163.    Advises against confession of adultery. Ibid., pp. 27, 36.

163.    “on the question of abortion.” Ibid., p. 111.

163.    The role of women. Billy Graham, “The Home God Honors,” sermon in Revival in Our Time (Wheaton, Ill.: Van Kampen Press, 1950), p. 95, and BG, “Responsibilities sermon.”

163.    “Wife should adapt continually.” BG, “My Answer,” newspaper column, February 15, 1953.

163.    Women “entitled to choose” to become pregnant. Graham, My Answer, p. 29.

164.    The Bible sanctions corporal punishment. “Responsibilities.”

164.    “calluses on my backbone.” BG, “Home God Honors,” p. 99.

164.    “Do not be afraid to use it.” Ibid., p. 100.

164.    disintegration of Roman Empire due to broken home. BG, “The Answer to Broken Homes,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1953.

164.    Divorce survey. BG, “Broken Homes.”

164.    “the secret of America” . . . “homes of our fair land.” BG, “The Home,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1956. Quoted in William G. McLoughlin, Billy Graham, Revivalist in a Secular Age (New York: Ronald Press, 1960) p. 129. This passage does not appear in later reprints of this sermon. It is not uncommon, however, for the printed sermons to undergo revision, sometimes to remove distracting references to events no longer familiar to contemporary readers or, apparently, to delete passages that have drawn unfavorable notice from journalists or scholars.

164.    Moody-style pathos: open front door and fatally ill girl. BG, “Mother’s Day Message,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1953.

165.    “stepping in Daddy’s tracks.” BG, “Father,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1956.

165.    Graham on emotional preaching. Frank Colquhoun, The Harringay Story: The Official Story of the Billy Graham Greater London Crusade, 1954 (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1955), p. 19.

165.    Revival more likely in difficult times. U.S. News & World Report, August 27, 1954, p. 87.

165.    Social problems listed by Graham. The reference to high-speed objects is from “Immortality,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1957. The other references are generic and appear in many sermons.

167.    Graham silent at invitation. Graham’s silence at the invitation was not invariable. In the film Mr. Texas, he urges the audience in typical revivalist fashion: “That’s it. Quickly. Come on.” Newspaper accounts of the notable absence of this technique, however, make it appear the silent approach was his standard method of giving the invitation.

167.    “almost all ministers . . . agree.” BG, “Christianity Versus Communism,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1951.

167.    “victory over the tongue.” BG, “The Sins of the Tongue,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1952.

167.    Reasons for youthful immorality. “Young Evangelist Graham Flays Girls’ Loose Morals,” Boston Traveler, January 4, 1950.

167.    Jefferson’s theology. “Billy Graham Tours National Shrines, Asks Moral Awakening,” the Washington Post, January 13, 1952.

167.    “behavioristic philosophies.” BG, “The Bible and Dr. Kinsey,” sermon Hour of Decision, 1953.

167.    Ministers should hide doubts. “Billy’s Conquest,” Newsweek, July 12, 1954, p. 68.

167.    “People want to be told.” Wayne S. Bond, “The Rhetoric of Billy Graham,” Ph.D. diss., Southern Illinois University, August 1973, p. 28.

168.    Ockenga on the social conscience of the New Evangelicalism. Quoted in Lowell D. Streiker and Gerald S. Strober, Religion and the New Majority: Billy Graham, Middle America, and the Politics of the 70’s (New York: Association Press, 1972), p. 112.

168.    Favorable observations on labor. BG, “Labor, Christ and the Cross,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1953; Billy Graham, Peace with God (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1953), p. 181; Graham, interview, March 26, 1987.

169.    Admonitions to employers. Graham, Peace with God, pp. 180–81.

169.    Prayer groups in cities. Stanley High, Billy Graham: The Personal Story of the Man, His Message, and His Mission (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956), p. 63.

169.    “an industrial Utopia.” BG, “Organized Labor and the Church,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1952.

169.    “no union dues” in the Garden of Eden. Quoted in James L. McAllister, “Evangelical Faith and Billy Graham,” Social Action XIX (March 1953): 23, cited in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 99.

169.    “The only one I mention is communism.” “Rabbi Criticizes Evangelist Billy Graham; Southern Baptist Ministers Offer Defense,” Portland Oregonian, February 17, 1950 CN 360, MF Reel 2, BGCA. Quoted again in July 25, 1950 edition.

169.    “a battle to the death.” BG, “Satan’s Religion,” sermon Hour of Decision, 1953. In another sermon, “Christianity Versus Communism,” Hour of Decision, 1951, he called communism “a fanatical religion that has declared war upon the Christian God.”

169.    Communism’s “power from the devil.” Asheville Citizen, November 20, 1953.

169.    “The Devil is their god.” BG, “Satan’s Religion.”

169.    “Then let’s do it.” Hour of Decision, June 10, 1951, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 112.

170.    “While nobody likes a watch dog.” BG, “Labor, Christ and the Cross,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1953. Later reprints of this sermon delete “the lavenders,” probably in an effort not to offend homosexuals unnecessarily.

170.    BG did not know of Marxists in churches. AP, March 30, 1953.

170.    “put under suspicion.” Asheville Citizen, November 20, 1953.

170.    “I am not answering that.” London Daily Herald, February 26, 1954, p. 7, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 112.

170.    “most people laughing off McCarthy.” Letter, BG to Eisenhower, May 10, 1954, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA. 166 “Senate was fiddling over trifles.” Hour of Decision, December 5, 1954; also BG, “Christ Is Coming,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1955, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 112.

170.    Warnings against appeasement. BG, “America’s Decision,” sermon Hour of Decision, 1953.

171.    “We shed the blood and pay the bills.” Ibid., quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 116.

171.    UN weakness. BG, “Teach Us to Pray,” sermon, Hour of Decision, March 1953, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, pp. 116–17.

171.    “Communism’s Public Enemy Number One.” Chicago Daily News, June 11, 1955, p. 1.

171.    East German papers call Graham “a hypocritical demagogue.” “Billy Graham’s Messages Arouse the Red Devil,” AP, in Chicago Daily News, February 27, 1952.

171.    Racism “an unspoken assumption.” Graham, interview, March 28, 1987.

172.    God “no respecter of persons.” Acts 10:34.

172.    Reporters question Columbia segregation. Boston Post, March 27, 28, 31, 1950; Portland, Maine, Evening Express, March 27, 1950. In CN 1 (Haymaker Papers), Box 1, Folders 1–2, BGCA. Cited in Jerry Berl Hopkins, Billy Graham and the Race Problem, 1949–1969 (Ph. D. diss., University of Kentucky, 1986), p. 33. I am grateful to Dr. Hopkins for having ferreted out some materials of which I was previously unaware, as well as for his generally evenhanded treatment of Graham’s developing position on race.

172.    “All men are created equal.” “Rabbi Criticizes Billy Graham,” quoting a statement Graham had made on August 15, 1950. CN 360, MF Reel 3, BGCA.

173.    Offer to hold service for blacks only. Atlanta Daily World (November–December 1950); Atlanta Constitution, November 27, 1950; Christian Science Monitor, January 1, 1951.

173.    Communists behind reform efforts. Los Angeles Times, September 15, 1951.

173.    “You can’t clean up a city.” BG, quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, p. 37. 169 “race with race.” Ibid., p. 38.

173.    No discrimination in Washington crusade. “Graham Begins Plans for Big Four-Week Washington Revival,” Charlotte Observer, January 12, 1952, CN 360, Reel 5, BGCA.

173.    “love, love, love.” The Washington Post, January 21, 25, 1952; February 18, 1952, quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, p. 39.

173.    Segregation at the Houston crusade. John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 97.

173.    Service for black leaders. “Negroes Ask Graham to Stay Over” Houston Chronicle, June 6, 1952.

173.    Baptist colleges should admit blacks. “Billy Graham Urges Negroes in Colleges,” Memphis Commercial Appeal, May 18, 1952, CN 360, Reel 5, BGCA.

174.    Race problem “something you’re going to have to face.” Billy Graham, “Why Don’t Our Churches Practice the Brotherhood They Preach?” Reader’s Digest, August 1960, p. 116; also Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 97.

174.    No segregation at the cross. UP, July 9, 1952.

174.    Christian Century applauds BG. Christian Century, August 13, 1952, p. 934.

174.    “I feel I have been misinterpreted.” Jackson Clarion-Ledger, July 10, 1951.

174.    “I cannot be hypocritical on this matter.” G. Merrill Lenox to BG, July 8, 1952; BG to Lenox, July 12, 1952, CN 1 (Haymaker Papers), Box 1, Folder 18, BGCA; quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, pp. 43–44.

175.    “personally removed ropes.” BG, sermon, Washington, D.C., May 3, 1986. Also, personal conversation.

175.    Detroit pastor complains; Haymaker responds. Charles A. Hill to Haymaker, June 11, 1953; Haymaker to Hill, June 15, 1953, CN 1 (Haymaker Papers), Box 1, Folder 18, BGCA, quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, pp. 47–48.

175.    “The church must practice Christianity.” Michigan Chronicle (Detroit), October 3, 1953, quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, p. 49.

175.    “A great spiritual revival is needed.” Ibid.

175.    Christian Century commends BG. Frank Fitt, “In the Wake of Billy Graham,” Christian Century, December 1, 1953, pp. 1438–39.

176.    BG rejects “curse of Canaan” argument. Detroit Sunday Times, September 27, 1953, quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, p. 51.

176.    “There is no ‘Master Race.’” “My Answer,” in Asheville Citizen-Times, November 15, 1953, quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, pp. 52–53.

176.    “The church should have been the pace-setter.” Graham, Peace with God, p. 181.

176.    “When true Christians look at other people.” Ibid., p. 182.

176.    BG’s lukewarmness toward integration during Nashville crusade. Hopkins, Race Problem, pp. 60–61. BG to James M. Gregg, July 24, 1954, CN 1 (Haymaker Papers), Box 1, Folder 24, BGCA.

Chapter 11: Harringay

177.    “From vict’ry unto vict’ry.” From George Duffield and George J. Webb, “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus,” popular Evangelical hymn.

177.    Limited support, even among Evangelicals. Robert O. Ferm, oral history, 1978, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 37, BGCA. In an interview with U.S. News & World Report, BG asserted that approximately one thousand churches had been involved in the invitation and that he imagined approximately two thirds of them were Anglican churches. This appears to be a gross overestimate. Billy Graham (interview) “Billy Graham’s Story: New Crusade in Europe,” U.S. News & World Report, August 27, 1954, p. 82.

177.    Resistance to a crusade. The Reverend A. Jack Dain, interview, July 14, 1986, Amsterdam. See also Frank Colquhoun, The Harringay Story: The Official Story of the Billy Graham Greater London Crusade, 1954. (London: Hodder &C Stoughton, 1955), p. 18.

177.    “His theology is fifty years behind contemporary scholarship.” Reynolds’ News, May 22, 1955, quoting Dr. Brian Wellbeck, a psychologist who contended after the crusade that BG had harmed British churches.

177.    Forms of opposition to the crusade. Various interviewees made similar observations. One of the most articulate and analytical was Brian Kingsmore, a Scottish Presbyterian minister interviewed in Amsterdam, July 10, 1986.

178.    hope “to start a spark.” Hour of Decision television program, April 1954, CN 54, Film 99, BGCA.

178.    Earl Warren attends prayer service. United Evangelical Action, 1954, p. 15.

178.    “Spiritual vacuum.” BG’s use of this term with respect to England is cited in Louis Hofferbert, “The Billy Graham Story,” Houston Press, May 1952, Chapter 16, CN 360, Reel 5, BGCA.

178.    Award-winning public relations campaign. Gerald Beavan, interview, March 1988. BGEA shared one of the awards with Craven-A Cigarettes. Colquhoun, Harringay Story, p. 44.

178.    “Hear Billy Graham,” World Press News, October 15, 1954.

178.    Eisenhower endorses crusade, Dulles to help. Letter, BG to Willis Haymaker, n.d., CN 3 1 (Haymaker Papers), Box 1, Folder 21 (London 1954, 10/53–6/54); “Billy Graham: Young Thunderer of Revival,” Newsweek, February 1, 1954, p. 42; John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 113.

178.    “like a Biblical Baedeker.” “100,000 Pounds Worth of Hot Gospel,” London Evening News, February 23, 1954, CN 360, Reel 6, BGCA. Unless otherwise noted, all newspaper clippings relating to the Harringay crusade can be found in CN 360, Reel 6.

179.    Text of “Socialism” brochure. The New York Times, February 21, 1954. The basic account of this snafu was provided by Gerald Beavan, interview. Pollock and Graham have written that the offending word was to have been changed to secularism. Beavan, who wrote the copy, insists that the only change suggested or made was from an upper case to a lowercase s.

180.    “Apologize—or stay away!” Hannen Swaffer, in London Daily Herald, February 20, 1954.

180.    “interfering in British politics.” Radio news sheet, February 20, 1954, quoted in Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 115.

180.    “an attack on the British Labor government.” London Daily Mirror, February 22, 1954.

180.    Reporters board the liner. Billy Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, McCall’s, May 1964, p. 183.

180.    “never attacked Socialism.” London Daily Herald, February 22, 1954, p. 1.

180.    George Wilson takes blame. Montreal Daily Star, February 22, 1954.

180.    Beavan claims to have ordered change in calendar, Glasgow Sunday Mail, n.d. (1954). Beavan insisted he was responsible for using the word socialism but observes that it would never have surfaced had not Wilson used the text in the calendar without his (Beavan’s) knowledge. Beavan, interview.

180.    Socialism an equivalent to theatergoing. Montreal Daily Star, February 22, 1954.

180.    BG response “fatuous.” London Daily Herald, February 24, 1954.

180.    “less than fully convincing.” A spokesman for the crusade committee told reporters, “You caught him on the High Seas without his documents or his adviser.” London Daily Herald, February 22, 1954.

180.    Marx “a subtle, clever, degenerate materialist.” BG, “Satan’s Religion,” sermon, Hour of Decision, December 1953.

181.    BG calls for revolt against socialism. BG, “Revival or the Spirit of the Age,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1952, quoted by William G. McLoughlin, Billy Graham, Revivalist in a Secular Age (New York: Ronald Press, 1960), p. 102. 177 “England would turn to Marxist socialism.” BG, “World Reds Hit by Billy Graham,” sermon, Miami Daily News, May 18, 1952.

181.    BG might go to England to help halt Socialist trend. BG, “Our Spiritual Debt to England,” sermon, Hour of Decision, June 8, 1952.

181.    Aneurin Bevan “a dangerous man.” “British Call Billy Graham Back, but Must Wait for Two Years,” Chicago Daily News, March 21, 1952.

181.    Bevan agent of “Communist advance.” BG, “The Urgency of Revival,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1954.

181.    “Labor [party] is killing all initiative.” Quoted by Cassandra (nom de plume of columnist William Conner), “What Is Billy Graham Up To?” London Daily Mirror, February 28, 1954.

181.    De Courcey’s approval. Quoted without citation in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 106.

181.    BG “not partial to Socialism.” Quoted without citation, ibid.

181.    Awakening would detach people from socialism. Intelligence Digest, June 1954, p. 5, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 107.

181.    London Free Press advertisement in London Times, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 105.

181.    De Freitas impressed by BG’s Christianity. Glasgow Daily Record, February 27, 1954.

181.    BG greeted like a celebrity. “4,000 Women Mob Hot Gospeler,” London Daily Mail, February 25, 1954.

181.    “It’s time we let out the lions.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 117.

182.    “I thought I heard [Bill] praying.” Ruth Graham’s diary, quoted in Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 119.

182.    Beavan’s message garbled. Ibid.; Beavan, interview.

182.    “The building is packed.” Noel Houston, “Billy Graham,” Holiday, February 1958, p. 143; Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, May 1964, p. 183.

182.    Symington and Bridges. Glasgow Daily Record, March 2, 1954; Beavan, interview; Houston, “Billy Graham,” February 1958, p. 143; Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, May 1964, p. 183; Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), pp. 95–97; Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 119–21.

182.    178 souls. Graham, “‘God Is My Witness,’” Part II, May 1964, p. 184.

182.    Attendance at Harringay. Grady Wilson, “Three-Month Miracle,” Moody Monthly, October 1954; Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 121.

183.    Operation Andrew beginnings. Stephen Olford, interview, April 21, 1988; Robert O. Ferm, manuscript for article on the history of Operation Andrew, CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 11, Folder 3 (February-March, 1965), BGCA.

183.    “landline relays.” Herbert Lockyer, Jr., “The Relay Meetings,” Moody Monthly, October 1954; “Graham London Crusade Is Breaking All Records,” United Evangelical Action, 1954, p. 148; Colquhoun, Harringay Story, pp. 130–32.

184.    Banquet at Claridge’s. Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 117.

184.    “reminds me of my ancestors.” Ibid., p. 122; Graham, interview, March 28, 1987.

184.    Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 99.

184.    Giant rallies. “34,586 Decisions,” Time, May 31, 1954, pp. 58–59; Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 108; Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 129–30; Charles T. Cook, “Memorable Climax to London Crusade,” The Christian, May 28, 1954.

185.    “It could have been better.” Bishop A. W. Goodwin-Hudson, oral history, January 7, 1976, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 5, BGCA.

185.    “Brother Archbishop.” This oft-repeated story is perhaps the best known of the many anecdotes regarding Grady Wilson. BG repeated it at Grady’s funeral in September 1987. Grady told me the same story, noting that “he outranks the prime minister. He is second in line only to the queen, and here I was calling him ‘Brother Archbishop.’” Wilson added that the day before, BG had driven him past Lambeth Palace, the arch bishop’s residence in London, and had told him that the palace contained thirty-two bathrooms. “I couldn’t see the reason for that,” Grady said, still marveling more than thirty years later. “To a country boy from North Carolina, that was just sort of overwhelming.” Interview, March 1, 1987.

185.    Frank Martin’s change of heart. Quoted in Colquhoun, Harringay Story, p. 175.

185.    Donald Soper’s reaction. J. Erskine Tuck, “Winning the Press,” Moody Monthly, October 1954.

185.    Weatherhead: “what does fundamentalist theology matter?” Ibid.

185.    BG hears sharp criticism. Colleen Evans, remarks at National Press Club, April 24, 1986.

185.    BG “teachable and humble.” “Why Not Export Billy Graham?” Christian Century, March 24, 1954, p. 357.

186.    “my eyes were scalding with tears.” “William Hickey Meets Billy Graham,” London Daily Express, March 1, 1954.

186.    The bloke means everything he says.” Cassandra, “What Is Billy Graham Up To,” Daily Mirror, February 28, 1954.

187.    “Mr. History.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 132.

187.    BG disowns descriptions of heaven. British press conference response, quoted in Colquhoun, Harringay Story, p. 79; BG, “The Ten Commandments,” Hour of Decision, 1958.

187.    “As for hell, . . .” British press conference, Colquhoun, Harringay Story, p. 79.

187.    Invitation hymn dropped. “The Crusade for Britain,” Time, March 8, 1954, pp. 72–74. Other changes noted by crusade organist Paul Mickelson, oral history, May 19, 1976, CN 141, Box 21, Folder 14, BGCA.

187.    BG changes views on socialism. Ralph Lord Roy, “Billy Graham’s Crusade,” The New Leader, August 1, 1955, p. 8, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 222.

187.    Positive view toward organized labor. AP, in Charlotte Observer, September 6, 1954.

188.    BG permits cessation of collections. Bishop A. W. Goodwin-Hudson, a key member of the crusade’s executive committee, wanted to continue the collections, but the crusade chairman, General D. J. Wilson-Haffenden, felt it was important to stop the collections as early as possible to offset any criticism of financial arrangements. Goodwin-Hudson, oral history.

188.    Harringay statistics. “Assess Permanent Results of the Graham London Campaign,” Christian Century, March 2, 1955, p. 262; “Billy’s Britain,” Time, March 22, 1954, p. 67; also, Colquhoun, Harringay Story, passim.

188.    Results comparable to Wesley. “Old-Time Religion,” U.S. News & World Report, July 9, 1954, pp. 42–43.

188.    Indifference a veneer. London Sunday Times, May 30, 1954.

188.    Evening Standard poll. “Where Are the Billy Graham Converts?” London Evening Standard, December 6, 1954.

188.    “The effect . . . very little.” Denis Duncan, in British Weekly, May 29, 1958, p. 1, quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, pp. 192–93.

189.    Archbishop of Canterbury assesses BG. Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, Canterbury Diocesan Notes, June 1954.

189.    “very little to show.” Viewpoint, a Protestant Episcopal Church television program, Mutual Broadcasting System, quoted in Charlotte Observer, June 15, 1958.

189.    A contrast between two churches. I have heard several such stories, of London and other cities. The one alluded to here was told to me by Maurice Rowlandson, a longtime BGEA representative in London. He compared Edgeware Parish Church, St. Martin’s, with St. Lawrence Whit Church. St. Lawrence was the little engine that couldn’t. Interview, July 10, 1986.

189.    Few new members. One pastor told of receiving ninety referrals, of which only two were still active in his church a few months later. Errol Hulse, Billy Graham: The Pastor’s Dilemma (Houslow, Middlesex: Maurice Allan, 1966), pp. 11–12.

189.    Ordained Evangelicals in 1956. Charlotte Observer, November 13, 1956, citing British religious journals; John Pollock, “England Four Years After Graham,” Christianity Today, April 28, 1958, pp. 10–12.

189.    Growth of Evangelicalism among Anglicans. Various supporting statistics and anecdotal material were furnished to me by the Reverend Dr. John R. W. Stott, interview, September 29, 1986; The Reverend A. Jack Dain, oral history, December 1, 1971, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 12, BGCA; Bishop Maurice A. Wood, interview, October 2, 1986; The Reverend Richard Bewes, Rector, All Souls, London, interview, October 1, 1986; The Reverend Gilbert W. Kirby, interview, September 29, 1986.

189.    “I am deeply grateful.” Letter, BG to Dwight D. Eisenhower, May 10, 1954, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA. Also, Graham (interview), “New Crusade,” p. 88.

Chapter 12: Fields White Unto Harvest

190.    European Tour. Billy Graham (interview) “Billy Graham’s Story: New Crusade in Europe,” U.S. News & World Report, August 27, 1954, p. 86; United Evangelical Action, August 1, 1954.

190.    “a salesman in God’s company.” Unidentified newspaper with Berlin dateline, July 3, 1954; Abendpost, June 12, 1955.

190.    “God has a TV camera focused on you.” BG criticized in letter to editor of unidentified German newspaper (translation), CN 360, MF Reel 8, BGCA.

191.    East German newspaper criticism. Graham (interview), “New Crusade in Europe,” p. 83; Abendpost, June 12, 1955; Zeitung, June 27, 1954; other German newspapers in CN 360, MF Reel 8, BGCA.

191.    BG on German rearmament, reactions. London Daily Express, June 24, 1954, ibid; unidentified German newspaper, June 24, 1954, ibid.

191.    BG denies political mission. Unidentified Düsseldorf newspaper, June 25, 1954, ibid.

191.    BG’s kidney stone. Jerry Beavan believed the stone had a more mundane origin. “I saw the stone [after it was removed.] It looked like a chip out of a coke bottle. They did an analysis at North Carolina or Duke or someplace, and they found the stone had a heavy phosphorus content. A homeopathic physician named Brown Henry had dosed Billy up with lots of white pills. We provided the lab with those pills, and they were loaded with phosphorus.” Gerald Beavan, interview, July 7, 1988.

192.    Bolten with BG in Berlin. John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), pp. 136–37; Beavan, interview; “New Crusade in Europe,” p. 83. Estimates of the numbers of East Germans were possible because most had come across the border in buses.

192.    BG’s alleged nightclub visits. Unidentified newspaper clipping, March 3, 1955, citing reports in East Berlin newspapers, CN 360, MF Reel 8, BGCA.

193.    Wembley crusade and meeting the royal family. Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 151–54; George Burnham, Mission Accomplished (Westwood, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1955) pp. 101–103.

193.    “The French just sin and sin.” “Billy Graham Preaches to Americans in Paris,” Chicago Daily News Service, in Minneapolis Star, March 24, 1952.

193.    BG’s Cambridge mission. Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 154–58; Stephen Olford, interview, April 21, 1988.

194.    Divinity professor’s introduction . . . students applaud. “Billy in the Lion’s Den,” Time, November 25, 1955, p. 54.

194.    Dain had doubts. The Reverend A. Jack Dain, interview, July 14, 1986.

195.    “As I was with Moses . . .” (Josh. 1:5) George Burnham, To the Far Corners: With Billy Graham in Asia (Westwood, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1956) p. 14.

195.    Dulles calls for “dynamic faith.” John Foster Dulles, War or Peace (New York: Macmillan, 1951), pp. 251–56, cited in Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988), pp. 91–92.

195.    Telegram from Eisenhower, Dulles’s advice. From a letter from Billy to Ruth Graham, quoted in “The Sweep of God in India—Billy Graham’s Diary,” Christian Life, July 1956, pp. 14–19. In CN 74, MF Reel 1, from Box 299, (Pre-Presidential Papers of Richard Nixon, National Archives and Record Service).

195.    Dulles: India needs message of authority. Burnham, To the Far Corners, p. 14.

196.    “Beggars were all around in Bombay.” Quoted in ibid., p. 21. Throughout this book, Burnham quotes from what is ostensibly “Billy’s diary.” Graham claimed the quotations were not from a diary but from letters he wrote to Ruth, which Burnham obtained and used, presumably with permission. BG later wrote, “I am sorry Mr. Burnham was able to get hold of [this material].” Graham, Letter to Editor, Madras Daily Journal, February 24, 1957.

196.    Riots laid to Communists. Burnham, To the Far Corners, pp. 18–19.

196.    “I smiled and they smiled back.” Noel Houston, “Billy Graham,” Holiday, March 1958, p. 81.

197.    Bombay press conference. Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 162; Chuck Ashman, The Gospel According to Billy (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1977), p. 107; Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979), p. 339. Accounts of journalists’ reception to BG vary wildly. Pollock, the authorized biographer, asserts that BG was responding to a spiritual hunger the reporters manifested. Ashman asserts that reporters complained the press conference had been like a sermon. Frady speaks of “venomous” accounts. Articles in English in the scrapbooks in the BGC Archives differ little from those written about BG in other foreign countries during this period.

197.    “the tramp, tramp, tramp of bare feet.” Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 162–63.

197.    “Dr. Graham can be dreadfully effective.” P. Lai, “Billy Graham in India,” The Nation, April 7, 1957, pp. 276–77, quoted in Frady, Parable, p. 336.

198.    Bishop Jacob’s cobras. The Reverend A. Jack Dain, oral history, December 1, 1971.

198.    Kottayam services. Dain, oral history and interview. Dain recalled that no food or drink was available other than what people had themselves brought. Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 163, speaks of food vendors falling silent during the service.

198.    BG follows Bishop from platform. Graham’s “diary,” in Burnham, To the Far Corners, p. 49.

198.    Hindus more open than Muslims. “Billy in India,” Time, February 13, 1956, p. 72.

199.    BG quiets crowd at Palamcottah. Burnham, To the Far Corners, pp. 53–54.

199.    BG confronts worshiping crowds. Ibid., pp. 54–55; Houston, “Billy Graham,” March 1958, p. 81.

200.    Reserved seats in New Delhi. Hindustan Times, February 5, 1956.

200.    BG in Benares temple. Burnham, To the Far Corners, pp. 43, 79–80.

200.    Nehru’s lack of enthusiasm about BG. Noel Houston, “Billy Graham,” Holiday, February 1958, p. 138.

200.    Nixon’s role in arranging the appointment. Letter, BG to Nixon, January 7, 1956; Cable, Nixon to Cooper, January 20, 1956. A cable from New Delhi, January 24, 1956, confirmed that the appointment had been made.

200.    Encounter with Hammarskjold. Burnham, To the Far Corners, pp. 60–61.

200.    BG’s meeting with Nehru. Ibid., pp. 61–63; Houston, “Billy Graham,” February 1958, p. 138.

201.    Nehru seen as pro-Christian. Burnham, To the Far Corners, p. 58.

201.    Men are the same the world over. BG often made this observation. This particular formulation is quoted in Houston, “Billy Graham,” March 1958, p. 81.

201.    “average Communist in India doesn’t know what it’s all about.” Burnham, To the Far Corners, pp. 68–69.

202.    Indians thrilled at personal visits. Ibid., p. 60.

202.    A Cadillac for Nehru. Ibid., pp. 71–72. This suggestion drew a withering blast from the Christian Century, which charged that BG “hasn’t a glimmer of a notion about what is really going on in the world. . . . If there were any sense at all of the real nature of the world’s revolution, a man couldn’t even think of such irrelevances as a train or a car, much less utter them. . . . [I]t is wretched politics and impossible Christianity.” “Whose Ambassador?” Christian Century, February 29, 1956, pp. 261–63. Filipino newspapers also scored the evangelist heavily, damning him for “insulting the Indian sense of values” and charging that he was a “publicity-mad preacher,” a Liberace of the religious world who was trying “to sell American friendship to India in the same manner that she sells, say, toothpaste or brassieres.” Manila Chronicle, Herald, and Daily Mirror, all quoted in Christian Century article.

202.    BG chooses Abdul-Haqq. Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 164.

203.    “like the prophet Elijah.” See I Kings 19.

203.    Indian resentment of Burnham’s book. “Billy Graham Answers His Critics,” Letter to the Editor, Madras Sunday Standard, February 24, 1957. Also, Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 165.

203.    “Everything has been perfect.” Burnham, To the Far Corners, pp. 154–55. The commentator was Marshall Frady, Parable, p. 342.

203.    Never had better platforms. Billy Graham (interview), “Asia Can Be Won,” U.S. News & World Report, April 6, 1956.

204.    Ruth builds a house. Ruth Graham, oral history, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 8, BGCA; Patricia Daniels Cornwall, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), pp. 111–21; personal observation.

205.    “quiet it down and go easy.” Letter, Frank W. Boykin to Eisenhower, March 19, 1956, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 1, BGCA.

205.    Eisenhower’s letter to BG. Letter, March 22, 1956, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.

206.    BG agrees to help. Letter, BG to Eisenhower, March 27, 1956, ibid.

206.    BG’s progress report to Eisenhower. Letter, June 4, 1956, ibid.

206.    Gradual repentance of racism. One of BG’s 1956 Hour of Decision sermons was entitled “The Sin of Tolerance.”

206.    Niebuhr chides BG. See particularly Reinhold Niebuhr, “Literalism, Individualism, and Billy Graham,” Christian Century, May 23, 1956, pp. 640–42; “Proposal to Billy Graham,” Christian Century, August 8, 1956, pp. 921–22.

207.    Life article about racial problems. Billy Graham, “Billy Graham Makes Plea for End to Intolerance,” Life, October 1, 1956, pp. 138–40.

Chapter 13: New Evangelicals, Old Fundamentalists

208.    “go ahead and buy it.” John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 170.

209.    T. W. Wilson joins BGEA . . . “more like a gentleman.” T. W. Wilson, oral history, January 30, 1971, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 46, BGCA.

209.    Leighton Ford. Jean Graham Ford, oral history, July 7, 1976, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 44, BGCA; Leighton Ford, oral history, July 7, 1976, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 43, BGCA.

211.    “It is wrong to abdicate responsibility.” H. J. Ockenga, quoted in David Moberg, The Great Reversal: Evangelism Versus Social Concern (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1972), p. 228–29.

211.    “an urgent matter.” BG to Eisenhower, June 29, 1953, and September 28, 1953, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA. Unless otherwise noted, further correspondence between Graham and Eisenhower or members of the Eisenhower administration other than Richard Nixon are from this source.

211.    “extremely vital information.” White House memo, quoting a message from Betty Lowery, a BGEA secretary, who sought to set up a meeting with the President after BG returned from the Middle East in 1956.

212.    “an unforgettable experience . . . GOP-controlled this fall.” BG to Eisenhower, February 8, 1954.

212.    “Still thinking you are the greatest.” Letter, BG to Eisenhower, January 7, 1956.

212.    “my unqualified support.” Letter, BG to Eisenhower, August 15, 1955.

212.    Nixon’s “all-important sense of humor . . . better still, in Hawaii.” Letter, BG to Nixon, September 13, 1955, in CN 74, MF Reel 1, from Box 299, (Pre-Presidential Papers of Richard Nixon, National Archives and Record Service), BGCA. Unless otherwise noted, all subsequent pre-presidential correspondence between BG and Nixon is also from this source.

212.    “Governor Dewey said . . . integrity and Christian principles.” Letter, BG to Nixon, October 8, 1955.

213.    “Your political advice was on the beam.” Letter, Nixon to BG, November 7, 1955.

213.    “How thoughtful of you.” Thank-you note, BG to Nixon, June 4, 1956.

213.    Nixon viewed as “man of the people.” Billy Graham (interview), “Asia Can Be Won,” U.S. News & World Report, April 5,1956, pp. 62–71. The Vice-President’s staff clearly understood the advantages of having Graham on their side. Shortly after the U.S. News & World Report article appeared, an aide wrote to Nixon, “I hope that you also noted the tribute paid to your visit to India by Billy Graham in the U.S. News & World Report. It seems to me that Graham’s statements in this regard could be disseminated more widely.” Memo, Pat Hillings to Nixon, April 10, 1956. A few days later, Nixon dropped Graham a note thanking him for the kind words; Nixon to BG, April 18, 1956.

213.    Nixon “a splendid churchman.” Graham, quoted in Newark Sunday News, September 4, 1955, quoted in William G. McLoughlin, Revivalist in a Secular Age (New York: Ronald Press, 1960), p. 118.

213.    BG sends speech. Letter, BG to Nixon, July 14, 1956.

213.    “three air-conditioned rooms.” BG to Nixon, June 4, 1956.

213.    “a cause that cannot lose.” Letter, BG to Eisenhower, August 24, 1956.

214.    “Democrats are going to use every trick.” Letter, BG to Nixon, August 24, 1956.

214.    Lament over divorced presidential candidates. “The Home,” Hour of Decision, 1956.

214.    “possibilities in the making.” Letter, BG to Nixon, November 10, 1956.

214.    “talk concerning Bible prophecy.” Ibid. Sometime in 1956, apparently, BG and Nixon had discussed biblical prophecy during a visit in the home of Evangelical senator A. Willis Robertson, father of religious broadcaster and presidential candidate M. G. “Pat” Robertson.

214.    “in case added responsibilities are yours.” Letter, BG to Nixon, December 2, 1957.

214.    First Presidential Prayer Breakfast. Donald Scott McAlpine, “Mr. Christian of Washington,” United Evangelical Action, July 1, 1954, pp. 266–67.

215.    The founding of Fuller Theological Seminary. George Marsden, Reforming Fundamentalism: Fuller Seminary and the New Evangelicalism (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987), pp. 13–30, 53–54, passim. This meticulous and thoughtful account of Fuller Theological Seminary’s short history provides an excellent window into Evangelical Christianity since the 1940s.

215.    Wilbur Smith’s vision of a journal. Letter, Smith to BG, February 22,1951, Smith Papers, Fuller Theological Seminary, quoted in ibid., p. 158.

215.    BG begins to plan for Christianity Today (CT). Graham (interview), “In the Beginning,” Christianity Today, July 17, 1981, p. 26.

216.    BG’s vision of CT’s stance. Letter, BG to Lindsell, January 25, 1955, CN 192 (Lindsell Papers), Box 6, Folder 2, BGCA.

216.    The “big love” approach. Ibid.

217.    CT in D.C. Graham (interview), “In the Beginning,” p. 27.

217.    CT offices in Washington. L. Nelson Bell, oral history, November 8, 1970, CN 141, Box 2, Folder 23, BGCA.

217.    “a silent group of non-published men.” Letter, BG to J. Howard Pew, April 13, 1955, quoted in Carl F. H. Henry, Confessions of a Theologian: An Autobiography (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1986), p. 146.

217.    Pew’s views. See, for example, “The Resourceful Mr. Pew,” Christianity and Crisis, June 11, 1956, p. 75; Also, Pew, draft of speech, included in letter to L. Nelson Bell, May 15, 1959, CN 8 (Christianity Today [CT] collection), Box 1, Folder 57, BGCA.

217.    Pew: U.S. should drive Communists from UN. Letter, Pew to Bell, October 5, 1961, CN 8 (CT Collection), Box 1, Folder 57, BGCA.

218.    Pew’s contributions to CT. Financial reports in annual meetings of the CT board, for 1955–59, in CN 8 (CT Collection), BGCA. See also Henry, Confessions, p. 145.

218.    “Would Carl be ready?” Letter, BG to Lindsell, January 25, 1955, CN 192 (Lindsell Papers), Box 6, Folder 2, BGCA.

218.    Henry “too well known as a Fundamentalist.” BG to Bell, June 5,1955, quoted in Henry, Confessions, p. 141.

219.    “Liberalism and Evangelicalism do not have equal rights.” Henry to BG, June 20, 1955, CN 192 (Lindsell Papers), Box 6, Folder 2, BGCA.

219.    Henry’s questions about capitalism. Ibid.; Carl F. H. Henry, “Christianity and Economic Crisis,” United Evangelical Action, May 1, 1955, pp. 7–11, quoted in Marsden, Reforming Fundamentalism, p. 160.

219.    “truth without love will be ignored.” Henry to BG and Bell, August 18, 1955, quoted in Marsden, Reforming Fundamentalism, p. 161.

219.    “we will seek it elsewhere.” Bell to Board, quoted in Henry, Confessions, p. 162.

219.    A board should trust an editor. Ibid., p. 163.

220.    Public notice of CT’s appearance. Ibid., p. 162; Paul Harvey’s endorsement is also mentioned in a letter, Bell to Ockenga, October 1, 1956, CN 8 (CT Collection), Box 1, Folder 56, BGCA.

220.    BG critiques first issue of CT. Letter, BG to Henry, October 28, 1956, CN 192 (Lindsell Papers), BGCA.

220.    Vita Safe and Supra Vite. Ads and letters contained in report to CT board, May 28, 1957, CN 8 (CT Collection), BGCA.

220.    Poor response to circulation efforts. Report of circulation manager Linda Jane Kik to CT board, January 6, 1958. Minutes of board meetings, CN 8 (CT Collection), BGCA. George Wilson had apparently estimated that BG’s appeal might garner fifty thousand subscriptions. Bell to Wilson, March 14, 1958, CN 8 (CT Collection), Box 1, BGCA.

220.    CT adopts more effective circulation techniques. Linda Jane Kik report to CT board, June 5, 1958. David Lawrence’s help noted in minutes of board meeting, September 13, 1956. CN 8 (CT Collection), BGCA.

221.    Look’s assessment, quoted by Henry, report to CT board, May 28, 1957. NAE assessment cited in Henry’s report, June 18, 1959, CN 8 (CT Collection), Box 1, Folder 56, BGCA.

223.    McIntire: NAE little better than NCC. Marsden, Reforming Fundamentalism, p. 49.

223.    Jones’s criticism of BG. Quoted in R. K. Johnson, Builder of Bridges: The Biography of Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. (Murfreesboro, Tenn.: Sword of the Lord, 1969), pp. 287, 278, 286. Carl McIntire agreed that liberals were exploiting the unwary BG. In the November 22, 1956, issue of the Christian Beacon, he quoted an unnamed official of the World Council who allegedly said, “We do not agree with Billy Graham’s theology, but we are using him to build our churches.”

223.    “the more Dr. Bob turned against him.” Several interviewees confirmed this account and interpretation of Jones’s animus against BG.

223.    Sword of the Lord, any edition. This is a shortened version of the paper’s official statement of faith. For the longer version, see “The Statement of Faith and Agreement Signed Annually by Directors of The Sword of the Lord Foundation,” Sword of the Lord, September 10, 1954, p. 2.

224.    BG endorses RSV. Sword of the Lord, June 17, 1955, p. 9. A year earlier, BG had backed off a bit from a strict Fundamentalist view of Scripture when he told the Methodist Recorder, “What do you mean by a ‘fundamentalist’? Do you mean by that someone who believes God dictated the Bible to certain men as if they were dictaphones and had no part in the matter except insofar as they recorded the words of God? If so, then I am certainly not a fundamentalist. If on the other hand you mean by a fundamentalist one who believes the great fundamental truths of the Bible and man’s need of a savior, then I certainly am!” Methodist Recorder, May 20, 1954, p. 251. Most professors at Fuller Seminary held positive views toward the new book, a fact that reportedly cost Charles Fuller thousands of supporters. Marsden, Reforming Fundamentalism, pp. 136–37.

224.    “no one in his right mind.” Robert Leslie Sumner, Man Sent from God: A Biography of Dr. John R. Rice (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1959), p. 211. Sumner’s account of BG’s remarks is based on a report in the Colgate-Rochester Divinity School Bulletin, referred to without citation.

224.    BG at Union. Carl F. H. McIntire, “Billy Graham at Union Seminary,” Christian Beacon, March 16, 1955, pp. 1–2 (Note: this article appeared a full year after BG’s address); John R. Rice, “Billy Graham at Union Seminary,” Sword of the Lord, April 22, 1955, p. 3.

224.    “I am neither a Fundamentalist nor a Modernist.” John R. Rice, “Questions Answered About Billy Graham,” Sword of the Lord, June 17, 1955, p. 10.

224.    “God has people in all the churches.” Edward B. Fiske, the New York Times, July 17, 1956. The article identifies the statement as having been made after the London crusade.

225.    Rice: “No one could possibly say that Billy Graham is a modernist.” Rice, “Graham at Union,” p. 3.

225.    “every Christian . . . ought to rejoice.” Rice, “Questions Answered,” pp. 9, 11; Rice, “Graham at Union,” p. 3.

225.    Modernist opposition proves BG preaching the truth. “Modernist Critics Beset Fundamentalist Billy Graham,” Sword of the Lord, April 6, 1956, p. 7.

225.    Negative mention by nonregular contributors. Chester E. Tulga, “More Than Evangelicals,” Sword of the Lord, July 27, 1956; Tom Malone, “What Do You Think of Billy Graham?” Sword of the Lord, September 14, 1956.

226.    “What difference does it make who sponsors . . . ?” “What’s the Next Step?” interview with Billy Graham, Christian Life, June 1956, pp. 20–23, as quoted and paraphrased in Marsden, Reforming Fundamentalism, p. 163.

226.    Paul did not give convert names to pagans. Joseph T. Bayly (editor of the Intervarsity magazine, His), letter to Christian Life, August 1956, p. 4, quoted in Marsden, Reforming Fundamentalism, p. 163.

226.    “The Sword of the Lord does not speak for you.” John R. Rice, “Which Way, Billy Graham?” Sword of the Lord, November 23, 1956, p. 2.

226.    “breaking down of convictions.” John R. Rice, “Billy Graham’s New York Crusade,” Sword of the Lord, April 19, 1957, p. 8.

226.    Rice attacks BG’s motives. John R. Rice, “Dr. Rees Defends Billy’s Unequal Yoke,” Sword of the Lord, April 26, 1957. Dr. Rees is Paul Rees, an evangelist and, at the time, president of the NAE, who often worked closely with BG and who had offered a defense of BG’s policy of cooperative evangelism. See Paul Rees, “What About the Criticism?” Christian Life, April 1957, pp. 14–16.

227.    “I intend to continue.” John R. Rice, quoted in Christian Beacon, April 4, 1957. The address was given on April 3.

227.    “principal sparkplug.” Rice, “Dr. Rees,” p. 7.

227.    New York committees short on Fundamentalists. James Bennet, Christian Beacon, April 25, 1957, p. 3. Bennet, an attorney and prominent Fundamentalist layman, had spoken at BG’s businessmen’s dinners during his pastorate at Western Springs, Illinois. Graham, interview, March 26, 1987. John R. Rice made a similar charge: “Of the one hundred fifty-five men and women from the general crusade committee, only a small minority claim to be out-andout Bible believers and converted people and most are openly liberal.” Rice, “Billy Graham’s New York Crusade,” p. 8. The discrepancy in numbers may be due to Rice’s lumping the general and executive committees together.

227.    “They are not godly men.” McIntire, quoted in Robert Dunzweiler, Billy Graham: A Critique, (Elkins Park, Pa.: Faith Theological Seminary, 1961), p. 17. The committee list was published in the November 22, 1956, issue of Christian Beacon. John R. Rice published the same list in Sword of the Lord, July 5, 1974, p. 4.

227.    “not orthodoxy, but love.” BG’s NAE statement, quoted in “The Lost Chord of Evangelism,” Christianity Today, April 1, 1957, p. 26.

227.    “only question is: Are you committed to Christ?” Andrew Tully, “Billy Graham Doesn’t Anticipate Overnight Miracles from Crusade,” New York World-Telegraph and Sun, May 29, 1957, p. 6.

227.    “we’ll send them to their own churches.” New York Evening Journal, September 18, 1956. In the September 29, 1956, issue of the Protestant Council’s publication, Protestant Church Life, Graham was quoted as saying, “We’re coming to New York . . . to get people to dedicate themselves to God and to send them on to their own churches—Catholic, Protestant or Jewish.” Quoted in Edgar Bundy, Billy Graham: Performer, Politician, Preacher, Prophet? (Miami Shores, Fla.: Edgar Bundy Ministries, 1982), p. 10. According to Bundy (p. 9), BG told Wyrtzen and Bennet in a private conversation in 1955 that “he would always tell his converts that they should go to the church of their choice, whether it is Catholic, Jewish, or Protestant.” A virtually identical statement was reported in the San Francisco News, November 11, 1957, p. 3. In contrast, Nelson Bell told Bob Jones, Sr., in 1957, just prior to the New York crusade, that BG “never has sent one card to a Catholic church.” Letter, Bell to Jones, May 7, 1957, in CN 8 (CT Collection), Box 1, Folder 32, BGCA.

227.    Billy’s “amiable personality” leads him to countenance error. William Ward Ayer, “Aftermath of the Billy Graham Crusade in New York,” apparently unpublished article, quoted in Dunzweiler, Graham: A Critique, p. 30.

228.    BG’s “policy never to answer critics.” BG, “The Life That Wins,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1952.

228.    “petty little fights over non-essentials.” BG, “Peace vs. Chaos,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1951.

228.    “little love notes.” Stephen Olford, interview, April 21, 1988.

228.    Others speak on BG’s behalf. Letter, Bell to Jones, May 7, 1957, CN 8 (CT Collection), Box 1, Folder 32, BGCA; “Dare We Renew the Controversy,” Christianity Today, June 24, 1957, p. 26. Other articles followed in July.

228.    “no major evangelist,” Robert O. Ferm, Cooperative Evangelism (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1958), p. 31.

Chapter 14: God in the Garden

230.    “fear and trembling.” AP, March 15, 1957.

230.    “I’m prepared to be crucified.” “A Great Revival Coming: Billy.” New York Mirror, May 11, 1947.

230.    Crusade committee members. “Billy Graham Crusade Aims at Awakening City.” New York World-Telegram and Sun, March 4, 1957, p. 1; “A Talk with Billy Graham,” New York Post, May 12, 1957. Roger Hull had become interested in BG after his wife and son heard the evangelist in Memphis in 1951, an event that sparked a significant change in the son’s life and eventually led to his entering the ministry and becoming pastor of New York’s Broadway Presbyterian Church. Roger Hull, oral history, December 10, 1970, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 37, BGCA. During the crusade, Jane Pickens Langley, whose husband was president of the New York Stock Exchange, entertained BG at a private luncheon to which she had invited several friends associated with New York’s oldest money, and during the middle of the crusade, the entire team enjoyed a daylong outing with 150 guests at the Long Island estate of Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney. Curtis Mitchell, God in the Garden (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1957), p. 101.

231.    Wealthy backers. William G. McLoughlin, Billy Graham, Revivalist in a Secular Age (New York: Ronald Press, 1960), p. 159; also, p. 102.

231.    African tribesmen pray for BG. Herbert Weiner, “Billy Graham: Respectable Evangelism,” Commentary, September 1957, p. 258.

231.    Far East prayer groups. Mitchell, God in the Garden, pp. 80–81; “One Hundred Cities in Prayers for Graham Crusade,” New York Herald Tribune, May 26, 1957, p. 23.

231.    New York prayer groups. David Bazar, “Billy Graham Relies on Power of Prayer at Crusade Next Month,” New York Journal-American, April 20, 1957.

231.    “Every time I see my name up in lights . . .” Quoted in Mitchell, God in the Garden, p. 63. BG has made this same observation countless times throughout his ministry.

231.    BG spends fifty times more than Billy Sunday on publicity. Unidentified clipping from publication that appeared during the crusade. CN 360, MF Reel 9, BGCA.

232.    “The campaign will spin along.” “In the Garden,” Christian Century, May 15, 1957, pp. 614–15.

232.    BG at Yale. Yale Daily News, February 12, 13, 15, 1957. I am indebted to Jim Ford, Yale 1988, for his assistance in seeking out the pertinent issues of the Daily News. 232. “Billy . . . master artist.” Lane Adams, interview, February 9, 1987.

233.    Niebuhr’s criticisms. “Salvation,” Newsweek, April 23, 1956; Reinhold Niebuhr, “Proposal to Billy Graham,” Christian Century, August 8, 1956, p. 921–22; “After Comment, the Deluge,” Christian Century, September 4, 1957, pp. 1034–35; quoted in McLoughlin, Revivalist, p. 503.

233.    “merely by signing a card.” Reinhold Niebuhr, “Differing Views on Billy Graham,” Life, July 1, 1957.

233.    “It simply would not do.” Reinhold Niebuhr, “Literalism, Individualism, and Billy Graham,” Christian Century, May 23, 1956, p. 641.

233.    “even less complicated answers.” Reinhold Niebuhr, Life, July 1, 1957; “Graham Ballyhoo Cheapens Ministry, Niebuhr Says,” New York Post, June 2, 1957, quoting Niebuhr’s comments in Advance, the official magazine of Congregational Christian Churches, June 14, 1957.

233.    “Theologians don’t seem to understand.” Saturday Evening Post, April 13, 1957, quoted in David Poling, Why Billy Graham? (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1977), p. 99. In fact, Graham did touch on such matters as housing, poverty, race relations, employment, and public education in his sermons during the New York crusade, and he did so not just offhandedly but after substantial research by his assistants and himself. Social concerns by no means dominated his preaching, but neither were they completely absent. Dan Potter, oral history, CN 141, Box 10, Folder 17, BGCA.

234.    “If I tried to preach as he writes.” Quoted in Noel Houston, “Billy Graham,” Holiday, February 1958, pp. 140–41. Some liberal churchmen agreed with BG. Henry P. Van Dusen admitted that “there are multitudes whom Mr. Graham may reach who are not now and never will be touched by a more sophisticated interpretation of the gospel.” “A Talk with Billy Graham,” New York Post, May 12, 1957.

234.    “I knew he wouldn’t see me.” BG, quoted in George Champion, oral history, CN 141, Box 23, Folder 14, BGCA.

234.    “Catholics seemed to appreciate” BG. During his 1952 Washington crusade, an editorial in the diocesan Catholic Standard had commended him for exhorting people to return to the law of Christ and noted with approval the contrast between his services and those Fundamentalist gatherings at which Catholics had been attacked. This irenic spirit, the paper said, was “a great assurance to our Catholic people who have long known not to confuse the majority of Protestants with a vocal few.” Editorial, Catholic Standard, February 1, 1952, quoted in “Catholic Standard Supports Graham,” Arlington, Virginia, unidentified newspaper, February 8, 1952; The Tablet (Brooklyn, N.Y.), February 9, 1952. In a similar spirit, the national Roman Catholic weekly, America, reported on his five-day crusade in France in 1955, noting that “he is evidently intelligent, sincere, and genuinely zealous. Undoubtedly he is doing a lot of good among devout Protestants here and abroad.” America, quoted in Chicago Daily News, June 11, 1955, p. 1.

234.    Weigel on BG. Gustave Weigel, quoted in America, May 4, 1957, pp. 161–64.

234.    “nine sermons on Catholic doctrine.” “Catholic Sermons on Doctrine Set,” New York Journal-American, May 5, 1957, p. 10; “St. Patrick’s Sermon,” the New York Times, May 6, 1957. In a letter to his friend, Richard Nixon, BG optimistically interpreted this directive as an attempt by the archbishop to assist the crusade by contributing to “genuine spiritual awakening.” Letter, BG to Nixon, in CN 74, MF 1, from Box 299, (Pre-Presidential Papers of Richard Nixon, National Archives and Record Service), BGCA. Unless otherwise noted, correspondence between BG and Nixon (and members of their staffs) prior to Nixon’s becoming President is from this source.

234.    Catholics forbidden to hear BG. Rev. John E. Kelly, in Homiletic and Pastoral Review, April 1957, quoted in “Don’t Be Half Saved?” Time, May 6, 1957, p. 86; “Gentle but Firm,” Newsweek, May 6, 1957, p. 80; “Catholics Warned on Graham Talks,” New York World-Telegram and Sun, April 24, 1957.

234.    “a danger to the faith.” The New York Times, April 25, 1957. It is interesting to note that this story of conflict was the first story about the crusade to make the first page of the Times.

234.    BG’s heart grew cold. “This Can Happen in New York,” unidentified clipping in BGC scrapbook. Appears to be from Chritianity Today.

235.    “like our Lord weeping over Jerusalem.” Stephen Olford, interview, April 21, 1988.

235.    “We do not expect to see a city transformed.” “Graham’s Viewpoint,” New York Herald Tribune, May 12, 1957, pp. 1, 25.

235.    “largest-ever opening-night attendance.” Stanley Rowland, Jr., the New York Times, May 16, 1957, p. 22.

235.    Times coverage of the crusade. Ibid., May 16, 1957.

235.    “garish red headlines.” New York Journal-American, April 13, 1957.

235.    “part Dick Nixon.” “Graham’s Great Appeal,” New York World-Telegram and Sun, July 18, 1957.

235.    “He is like an excellent salesman.” Mitchell, God in the Garden, pp. 57–58.

236.    BG on Life’s cover. Life, July 1, 1957.

236.    Telephone counseling. “Scores of Students at Crusade,” New York Herald Tribune, May 19, 1957, p. 30.

236.    Inaugural TV program. Trendex ratings, “TV, Radio Today,” June 4, 1957, p. 7; also, “Great Medium for Messages,” Time, June 17, 1957, p. 61. For J. Howard Pew’s role, Stephen Olford interview and John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 180. Some estimates of Pew’s contribution run as high as $400,000. The New York Times set the figure at $200,000, but this seems based on an estimated cost of $50,000 apiece for the first four programs. The $100,000 figure is approximately correct, but it appears Pew’s contribution was geared to cover the first two weeks of programming, even though the original contract negotiated by Bennett and Dienert was for four weeks. BG furnished the information about Goldenson and the fact that Pew was not required to make good on his guarantee pledge. Graham, interview, March 5, 1989.

237.    “Gallup poll revealed.” Gallup poll, June 1, 1957.

237.    “This will affect Graham’s ministry.” “Amazing TV,” Christian Life, September 1957.

238.    TV show reviewed. Quotations from reviews are from Mitchell, God in the Garden, p. 119, and Variety, June 5, 1957, p. 1957, p. 31. Quotation explaining appeal of live services is from Tedd Seelye, cited by Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 180.

238.    Wall Street meeting. New York Daily News, July 11, 1957, p. 1; New York World-Telegram and Sun, July 10, 1957, p. 21.

238.    Yankee Stadium rally. “Held Over,” Time, July 29, 1957, p. 48; “Billy Graham Draws Biggest Stadium Crowd,” New York Herald Tribune, July 21, 1957; “100,000 Fill Yankee Stadium to Hear Graham,” the New York Times, July 21, 1957, p. 1.

238.    BG commends Martin Luther King, Jr. Stanley Rowland, Jr., “As Billy Graham Sees His Role,” the New York Times Magazine, April 21, 1957, pp. 17, 25.

239.    Racial hatred breaks several commandments. “Cohen, Bodyguards Hear Graham,” New York World-Telegram and Sun, May 22, 1957, p. 14.

239.    Black ministers invite BG to North Carolina. “North Carolina Negroes Ask Graham to Lead Anti-bias Campaign,” New York Post, May 21, 1957, p. 16.

239.    Antidiscrimination legislation needed. “Speak Up Against Racial Bias: Graham,” New York Mirror, July 15, 1957.

239.    Black attendance improves. “Does a Religious Crusade Do Any Good,” U.S. News & World Report, September 27, 1957.

239.    Angry letters and calls. Interview, Howard Jones, May 3, 1988.

239.    Kasper’s comments. New York Herald Tribune, July 2, 1957.

239.    Segregationists to be disillusioned with heaven. “No Color Line in Heaven,” Ebony, September 1957, pp. 99–100.

240.    BG and King hold sensitizing meetings. Graham interview, February 27, 1987.

240.    Prayer and the Holy Spirit. Jones, interview.

240.    BG’s introduction and King’s prayer. Tape recording of service, in Billy Graham Collection at James E. Boyer Centennial Library, Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, quoted in Edward Lee Moore, Billy Graham and Martin Luther King, Jr.: An Inquiry into White and Black Revivalistic Traditions, (Ph.D. diss., Vanderbilt University, 1979), p. 455.

240.    King approves BG’s strategy. Jones and BG, interviews. This particular quote is from Jones.

240.    Angry response to BG’s endorsement of King. Jones, interview; “Billy Lost South When He Jumped to Politics,” Life, October 19, 1957.

240.    Bob Jones on BG’s stand. “BJU Founder Feels Billy Graham Won’t Hold Local Crusade,” Greenville, South Carolina, Piedmont, September 10, 1957.

241.    BG fails to recognize Ruth. George Burnham and Lee Fisher, Billy Graham and the New York Crusade (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1957), p. 143.

241.    Beavan’s ideas for a wind-up rally. Letter, Beavan to Graham, July 24, 1957, CN 17 (BGEA Vice-President, 1954–1977), Box 1, Folder 4 (New York crusade miscellany), BGCA.

241.    Crowd estimates for Times Square rally. Police estimated the crowd at 75,000. United Press reporters pegged it at perhaps as high as 200,000. Uncharacteristically, BG at first accepted the UP figures, then later acknowledged they were probably too high. Beavan felt 160,000 was a fair figure; other BG team members were willing to settle for 125,000. The New York Times, September 2, 1957; Mitchell, God in the Garden, p. 179.

241.    BG’s Times Square sermon. Quoted in Mitchell, God in the Garden, p. 180.

242.    Christian Arts Fellowship. Lane Adams, interview; oral history, May 9, 1978, CN 141, Box 2, Folder 4, BGCA.

242.    Celebrities at the crusade. “Crusade Windup,” Time, September 9, 1957; Charlotte Observer, June 4, 1957; Mitchell, God in the Garden, p. 64.

242.    Perle Mesta. Charlotte Observer, June 4, 1957.

242.    Gloria Swanson. Mitchell, God in the Garden, p. 43.

242.    Mickey Cohen. In a book filled with hip shots and dubious allegations, Chuck Ashman alleges that Cohen boasted of his ability to get loans and cash payoffs from members of the Graham organization and claims that he believed Graham himself was behind these efforts as part of a plan to lure him into becoming a headline-making convert. Ashman claimed to have documentary evidence to support Cohen’s claims, but when challenged to produce them, failed to do so. Jim Vaus, who stayed in touch with Cohen until his death, acknowledges that Cohen took advantage of him financially but describes this as simply part of a “conning” pattern Cohen was quite willing to use on anyone. In particular, he is known to have pretended to have had financial problems as part of an effort to convince the Internal Revenue Service that he was not cheating on his income tax. The IRS did not believe him and successfully brought charges that resulted in his imprisonment in federal prison. BG visited him at least twice during his first stay in jail, which began not long after the Los Angeles crusade, and maintained some contact with him in later years, mostly through associates and Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Bell, but Cohen soured on the relationship in later years. “If anybody should win this year’s Academy Award,” he wrote to Charlie Riggs, “It should be him.” Michael Mickey Cohen, Mickey Cohen, in My Own Words: The Underworld Autobiography of Michael Mickey Cohen, as told to John Peer Nugent (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1975), p. 227. BG may well have believed and hoped Cohen might convert to Christianity, and may or may not have known that friends were helping him financially, but Cohen’s word on any subject was quite unreliable. For further information, see Chuck Ashman, The Gospel According to Billy, (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1977), pp. 17–20; “Mickey Cohen and Billy Graham Pray and Read Bible Together,” New York Herald Tribune, April 2, 1957; Mitchell, God in the Garden, p. 27; “Cohen, Bodyguards Hear Graham,” New York World-Telegram and Sun, May 22, 1957, p. 14; “New Graham Book: It’s Cheeky but Is It True?” Charlotte Observer, September 11, 1977; Louis Hofferbert, “The Billy Graham Story,” Chapter 8, Houston Press, May 15,1952; Pollock, A Foreign Devil in China: The Story of Dr. L. Nelson Bell, an American Surgeon in China (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1971; Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1988), p. 311; Jim Vaus, interview.

242.    Ethel Waters. Ethel Waters, oral history, October 1970, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 141, BGCA; Grady Wilson, interview, March 31, 1987; Mitchell, God in the Garden, p. 137.

242.    “Analysis of decisions.” Robert Ferm interviewed 231 ministers (most had cooperated with the crusade, but some had actively opposed it) and over 2,000 inquirers were selected in a somewhat random fashion. Ferm chose his sample by taking 100 names from each alphabetical grouping of inquirers. This obviously gave inquirers whose names began with such letters as Q or Z a much larger chance of being included than those whose name began with, for example, B or M or S or W. Ferm apparently took this into some account, and it seems clear he was in no way trying to select a sample that would skew findings in a direction that would guarantee an outcome favorable to BG. Ferm, interview, March 28, 1987. Crusade results. “The New York Billy Graham Crusade Report,” typed report, n.d., but apparently 1958. CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 5, Folder 36 (New York 1957 Crusade Reports), BGCA; “One Year Later,” Christian Life, September 1958, pp. 11–15. Reports from individual congregations are found on p. 13 of this article.

243.    Post crusade follow-up effort. “Billy Graham Is Back to Follow Up Crusade,” New York Herald Tribune, September 25, 1957.

243.    “There is a difference!” BG, quoted in Mitchell, God in the Garden, p. 12.

Chapter 15: Reaping the Whirlwind

245.    Fundamentalists sign pledge. Sword of the Lord, January 24, 1958, pp. 4–8. Cited in Farley Porter Butler, Billy Graham and the End of Evangelical Unity (Ph.D. diss., University of Florida, 1976), p. 232.

245.    Liberal and Fundamentalist opposition in San Francisco. Butler, End of Unity, p. 243; Sherwood E. Wirt, “New Life Surges in ‘Graveyard of Evangelism,’” United Evangelical Action, August 1, 1958, p. 3.

245.    “What makes San Francisco significant . . . which divide them” Christianity Today, quoted in Butler, End of Unity, pp. 243–44.

245.    BG’s open letter. CN 192 (Lindsell Papers), Box 6, Folder 2, BGCA.

246.    “no way I could answer them.” BG, interview, March 26, 1987.

246.    BG and Bob Jones in Birmingham. The basic story was told to me by Roy Gustafson, June 27, 1988. BG was able to recall fewer details but confirmed that such a meeting occurred in Birmingham and that he recalled nothing contradicting Gustafson’s story. BG, interview, May 5, 1989.

246.    T. W. Wilson not welcome at funeral. The New York Times, reprinted in Charlotte Observer, June 15, 1969; confirmed by Wilson, February 15, 1991.

246.    “a little like Saul and David.” BG, interview, March 26, 1987. Barrows recalled an incident in which famed Fundamentalist evangelist John R. Rice displayed a similar spirit. Several evangelists, including Rice and Jones, were involved in a long joint revival in Chicago. The campaign had not gone particularly well except on Saturday nights, when the young preachers from Youth For Christ handled the services. “I remember vividly,” Barrows recalled, “standing in a corner while the executive committee discussed Saturday nights. John R. Rice felt that he and some of the older men should have Saturday nights. The rationale was that ‘these young fellows can’t carry it.’ But in my perception there was also a feeling that ‘if the big crowd came for the young fellows on Saturday night, it sort of shows up the rest of us who don’t get the crowds the other nights.’ There was that little element of tension. It was hard for the older men to move to one side and make room for the younger fellows coming along. I think there was a little jealousy. God forbid if I am wrong, but I don’t think the issue was fundamental, if you press it right down. I don’t want to be unkind. The Scripture says, ‘Let God judge.’” Interview, March 28, 1987.

247.    Ockenga calls BG the spokesman of New Evangelicalism. Press release, December 1957, quoted in Christian Beacon, January 9, 1958.

247.    Bob Jones removes Fuller program from BJU station. George Marsden, Reforming Fundamentalism: Fuller Seminary and the Hew Evangelicalism (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987), p. 167.

247.    BG’s graciousness on airplane. Lane Adams, interview, February 9, 1987; oral history, May 9, 1978, CN 141, Box 2, Folder 4, BGCA.

248.    Costs of celebrity. Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), pp. 131–49.

248.    GiGi recalls Ruth’s child-rearing techniques. GiGi Tchividjian, interview, October 25, 1990.

248.    “The children misbehave. . . . I must be careful.” Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 144.

249.    Discipline when Billy was home. GiGi Tchividjian, interview.

249.    “Some dad you are!” GiGi Tchividjian, interview. Cf. also Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, p. 145.

249.    Ruth uses dog-training manual. Ruth Graham, It’s My Turn (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1982), p. 100.

249.    GiGi’s difficulty at being good. Cornwell, A Time for Remembering, pp. 112, 141–42.

249.    GiGi’s “practical theology.” Graham, It’s My Turn, pp. 110, 92.

250.    GiGi at boarding school. GiGi Tchividjian, interview.

250.    “I never take sides.” “A Talk with Billy Graham,” New York Post, May 12, 1957. At about this same time, BG told reporter Noel Houston that a group of conservative Democratic senators had come to his home to urge him to enter the primaries against North Carolina’s senator Kerr Scott. He had declined their offer by saying, “Why should I demote myself to be a senator?” The implication was not that he was more famous than any senator but that his work as an evangelist was more important. Over the following decades, he would often give similar answers when asked about possible political ambitions. Noel Houston, “Billy Graham,” Holiday, March 1958, p. 114.

250.    “religious issue would be very strong.” Letter, BG to Nixon, December 2, 1957 in CN 74, Box 299 (Pre-Presidential Papers of Richard Nixon, National Archives and Record Service), MF 1, BGCA. Subsequent correspondence between BG and Nixon prior to Nixon’s presidency is from this source.

250.    “a split deep within democratic ranks on the race issue.” Letter, BG to Nixon, August 27, 1958.

250.    BG offers Nixon “moral and spiritual” opportunity. Letter, BG to Nixon, March 28, 1957.

251.    “one of the most historic events of your administration.” Letter, BG to Eisenhower, August 2, 1957. The President declined. Letter, Eisenhower to BG, August 9, 1957. BG was not alone in assuming a growing parity in his relationship with political leaders. During the New York crusade, a Long Island woman who had been unsuccessful in her efforts to arrange a personal visit with the evangelist wrote to Richard Nixon to see if he would intercede on her behalf. Letter, Mrs. L. Diess, Richmond Hill, Long Island, to Nixon, July 25, 1957.

251.    “Dear Miss Counts . . . Graham, D.D.” quoted in “The Political Education of Billy Graham,” the Washington Post, April 14, 1986. See also the New York Times, September 16, 1957.

251.    Faubus attended New York crusade. New York World-Telegram and Sun, May 24, 1957, p. 6.

252.    “duty of every Christian to obey the law.” “Graham Hits Race, Hate in Talk to 10,000 on Long Island,” Newsday, September 25, 1957.

252.    Turmoil linked to outsiders. “Graham Links ‘Outsiders’ to School Rioting.” New York Journal-American, September 27, 1957.

252.    Communist newspapers report Little Rock trauma. Reported in the New York Times, September 19, 1957.

252.    Oveta Culp Hobby and Richard Nixon communicate with BG. Long Island Daily Press, September 26, 1957, pp. 1, 22.

253.    Ike consults BG about sending troops. BG, interview, February 27, 1987. Also, Billy Graham (interview), USA Today, August 15, 1988. Other details of the Little Rock conflict from the New York Times, September 4–9, 14–16, 21–26, 1957.

253.    BG willing to visit Little Rock, but not without an invitation. New York Times, September 25, 1957; “Graham Hits Race,” Newsday, September 25, 1957. Fundamentalists do not want him. Ernest Q. Campbell and Thomas F. Pettigrew, Christians in Racial Crisis: A Study of Little Rock’s Ministry (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1959), p. 55. This provocative book shows that many clergymen favored school integration but chose not to speak out, primarily because they feared the effects their actions would have on their careers. For a replication of their study in a northern (Rochester, New York) setting, see William C. Martin, Christians in Conflict (Chicago: Center for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1972).

253.    “the most remarkable man in history.” Letter, BG to Eisenhower, December 2, 1957.

254.    “largest religious gathering ever held in the southeast.” “Graham Sets the South an Example,” Christian Century, November 19, 1958, p. 1326.

254.    BG in Columbia. Charlotte Observer, October 12, 14, 23, 27, 1958; Charlotte News, October 23, 1958. John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), pp. 225–26; also, Columbia State, October 24, 1958, cited in Hopkins, Race Problem, pp. 89–91. Bonnell’s letter is quoted in Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 225. The Christian Century had commended BG’s actions in an article, “Billy Graham Sets the South an Example,” November 19, 1958, p. 1326.

255.    BG calls bombings Hitler-like. AP, in Charlotte Observer, October 16, 1958.

255.    BG in Clinton. UPI, December 15, 1958; Pollock, Authorized Biography p. 226; Drew Pearson, Diaries, 1949–1959, (New York, 1974), pp. 487–88, cited by Hopkins, Race Problem, p. 95.

255.    BG visits Little Rock. AP, September 11,1959; UPI, September 14, 1959; Also, Arkansas Democrat, September 11–15, 17, 1959, cited in Hopkins, Race Problem, p. 98. Vaught’s assessment of BG’s influence, quoted in Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 226.

256.    “a breezy, easy-to-read style.” BG’s conception of the new magazine, quoted by Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 240.

256.    Decision’s beginnings. Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 240–41; Sherwood E. Wirt, oral history, January 6, 1976, CN 141, Box 5, Folder 47, BGCA.

256.    Crusade University. Minutes, “Billy Graham Project,” November 5, 1959, December 29, 1959, Washington, D.C., CN 313, Box 2, Folder 14, BGCA.

256.    Brochure. The name Crusade University was a working designation only. At the November board meeting, BG apologized for the appearance of his name and picture on the brochure’s cover and told the gathering that “I don’t want this to be a Billy Graham College or a Billy Graham University.” CN 313, Box 2, Folder 14, BGCA; Carl F. H. Henry, interview, February 10, 1987.

Chapter 16: Unto the Uttermost Parts of the Earth

258.    “Less than a third . . .” Gallup poll. Stewart Barton Babbage and Ian Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross (New York: Doubleday, 1960), p. 18.

258.    Australian opposition to previous evangelists. “An Evangelist Far Away,” Newsweek, March 9, 1959, p. 104; “Real Cool, Billy,” Time, March 23, 1959, p. 63; Babbage and Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross, passim. Brian Willersdorf (Australian evangelist), interview, July 15, 1986.

258.    The invitation to hold a crusade in Australia. Babbage and Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross, pp. 20–22.

259.    Feature films used to generate interest. Ibid., p. 26.

259.    Edwin Orr’s preparatory meetings. J. Edwin Orr, interview, July 14, 1986; Willersdorf, interview.

259.    BG suffers eye problem, recuperates in Hawaii. Grady Wilson, interview, March 1, 1987. Also. “Billy Graham’s Journey,” Newsweek, February 16, 1959; “Conquest Down Under,” Newsweek, May 25,1959; Charlotte Observer, January 15, 1959; UPI, January 13,1959; John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 205. BG’s Canadian benefactor was Charles A. Pitts.

260.    Melbourne venues and attendance figures. Babbage and Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross, p. 32; Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 190–96. The attendance figure of ten thousand for the original indoor stadium includes crowds watching on closed-circuit television in an auxiliary building.

260.    Trains slow down by Cricket Grounds. Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 196.

260.    Letter from Eisenhower. Charlotte Observer, March 12, 1959.

260.    Governor reads Ps. 23. Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 196. Long before the campaign began, U.S. ambassador William J. Siebald, acting on a recommendation from Richard Nixon, had sponsored a reception for BG and a representative group of government and church leaders at the embassy in Canberra, thus making it clear that BG came to Australia with blessings of his own government. Noted in letter from BG to Nixon, October 14, 1958 in CN 74, MF Reel 1, from Box 299 (Pre-Presidential Papers of Richard Nixon, National Archives and Record Service).

260.    New Zealand statistics. Babbage and Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross, pp. 35–36.

260.    Sydney statistics. Ibid., p. 36.

260.    BG’s press coverage. “Inquiries re Crusade Results,” notes in CN 19 (Ferm Papers), BGCA; Willersdorf, interview.

261.    Telephone counseling. Babbage and Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross, p. 48. Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 192.

261.    Press and TV coverage. Babbage and Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross, pp. 49, 52; Willersdorf, interview.

261.    “national adulation.” Willersdorf, interview.

261.    “biggest thing in . . . church history of Australia.” Bishop R. C. Kerle, quoted by AP, in Charlotte News, May 7, 1959.

261.    Prestigious converts. Students and medical personnel converted. The Reverend Gordon Powell, pastor, St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church, “Six Months After Billy Graham,” address at University of Sydney, “Folder Inquiries re Crusade Results,” CN 19 (Ferm Papers), BGCA; Babbage and Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross, p. 110.

261.    Governor’s wife, business leaders, and lawyers converted. Babbage and Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross, pp. 56, 105, 113. At Sydney, a section of reserved seats was set aside for professional people, and doctors had access to a restricted parking lot.

261.    Growth at St. Stephen’s. Powell, “Six Months (address)”; Babbage and Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross, p. 138; Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 212.

262.    Results proportionate to effort. Various letters from pastors, in “Inquiries re Crusade Results,” CN 19 (Ferm Papers), BGCA; John Mallison, interview, July 13, 1986.

262.    Growth in volunteer ranks, cuts in crime. Babbage and Siggens, Light Beneath the Cross, pp. 27, 55.

262.    Bible sales. Roy Gustafson, oral history, 1976, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 12, BGCA.

262.    Stabbing. UPI, May 11, 1959.

262.    Sydney clergymen encouraged by Graham crusade. The Reverend A. Jack Dain, interview, July 14, 1986. Also, Walter Smyth, interview, June 11, 1986. The Most Reverend Archbishop Marcus L. Loane also reported that through the middle of the 1960s, a majority of applicants to the Church of England’s Moore Theological College traced their conversion or sense of call to the ministry to the 1959 crusade, as did a substantial number of candidates seeking to become missionaries under the auspices of the Church Missionary Society. Loane, oral history, March 29, 1982, CN 141, Box 13, Folder 28, BGCA.

262.    “Australia far from revived.” Orr, interview.

263.    Tea with the queen, sex in the parks, and Jayne Mansfield. Charlotte Observer, June 9, 1959; UPI, June 9, 19, 22, 1959; Charlotte News, July 3, 4, 1959.

263.    “If the female bosom were covered.” AP, May 22, 1958.

263.    BG visit to Russia. UPI, July 7, 14, 19, 1959; Charlotte News, July 3, 1959

264.    “it will put Khrushchev on the spot.” AP, September 27, 1959.

264.    Graham-sanctioned book about African tour. Tom McMahan, Safari for Souls (Columbia, S.C.: State-Record, 1960). Most of the citations in this chapter are to press releases prepared by McMahan and syndicated in American newspapers. The book was in large measure compiled from these releases. CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 5, Folder 50, Africa 1960, BGCA.

264.    “documentary.” The film Africa on the Bridge won the Golden Reel Award as documentary of the year, 1960.

264.    Why BG has seldom returned to Africa. Graham, interview, February 26, 1987.

265.    Documentary positive toward Nkrumah. Africa on the Bridge. McMahan reported that shortly before their visit, a group of women visiting Nkrumah’s mother had chanted, “Blessed art thou among women.” McMahan, Safari, pp. 26–27. Interestingly, in the 1966 coup in Ghana, Nkrumah’s statue was one of the first symbols of his regime to be toppled.

265.    Islamic opposition. “Moslems vs. Billy,” Time, February 15, 1960, p. 86; “Graham Wins Friends but Alienates Moslems,” Christian Century, February 17, 1960, pp. 180–81; “New Attitude,” Christian Century, February 24, 1960, p. 214; UPI, February 4, 1960.

266.    BG urges Eisenhower to visit Nigeria. McMahan, “Safari,” press release; Charlotte Observer, April 1, 1960.

266.    Islamic healing challenge. AP, March 5, 1960; McMahan, Safari, p. 101. The story of Elijah’s challenge to the priests of Baal is found in I Kings 18.

266.    “Country devil.” McMahan, Safari, p. 14–16.

266.    “Witchdoctors.” Ibid., p. 68; “Have Graham’s Crusades Helped Africa?” Our Africa, May 1960 (Our Africa is a magazine published in Durban, South Africa). Clipping in CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 5, Folder 50, Africa 1960, BGCA.

267.    BG at leprosarium. Grady Wilson, Count It All Joy (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1984), pp. 296–97.

267.    BG “put the cookies on a lower shelf.” George F. Hall, “Billy Graham in Moshi,” Christian Century, March 23, 1960, p. 366.

267.    Fear of being misunderstood. McMahan, “Safari,” press releases from Jos, Nigeria, and Nairobi, Kenya.

268.    “Just this little visit.” Unidentified clipping, March 4, 1960, in CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 5, Folder 50, Africa 1960, BGCA.

268.    Drunken dance scene. Chicago Daily Tribune, February 29, 1960.

268.    “All over Africa . . . Christ belongs to all races.” UPI, March 30, 1960; “Safari for Souls,” Time, February 1, 1960; p. 37; Christianity associated with colonialism, McMahan, “Safari,” press release, Jos, Nigeria.

268.    First integrated meetings in Rhodesia. “Billy Graham’s World,” Newsweek, March 28, 1960, p. 86; McMahan, Safari, pp. 54, 57.

268.    “God doesn’t . . . see color of skin.” BG, sermon, in Africa on the Bridge.

268.    White women shoulder to shoulder with blacks. South African Press Association/AP clipping, February 28, 1960. Numerous papers carried this statement. In CN 360, MF Reel 14, BGCA.

269.    “While African laborers . . . a dream of equal opportunity.” Africa on the Bridge. 269. African nationalists oppose BG’s visit. McMahan, Safari, p. 58; “Sixty Africans Demonstrate As Graham Talks,” Cleveland Press, February 26, 1960; unidentified clipping from CN 360, MF Reel 14, BGCA.

269.    “tempted to reconsider his boycott of South Africa.” “Graham May Still Visit South Africa,” Durban P.E. Evening Post, February 22, 1960.

269.    “I don’t see how the South African approach can possibly work.” Unidentified clipping from press conference at Victoria Falls, in CN 360, MF Reel 14, BGCA.

269.    Only Christ could bring change of heart. “Graham May Still Visit South Africa,” February 22, 1960.

269.    Racial separation won’t work. AP, in Charlotte News, April 4, 1960; also, stories in Charlotte Observer, March 30, 1960, and April 1, 1960. McMahan, “Safari,” press release.

269.    “They doubt US will be a true friend.” UPI story, Observer, March 20, 1960.

270.    “70 percent . . . all differences can be settled.” “No Solution to Race Problem ‘At the Point of Bayonets,’” U.S. News & World Report, April 25, 1960, pp. 94–95; UPI, March 30, 1960.

270.    Received by patriarch and emperor in Ethiopia. McMahan, “Safari,” press release.

270.    Ethiopian and Egyptian visits aided by Nixon. Letter, Ambassador Raymond A. Hare to Richard Nixon, May 11, 1959, with copy to BG, reattempt to set up meeting between BG and Egyptian president Nasser; Letter, BG to Nixon, November 19, 1959, requesting letter of entree to Haile Selassie, CN 74, MF Reel 1, from Box 299 (National Archives Pre-Presidential Papers of Richard Nixon, National Archives and Record Service), BGCA. In fact, I could find no record that such a letter was furnished, but it seems likely. Selassie’s independent approval of BG, however, was indicated by his attendance, in 1966, at a major BGEA-funded conference in Berlin. See Chapter 20, “Second Comings.”

270.    Why BG reluctant to hold a crusade in Cairo. BG, quoted in David Poling, Why Billy Graham? (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1977), p. 86.

270.    BG and Barrows whoop at animal herds. Charlotte News, February, 1960 (exact date obscured). Also, McMahan, Safari, p. 48, quoting from BG’s diary, and p. 52.

271.    BG banned from, then visits Jordan. Charlotte News, December 8, 1959; Charlotte Observer, December 7, 1959; January 1, 1960; February 6, 1960; March 19, 1960; McMahan, Safari, p. 88.

271.    Hussein welcomes, Muslim radio station plays sermon. Roy Gustafson, oral history, 1976, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 12, BGCA.

271.    BG in Israel. McMahan, Safari, pp. 88–92; “Mission’s End,” Time, March 28, 1960, pp. 63–64; Graham, interview, February 26, 1987; Gustafson, oral history. BG did not meet with Ben-Gurion, who was in New York at the time.

272.    BG with Rabbi Toledano. McMahan, Safari, p. 92.

272.    Luce clipping service report. Atchison, Kansas, Globe, August 15, 1959, in CN 19 (Ferm Papers), BGCA.

272.    BG stimulates newspaper and magazine coverage of religion. Letter, AP religion writer George Cornell to Robert Ferm, August 20, 1959, CN 19, BGCA. Calvin Thielman quoted a similar observation by Time religion writer Richard Ostling; interview, February 25, 1987. In another letter to Ferm, Henry Luce had said of BG, “In his personality and in his manner, [Graham] has shown a rare combination of strength and forcefulness, with kindness and pervasive friendliness. [His] ability to attract and to deliver a message to great numbers of people has been, it seems to me, providential at this time in America.” August 22, 1959, CN 19 (Ferm papers), BGCA.

272.    “all the kingdoms.” Matt. 4:8, from the story of the Temptation of Jesus.

Chapter 17: Election and Free Will

275.    BG urges Eisenhower to visit Africa. Tom McMahan, “Safari for Souls,” press release, CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 5, Folder 50, Africa 1960, BGCA.

275.    BG intercedes with Eisenhower on Nixon’s behalf. Graham, interview, March 5, 1989.

276.    BG urges Nixon to attend church. Letter, BG to Nixon, November 19, 1959, CN 74, MF Reel 1, from Box 299 (Pre-Presidential Papers of Richard Nixon, National Archives and Record Service), BGCA. Unless otherwise indicated, all correspondence between BG and Nixon and White House staffers referred to in this chapter is found in this collection.

276.    “This is a time” . . . “roared with laughter.” The quote from Graham is a reconstruction of two reports, one in a story by Bill Lamkin, Charlotte Observer, May 21, 1960, and the other in an unidentified newspaper clipping, May 21, 1960, included in file of correspondence between Graham and Nixon.

276.    BG willing to endorse Nixon on Meet the Press. Memo, Leonard W. Hall to RN, May 23, 1960.

276.    BG on the U-2 and Communist attempts to affect election. Letter, BG to RN, May 27, 1960.

277.    BG recommends Judd as Nixon’s running mate. Letter, BG to RN, June 21, 1960.

277.    Grady claims Catholics prayed for BG’s death. UP1, Charlotte Observer and Chattanooga Free Press, August 8,1960; AP, in Gastonia, North Carolina, Gazette, August 10, 1960; and Columbia, South Carolina, State, August 13, 1960. If this allegation was not an invention of Wilson’s, and it seems unlikely that it was, it was probably based on a report relayed to the Graham organization by missionaries in South America. Given the animosity that often existed between Protestant missionaries and local Catholic authorities, it is difficult to rule out either some sort of misguided effort by a local priest or a paranoid reaction by a missionary to some unfounded rumor. In fact, I don’t know, and could not discover the source of this allegation. By the time I became aware of it, Grady Wilson had died. Kennedy’s request for pledge noted in letter, R. Ferm to E. Loren Pugsley, July 31, 1962, CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 4, Folder 21 (general correspondence), BGCA.

277.    Salinger’s denial, Columbia State, August 13, 1960.

277.    LBJ: JFK “obviously impressed by your attitude.” BG to LBJ, August 8, 1960; LBJ to BG, August 16, 1960. Box 227a (“Billy Graham”), White House Central Files (WHCF), Lyndon Baines Johnson Library Archives (LBJLA). Unless otherwise noted, all correspondence between BG and LBJ is from this file.

278.    “This conference” . . . “minds of millions.” Letter, BG to RN, August 23, 1960.

278.    King: JFK lacks “depthed understanding.” Taylor Branch, Parting the Waters: America in the King Years, 1954–63 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988), p. 314.

278.    “I think I at least neutralized him.” Letter, BG to RN, August 23, 1960.

278.    Kennedy aids King’s release from prison. For an extended description of the efforts of both parties to win the black vote without alienating whites, see Branch, Parting the Waters, pp. 347–76.

278.    “a question as to your religious convictions.” Letter, BG to RN, August 23, 1960.

279.    “states in your column.” Letter, BG to RN, August 23, 1960.

278.    “keep Kennedy and Johnson off-balance.” Letter, BG to Eisenhower, August 4, 1960, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.

278.    BG “delighted to cooperate.” Letter, BG to RN, August 23, 1960.

280.    BG in West Berlin. UPI stories, September 27, 28, 1960, and AP stories, September 25, 29, 1960, all in Charlotte Observer.

280.    Ockenga’s sermon on religion and politics. Religion, Politics, and the Presidency (Sea Cliff, N.Y. Christ’s Mission, 1960), a sermon preached at Park Street Church, Boston, June 5, 1960.

281.    Bell’s warnings against Catholic domination. Speech, “Protestant Distinctives and the American Crisis,” reprint, in CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 9, Folder 8 (Materials regarding Catholicism), BGCA. The speech was apparently given at least twice, on August 21, 1960, in Montreat and on September 7, 1960, in Washington.

281.    NAE concerns over a Catholic president. Ford pamphlet filed in CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 9, Folder 9, BGCA. NAE plan of action located in 1960 Campaign Files, Religious Issues files of James Wine, John F. Kennedy Pre-Presidential Papers, Box 1018, John F. Kennedy Library Archives (JFKLA).

281.    Christianity Today warns of Catholic opppresion. See, for example, Christianity Today, February 1, 1960, p. 20; June 20; 1960, p. 31; October 24, 1960, p. 25.

281.    BGEA flyer. Contained in Wine Files, Box 1018, JFKLA.

281.    Anti-Kennedy sentiment at Wheaton College. Lowell D. Streiker and Gerald S. Strober, Religion and the New Majority: Billy Graham, Middle America, and the Politics of the 70’s (New York: Association Press, 1972), pp. 60–61.

281.    JFK could not withstand Roman hierarchy. Theodore Sorenson, Kennedy (New York: Harper & Row, 1965), p. 188.

282.    Oxnam and Blake “uneasy” about Kennedy. Mark Silk, Spiritual Politics (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988), pp. 121–22.

282.    “The Roman Catholic Church will take advantage of this.” Letter, BG to Eisenhower, August 4, 1960, CN 71, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA. Dr. Bell had made this same point in his speech, “Protestant Distinctives.”

282.    BG’s statement to Time and Newsweek. Statement was dated August 28, 1960. A reprint was attached to a letter from BG to RN on the same date.

282.    BG “detaching myself” . . . “at this time.” Letter, BG to RN, September 1, 1960.

283.    “Kennedy’s tactic” . . . “wait for the developments.” Letter, BG to RN, September 24, 1960. BG barely missed the barrage of criticism aimed at Peale. He had been scheduled to appear at the meeting, labeled the Study Conference on the Relationship of Religion and Freedom, but, for whatever reason, did not.

283.    “shut the mouth of your opponent.” Letter, BG to RN, October 17, 1960.

284.    “I think this makes a hell of a lot of sense.” Memo, RN to Len Hall and Bob Finch, October 5, 1960. This memo refers not to the October 17 letter from BG but to similar recommendations contained in his letter of September 24.

284.    “Graham continued to be vexed” . . . “praying needs to be done.” Letter, BG to RN, October 17, 1960.

284.    BG felt obliged to Luce. Graham, interview, March 6, 1989.

284.    BG’s article for Life. Unpublished manuscript, submitted to Life, CN 74, MF Reel 1, BGCA.

284.    BG consults politically astute friends. Letter, BG to RN, June 21, 1961, explaining the episode to RN, who wanted full details for use in writing his book, My Six Crises.

286.    “I had peace.” Letter, BG to RN, June 21, 1961. Other letters pertinent to the Life article include Luce to BG, September 19 and December 9, 1960; BG to Luce, October 16 and 24, 1960; BG to RN, July 17, 1960; RN to BG, August 18, 1960, BG private files, Montreat. The second article ran as “We Are Electing a President of the World,” Life, November 7, 1960, pp. 109–10.

286.    “I shouldn’t become involved in partisan politics.” AP, October 30, 1960.

286.    “There is a great deal of evidence” . . . “you cannot win this election.” Letter, BG to RN, November 2, 1960.

286.    “Dixie no longer in the bag.” Lowell D. Streiker and Gerald S. Strober, Religion and the New Majority: Billy Graham, Middle America, and the Politics of the 70’s (New York: Association Press, 1972), p. 61.

286.    “believe your great campaign . . . in the future” Telegram, BG to RN, November 9, 1960.

286.    “I understand there is to be a recount” Charlotte News, November 19, 1960.

287.    BG explains luncheon with Kennedy. Memo, JDH (unidentified) to RN, November 23, 1960, CN 74, MF Reel 1 from Box 299 (Pre-Presidential Papers of Richard Nixon, National Archives and Record Services), BGCA.

287.    Kennedy’s curiosity about the Second Coming. Sermon, Washington, D.C., May 4, 1986; also, Billy Graham, “Billy Graham’s Own Story: ‘God Is My Witness,’” Part III, McCall’s, June 1964, p. 145.

287.    BG “tried to walk the middle line.” Graham, interview, March 26, 1987.

287.    “Dr. Graham hails Kennedy victory.” The New York Times, January 17, 1961. In the copy of this article contained in Nixon’s Pre-Presidential Papers, a Nixon staff member had circled the headline before routing it to his boss.

288.    Photographs for personal use only. Letter, Pierre Salinger to Jack Ledden (photographer, Palm Beach Post-Times), February 24, 1961. Letters, White House Names File, Billy Graham, JFKLA.

288.    “probably the best and most effective statement . . .” “Ck for sure that his wife’s name is Ruth.” Draft of letter, RN to BG, January 15, 1961.

288.    RN requests explanation of BG’s decision on Life article. Letter, RN to BG, May 31, 1961.

288.    “The more I listened . . . I had hoped you would say.” Letter, BG to RN, June 12, 1961.

289.    BG fears he has offended Nixon. Letter, BG to RN, June 21, 1961.

289.    “The Life article should have been published.” Letter, RN to BG, August 17, 1961.

289.    BG recommends a goodwill press conference. Letter, BG to RN, November 11, 1962.

289.    “There are few men I have loved as I love you.” Ibid.

Chapter 18: The Kennedy Years

290.    “A decade of marathon campaigns . . . students.” As early as the mid-1950s, BG began to predict that his life and ministry would be short.

290.    JFK “will be your John the Baptist.” BG, interview, March 26, 1987. The incident is recounted in several newspaper articles, including a story by Eustaquio Ramientos, Jr., “Billy Graham a Great American,” Quezon City, Philippines, Examiner-News Weekly, March 1963, CN 360, MF Reel 50, BGCA.

291.    “Stick around and try to get some pictures.” Russ Busby, interview, April 30, 1986.

291.    BG in Venezuela. AP stories, in Charlotte Observer, January 23,24, and 25, and February 2, 1962; Sandra Hill, story in Charlotte News, January 30, 1962; Norman Mydske (a BGEA operative who has specialized in Latin American ministry), interview, November 25, 1987; Russ Busby (BGEA photographer), interview, April 30, 1986.

291.    Storm in Paraguay. Charles Ward, interview, October 21, 1986.

292.    BG’s impact on South American Evangelicalism. Dr. Kenneth Strachan, as quoted by Mydske, interview, November 25, 1987.

292.    BG invited by a rising vote. The chair of the meeting was Herbert J. Taylor, who had sponsored Bev Shea and supported Youth for Christ years earlier. Letter, H. J. Taylor to BG, May 18, 1960, in CN 17 (BGEA Vice-President, 1954–1977), Box 2, Folder 23, Chicago 1962, BGCA.

292.    BG returns to Soldier Field for dramatic TV finale. Chuck Ashman, The Gospel According to Billy (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1977), pp. 131–34; Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 237–39.

294.    Beginnings of the Billy Graham School of Evangelism. John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), pp. 234–36; George Wilson, interview, August 3, 1987; Victor Nelson, interview, August 5, 1987; John Dillon (dean of the Billy Graham School of Evangelism), interview, April 30, 1987.

294.    T. W. Wilson becomes BG’s personal assistant. Wilson, interview, February 27, 1987. Wilson told essentially the same story in his oral history, CN 141, Box 8, Folder 12, BGCA.

296.    BG is stranded in a truck stop. Grady Wilson, Count It All Joy (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1984), pp. 244–47; Mary Bishop, Billy Graham: The Man and His Ministry (New York: Grosser & Dunlap, 1978), pp. 76–77; UPI, in Charlotte Observer, March 20, 1965.

296.    Franklin learns to smoke. Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1983), pp. 163–64.

297.    “I’ll have a cheeseburger.” Ibid., p. 143.

297.    Franklin and Ned on love. Ruth Graham, It’s My Turn (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1982), p. 119.

297.    “He’s a pretty good little boy.” Ibid., p. 20.

298.    GiGi’s courtship. GiGi Tchividjian, interview, October 25, 1990.

299.    BG sets Los Angeles Coliseum record. Pollock, Authorized Biography, p. 253.

300.    Fundamentalists object to Bishop Kennedy doubts about deity of Jesus. Gerald Kennedy, God’s Good News (New York: Harper Bros., 1955), p. 125, quoted in Charles Emert, Billy Graham’s 23 Years of Theological Change, ed. D. A. Waite (Collingswood, N.J.: Bible for Today, 1971), p. 13.

300.    Kennedy on Virgin Birth. Letter from Kennedy to R. T. Ketcham, quoted in Emert, 23 Years of Change, p. 37.

300.    “farthest reach yet.” Anonymous mimeographed document, “Bishop Gerald Kennedy to Head Billy Graham Los Angeles Campaign in 1963,” in CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 6, Folder 18 (Southern California), BGCA.

300.    Ferm answers critics. Letters, Ferm to C. H. Lewis, July 12, 1963, and the Reverend Gunnar Hoglund, October 30, 1963, in CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 4, Folder 29, BGCA.

300.    Changes in BG’s concept of the church. Billy Graham, “What Ten Years Have Taught Me,” Christian Century, February 17, 1960, pp. 186, 188.

301.    Ferm defends BG’s relationship with Catholics: “Catholic priests do not attend” . . . “the Roman communion.” Letter, Ferm to E. Loren Pugsley, Newton, Kansas, July 31, 1962, CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 4, Folder 21 (General Correspondence), BGCA.

301.    Pope John “a rare exception.” Letter, Ferm to Murray W. Downey, CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 4, Folder 34 (Correspondence, May 1964), BGCA.

301.    BG’s attitudes on race, insistence on integrated crusades. Letters, Douglas M. Branch, general secretary of North Carolina Baptist Convention, to Haymaker, November 28, 1961; Haymaker to Branch, November 22, 1961; James J. Steward, Jr., to Branch, November 29, 1961, all in CN 1 (Haymaker Papers), Box 5, Folder 13, BGCA; Haymaker to Harold G. Sanders, pastor of First Baptist Church, Tallahassee, November 11, 1960, CN 1 (Haymaker Papers), Box 4, Folder 18, BGCA; Florida Times-Union Qacksonville), January 15, 1961; Keesing’s Research Report, Race Relations in the U.S.A., 1954–1968 (New York, 1970), pp. 146–50; the New York Times, May 18, 1961; Letter, Gordon Clark to Carl F. H. Henry, July 21, 1961, CN 8 (CT Collection), Box 15, Folder 13, BGCA, all cited in Jerry Berl Hopkins, “Billy Graham and the Race Problem” (Ph.D. diss., University of Kentucky, 1986), pp. 108–12. During this period, the AP and UP1 carried other similar expressions of the need for churchmen to take a leading role in desegregating churches and defusing racial tensions.

301.    “Jim Crow must go . . . too far and too fast.” Chicago Sun-Times, May 31, 1962, quoted in Hopkins, “Race Problem,” p. 112; also, AP, in Charlotte Observer, July 9, 1961.

301.    BG feels King should “put on the brakes.” The New York Times, April 18, 1963, p. 21.

302.    BG discounts human efforts at racial harmony. Los Angeles Times, August 3 and 10, 1963; Christianity Today, September 13 and 30, 1963, pp. 1134, 1187–88, 1194–95.

302.    Black churchmen criticize BG. Presbyterian pastor, L. David Cowie, “Apostolic Preaching in Los Angeles,” Christianity Today, October 25, 1963, p. 69. It is noteworthy that Cowie’s criticism appeared in CT in the context of an article generally complimentary of BG. The NANE president was Marvin Prentis, quoted in “The Crowded Coliseum,” Christianity Today, September 27, 1963, p. 1245, and by AP, August 29, 1963.

302.    Negro Evangelicals commend BG. Cowie, “Apostolic Preaching,” p. 69.

302.    BG’s limited political statements. Criticizes Supreme Court decision on prayer and Bible reading, CN 19, Box 4, Folder 22 (General Correspondence), BGCA; quoted in “Prayer Still Legal in Public Schools,” Christian Century, July 4, 1962, 79; quoted in Cort R. Flint, with the staff of Quote magazine, Billy Graham Speaks!: The Quotable Billy Graham (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1968), p. 126.

302.    BG commends JFK stand on parochial-school aid. AP, in Charlotte Observer, August 19, 1961. On communism. Billy Graham, “Facing the Anti-God Colossus,” Christianity Today, December 21, 1961, pp. 6–8.

302.    BG, “The Ultimate Weapon,” sermon, Hour of Decision, 1961; “My Answer” column, November 8, 1961.

302.    BG repudiates Welch charges. AP, July 9, 1961.

303.    BG recommends sending food to China. AP, February 13, 1961.

303.    BG and Kennedy regard each other with reserve. Correspondence, BG to JFK, August 26, 1963; JFK to BG, January 6, 1962; August 26, 1963. Letters, White House Names File, Billy Graham, JFKLA.

303.    Infrequent visits. BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

303.    JFK “gritted his teeth.” Edward Fiske, “The Closest Thing to a White House Chaplain,” the New York Times Magazine, June 8, 1969, p. 114.

303.    JFK and Jackie condescend to BG. Chuck Ashman, The Gospel According to Billy (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1977), p. 178.

303.    BG puffs Connally. AP, January 16, 1963.

303.    News of JFK’s assassination. BG, interview, March 26, 1987; T. W. Wilson, interview, February 27, 1987.

304.    “we must have a terrible shock sometimes.” UPI, December 8, 1963.

Chapter 19: Billy and Lyndon

309.    “Your message met the need.” Letter, Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) to BG, December 9, 1963. Box 227a, “Billy Graham,” White House Central Files (WHCF), Lyndon B. Johnson Library Archives (LBJLA). Unless otherwise noted, all correspondence between BG and the Johnson White House was found in this 266-page collection.

309.    BG’s first visit to the Johnson White House. BG, oral history (interview by Monroe Billington), AC 84–76, LBJLA.

305.    BG concedes Johnson may have had political interest in him. Ibid.

306.    LBJ “best qualified.” Charlotte News, December 17, 1963. “as God had been with Washington . . . Lincoln.” Letter, BG to LBJ, December 29, 1963.

306.    H. L. Hunt offers to back Grady Wilson and BG. Grady Wilson, interview, May 1, 1987; BG, press conference, Washington, D.C., April 24, 1986; Calvin Thielman, interviews, February 25, 1987, and May 29, 1991; Lane Adams, interviews, February 9, 1987, and May 29,1991; “Evangelist Graham Considers Draft for President—by GOP,” Houston Press, January 31, 1964; Chuck Ashman, The Gospel According to Billy, (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1977), p. 163; “Billy Won’t Run for President,” Christian Century, February 12, 1964, p. 197. Several people were familiar with the Hunt offer. The amount of money Hunt offered was reported to be as large as $10 million in some versions of the story, but $6 million seems to be the preferred figure. Though confirming that he once flirted briefly with the possibility of running for the presidency and acknowledging that substantial financial support would have been forthcoming, Graham declined to say that H. L. Hunt had offered him the sum in question. T. W. Wilson asserted that Hunt made no such call but acknowledged that other factors had led Graham to consider a draft by the GOP. Another source asserted that such an offer had definitely been made but remembered the would-be supporter as Sid Richardson rather than H. L. Hunt. Since Richardson died in 1959—BG preached his funeral—this cannot have been true and probably reflects a slightly faulty memory. The Houston Press did not name Hunt, but confirmed that Graham “has been offered eye-popping support, running into the millions.” In view of the existing evidence, I have chosen to accept the account reported here but acknowledge that the evidence is a bit ambiguous.

307.    Invitation to LBJ to attend crusade. Reflected in LBJ’s polite decline, July 22, 1964.

307.    Grahams visit White House. Invitation, LBJ to BG, July 22, 1964; Thank-you letter, BG to LBJ, August 27, 1964.

307.    BG forged ties with Moyers and Watson. Moyers letter to BG, January 8, 1964.

307.    Marvin Watson ties. Numerous memos and letters.

307.    Anne endorses Goldwater, LBJ’s call. BG, oral history, pp. 10–11; Charlotte Observer, May 20, 1965 (a Johnson reminiscence).

308.    Telegram campaign. Charlotte News, November 3, 1964; AP, December 23, 1964.

308.    Weekend prior to election spent in White House. Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979), p. 266.

308.    “as truly a servant of God as was your great-grandfather.” Letter, BG to LBJ, November 10, 1964.

308.    Telegram money “might have been better spent.” BG and Goldwater campaign.

308.    BG speaks at inaugural church service. Calvin Thielman interview, February 25, 1987; Grady Wilson, interview, March 1, 1987.

308.    BG and LBJ exchange greetings and gifts. Correspondence, LBJ or White House staff to or concerning BG: August 21, September 11, and December 4, 1965; May 3 and September 1, 1966; November 8 and 11, 1966; January 3 and June 21, 1968 (leisure shoes). BG or staff to LBJ or staff: August 27, November 20, and December 6, 1965; March 28, December 2, 1966, etc. Intercessory prayer for flu: BG to LBJ, January 30, 1965; for supernatural wisdom: BG to LBJ, February 12, 1965; BG to LBJ, June 21, 1968.

309.    Moyers on Johnson’s use of men as symbols. Frady, Parable, pp. 264–65. Moyers confirmed the accuracy of Frady’s account in a letter received February 26, 1991.

309.    Gallup polls of “most-admired” men. Reported in Detroit Free Press, January 2, 1966.

309.    “We bragged on each other.” Charlotte Observer, May 20, 1965.

309.    LBJ seeks BG’s advice. War on Poverty: Calvin Thielman, interview, February 25, 1987. 304 “cut ten million dollars.” Frady, Parable, p. 263.

310.    “Now Billy, tell me what you really think.” Carloss Morris, oral history, January 10, 1978, CN 141, Box 10, Folder 14, BGCA.

310.    BG recommended Humphrey. Frady, Parable, pp. 263–64.

310.    “I was well-known in Texas.” BG, oral history.

310.    LBJ afraid of the Baptist Standard. BG, Legends, CNN, 1986; also, in slightly different form, in BG, oral history.

310.    LBJ’s religiosity. BG, oral history; interview, March 26, 1987; Calvin Thielman, interview, February 25, 1987.

311.    BG Pavilion at New York World’s Fair. Carloss Morris, oral history; John Pollock, Billy Graham: The Authorized Biography (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1966), p. 261; Cort R. Flint, with the staff of Quote magazine, Billy Graham Speaks!: The Quotable Billy Graham (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1968), pp. 168–69; Martin E. Marty, “Religious Cafeteria,” Christian Century, June 10, 1964, pp. 758–59; “Some Clouds on a Summer’s Day,” Christian Century, July 1, 1964, p. 854; personal observation.

312.    Four and a half million see The Restless Ones. Edward Fiske, “White House Chaplain,” the New York Times Magazine, June 8, 1969, p. 113.

313.    Effectiveness of film ministry. Dave Barr, interview, November 14, 1987.

313.    “That’s why God has given us this medium.” Barr, interview.

314.    1964 Boston crusade. Allan Emery, oral history, April 9, 1979, CN 141, Box 10, Folder 4, BGCA.

314.    BG visits Ted Kennedy. “Graham Chats with Kennedy in Hospital,” Boston Globe, September 23, 1964; “Graham Blames Courts for Violence,” Boston Herald, September 18, 964.

314.    BG visits Combat Zone. “Graham Wins ‘Combat Zone,’” Boston Sunday Advertiser, September 20, 1964; “The Aftermath of a Crusade,” Boston Herald, September 27, 1964.

315.    Visit with Cardinal Cushing arranged. George M. Collins, “Graham to Meet Cardinal Tomorrow,” Boston Globe, October 6, 1964. In a statement Jews also found appealing, Graham declared that “it is high time that the church spoke authoritatively to Israel and assured all Jews that we do not hold them as a nation responsible for the crucifixion,” a position Cushing had also espoused. “Graham Visits Bars in South End,” Boston Globe, September 20, 1964.

316.    BG meets Cardinal Cushing. “Secret of Billy Graham’s Voice? It’s the Tepid Water in That Pitcher,” Boston Globe, October 5, 1964; “Cardinal Has Praise for Graham Crusade,” Boston Herald, September 16, 1964; “Cardinal Lauds Graham, Then Flies to Rome,” Boston Globe, September 16, 1964; “Graham Visits Bars in South End,” Boston Globe, September 20, 1964 (re Cushing’s efforts on behalf of Jews); Pollock, Authorized Biography, pp. 263–64, in which BG’s official biographer indicates that the evangelist requested the meeting with Cushing; Robert Ferm (who disagrees with that interpretation), interview, March 28, 1987; Allan Emery, oral history; interview, July 19, 1986. “From a Cardinal: Praise for a Protestant Crusader,” U.S. News & World Report, October 19, 1964, p. 24; “Go Hear Graham: Cardinal Cushing,” Boston Globe, October 7, 1964; Kenneth L. Woodward, “Crusader and Cardinal,” Newsweek, October 19, 1964, p. 71; “New England Revisited,” Christianity Today, November 6, 1964, pp. 53–54; L. David Otte, “Graham Predicts Second Coming,” Boston Globe, October 12, 1964; Leonard Marks, USIA, interview with Billy Graham, September 20, 1965, Folder EX ND 19/CO 312, September 1965, Box 217, LBJLA.

317.    BG doubts he can preach in Houston. Carloss Morris, interview, May 5, 1987. Morris tells essentially the same story in his oral history.

317.    LBJ attends Astrodome crusade. UPI, November 19, 1965, CN 17, Box 8, Folder 18 (Clippings, Houston 1965), BGCA.

317.    BG warns against communism. Speech to North Carolina Press Association, reported by AP, in Charlotte Observer, July 31, 1965.

317.    The “mess in Southeast Asia.” “Billy Graham Asks Prayers for Johnson in Viet Crisis,” San Juan, Puerto Rico, Star, February 15, 1965. CN 360, MF Reel 50 (Clippings, Misc. Foreign Countries, 1/1960–12/1965), BGCA.

318.    “I have no sympathy . . . stopped in Vietnam.” Rocky Mountain News, August 25, 1965.

318.    BG: “95 percent of the Congress . . . know the facts.” “Billy Graham on War, Religion (interview with Max Goldberg),” Boston Globe, December 12, 1965.

318.    “my support of the President’s Vietnam policy.” Letter, BG to Moyers, October 19, 1965, Box 56, HU 2, LBJLA.

318.    “God will judge us.” Quoted without citation in Flint, Billy Graham Speaks! p. 129.

318.    Birmingham Easter Rally. Birmingham News, March 5, 30, 1964; Birmingham World, March 28, 1964; the New York Times, March 30, 1964; Chicago Sun-Times, March 30, 1964. These newspapers are cited in Jerry Berl Hopkins, “Billy Graham and the Race Problem,” 1949–1969, (Ph.D. diss., University of Kentucky, 1986), pp. 117–21. For correspondence confirming prior apprehensions, see CN 1 (Haymaker Papers), Box 6, Folder 8, BGCA, cited in Hopkins, Race Problem.

319.    “The Great Reconciliation” sermon. “The Issue in Alabama,” Decision, June 1964, pp. 1–3.

319.    Speech to NAE, April 7, 1964, Religious News Service.

319.    G. W. Carver Award. Letter, Howard Jones to Robert Ferm, July 14, 1968, CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 10, Folder 2 (1/68–3/71), BGCA.

319.    CT does not endorse civil rights act. Carl F. H. Henry, Confessions of a Theologian: An Autobiography (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1986), p. 227.

319.    NAE adoption of pro-civil-rights resolution. Chicago Daily News, April 7, 1964; Chicago’s American, April 8, 1964; quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, pp. 121–22.

319.    Black columnist attacks BG. Chuck Stone, Chicago Defender, April 18–24, 1964, quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, pp. 123–24.

319.    Ferm reports on Chicago situation. Ferm, letter and “Preliminary Report,” August 25, 1964, CN 1 (Haymaker Papers), Box 8, Folder 18, BGCA. Cited in Hopkins, Race Problem, pp. 124–27.

320.    “I haven’t been to jail yet.” Religious News Service, March 3, 1965, quoted in Lowell D. Streiker and Gerald S. Strober, Religion and the New Majority: Billy Graham, Middle America, and the Politics of the 70’s (New York: Association Press, 1972), p. 53.

320.    “I never felt . . . conscience of the world.” The New York Times, April 17, 1965, p. 8.

320.    BG’s observations re Alabama. Montgomery Advertiser, April 19, 23, 24, 1965, and unidentified clippings, 1965 Clippings Box, April Folder, BGCA, cited and quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, pp. 128–30.

320.    “BG in Montgomery: A Stride Toward Reconciliation,” Christianity Today, July 2, 1965, pp. 31–32.

320.    Johnson commends BG. Letter, LBJ to BG, April 13, 1965.

321.    “if the Klan would quiet down.” See, for example, AP, June 21, 1965; “Graham Crusade Draws 100,000 in Montgomery,” Crusade Information Service, quoted in Charlotte News, June 23, 1965.

321.    BG responds to Watts riot: rioters being exploited. The New York Times, August 18, 1965; AP, in Charlotte Observer, August 15, 18, 1965.

321.    BG urges Martin Luther King, Jr., to call for a moratorium. Charlotte News, August 17, 1965; Also, the New York Times, August 10, 1965, p. 18; “Does Anyone Really Care?” Christian Century, September 22, 1965, pp. 1148–49; Leonard Marks, US1A, interview with Graham.

321.    Assessments of BG’s comments on Watts riot. “Be Specific, Mr. Graham,” Christian Century, September 1, 1965, p. 1053; editorial, Charlotte News, August 17, 1965.

321.    Identify rioters, get rid of ghettos. Charlotte Observer, June 25, 1966; “Graham Asks LBJ to Act on Race Riots,” Boston Herald, July 19, 1966. Also, “Billy Graham’s Plea to President Johnson,” U.S. News & World Report, August 7, 1967, p. 92.

322.    “You see some guy on every campus.” Houston crusade, 1965, quoted in Bill Adler, The Wit and Wisdom of Billy Graham (New York: Random House, 1967).

322.    “Ours indeed is a sick generation.” Sermon, Hour of Decision, 1966.

322.    “frug-dancing mothers.” Quoted in Lewis F. Brabham, A New Song in the South: The Story of the Billy Graham Greenville, S.C., Crusade (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1966), p. 62.

322.    “one out of twelve college students.” Letter, Robert Ferm to William G. Kelley, November 1, 1962, CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 4, Folder 25 (General Correspondence), BGCA. Kelley had asked for the source of BG’s assertion that “one out of seven college students” was in psychiatric care. Ferm replied that BG had claimed only one in twelve and conceded that the charge was “undocumented” but “believed correct.”

322.    “When it comes to specific moral issues . . . our duty is clear.” CN 74, VT-NBC, BGCA.

322.    “I see no other hope.” Quoted in Adler, Wit and Wisdom. A similar statement was reported by L. David Otte, “Graham Predicts Second Coming,” Boston Globe, October 12, 1964.

Chapter 20: Second Comings

323.    Bob Jones criticizes BG. AP, in Atlanta Journal, March 4, 1966; Charlotte Observer, March 4, 1966; “Graham in Greenville,” Christianity Today, April 1, 1966; “Boycotting Billy,” Time, March 18, 1966, p. 103; Lexington, North Carolina, Dispatch, March 14, 1966; Letter, Bob Jones, Jr., to editor of London Christian, May 6, 1966, CN 83–108, MF Reel 10 (Clippings, England 1/66–6/66), BGCA. Note: There is some inconsistency in the newspaper clippings. It is possible that Bob Jones, Jr., was responsible for some of these statements, particularly the charge regarding “alliance with infidelity and Romanism.”

324.    Greenville statistics. BGEA records.

324.    Rowlandson finds a sponsor for crusade. Maurice Rowlandson, interview, July 10, 1986; UPI, June 5, 1956. BGEA-authorized stories of the crusade tell of the Evangelical Alliance sponsorship, but not of their reservations. Curtis Mitchell, The Billy Graham London Crusade (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1966), p. 5; John Pollock, Crusade ’66 (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1966), p. 8. Church of England declines to sponsor. “London and Conversion,” America, June 18, 1966, p. 114.

324.    Stott: “the church is not cutting any ice.” Quoted in Mitchell, London Crusade, p. 11.

325.    Ferm and Adams visit with clergy. Robert Ferm, interview, March 28,1987; Lane Adams, interview, February 9, 1987; Memo, The Reverend A. W. Goodwin-Hudson to the Reverend Harold G. Owen, secretary of Berks Spiritual Preparation Committee, August 25, 1965, CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 11, Folder 2 (1/65–1/66), BGCA.

325.    BG’s prayer for Great Britain. Lane Adams, oral history, May 9, 1978, CN 141, Box 2, Folder 4, BGCA. In the first conversation I had with Adams, prior to a formal interview, he repeated this story in much the same form. More than twenty years after the incident, he remained impressed.

325.    Ferm’s encounter with customs officer. Ferm, interview.

326.    “a simple message for simple people.” Cecil Northcott, “The Graham Crusade: Abdication of Evangelism,” Christian Century, May 25, 1966, pp. 673–75.

326.    “We don’t specially like . . . mental habits.” “Choose ye . . . Sham!” Baptist Times, January 10, 1966.

326.    “only the second best does for religion.” David Lazell, “Objections to Evangelism,” The Christian, July 15, 1966, p. 11.

326.    “Billy Graham’s real offense . . .” David Orrock, “The Memorable Crusade,” The Christian, March 25, 1966; CN 83–108, MF Reel 10 (Clippings, England, 1/66–6/66), BGCA.

326.    “may be the biggest disaster.” BG, quoted in Pollock, Crusade ’66, p. 13.

327.    BG and team answer questions. Mitchell, London Crusade, pp. 15, 33, 21, 43.

327.    BG on Vietnam at church assembly. Pollock, Crusade ’66, p. 80.

327.    Twenty-four Hours. Pollock, Crusade ’66, pp. 18–19; Mitchell, London Crusade, p. 14. Target’s book was Evangelism, Inc. (London: Penguin Press, 1968). A transcript of the Twenty-four Hours with Kenneth Harris was printed in The Christian and Christianity Today, May 27, 1966. (The Christian, a long-established religious newspaper, was purchased by BGEA and for a time had a collaborative arrangement with CT. In 1966 the publication was bearing the double title and printed some of the same material that appeared in the American version of CT. I used these materials in BGEA’s London office. They are now housed in the BGCA.)

328.    Ruth Graham’s dream. Mitchell, London Crusade, p. 34.

328.    Bill Bradley and Cliff Richard. Ibid., pp. 38, 75.

328.    “not a youth night.” Pollock, Crusade ’66, p. 52.

328.    Antiwar demonstration. Ibid., p. 80.

328.    Police volunteers. Mitchell, London Crusade, p. 36.

328.    BG orders team relocation. Howard Jones, interview, May 1, 1987; also, Pollock, Crusade ’66, p. 282.

328.    BG visits Brixton. The Christian and Christianity Today, May 27, 1966. Also, Mitchell, London Crusade, p. 74; Pollock, Crusade ’66, pp. 40–41.

328.    Ministry to working people. Pollock, Crusade ’66, pp. 60–62. Other references to Wesley, Hardie, Shaftesbury, William Wilberforce, and YMCA founder George Williams can be found in newspaper clippings from the period of the crusade, CN 360, MF Reels 17–18, BGCA.

329.    Unsuccessful preaching efforts in Hyde Park and Trafalgar Square. Mitchell, London Crusade, p. 71.

329.    Graham gives “200-second sermon” in Soho. Mitchell, London Crusade, pp. 79–80; and Pollock, Crusade ’66, p. 43.

329.    Closed-circuit TV transmissions. “London-Leeds TV Link-up,” Yorkshire Evening Post, January 18, 1966; Robert Ferm, interview; Pollock, Crusade ’66, pp. 53–59; Mitchell, London Crusade, pp. 100–102.

330.    Earls Court statistics. BGEA crusade statistics.

330.    BG honored by royalty and others. Mitchell, London Crusade, p. 73; Pollock, Crusade ’66, pp. 81–82.

330.    “a slight air of defensiveness pervades team descriptions.” Interviews, BG, February 26, 1987; Robert Ferm, Lane Adams, others; Pollock, Crusade ’66, p. 82.

330.    “We’ve grown accustomed to his faith.” Vincent Mulchrone, London Daily Mail, quoted in Mitchell, London Crusade, p. 13.

331.    On the Other Side: The Report of the Evangelical Alliance’s Commission on Evangelism (England: Scripture Union, 1968), pp. 135–45, 168–69; Rowlandson, interview.

332.    John Mott. Mott’s story is well-known. For one carefully researched and well-documented account, see Arthur E. Johnston, World Evangelism and the Word of God (Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1974).

332.    No resolutions on issues on which participants differed. Minute 16 of the International Committee, meeting July 14–20, 1908, p. 8, Archives, World Council of Churches, Geneva. Quoted in Johnston, World Evangelism, p. 95.

332.    IMC conference in Madras, 1938. See Johnston, World Evangelism, pp. 171–95.

333.    Mott: “Evangelist!” Billy Graham, “Why the Berlin Congress?” Christianity Today, November 11, 1966, p. 3.

333.    “an old form of evangelism.” Quoted in Arthur E. Johnston, The Battle for World Evangelism (Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1978), p. 105.

333.    Universalism triumphs at New Delhi. Johnston, Battle, p. 147.

333.    BG thrilled with World Council meetings. BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

333.    Montreaux meeting. BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

333.    BG asks Henry to lead Berlin Congress. Carl F. H. Henry, Confessions of a Theologian: An Autobiography (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1986), p. 252.

334.    Purposes of the congress. Stanley Mooneyham, “Do It Again, Lord,” unidentified clipping, March 4, 1966, CN 83–108, MF Reel 10 (Clippings, England 1/66–6/66), BGCA.

334.    Berlin Congress a “Council of War”. “The World Congress: Springboard for Evangelical Renewal,” Christianity Today, November 25, 1966, p. 34.

334.    a “once-for-all shot.” Carl F. H. Henry, interview, February 10, 1987.

334.    Friction over selection of delegates. Henry, Confessions, p. 253.

334.    Delegates from 104 nations. “The World Congress,” Christianity Today, November 25, 1966, p. 34; Dave Foster, “Flags of 100 Nations Fly in Berlin,” The Christian and Christianity Today, November 4, 1966, p. 1; John Pollock, Crusades: 20 Years with Billy Graham (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1969), p. 234.

334.    Kimo and Komi. “Two Ex-Savages in a Big World,” Miami News, November 26, 1966. In some reports, both Aucas are implicated in the missionary deaths; in others, only Kimo is mentioned, suggesting that Komi may not have been directly involved.

335.    “One could almost imagine . . . the Rapture.” Foster, “Flags of 100 Nations,” p. 1.

335.    The “birth clock.” Pollock, Crusades, p. 236; Foster, “Flags of 100 Nations,” p. 1.

335.    BG’s definition of evangelism. Graham, “Why Berlin?” p. 5. The Luthern bishop who had praised BG was Otto Dibelius.

336.    WCC sees “need for revolutionary change.” WCC statement quoted in Johnston, Battle, pp. 153–54.

336.    “evangelistic type” compared to “Nazi Christians.” Henry, Confessions, p. 254.

336.    BG’s opening address. Graham, “Why Berlin?” Christianity Today, November 11, 1966, pp. 5–6; “The Heart of a Revolution,” The Christian and Christianity Today, pp. 1, 12, 20, 22.

336.    Pew resists social action. Henry, Confessions, pp. 264–66.

337.    “not only passivity . . .” William Pannell, “Spiritual Needs of the Negro,” in One Race, One Gospel, One Task, vol. II of official reference volumes of the World Congress on Evangelism (Minneapolis World Wide Publications, 1957), pp. 376–80, and Christianity Today, November 11, 1966, p. 12.

337.    Jones objects to omission of race from address. Harold Schachern, “Race Issue Sparks Row at Evangelical Congress,” Detroit News, October 31, 1966.

337.    Maxey Jarman warns against political power. “The World Congress,” Christianity Today, November 25, 1966, p. 35.

337.    Black minister (the Reverend Louis Johnson) responds: “Law did for me.” Ibid.

337.    “racialism . . . distinctions of race or color.” David E. Kucharsky, “Racialism Condemned at Berlin Congress,” Christianity Today, November 4, 1966; UPI, November 4, 1966, CN 19, Box 10, Folder 2 (1/68–3/71), BGCA.

337.    Haile Selassie appears at congress. Foster, “Flags of 100 Nations,” p. 1; Henry, Confessions, pp. 257–58; Pollock, Crusades, p. 235.

338.    Henry’s reservations about Pentecostal phenomena. Letter, Henry to Roberts, May 17, 1965, in Oral Roberts University archives, quoted in David Edwin Harrell, Jr., Oral Roberts: An American Life (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1985), p. 199.

338.    “we were not sure how our ministry would be accepted.” Oral Roberts, “My Personal Impressions of the World Congress on Evangelism,” Abundant Life, January 1967, p. 28, quoted in Harrell, Oral Roberts, p. 200.

338.    BG discusses Roberts with Calvin Thielman. Harrell, Oral Roberts, p. 201, based on interview with Thielman.

338.    BG agrees to speak at ORU. Ibid., p. 201.

339.    Roberts chairs panel discussion on healing. Ibid., pp. 202–203.

339.    BG introduces Oral Roberts. From Oral Roberts, “We Have Been Conquered by Love,” Abundant Life, February 1967, p. 23, quoted in Harrell, Oral Roberts, p. 203.

339.    Roberts addresses the congress. Roberts, “Conquered by Love,” quoted in Harrell, Oral Roberts, p. 204.

339.    Oral’s prayer. Ibid.

339.    “I’ve been on the outside looking in.” Ibid., p. 206, quoting from Thielman interview.

340.    “I knew that Billy loved me.” Quoted in ibid., p. 206.

340.    McIntire not invited to Berlin. Carl McIntire, Outside the Gate (Collingswood, N.J.: Christian Beacon Press, 1967), pp. 106, 117, 121–24, 134–35, 175; Christianity Today, November 25, 1966, p. 35; J. D. Douglas, interview, July 17, 1986.

340.    Speakers told not to attack communism. McIntire, Outside the Gate, pp. 56, 141, 151.

341.    McIntire tapes ACCC protest to Kongresshalle walls. Ibid., p. 108.

341.    McIntire rejoices in his purity. Ibid., pp. 176, 138–39.

341.    BG helping to build church of the Antichrist. Ibid., pp. 7, 12, 48, 95.

342.    Media coverage of Congress. “The World Congress: Springboard for Evangelical Renewal,” Christianity Today, November 25, 1966, p. 34; Henry, Confessions, p. 260; Religious News Service, quoted in McIntire, Outside the Gate, pp. 13–14.

342.    “Berlin shattered that stereotype.” Jim Newton, July 17, 1986.

342.    “Congress shaped a mood.” Henry, Confessions, p. 261.

342.    Westerners surprised by non-Western evangelism. J. D. Douglas, Japan Harvest, Fall 1966. . . . From typed copy furnished by Douglas.

343.    BG at NCC meeting. Reported in McIntire, Outside the Gate, pp. 233, 204.

Chapter 21: Dreams and Wars

344.    BG at Turin. John Pollock, Crusades: 20 Years with Billy Graham (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1969), p. 247.

345.    Poland visit planned and canceled. UPI, Charlotte Observer, September 9, 1966. “I hope . . . later time.” Atlanta Journal, quoted in Carl McIntire, Outside the Gate (Collings wood, N.J.: Christian Beacon Press, 1967), p. 142. McIntire felt BG was foolish for wanting to visit Communist countries, whose leaders were certain to use him for propaganda purposes, Outside the Gate, pp. 142–58. He would still be making the same contention about BG’s visits to the USSR and other Eastern bloc countries during the 1980s.

345.    Pope Paul VI kept out of Poland. Alexander Haraszti, oral history, May 21, 1979, CN 141, Box 45, Folder 1, BGCA. For detailed information about Haraszti, see Part V, Chapters 29–31.

345.    Yugoslavian visit. Pollock, Crusades, pp. 247–48, and Billy Graham, Evangelist to the World (New York: Harper & Row, 1979; Crusade Edition published by World Wide Publications), pp. 81–83; “Billy’s Communist Rally,” Newsweek, July 24, 1967, pp. 70–71; “In Motion,” Time, July 21, 1967, pp. 60–61; J. D. Douglas, “Graham’s Rousing Red Welcome,” Christianity Today, August 18, 1967, p. 45; Christian Century, September 20, 1967, p. 1200.

346.    The Tokyo crusade. Don Hoke, interview, March 6, 1989; Ken McVety, interview, July 18, 1986; Pollock, Crusades, pp. 255–61; “The Graham Crusade,” Christian Century, February 21, 1968, pp. 240–42.

347.    Graham University. Jim Huffman, “Questions Answered, This Time about Himself,” Chicago American feature, in Oregon Journal (Portland), March 17, 1966; AP, in Charlotte Observer, October 3, 1967; untitled feasibility study for the proposed university, CN 313, Box 2, Folder 14, BGCA; BG, interview, February 27, 1987. In a notable irony, the MacArthur Foundation has underwritten the Fundamentalism Project, a major study of Fundamentalist ideology and culture conducted in the latter years of the 1980s.

348.    Puddleglum. Ruth Graham, It’s My Turn (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1982), pp. 62–63.

349.    BG waffles on social issues. “Evangelical Springtime,” Christian Century, April 26, 1967, p. 575, quoting an interview printed in the University of Minnesota’s Minnesota Daily, February 14, 1967.

349.    BG criticizes NCC leaders. The New York Times, December 6, 1966; “I am for it!” BG paper, quoted in Religious News Service dispatch, August 24, 1967.

349.    BG backs poverty program: Scriptural warrant a crucial factor. BG, interview, March 6, 1989, and Leighton Ford, interview, March 4, 1989; “Now I’m a Convert,” AP, June 15, 1967; calls congressmen and barnstorms Appalachia, Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979) p. 397; addresses congressmen and business leaders, June 29, 1967, Congressional Record, 90th Cong., p. 16541, quoted in Edward Lee Moore, “Billy Graham and Martin Luther King, Jr.: An Inquiry into White and Black Revivalistic Traditions” (Ph.D. diss., Vanderbilt University, 1979), p. 198; radio program and film, letter, Robert Kintner to LBJ, June 19, 1967, Box 227a (“Billy Graham”), WHCF, LBJLA; “Problematic Congratulations,” Christian Century, September 27, 1967, p. 1213, and October 4, 1967, p. 1271; Baptist Standard, June 21, 1967, quoted in Wayne S. Bond, “The Rhetoric of Billy Graham” (Ph.D. diss., Southern Illinois University, August 1973); “We are pleased,” note, Shriver to George Christian, May 9, 1967, Box 227a (“Billy Graham”), WHCF, LBJLA.

349.    BG’s reticence re clerical pronouncements on social issues. Quoted in Cort R. Flint, with the staff of Quote magazine, Billy Graham Speaks!: The Quotable Billy Graham (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1968), pp. 105–106.

349.    LBJ carried “tremendous burden for the boys in Vietnam.” BG, interview, March 26, 1987.

349.    “Billy, if anyone asks” . . . “don’t have to convince me.” UPI, in Charlotte Observer, October 13, 1966.

350.    BG wants to visit Vietnam, seen by LBJ as “a big plus”: Memo, R. W. Komer to LBJ, August 1, 1966; Westmoreland invitation and LBJ request for report, November 28, 1966, Box 227a (“Billy Graham”), WHCF, LBJLA.

344.    Vietnam visit “might cause controversy.” Minutes, 1964–67, BGEA/London Office.

350.    BG willing to support pacification programs. AP, December 20, 1966.

350.    Only desire is to minister. Pollock, Crusades, p. 278.

351.    Near airplane accident in Vietnam. BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

351.    BG reports on the war. AP dispatches in Orlando Star, December 27, 1966; Charlotte Observer, December 28, 29, 30, 1966; and Charlotte News, December 30, 1966.

351.    BG reports to LBJ. BG, oral history by Monroe Billington, October 12, 1983, AC 84–76, LBJLA; Memo, Joseph Califano to Marie Fehmer, January 20, 1967, Box 227a (“Billy Graham”), WHCF, LBJLA; AP, in Charlotte Observer, February 1, 1967; Dale Herendeen, “Graham Preaches Peace in Vietnam,” Christianity Today, January 20, 1967, pp. 36–37; “Danger on the Home Front,” Christian Century, January 25, 1967, pp. 99–100.

352.    Slight pro-administration stance in public statements. “Not What He Meant,” Christian Century, March 29, 1967, p. 411; radio program summarized in memo, Loyd Hackler to George Christian, April 28, 1967, Box 227a (“Billy Graham”), WHCF, LBJLA; half-hour color film, Billy Graham on Vietnam, produced by Lester Harmon (Wyncote, Pa.: Battle Advertising, 1967), briefly described in document located in Box 227a (“Billy Graham”), WHCF, LBJLA. The Christian Century’s assertion that BG “endorses the war in Vietnam as a holy enterprise” appeared in an editorial, “Danger on the Home Front,” January 25, 1967, p. 99.

352.    BG scolds Martin Luther King, Jr. Christian Century, May 17, 1967, p. 645, quoting an address by the evangelist in Philadelphia.

352.    White House wants BG to “speak out” on draft lottery. Memo, Fred Panzer to LBJ, March 10, 1967, Box 227a (“Billy Graham”), WHCF LBJLA.

352.    BG defends Vietnam elections. Hour of Decision, September 3, 1967, reprint in Folder EX CO 312, Box 81 (1967), LBJLA.

352.    BG not brainwashed. UPI, Charlotte Observer, September 10, 1967.

353.    “I hope my son . . . give his life.” BG felt patriotism demanded that a young man accept the call to war but did not insist that actual combat be required. “I think when our nation makes a commitment,” he said, “right or wrong, I have a responsibility to my nation.” Still, noting that “we have these gigantic bases at Can Ranh Bay and Da Nang and Bien Hoa and all these places,” he pointed out that there were many places a person could serve if his conscience did not allow him to fight. Press conference, WFGW Radio, Black Mountain, North Carolina, March 12, 1968, in CN 313 (Van Kampen Collection), Box 2, Folder 20, BGCA.

353.    “I think athletics. . . . spiritual renaissance.” Bob Myers, Charlotte News, September 20, 1968.

353.    Vietnam safer than highways. Flint, Billy Graham Speaks! p. 15.

353.    BG’s 1968 Christmas visit to Vietnam. Letters, BG to LBJ, November 18, 1968 and January 3, 1969, Folder EX F05, Box 45, LBJLA; Charlotte Observer, November 28, and December 30, 1968, January 6, 1969; Pollock, Crusades, p. 277; “Questions Regarding Vietnam, Social Involvement, Race Relations,” Memo to Executive Committee Members and Pastors, BG European Crusade, Berlin (for 1970 crusade), December 2, 1969, CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 6, Folder 44 (Misc., December 1969–March 1970), BGCA.

354.    LBJ’s work habits. BG, oral history, LBJLA.

354.    LBJ’s compassion. BG, interview, March 25, 1987; oral history (interview by Monroe Billington), October 12, 1983, AC 84–76, LBJLA.

355.    LBJ’s expectation of death affects decision not to run. BG, interview, March 25, 1987; oral history, LBJLA. George Christian, Johnson’s secretary, gave a similar account of Johnson’s decision in George Christian, “The Night Lyndon Quit,” Texas Monthly, April 1988, pp. 109, 168–69.

355.    BG talks to LBJ about the state of his soul. BG, interview, March 26, 1987.

355.    LBJ’s funeral plans. BG, interview, March 26, 1987; some details furnished by Grady Wilson, interview, March 1, 1987. Johnson perhaps hoped that BG would convey a more positive image of him to the press than he himself had been able to project. “I think President Johnson had a great difficulty in communicating on television,” Graham observed. “He once told me when we were sitting alone watching a sunset down in Texas that television is what had killed him politically.” BG, oral history.

Chapter 22: Nixon Revived

356.    BG encourages Nixon to run. John Pollock, Crusades: 20 Years with Billy Graham (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1969), p. 286; Flora Rheta Schreiber, Good Housekeeping, July 1968, quoted in Pollock, Crusades, p. 286; Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979), pp. 446–47; Christianity Today, July 17, 1968; “Notes from the News,” Christian Century, July 24, 1968; and Milton Karr, “Unbecoming Silence” (letter), Christian Century, January 8, 1969, p. 51.

356.    “I would go that far . . . not the party.” AP, December 30, 1967.

357.    BG responds to King’s assassination. CN 24 (BG’s Press Conferences), Tape 8, BGCA; editorial, Decision, August 1968, p. 2; Southland Times, June 4, 1968, quoted in Jerry Bed Hopkins, “Billy Graham and the Race Problem, 1949–1969” (Ph.D. diss., University of Kentucky, 1986), p. 150; BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

357.    Jones and Bell urge BG to make film. Letter to BG, May 1, 1968; response, Forrest Layman to Jones, May 6, 1968, CN 12, Box 6, Folder 12, BGCA. Layman was manager of the BGEA office in Atlanta, which oversaw BG and associate evangelist crusades.

357.    BG muses about King at Kennedy funeral. Decision, October 1969, pp. 8–9, quoted in Hopkins, Race Problem, p. 152.

357.    “studiously trying . . . this year.” UPI, in Charlotte Observer, March 13, 1968.

357.    “greatest crisis since the Civil War.” “Billy’s Political Pitch,” Newsweek, June 10, 1968, p. 62.

357.    “I do believe I could influence . . . people.” Charlotte Observer, May 14, 1968.

357.    “no American I admire more.” Charlotte Observer, May 27, 1968.

358.    Democrats’ reaction. Memo, James Rowe to LBJ, July 31, 1968, Box 227a (“Billy Graham”), WHCF, LBJLA.

358.    Potter on BG’s influence. Dan Potter, oral history, 1970, CN 141, Box 10, Folder 49, BGCA.

358.    Nixon chooses a running mate. BG’s advice is quoted in Edward B. Fiske, “The Closest Thing to a White House Chaplain,” the New York Times Magazine, June 8, 1969, p. 108; the remainder is from Graham, interview, March 5, 1989. See also interview, Christianity Today, December 1973, and “Evangelists: The Politician’s Preacher,” Time, October 4, 1968, p. 58. Persistent rumor had it that Agnew had been recommended by Strom Thurmond, but BG disputes this account. According to him, Thurmond “was holding out for Reagan until the dying end.” Fiske, “White House Chaplain,” p. 108. Thurmond may, of course, have raised Agnew’s name after BG left the gathering.

359.    Nixon attends Pittsburgh crusade. “The Politician’s Preacher,” Time, October 4, 1968, p. 58; David E. Kucharsky, “Soul Search in the Steel City,” Christianity Today, September 27, 1968, pp. 31–32.

359.    Nixon visits Morrow Graham. Charlotte Observer and Charlotte News, September 12, 1968. Frady gives an extended and amusing account of this visit, Parable, pp. 447–49.

359.    Julie Nixon visits Montreat. Charlotte Observer, October 18, 1968.

359.    “a big segment” . . . “at the polls.” Charlotte News, September 19, 1968.

360.    Nixon not “tricky.” Charlotte Observer, September 30, 1968, and Dallas Morning News, September 30, 1968, p. 5A.

360.    Nixon an “American Churchill.” Billy Graham, “Billy Graham’s Own Story: ‘God Is My Witness,’” Part HI, McCall’s, June 1964, p. 64.

360.    “While I do not intend . . . when a friend is smeared.” Chuck Ashman, The Gospel According to Billy (Secaucus, N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1977), p. 199; no source cited.

360.    BG and Ruth attend campaign meeting. BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

360.    Nixon confirms Graham’s support, BG announces vote for Nixon. Charlotte Observer, November 1, 1968.

360.    Dent exploits BG vote. “Preaching and the Power,” Newsweek, July 20, 1970, p. 54.

361.    BG prays with Nixons after victory. BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

361.    BG and the inauguration. BG, interview, March 5, 1989; “The Inauguration,” Time, January 31, 1969, p. 13; “The Inaugural Prayers,” Christianity Today, February 14, 1969, p. 27. BG sat in the family box on the inaugural reviewing stand, and he and Ruth sat next to the Nixons at the inaugural concert. BG had been concerned that his backing of Nixon would strain his relationship with Johnson. Shortly after the election, he had written to the President, “I hope you will always remember that there is one country Baptist preacher from North Carolina who loves you, appreciates you, and hopes to see you often in the future.” He went on to assure LBJ that Nixon was a good man and would certainly call on the former president for help, just as LBJ had called upon Eisenhower. Letter, BG to LBJ, November 18, 1968, Folder EX F05, Box 45, LBJLA. Early in January he wrote to Johnson again, noting that he would offer a prayer at the inauguration and observing that “it will be a unique experience for me to stand on that inaugural platform with you and Mr. Nixon. I love, admire and respect you both.” If Johnson had been angry with him, he had apparently gotten over it. LBJ penned a note on the letter, “Ask him to call me and come in when he gets here on the 18th. And call Mayflower (hotel) on 18th and ask him over.” BG to LBJ, January 3, 1969, Folder EX F05, Box 45, LBJLA.

362.    BG preaches at White House on Sunday after Kennedy’s funeral. BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

362.    BG defends WH services. BG interview, March 5, 1989. UPI reported a similar statement on August 14, 1976. On a CBS News program, August 6, 1976 (CN 74, VT 2-CBS, BGCA) BG ventured that the services had perhaps been a mistake, but he seems to have changed his mind in the interim.

362.    BG suggests preachers for WH services. Memo, Charles B. “Bud” Wilkinson to BG, January 24, 1969, requesting recommendations, Folder RM (Religious Matters) 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, Begin 3/31/69–,” SF RM Box 6, WHCF, Nixon Presidential Materials Staff, National Archives and Record Service. Hereinafter, this archival source will be identified as NPM.

362.    BG recommendations. Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH (1969–70),” CF (Confidential Files) 1969–74, Box 55, WHCF, NPM.

362.    Recommendation of Cardinale. Letter, BG to RN, January 25, 1969, ibid.

362.    Action Memo to Colson. Memo, February 23, 1970, Log no. 275, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, March 1–April 30, 1970,” SF RM Box 12, WHCF, NPM.

362.    Guest list of corporate leaders. Memo, Marge McFadden to Debbie Murray, October 12, 1970, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH,” SF RM Box 12, WHCF, NPM.

363.    Allocation of invitations: Memo, Alex Butterfield to RN, March 15, 1971, Folder “Alex Butterfield,” March 1971, Box 74, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM; HRH to Butterfield, Folder “February,” Box 196 (HRH Chronological 1971–, A-H), WHSF, NPM.

363.    BG preaches at four services. The dates were January 26, 1969, following the inauguration; March 15, 1970; September 12, 1971; and January 21, 1973, after the second inauguration.

363.    BG prayed or was present at additional services. He gave benediction when Chattanooga minister Ben Haden preached, September 19, 1971, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 9/1/71–9/30/71,” SF RM, Box 15, WHCF, NPM. Present when Bill Bright spoke, W. R. Howard to Dave Parker, August 4, 1971, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 6/1/71–8/31/71,” SF RM Box 15, WHCF, NPM.

363.    Selection of Bernardin to preach. Memo, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 1/1/73–2/28/73,” SF RM Box 17, WHCF, NPM.

363.    “the only good conservative Protestant ministers.” Harry Dent to Lucy Winchester, re Mother’s Day service, 1970. Folder RM 2-1, “Religious Services in WH, 5/1/70–7/31/70,” EX Box 12, WHCF, NPM.

363.    Trueblood warned. Dwight Chapin to Stuart, August 31, 1971, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 5/1/70–7/31/70,” SF RM Box 12, WHCF, NPM.

363.    Baptist opposition to Vatican appointment, “Baptists see Vatican ‘Emissary’ as ‘Tragically Unwise Decision,’” RNS press release, June 11, 1970.

363.    BG recommends Carl Bates. Letters, BG to Chapin, June 11 and 18, 1970, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 6/1/70–6/30/70,” SF RM Box 14, WHCF, NPM; Constance Stuart to George Bell, July 23, 1970, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 5/1/70–7/31/70,” SF RM Box 12, WHCF, NPM.

363.    Invitation to Fred Rhodes. Deborah Sloan to Herbert Butterfield, August 3, 1971, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 6/1/71–8/31/71,” SF RM Box 15, WHCF, NPM.

364.    BG’s suggestions for Nixon’s prayer breakfast remarks. Reported in memo, Chapin to Jim Keogh, January 23, 1969, re January 30 prayer breakfast. Chapin had asked BG to forward his suggestions to the President, but that letter, if written, apparently did not arrive. On the day of the breakfast, Haldeman (HRH), wrote a note to three aides (Chapin, Keogh, Cole) stating that the president was in a quandary as to what to say. Folder RM 2 “Prayers, 1/69–12/70,” RM Box 3, WHSF, NPM.

364.    BG recommends “anguished call to prayer.” Letter, BG to Haldeman, 10/18/69, Box 40, HRH Files, WHSF; BG sends Langley letter, October 30, 1969, Folder RM 2, EX Box 3, WHCF, NPM.

365.    BG, Rabbi Magnin, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. RN to BG, January 22, 1973, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 1/1/73–2/28/73,” RM Box 17, WHCF, NPM.

365.    Colson on Nixon’s religiosity. Colson, interview, April 18, 1989.

365.    Nixon comes to Christ in Rader meeting. Nixon’s story, told in November 1962 issue of Decision, was cited by Fiske, “White House Chaplain,” p. 108.

365.    BG pledges to hold Nixon’s conversations in confidence. BG, interview, February 27, 1987. BG made essentially the same statement in other interviews.

366.    WH persuades Ellington to use McDonald. Len Garment to HRH, July 8, 1969, Folder “Presidential handwriting, July 1969,” Box 2, POF, WHSF, NPM.

366.    BG suggests invitation to LBJ. Discussed in memo, John R. Brown to HRH, July 10, 1969, Folder EX “Outer Space 3, 7/1/69–7/21/69,” Box 4, WHCF, NPM.

366.    BG seeks deferments for Campus Crusade workers. Chapin to HRH and Ehrlichman. February 15, 1969, Folder RM 1/69–12/70, Box 1, WHCF, NPM; Jay Wilkinson to Robert Ellsworth, February 22, 1969; talking paper; memo, Jonathan Rose to Harry Dent, February 26, 1969; note dated April 23, 1969, labeled, “Two problems: Billy Graham’s people want to be deferred,” all in Box 63, Egil Krogh (372-OA #2982), SMOF, WHSF, NPM.

367.    Campbell and Wills criticisms of BG, quoted in Ashman, Gospel According to Billy, p. 202; I. F. Stone, quoted in “Preaching and Power,” Newsweek, July 20, 1970, p. 50; Nicholas von Hoffman, “Don’t Rock the Ark,” the Washington Post, June 23, 1969, referred to in Butterfield to Klein, July 15, 1969 and Klein to RN, July 18, 1969, Folder RM 1/69–12/70, Box 1, WHCF, NPM.

367.    “the bartender . . . cramming.” Billy Graham, “The Answer to Corruption,” Nation’s Business, September 1969, p. 47.

368.    “I once asked an army officer . . .” Quoted in Donald Meyer, “Billy Graham—and Success,” New Republic, August 23, 1955.

368.    “Where many of these men get the ‘Reverend’ . . .” “Preaching and the Power,” p. 55.

368.    “It is interesting to me . . . electrical world.” Hour of Decision, quoted in AP, Charlotte Observer, July 17, 1969.

368.    Police are “agents of God.” Quoted in Fiske, “White House Chaplain,” p. 111.

368.    “The Supreme Court . . . license.” Quoted in Cort R. Flint, with the staff of Quote magazine, Billy Graham Speaks!: The Quotable Billy Graham (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1968), p. 82.

368.    Student radicals. Meeting with Hoover, HRH note, April 25, 1969, and letter, HRH to BG, April 25, 1969, in Folder HU 3-1 “Civil Disturbances—Riots (1969–70),” Box 36, HRH Notes, Jan.–June 1969, WHSF, NPM; also in Folder EX HU 3-1 “Civil Disturbances-Riots,” HU Box 23, WHCF, NPM. This letter has been withdrawn from public access.

368.    “a small, highly organized group . . . our nation,” AP, May 19, 1969.

368.    One hundred terrorist groups. UPI, in Charlotte Observer, August 25, 1969.

369.    “I don’t think . . . hope he enjoyed the service.” “Billy Graham, Here for Crusade, Says City Needs ‘Awakening,’” the New York Times, June 10, 1969; “Mellowing Magic,” Time, June 27, 1969, p. 48.

369.    Forman and BG ignore each other. Tracy Early, “Graham in New York: Less of the Same,” Christian Century, August 6, 1969, p. 86.

369.    Book about U.S. Congress on Evangelism. George Wilson, ed., Evangelism Now: The U.S. Congress on Evangelism (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1969).

369.    Leighton Ford, “a shame the church . . .” Leighton Ford, “The Church and Evangelism,” in ibid., p. 52.

369.    “God’s judgment fell!” Ibid., p. 193.

370.    Skinner criticizes white Christians. Tom Skinner, “Evangelism in Our Modern Community,” George Wilson, ed., Evangelism Now: The U.S. Congress on Evangelism (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1969), pp. 137, 145, 147, 150.

370.    Abernathy: “campaign that elevated Hitler.” Ralph Abernathy, “What This Congress Can Mean to Society,” ibid., pp. 176–78.

370.    Black ministers list complaints. Chicago Sun-Times, September 14, 1969; Carey Moore, “Moving!” Decision, December 1969, pp. 6, 11; both cited in Hopkins, Race Problem, p. 154.

370.    BG spot announcements on school integration. “Billy Graham Urges Compliance with School Integration Laws,” Christian Century, September 23, 1970, p. 1115. In the spots, BG ventured that most southern parents were not opposed to school integration but only to long bus trips for their children.

371.    Nixon meets with and responds to black ministers. “They would never have gotten to him . . . he sat there and took it,” BG, quoted in William R. Eineke, “Graham Sides with Mrs. Ford on Issue of Pre-marital sex.” Madison, Wisconsin, State Journal, March 13, 1976.

371.    “the president is extremely interested . . .” HRH to Len Garment, January 16, 1970, Folder EX “HS 4/2/70–9/30/70,” HS Box 1, WHCF, NPM.

371.    Nixon “wants one of these projects done.” HRH to Ehrlichman, April 30, 1970, Folder FA 5 “Housing 1969–70,” Box 11, CF, WHSF, NPM.

371.    “exploring additional ways.” Memo, Tod Hullin to Don Murdoch, May 8, 1970, Folder EX HS 4/2/70–9/30/70, HS Box 1, WHCF, NPM.

371.    E. V. Hill writes RN. E. V. Hill to RN, May 27, 1970, Folder EX HS 4/2/70–9/30/70, HS Box 1, WHCF, NPM.

371.    “We must have peace . . .” AP, March 24, 1969.

373.    “Confidential Missionary Plan for Ending the Vietnam War.” BG to RN, April 15, 1969, CF ND 18/CO 165 RM Graham, WHCF, NPM; also, Folder ND 18/CO 165 “Vietnam, Jan–April 1969,” Box 42 CF 1969–74, WHSF, NPM. Declassified February 22, 1989.

373.    BG sends missionary report to Kissinger. BG to Kissinger, December 28, 1970, CO Box 84; Kissinger to BG, January 20, 1971, Folder EX CO 165 Vietnam, Box 84, WHCF, NPM. Kissinger and Graham had been acquainted for some time. “He’d come to our [New York] crusade in 1957,” Graham recalled. “In fact, he was at the opening night. He was brought by the first person to come forward that night. Henry was a professor at Harvard and was down visiting for some reason. I think he came back one or two more nights. One night he came back to see me in my little office.” Interview, March 5, 1989.

373.    BG knows feelings of Asians, is “not sure at all.” Dotson Rader, “Billy Graham and Friend,” Evergreen Review, October 1969, p. 70.

374.    Concern over Christian Herald editorial. BG is quoted in memo, Butterfield to RN, Folder RM 3-3, Prot. 69/70, RM Box 20, WHCF, NPM.

374.    BG to talk with Golda Meir. BG to RN, September 20, 1969, EX CO 71 9/25/69–11/20/69, WHCF; Harold Saunders to Kissinger, September 24, 1969, CO 39, WHCF, NPM.

374.    Marc Tanenbaum commends BG. From “Billy Graham and the Jewish Community,” New York City radio program on WINS, May 31, 1970, quoted in Lowell D. Streiker and Gerald S. Strober, Religion and the New Majority: Billy Graham, Middle America, and the Politics of the 70’s (New York: Association Press, 1972), p. 37.

374.    BG wants to meet Pompidou. BG to Chapin, August 7, 1970, Folder EX FE 3, AR Box 2, WHCF; Chapin to Kissinger, July 21, 1970, Folder 8 “7/1/70–7/31/70,” EX Box 27, WHCF, NPM.

374.    BG offers services at de Gaulle’s death. BG to Chapin, November 10, 1970, Folder EX FE 3-1/A-Z (1969–70), FE Box 2, WHCF, NPM.

375.    “I wouldn’t think that you’d call the President political.” “The Preaching and the Power,” Newsweek, July 20, 1970, p. 55. BG also defended against the charge of politics in David E. Kucharsky, “Graham in Gotham,” Christianity Today, July 17, 1970.

375.    “I was going to preach the straight gospel.” BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

375.    CBS News editorial, May 28, 1970, CN 74, VT 1-CBS, BGCA. Tennessee statute (TCA 39–1204) noted by Ashman, Gospel According to Billy, p. 205.

375.    Knoxville service. CN 74, VT 1-CBS, and VT 4-NBC, BGCA; “The Presidency: In Praise of Youth,” Time, June 8, 1970, p. 13; “Preaching and the Power,” Newsweek, July 20, 1970, pp. 50, 54; BG, interview, March 5, 1989; Frady, Parable, pp. 452–54; Ashman, Gospel According to Billy, pp. 206–208.

376.    Haldeman responses to program plans. “Great idea!” handwritten notes on memo, Gregg Petersmeyer to HRH, June 11, 1970, OA 3404; “cornball,” HRH handwritten response on memo, Chapin to HRH, June 9, 1970, Folder EX HO/h 1969–70, SF HO Box 6, WHCF, NPM. Haldeman thought Ross Perot may have made the first suggestion for Honor America Day. Haldeman, interview, August 14, 1989.

376.    BG takes active role in Honor America Day. Chapin to Colson, May 19, 1970, talking paper (n.d.), June 12, 1970, Folder OA #3404, Box HO 23, WHCF, NPM; undirected Chapin memo, Folder EX HO/h 1969–70, SF HO Box 6, WHCF, NPM.

377.    Small crowd. CBS News, July 4, 1970, CN 74, VT 1-CBS, BGCA.

377.    “Never!” “Preaching and the Power,” Newsweek, July 20, 1970, p. 50.

377.    The White House is pleased. Buchanan to Chapin, July 6, 1970, OA #3404, Box HO HO 23, WHCF; RN to BG, July 13, 1970, and Chapin to HRH, July 12, 1970 (mention of phone call), Folder EX HO/h 1969–70, SF HO Box 6, WHCF, NPM.

378.    “My expectations were high.” BG to RN, December 10, 1970, Folder EX HO 12–1, II 1/70, SF HO Box 24, WHCF, NPM.

Chapter 23: The Power and the Glory

379.    BG helps establish Gordon-Conwell. Allan Emery, interview, July 19, 1986, and oral history, April 9, 1979, CN 141, Box 10, Folder 4, BGCA; BG, interview, March 5, 1989; Transcript of press conference, WGFW Radio, Black Mountain, North Carolina, March 12, 1968, in CN 313 (Van Kampen Collection), Box 2, Folder 20, BGCA; “Gordon and Conwell Announce Betrothal,” Christianity Today, June 20, 1969, p. 32; “Gordon-Conwell Merger,” Christianity Today, January 3, 1969, p. 35.

381.    “unscrambling Babel.” David C. Rennie, oral history, 1984, CN 141, Box 29, Folder 6, p. 5, BGCA.

382.    Sydney crusade. The Reverand A. Jack Dain, interview; “Austrailia Crusade Begins,” Christianity Today, April 12, 1968, pp. 42–43; “The Cross over Sydney,” Christianity Today, May 24, 1968, pp. 43–44.

382.    New Zealand and Melbourne. Christian Century, May 29, 1968, April 2, 1969; Christianity Today, March 28, 1969, p. 41; April 11, 1969, p. 45; John Pollock, Crusades; 20 Years with Billy Graham (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1969), pp. 290–97.

382.    “a lot of rock music is religious.” Quoted by Louis Cassels, UPI, in Charlotte Observer, September 19, 1970.

382.    “With their talk” . . . “to change the system.” Quoted in Charlotte Observer, January 24, 1969.

383.    “America’s Largest Coffeehouse.” Described in Philip Tracy, “Billy Graham Plays the Garden,” Commonweal, July 25, 1969, pp. 457–59; Pollock, Crusades, p. 302.

383.    “terrific music” . . . “I really do.” Charlotte Observer, December 29, 1969.

383.    Hippie Satanists disrupt service. Chicago Daily News, June 9, 1971; Christianity Today, July 2, 1971; Billy Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1983), pp. 85–86. One observer recalled that “I saw these fellows not dressed in shabby clothes, but dressed in felt or satin robes, velvet robes, purple robes. I think they were devil worshipers smoking pot right there in the meeting.” The Reverend Hubert Mitchell, oral history, 1976, CN 141, Box 13, Folder 16, BGCA.

384.    Anne’s modeling. Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), p. 144.

384.    Franklin’s rebellion. Ibid., pp. 161–67. Houston Chronicle, March 5, 1988.

385.    Ruth’s vehicular adventures. Ibid., pp. 207–209.

386.    1969 New York television crusade. Pollock, Crusades, pp. 297–301.

386.    Euro ’70. Dave Foster, “Euro ’70,” Christianity Today, May 8, 1970, pp. 24–25; Billy Graham: Euro ’70, (Minneapolis, World Wide Publications, 1971), passim. Information regarding special platform, synchronization of translation, and German Evangelical Alliance, John Pollock, Billy Graham, Evangelist to the World (New York: Harper & Row, 1979; Crusade Edition, Minneapolis: World Wide Publications,) pp. 76, 77, 80.

388.    Melvin: “This made me withdraw into a shell.” Quoted in Charlotte News, September 20, 1968.

389.    Melvin spreads manure. Melvin Graham, interview, November 17, 1987. A brief version of this story appeared in the Charlotte Observer, September 21, 1968.

389.    Melvin speaks at Anaheim crusade. Account based on John Wesley White segment on Hour of Decision, quoted in Pollock, Crusades, p. 310. “I’m not an ordained preacher.” Melvin Graham, interview.

390.    “I never would speak . . . wouldn’t work.” Melvin Graham, interview.

390.    “After all these years . . . I think a lot of him.” Charlotte News, September 20, 1968.

390.    BG makes “most-admired” and “best-dressed” lists. Charlotte Observer, March 4, 1970; Charlotte News, January 28, 1970.

390.    Billy on the beach. Ruth Graham, It’s My Turn (Old Tappan, N.J.: Fleming H. Revell, 1982), p. 79.

390.    BG “a symbol of hope . . . a friend of mankind.” Religious News Service, July 30, 1970, quoted in Lowell D. Streiker and Gerald S. Strober, Religion and the New Majority: Billy Graham, Middle America, and the Politics of the 70’s (New York: Association Press, 1972), p. 30.

390.    BG offers to mention conversation with RN. Memo, Butterfield to RN, January 1, 1971, Folder EX RE 10 “Football, 1/1/71,” SF RE Box 5, WHCF, NPM.

391.    “would be reaching.” HRH note, February 14, 1971, Folder 2/15–3/31, Box 43, Haldeman Notes, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

391.    HRH feels RN should attend Billy Graham Day. HRH Note, June 18, 1970, in Folder 5/20/71–6/30/71, Box 43, Haldeman Notes, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

391.    White House takes control of Nixon appearance at Billy Graham Day. William Henkel, Jr., White House memo, reported by Michael Schwartz, Charlotte Observer, June 8, 1974.

391.    HRH: “Great” . . . “not our people.” Memo reported on CBS News, August 1, 1973, CN 74, VT 1-CBS, BGCA; also New York Times, Charlotte News, etc. August 2, 1973, Charlotte Observer, June 8, 1974. Nixon’s men were understandably frustrated by the demonstrations that dogged their leader but recognized the need to handle encounters in a planned way. In a sardonically playful note, Colson wrote the following memo to John Dean on May 23, 1972: “I have just received the Haldeman memo attached dated May 19 re contact with demonstrators. According to H’s memo, I am to clear all contacts well in advance with you. This to advise you that I am planning tomorrow night to drive my Pontiac Station wagon upon the curb of Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House and run over all of the hippies who are lying there. My plan is to do this while they are asleep sometime between 2 and 3 a.m. Would you please let me know what coordination you would like to arrange?” Folder “May 1972,” Box 5, John Dean Files, WHSF, NPM.

391.    “When I started” . . . “look at all this!” Charlotte Observer, October 15, 1971.

392.    Telegrams and attendees on Billy Graham Day. Charlotte Observer, October 16, 1971.

392.    BG’s suit. Charlotte Observer, October 16, 1971. Descriptions of Billy Graham Day, Charlotte Observer, October 13, 14, and 16, 1971.

392.    Nixon teaches BG how to wave. “Billy Graham: The Man at Home,” Saturday Evening Post, September 1972, p. 45.

392.    Secret Service, police, “marshals”; crowd screened for troublemakers, marshals sued. Charlotte Observer, October 16, 1971; Richard Mashcal, Charlotte Observer, November 5, 1971.

393.    White House involved with marshals. New York Post, Washington Post, August 6, 1973; AP, April 24, 1974; Charlotte Observer, June 8, 1974; the New York Times, April 22, 26, 29, 30, and May 6, 1975.

393.    Charges dismissed. The New York Times, May 6, 1975; Charlotte Observer, July 12, 1975.

393.    “Against the weight of evidence,” The New York Times, July 13, 1975.

393.    “a religious ceremony.” Charlotte Observer, May 2, 1975.

393.    Carolinians kill their own rats. “Nation’s Finest People Live Here, Billy Says,” Charlotte Observer, October 16, 1971.

393.    BG commends RN’s morality. Ibid.

393.    RN commends BG. Charlotte Observer and News, October 16, 1971; CN 74, VT 1-CBS, BGCA; David E. Kucharsky, “Billy Graham’s Day,” Christianity Today, November 5, 1971.

394.    “murderer . . . platitudes.” Charlotte News, April 24, 1975. The young man, a student at Davidson College, had been ejected from the Coliseum after placing a black armband on his suit after finding a seat. He insisted he was conducting “a silent vigil” and had had no intention of disrupting the proceedings.

394.    “cross-shaped sandwiches . . . biblicoform cake.” Charlotte Observer, October 16, 1971; “The Political Education of Billy Graham,” the Washington Post, April 14, 1986, p. 8.

394.    “You can’t blame it on the President.” Charlotte Observer, November 5, 1971.

394.    Kaplow: “if indeed . . . in American politics.” NBC News, October 15, 1971, CN 74, VT 4-NBC, BGCA.

394.    “the President and the Chamber of Commerce draw honor.” Editorial, Charlotte Observer, October 15, 1971.

394.    John C. Bennett’s criticisms, “Billy Graham in Oakland,” Christianity and Crisis, October 4, 1971, pp. 195–97.

395.    Sawyer memo to Ziegler. Alpha names files, Box 155, WHSF, NPM.

395.    Plagenz chastises Graham. UPI, December 31, 1971.

395.    “It is interesting . . . entered the schools.” Charlotte Observer, November 5, 1971.

395.    “We have all had our My Lais . . .” Quoted in letter to Charlotte Observer, October 18, 1971. Shortly after the My Lai incident, the White House had called BG to solicit his views on Calley. HRH note, February 14, 1971, Folder 4/1/71–5/19/71, Box 43, Haldeman Notes, WHSF, HRH Files, NPM (Apparently misfiled).

395.    Presidential perks to BG. White House dinners, Folder EX FG 12 1/1/72–1/31/71, Box 2, FG 12, WHCF, NPM. 395. Sequoia dinner, Folder CF WH 11–3 “Yacht,” Box 70, WHCF, NPM.

395.    Julie and Tricia pick film. Folder 5/20/71–6/30/71, Box 43, Haldeman notes, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

396.    Haldeman embarrassed, HRH to Vern Coffey, August 11, 1971, Folder “HRH Chronological,” Box 197, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

396.    White House valued BG’s diplomatic skills. H. R. Haldeman, interview, August 14, 1989.

396.    Kissinger briefs BG’s conservative friends. HRH to BG, July 17, 1971, Folder “China 1/1/71,” Box 17, EX CO 34; Folder “HRH Chronological,” Box 197, HRH Files WHSF, NPM; HRH to Kissinger, August 3, 1971, Folder “HRH Chronological,” Box 197, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM. The briefing occurred on August 10, 1971.

396.    Graham to visit Chiangs on Nixon’s behalf. HRH to HAK, November 11, 1971, Folder “Kissinger, November 1971,” Box 86 (Alpha names files, A-X Oct–Dec 1971, Kehrli 10/71–Klein 11/71), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM

396.    Talking Points for BG’s conversation with Chiangs. HRH to BG, November 22, 1971, Folder “HRH Chronological Nov. 1971, A–L,” Box 197, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

397.    BG barely remembers Chiang visit. Interview, March 5, 1989.

Chapter 24: “Billy, You Stay Out of Politics”

398.    “On the political front . . . in ’72.” Memo, RN to HRH, November 30, 1970, Folder “Memos from the President typed by Haldeman’s office, 1970,” Box 164, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

398.    “Graham wants to be helpful . . . can’t have leak.” HRH, handwritten notes, February 6 and 8, 1971, Folder 1/1/71–2/15/71, Box 43, Haldeman notes, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM. Haldeman notes, Part I, Jan–March ’71, White House logs indicate that BG had seen the President on February 1, the date of the annual National Prayer Breakfast. WH Master List, Contacts File by Name, Graham p. 1413, WHCF, NPM.

398.    BG wants “line to the right.” Talking paper, February 8, 1971, Talking Papers, 1971–7/72, Box 153, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM; HRH note, May 10, 1971, Folder 4/1/71–5/ 19/71, Box 43, Haldeman notes, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

398.    BG apparently dissuades Hatfield from seeking Republican nomination. Harry Dent gave BG authorization to tell Hatfield he would have full White House backing in Senate race if he did not seek the presidency. HRH note re call from Dent, HRH Notes, Box 179. Dent later noted that BG was “checking this out.” Dent to Charles Colson, April 8, 1971, Colson Files Folder “Political Misc.,” Box 99, WHSF, NPM. When I asked Graham about this, he insisted he had no memory of such an episode but, in a remarkable show of candor, said that his secretary had found correspondence confirming that he had indeed talked to both Nixon and Hatfield about this matter on several occasions. BG, interview, March 6, 1989.

398.    BG a frontline heavyweight. Action Paper, August 2, 1971, Folder “HRH Chronological,” Box 197, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

399.    BG attends Tolbert inauguration. Talking Paper, Secretary Rogers, Folder “HRH Chronological,” Box 197, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM; Kissinger to RN, September 11, 1971, Folder “EX CO 84, Liberia 1/1/71,” WHSF, NPM; Haig to Higby, Folder “General Haig, November 1971,” Box 86 (Alpha names files A–X Oct–Dec 1971, Kehrli 10/71–Klein 11/71), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

399.    BG’s February 1972 meetings with WH staff and RN. HRH note, January 31, 1972, “Haldeman notes, Folder 1/1/72–2/18/72,” Box 45, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM; HRH meeting summary, March 9, 1972, Folder “HRH Subject,” Box 163, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM; David E. Kucharsky, “Billy Graham’s Day,” Christianity Today, November 5, 1971; memo, Ziegler to HRH and DC, March 29, 1972, Folder “R. Ziegler,” Box 94 (Alpha names files, Feb–April 1972), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM. 392 Second China Briefing. HRH to Colson, March 17, 1972, Folder “March 1972” Box 199 (HRH Chronological), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM; Higby to HRH, March 17, 1972, and HRH to Higby, March 29, 1972, Folder “Higby,” Box 93 (Alpha names files, Feb–April 1972), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

399.    Postal rates. HRH to John D. Ehrlichman, February 1, 1972, Folder “February 1972,” Box 199 (HRH Chronological), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

399.    Nixon wants HRH to keep “continuing contact” with BG. Memo, RN to HRH, March 14, 1972, Folder “HRH 1972, Memos from the President,” Box 162, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

400.    Higby memo to Strachan and Kehrli. Memo, February 1, 1972, Box 125 (Graham, marked “Administratively Confidential”), NPM, HRH Files, WHSF, Haldeman also told aides that he wanted to be kept informed of all calls between BG and the President. Memo, Butterfield to Higby, August 7, 1972, Folder “Butterfield, August 1972,” Box 101 (HRH Alpha names files, July–August 1972) HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

400.    Talking paper topics, insider information. Talking papers, February 10, March 22, April 3, 11, and 26, May 8 and 16, 1972, HRH Box 125 (Graham), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

400.    Talking papers and telephone calls. Most, but not all, telephone calls between BG and RN (or a specifically designated aide) are logged on a master list that begins with December 1971 and continues through June 1974. Some additional calls are mentioned in White House memos. Haldeman’s calls are not logged in a systematic fashion; rather, various archival folders contain, often without an obvious rationale, little collections of telephone log slips. Haldeman’s records alone log or mention at least seventeen different calls between February 1, 1972, the date of the National Prayer Breakfast, and November 9, the day following the election. It seems a safe assumption that points on the talking papers were discussed during a number of these calls.

400.    Haldeman confirms calls. H. R. Haldeman, interview, August 14, 1989. John Connally also confirmed that Haldeman called him and that he was aware that Haldeman was making regular calls to BG. John B. Connally, interview, January 30, 1991.

400.    Colson on RN conversations with BG. Charles Colson, interview, April 18, 1989.

400.    “Billy was definitely in [Nixon’s] inner circle . . . see the bad.” H. R. Haldeman, interview, August 14, 1989.

401.    Ehrlichman comments. Interview, August 15, 1989. John Connally made a similar observation: “[Presidents who sought Graham’s counsel] felt he was in contact with more individuals than any other person in the United States and that he had a sense of America’s feelings unlike anything they could otherwise obtain. None of them were in a position to probe the feelings and the reactions of the people that Billy Graham touched. He gave them a completely different perspective of what people saw, what they thought, how they felt, what moved them. That’s why he was important to them. That’s why they liked to have him around. He provided access to the minds of people that they otherwise had no entry into. They had no way of determining the feelings and the depths of emotions of the people that Billy Graham touched.” Connally, interview, January 30, 1991.

401.    “Mr. Nixon . . . a e Gaulle type.” “Billy Graham: The Man at Home,” Saturday Evening Post, September 1972, p. 105

401.    Suggestions to Nixon on public speaking. February 8, 1971, Folder “Jan 1–Feb 15, 1971,” Box 45, Haldeman Notes, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

401.    BG wants WH to cultivate Bill Bright. Dave Parker to Colson, July 29, 1971, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in White House 9/1/71–9/30/71,” SF RM Box 15, WHCF, NPM. Explo ’72. HRH to Parker, February 1, 1972, Folder “HRH Chronological,” Box 199, 700 HRH Files, WHSF, NPM; HRH note, February 2, 1971, Folder “HRH Notes,” Box 45, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

401.    Explo ’72. HRH to Parker, February 1, 1972, Folder “HRH Chronoligcal,” Box 199, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM; HRH note, February 2, 1971, Folder “HRH Notes,” Box 45, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

402.    BG asks RN to send telegram to Explo ’72. L. Higby to HRH, June 14, 1972, Folder “Higby, June 1972” Box 98 Alpha names files, June–July 1972, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

402.    “religious Woodstock.” in AP, Charlotte Observer, June 11, 1972.

402.    Colson’s notes: “Use Graham’s organization.” Colson’s notes, made on June 27, 1972, do not mention Nixon specifically, but bear the letters EOB, a designation staff members used for a hideaway office Nixon maintained in the Executive Office Building, and are filed in a folder titled “Presidential Meeting Notes.” Folder “Presidential Meeting Notes [1972–1973],” Box 16 (Meeting Files), Staff Member and Office Files—Charles W. Colson, WHSF, NMPS.

402.    WH fears McGovern will win religious vote, mobilizes BG. Memo, Higby to HRH, June 14, 1972, Folder “Higby, June 1972,” Box 98 (Alpha names files, June–July 1972); HRH note, Box 45 (Haldeman notes, May 9–June 30, 1972, Part II), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM. Harry Williams, a BGEA man whom Graham described as one of the best he had for organizing residential for crusades, apparently took such a leave of absence to organize precincts for Nixon. HRH to Ken Rietz, July 26, 1972, Box 200 (HRH Chronological, July, 1972), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

402.    “What is our best approach . . . Campus Crusade?” Talking Paper, June 27, 1972, HRH Box 125 (Graham), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

402.    BG asks RN to send telegram to LNB. Higby to HRH, June 14, 1972, Folder “Higby June 1972, Box 98 (HRH Alpha names files, June–July 1972), HRH files, WHSF, NPM.

402.    BG urges RN tie with OR. Dent to Parker, June 20, 1972, and Dent to RN, August 11, Folder “RM 1/1/71–12/72, Religious Services,” SF RM Box 2, WHCF, NPM.

403.    Haldeman dislikes the idea. HRH to DC, August 17, 1972, Box 200 (HRH Chronological, August 1972), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

403.    BG declines invitations to conventions. David E. Kucharsky, “Graham on Demons,” Christianity Today, June 7, 1974, pp. 49–50.

403.    BG’s advice to RN re acceptance speech, reported in memo, HRH to RN, August 19, 1972, Folder “August 1972,” Box 200 (HRH Chronological), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM. The White House staff had arranged for Graham to be able to play at the San Clemente golf course as the President’s guest. Folder “July 1972,” Box 200 (HRH Chronological), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

403.    Talking papers re McGovern. HRH talking papers, September 20, and October 25, 1972, Box 125 (Graham), HRH Files, WHSF NPM.

403.    BG concerned about Religious Leaders group. LH to HRH, September 21, 1972, regarding BG call, September 20, Talking Papers 7/72–9/72, Box 153 (HRH Subject Files) WHSF, NPM.

404.    McLaughlin recommends against organizing clergy. McLaughlin to Dave Parker, October 5, 1972, Folder RM 1/1/72–12/72, SF RM Box 2, WHCF, NPM.

404.    BG reckons RN will carry all states but South Dakota. AP, in Charlotte Observer, August 13, 1972.

404.    Nixon to “go down in history.” Charlotte Observer, September 21, 1972.

404.    RN “just born to be President.” AP, November 3, 1972.

404.    BG is called on election night. HRH Action Paper, October 30,1972, Box 125 (Graham), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

405.    “We tried to get his mailing list.” Colson, interview.

405.    “Billy, . . . you stay out of politics” . . . “never try to use me.” BG, quoted in David Frost, Billy Graham Talks with David Frost (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1972), p. 66.

405.    BG knew LBJ “not a McGovern man.” BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

406.    BG denies active involvement in 1972 election. BG, interviews, March 5 and 6, 1989.

Chapter 25: A Ministry of Reconciliation

407.    China an “enemy of freedom,” AP, July 31, 1965.

407.    BG goes to Ireland. “Billy Graham: From Birmingham to Belfast,” Christianity Today, June 9, 1972; John Pollock, Billy Graham: Evangelist to the World (Harper & Row, 1979), pp. 91–92.

408.    BG and Blessit tour Belfast. Graham Lacey, oral history, 1974, CN 141, Box 11, Folder 27, BGCA. John Pollock, drawing on Lacey’s account, tells much the same story in Evangelist to the World, pp. 93–95.

409.    Paisley attacks BG. Charlotte Observer, June 8, 1972; J. D. Douglas, “He Put It over with Love,” Christianity Today, July 7, 1972, p. 4. Douglas reported that in his pastoral prayer at one of the services, Paisley “thanked God that a bomb being handled by IRA officers a few hours earlier had accidentally exploded, killing several of them.”

410.    RN calls BG in Belfast. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 95. WH Master List, Contact File by Name, Graham, WHCH, NPM. The call occurred on May 29, 1972, 4:29 P.M., EDT. That Nixon would call was not a complete surprise. He had also called Graham for a brief communication on February 26, during his visit to China.

410.    BG meets with Roman Catholic and Protestant leaders, expects peace but recognizes problems. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, pp. 95–96; Charlotte Observer, June 8, 1972; Douglas, “He Put It over with Love,” Christianity Today, July 7, 1972, p. 5.

411.    BG in Dublin. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, pp. 98–102; Charlotte Observer, June 8, 1972; Brian Kingsmore, interview, July 7, 1986.

412.    Nagas build road. Robert Cunville, oral history, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 9, BGCA; Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 9.

412.    Kohima provides beds, food, wood. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 9.

414.    The Kohima crusade. Ibid., pp. 3–26; Cunville, oral history and interview, July 17, 1986; The Reverend A. Jack Dain, interview.

415.    BG and Moynihan’s ambassadorship. BG, interview, March 5, 1989. Graham’s account is supported by internal memos between WH aides David Parker and Bruce Kehrli. Parker to Kehrli, December 20, 1972, and Kehrli to Parker, December 22, 1972, Folder “CF FO 2/CO-66–FO 2/CO-99,” CF Box 30, WHSF, NPM.

416.    BG meets with the Shah. Interview, March 5, 1989; “Graham and the Shah,” Christian Century, January 10, 1973, p. 3. Graham recalled that “I was sort of overwhelmed at the magnificence of the palace. I talked my head off to him. I talked to him about Daniel the prophet, the beginning of Persia, what God would do, and Christ, and so forth. I vowed a long time ago that I’d never be in the presence of anybody like that without preaching the gospel. He was very gracious. I spent several hours. He pulled a screen and we watched Walter Cronkite give the news from the night before.” Interview, March 5, 1989.

416.    BG considers Washington crusade. Letters, BG to Robert Hancock, n.d.; John Dean to Rose Mary Woods, January 31, 1972; RN to BG, February 1,1972; BG to RN, February 4, 1972; all in Folder RM 3 1/1/71–12/31/72, RM Box 18, WHCH, NPM.

416.    “We decided we would not cooperate.” The Reverend Ernest Gibson, interview, May 2, 1986.

417.    Cassidy’s efforts to combat apartheid. Michael Cassidy, “The Ethics of Political Nationalism,” in One Race, One Gospel, One Task, ed. Carl F. H. Henry and Stanley Mooneyham, vol. I of official reference volumes of the World Congress on Evangelism, Berlin, 1966 (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1967), pp. 312–17.

417.    BG accepts invitation to preach in South Africa. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, pp. 28–31.

418.    Women’s prayer movement in South Africa. Ibid., pp. 32–33.

418.    Integrated stadium at Durban: “Even if Billy Graham . . . enough of a testimony.” Ibid., p. 33.

418.    “Christ belongs to all people!” Film, South Africa, World Wide Pictures, 1973.

419.    “Apartheid Doomed.” Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 36.

419.    Disappointment at BG’s address and departure. Ibid., pp. 36–37.

419.    BG recommends castration for rapists. UP1, March 20, 1973; AP, March 30, 1973; BG, interview, February 26, 1987; Talking paper, March 3, 1973, Folder “EX FO 8, 3/1/73–4/30/73,” Box 73, WHCF, NPM. Also, “A Graham Follow-up,” Christian Century, April 11, 1973, pp. 414–15; Pollock, Evangelist to the World, pp. 38–39.

420.    Gary Player. Player and BG were already longtime friends. It was Player, in fact, whom BG credited with having broken him from his awkward cross-handed golf grip. Edwin Fiske, “The Closest Thing to a White House Chaplain,” The New York Times Magazine, June 8, 1969, p. 106.

421.    Black attendance low at Atlanta crusade. “Blacks Close Their Ears to Graham,” St. Petersburg Times, July 7, 1973; Dr. Russell Dilday, oral history, March 5, 1980, CN 141, Box 11, Folder 10, BGCA; Edward E. Plowman, “Billy and the Blacks: Atlanta and Graham Revisited,” Christianity Today, July 20, 1973, pp. 40–41.

421.    BG responds to charges of black clergy in Minneapolis. “Graham to Tour Black Areas in Support Bid,” Minneapolis Star, July 10, 1973; Chicago Defender, July 10, 1973; “Two City Ministers Stand Firm on Denouncement of Graham,” St. Paul Dispatch, July 12, 1973.

422.    Growth of Korean Christianity. Billy Kim, interview, July 17, 1986; Akbar Abdul-Haqq, interview, May 2, 1986.

422.    Korean separatism and ecumenism. Kim, interview; Pollock, Evangelist to the World, pp. 46–47.

423.    “Americans . . . follow doctor’s way.” Ibid., p. 46.

424.    Billy Kim agrees to interpret. Kim, interview; Henry Holley, oral history, January 9, 1976, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 29, BGCA.

424.    Limousines embarrass BG. Kim, interview.

425.    Park regime monitors BG and crusade. David Poling, Why Billy Graham? (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1977), p. 85

426.    Korean Crusade description. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, pp. 54–57; Kim, Abdul-Haqq, Holley, interviews; Holley, oral history.

Chapter 26: Vietnam and Watergate

428.    BG commends RN’s inaugural address. BG to RN, February 6,1973, Folder “Presidential and Pre-Presidential, 1/1/73,” SF RM Box 2, WHCF, NPM.

429.    BG surprised at Nixon’s contributions. Boston Globe, December 29, 1973; Charlotte Observer, December 28, 1972. In 1972 Nixon contributed a total of $295 to charitable causes. The New York Times, December 23, 1973, p. 24.

429.    BG upset at Supreme Court decisions on prayer and Bible reading: “atheists should be overruled.” George Burnham and Lee Fisher, Billy Graham: Man of God (Westchester, Ill.: Good News Publishing, n.d.), p. 54, quoted by Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteousness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979), p. 438.

429.    BG recommends Protestant schools. David E. Kucharsky, “Billy Graham and ‘Civil Religion,’” Christianity Today, November 6, 1970, pp. 56–58.

429.    BG recommends reading Ten Commandments in schools. The New York Times, January 22, 1973, p. 38; NBC News, January 21, 1973, CN 74, VT 4-NBC, BGCA; Commends Mao’s Eight Values, interview with Maureen D’Honau, Mainichi (Japan) Daily News, May 28, 1973. In responding to criticisms of his positive words for Mao’s precepts, BGEA spokesmen said that the interviewer had not spoken good English and had misunderstood what BG was trying to say. Ms. D’Honau, who was American-born and spoke no language other than English, insisted she was quoting BG accurately. Reported in Review of the News, March 1974, quoted in Edgar Bundy, Billy Graham: Performer, Politician, Preacher, Prophet? (Miami Shores, Fla.: Edgar Bundy Ministries, 1982), p. 83. BG continues to recommend reading of Commandments in schools. “Graham on Demons: Milestone in Arizona,” Christianity Today, June 7, 1974, p. 49.

430.    Zedekiah and Ahab. I Kings 22. The comparison was made by, among others, Will Campbell, in “An Open Letter to Dr. Billy Graham,” Katallagete-Be Reconciled, Winter 1971, p. 2. It was also alluded to in the Charlotte Observer’s editorial on October 14, 1971, with the comment that “the unsucessful Micaiah,” the courageous prophet who told King Ahab the truth, “is remembered and the others are forgotten.”

430.    “I have never advocated war.” BGEA press release, attached to letter, Chapin to HRH, January 8, 1973, Box 125 (Graham), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM. Quoted in Joan Rattner Heilman, “Billy Graham’s Daughter Answers His Critics,” Good Housekeeping, June 1973, p. 154.

430.    BG denies he is “White House Chaplain.” BGEA press release, attached to letter, Chapin to HRH, January 8, 1973, Box 125 (Graham), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

431.    “The President doesn’t call me up . . . that’s all.” AP, in Charlotte Observer and News, January 4, 1973; “Graham: ‘Not White House Chaplain,’” Abilene Reporter-News, January 5, 1973; “Graham Calls Ministry Evangelistic, Not Political,” The Dallas Morning News, January 4, 1973.

431.    “I felt gloomy . . . demonstrations against alcohol?” Edward Fiske, the New York Times, January 21, 1973. In response to a question from Newsweek reporter Jane Whitemore, Graham named smoking as a villain of similar scope; though not published in Newsweek, his comment was reported in “Quote of the Week,” New Republic, January 6 and 13, p. 11; Referred to in Garry Wills, “A Prophet Gagged,” Chicago Sun-Times, January 30, 1973; “Graham Discusses Viet War,” Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Twin City Sentinel, January 30, 1973.

431.    BG recalls only one remark in favor of war. January 1973 press release; “A Clarification,” Christianity Today, January 19, 1973, p. 36; Graham has since identified his “lone remark” as one he made at the Denver Press Club in 1965, criticizing protesting ministers. BG, interview, March 6, 1989.

432.    Bennett, “others,” and BGEA spokesman, quoted in Joan Rattner Heilman, “Billy Graham’s Daughter Answers His Critics,” Good Housekeeping, June 1973, p. 154.

432.    BG the “hard-line type.” HRH to Colson, April 25, 1972, Folder “HRH Chronological,” Box 199, HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

432.    BG “disturbed by some press reports.” DC to HRH, January 8,1973, Box 125 (Graham), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

432.    Liberal commentators disappointed. BG to RN, February 6, 1973, SF RM Box 2, WHCF, NPM.

433.    McGovern “desperate.” AP, in Charlotte Observer, November 3, 1972

433.    BG amazed at furor over “alleged escapade.” BG to HRH, October 20, 1972, Box 21 (Correspondence, personal, October 1972), HRH Files, WHSF, NPM.

433.    “I have marveled . . . hall of fame.” BG to RN, April 6, 1973, Folder EX F08 4/1/73–4/30/73, Box 73, WHCF, NPM.

433.    BG “distancing myself.” Interview, February 26, 1987.

433.    BG speaks out on Watergate. The statements are from the Today interview, April 27, 1973, quoted in John Pollock, Billy Graham: Evangelist to the World (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), p. 176; Billy Graham, “Watergate and Its Lessons of Morality,” op-ed page, the New York Times, May 6, 1973; Hour of Decision, May 13, 1973.

434.    BG recommends “picture situations.” Recounted in Higby to RN, May 2, 1973, Folder “Presidential Handwriting, May 1973,” POF Box 22, WHSF, NPM. 434 “Your friends understand.” Letter, Jesse Helms to RN, May 4, 1973, JL Box 12, WHCF, NMP.

434.    BG and RN “had never discussed Watergate.” Quoted in Charlotte Observer, June 15, 1973.

434.    “another sign of permissiveness.” The New York Times, May 1, 1973; cited in editorial, Arkansas Gazette, July 7, 1973.

435.    Thanksgiving press release, November 22, 1973, sent to Rosemary Woods by Charles Crutchfield. PPF Box 8, WHCF, NPM.

435.    RN calls BG. WH Master List, Contact File by Name, Graham, p. 1414, WHCF, NPM.

435.    BG at White House Christmas Service. WH Master List, Contact File by Name, Graham, p. 1415, WHCF, NPM; telephone call and reaffirmations, letter, BG to RN, December 1973, Folder RM 2-1 “Religious Services in WH, 10/16/73–12/31/73,” SF RM Box WHCF, NPM.

435.    BG sees RN as “chipper.” Charlotte News, December 17, 1973; 1973 to be better, BG to RN, December 26, 1973, Folder RM 2-1, “Religious Services in WH, 10/16/73–12/31/73,” SF RM Box 17, WHCF, NPM.

436.    Speaking at White House not “a benediction of what had been going on there.” BG interview, “Watergate,” Christianity Today, January 4, 1974, pp. 8–10. In an interview with The Christian Science Monitor, December 31, 1973, Graham repeated his opinion that Nixon would become a great president if he could get Watergate out of his system.

436.    “if it serves your vanity.” George E. Stringfellow to BG, January 9, 1974, Folder EX JL 3 80 of 89, 2/25/74–3/4/74, SF JL Box 21, WHCF, NPM.

436.    “I was saddened by your statements.” Peale to BG, February 4, 1974, and RN to Peak, March 4, 1974, Folder EX JL 3 80, 2/25/74–3/4/74, SF JL Box 21, WHCF, NPM.

437.    Colson’s conversion. CC to RN, November 21, 1973, CF SP 2-4/1969 (State of Union), and Folder “CF SP 3-162 Prayer Breakfast Remarks,” Box 60, CF 1971–74, WHCF, NPM.

437.    Colson presses for two breakfasts. Unsigned, undated memo, Folder CF SP 3-162, “Prayer Breakfast Remarks,” Box 60, CF 1971–74, WHCF, NPM.

437.    “Two Breakfasts are too many.” Talking paper, Congressman Al Quie (Republican-Minnesota, president of National Prayer Breakfast Committee), ibid. The Prayer Breakfast Committee, which sponsored the larger breakfast, agreed with Colson on the need for a smaller event.

437.    BG’s suggestions for Prayer Breakfast remarks. Included, with Haig’s assessment, in Haig to RN, January 30, 1974, Folder CF SP 3-162 “Prayer Breakfast Remarks,” Box 60, CF 1969–74, WHCF, NPM.

438.    Haldeman doubts RN shunned BG. Haldeman, interview, August 14, 1989.

438.    BG and Nixon have limited contact. BG made the claim of limited access as least as early as August 1974 in an interview with John Dart, of the Los Angeles Times, reported in Charlotte Observer, August 17, 1974. He made the same claim in Donald H. Harrison, “Billy Graham Voices Doubts on ‘Final Days,’” San Diego Union, April 1, 1976. He repeated it at least twice in interviews with me, on February 26, 1987 and March 5, 1989. Colson expressed his doubts in an interview, April 18, 1989. WH Master List, Contact File by Name, Billy Graham, p. 1415, WHCF, NPM. The list records calls for February 25 (four minutes), April 15 (six minutes), May 4 (three minutes), and June 2 (14 minutes).

439.    McLaughlin: Swearing “a form of therapy.” “White House Priest Defends Profanity,” Charlotte Observer, May 9, 1974. McLaughlin characterized swearing as a “form of emotional drainage” that is “good, valid, and sound” for men under high pressure. Observing that the “essence of morality is charity,” he asserted that Nixon had done more to create a climate of charity “than any leader of this century.” In response to those who were chastising Nixon for his language, he noted that Christ had reserved his “most scorching condemnation” for those guilty of “moral arrogance.” He also insisted that Nixon had “not only a lawful privilege but a moral obligation” to resist Judge John Sirica’s subpoena of the White House tapes.

439.    “I have known . . . salty language.” Charlotte News, May 1, 1974. “I just didn’t know . . . ‘Excuse me, Billy.’” Observer, May 9, 1974.

439.    “I don’t approve” . . . “not hold him guiltless.” Charlotte Observer, May 9, 1974.

439.    Nixon called “to say hello.” In George Cornell, AP, in Sumter, South Carolina, Daily Item, quoted in Frady, Parable, p. 477. Frady places the call on the day the tapes were released, but the tapes became available to the press on May 1, and the call came on May 4 (Contact File, Master List by Name, Billy Graham, p. 1415, WHCF, NPM). Frady also indicates that a response by BG on May 2 came after the call, which is incorrect. Frady’s account makes a better story, perhaps, but it does not fit the evidence.

439.    “I never saw that side of him.” Quoted in John Dart, Los Angeles Times News Service, Charlotte Observer, August 17, 1974.

439.    Ruth: “the hardest thing.” Quoted in Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 181.

440.    “I’d had a real love . . . somebody else.” Frady, Parable, p. 478.

440.    “had to confront his own . . . collusion.” In an “Open Letter to Billy Graham,” delivered on his syndicated TV show, Paul Harvey observed that people must be writing to the evangelist, saying, “So this is the man to whom you were spiritual adviser.” Harvey’s comment: “It hurts, Billy, but you asked for it . . . For God’s sake—and I use the expression as you would—in the future stay out of politics!” Harvey, who claimed he had warned Graham against getting involved in politics, called Graham after the program, and indicated he had accepted the advice “cordially.” Noting that “no mortal means more to me than Billy,” the commentator allowed that he was not sure he had done the right thing and would ask forgiveness if he came to believe he had made a mistake by airing his criticism publicly. Charlotte Observer, May 26, 1974.

440.    “I thought like Wesley . . . hell.” Quoted by Frady, Parable, p. 479.

440.    BG’s press release, May 29, 1974. Printed in the New York Times, May 29, 1974; NBC News, CN 74, VT 4-NBC, BGCA, etc.

440.    RN calls BG on June 2, 1974. WH Master List, Contact File by Name, Graham, p. 1415, WHCF, NPM.

441.    “This has been my own danger.” Billy Graham, “Why Lausanne?” in Let the Earth Hear His Voice, ed. J. D. Douglas, official reference volume of the International Congress on World Evangelism (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1975), p. 30. The applause was reported in interviews with both Leighton Ford, March 4, 1989, and Don Hoke, March 6, 1989.

441.    “I tried to get to him” . . . “I couldn’t get anything.” BG, interview, March 26, 1987. Also, Charlotte Observer, August 17, 1974.

441.    “I shall always consider . . . some privacy now.” BG statement quoted in the New York Times, August 9, 1974.

441.    BG approves pardon of Nixon. AP, in Palo Alto Times, September 9, 1974.

441.    Nixon declines to visit with BG. Charlotte Observer, September 17 and 18, 1974. From the Washington Post/Los Angeles Times News Service.

441.    Ruth hires plane. BG, interview, March 26, 1987.

441.    BG and RN dine at San Clemente. David E. Kucharsky, “Graham’s Powwow: Springtime in the Rockies,” Christianity Today, April 11, 1975, pp. 38–39; NBC News, March 18, 1975, CN 74, VT 4-NBC, BGCA; Saginaw, Michigan, Catholic Weekly, April 4, 1975.

442.    “a bit of Watergate in all of us.” NBC News, June 14, 1974, CN 74, VT 4-NBC, BGCA.

442.    “Satan was . . . Nixon.” Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 181.

442.    Sleeping pills and demons. Frady, Parable, p. 487.

442.    Nixon “didn’t have nude women . . .” AP, January 2, 1976.

442.    “They’ve all” . . . “made other mistakes.” BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

442.    “I see him very often . . . different levels of friendship.” Ibid.

443.    “That’s true with Nixon with everyone.” Charles Colson, interview, April 18, 1989.

443.    “Maybe I was naive” . . . “Nixon not one of them.” Charlotte Observer, January 2, 1975; AP, in Charlotte Observer, May 18, 1975. One clergyman who disagreed was Pat Robertson, who asserted that “the Watergate tapes showed Christians were the victims of a cruel hoax. We were led to believe that the man who appeared as a confidant of Billy Graham . . . was in truth a man of personal piety. We can surmise that Dr. Billy Graham has been used for political image building.” Charlotte Observer, August 17, 1974.

443.    “Inside the Beltway . . . higher calling.” BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

443.    Associates assess BG’s post-Watergate view of Nixon. Interviews with Colson; interviews with Ford; interviews with Graham associate.

Chapter 27: Lausanne

447.    The Great Commission. Mark 16:15–16. Some ancient manuscripts of the Gospel according to Mark do not include verses 9–20. A similar wording of the Great Commission is found in Matt. 28:19–20. The account of the Ascension in Luke 24:44–53 does not include the Commission.

447.    “A Challenge from Evangelicals,” Time, August 5, 1974, p. 48. Interestingly, the chief religion writer for Time was (and is) Richard Ostling, a former CT staffer. I am indebted to Leighton Ford for the idea of using this article as the lead for this chapter. Ford followed a similar strategy in his 1986 Fuller Lectures, A Vision Pursued: The Lausanne Movement 1974–1986 (photocopy for private distribution). Ford’s lectures and conversation have been quite valuable in providing an overview and perspective on the Lausanne movement, which he has served as a principal leader.

448.    “honest to God.” The key document in this movement was John A. T. Robinson’s Honest to God (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1963).

448.    Decline in United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., missionaries. J. D. Douglas, press release, CN 53, Box 1, Folder 7 (Lausanne Press Releases), BGCA.

448.    Evangelical growth in Third World countries. “Challenge,” Time, p. 50.

449.    “I felt I should not go,” Billy Graham, quoted in John Pollock, Billy Graham: Evangelist to the World (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), p. 189.

449.    Preparations for Lausanne. Carl F. H. Henry, Confessions of a Theologian: An Autobiography (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1986), p. 349; Donald E. Hoke, interview, March 6, 1989; Leighton Ford, interview, March 4, 1989; Dain: “I cannot see anyone . . .” quoted by Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 189.

450.    Ford: “It would not have been possible without Billy.” Interview.

450.    “could have been . . . chose not to be.” Ford, Vision, p. 9.

450.    BG’s demands. Ibid.

450.    “Lausanne . . . is not it.” Dain, quoted in press release, May 2,1974, CN 53 (International Congress on World Evangelization), Box 1, Folder 7 (Lausanne Press Releases), BGCA.

450.    Quotas for invitees. Information Bulletin No. 1, January 1974, CN 53, Box 1, Folder 7, BGCA.

450.    Fudging on invitation list. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 195.

450.    Expenses force cutback in participants. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 198.

451.    British invitees decline. Hoke, interview.

451.    GDR delegates refused, Cuba delegates permitted. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 204.

451.    Preparation of papers. Two weeks to respond, Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 197; “paper received more than twelve hundred responses,” Ford, Vision, p. 10 (All participants were required to respond to papers, but not to each paper); two hundred Haiti clergymen and “pick the brains,” ICOWE News Release, CN 53, Box 1, Folder 7, BGCA. The official was Paul Little, who served as program director (Ford was chair of the Program Committee). Little, a most promising young Evangelical leader, died in a car accident in 1975.

451.    “a great spiritual fission.” Donald E. Hoke, “Lausanne May Be a Bomb,” Christianity Today, March 15, 1974, pp. 12–14.

452.    Hoke surrounded by Cubans. Hoke, interview.

452.    Kivengere: “They are one.” Quoted in Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 205.

453.    Definitions of “peoples” and “unreached peoples.” Ford, Vision, p. 55.

453.    Handbooks. Published regularly by the Missions Advisory Research Committee (MARC), a division of World Vision. Also, David Barrett, ed., World Christian Encyclopedia (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982).

454.    El, E2, E3. Ralph D. Winter, “The Highest Priority: Cross-Cultural Evangelism,” in Let the Earth Hear His Voice, official reference volume of the International Congress on World Evangelism, ed. J. D. Douglas (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1975), pp. 213–41.

454.    Ford and Hoke assessments of El, E2, E3. Ford, Vision, p. 13; Hoke interview. Winter agreed that the Lausanne meeting gave great visibility to his and McGavran’s ideas. Interview, February 6, 1991.

455.    Cultural sensitivity. ICOWE News Release, CN 53, Box 1, Folder 7, BGCA; Winter, “Highest Priority,” p. 224.

455.    Rene Padilla’s address, “Evangelism and the World,” in Let the Earth Hear His Voice, ed. J. D. Douglas, world official reference volume of the International Congress on Evangelism (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1975), pp. 125, 129, 131.

456.    Samuel Escobar’s address, “Evangelism and Man’s Search for Freedom, Justice and Fulfillment,” in Douglas, Let the Earth, pp. 304, 324, 326.

456.    “Our witness must be” Billy Graham, quoted in Ford, Vision, p. 14.

456.    Stott drafts covenant, Ford assesses. John R. W. Stott, interview, September 29, 1986; Ford, Vision, pp. 22–24.

457.    The covenant on social responsibility. Paragraphs 4 and 5, “The Lausanne Covenant,” in Douglas, Let the Earth, pp. 3–9. Copies of the covenant appear in the text or appendix of numerous Evangelical publications.

457.    Ruth chose not to sign. The recollection is from Hoke, but Ruth Graham volunteered a confirming account in a personal conversation during which I was not taking notes. Fourteen years after the incident, it was clear the memory still rankled her.

458.    “a covenant, not a creed.” Ford, interview.

458.    BG at the Stade-Lausanne. Pollock, Evangelist to the World, pp. 213–14.

458.    Questionnaire reveals 86 percent of delegates want continuation. World Evangelization Handbook (Charlotte: Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, 1985), p. 14.

458.    “Third World people knew they had a voice.” Hoke, interview.

459.    “stick with reconciliation.” Billy Graham, “Our Mandate from Lausanne ’74” (from address to the Mexico City meeting), Christianity Today, July 4, 1975, pp. 3–6.

459.    “As he began . . . trust and purpose.” Robert E. Coleman of Asbury Seminary, quoted in Pollock, Evangelist to the World, p. 250.

460.    Another, younger committee member. Rames Atallah, quoted in ibid., p. 251.

460.    Compromise guideline. Quoted in Ford, Vision, p. 33.

460.    Mexico City meeting. Hoke, interview; Pollock, Evangelist to the World, pp. 294–53; ICOWE Press Release; “Longevity for Lausanne,” Christianity Today, February 14, 1975, pp. 58–59; “Continuing Lausanne: Regional Outreach,” Christianity Today, February 13, 1976, p. 67.

460.    Follow-up meetings. Hoke, interview; “Lausanne: Continuing the Action,” Christianity Today, September 29, 1976, pp. 47–48; “Future in Focus,” Christianity Today, November 5, 1976, pp. 62–63; Leighton Ford, “Update Lausanne,” Christianity Today, December 9, 1977, pp. 344–81; Ford, Vision, pp. 30–31.

461.    Asian meetings. Hoke, interview; Thomas Wang, interview, July 18, 1986; The Reverend A. Jack Dain, interview and oral history, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 12, BGCA. Leighton Ford continued as chairman of the committee.

461.    Lausanne Covenant “the broadest umbrella.” Hoke, interview; International Bulletin of Mission Research, October 1984.

462.    Franklin’s conversion. “Young Graham’s Path Is All His Own,” Houston Chronicle, March 5, 1988; Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), p. 215; “Franklin Graham Enters Ministry,” Mesa, Arizona, Tribune, January 11, 1982; UPI, January 11, 1982. “Graham’s son to enter ministry,” The Dallas Morning News, January 2, 1982.

462.    “a free trip from the ends of the world.” Recalled by Carl F. H. Henry, interview, February 19, 1987. Billy Melvin, executive director of the National Association of Evangelicals, also discounted the lasting significance of the Lausanne movement. Interview, December 7, 1989.

462.    “Gottfried was a wonderful front man.” Hoke, interview. Osei-Mensah stepped down from his position in 1984. He was replaced by Carl J. Johansson, a pastor and missionary of the Lutheran Church of America. Christianity Today, October 19, 1984, p. 57.

462.    “Leighton operates like Billy.” Hoke, interview.

462.    “I was asked . . . Billy himself.” Ford, interview.

463.    BG acknowledges criticisms of Lausanne. Billy Graham, interview.

463.    BG threatens to withdraw as honorary chairman of Lausanne II. Reported and confirmed by witnesses to a heated meeting at the International Congress of Itinerant Evangelists, a BGEA-sponsored gathering held in Amsterdam in 1986. Other information from Jim Newton, interview, July 17, 1986.

463.    “Many a conference . . . refuses to die down.” John R. W. Stott, quoted in Ford, Vision, p. 25.

463.    Nilson Fanini: “I saw it!” Interview, July 18, 1986.

Chapter 28: Higher Ground

464.    Archbishop of Canterbury talks too long. Henry Holley, interview, November 25, 1987. The Evangelical president of Brazil was Ernesto Geisel.

465.    Ruth’s accident. Grady Wilson, interview, May 1, 1987; Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983), pp. 216–18; AP, in Charlotte News, October 3, 1974; Billy Graham, interviews and conversation.

466.    “She didn’t even want the degree.” Billy Graham, interview, February 27, 1987.

467.    Taipei and Hong Kong crusades. “Harvest Time on Taiwan,” Christianity Today, November 21,1975, pp. 51–52; “Happiness in Hong Kong,” Christianity Today, December 5, 1975, p. 51; Charlotte News, April 11, 1975; Henry Holley, oral history, January 9, 1976, CN 141, Box 4, Folder 29, BGCA.

467.    Ferdinand Marcos statement. Quoted in John Pollock, Billy Graham: Evangelist to the World (New York: Harper & Row, 1979), p. 293.

467.    Imelda Marcos statement. Quoted in Lindsell, “BG’s Mission to Manila,” Christianity Today, December 30, 1977, pp. 36–37.

467.    Opposition in Oslo. Edward Plowman, “The Scandinavians: No Neutrality on Graham,” Christianity Today, October 20, 1978, pp. 52–53; UPI, September 25, 1978.

468.    Opposition to BG in Sweden. Plowman, “No Neutrality”; Charlotte Observer, October 5, 1978; Billy Graham, interview, March 26, 1987.

468.    Singapore crusade. Lawson Lau, “Crusade Boosts Gospel Ground Swell,” Christianity Today, January 19, 1979, pp. 43–44; The Reverend Alfred C. H. Yeo, Singapore clergyman, interview, July 18, 1986.

468.    Australia crusade. Alan Nichols, “Graham Crusade Lifts Down-under Church,” Christianity Today, June 29, 1979, p. 48; Charlotte Observer, June 10, 1979.

468.    Japan crusade. Interviews with Robert Williams, June 6 and 10, 1986; Kenneth McVety, July 18, 1986; Holley, November 25, 1987; Mark Komake, “The Billy Graham Japan Crusades: Large Crowds in Spiritual Void,” Christianity Today, November 21, 1980, pp. 44–46.

468.    Mexico City crusade. Bill Conrad, “Graham in Mexico: A Protestant Impact in Spite of Obstructionism,” Christianity Today, April 10, 1981, pp. 52–53.

468.    Asheville crusade. Arthur H. Matthews, “Honoring a Homegrown Prophet,” Christianity Today, April 15, 1977, pp. 55–56.

468.    Crusade at University of Notre Dame “significant.” Arthur H. Matthews, “Graham Scores at Notre Dame,” Christianity Today, June 3, 1977, pp. 30–31; Robert Ferm, interview, March 28, 1987.

469.    BG on differences between Evangelicals and Catholics. Billy Graham, interview, February 26, 1987; Graham’s statements at Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., April 30, 1986; Legends, CNN. Graham would meet with the pope personally at the Vatican in 1981. Edward Plowman “The Evangelist and the Pope Confer Privately in Rome,” Christianity Today, February 6, 1981, p. 88.

469.    “Catholics are Christians.” T. W. Wilson, interview, February 27, 1987.

469.    BG’s prayer for Ford. “Prayer for a President,” Ladies’ Home Journal, December 1974, p. 68.

469.    “a million miles away from politics.” “Graham Sides with Mrs. Ford on Issue of Premarital Sex,” Wisconsin State Journal (Madison), March 13, 1976.

469.    BG rift with Bill Bright. “Politics from the Pulpit,” Newsweek, September 6, 1976, pp. 49–50; “Evangelist Billy Graham,” Houston Chronicle, September 18, 1976; Edgar R. Cooper, “Graham Bows Back,” The Baptist Message (Alexandria, Louisiana), October 14, 1976.

470.    “so that arrangements . . . visit.” Letter, Gerald Ford to BG, January 29, 1976, WH Master List, Contact File by Name, Billy Graham, Gerald Ford Library.

470.    “keep your eyes open.” Memo, Jerry H. Jones to Bill Nicholson, April 20, 1976, CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.

470.    Ford congratulates Highland Park Presbyterian Church, April 22, 1976. CN 74, Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.

470.    BG and Ruth invited to state dinner for Queen Elizabeth. Billy Graham, interview, May 5, 1989.

470.    BG declines Ford request to speak at crusade. BG to Gerald Ford, September 10, 1976, CN 74 (Ephemera of William Franklin Graham), Box 1, Folder 12, BGCA.

471.    Carter chairs Graham crusades. “Billy Graham Prophesy on Carter True,” Rochester, Minnesota, Post Bulletin, July 15, 1976; “Carter Will Restore Confidence, Graham Says,” Miami Herald, December 26, 1976; Billy Graham, interview, March 6, 1989.

471.    “I would rather . . . religious profession.” Russ Chandler, “Graham: Undecided,” Christianity Today, September 10, 1976. Chandler is a Los Angeles Times religion writer.

471.    Jimmy Carter responds to BG statement. UPI, September 29, 1976.

471.    Jeff Carter criticizes BG. AP, October 7, 1976.

471.    Carter “a leader we can follow” . . . “rootin’ and tootin’ for him.” UPI, November 3, 1976.

471.    BG missed 1977 inauguration. AP, January 6, 1977.

471.    Lincoln’s bed has hump, Carter “doesn’t inspire love.” Billy Graham, interview, February 27, 1987.

472.    Carter “hardest-working.” Legends, CNN, 1986.

473.    “That letter. . . . is telling the truth.” Edward Plowman, interview February 10, 1987.

473.    “respectability comes high.” Ibid.

473.    BGEA begins pension fund. Carloss Morris, interview, May 5, 1987; T. W. Wilson, interview, February 26, 1987.

474.    BGEA “field reps.” Billy Graham, interview, February 26, 1987; Ken Taylor, interview, July 19, 1986.

474.    Problems with BGEA annuities. UP1, September 28, 1977; Jim Fuller and Lori Sturdevant, “State Rejects Graham’s Application,” Minneapolis Tribune, October 9, 1977; Youngstown, Ohio, Vindicator, October 9, 1977; AP, October 10, 1977; “Billy’s Bucks,” Time, July 10, 1978, p. 70.

475.    WECEF controversy. Charlotte Observer, June 16 and 26, 1977; July 7, 23, and 24, 1977; August 12, 1977; and September 25, 1977; Charlotte News, June 12, 1977; Mary Bishop, Billy Graham, the Man and His Ministry (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1978), pp. 49–51; “Honoring a Homegrown Prophet,” Christianity Today, April 15, 1977, pp. 55–56; “Graham and the Press: New Look at Ledgers,” Christianity Today, July 29, 1977, pp. 36–37; “Graham: The News Can Be Misleading,” Christianity Today, August 18, 1978, p. 35; “Billy Graham on Financing Evangelism,” Christianity Today, August 26, 1977, pp. 18–20; “On Billy Graham and the WECEF,” and “Billy Graham: Issues and Answers,” Christianity Today, October 21, 1977; Press release, quoted in Bishop, Man and His Ministry, p. 51; Art Toalston, “Kindling Fires Along the Ohio,” Christianity Today, November 18, 1977, pp. 47–49; “Graham’s Beliefs: Still Intact,” Christianity Today, January 13, 1978, pp. 49–50; “Graham: A Deficit,” Christianity Today, July 21, 1978, p. 44. Lester Kinsolving, “Billy Graham Conceals Assets,” Ann Arbor News, July 9, 1977; Youngstown Vindicator, October 9, 1977; Charlotte Weekly West, September 21, 1977; Frank Coley, “Graham’s Fund. He Isn’t the One Covering Up,” Charlotte Weekly Star, September 14, 1977. Wes Michaelson, “Financing the Billy Graham Organization,” Sojourners, September 1977, pp. 7–8; “Graham Funding [of CT] Not Reported,” ibid., p. 9; Interviews: Billy Graham, March 26, 1987; George Wilson; Peter Geiger, telephone conversation, fall 1989.

480.    BG: “It is common . . . [dishonesty].” Billy Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1983), p. 110.

480.    BG: “be wary.” Billy Graham, “An Agenda,” Christianity Today, January 4, 1980, p. 25.

481.    “In my early days . . . like that now.” Religious News Service, January 31, 1980. Quoted in Edgar Bundy, Billy Graham: Performer, Politician, Preacher, Prophet? (Miami Shores, Fla.: Edgar Bundy Ministries, 1982), p. 138.

481.    “no longer associated . . . American Nationalism.” J. D. Douglas, “Ramsey-Graham Cambridge Bout Is Gloves-on Affair,” Christianity Today, February 6, 1981, pp. 88–89.

481.    “We as clergy” . . . “non-religious issues.” San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle, February 15, 1981; Chicago Sun-Times, January 29, 1981, quoting an article about to be published in Parade magazine, apparently on Sunday, January 31, 1981.

481.    BG meets Reagan. Billy Graham, interview, March 26, 1987.

481.    Reagan’s interest in prophecy. Billy Graham interview, March 6, 1987.

482.    “TV networks suggested . . .” ABC, CBS, NBC, network news. May 4 and 6, 1980. CN 74, VT 13, BGCA. The Texas primary was held on May 3.

482.    “I refused . . . everybody knew how I stood.” Billy Graham, interview, February 26, 1987.

482.    Reagan “laughing . . . brilliant man” and “like Ike.” AP, July 18, 1981. “old days in Hollywood.” Billy Graham, interview, February 21, 1986.

482.    BG prays with Nancy Reagan and John Hinckley’s father. San Antonio Star (Sunday magazine), April 26, 1981.

482.    BG lobbied senators re AWAC sale. Rowland Evans and Robert Novak column, November 2, 1981; see also “Graham Calls for Nixon’s Return in Foreign Affairs,” Dallas Morning News, November 10, 1981.

Chapter 29: A Crack in the Curtain

483.    BG as “Communism’s Public Enemy Number One.” See, for example, William H. Stonement, Daily News Foreign Service, in Chicago Daily News, June 11, 1955, in CN 74, Box 1, File 12, BGCA.

483.    “He knelt in Red Square.” Billy Graham, “Impressions of Moscow,” Christianity Today, July 20, 1959, pp. 14–16.

484.    Haraszti’s near-total recall. Haraszti is a meticulous record keeper, taking extensive notes of events, conversations, and observations in dozens of small black notebooks. Before my first interview with him, I was informed of his prodigious memory. I was astonished by his ability to recall precise dates, the spelling of difficult names, and long sections of conversations, some of which had occurred fifteen years in the past. I was even more astonished to read oral histories taped from two to seven years in the past, and to find that his accounts of the conversations on those occasions were virtually identical with the accounts he had given to me.

484.    Haraszti (AH) translates Peace With God. Alexander S. Haraszti (AH), interview, July 16, 1986, and oral history, May 21, 1979, CN 141, Box 45, Folder 1, BGCA.

485.    “established religious bodies received financial support.” The established churches had received this support since signing a concordat in 1948. AH, oral history, May 21, 1979, CN 141, Box 45, Folder 1, BGCA.

486.    Unless otherwise noted, information on BG’s first steps toward a visit to Hungary was furnished in interviews with Haraszti.

486.    Palotay. AH, oral history, May 21, 1979. Sandor Palotay died in August 1979.

493.    The Grand Hotel. The Graham team suspected that the Grand was chosen less for its ambience than for its isolation and consequent ease of observation; anyone going from or coming to it would be conspicuous. Of an apparent piece with this rationale was the insistence by the Hungarian hosts that members of the team room in pairs, an arrangement that would foster conversation that could be monitored. When members of the TV crew resisted this arrangement and announced their intention to find their own accommodations, Palotay assured them that if they did so, they would be put on a plane bound for home the next day. Conversation, John Akers, February 14, 1991.

494.    BG “open heart . . . Word of God.” AP, September 5, 1977; CBS News, September 4, 1977, CN 74, VT 2-CBS, BGCA.

494.    BG at Pecs. Denton Lotz, interview, April 30, 1986; AH, oral history, May 21, 1979.

494.    BG receives lightbulb. AH, introduction to oral history, ibid.

494.    Closing service at Tahi youth camp. AH, oral history, December 26, 1979, CN 141, Box 45, Folder 2, BGCA.

495.    “things are more open . . . in Hungary.” UPI, September 6, 1977, quoted in Malachi Martin, “The Truth and Billy Graham,” National Review, January 9, 1978, p. 722.

495.    “I have not joined Communist party.” AP, September 10, 1977; Bob Terrell, “Reflections on Hungary, Asheville Citizen, September 22, 1977.

495.    “For friends . . . once.” AH, interview; also, oral history introduction.

495.    Hungary regains crown and most-favored-nation status. AH, oral history, December 26, 1979. BG, interview, March 6, 1989.

496.    “second only to the Pope.” AH, oral history, December 26, 1979.

497.    “Sie sind schlau.” Ibid.

498.    Priest: “Can’t you see my collar?” Denton Lotz and AH, interviews.

498.    BG in Poznañ. AP, Chicago Sun-Times, October 10, 1978.

498.    three hundred priests and nuns raise hands. Lotz, interview.

498.    BG at Auschwitz. Edward Plowman, “Billy Graham in Poland,” pp. 54, 57; Lotz, interview.

498.    Bednorz asks for autograph. Ibid., p. 57.

Chapter 30: The Preacher and the Bear

499.    BG receives degrees, visits pope. AP, January 5, 6, 9, 23, 1981; Edward Plowman, “The Evangelist and the Pope Confer Privately in Rome,” Christianity Today, February 6, 1981, p. 88.

500.    “Alex knows things which Henry [Kissinger] does not.” AH, interview, July 16, 1986, and oral history, December 26, 1979, CN 141, Box 45, Folder 2, BGCA.

500.    BG meets with Dobrynin. AH, oral history, December 26, 1979.

502.    Orthodox Church invites BG to conference. AH, oral history, June 16, 1982, and June 3, 1983, CN 141, Box 45, Folders 3–5, BGCA.

503.    Haraszti meets with Filaret. AH, oral history, March 15, 1984, CN 141, Box 45, Folder 6, BGCA.

504.    Negotiations about the Siberian Six. AH, interview; oral history, June 16, 1982, CN 141, Box 45, Folders 3–4, BGCA; Edward Plowman, “How the Press Got It Wrong in Moscow,” Christian Century, June 23–30, 1982, p. 718.

505.    Haraszti delivers invitation. AH, oral history, June 30, 1982, CN 141, Box 45, Folders 3–4, BGCA.

506.    Haraszti persuades BG to accept invitation. AH, oral history, June 30, 1982.

506.    Bush tells BG he is neutral. BG, interview, March 6, 1989.

507.    Reagan privately approves of BG visit. Ibid.

507.    White House official: “You have to go.” Stephen L. Nordlinger, Baltimore Sun, May 17, 1982.

507.    State Department opposition to visit. AH, oral history, March 14, 1984, CN 141, Box 45, Folder 6, BGCA.

508.    “as early as 1963.” Robert Ferm to Ruby Escue, October 28, 1963, explaining Graham’s position. Ferm also indicated that Graham believed the UN was “the best possible hope that man has, but that, too, is an endorsement but with many qualifications.” CN 19 (Ferm Papers), Box 4, Folder 28 (12/62–6/63), BGCA.

508.    “he saw commitment . . . was serious.” Denton Lotz, interview, May 1, 1986. Lotz, a Baptist World Alliance executive who accompanied Graham on several forays behind the iron curtain, is the brother of Danny Lotz, husband of Graham’s daughter, Anne.

508.    BG shifts views on nuclear arms. CBS Evening News, March 29, 1979, CN 74, VT 2-CBS; Colman McCarthy, Charlotte News, June 29, 1979.

508.    “I have seen . . . race.” Billy Graham (interview), “A Change of Heart,” Sojourners, August 1979, reprinted in advertisement, Yale Daily News, April 16, 1982.

508.    SALT 10. Billy Graham, Approaching Hoofheats: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1983), p. 146.

508.    “Have we gone mad?” Charlotte Observer, June 10, 1979, and August 30, 1981.

509.    Nixon: “take the long view.” Harold L. Myra et al., “William Franklin Graham: Seventy Exceptional Years,” Christianity Today, November 18, 1988, p. 18.

509.    “These verses have been the key.” Interview, March 6, 1989. In a 1988 interview with Christianity Today, he downplayed the importance of his views on nuclear disarmament. “We went with the understanding that we’d be invited back,” he said. “The Russians kept their word, and we were invited back. Our purpose in going had nothing to do with political or even peace problems—it was just the chance to preach the gospel.” Myra et al., “Seventy Exceptional Years,” Christianity Today, p. 19. Motives are some times complex.

510.    “He has used his prestige . . .” “A few Kind Words for Billy Graham,” Christian Century, May 26, 1982, p. 619.

510.    BG preaches peace. Charlotte Observer, April 21, and May 9, 1982; Yale Daily News, April 16, 20, 21, 1982; Robert M. Randolph, associate dean of students, MIT, conversation, December 5, 1988; CBS Evening News, April 12 and 15, 1982, CN 74, VT 13, BGCA; Tom Minnery, “Stirring the Coals in New England,” Christianity Today, May 21, 1982, pp. 28–29; Harry Genet, “Graham Will Preach in Moscow,” Christianity Today, April 9, 1982, p. 44.

510.    Templeton Prize. UPI, March 19, 1982; AP, May 15, 1982.

512.    BG and Arbatov. AH, interview; oral history, March 15, 1984.

513.    Admission by ticket. AH, oral history, March 15,1984; Reinhold Kerstan (Baptist World Alliance official), interview, May 2, 1986; ABC, NBC, CBS News, CN 74, VT 13, May 9, 1982; AP, Charlotte Observer, May 11, 1982.

513.    Size of crowd. AH, oral history, March 15, 1984; Christianity Today, June 18, 1982, p. 42.

513.    “I’ve been trying to reach [KGB] for a long time.” Tom Minnery, “Graham in the Soviet Union,” Christianity Today, May 21, 1982, p. 52; AH oral history, March 15, 1984.

513.    Graham’s sermon at Moscow church. “Billy Renders unto Caesar,” Newsweek, May 24, 1982, pp. 89–90; Plowman, “Press Got It Wrong,” p. 718.

513.    “A great event,” Christianity Today, June 18, 1982, p. 42.

513.    “We detain people.” John F. Burns, “Graham Offers Positive View of Religion in Soviet,” the New York Times, May 13, 1982; “Billy Renders unto Caesar,” Newsweek, p. 89; also, Mobile Press Register, May 16, 1982.

514.    Soviet Christians criticize BG. Jim Gallagher, “Graham in Moscow, Preaches Obedience,” Chicago Tribune, May 10, 1982; “Billy Renders unto Caesar,” Newsweek, p. 89.

514.    BG speaks to authorities about 147 prisoners. Minnery, “Graham in the Soviet Union,” p. 56; audio tape, New York Press Conference, May 19, 1982, furnished by BGEA.

514.    BG at Orthodox cathedral. “Billy Renders Unto Caesar,” pp. 89–90; “Billy Renders unto Caesar,” p. 53; J. Martin Bailey, “The Media Missed the Story,” Christianity and Crisis, June 7, 1982, pp. 155, 172; AH, oral history, March 15, 1984. Some sources reported that Pimen introduced Graham, but Haraszti says it was Borovoy. Given Haraszti’s acquaintance with both men, and Pimen’s concern for status, it is likely that Haraszti’s account is correct.

514.    “A made-up meeting.” AH, oral history, March 15, 1984; other quotes are from AH, oral history, June 30, 1982, CN 141, Box 45, Folders 3–5. Interestingly, AH reported that Graham preached for only twenty minutes. Oral history, March 15, 1984. All others’ accounts, including those by eyewitnesses, placed the time at closer to an hour. “Billy Renders unto Caesar,” pp. 89–90; Edward Plowman, interview, February 10, 1987.

515.    Pimen’s introductory statement, “Billy Renders unto Caesar,” Newsweek, p. 90; “Inside Washington,” Human Events, May 22, 1982, p. 5.

515.    Graham’s address. Charlotte Observer, May 12, 1982. This material is not found in the text of Graham’s speech, “Graham’s Mission to Moscow,” Christianity Today, June 18, 1982, pp. 20–23.

516.    Graham urges religious freedom and SALT 10. Graham, “Graham’s Mission to Moscow,” p. 23. The citation from the universal declaration is from Section VII of the Final Act of Helsinki.

516.    Enthusiastic response to speech. AH, oral history, June 3, 1983, CN 141, Box 45, Folders 3–5, BGCA.

517.    Reporters press BG re Pentecostals. AH, oral history, ibid. For reasons not entirely clear, Haraszti emphasized that publicity about the visit was kept down at the request of the Orthodox leaders. The government’s only request was that Graham not visit the Pentecostals at all. The letter from the Pentecostals had been sent to Graham in the United States but had arrived after Graham left Montreat. Jack Anderson, “Graham Asked to Cancel Moscow Trip,” syndicated column, June 6, 1982.

517.    AH advises BG re Pentecostals. AH, interview, July 16, 1986, and oral history, March 15, 1984. In the oral history, Haraszti sets the figure at 600 million people. This appears to be due to his having made a simple error. After giving the population of the USSR as 264 million (approximately correct), he used 464 as the base figure to which he added the population of the satellite countries. In his interview with me, he spoke of 400 million, which is the closer approximation.

518.    BG visits Pentecostals. AH, ibid.

518.    Ps. 37. The quotation from Ps. 37 is from Haraszti’s memory and apparently not an exact rendering of any standard English version of the Bible.

519.    Pentecostals disappointed. ABC, CBS, NBC, TV News, May 11, 1982, CN 74 VT 13, BGCA.

519.    BG “nothing special.” Charlotte Observer, May 12, 1982; “Billy Renders unto Caesar,” Newsweek, p. 90.

520.    BG role in release of Pentecostals. AH interview, and oral history, March 15, 1984; Graham, interview; John Akers, interview, March 6, 1989. For accounts of the emigration of the Pentecostals, see the New York Times, June 28, 29, and July 19, 1983.

Chapter 31: Tribulation and Triumph

522.    BG statements on religious freedom in USSR. Edward Plowman, “Billy Graham: The Gospel Truth in Moscow,” Saturday Evening Post, September 1982, p. 112; Plowman, interview, February 10, 1987; also, “Graham Says U.S. Wavered on Moscow Trip,” Baltimore Sun, May 17, 1982; “Graham Offers Positive View of Life in Soviet, the New York Times, May 13, 1982, and “For Moscow’s Guests, Life in a Luxurious Cocoon,” the New York Times, May 15, 1982; Charlotte Observer, May 16, 1982; “Questionable Mission to Moscow,” Time, May 24, 1982, p. 60; Tom Minnery, “Graham in the Soviet Union” Christianity Today, June 18, 1982, pp. 52, 56; ABC, CBS, NBC News, CN 74, VT 13, May 12, 1982, BGCA. Of the caviar, Graham later told reporters, “There is a lot of caviar in the Soviet Union and very little in the United States. It was available in Moscow and I wasn’t going to let it sit there.” AP, May 18, 1982.

523.    Reaction to BG statements. Editorial, Christianity Today, June 18, 1982; see also George F. Will, “Listening to America’s Most Embarrassing Export,” column, May 13, 1982, Charlotte Observer.

524.    “heaven only knows.” The New York Times, May 16, 1982.

524.    Wheaton students: “Billy Graham has been duped.” AP, May 17, 1982.

524.    “Then keep out of the discussion.” This Week with David Brinkley, ABC TV, May 16, 1982, CN 74, VT 12, BGCA.

524.    BG met “top Soviet officials.” Minnery, “Graham in the Soviet Union,” p. 56.

525.    BG defends self. “Graham in Moscow: What Did He Really Say?” Christianity Today, June 18, 1982, p. 12; UPI, Charlotte Observer, May 17, 1982; Minnery, “Graham in the Soviet Union,” June 18, 1982, pp. 52, 56; Charlotte Observer, May 23, 1982; CBS News, May 19, 1982, CN 74, VT 12, BGCA; AP, May 20, 1982; “Billy, Are You Blind?” Los Angeles Times, June 5, 1982.

525.    BGEA press release. Crusade Information Service, May 19, 1982, quoted in Kent Hill, The Puzzle of the Soviet Church (Portland, Ore.: Multnomah Press, 1989), p. 196.

525.    Soviets admit decline in churches. Hill, Puzzle, p. 196, quoting an interview with Council for Religious Affairs chairman Konstantin Kharchev, Science and Religion (November 1987): 23.

525.    Radio Moscow broadcast quotes BG. “Vantage Point,” Radio Moscow, August 4, 1982. Quoted in Hill, Puzzle, pp. 196–97.

525.    JDL gang ransacks WCC offices, Dan Rather asserts BG was “deceived and used.” CBS News, May 19, 1982, CN 74, VT 12, BGCA.

526.    “best informed commentator . . . persecuted.” Letter, Michael Bordeaux to Christianity Today, September 3, 1982, p. 8, quoted in Hill, Puzzle, p. 197.

526.    Moyer’s assessment. CBS News, May 17, 1982. CN 74, VT 13, BGCA.

526.    “It’s my calling.” “Graham Backs Moscow Visit as ‘My Calling.’” Chicago Sun Times, May 17, 1982; Graham also mentioned the appearance of opportunism in an AP story, May 17, 1982.

526.    BG has “feeling of serenity.” Minnery, “Graham in the Soviet Union,” p. 57.

526.    GDR and Romania did not approve Hungary visit. AH, oral history, December 26, 1979, CN 141, Box 45, Folder 2, BGCA.

527.    “When I walked in . . . just smiling.” BG, interview, February 26, 1987.

527.    BG meets with GDR officials. “Hopeful Signs for the Church in East Germany,” Christianity Today, December 17, 1982, pp. 40–43; BG, interview, February 26, 1987; Edward Plowman, interview, February 10, 1987.

528.    Czechoslovakia visit. AH, interview, July 16, 1986.

528.    Czechs warm to BG. “Billy Graham Gets a Friendly Reception in Czechoslovakia,” Christianity Today, December 17, 1982, pp. 38–40; Reinhold Kerstan, interview, May 2, 1986.

528.    Soviet church leaders angry with Graham. AH, oral history, March 15, 1984, CN 141, Box 45, Folder 6, BGCA.

529.    BG in USSR, 1984. Bob Terrell, Billy Graham in the Soviet Union (Minneapolis: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1985), pp. 21–30. “Billy Graham’s Mission Improbable,” Time, September 24, 1984, p. 48.

530.    BG at Tallinn. Terrell, Graham in the Soviet Union, pp. 35–36.

530.    BG at Novosibirsk. Ibid., pp. 47–48, 52; Beth Spring, “Billy Graham Sees Vitality and Dedication Among Russian Christians,” Christianity Today, October 19, 1984, pp. 38–39; AH, oral history, June 16, 1982, CN 141, Box 45, Folders 3–4.

531.    Ponomarev visit. BG, interview, March 6, 1989; unpublished document, statement of Billy Graham to His Excellency Boris N. Ponomarev, September 20, 1984. I am grateful to Mr. Graham for sharing this document with me. Graham said that with the exception of Ronald Reagan and Rabbi Marc Tanenbaum, he had shown the document to no one else outside his immediate circle of advisers.

531.    Nine BG books in print in USSR. AP, September 28, 1984.

533.    Romania tour. Edward Plowman, “Fanning the Flames of Revival in Romania,” Christianity Today, November 8, 1985, pp. 59–61; Plowman, interview; AH, interview, July 16, 1986; AH report at Columbia crusade, May 1, 1987; Russ Busby, interview, April 30, 1987; BG, press conference, National Press Club, April 26, 1986.

533.    BG lauds corrupt Romanian government. Janice Broun and Grazykna Sikorska, Conscience and Captivity: Religion in Eastern Europe (Washington: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1988), p. 231.

534.    Government gouges host churches. Ibid., pp. 347–349, quoting a samizdat document produced by a Romanian Baptist and furnished by the Keston News Service, no. 245, June 1986.

534.    1985 Hungary visit. Edward Plowman, “Relations Improve Between Church and State in Hungary,” Christianity Today, November 22, 1985, pp. 64–66; Plowman, interview; AH, interview; Russ Busby, interview.

534.    Cardinal calls BG an actor. AH, interview.

535.    “People ask us . . . many Westerners think.” Walter Smyth interview, June 11, 1986.

535.    BG assumes surveillance. BG, interview, March 6, 1989.

535.    Soviet official: “I raised my hand.” Plowman, interview.

536.    BG gives credibility to small churches. AH, interview.

536.    “We bring new images.” Ibid.

537.    Permission to print BG books. John Akers, interview, March 6, 1989.

537.    “a magnificent goodwill ambassador.” AH, interview.

537.    BG expects Baker’s support. BG, interview, March 6, 1989.

537.    BG on Gorbachev’s spirituality. Interview, CBS Morning News, December 25, 1987. Transcript.

Chapter 32: Amsterdam

539.    “would have been in Book of Acts.” Quoted in Dave Foster, Billy Graham: A Vision Imparted. A Pictorial Report on the International Conference for Itinerant Evangelists (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1984), p. 23.

539.    “According to Walter Smyth. . . .” Foster, A Vision Imparted, p. 6 “to reach the little guy.” BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

540.    Burklin: “no idea as to how many . . .” Werner Burlkin, interview, June 6, 1986.

540.    Why Amsterdam was selected. Foster, A Vision Imparted, p. 17.

540.    “poignant and comic moments.” From Tom Minnery, “How to Be an Evangelist,” Christianity Today, September 2, 1983, p. 44; Foster, A Vision Imparted, pp. 21–22.

541.    Wives meeting. Foster, A Vision Imparted, pp. 62–63; Foster, “Billy Graham on What He Does Best,” Christianity Today, September 2, 1983, pp. 28–31.

541.    Processing applications for Amsterdam ’86. Bob Williams, interview, June 9, 1986; application evaluation guidelines, ICIE 1986, furnished by Williams.

541.    Distribution of invitees. “Summons to the ‘Unknowns,’” Time, July 28, 1986, p. 69.

543.    PRC representatives. Burklin, interview.

543.    Evangelists operate book scams. T. W. Wilson confirmed that this had happened. Interview, February 26, 1987. I received several such requests from individuals whom I had noted hanging around the conference bookstore and telling Westerners of their needs.

544.    Five hundred women participants. “Summons to the ‘Unknowns,’” p. 69.

544.    “It’s already paid for.” Bob Evans, interview, July 9, 1986. Graham acknowledged that this had happened. Several other team members told the same story, not always with a sense that their leader had acted prudently.

545.    “might have been better spent.” A. Jack Dain, interview, July 14, 1986.

545.    Sri Lankan evangelist crosses war zone. Dave Foster, Amsterdam 86 (Minneapolis: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1987), p. 25.

545.    “They will kill us.” Foster, Amsterdam 86, p. 21.

545.    “I felt like a worm.” BG, ICIE press conference, July 18, 1986.

545.    “we are all one in Christ.” Burklin, interview.

545.    “This place is like heaven!” Foster, Amsterdam 86, p. 83.

546.    Cultural adaptation of program. John Corts, interview, June 9, 1986.

547.    BG resists speaking. Ibid.; Walter Smyth, interview, June 11, 1986.

548.    Ruth on problem children. Foster, Amsterdam 86, p. 61.

548.    John Corts on Day of Witness. Interview.

548.    Day of Witness. Personal observation; statistics from Foster, Amsterdam 86, pp. 83–66. McIntire. Luncheon conversation with McIntire and Bundy, July 18, 1986.

550.    Corts’s 1990 report on mini-Amsterdams. Letter, Corts to author, February 6, 1990.

Chapter 33: The Constituted Means

551.    BG checked off remaining states. Graham has not actually held a crusade in Delaware, but his campaigns in Philadelphia and New York, and a New Jersey crusade scheduled for September 1991—his first in that state—have involved churches in Delaware.

552.    “Yes, we have a plan . . . don’t change.” Sterling Huston, interview, May 2, 1987.

552.    “This is the game plan.” David Bruce, interview, July 24, 1987.

552.    “dog-and-pony show.” Kenneth Chafin, oral history, 1981, CN 141, Box 11, Folder 8. Chafin was dean of the Billy Graham School of Evangelism from 1968 to 1983.

553.    “When you have a thirty-year track record.” John Bisagno, oral history, November 13, 1981, CN 141, Box 13, Folder 2, BGCA.

553.    Ambassador Rodgers’s only assignments pertained to BG. The Honorable Joe M. Rodgers, U.S. ambassador to France, interview, September 21, 1986.

553.    Crusade security. Tex Reardon, interview, April 29, 1986.

553.    Ruth Graham: “Nothing can touch a child of God.” Mary Bishop, Billy Graham, the Man and His Ministry (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1978), p. 16.

554.    “If they really want you.” T. W. Wilson, Interview, February 27, 1987.

554.    Akers on inclusion of blacks. John Akers, interview, February 25, 1987.

555.    Jones and Bell observations on efforts to include blacks. Howard Jones and Ralph Bell, interviews, May 1, 1987.

555.    Bisagno on crusade services. John Bisagno, oral history, 1981, CN 141, Box 13, Folder 2, BGCA.

555.    Crusade music. Gavin Reid, interview, April 30, 1987, and To Reach a Nation (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1987), pp. 78–80; John Innes, interview, May 1, 1987.

556.    Hulk Hogan meets BG. Denver crusade, press release 87-8, BGEA Crusade Information Service.

557.    BG blesses reporters who curse him. Larry Ross, interview, March 28, 1988.

557.    George Cornell assesses BG. Letter, Cornell to Robert Ferm, August 20, 1959, CN 19 (Ferm Collection), BGCA.

557.    Mission England press coverage. Reid, To Reach a Nation, p. 56, and interview.

557.    “Get some more pictures up.” Bob Evans, conversation, November 12, 1987.

558.    Dienert on BG’s gift for publicity. Interview, October 5, 1987.

558.    Reid: “He is a ‘name.’” Reid, To Reach a Nation, p. 76.

559.    Telephone ministry. Terry Wilken, interview, June 11, 1986.

559.    “We never call them ‘converts.’” BG, quoted in Lewis F. Brabham, A New Song in the South: The Story of the Billy Graham Greenville, S.C., Crusade (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1966), p. 52.

559.    BG: “not sure I have ever led a soul to Christ.” Related by Roy Gustafson, interview, July 13, 1986.

559.    Over the years, various journalists, sociologists, seminary professors, church-agency researchers, and members of Graham’s own staff have studied individual crusades in attempts to determine how many inquirers were already members of, or in reasonably close touch with, a church before they went forward at a crusade service; how many were members or at least attending church at some specified point after the crusade; and how big a net gain in previously unaffiliated members the churches in a crusade city experienced. The studies vary in both design and result, but several findings appear again and again. In America, depending somewhat on the location of the crusade, between half and three quarters of the inquirers were already faithful in church attendance. Even larger percentages (as high as 96 percent in one study) had some kind of tie with a specific congregation or denomination. The net gain in new church members amounted to between only 5 percent and 16 percent of all inquirers, and a substantial portion of those were young people, who typically make up at least half of the total number of inquirers. When social class was considered, members of the respectable middle class, who compose the bulk of white Evangelical Protestant churches in America, clearly predominated. In short, what most inquirers in Graham’s American crusades hear may be “Good,” but it can hardly be counted as “News.” For them, Graham is not so much an evangelist, bringing fresh tidings of a hitherto unknown truth, as he is a revivalist, calling them to renew allegiance to that which they already believe, or to take a few more steps in the direction in which they were already leaning. See, for example, Kurt Lang and Gladys Engel Lang, “Decisions for Christ: Billy Graham in New York City,” in Identity and Anxiety, Survival of the Person in Mass Society, ed. M. R. Stein (Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1960); George Palmer Bowers, An Evaluation of the Billy Graham Greater Louisville Evangelistic Crusade, 1958, Th.M. Thesis, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, December 1958; Glenn Firebaugh, “How Effective are City-Wide Crusades?” Christianity Today, March 27, 1981, pp. 24–27; Lewis Drummond, The Impact of Billy Graham Crusades: Are They Effective? (Minneapolis: World Wide Publications, 1982); Win Arn, “Mass Evangelism: The Bottom Line,” in Arn, ed., The Pastor’s Church Growth Handbook (Pasadena: Church Growth Press, 1980), pp. 95–101; Frederick L. Whitham, “Revivalism as Institution alized Behavior: An Analysis of the Social Bases of a Billy Graham Crusade,” Social Science Quarterly, 49, no. 1 (June 1968): 115–27; Various surveys of British crusades summarized in G. W. Target, Evangelism Inc. (London: Penguin, 1968), passim.

560.    “My Answer” column written by others. William A. Doyle, “God, Mammon and the Men of BGEA, Corporate Report, June 1977, p. 30; Fred Dienert, interview, October 5, 1987.

561.    Unusual addresses. From a collection of letters on display at the Billy Graham Museum, Billy Graham Center, Wheaton, Illinois.

561.    BGEA Christian Guidance Department. Ralph Williams, interview, August 5, 1987.

561.    Twenty-seven secretaries answer seventeen thousand letters. John Corts, interview, August 5, 1987.

562.    “I do all of my own writing.” “Billy Graham: The Man at Home,” Saturday Evening Post, Spring 1972, p. 46; Ferms interview, March 28, 1987. Graham does receive extensive help on at least some books. In a March 18, 1976, memo to Harold Lindsell, apparently regarding Graham’s book on the Holy Spirit, published in 1978, Graham’s secretary, Stephanie Wills, informed Lindsell that she had asked Mr. Graham “if he’d like the book chapter by chapter or all at once. He said he doesn’t have time to work on it right now, so he’d prefer it all at once. However, he then said that he might have time in early April. . . . If possible, I would like a copy of that first chapter as soon as possible. Since I need to retype it I would prefer to do it while he’s gone than try to do it when he gets back.” The reference to retyping seems to indicate that Graham had sent Lindsell a draft for editorial and other assistance. CN 192 (Lindsell Papers), Box 6, Folder 3, BGCA. The Holy Spirit is usually regarded as Graham’s most substantial theological work. In its preface Graham thanks several people for reading and commenting on the manuscript. Lindsell’s name is the first. Billy Graham, The Holy Spirit (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1978), p. 11.

562.    Radio Stations. BGEA annual report, 1988; BG, interview, February 26, 1987; T. W. Wilson, Team and Staff Conference, The Homestead, Virginia, November 13, 1987.

562.    “The film ministry . . . deficit financing.” John Akers, interview, February 26, 1987.

563.    Dave Barr’s view of film ministry. Barr, interview, November 14, 1987.

563.    BG’s TV audience. The Unchurched American (Princeton Religious Research Center and the Gallup Organization, Inc., 1978), p. 58.

564.    “a Good News Show . . . more disciplined.” Roger Flessing, conversation, May 1, 1986.

564.    Efforts to hook secular audience. Ted Dienert, interview, May 1, 1987.

565.    Television maximizes BG’s effectiveness. Ross, interview. 556 BG not afraid of technology. Ted Dienert, May 1, 1987.

566.    BG sticks with Bennett agency. Fred Dienert, interview, February 1976. Several media agents have commended Graham for his policy.

567.    Third Coast. The details of this story seeped out more or less by accident. Puzzled as to why Bennett had chosen Third Coast Studios, I asked Fred Dienert and received his “small portion” answer. It seemed slightly irregular, and when I raised the matter with several usually candid members of the Graham organization, they admitted to the existence of some questions about the arrangement. At the Denver crusade, Ted Dienert had invited me to come to Austin to watch the editing process. When I called Bennett offices in Dallas to find out precisely when he would be in Austin, I was given the date but I sensed a certain uneasiness. That particular impression may have been erroneous; the tension in the air when I arrived at Third Coast Studios was palpable. It was clear I had come into the midst of a fairly serious family squabble. Dienert was cordial but visibly uncomfortable. Cliff Barrows, who arrived at about the same time I did, was cordial but seemed weary, a condition that could easily have resulted from Grady Wilson’s death and funeral a few days earlier. Several others seemed almost pleased I was present. Cliff’s questions about Third Coast’s facilities, unexplained retreats by principal players into side rooms, and knowing glances exchanged between technicians and Bennett staff members made it obvious that something was up. Discreet inquiry made it just as obvious that I would probably not get the full story just by asking. In the course of the day, someone mentioned that Stellacom, a company somehow affiliated with the Walter Bennett Company, was doing work for NASA. Since NASA is a government agency, I knew that if that were the case, Stellacom’s records, as well as those of all related companies, would be a matter of public record. A check of the pertinent records showed ties to Walter F. Bennett Company, Walter Bennett Company, Walter F. Bennett Advertising, Third Coast Studios, Third Coast Sound, and Third Coast Videos, Incorporated. Bennett ownership of Third Coast is given on various documents as 45 percent, 50 percent, and, in one case, 100 percent—a possible mistake. Subsequent conversations pegged the actual figure at 45 percent; an additional 5 percent was owned by a Bennett employee. With this information in hand, I asked several key participants and was able to piece together the story as related here. In fact, it appears that with the Walter Bennett Communications/BGEA work as its main account, Third Coast itself was losing money. Stellacom, a Third Coast subsidiary with a cost-plus contract guar anteed by the government, was a quite profitable operation, and likely to remain so. Not long after the Graham video work went back to CVS, leaving Third Coast even more unprofitable, Walter Bennett Communications and a business associate bought out the co-owner, thus gaining control of Stellacom, the most profitable part of the operation.

Chapter 34: Decently and in Order

568.    “George is a . . . wizard.” BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

568.    “He’s hard . . . like an indispensable engineer.” Former BGEA employee, interview, July 15, 1986.

569.    Wilson tour of BGEA. August 3, 1987.

570.    BG on John Corts. BG, interview, February 26, 1987.

570.    “He is much brighter . . . brilliant.” John Akers, interview, February 26, 1987.

570.    BG “has innate common sense.” George Wilson, interview, August 3, 1987.

570.    “He plays it down . . . his strategy.” T. W. Wilson, interview, February 27, 1987.

571.    “Mr. Graham . . . intuitive promptings.” Sterling Huston, interview, May 2, 1987.

571.    BG “a great delegator.” T. W. Wilson, interview, February 26, 1987.

571.    BG generous with praise. Emery, oral history April 9, 1979, CN 141, Box 10, Folder 4, BGCA.

571.    “he is also the bottleneck.” Former BG associate, interview.

571.    T. W. on BG’s “fickleness.” Wilson, interview.

571.    R. Ferm on BG’s flexibility. Robert Ferm, interview, March 28, 1987.

572.    Marvin Watson’s appointment to the board raised some eyebrows, since he had pled Watson guilty to covering up an illegal fifty-four-thousand-dollar contribution to Richard Nixon’s 1972 campaign. Graham defended the appointment by saying, “It hasn’t been brought up and I don’t think anybody would bring it up because I think the entire board has total and complete confidence in the integrity of Marvin Watson and also in his deep Christian commitment. . . . I know the whole story. He explained it to me very carefully, point by point. . . . It was best for his sake and for his family’s sake and for his Christian testimony’s sake for him to do what he did. I personally don’t think he was guilty.” Charlotte Observer, February 7, 1977.

572.    Plowman: “That board . . . That happens.” Edward Plowman, interview, February 10, 1987.

573.    Bennett on BGEA fiscal standards. Quoted in “Billy Graham on Financing Evangelism,” Christianity Today, August 26, 1977, p. 18.

573.    BG and staff take reduced salaries during major crusades. Harold L. Myra et al., “William Franklin Graham: Seventy Exceptional Years,” Christianity Today, November 18,1988, p. 22.

573.    BG stopped taking free clothes. “A Contagious Faith in God,” Charlotte Observer, February 9, 1977.

573.    Country club memberships. Mary Bishop, Billy Graham, the Man and His Ministry (New York: Grosser & Dunlap, 1978), pp. 20, 22.

573.    “freebies.” Publishers Weekly, late summer 1977 (precise date unclear in BGCA scrap-book copy).

573.    Ruth’s coat. Patricia Daniels Cornwell, A Time for Remembering: The Ruth Bell Graham Story (San Francisco: Harper &c Row, 1983), p. 113

574.    BG rejects plane. BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

574.    “I could have kept it all.” Ibid.

574.    “Fred Dienert . . . Trader Vic’s.” BG, conversation, February 22, 1986.

575.    Barrows on home and office. Cliff Barrows, interviews, March 25, and February 24, 1987.

575.    BG knows to “mind his steps.” George Wilson, interview.

575.    Mildred Dienert on BGEA morality. Interview, April 30, 1987.

576.    BG on Oral Roberts. Interview, March 5, 1989.

576.    “I may still make some bad mistakes.” BG, interview, March 28, 1987.

576.    BG on effects of TV scandals. “A couple of big names . . . work for God,” Myra et al., “Seventy Years,” p. 20.

576.    “Jesus had just twelve . . . history of the church.” CBS Morning News, December 25, 1987, transcript.

576.    “I don’t think . . . it may help the church,” George W. Cornell, AP, in the Washington Post, January 2, 1988.

576.    “It’s making everybody . . . very carefully.” Myra et al., “Seventy Years,” p. 23.

576.    Emery brings rationality, wears black hat. Emery oral history, April 9, 1979, CN 141 Box 10, Folder 4, BGCA.

577.    “Confrontation difficult for BG and Barrows. Cliff Barrows, interview, March 25, 1987.

577.    BG: “So far, I have resisted . . . her advice.” BG, interview, March 26, 1987.

577.    “We have been blessed . . . easy on us.” T. W. Wilson, interview.

577.    How staffers are eased out. Interviews, Kenneth Taylor, July 19,1986; Plowman; Adams, February 9, 1987; Robert and Lois Ferm.

578.    “You cannot break in. . . .” Lane Adams, interview, February 9, 1987.

578.    “that’s not forty years.” John Lenning, interview, February 27, 1987.

578.    “When you have been together . . . react.” Barrows, interview, February 27, 1987.

578.    Lenning on Barrows. John Lenning, interview.

579.    Grady in Columbia. Personal observation, May 1, 1987.

580.    “Why put all our eggs . . . except for God?” Walter Smyth, interview, June 11, 1986.

580.    Comments on Walter Smyth. All were made as part of a special recognition for Smyth during the 1987 Team and Staff Conference at the Homestead, November 13, 1987.

581.    “I think we gave him about $400,000.” BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

581.    Living in BG’s shadow. John Lenning, interview; Tedd Smith, interview, April 30, 1987.

581.    “You don’t feel very important. . . . Who am I to disagree?” Lois Ferm, Interview March 28, 1987.

582.    “There is a need . . . work out their problems. Harvey Thomas, interview, June 16, 1987.

582.    “They’re like overgrown schoolboys.” John Stott, interview, September 29, 1986.

582.    “The most effective small team.” The Reverend Gilbert Kirby, interview, September 29, 1986.

Chapter 35: The Bible [Still] Says

583.    “I have read . . . a whole book about it.” Robert Ferm, oral history, June 21, 1978, and January 19, 1979, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 37, BGCA.

583.    Colleagues comment on BG’s theology. Interviews, Carl Henry, February 10, 1987; John Akers, February 26, 1987.

583.    Garden of Eden location. BG, sermons, Washington, D.C., April 27, 1986, and Paris, September 27, 1986.

583.    “Jesus born of virgin.” BG, interview, United Church of Christ Observer, quoted in Carl McIntire, Outside the Gate (Collingswood, N.J.: Christian Beacon Press, 1967), p. 87.

584.    “plenary verbal inspiration.” Cf., e.g., Billy Graham, The Holy Spirit (Waco: Word Books, 1978, paperback edition), p. 60.

584.    “not saved because of views of Bible.” Legends, CNN, 1986.

584.    “everyone knows . . . supernatural being.” BG, sermon, Paris, September 20, 1986.

584.    “it’s not what I don’t understand.” BG, interview, March 26, 1987.

584.    “Garden of Eden long ago.” BG, Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., April 30, 1986.

584.    “coming to Christ . . . in just a moment.” Sermon, Washington, April 27, 1986.

584.    “pagans . . . no longer believe that.” BG, quoted in James Michael Beam, “I Can’t Play God Anymore,” McCall’s, January 1978.

585.    Response in “Graham’s Beliefs: Still Intact,” Christianity Today, January 13, 1978, pp. 49–50.

585.    “Hitler and Schweitzer,” quoted in Ian R. K. Paisley, Billy Graham and the Church of Rome (Greenville, S.C.: Bob Jones University Press, 1970), p. 55, citing Sunday Magazine, June 1966.

585.    “I don’t think I can play God”. . . . “ask the theologians up there in heaven.” BG, interview, March 26, 1987.

585.    BG sure of heaven. Sermons, Washington, April 28,1986, and Columbia, South Carolina, May 1, 1986.

585.    BG not afraid to die. Billy Graham, on Larry King Live, CNN, January 18, 1988, and January 17, 1989. On the second of these programs, King, who had suffered a heart attack and was obviously fascinated by Graham’s equanimity in the face of death, recalled the bomb incident and asked Graham to give his response again.

585.    Heaven may be North Star. Edward Fiske, “The Closest Thing to a White House Chaplain,” the New York Times Magazine, June 8, 1969, p. 109.

586.    Heaven and Elvis. Heaven described in Billy Graham, Till Armageddon (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1981), pp. 214–15; BG expects to see Elvis, David Lawrence, “Conversations with Billy Graham,” September 25, 1977.

586.    “Suffering is simply . . . pain and sorrow.” Billy Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1983), pp. 61, 94.

586.    Interpretations of suffering. 1962: Bulawayo Chronicle, June 16, 1962, CN 360, MF Reel 14, BGCA; 1988: TV show of Syracuse crusade.

586.    Embroidery image, Graham, Till Armageddon, p. 53.

586.    BG on angels. Billy Graham, Angels (New York: Doubleday, 1975; New York: Pocket Books, 1975), pp. 28, 34, 46, 124–25, 175–76.

587.    BG alters dispensationalist beliefs. Interview, March 26, 1987.

587.    BG will not speculate about dates. BG, interview, February 26, 1987.

587.    “battle of Armageddon.” Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats, p. 224.

587.    “global harmony will be realized.” Graham, Till Armageddon, pp. 22–23.

588.    Middle East and the End. BG, interview, February 26, 1987; BG, sermon, Paris, September 27, 1986; Knotts, England, Worksop Guardian, May 17, 1985.

588.    BG ministry may be preparation for Second Coming. Sermon, Washington, May 4, 1986.

588.    Four Horsemen “on the way.” BG, Sermon, Amsterdam, July 20, 1986.

588.    BG on tongue speaking. Interview, March 26, 1987.

588.    Healing and prophecy. Billy Graham, The Holy Spirit (Waco, Tex.: Word Books, 1978), pp. 241, 244, 207.

588.    BG criticizes prosperity theology. Interview, March 26, 1987.

589.    Colleagues comment on BG’s preaching. John Corts, interview, August 5, 1987; T. W. Wilson, interviews; Robert Ferm, oral history, 1978, CN 141, Box 3, Folder 37, BGCA.

589.    “preach with compassion.” BG, sermon, Amsterdam, July 14, 1986.

590.    BG’s anachronisms. Sermon, Washington, D.C. April 27, 1986.

590.    “Tie a Yellow Ribbon.” BG, sermon, Washington, D.C. May 3, 1986, conversations following.

590.    “I’ll rework those.” BG, interview, February 26, 1987.

590.    John Wesley White aids BG. Akers, interview; John Wesley White, interview, May 2, 1987.

591.    “Like a lot . . . trouble.” Edward Plowman, interview, February 10, 1987.

591.    “Maiodes.” Sermon, Amsterdam, July 20, 1986.

591.    “Eli Weasel.” BG, sermon, Washington, April 25, 1986.

591.    Dostoyevski “dead now.” BG, sermon, Columbia, South Carolina, May 3, 1986.

591.    BG’s imprecisions: “psychologist.” Sermon, Washington, April 28, 1986.

591.    “sociologist.” Washington, May 3, 1986. “Harvard . . . Time,” BG, sermon, Paris, September 20, 1986.

591.    “over four hundred . . .” BG, sermon, Paris, September 24, 1986.

591.    “modern novel.” Ibid.

591.    “Male sex drive six times greater.” BG, sermon, Columbia, South Carolina, May 1, 1987.

591.    “Didn’t get it from me.” John Wesley White, interview. Graham’s secretary, who types Graham’s sermons and is thus aware of the sources of his quotes, believed Graham has based his comment on a comment by his brother-in-law, Clayton Bell, to the effect that “a recent study says that the average man thinks about sex six times an hour while he is awake.” Letter, Stephanie Wills to William Martin, February 26, 1991.

592.    BG jokes about his credulity. Columbia, South Carolina, April 30, 1987.

592.    “There is no magic . . . human person.” Reid: “You and Me as Well as BG,” London Church Times, February 3, 1984.

592.    “They hear another voice.” John Innes, interview, May 1, 1987.

592.    BG’s assessment of his gift. Sermon, “The Evangelist’s Gift and Calling,” Amsterdam, July 13, 1986; Address, YFC Convention, 26 July–4 August 1974, YFC Archives, BGCA.

592.    “I become exhausted.” Charlotte Observer, June 15, 1969.

593.    BG develops appreciation for structures. In a 1974 Christianity Today interview, Graham said, “I think we have to identify with the changing of structures in society and try to do our part.” January 4, 1974, p. 17.

593.    “I do not believe the Bible teaches teetotalism.” “Carter Will Restore Confidence, Graham Says,” Miami Herald, December 26, 1976. I have heard Graham make similar statements in recent crusades.

593.    “Once in a while . . . a sip.” BG, quoted in Angela Levin, London Sunday Mail, April 8, 1984. Graham has confirmed this to the author.

593.    “It’s very difficult . . . to live a clean life.” Legends, CNN, 1986.

593.    Resisting temptation. Charlotte Observer, July 2, 1979; “Just Say NO,” TV show of Peaks to Plains Crusade, September 9, 1987.

593.    “you don’t have to have sex . . . part of your body.” BG, sermon, Columbia, South Carolina, April 29, 1987, and interview, March 26, 1987.

594.    “Thus far, and no further.” Legends, CNN.

594.    If BG children had pre-marital sex. BG, quoted in Madison, Wisconsin, State Journal, March 13, 1976.

594.    Homosexuality no worse than adultery. Billy Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats, p. 97. In another context he listed jealousy, pride, greed, and lust as sins of equal magnitude. Page 4 of a transcript of a press conference (n.d.).

594.    Homosexuals should “ask God to help you.” Legends, CNN. 585 AIDS and condoms. BG syndicated telecast, March 1988.

594.    Abortion: “individual cases.” Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats, p. 157; view similar to pope’s, National Press Club, April 24, 1986. Elsewhere as well.

594.    Birth control. “Billy Graham: The Man at Home,” Saturday Evening Post, Spring 1972, p. 105.

595.    “God can forgive adultery.” Interview, March 26, 1987.

595.    Husband and wife should share power. “Of Religion and Politics,” Boston Globe, August 16, 1976.

595.    “Satanic deception.” “‘Lib Endangers Family, Graham Warns,” San Diego Tribune, August 17, 1976.

595.    “discriminated against.” San Diego Evening Tribune, April 1, 1976; “A Chat with Billy: Religion and Politics,” San Jose Mercury, September 27, 1981.

596.    BG “not sure” about women as pastors. UPI, July 24, 1975.

596.    “don’t object . . . God called them.” “What Makes Graham Special,” Charlotte Observer, February 7, 1977.

596.    “a certain amount of socialism.” Ibid.

596.    250 verses on the poor. “Why Broadcast Trends Worry Billy Graham,” Belfast Newsletter, January 11, 1985.

596.    “slight cynicism” toward government programs. “Don’t Rock the Ark,” the Washington Post, June 23, 1969.

597.    Only the Second Coming can cure poverty. See, for example, Mary Bishop, Billy Graham, the Man and His Ministry (New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1978), p. 68.

597.    Travel and study changed BG. Charlotte Observer, April 15 and 25, 1982; “The Political Education of Billy Graham,” Washington Post, April 14, 1986.

597.    World Emergency Fund. Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats, p. 159.

597.    Love-in-Action “a gesture, to demonstrate . . .” BG, sermon, Denver, July 26, 1987.

597.    BG on poverty. At Harvard, Charlotte Observer, April 25, 1982; “Political Education of Billy Graham;” Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats, p. 152, passim; interview, March 6, 1989.

598.    Unemployed not second-class. “Billy is Worth Listening To,” Newcastle Sunday Sun, May 27, 1984; also, Tom Minnery, “A Royal Reception for Billy Graham in England,” Christianity Today, March 2, 1984, pp. 34–36.

598.    “My heart goes out.” “The President of Presence,” Sheffield Star, June 20, 1985.

598.    British churchmen gratified. Douglas Brown, “Billy’s Back at Start of Heritage Year,” London Church Times, May 4, 1984. Similar statements were made by Gilbert Kirby, John Stott, and Gavin Reid during interviews with the author.

598.    “Many of our crimes.” Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats, p. 166.

598.    BG’s views on gun control. “I am for some sort of restraint and registration. [We] should know where the 40 million handguns are.” San Antonio Express-News, April 26, 1981.

599.    BG and Ruth on capital punishment. Charlotte Observer, June 10, 1979. In 1973 the UPI quoted Graham as saying, “[W]hen capital punishment is administered equally, it’s proved to be a deterrent,” Charlotte Observer, March 23, 1973.

599.    “extended statement” on disarmament. Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats, pp. 131, 133, 137, 141–43.

599.    “Terrorists . . . come to Christ.” BG, sermon, Columbia, South Carolina, April 29, 1987.

599.    “no Secretary of State.” Press release, 1986 Greater Washington Crusade, BGEA.

600.    Peace “a realistic present hope.” BG, quoted in James E. Nash, “The Bomb, Rev. Billy, and the Second Coming,” Christianity and Crisis, May 30, 1983, p. 215.

600.    “Every gun . . .” Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats, p. 170.

600.    BG’s approach “the scare tactics of a preacher.” Christianity Today, April 6, 1984, p. 30.

600.    “still in process.” Graham, Approaching Hoofbeats, pp. 146, 144.

Chapter 36: What Manner of Man?

601.    BG “the most spiritually productive servant of God in our time.” Bishop Maurice Wood, interview, September 30, 1986.

601.    “I honestly believe . . . you have to wonder.” Lane Adams, interview, February 9, 1987.

602.    “Rabbi Tanenbaum Praises Work of Billy Graham,” Jewish Week-American Examiner (New York, N.Y.), March 19, 1982.

602.    BG on Muslims. Press conference, National Press Club, April 24, 1986; Dedication Service, Greater Washington Crusade, April 25, 1986; Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, April 30, 1986.

602.    “Eisenhower once said . . . not as dogmatic.” Charlotte Observer, August 30, 1981.

603.    Description of charisma. See Max Weber, From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, trans., ed. H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills (New York: Oxford University Press, 1946), pp. 245–52; Robert C. Tucker, “The Theory of Charismatic Leadership,” Daedalus, Summer 1968, pp. 731–56; Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements (New York: Harper & Row), p. 112.

604.    Stott on BG. Interview, September 29, 1986.

604.    BG not an intellectual, but a genius. I cannot cite the source of this quotation. Somehow, in the process of lifting it from the data base in which it was originally placed, it was separated from its author. I do know it is an authentic quote from a person well acquainted with Graham, and it seemed better to admit I have lost the source than to omit the observation.

604.    “Psalms for how to get along.” T. W. Wilson, interviews.

604.    “I hate to be late.” “A Conversation with Billy Graham,” IRTV Guide, 1974, p. 10.

604.    BG “can’t stand to be idle.” Bob Terrell, interview, March 27, 1987.

605.    BG’s speeches to prestigious meetings. Conversation with Grahams, March 26, 1987.

605.    Frady compares BG to Billy Budd. Marshall Frady, Billy Graham: Parable of American Righteous ness (Boston: Little, Brown, 1979), pp. 11, 13, 437–40.

606.    BG never alone with a woman. Harold L. Myra et al., “William Franklin Graham: Seventy Exceptional Years,” Christianity Today, November 18, 1988, pp. 22–23.

606.    BG and Joan Collins. Larry Ross, interview, March 28, 1988.

606.    BG sees Dangerous Liaisons. Interview, March 5, 1989.

607.    Plaudits for Ruth. Interviews, T. W. Wilson, February 27, 1987; Cliff Barrows, February 24, 1987; BG, February 26, 1987.

607.    Ruth “a little tougher.” Kenneth Chafin, interview, December 18, 1986.

607.    Ruth on women’s liberation. AP, April 15, 1976.

607.    “He did that to Castro, too.” Charlotte Observer, June 10, 1979.

607.    Ruth and Velma Barfield. T. W. Wilson, February 27, 1987.

608.    Grady on Ma Sunday and Ruth. Interview, March 1, 1987. Others told similar stories. In an oral history, Mrs. Donella Cochran Brown recalled that the Sundays had visited in her home often when she was a little girl and that “Ma Sunday always said, ‘Take care of your little boys; take care of your little boys.’” The Reverend Fred Brown and Donella Cochran Brown, oral history, December 29, 1976, CN 141, Box 2, Folder 39, BGCA.

608.    Ned Graham. Interview, May 8, 1991.

609.    BG “most admired.” In 1990, The Gallup Organization reported that Graham had been named to its “most-admired” list 32 times in the 40 years it had conducted the poll, placing him “at the head of the list of the men the American public has admired the most over the past four decades.” Decision, November 1990, p. 21.

609.    BG best known of “living giants.” Martin E. Marty, “Name Games,” Christian Century, October 16, 1974, p. 975.

609.    Ladies’ Home Journal survey. Charlotte Observer, June 22, 1978, citing the July 1978 edition of Ladies’ Home Journal. For the record, Abraham Lincoln and Eleanor Roosevelt edged both God and Graham in the competition to determine who had done the most good for the world.

609.    BG only clergyman invited to meet Gorbachev. Larry Ross, interview.

609.    “pleasing God or man?” BG, Legends, CNN, 1986.

610.    “Unless, of course, some major school . . .” BG, interview, February 27, 1987.

610.    BG’s problems with privacy. John Lenning, interview, February 24, 1987; Robert and Lois Ferm, interview, March 28, 1987.

610.    “a paradox in his personality.” Jean Graham Ford, interview, March 4, 1989.

611.    God can get BG’s attention. This quotation is a combination of two similar comments made by Busby, April 25, 1986, and April 30, 1987.

611.    “We don’t have to wait for the pope.” BG, sermon, Columbia, South Carolina, April 30, 1987.

612.    “To my best buddy.” T. W. Wilson, interview, February 26, 1987.

612.    BG’s hyperbole “don’t make anybody mad.” Melvin Graham, interview, November 17, 1987.

612.    “no dark side to Billy Graham.” Robert Evans, interview, July 9, 1986.

613.    BG “a good guy.” Charles Templeton, interview, December 1, 1987.

613.    Leighton and Jean Ford on Graham’s ailments. Interview, March 4, 1989.

613.    BG not “over the hill too far.” Melvin Graham, interview.

Chapter 37: “To the Ends of the Earth”

614.    BG ruminates about the future. Interview, March 5, 1989.

614.    Chafin and BG discuss Franklin. Chafin, interview, spring 1986. After stepping down from his role with the School of Evangelism, a role he performed while serving as pastor of Houston’s South Main Baptist Church, Chafin was the Billy Graham Professor of Evangelism at Southern [Baptist] Seminary in Louisville before taking a pastorate in that city.

615.    Franklin: “I’m not an evangelist . . . I’m looking low.” Quoted in “Young Graham’s Path Is All His Own,” Houston Chronicle, March 5, 1988.

615.    Franklin seen as plausible successor. Willmar Thorkelson, “Billy Graham to Ordain Son and Possible Protege,” Minneapolis Star, December 25, 1981. Widely reprinted.

616.    “I am not my father . . .” Franklin Graham, quoted in White.

616.    “Franklin says . . . right now.” BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

616.    Carloss Morris on Franklin. Interview, May 5, 1987.

616.    T. W. Wilson on Franklin. Interview, February 27, 1987.

616.    John Lenning on problems of succession. Interview, February 24, 1987.

616.    Rowlandson on the future of BGEA. Interview, July 10, 1986.

617.    Barrows: “I don’t have the foggiest idea.” Interview, February 24, 1987.

617.    Corts on the future. Interview, August 5, 1987.

617.    Nilson Fanini: “You would need a thousand Billy Grahams.” Interview, July 18, 1986.

618.    Graham considers purchase of the Queen Elizabeth. Press conference, WFGW Radio, Black Mountain, North Carolina, March 12, 1968, CN 313, Box 2 Folder 20, BGCA. Apparently, Graham was only mildly serious about purchasing the liner, but he did note that, with its two thousand air-conditioned rooms, recreational facilities, and abundant meeting rooms, it would make “a tremendous conference center.”

618.    “It’s the only piece . . . won’t even have a sign.” BG, 1987 Team and Staff Conference, and interview, March 26, 1987; also, “Bible College Receives Gift of 1,440 Acres,” Columbia, South Carolina, State, April 21, 1981. Eight hundred pastors attend School of Evangelism. BG monthly letter, September 1990. The school in question was held in August 1990. The total number of pastors who had attended a Billy Graham School of Evangelism stood at more than sixty-one thousand at the end of 1990.

618.    Barrows: “I see the latter part . . . impact on the world.” February 24, 1987.

619.    BG slowing down. BG, quoted by Bob Williams. Similar statement at Washington press conference, April 24, 1986. Others have made similar statements.

619.    Grahams discuss China trip. Interviews, February 26, 27, 1987, and March 5, 1989.

620.    BG received by Li Peng. Richard N. Ostling, “And Then There Was Billy,” Time, November 14, 1988, p. 41; Edward Plowman, Billy Graham in China (Minneapolis: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1988), pp. 10, 26.

621.    BG as tourist. BGEA TV program, “Billy Graham in China;” Plowman, Billy Graham in China, pp. 14–15; Ruth and Billy Graham, interview, March 5, 1989.

621.    BG at Nanjing Seminary. Plowman, Billy Graham in China, p. 46.

622.    Rittenburg assesses BG visit. Ibid., p. 47.

622.    Return to Russia. BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

622.    Political conventions and campaign. Ibid.; Jim Castelli, Springfield, Missouri, News and Leader, July 23, 1988; BGEA reprint of prayer, January 20, 1989.

623.    George Bush is BG’s best friend. The Washington Post, January 25, 1991, citing Doug Wead, George Bush, Man of Integrity (Eugene, Ore.: Harvest House Publishers, 1988).

623.    BG’s relationship with Bush. BG, interview, March 5, 1989.

624.    BG on Nixon. Ibid. The visit mentioned occurred in December 1988.

624.    “It is, humanly speaking, impossible” AH, oral history, June 16, 1982, CN 141, Box 45, Folder 3-4, BGCA.

624.    Hungary stadium service. Ed Plowman and John Akers, Billy Graham in Budapest (World Wide Publications, 1989), p. 18, quoting “Angyal Szallat a Stadionra,” Mai Map, July 30, 1989; Billy Graham in Hungary, BG syndicated television program, January 1990.

625.    Berlin rally. Quotations from BGEA press release 90-4.

625.    Dan Rather and Richard Nixon on BG’s Eastern Europe visits. The Bible and the Wall, BG syndicated television program, fall 1990.

626.    Mission World. Bob Williams, interviews, February 28, 1990, June 12, 1987, June 9, 1986; “Soft Sell and Satellites Deliver Biggest Audience,” Christianity Today, August 18, 1989, pp. 48–49.

Chapter 38: The Work of an Evangelist

631.    Mission World Asia. BGEA press release 90-16. Richard S. Greene, “Gospel Message Goes to Millions in Asia,” Decision, February 1991, p. 11; Richard S. Greene, “Mission World Asia Continues—Thirty Countries, Bringing the Gospel,” Decision, April 1991, pp. 28–29.

631.    Mission World, Latin America. Richard S. Greene, “In Buenos Aires: A Cause for Celebration,” Decision, February 1992, pp. 7–10.

631.    ProChrist 93. BGEA press releases 93-2, 93-6, and 93-7; David Neff, “Personal Evangelism on a Mass Scale,” Christianity Today, March 8, 1993, pp. 64, 66.

633.    World Television Series. BGEA publicity materials.

633.    Russian school of evangelism. BGEA press release 91-15.

634.    “beyond all expectations.” “Something Beyond All Expectation,” Decision (January 1993), pp. 7–13.

634.    Korean visit. BGEA press release, March 27, 1992.

635.    BG and Kim Il Sung. “Kim Il Sung, Up Close and Personal,” New Yorker, March 1994, p. 33.

636.    Graham and Jiang Zemin meet in Los Angeles. BGEA press release 97-17.

636.    Grahams receive Congressional medal. BGEA press release 96-3, May 3, 1996.

637.    “Surely their draw in the Northeast.” David Briggs, Associated Press, “Graham seeks record crowds for New York City crusades,” Houston Chronicle, May 18, 1991, Section Religion, page 3, 2 Star Edition.

637.    Central Park rally. Roger C. Palms, “Central Park Rally: An Afternoon of Good News,” Decision, December 1991, pp. 7–10. Also, Ari L. Goldman, “Billy Graham is Back to Save New York,” New York Times, September 16, 1991, pp. B1, B7; Robert D. McFadden, “New York Hears Words of Hope From Billy Graham,” New York Times, September 23, 1991, pp. B1, B6; Peter Steinfels, “Blunt Style of Preaching and a Message as Direct,” New York Times, September 23, 1991, p. B6.

638.    Charitable contributions at crusades. BGEA press release 92-9.

639.    FG and Larry Ross on Youth Night. Interviews.

640.    Youth Night. Larry Ross, interview, December 15, 2000; Rick Marshall, interview, June 24, 2001, Louisville, Kentucky; Franklin Graham quotes from comments in BGEA team devotional service, June 24, 2001, Louisville; Tedd Smith quotes from personal conversation, Louisville, Kentucky, June 23, 2001, and from Loydean Thomas, “Rock of Ages,” San Antonio Express-News, March 30, 1997, p. 12G. Also, personal observation of Youth Night at the San Antonio Alamodome, March 29, 1997, and Louisville, Kentucky, June 23, 2001 (including Kidz Gig on the morning of the same day), and uncut video footage from Jacksonville, Florida, Youth Night, November 4, 2000, provided by BGEA.

641.    Billy Graham at Harvard. BGEA press release 99-08.

642.    Amsterdam 2000. Larry Ross, interview; conversation, Cathy Wood, BGEA, June 24, 2001; BGEA press release materials; Decision, October 2000; The description of the Task Groups is from “So That All May Hear . . . ,” Decision, October 2000, pp. 20–21.

Chapter 39: “Guard What Has Been Entrusted to You”

644.    “Obscure but wise philosopher.” I first heard this from my brother-in-law, Philip Summerlin.

645.    Franklin’s first crusade experiences. Interview, Franklin Graham, May 8, 2001; Wendy Murray Zoba, “Not Your Father’s Evangelist,” Christianity Today, April 5, 1999, pp. 53–54. Agajanian gives gun and “The Lord . . . called me.” Ken Garfield, “Father’s Gift to Son: Evangelism,” Charlotte Observer, September 28, 1994, p. 6A.

645.    FG comparisons to BG. “I don’t know if I can avoid comparisons.” FG, quoted in Mark Pinsky (Orlando Sentinel), “Not Quite in Father’s Footsteps,” Washington Post, January 6, 1996, p. B8; “I love my father.” FG, quoted in Andrew Barron, “Billy Graham’s Son Has Own Style,” Greensboro News & Record, September 29, 1994; “Because I am the son. . . .” FG, quoted in Gustav Niebuhr, “On a Wing and a Prayer,” New York Times, October 12, 1994, pp. C1, C10; “Over 40 Years with Billy Graham,” Christianity Today, April 29, 1996, p. 55.

646.    “Festivals” instead of “Crusades.” FG, interview, May 8, 2001.

646.    FG criticisms of BG Youth Nights. Interview.

647.    “For years a big hole.” FG, in Zoba, “Not Your Father’s Evangelist,” p. 56.

647.    “I dress this way.” FG, in Pinsky, “Not Quite in Father’s Footsteps.”

647.    FG’s rugged image. The title of Franklin’s first autobiographical work is Rebel with A Cause: Finally Comfortable with Being Graham (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1995).

647.    Ruth “became increasingly vocal.” “In the Name of the Father,” Time, May 13, 1996; “My father didn’t say it to me.” Zoba, “Not Your Father’s Evangelist,” p. 54.

648.    Toronto conflict. Interviews with FG, Anne Graham Lotz, Russ Busby, Tex Reardon, and others who preferred not to be identified. Also, Anne Saker, “Crusade Staff Turns Away Graham’s Son,” Raleigh News & Observer, June 9, 1995, p. A1; and Terrence Noland, “About My Father’s Business,” Business/North Carolina, November 1995, pp. 22–35. “People will shoot you” is from Noland, p. 24.

650.    ECFA questions FG and Samaritan’s Purse. “ECFA cannot hold up” and “bump in the road” are from Noland, “Father’s Business,” p. 32. “Crummy little evangelical busybodies” appears in Jeffery L. Sheler, “After the Legend,” U. S. News & World Report, May 3, 1993, p. 73. Other quotations are from FG interview, May 8, 2001.

650.    Franklin appointed vice-chair and successor. BGEA press release 95-32.

651.    “Keep one thing in mind.” Russ Busby, interview, June 22, 2001.

651.    “Slowly trying to fit in.” FG, interview.

651.    Mel Graham quote. Noland, “About My Father’s Business,” p. 25.

651.    “We have a relay race.” Interview.

652.    Russ Busby on Franklin’s performance as successor. Interview.

653.    Greg Laurie quote. Noland, “About My Father’s Business,” p. 28.

653.    “Prescription for Hope” HIV/AIDS conference. “AIDS Victims Need Churches’ Help,” USA Today, Tuesday, February 26, 2002; “Franklin Graham Issues Challenge to Christians Worldwide: Join the Fight against HIV/AIDS,” Samaritan’s Purse Press Release, February 22, 2002; Tom Layton, “Christians Challenged to Confront AIDS,” Decision, April 2002, pp. 26–27; Caryle Murphy, “‘Army’ of Christians Needed in AIDS Fight, Evangelist Says,” Washington Post, Tuesday, February 19, 2002, p. B1.

653.    The 2016 figures come from the organization’s 2016 annual report.

653.    More than 42 countries. -ministries/.

654.    Samaritan’s Purse activities and finances. The 2012 figures come from http://s3.amazonams. com/ Unless otherwise noted, other information about Samaritan’s Purse ministries is taken from the organization’s website, Income figures are from the organization’s annual report, available in print and on the website. Figures for BGEA are from that organization’s annual report, available at Quotes from FG are from interviews.

655.    FG similar to Billy Sunday. Zoba, “Not Your Father’s Evangelist,” p. 55.

655.    “Billy Graham Forgives Clinton,” Maranatha Christian Journal, March 15, 1998. Quoting Today Show.

655.    FG on Bill Clinton. “A lie is a sin.” Zoba, “Not Your Father’s Evangelist,” p. 52; “I will never be alone. . . .” Bill Leslie interview with FG, November 1, 1996, WRAL-TV, Raleigh-Durham-Fayettville, NC,; “For the sake of the country. . . .” Quoted by Ken Garfield, “Franklin Graham: Step Down Quietly,” Charlotte Observer, September 10, 1998, pub/0911religion.htm.

656.    FG, The Apostle, and Jim Bakker. Zoba, “Not Your Father’s Evangelist,” p. 55; FG invites Bakker to lunch. Ken Garfield, “Father’s Gift to Son: Evangelism,” Charlotte Observer, September 28, 1994, pp. 1A, 6A.

656.    FG on drinking as a sin. Zoba, “Not Your Father’s Evangelist,” p. 55.

656.    FG favors tough drug policies. Interview. As noted on p. 589, Billy Graham shared his son’s preference for an ordered society, but later in life expressed reservations about the efficacy and fairness of capital punishment. FG’s reference to Singapore pertains to the city’s stringent antidrug enforcement policies, which resulted in a Dutch businessman being executed on drug-trafficking charges in 1994 and also a narrow escape from the death penalty for a Canadian man in 1996.

657.    FG on Gulf War. Quotes from Zoba, “Not Your Father’s Evangelist,” pp. 53, 55. Samaritan’s Purse sends single men to Iraq: Noland, “About My Father’s Business,” p. 28. Smuggles Bibles into Saudi Arabia: Pinsky, “Not Quite in Father’s Footsteps.”

657.    FG would have had Serbian soldiers executed. Pinsky, “Not Quite in Father’s Footsteps.” 657. “Jesse Jackson is silent.” Zoba, “Not Your Father’s Evangelist,” p. 55.

657.    “The Arabs will not be happy.” This statement, apparently made during a television broadcast of a Franklin Graham festival, was originally reported by the Associated Press on October 14, 2000. It was then circulated by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) in a press release, “Pattern of Hateful Anti-Arab Remarks Must be Condemned,” October 16, 2000, and later included in the 1998–2000 Report on Hate Crimes and Discrimination Against Arab Americans (Washington: ADC Research Institute, 2001), p. 71, edited by Hussein Ibish. According to ADC’s Laila Al-Qatami, repeated attempts to contact Graham regarding his comments were unsuccessful. A Religions and Ethics Newsweekly program aired on WNET-NY on October 20, 2000, reported Franklin Graham subsequently amended his remarks by saying he had not meant to imply that all Arabs hated Jews. The same program reported Billy Graham’s more moderate statement. religionandethics/transcripts/408.html.

657.    FG on world religions. “It’s not the same God.” Quoted by Ken Walker, “Franklin Graham Following in Famous Father’s Footsteps,” press release, Associated Baptist Press, October 18, 2000, vol. 00–94. “It wasn’t Mohammed”: Quoted in Anne Saker, “Graham Crusade Begins,” Raleigh News & Observer, September 26, 1994. “Darkness of Hinduism”: Pinsky, “Not Quite in Father’s Footsteps.”

658.    Response to the terrorist attacks: “Christian leader condemns Islam,” Jim Avila, NBC News, November 16, 2001.; “Muslim group wants Graham meeting,” Associated Press, November 20, 2001; Richard N. Ostling, “Billy Graham hasn’t retired, but son’s era begins,” Associated Press, November 24, 2001; “Rev. Franklin Graham says he doesn’t believe Muslims to be ‘evil people,’” Associated Press, December 4, 2001.

658.    FG: Muslims should be included in aid to faith-based organizations. Interview.

658.    FG remarks at Columbine Memorial Service. Full text at http://www.propheticroundtable. org/franklin-graham_Columbine_memorialservice.htm.

659.    Criticism of FG’s Columbine remarks. All quotes are from Virginia Culver, “Sunday Event Offended Some,” Denver Post, April 29, 1999. shot0429h.htm.

659.    FG felt “awesome responsibility.” Virginia Culver, “Voices of Columbine: Franklin Graham,” Denver Post, April 16, 2000.

659.    FG’s inaugural prayer and sermon. The texts of both of these were posted on the Samaritan’s Purse website. Prayer: asp?section=News+Room&page=2001/jan/012001.txt; sermon:

660.    FG defends inaugural prayer and sermon. Interview.

660.    FG not seeking to be Chaplain to the Nation. Interview.

660.    FG prayer at 2000 Republican National Convention. The complete text of the prayer, with the closing line and mention of its omission on the RNC site, was posted at http://www.

661.    Busby assessment of FG. Interview.

661.    Will’s Celebration. Jerri Menges, “Alive in Gastonia,” Decision (December 2006), pp. 25–28.

Chapter 40: “Having Faithful Children”

662.    “I was immersed . . . fingerprints.” Anne Graham Lotz, Just Give Me Jesus (Nashville: W Publishing, 2000); “I felt trapped. . . . My whole life was small.” Wendy Murray Zoba, “Angel in the Pulpit,” Christianity Today, April 5, 1999, p. 57.

662.    AGL: “My mother raised five of us.” “The Preacher’s Daughter,” 60 Minutes, June 3, 2001. Interviewed by Morley Safer.

662.    AGL: “They didn’t know I couldn’t teach.” In Laurie Beyer, “Taking the Word Around the World,” Just Between Us—The Magazine of Encouragement for Women, February 2000.

663.    Anne’s parents attend her class. Interview, July 11, 2001.

663.    Anne is asked to move her class. Interview.

664.    “Angels in the Bible.” AGL on Larry King Live, May 18, 2000.

664.    AGL on the need for revival. Interview.

665.    Revival “wasn’t on the program.” Ken Camp, Baptist Standard, April 24, 2000. http://www. .

665.    AGL expects revival. Camp, Baptist Standard, April 24, 2000.

665.    Significance of “Just Give Me Jesus.” AGL on Larry King Live, May 18, 2000.

665.    AGL books and honors. Also, Zoba, “Angel in the Pulpit,” p. 58.

666.    AGL criticizes “prosperity gospel.” Just Give Me Jesus, audiotape, Bridgeport, Ill.: Christian Audio Tapes, 2000, tape 2.

667.    “In a day of superficiality.” Randy Bishop, “Just Give Me Jesus,” Christian Reader, September/October 2000; “She has a tremendous gift.” “Billy Graham Ministries: A Family Affair,” Capitol Broadcasting Company, Raleigh, N.C., November 2, 1996. features/specialreports/archive.html.

667.    AGL “inherited the greatest share.” Zoba, “Angel,” p. 57; “Best in the country,” FG, interview.

667.    AGL compared with BG and FG. “We’re on the same team.” “‘Just Give Me Jesus’ Revival to Feature Anne Graham Lotz,” Christian Times, retrieved from Internet and no longer available. FG and BG “like the obstetrician.” Quoted in Bishop, “Just Give Me Jesus.”

667.    AGL at UN. Lotz, Just Give Me Jesus audiotape 2.

667.    AGL on women in ministry. Interview. Lotz has given the example of Mary Magdalene on several occasions. A similar version can be found on Just Give Me Jesus audiotape 2.

669.    AGL on diminishing resistance to women in ministry. Interview.

670.    Wife to submit to servant leadership. “Southern Baptist Faith and Message.” default.asp?url=bfam_2000.html.

670.    “Office of pastor limited to men.” “Southern Baptist Faith and Message.”

670.    AGL: SBC reacting to feminism. Interview.

670.    AGL on ordination. Interview. “If another godly woman . . .” is from a press conference after Amsterdam 2000.

670.    BG as absent father. AGL: Laurie Beyer interview. Ms. Lotz made similar comments on Larry King Live.

671.    Ned Graham’s ministry. Terry Mattingly, “Christian Groups Don’t Agree About China,” syndicated column.

671.    Ned Graham. The first major account of Ned’s problems was Karen L. Willoughby’s “Ministerial Oversight?” World Magazine, November 6, 1999. world/issue/11–06–99/national_1.asp. This article asserted or strongly implied that in addition to abusing alcohol, Ned had been unfaithful to his wife, had physically abused her and the children, and had used pornography. Graham repudiated Willoughby’s article, charging that she had “flat-out lied” to him about the auspices under which she was working and had proceeded dishonestly and bizarrely throughout preparation of her article. He claims, for example, that she presented him with nine hundred single-spaced lines of questions, asking such things as whether it was true that he had arranged abortions for several women he had impregnated and was growing hallucinogenic mushrooms on the grounds of East Gates Ministries. Using this article and materials taken from Carol’s divorce papers before they were sealed (and circulated by the senior pastor of their church), as well as further interviews, freelance writer Tony Carnes wrote, with Art Moore, “Woes Shake East Gates Ministries: Resignations Follow Allegations, Divorce,” in the December 6, 1999, issue of Christianity Today. This experience, Ned said, “opened my eyes to where Evangelical Christianity has sunk. We are the one section of the population that shoots our own wounded. I haven’t done an interview with a Christian [publication] since then. I have just focused on ministry.” Interview, August 15, 2001. Billy Graham’s approving statement appeared prominently on the home page of the East Gates website,

672.    Ruth and Billy Graham Children’s Health Center/Hospital.

673.    “Insightful Atlantic Monthly article.” Sue Erikson Bloland, “Fame: The Power and Cost of a Fantasy,” Atlantic Monthly, November 1999. issues/99nov/9911fame.htm.

674.    Ruth Graham McIntyre on her family. The quotes “my familiar pattern . . . find out” and “his plans kept moving . . . nurturing hope” are from Ruth Graham McIntyre, “Growing Up Graham,” Youthworker: The Contemporary Journal for Youth Ministry, May/June 2000. All other quotes are from interview, July 24, 2001.

Chapter 41: The Last Days

677.    AGL on her parents’ aging. Interview.

680.    Billy Graham Classics on TBN. By midsummer 2001, this plan had been implemented.

681.    “My Hope World TV Project.” Decision, October 2006, pp. 22–25.

681.    BGEA to move to Charlotte. Richard N. Ostling, “Billy Graham Hasn’t Retired, But Son’s Era Begins,” AP, November 21, 2001.

682.    FG’s plans for BGEA. Interview.

683.    The observance of the National Day of Prayer and Remembrance, September 14, 2001, was aired on all major broadcasting networks. The text of Graham’s remarks, as well as an audio recording, were reprinted in many newspapers and preserved on the BGEA website. http://

684.    FG’s comments on Islam. “This wonderful, peaceful religion,” Jim Avila, NBC News, November 16, 2001.; “a very evil and wicked religion” and “It wasn’t Methodists . . . ,” NBC News, November 16, 2001; Associated Press, November 20, 2001, and Richard N. Ostling, AP, November 24, 2001. Bush statement at Ramadan, Avila, NBC News, November 16, 2002.

684.    FG declines offer to meet with Muslims, AP, November 21, 2001.

684.    FG’s clarifying statements. BGEA press release, November 18, 2001, and Graham op-ed piece in Wall Street Journal, November 19, 2001.

684.    Bush: Islam “preaches peace.” NBC News, November 16, 2001.

684.    “It doesn’t help . . . off guard.” Ray Buchanan, president of Stop Hunger, based in Raleigh, N.C., AP, November 21, 2001.

684.    Ken Woodward, FG is “tone deaf.” NBC News, November 16, 2001.

684.    Response of Jewish leaders. David Firestone, “Billy Graham Responds to Lingering Anger Over 1972 Remarks on Jews,” New York Times, March 17, 2002, p. A24.

684.    BG sees implications. Private conversation.

685.    BG apologizes. Press release, March 1, 2002, and “Excerpts from Billy Graham’s Statement About Nixon Tape,” New York Times, March 17, 2002, A24.

685.    BG had grown. In the closing paragraph of my beliefnet article, referenced above, I wrote the following: “Billy Graham was 53 years old when his conversation with Nixon and Haldeman took place. Should he have known better than to say the things he said? Of course. Should he have played the role of prophet rather than court chaplain and boldly spoken truth to power? Absolutely. Should we, in light of all we know about him, which is a great deal indeed, condemn him as a duplicitous hater? That privilege would seem to be reserved only for those completely confident the stone they are poised to throw will leave no stain in their own hand.”

687.    Billy Graham Library and Visitor Center. Personal observation. See also Jim Dailey, “The Billy Graham Library—The Life of an Evangelist,” Decision (February 2007), p. 19; Amanda Knoke, “The Billy Graham Library: Proclaiming Christ,” Decision (April 2007), pp. 28f; Franklin Graham, “An Evangelistic Experience,” Decision (May 2007), p. 40. For the controversy regarding the Library and its possible function as a burial site, see Laura Sessions Stepp, “A Family at Cross-Purposes,” Washington Post (December 13, 2006), p. A01. For the record, I had no problems with the talking cow.

689.    A golf course in heaven. BG on Prime Time Live. A 1992 program included in “Billy Graham: A Personal Crusade,” A&E Biography (Pam Ridder, producer). First aired on May 22, 2000.

689.    BG: “I want to hear.” Ibid.

690.    2008 campaign. 145–52 .0.html.

692.    Palin visit. 692. Graham meets Obama.–2/ and

692.    Day of Prayer. -graham/.

692.    Franklin comments on Obama. “very nice man” franklin -graham-troubled-by-obama-softening-to-donald-trump–49970/. Obama a true Christian? President needs sound biblical teaching. hannity/transcript/franklin-graham-clarifies-controversial-comments-about-trump-obama.

692.    Franklin assesses Mitt Romney. -graham -Romney-Mormon/2012/02/21/id/430049.

693.    “I wouldn’t do that now.”

693.    “you can quote me on that.” -graham-romney-endorsement–20121011.

693.    Ads against same-sex marriage. and /

693.    Evangelicals can vote for a Mormon.–2012/can-an-evangelical-christian-vote-for-a-mormon/.

693.    Mormonism cult item deleted from BGEA website. billy-graham-no-longer-thinks-mormonism-is-a-cult/.

694.    Romney endorsement Billy or Franklin? and story/2012/10/18/1146371/-The-Hypocrisy-of-Billy-Franklin-Graham.

694.    Graham’s 95th birthday.–5th -birthday-to-be-marked-by-party-in-nc/.

694.    “My Hope” video.

694.    Franklin Graham, “If we are allowed.…” Stoyan Zaimov, “Billy [sic] Graham Responds to Obama Victory, Continues Evangelism Campaign,” The Christian Post, November 9, 2012.
   Vote totals:

694.    “If Christians are upset.” Billy Hallowell, “Are Christians at Fault for Obama’s Re-Election Win? Rev. Franklin Graham Says Yes,” TheBlaze, November 19, 2012.

694.    Franklin Graham approves of Trump. Sarah Pulliam Bailey, “How Donald Trump is bringing Billy Graham’s complicated family back into White House,” Washington Post, January 12, 2017, Also, Jane C. Timm, “Trump’s Foundation Wrote Many Checks on Path to Nomination, NBC News, October 5, 2016, politics/2016-election/trump-s-foundation-wrote-many-checks-path-nomination-n659811.
    Billy Graham’s 95th birthday party photo. Jim Dailey, “My Hope America With Billy Graham,” Decision, January 2, 2014.

694.    “My hope is not in either party.” Franklin Graham, “The Race for America’s Future,” Decision, October 2016, p. 5.

694.    “Put God back …” Jean Hopfensperger, “Evangelist Franklin Graham holds ‘no hope’ for either parties’ candidates.” St. Paul Star Tribune, June 16, 2016.

695.    “I think Donald Trump has changed …” Michael F. Haverluck,, November 11, 2016.

695.    “biggest political upset.” Michael F. Haverluck,, November 11, 2016.

695.    “God showed up.” Lindsey Bever, “Franklin Graham: The media didn’t understand the ‘God-factor’ in Trump’s win.” Washington Post, November 10, 2016.;
    Franklin Graham, “Evangelical Vote Fuels Historic Election Result,” Decision, November 30, 2016.

695.    Trump: Franklin Graham “so instrumental.”

696.    Billy Graham, The Reason for My Hope: Salvation (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2013).

696.    “a place of wailing.” Billy Graham, Where I Am: Heaven, Eternity, and Our Life Beyond (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2015), pp. 202f.

697.    BG to Larry King. I thank Charlotte Observer writer Tim Funk for recalling and documenting this conversation.

697.    “I don’t know.” Tim Funk, “New Billy Graham book echoes hardline preacher of ’50s, not grandfatherly evangelist of love,” Charlotte Observer, October 6, 2015. article38008473.html. See also Adelle M. Banks, “Billy Graham warns of fire and brimstone in ‘final’ book,” Religion News Service, October 2, 2015.