A book of this scope is by nature a collective effort. I would first like to thank my parents, whose generous support put me through Dartmouth College in the first place, and my sister Jennifer, the artist in the family. Thanks to my colleagues at Dartmouth and to all my friends from Dartmouth who encouraged me early on in the project. I would be remiss not to mention my colleagues from other colleges, with whom I shared the experience of working in admissions. My former colleague from the Putney School, Harry Bauld, inspired me through his own terrific writing and successful book on college essays. I owe thanks to author and editor Sol Stein, who read an early chapter of the book, and to J.C., for his invaluable help and advice. Thanks to Stephanie Bartling, who gave me feedback on an early draft, and to my friend Gordón Silverstein, who shared his journalistic expertise. Thanks also to Michael Blackman, who also shared with me his perspective and insight on college admissions.
I am greatly indebted to my former high school English teacher Bud Pollak, who not only taught me how to write in the first place, but also read through an early manuscript and made many helpful changes. My appreciation to longtime friend Phyllis Wharton in her role as reader extraordinaire; she told me point-blank which sections put her to sleep and made many suggestions, all of which were for the better. I can't thank enough my old friend from the Latin Institute at City University in New York, Will Clurman, an amazing Latinist and study partner, without whom this book would have never found its publisher. This brings me to the person to whom I probably owe the greatest debt of gratitude, my agent, Robin Straus, who believe in the project from day one and has been the greatest source of inspiration. Thanks to Rick Wolff for his faith in the book, to Carol Ross, Esq., for her expert legal advice on the manuscript, and to copy editors Lucy Maher and Carol Edwards for their careful attention to detail.
Many people helped me to update and improve the paperback edition. Thanks to Dr. James Murphy who took the time to make many helpful corrections, as well as to recommend the book to scores of friends. Thanks also to the entire faculty and administration at North Broward Preparatory Schools, particularly my close friend and colleague Bruce Bayliss, who shared his extensive knowledge of education in general, and the IB program in particular. Finally, thanks to my husband, who in many ways made this book possible and supported me all the way through its writing and my first pregnancy, both at the same time. As for the book, any remaining factual errors are entirely my own.