


This book was a bit of an experiment for me and something a little stranger than my usual fare. So I owe a debt of gratitude to Lynn McNamee and Red Adept Publishing for being willing to let me explore this idea and for always changing, growing, adapting, and experimenting for the benefit of their authors. I’ve been so lucky to be a part of this publishing home for so long.

I also send thanks to Erica Lucke Dean for being a terrific writing partner and an even better friend. I might have given up this adventure a long time ago if not for you.

More thanks to Kim Husband, who invested a lot of time in sprucing up the early versions of this that ended up on Kindle Vella. Thanks for your open mind and encouragement.

Thanks to my “Fast & Furious Fam,” Victor Catano, Mary Fan, and Christian Angeles. Y’all keep me sane on a daily basis.

Thanks to Felicia for tolerating all my fantastical nonsense and for making room for my dreams amid the day-to-day mundane.

To my family. We get this one life, and I’m so thankful I get to share it with you.