Cayce Beauty Tips and Remedies

Beauty Problems

Beauty begins with cleanliness—inner as well as outer. Therefore, I suggest that you initiate your new beauty program with the apple diet cleansing routine as described in Chapter 11 on “Internal Cleansing.”

Skin Blemishes

Cayce was asked:

(Q) What can be done locally for impurities on face?

(A) . . . Keep the eliminations open. (452-2)

There might be used bleaches, or cleansing creams, but these would eventually give more trouble than the blackheads are causing in the present. Get to the basic conditions of these, as is now being accomplished through the use of the fumes, the rubs, and now the Violet Ray [hand machine, bulb applicator]. (2072-9)

First, in the blood supply we find indications of the inclination toward poor eliminations through the alimentary canal; and this is inclined to produce toxic forces that cause a poor coordination between the superficial and the deeper circulation.

Hence those disturbances as a rash, or blackheads, or pimples, or large pores—all of these are at times indicated. (2154-2)

If skin eruptions and problems persist after a thorough internal house-cleaning, instead of spending money on creams and lotions, see your doctor, have a physical checkup, and have your thyroid checked. Cayce often recommended the ingestion of from 1 to 5 drops of Atomidine for these problems, together with correction of the diet, hydrotherapy, exercise, osteopathy, and massage. But under no circumstances should Atomidine ever be taken except under the supervision of a doctor.

Beauty-Full Diet

Diet occupied the center stage in all of the Cayce skin remedies. In many readings he cautioned against the overconsumption of animal flesh, fats, and sweets. He urged that the diet consist chiefly of vegetables, nuts, and fruits—particularly when one was trying to correct skin problems.

We would keep those foods that carry full quantities (though not excessive) of calcium and iodine. These will be the more helpful if they are assimilated from foods than by the administration in other manners. For, the affectation or the helpful influence passes then through the entire activity of the assimilating and distributing of energies. By that assimilation through the body.


Face and Body Lotions, Soaps, Etc.

A sixteen-year-old girl asked Cayce, “What can I do to improve skin condition of face and back, and of scalp and hair?” The answer:

At least once a week, after a good thorough workout of body in exercise—following the bath afterward, massage the back, the face, the body, the limbs with Pure Peanut Oil. Then this will add to the beauty. And know, if ye would take each day, through thy experience two almonds, ye will never have skin blemishes, ye will never be tempted even in body toward cancer nor toward those things that make blemishes in the body forces themselves. And the oil rubs once a week, ye will never have rheumatism nor those concurrent conditions from stalemate in liver and kidney activities. [Italics added.] (1206-13)

For making or keeping a good complexion—this for the skin, the hands, arms and body as well—we would prepare a compound to use as a massage (by self) at least once or twice each week.

To six ounces of peanut oil, add:

Olive Oil

2 ounces

Rose Water

2 ounces

Lanolin, dissolved

1 tablespoonful

This would be used after a tepid bath in which the body has remained for at least fifteen to twenty minutes, giving the body then [during the bath] a thorough rub with any good soap—to stimulate the body-forces. As we find, Sweetheart or any good Castile soap, or Ivory, may be used for such.

Afterwards, massage this solution, after shaking it well. Of course, this [amount] will be sufficient for many times. Shake well and pour in an open saucer or the like; dipping fingers in same. Begin with the face, neck, shoulders, arms; and then the whole body would be massaged thoroughly with the solution; especially in the limbs—in the areas that would come across the hips, across the body, across the diaphragm.

This will not only keep a stimulating [effect] with the other treatments as indicated [hydrotherapy, massage, and osteopathy] taken occasionally, and give the body a good base for the stimulating of the superficial circulation; but [the solution] will aid in keeping the body beautiful; that is, as to [being free from] any blemish of any nature. [Italics added.] (1968-7)

To one tablespoon of melted cocoa butter add, while it is in the liquid:

Rose Water

1 tablespoonful

Compound Tincture of Benzoin

1 tablespoonful

Keep this to massage into these tissues. The activity of these ingredients will be to enliven and to make for—well, this would be a very, very good skin cleanser for anyone! (1016-1)

(Q) How may I avoid the skin eruptions?

(A) Keep good eliminations and use such cosmetics as do not become too great astringents . . .

In the diet beware of too much of fats of any nature, or sweets, and do keep good eliminations. (1206-15)

(Q) What soap, manner of cleansing, creams and makeup would be least harmful and most helpful in correcting and beautifying the skin? (A) Pure Castile soap is the better as a cleanser. As a cleansing cream or the like, the Genuine Black and White products are nearer to normal. (2072-6)

As to the face lotion, we find that a cream that is less acid will be the more beneficial. A test of these may be easily made before they are used. Both the red and the blue litmus test are the better way for testing same. And any that is wholly alkaline and non-acid is preferable. (275-37)

(Q) Give a good skin freshener.

(A) To one half pint of Olive Oil add one ounce of Rose Water, a few drops of Glycerine and one ounce of a 10% solution of Alcohol, and shake these well together. This is a skin invigorator. (404-8)

Dry Skin

(Q) Can you suggest any treatment for dryness of hands and skin?

(A) Use any good oil, as Sweet Oil or such, on the hands and over the body—it will change this. The better change should come within from the better assimilation of that eaten, which will be found to be more improved by the exercises of stretching arms above the head or swinging on a pole would be well. This doesn’t mean to run out and jump up on a pole every time you eat, but have regular periods. When you have the activities, do have these exercises, for they will stimulate the gastric flow and let that eaten have something to float in; that is, eat some more! (2072-14)

If You Would Have Beautiful Skin

The greatest enemy to a beautiful complexion is the sun. Cayce cautioned against overexposure to its rays:

To treat sunburn, Cayce advised the following:

Any good lotion would be well for the sunburn; such as soda water, or any application that would act as a balm, in the forms of some character of oils that remove the fire from the affected areas—such as Glyco-Thymoline. (3051-1)

There is no better than plain, pure apple vinegar!

Of course, the use of any of the detergents or oils; the Sun Tan Oil, or Unguentine or any of these applications would be very well. But if proper precautions are taken, there is none much better than the pure apple vinegar. (601-22)

When asked for a remedy for skin breaking out from sun, he gave this reply:

Use Palmolive soap baths, followed with a small amount of Pure White Vaseline rubbed on any rough places. (1709-10)

As for the acute conditions—we would daub or apply spirits of camphor by using tufts of cotton.

Then in an hour or two hours afterward have a tepid bath, and then apply peanut oil. (303-33)


(Q) For freckles?

(A) You’d better try to keep your freckles and not try to get rid of them. Genuine Black and White [brand of products] for skin is preferable for such, but these [freckles] are in the pigment of the skin, and unless you wish to upset something else, don’t attempt to bleach more [freckles out] than you would have from the regular conditions. These are partially liver conditions but don’t be touchy about freckles, they’re good for you. (5223-1)

Superfluous Hair

(Q) Would you give me a formula for destroying superfluous hair, but which does not injure the skin in any way?

(A) There’s no such animal! This may best be done by diet, and the applications to the skin for keeping the pores open and the body-actions better. (1947-4)

(Q) Since diet has not caused hair on lips to diminish, is there anything which will prevent this that can be used externally? Will cutting or bleaching increase growth?

(A) Do not shave off, do not attempt to bleach or dye, but use this mixture:

Cocoa Butter

3 drams [1 dram=1/8 oz.]


2 grains

Epsom Salts

20 grains

Mix these thoroughly, as with [mortar] and pestle. Massage this ointment gently in the areas where there are the disturbances from superfluous hair, and after leaving on for fifteen to twenty minutes, rub off. This used as an ointment will remove hair without injury to the body. To be sure, mercury is in the calomel, and this is a poison, but with this combination and in this quantity there is not sufficient for a body to absorb enough to become detrimental to the body-forces.

After this is used, as the base for a better skin condition use the Genuine Black and White cream. (2582-4)

For this body, then, we find it would be well to use the Atomic Iodine, or Atomidine [do not use except under supervision of a doctor]; one to two drops in half a glass of water before the morning meals and at night just before retiring, in periods of 4 to 5 days [taken for 4 to 5 days]—then leave off for a week, then take again . . .

The diets would consist often of the seafoods; once or twice a week, you see. Only the potato peeling, or the very small potato used with the peeling is preferable to the pulp of same. All those vegetables that make for the carrying of iron and silicon; as squash, cucumbers, radishes, the oyster plant, or such natures, should be a portion of the diet quite often—if there would be kept the proper balance as related to those activities of the glands that make for the growth of the hair. For if these [foods] are kept with the normal activities, we will find these will not only produce the proper growth of the hair but will cause its normal or natural color ... [to stay]. Naturally, though, this is a long-drawn-out method and must be a persistent and consistent thing upon the part of the users of same. (920-2)


(Q) What causes breaking out on wrists, and should anything specifically be done for that?

(A) This as we have found, as indicated, if the eliminations are set up, should disappear. If this is washed occasionally in this combination it would be well, though the bathing tends to make for greater irritation. But after bathing, use this as a combination—and it’s very well for anyone that has a rash or heat or a humor in the blood.

To 2 oz. of Rosewater, add:


30 minims (minim is a drop)

10% solution of Calcium

½ ounce

This should be shaken together and rubbed on the hands, wrists, or those portions of the body that are disturbed. (555-8)

After the bath, do dust with the powder that carries Balsam in same. This is healing, but don’t tend to dry up too much. (2752-1)

Then dust over this the Stearate of Zinc with the Balsam [a talcum powder containing tolu or Peruvian balsam and zinc stearate], which we find is made or combined by Johnson and Johnson. Or we may obtain this combination in the older concern, Eimer & Amend. (322-5)

Heat Rash (Babies)

This [Stearate of Zinc] will keep down those disturbances from heat. (2781-1)

[And for a two year old] . . . will relieve the itching. (5520-6)

Should there continue to be the irritation of the skin, use some good powder—as Stearate of Zinc powder—with Balsam. Use this for the rash that occurs on parts of the body. (69-6)

Hair and Scalp

Hair Loss, Baldness, and Graying

Hair loss and baldness, which afflict 80 percent of American men, are now quite common occurrences in women. A prominent New York hairdresser has reported that 30 percent of the salon’s women clients are bald or going bald. I can vouch for the effectiveness of Cayce’s cure for baldness inasmuch as I began growing new hair on my own head at the age of seventy-five.

The treatment I used was one that he recommended in many readings:

(Q) What causes the [hair] falling out ... and what can be done to prevent it? (A) This is lack of an activity through the glands that are secreting from the system the elements necessary to make for activity in those portions of the thyroids that affect the circulation to those portions of the system.

The diet affects this principally, though those portions where this is indicated would be stimulated by a massage—which may be had with properties that aid the scalp circulation; such as a small quantity of the crude oil. Rub a small quantity of this into the scalp once or twice a month; this should be sufficient to renew the cells that produce this—if there is the stimulation through the gastric flow in the digestive forces and the stimulation through the general distribution of the circulatory forces of the body.

Each time after the crude oil massage, when the oil is rubbed in, cleanse same with a twenty percent solution of [grain] alcohol [with] water added.


Crude oil is not the kind you get at a gas station. To procure it, consult the supply sources at the back of the book. The reason grain alcohol is preferred to the denatured variety is because “this will not dry-as does that which has been denatured.” (275-30)

(Q) What oil should be used on scalp before washing?

(A) As we find (and have given oft), the crude oils are the most satisfactory for stimulating the scalp, to prevent falling hair, to add luster, and to stimulate the growth. Following the oil shampoo there should be the cleansing with alcohol; that is, one to twenty, but this should be preferably of the pure grain, for any of the ingredients such as in pyro or those that make for the denaturing produce breaking and burning of the hair. (276-4)

We would also begin taking Atomidine internally as a purifier for the glands and to stimulate better thyroid activity. This may change the heart’s regularity for the time but if it is properly administered and the osteopathic corrections are made properly we will find changes wrought in the activities in the epidermis and as associated or related to the hair. (3904-1)

Alternate Treatment

For the scalp we would prepare a close-fitting cap—oil cap—to be used once a week or left on over night, when the scalp would be massaged with pure hog lard. Not that which has been mixed with vegetable matter, but the pure pork or hog lard. Massage this in at night. Sleep with it in the hair and scalp. Using the cap as protection. In the morning have a thorough shampoo with Olive Oil shampoo, massaging the scalp afterward with white Vaseline cut with a little alcohol solution—just sufficient to cleanse same; about a drop of grain alcohol to an ounce of water—just enough to change the activity of same. [Or just enough to rinse most of the Vaseline out of the hair.] (3904-1)

Improvement in the diet can also help to stimulate the glandular activity overcome baldness, and Cayce made such diet recommendations:

Do eat more of seafoods, more carrots, and—while certain times will have to be chosen for such—do eat onions and garlic. (3904-1)

Do use the diets that carry iodine in their natural forms. Use only kelp salt or deep-sea salt. Plenty of seafoods.

Not too much sweets. The egg yolk but not the white of egg should be taken. (4056-1)

In the diet eat the soup from the peelings of Irish potatoes. Add more often the raw vegetables such as lettuce, celery, watercress, radishes, onions, mustard greens and all of those that may be prepared as salads and the like. Carrots will make better conditions in combination with these for the sparkle of the eye and for the general vision. (4086-1)

Internal cleansing was also stressed by Cayce in the cure for baldness:

Have the full evacuation of alimentary canal at least once a day and do at least once a month purify the colon by the use of high enemas. These may be taken by self, provided the colon tube is used . . .

Do these, be very careful with the general eliminations.

Keep away from all those things such as hard drinks, carbonated water or the like and we will gain better health and have better superficial circulation.


(Q) To keep hair from graying or falling out?

(A) Don’t worry about the hair, just keep it nice and smooth. Take care of it more often with either Drene hair tonic or Olive Oil Hair Tonic, followed with the shampooing with crude oil and tar soap. These while making irritation at first will maintain the better conditions for the body. (5261-1)

Shampoos and Tonics

(Q) What soap should be used on hair for washing?

(A) Preferably that carrying the tar content as its base, or Packer’s Tar, or any that have a tar and glycerine content . . .

(Q) What hair tonic would be good for my scalp?

(A) Preferably the alcohol, that we have indicated, for this is the active principle in any of those tonics that are manufactured. So this in its perfect state, without the addition of any other oils, is well; followed, of course, with a gentle rub with the pure white Vaseline. (276-4)

Scalp and Hair Massage

Do not overlook the importance of exercise and massage in maintaining beautiful, luxuriant hair. The Cayce head-and-neck exercises are excellent for stimulating circulation. And the cat crawl and the torso circle, as described in Chapter 6 and illustrated in Chapter 7 (Figs. 5A and 5B) will stimulate the glands, benefiting hair, skin, and nails.

To massage the scalp, place the fingertips of both hands on scalp. Then move the scalp up and around in circles. Do not move the fingers in a rubbing motion—the purpose is to loosen the scalp from the skull and increase circulation.

Sometimes we find Cayce recommending the scalp massage to be taken this way:

During that period give the scalp a thorough massage with crude oil, using the electrically driven vibrator with the suction applicator. This should be done very thoroughly, not hurriedly, and should require at least thirty to forty minutes for the massage with the crude oil and then the application of white Vaseline and then the electrically driven vibrator using the suction cup applicator. (4056-1)

Cayce instructed the patient to repeat the procedure after five days, during which he was to take each morning, for five days, one drop of Atomidine.

Then, after a two-week rest, another complete series, but “between each two series allow two weeks to elapse. Doing these, we will find that in six to eight months it will begin to stimulate the activities for the growth of hair over the scalp and on body.”

Again, the Atomidine, which Cayce recommended in 610 readings because, he said, it “will purify the glandular system so as to resist adverse influences” (1521-2), should not be taken except by a doctor’s prescription. There can be grave danger in overstimulating the thyroid gland without professional supervision.


To Improve Vision

There are a number of Cayce recommendations to improve the eyesight and to bring out the full beauty of the “windows of the soul.”

“[Take plenty of] carrots, green peas and green beans, onions, beets.” These were recommended to be taken each day. They “have a direct bearing upon the application of that assimilated for the optic forces.” (3552-1)

Do add to the diet about twice as many oranges, lemons and limes as is part of the diet in the present. These also supplement with a great deal of carrots especially as combined with gelatin, if we would aid and strengthen the optic nerves and the tensions between sympathetic and cerebrospinal systems. (5401-1)

(Q) How can I improve my vision?

(A) When we remove the pressures of the toxic forces we will improve the vision. Also the head and neck exercise will be most helpful. Take this regularly, not taking it sometimes and leaving off sometimes, but each morning and each evening take this exercise regularly for six months and we will see a great deal of difference. Sitting erect, bend the head forward three times, to the back three times, to the right side three times, to the left side three times, and then circle the head each way three times. Don’t hurry through with it, but take the time to do it. We will get results. (3549-1)

(Q) How may my eyes be strengthened so as to eliminate the necessity of reading glasses?

(A) By the head and neck exercise in the open, as ye walk for twenty to thirty minutes each morning. Now do not undertake it one morning and then say “It rained and I couldn’t get out,” or “I’ve got to go somewhere else,” and think there aren’t those despot conditions that rebel at not having their morning walk! (2533-6)

For Granulated Eyelids

(Q) What should be done for granulated eyelids?

(A) Use a weak solution of boracic acid. About twice each week use those [poultices] of scraped Irish potato, bound of an evening over the eye. (409-22)

Eye Strain

(Q) What should be done to relieve my eyes?

(A) Bathe these with a weak Glyco-Thymoline solution. Use an eyecup, and two parts of distilled water (preferably) to one part of the Glyco-Thymoline. This irritation is a part of the kidney disturbance that has come from the upsetting in the digestive forces. (3050-2)

We would use Murine as an eyewash about once each week [for this condition]; preferably Saturday evenings or Sunday mornings, so that there is rest from the use of the eyes following same. This is only as a stimulation to the flow of [or from] the mucous membranes about the eyeball itself. (1968-3)

(Q) What is the best procedure for care of teeth?

(A) Have local attention and then take care of the teeth. Use an equal combination of salt and soda for massaging the gums and teeth. Don’t use a brush [for massaging]. Use your finger. (3484-1)

(See Chapter 11 on “Internal Cleansing” for directions on preparing the potato pack.)

Sties and Inflammations

Not long ago a woman in Riverside, Illinois, reported to Virginia Beach that hot castor oil packs are effective in treating sties: “I have seen at first hand how hot castor oil packs disburse the inflammation in sties, having tried this treatment from the files, on a limited basis, on my family.”

Last summer I had a severely ruptured eye that did not respond to treatments with Glyco-Thymoline and raw potato packs, but it did clear up beautifully with hot castor oil packs.

Others have reported improvement in early stages of cataracts when these were treated with castor oil packs.

Mouth and Teeth to Prevent Tooth Decay

(Q) Give care of teeth so I will have less decaying.

(A) Use as a massage for the gums and teeth an equal combination of common table salt and baking soda; about once a month add one drop only of chlorine to a pint of water and rinse the mouth with this. Do not swallow it, but rinse the mouth and then brush the teeth. This will preserve them, even aid in filling cavities. (2981-2)

(Q) How to prevent tooth decay [which I’ve had an awful lot of the past three years]?

(A) Have them attended to, and add to the system occasionally Atomidine as a manner of gaining better control of the activity of the glands which formulate the circulation through teeth and structural portion of the body. One drop 5 days at a time and then skip 2 weeks. Then again do this through a whole year, you’ll have your teeth in very good fix if local attention is given to the rest. (5313-4)

(Q) Are teeth forming normally?

(A) These are very good. We would find that a weakened solution of Ipsab for the gums would tend to relieve the pressure and make for normalcy in the salivary glands, as well as strengthening the tissue in the mouth. This should be reduced at least half, and the gums massaged with a tuft of cotton with same. This also adds to the amount of saline, calcium and iodine, for the activity of the glands in mouth and throat. (299-2)

Also, during this period of the formation of the teeth, keep sufficient quantities of iodine in the food values for the body, as well as calcium, and so forth. It will be found that a massage of the gums occasionally with those properties known as Ipsab will be helpful ... as these processes are carried on through the activity of the thyroid operations in the body. (314-2)

(Q) What can I do to keep my teeth for life?

(A) You won’t. For already these have begun to need local attention. If there is kept the proper balance in the vitamins, it will help—but these precautions should begin—well, during the period of gestation is when they should begin, but for a body should begin at least in the first or second year.

The general care of same [teeth] with a good dentifrice, as well as a good massage for the gums will aid. Use the Ipsab at least twice a week for the gums . . . Massage the gums with Ipsab, though, and we will have a better chance for keeping the teeth much longer. (3436-1)

Cayce had some highly original ideas about teeth—for example, he said, “Cycles change for the teeth during the second year of each 7-year cycle. During that year take at least 3 to 4 series of Calcios doses or its equivalent, to supply calcium, and it will aid not only the teeth but all the activities of the thyroid gland.” (3051-2)

Calcios is an easily assimilated form of calcium. The same effect, however, should be available through the increased ingestion of calcium-rich foods, particularly vegetables and seeds.

Toothache and Sore Gums

In one of his trances, Cayce was given the formula and the name for a preparation called Ipsab, which is now prepared and available through many retail outlets. (See back of book for sources of supply.) Cayce recommended the use of Ipsab in most problems involving the gums and teeth. The principal ingredient is prickly ash bark, which the Native Americans called “toothache bark” and to which Cayce referred in the same manner.

In one reading, he gave this formula:

To 6 ounces of distilled water, add two ounces of Prickly Ash Bark. Reduce by simmerings (not boiling) to 2 ounces. Strain and add powdered Common Salt until we have a very thin paste. Rinse or rub gums with this once every 2 days until this trouble in the mouth and gums has subsided. (4436-2)

Another version is in liquid form and contains in addition to the above ingredients, calcium chloride, peppermint, and iodine. (See back of book for sources of supply.)

We would use same [Ipsab] not upon cotton, for this body, but upon the finger use it and massage; not only the gums where the teeth are but where they are not! And we will find that the stimulation to the activities of the throat itself, to the salivary glands, to even the tonsil area, will be materially aided by the activity of the combination of the calcium with the iodine in same, as well as the antiseptics that arise from the vegetable forces in same as combined with sodium chloride. (569-23)

Bleeding Gums and Canker Sores

Use Ipsab to keep these [teeth] clear from the tartar and [to stop the bleeding from the gums]. (257-13)

The following is the treatment of early acute cases where infection is present, gums are bleeding, and teeth are loose but not decayed beyond repair:

1. Massage gums thoroughly for five minutes twice a day with Ipsab. Repeatedly apply a liberal quantity of Ipsab to the tip of the finger and massage the gums vigorously on all surfaces. In extreme cases, take a small tuft of cotton that has been dipped in Ipsab and use a pair of tweezers to rub this saturated cotton between the gum and each tooth that is very loose. This will ensure the contact of Ipsab with the growing organisms. After the massage, rinse out the mouth with an undiluted solution of Glyco-Thymoline, followed by tap water. Do not swallow any of these solutions.

2. Brush the teeth once each day in the evening before retiring with a mixture composed of equal parts of common table salt and sodium bicarbonate. Brush the teeth each morning after breakfast with any good dentifrice.

3. Eat a large raw vegetable salad each day.

4. Have corrective dental work done on any carious teeth.

Ipsab has been very effective in many cases of canker sore. Another Cayce remedy, which many doctors as well as I have found efficacious, is the application of Atomidine with a cotton swab to the canker, combined with a frequent mouthwash made from Glyco-Thymoline mixed with water. Also swab the canker with full-strength Glyco-Thymoline. In this connection, here is what Case 257 wrote: “I don’t know whether it’s the massage with the Ipsab for the gums, or whether it’s the frequent and regular use of Glyco-Thymoline as a mouthwash, but I just never have those awful canker sores in my mouth any more like I used to ... ”

Other mouthwashes frequently recommended by Cayce were Listerine and Lavoris.

We have also found castor oil to be very healing to all mucous membranes, including those of the mouth, and some patients have reported good results from its use on canker sores.


(Q) What can I do about pyorrhea condition in my teeth?

(A) Use Ipsab regularly each day and rinse mouth out when it is finished with Glyco-Thymoline. (5121-1)

The receding gums and those tendencies towards pyorrhea would be allayed by the consistent use of Ipsab as a massage for the teeth and gums. Also these should be treated, some locally, with the dentist’s paraphernalia [and also]—the small wads of cotton saturated with the Ipsab and applied in the areas where the conditions are indicated at the base or edge of the gums. (3696-1)

This will purify and make for such a condition as to assist in correcting the trouble where there has been the softening of the teeth themselves—or the enamel on same. (1026-1)

Case 257, whom we quoted earlier, also wrote the following in the same letter: “Thanks to Ipsab, the eighteen teeth I was supposed to lose about five years ago according to two dentists’ prognosis in Ohio, all are still with me, each and every one! I still have to keep up the pyorrhea fight, though, but now I only have to use the Ipsab once a week—some weeks I forget to do it at all!”

Other Tooth Disorders

(Q) What can I do to prevent the teeth from wearing down?

(A) Use more of an alkaline-reacting diet; as quantities of orange juice with a little lemon in same, as four parts orange juice to one part lemon; grapefruit, raw vegetables, potato peel . . . (365-3)

For local disturbance, use Ipsab as a massage for gums; using this just 3 times a week. Then use any good dentifrice; preferably that of the same combinations of [chemicals as contained in] Ipsab, but without the iodine in same—Ipana. (3051-1)

(Q) What causes the gray film on teeth?

(A) The chemical balance in the system and the throw-off or discharge from breath in the lungs. This [the breath] is a source from which drosses are relieved from the system, and thus passing through the teeth produce [evidences of] same on the teeth. Keeping such cleansed with an equal combination of soda and salt at least three to four times a week will cleanse these [teeth] of this disturbance. The use of Ipsab as a wash for mouth and gums will further aid in keeping these conditions cleansed; and use any good dentifrice once or twice a day. [Italics added.] (457-11)

(Q) What should be done about her teeth, the existing condition of enamel? Is it due to her diet, or can some correction be made by dentist?

(A) ... We would include with the diet, twice a day, those properties that are found in Calcios [or increase calcium-rich foods]. This would be most beneficial. [Take] about half a teaspoonful, level; taken twice each day, with the meal. (903-31)

(Q) Does gold in mouth help to cause bitterness?

(A) It does! No teeth should ever be filled with heavy metals, as gold. (325-55

Where there is indicated that pus sacs are a portion of the roots of the teeth, remove ‘em! For they only become a storehouse for poisons. (325-54)


Bad breath in most cases comes from improper elimination and/or decaying teeth. Cayce recommended internal cleansing with colonics, packs, a well-balanced diet, and in a number of cases ingesting Glyco-Thymoline in water as an intestinal antiseptic:

(Q) How can I get rid of bad breath?

(A) By making for better conditions in eliminations. Take Glyco-Thymoline as an intestinal antiseptic. Two, three times a day. Put six drops of Glyco-Thymoline in the water. This is a throwing off into the lung, into the body-forces, poisons from this changing in cellular activity, or through the body, of lymph forces that become fecal. (5198-1)


Proper diet and good eliminations and circulation are essential for the growth and maintenance of good nails. Particular attention must be paid to obtaining adequate amounts of calcium and minerals in the diet. In extreme cases be sure to check your thyroid metabolism with your doctor.

This Cayce remedy for nail care has helped some patients:

(Q) What should be done for breaking of nails?

(A) We would massage the fingers around the cuticle with the Atomidine. This will tend to color for a while, but with the treatments that have been indicated, and the rubs [massage] and the diets—with this used once or twice a week so as to allow that already begun to grow, we should have better condition . . . (3025-1)

For the calcium intake in this case, Cayce recommended Calcios (as previously mentioned, a calcium preparation) and an antacid preparation, Acigest (no longer made) in half a teaspoonful stirred in a glass of raw milk, preferably homogenized. There are other antacids on the market similar in chemical composition.

Take a few doses or drops of Atomidine occasionally; say once a month, just before the [menstrual] period, take one drop of Atomidine in half a glass of water before the morning meal, for three to five days.

Also massage the fingernails with Atomidine. It may stain for a bit at first; but get the system going better and we will find this will be different.


(Q) What causes the deep ridges in thumbnail and what treatments ... ?

(A) These are the activities of the glandular force, and the addition of those foods which carry large quantities of calcium will make bettered conditions . . . Take often chicken neck, chew it. Cook this well, the feet and those portions of the fowl, and we will find it will add calcium to the body. Also eat bones offish, as in canned fish. Also parsnips and oyster plant; all of these, of course, in their regular season. Wild game of any kind, but chew the bones of same . . . (5192-1)

(Q) What should be done to correct the nail-biting habit?

(A) This is the effect of nervousness—from the gnawing that has been indicated that has been existent for some time in the system, see? And with these corrections, and with the tendency for the body to watch or be careful with self, this [habit] may be eliminated . . . For, if we take away the cause the habit is more easily changed. For, we correct habits by forming others! That’s everybody! [Italics added.] (475-1)

Feet and Legs

Callouses, Corns, and Bunions

(Q) What caused growth on foot, and what should be used if it repeats itself?

(A) This was from irritation; and that best for the reduction of same, as we find, would be a massage with baking soda which has been dampened with spirits of camphor. This will be good for anyone having callous places or any attendant growths on feet; for it will remove them entirely! (276-4)

Bathe the limb from the knee down with warm olive oil. Then apply the saturated solution of spirits of camphor, with bicarbonate of soda. Even spread it on, as a very thin layer, see? bandaging this with a thin cloth . . . about the limb and foot, see? Let this remain over the evening, or night, see?


(Q) What can I do to cure callous or bunion on my left foot?

(A) As we would find, an application morning and evening [will do it]—not bound on, but massaged thoroughly; and this means not just dabbing on and leaving same, but take three to five minutes of massaging. First, for five to ten days, use common baking soda wet or saturated with spirits of camphor. Then, after this has been used until the soreness is removed, use equal parts of Olive Oil and Tincture of Myrrh, and it’ll be like baby’s foot! Massage each of those into the portion where there is the disturbance. (574-1)

Ingrown and Infected Toenails

These . . . [ingrown toenails] would respond to the dampening of baking soda with spirits of camphor and putting a small quantity of same on cotton, or alone, under the tip of the nail, close to the irritated place. This will remove the condition if used daily or nightly. (1770-4)

... for the conditions of toes and nails, use baking soda moistened with Castor Oil. Put this under the points or edges where ingrown toenails give disturbance. This may make it sore for one time, but rub off with Spirits of Camphor. These may make for roughening but it will rid the body of those tendencies of ingrown toenails. (5104-1)

Once each week we would use the Atomidine as a massage for the soles of the feet, and as a dressing for the toenails ... this will change the disturbance with ingrowing nails. Lift up the nail and put small parts of cotton saturated with Atomidine under the edge of the toenail. Use this at least once each week. (2988-1)

(Q) [What can be done] for the infected toenails?

(A) These applications suggested will be the more helpful, but as an ointment here we would use Carbolated Vaseline and then the Cuticura Ointment over same. (5068-1)

Athlete’s Foot

A grateful patient wrote, “Just a note to tell you that I have discovered another use for good old ATOMIDINE—it has completely cured my athlete’s foot. I remembered you warning about never putting a bandage over a sore after putting on Atomidine, so I made sure the toes were good and dry and well-aired before putting on shoes and stockings. Worked like a miracle.”

Also recommended for athlete’s foot in a number of Cayce readings is Ray’s Ointment, a lotion made up of Nujol, witch hazel, sassafras oil, and pure kerosene. (See back of book for source of supply.)

Pain in Feet and Limbs

[If the feet and limbs give a great deal of trouble] we would apply Mullein Stupes over those areas of the ankle and foot. Put these on hot and then bind about with padding or wadding to keep the heat. Apply these stupes at least twice each day. Preferably use the green or fresh mullein. This would be bruised, put in very hot water and allowed to stand a few minutes, then dipped out and applied between gauze over the affected area. (2227-3)

Fallen Arches

Each evening before retiring, bathe the feet and limbs to the knees in a very mild tannic acid; which may best be made (for such conditions) from coffee grounds. When they are ready to be thrown out, put on a cupful to a gallon and a half of water. Let boil for ten minutes, pour off [the liquid], and allow to cool sufficiently so that the lower limbs may be bathed in it. Massage the limbs and the feet, especially the heels and the arches and toes, all the time they are in the solution, see? The whole quantity being used, of course. Drain the dregs off, or the grounds; and keep the limbs and feet in same for twenty minutes.

After taking them out of the solution, massage them with this compound for five to ten minutes; putting the ingredients together in the order named:

Russian White Oil

½ pint

Witch Hazel

2 ounces

Rubbing Alcohol

4 ounces

Oil of Sassafras

3 minims

Tincture of Capsici

2 minims

Massage only the amount the skin will absorb. Shake the solution together, for the tendency will be for the Oil of Sassafras to rise to the top—see? Pour a small quantity in a saucer, and only massage into the feet and to the limbs to the knees, including the knees. And do it yourself! And we’ll be rid of all of this trouble, and it’ll help the body in many different ways. It’ll walk ten miles instead of five! (386-3)


(Q) What is the best thing to do for his fallen arches?

(A) Treat ‘em osteopathically! Five treatments would correct the condition!


Varicose Veins

. . . the acute conditions that are the more disturbing in the present are those of the varicose veins . . . aggravating and tiring to the body. Thus the great distress that is caused when the body is on the feet for any great length of time; causing not only the disorders through the lower limbs and thighs but in the feet also.

And this general pressure, with the body attempting to go, causes the nerve pressures that become reflexly aggravating throughout the body.

Parts of this, of course, have a reflex in the general condition which has existed—where superacidity has caused distress. And this has caused undue activity to the kidneys as well.

As we find in the present, those pressures that exist in the lumbar and sacral axis, as well as in the lower portion—or coccyx end of the spine—are the areas that need the more adjustment to alleviate those tendencies for the circulation that carries blood away from the heart, and yet is so slow in the return of same; thus causing the enlarging of the veins in the lower limbs.

We would also take Mullein Tea. This should be made of the fresh, green, tender leaves. Pour a pint of boiling water over an ounce of the Mullein leaves and let steep for about twenty to thirty minutes. Then strain and keep in the ice box, so that it may be kept fresh. Take about an ounce to an ounce and a half of this each day. Make this fresh at least every two or three days. Keep this up, and it will aid in the circulation, in the elimination of the character of acid in system, and aid in the circulation through the veins—that are disturbing.

When there is the ability to rest, apply the Mullein Stupes to the areas in knee and along the thigh, and just below the knee where the veins are more severe. But the Tea taken internally will be more effective.

Do keep up eliminations.

Massage the feet and lower limbs daily in a tannic acid solution, or that preferably obtained from using old coffee grounds—which carries a mild tannic acid as well as other properties that would be beneficial—that is, the coffee made from same, see? Boil these and use these, as well as the liquid, to bathe feet in—of evenings.

Do have the corrections osteopathically made in lumbar-sacral axis, and the coccyx area; and coordinate the rest of the body, for the tiredness and for the relaxing of the nerves, when these are done. (243-38)

(Also see exercises in Chapter 7 for legs, feet, and ankles; and sitz baths, Chapter 10.)

(Q) What are those terrible pains from, in toes next [to] small one on each foot, particularly the left one?

(A) Poor circulation through the lower limbs. The varicose veins, of course, fail to carry the circulation, thus causing the swelling of limbs and the disturbance of the body. (243-39)

Moles, Warts, and Cysts

(Q) What treatment would remove the mole on my chest, or is this advisable?

(A) The massage with Castor Oil twice each day; not rubbing hard, but gentle massage around and over the place. And it will be removed.


(Q) Should moles on the back be removed? If so, by whom and what method? (A) As we find, these are not to be disturbed to the extent of material or outside influence.

The massaging ... with just the Castor Oil will prevent growth ... [Persistence with massaging] will remove same entirely. (678-2)

(Q) What should be done for the small mole or soft growth on left side of back, just below the shoulder blade, that gets irritated at times and is painful?

(A) Use a small quantity of Castor Oil with a little soda mixed in same. This will make it sore for a day or two, then it will disappear.

(Q) Just rub it on?

(A) Just rub it on, two or three days apart, for two or three times. (4033-2)

Mrs. [934] wrote the following:

“The castor oil massage worked beautifully. That great big old brown mole just dried up and fell off. It was in the middle of my right cheek and looked like a bug. It didn’t seem to take any time. Just about ten days, I guess.”

Mrs. T.L., Sr., wrote this:

“Castor oil is being applied to my husband’s mole which is on his face and it shows signs of lightening.

“My mother-in-law also is using the castor oil on her breast mole which she says is now flaking off after two weeks of application.”

(Q) The small growth on the first finger of my right hand is still there. Should anything further be done?

(A) This may be massaged with pure Castor Oil and be removed, see?

(Q) How often?

(A) About twice a day; before retiring and when arising. (261-10)

(Q) What causes the warts on the hand and how may they be removed?

(A) This ... happens to most every individual in those periods of the change that comes about for glandular reaction; and it is the effect of localizing of centers that attempt to grow—as they do!

As we find, they may be removed by touching same with a (20%) solution of Hydrochloric Acid. But do not pick at them as the discoloration takes place, and as they begin to deteriorate! Rather let them wear off than pick at them, see? For such would allow too great a chance for infection by the irritating, and cause disturbance; otherwise they will disappear.

In touching them with the Acid it is preferable to use either a glass pestle (that is, a small round piece of glass) or a broom straw. (487-22)

(Q) How can [1179] get rid of her warts?

(A) Apply a paste of baking soda with Castor Oil. Mix together and apply of evenings. Just the proportions so it makes almost a gum; not as dough but more a gum, see? A pinch between the fingers with three to four drops in the palm of the hand, and this worked together and then placed on—bound on. It may make for irritation after the second or third application, but leave it off for one evening and then apply the next—and it will be disappearing! (1179-3)

This is the treatment for planter’s wart for P.L.H., age six, by her mother, B.S.H., a member of the A.R.E.: “Dr. J.A. White removed the wart with an electric needle; one week later it was back. I applied Castor Oil and Baking Soda-paste twice a day for about two hours for five days. About seven days later I observed my child’s foot and the wart was completely gone.”

B.L.W., of Chelan, Washington, wrote as follows:

“Two weeks ago I went to a dermatologist with some darkened spots on my face (around a hundred small spots). They are a form of tiny, flat warts which spread. He prescribed an acid mixture and demonstrated on a few places on my face how carefully it was to be put on with a toothpick which had to be dipped into the solution. Four hours later I had one of the worst reactions the doctor had ever seen to this medicine. Large burning blisters. I threw the acid away and am now using cold-pressed castor oil. Am happy to report that the warts are already beginning to come off.”

Mrs. L.E.B., of West Palm Beach, Florida, sent this information:

“The book on Edgar Cayce gave spirits of camphor for warts, moles, corns. My poor music teacher had a wart on her face. It was getting so big it pushed her glasses out. I told her about this. She used it and it’s gone. She sends her grateful thanks for saving her $50 she did not have.”

Plantain Salve for Warts and Moles

As we find, these we would do in the present:

First, we would give the suggestion that there be prepared an ointment from the leaves of young Plantain, at this particular season of the year [July], growing in the vicinity where this body lives [Kentucky]. Yes, it is this herb, that you desire oft to get rid of, in the yard, garden or walk. Do not use the seed, so much, in the ointment. Gather the tender leaves, about the quantity that may be crammed, not too tightly, into a pint [measuring] cup. Then put this into a quart enamel container (with an enamel or glass top) and add one pint of sweet cream, poured off the top of milk.

Cook this until it is rather thick. Do not allow to burn.

Then use it as an ointment over the areas where these protuberances gather at times—for they do vary. They become as warts or moles that become infected and sore, and run. This Ointment will tend to dry same. (3121-1)

The plantain mentioned above is a weed. The leaves grow flat on the ground, the flower comes up in the spring and summer like a wild dandelion. One common identification mark is the lengthwise ribbing on the leaves. It is also excellent for burns and has been known to heal the abrasions in some skin cancers.

(Q) What caused and may anything be done to eliminate the red spot on my nose?

(A) This is from a broken cell. Do not irritate it too much, or this may turn to a mole or wart—which would be a disfiguration to the body.

We would keep a little camphor, or camphor-ice on same of evenings. (288-51)

(Q) What causes the little place on this eyelid and what will remove it?

(A) Cyst as from breaking of cellular forces. Massage with the pure Castor Oil. (1424-4)

(Q) What causes the lump on the left eyelid?

(A) An accumulation from broken cellular tissue. This as we find will disappear as there are the corrections for the flow of circulation through the whole of these areas . . . [osteopathy]. (1523-5)

Rev. L.L. of Barnardsville, North Carolina (1424-4), sent this message:

“For cysts I’m using castor oil on eyelids and thank God it is working. I’m grateful to Edgar Cayce for this help.”

Massage Mixtures for Scars

(Also see p.184.)

(Q) Will continued use of Camphorice gradually eliminate scar on arm [resulting from severe burn two years ago]?

(A) Camphorice, or better—as we find—Camphorated Oil. Or make the [body’s] own Camphorated Oil; that is, by taking the regular Camphorated Oil and adding to it, in these proportions:

Camphorated Oil

2 ounces

Lanolin, dissolved

½ teaspoonful

Peanut Oil

1 ounce

This combination will quickly remove this tendency of the scar—or scar tissue. (2015-10)

These may be aided in being removed by sufficient time, precaution, and persistence in activity; by the massage over those portions of small quantities at a time of Tincture of Myrrh and Olive Oil, and Camphorated Oil. These would be massaged at different times, to be sure; one one day and the other the second day from same—see? In preparing the Olive Oil and Tincture of Myrrh, heat the Oil and add the Myrrh—equal portions, only preparing such a quantity as would be used at each application. The Camphorated Oil may be obtained in quantity. Only massage such quantities as the cuticle and epidermis will absorb. This will require, to be sure, a long period, but remember the whole surface may be entirely changed if this is done persistently and consistently. In the massaging, do not massage so roughly as to produce irritation. The properties are to be absorbed. Do not merely pat the solution on, but do not use tufts of cotton or other properties to dab it on—dip the fingertips into the solution, and it won’t hurt the fingers either—it’ll be good for them! And then massage into affected portions . . .

Olive oil—properly prepared (hence pure olive oil should always be used)—is one of the most effective agents for stimulating muscular activity, or mucous membrane activity, that may be applied to a body. Olive oil, then, combined with the Tincture of Myrrh will be very effective; for the Tincture of Myrrh acts with the pores of the skin in such a manner as to strike in, causing the circulation to be carried to affected parts where tissue has been in the nature of folds—or scar tissue, produced from superficial activity from the active forces in the body itself, in making for coagulation in any portion of the system, whether external or internal. And, as indicated in the specific [scar] conditions referred to in relation to this body [this massage] will be most effectual. The Camphorated Oil is merely the same basic force [olive oil] to which has been added properties of camphor in more or less its raw or original state, than the spirits of same. Such activity in the epidermis is not only to produce soothing to affected areas but to stimulate the circulation in such effectual ways and manners as to combine with the other properties in bringing what will be determined, in the course of two to two and a half years, a new skin. (440-3)