Harold Reilly one of America’s outstanding physiotherapists, has helped more people make practical use of data in the Edgar Cayce physical readings than any man I know. One reason for this is the man himself, for Dr. Reilly is one of the most positive, energetic, and practical persons I have ever known. He inspires confidence; he obviously practices what he preaches. He is friendly, enthusiastic, and possesses a wonderful sense of humor. A conversation with Dr. Reilly persuades you, a treatment from him convinces you, that your body can do more than you ever expect from it. He inspires self-respect.
Another reason Dr. Reilly has been so successful in helping others use the Edgar Cayce readings is because his philosophy of health was already in alignment with the philosophy of health expressed in the readings when his name was first mentioned in these readings. Surprisingly, his name was mentioned several years before the two men met in person. This bond at the level of the mind, and yet at the level of the spirit, too, led hundreds of people to seek out Harold Reilly at both his institute in Rockefeller Center and his farm in New Jersey. They met him also in his books, The Secret of Better Health and Easy Does It, and later in the books of many others who wrote about him and his work with the Edgar Cayce readings—two of which were Thomas Sugrue’s There Is a River and Jess Stearn’s Edgar Cayce—The Sleeping Prophet.
Both Edgar Cayce and Harold Reilly were more concerned with keeping people well and finding causes of illness than in curing symptoms. In the readings the many suggestions dealing with exercise, diet, packs, and hydrotherapy are frequently treatments for which the individual him- or herself, rather than another person, must take the responsibility. Even the treatments that needed to be administered by another person—such as manipulation, colonics, packs, etc.—were therapies designed to help the body help itself. Here in The Edgar Cayce Handbook for Health Through Drugless Therapy, you will find encouragement and, more important, specific ways in which to help yourself regain physical, mental, and emotional stability and a new attitude toward living.
Edgar Cayce talked about the importance of the apple diet, castor oil packs, fume baths with special oils for special ailments, specific types of massage, and a variety of valuable diets. But it was Harold Reilly who first began to help people put the treatments together. It was he who encouraged and, indeed, inspired them to follow through until they began to discover that they could get fantastic results at times.
This is a “how to” book. Here are details on treatments with supportive material from the world of science, which by now has confirmed many of the basic concepts in the Edgar Cayce readings. Harold J. Reilly began working with these concepts more than forty-five years ago.
Probably you will not read this book by starting at the beginning and going right through it. Perhaps you will look first for your own particular need. If so, you will discover that Dr. Reilly and Mrs. Brod have organized the material under precise chapter headings, and their cross-references will be invaluable guides both to your problems and to the Cayce-Reilly treatments.
When you have started your own body working on your specific need, you’ll want to go back and read the whole book. You’ll find a variety of material which can help you and which you’ll want to share with your friends. You’ll discover that the three people who put this book together obviously enjoyed it—Dr. Harold Reilly, Betty Billings, who assists him in his work, and Ruth Hagy Brod, who researched the material and helped Dr. Reilly write this book. It becomes very clear that these people believed very sincerely in the material they wrote about and that their personal experiences and experiences with hundreds of others confirm their conclusions.
The famous phrase with which Edgar Cayce from a trance state opened thousands of psychic readings, “Yes, we have the body,” begins to make real sense in this book. We must begin where we are. If we cannot heal ourselves, how can we be channels of healing for our fellow human beings? Here, completely blended, are the ingredients for the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance that everyone seeks.
—Hugh Lynn Cayce