United States Strategy for Central America: The United States government’s policy on Central American immigration and border security. https://
The United Nations Refugee Agency: A global organization dedicated to protecting the rights of displaced communities and stateless people. https://
United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF): UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives and defend their rights. The organization is working to understand the refugee crisis in Central America. https://
World Vision: An organization dedicated to providing information and resources to support and provide for Central American migrants. https://
Congressional Research Service: Recent Migration to the United States from Central America: Frequently Asked Questions: The Congressional Research Service informs the general public about migrations to the United States from Central America, in particular from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. https://
Hermanos en el Camino (Brothers on the Road): A migrant shelter located in Oaxaca, Mexico. http://
One World Play Project: A nonprofit campaign that raises money to distribute One World Futbols to communities with displaced children, including Hermanos en el Camino. https://
Center for Migration Studies: Point of No Return: The Fear and Criminalization of Central American Refugees: A report that details the challenges faced by Central American migrants who have returned home after failing to gain asylum in the United States or Mexico. https://
Solito, Solita: Crossing the Borders with Youth Refugees from Central America by Steven Mayers and Jonathan Freedman: A collection of oral histories that tells—in their own words—the stories of refugees seeking safety in the United States. https://
We Built the Wall: How the US Keeps Out Asylum Seekers from Mexico, Central America and Beyond by Eileen Truax and Diane Stockwell: In this nonfiction book, a Mexican American lawyer discusses corruption in the asylum procedure and despotism in the Mexican government.