The Realms

Asgard: legendary home of the gods

Midgaard: the world of man

Lomion: a great kingdom of Midgaard

Nether Realms: realms of demons and devils

Nifleheim: the realm of the Chaos Lords / Lords of Nifleheim

Vaeden: paradise, lost

Valhalla: a realm of the gods where warriors go after death


Places Within The Kingdom Of Lomion

Dallassian Hills: large area of rocky hills; home to a large enclave of dwarves

Dor Caladrill:

Dor Eotrus: fortress and lands ruled by House Eotrus, north of Lomion City

Dor Linden: fortress and lands ruled by House Mirtise, in the Linden Forest, south of Lomion City

Dor Lomion: fortress within Lomion City ruled by House Harringgold

Dor Malvegil: fortress and lands ruled by House Malvegil, southeast of Lomion City on the west bank of the Grand Hudsar River

Dor Valadon: fortress outside Dover

Doriath Forest: woodland north of Lomion City

Dover, City of: large city situated at Lomion's southeastern border

Dyvers, City of: Lomerian city known for its quality metalworking

Grommel: a town known for southern gnomes

Kern, City of: Lomerian city to the northeast of Lomion City.

Kronar Mountains: they mark the northern border of the Kingdom of Lomion

Lindenwood: a forest to the south of Lomion City, within which live the Lindonaire Elves

Lomion City (aka Lomion): capitol city of the Kingdom of Lomion

The Heights — seedy section of Lomion City

Southeast — dangerous section of Lomion City

Portland Vale: a town known for southern gnomes

Riker's Crossroads: village at the southern border of Eotrus lands

Tammanian Hall: high seat of government in Lomion; home of the High Council and the Council of Lords

Temple of Guymaog: where the gateway was opened in the Vermion Forest

Tower of the Arcane: high seat of wizardom; in Lomion City

Vermion Forest: foreboding wood, west of Dor Eotrus


Parts Foreign

Azure Sea: vast ocean to the south of the Lomerian continent

Dead Fens, The: mix of fen, bog, and swampland on the east bank of the Hudsar River, south of Dor Malvegil

Grand Hudsar River: south of Lomion City, it marks the eastern border of the kingdom

Emerald River: large river that branches off from the Hudsar at Dover

Ferd: Far-off city known for its fine goods

Jutenheim: island far to the south of the Lomerian continent.

Minoc-by-the-Sea: coastal city

R’lyeh: legendary island where a great battle was fought.

Shandelon: famed gnomish city

Tragoss Krell: city ruled by Thothian Monks

Tragoss Mor: large city far to the south of Lomion, at the mouth of the Hudsar River where it meets the Azure Sea. Ruled by Thothian Monks.