
Emerald elves, Lindonaire elves, Doriath elves, Dallassian dwarves, gnomes, humans (aka volsungs), lugron, svarts


High Council of Lomion

Selrach Rothtonn Tenzivel III: His Royal Majesty: King of Lomion

Aldros, Lord: Councilor

Aramere, Lady: Councilor representing the City of Dyvers

Balfor, Field Marshal: Councilor representing the Lomerian armed forces; Commander of the Lomerian army

Barusa of Alder, Lord: Chancellor of Lomion

Cartagian Tenzivel, Prince: Selrach's son, insane; Councilor representing the Royal House.

Dahlia, Lady: Councilor representing the City of Kern

Glenfinnen, Lord: Councilor representing the City of Dover

Harper Harringgold, Lord: Councilor representing Lomion City; Arch-Duke of Lomion City

Jhensezil, Lord: Councilor representing the Churchmen; Preceptor of the Odion Knights

Morfin, Baron: Councilor (reportedly dead)

Slyman, Guildmaster: Councilor representing the guilds; Master of Guilds

Tobin Carthigast, Bishop: Councilor representing the Churchmen

Vizier, The (Grandmaster Rabrack Philistine): The Royal Wizard; Grandmaster and Councilor representing the Tower of the Arcane


House Alder (Pronounced All-der)

A leading, noble family of Lomion City. Their principal manor house is within the city’s borders

Batholomew Alder: youngest son of Mother Alder

Bartol Alder: younger brother of Barusa, Myrdonian Knight

Barusa Alder, Lord: Chancellor of Lomion, eldest son of Mother Alder.

Blain Alder: younger brother of Barusa

Edith Alder: daughter of Blain; a child

Edwin Alder: son of Blain

Mother Alder: matriarch of the House; an Archseer

Rom of Alder: brother of Mother Alder


House Eotrus (pronounced Eee-oh-tro`-sss)

The Eotrus rule the fortress of Dor Eotrus, the Outer Dor (a town outside the fortress walls) and the surrounding lands for many leagues.

Aradon Eotrus, Lord: Patriarch of the House (presumed dead)

Claradon Eotrus, Brother: (Clara-don) eldest son of Aradon, Caradonian Knight; Patriarch of the House; Lord of Dor Eotrus

Donnelin, Brother: House Cleric for the Eotrus (presumed dead)

Ector Eotrus, Sir: Third son of Aradon

Eleanor Malvegil Eotrus: (deceased) Wife of Aradon Eotrus; sister of Torbin Malvegil.

Gabriel Garn, Sir: House Weapons Master (presumed dead, body possessed by Korrgonn)

Jude Eotrus, Sir: Second son of Aradon (missing)

Knights & Soldiers of the House: Artol 'The Destroyer', Sir Paldor Cragsmere, Sir Glimador Malvegil, Sir Indigo, Sir Kelbor, Sir Ganton 'the bull', Sir Trelman, Sir Marzdan (captain of the gate, deceased), Sir Sarbek (acting Castellan), Harsnip (deceased), Baret, Graham, Sergeant Balfin (deceased), Sergeant Vid, Sergeant Lant, Sir Miden (deceased), Sergeant Jerem (deceased), Sir Conrad (deceased), Sir Martin (deceased), Sir Bilson (deceased), Sir Glimron (deceased), Sir Talbot (deceased), Sir Dalken (deceased)

Malcolm Eotrus: Fourth son of Aradon

Ob A. Faz III: (Ahb A. Fahzz) Castellan and Master Scout of Dor Eotrus, a gnome

Stern: Master Ranger for the Eotrus (presumed dead)

Talbon of Montrose, Par: Former House Wizard for the Eotrus (presumed dead)

Tanch Trinagal, Par: (Trin-ah-ghaal) of the Blue Tower; Son of Sinch; House Wizard for the Eotrus. Alias: Par Sinch; Par Sinch Malaban.


House Harringgold

Harper Harringgold, Lord: Arch-Duke of Lomion City; Lord of Dor Lomion

Grim Fischer: agent of Harper, a gnome

Marissa Harringgold: daughter of Harper

Seran Harringgold, Sir: nephew of Harper


House Malvegil

Torbin Malvegil, Lord: Patriarch of the House; Lord of Dor Malvegil.

Landolyn, Lady: of House Adonael; Torbin's consort. Of part elven blood.

Eleanor Malvegil Eotrus: (deceased) Wife of Aradon Eotrus; sister of Torbin Malvegil.

Glimador Malvegil, Sir: son of Torbin, working in the service of House Eotrus.

Gravemare, Hubert: Castellan

Hogart: harbormaster


The Lords of Nifleheim

Azathoth: god worshipped by The Shadow League; his followers call him the “one true god”.

Arioch; Bhaal; Hecate

Korrgonn, Lord Gallis: son of Azathoth

Mortach: (aka Mikel) — killed by Angle Theta


The Asgardian Gods

Odin, Thor, Tyr, Frey, Freya, Heimdall, Loki,


Other Gods

Dagon of the Deep



Great Beasts, Monsters, Creatures

Duergar: mythical undead creatures

Dwellers of the Deep: worshippers of Dagon

Fire Wyrm: a dragon

Giants (aka Jotuns):

Leviathan: a sea creature

Trolls: mythical creatures of the high mountains


The Crew Of The Black Falcon

Slaayde, Dylan: Captain of The Black Falcon

Bertha Smallbutt: ship's quartermaster

Bire Cabinboy: ship’s cabin boy

Chert: a young seaman

Darg Tran, son of Karn, of old House Elowine: ship’s navigator

Eolge: a crewman

Fizdar Firstbar 'the corsair': former first mate (presumed dead)

Guj: boatswain. A half-lugron.

N'Paag: First Mate

Old Mock: a crewman

Ravel: ship’s trader and medic

Tug, Little: Near 7-foot tall part-lugron seaman; Old Fogey — Tug’s battle hammer


The Passengers of The Black Falcon

Artol: former Sergeant to Gabriel Garn

Claradon Eotrus, Brother: (Clara-don) eldest son of Aradon, Caradonian Knight; Patriarch of the House; Lord of Dor Eotrus

Dolan Silk: Theta’s manservant

Ganton, Sir (the Bull): a knight of House Eotrus

Kayla Kazeran: part Lindonaire elf, rescued from slavery in Tragoss Mor

Kelbor, Sir: a knight of House Eotrus

Lant, Sergeant: a soldier of House Eotrus

Lomerian Soldiers: a squadron of soldiers of House Harringgold, assigned to assist House Eotrus.

Malvegil, Sir Glimador: first cousin to Claradon; son of Lord Malvegil

Malvegillian Archers: a squad of soldiers assigned to assist House Eotrus by Lord Malvegil

Ob A. Faz III: (Ahb A. Fahzz) Castellan and Master Scout of Dor Eotrus, a gnome

Paldor Cragsmere, Sir: a young knight of House Eotrus

Seran Harringgold, Sir: nephew of Arch-Duke Harper Harringgold — assigned to assist House Eotrus

Tanch Trinagal, Par: (Trin-ah-ghaal) of the Blue Tower; Son of Sinch; House Wizard for the Eotrus

Theta, Lord Angle (aka Thetan): a knight errant.

Trelman, Sir: a knight of House Eotrus

Vid, Sergeant: a soldier of House Eotrus


The Crew/Passengers of The Grey Talon

Alder Marines: squadrons of soldiers from House Alder

Bartol Alder: younger brother of Barusa; a Myrdonian Knight

Blain Alder: younger brother of Barusa

DeBoors, Milton: (The Duelist of Dyvers). A mercenary

Edwin Alder: son of Blain

Kaledon of the Gray Waste: a Pict mercenary

Kleig: Captain of The Grey Talon

Knights of Kalathen: elite mercenaries that work for DeBoors

Myrdonian Knights: squadron of knights assigned to House Alder


The Crew/Passengers of The White Rose

Rastinfan Rascelon: Captain of The White Rose

Ginalli, Father: High Priest of Azathoth, Arkon of The Shadow League.

Ezerhauten, Lord: Commander of Sithian Mercenary Company

Brackta Finbal, Par: an archmage of The League of Shadows

Frem Sorlons: captain of the Sithian’s Pointmen Squadron

Glus Thorn, Par: an archmage of the League of Shadows

Hablock, Par: an archmage of the League of Shadows (deceased)

Lugron: hulking, brutish humanoids

Mason: a stone golem created by The Keeper

Morsmun, Par: an archmage of the League of Shadows (deceased)

Mort Zag: a giant

Ot, Par: an archmage of the League of Shadows (deceased)

Pointmen, The: an elite squadron of the Sithian Mercenary Company

Sevare Zendrack, Par: Squadron wizard for the Pointmen

Sithians: mercenaries under the command of Ezerhauten; some are soldiers, some are knights

Stev Keevis Arkguardt: an elven archwizard from the Emerald Forest allied with The League of Shadows; former apprentice of The Keeper


Sithian Mercenary Company

Ezerhauten, Lord: Commander

Frem Sorlons: Captain, Pointmen Squadron

Landru, Par: a squadron wizard

Rewes of Ravenhollow, Sir: a knight


The Pointmen (an elite squadron of the Sithian Mercenary Company)

Frem Sorlons: captain, Pointmen Squadron

Sevare Zendrack, Par: squadron wizard for the Pointmen

Putnam, Sergeant: Pointmen,1st Squad

Boatman: Pointmen

Borrel: Pointmen; a lugron

Bryton: Pointmen

Carroll, Sir: Pointmen; a knight

Dirnel: Pointmen; a lugron

Held: Pointmen

Jorna: Pointmen

Lex: Pointmen

Little Storrl: Pointmen,1st Squad; a young lugron

Maldin, Sergeant: Pointmen,2nd Squad

Moag: Pointmen,1st squad; a lugron

Roard, Sir: Pointmen,1st Squad; a knight

Royce, Sir: Pointmen; a knight

Torak: Pointmen; a lugron

Ward: Pointmen

Wikkle: Pointmen; a lugron


Militant Orders

Caradonian Knights: priestly order; patron—Odin

Kalathen, Knights of: mercenary knights

Odions, The: patron—Odin; Preceptor—Lord Jhensezil; Chapterhouse: in Lomion City

Sithian Knights, The: Preceptor—Lord Ezerhauten

Sundarian Knights: patron: Thor; Preceptor: Sir Hithron du Maris; Chapterhouse: hidden in Tragoss Mor

Tyr, Knights of: patron—Tyr


Others Of Note

Angle Theta, Lord: (Thay`-tah) (aka Thetan) knight errant and nobleman from a far-off land across the sea.

Archmage / Archwizard: honorific title for a highly skilled wizard

Archseer: honorific title for a highly skilled seer

Arkon: a leader/general in service to certain gods and religious organizations

Azura du Marnian, the Seer: Seer based in Tragoss Mor

Gorb: Azura’s bodyguard

Rimel Stark: Azura’s bodyguard and famed Freesword

Dirkben: Azura’s bodyguard

Black Hand, The: a brotherhood of deadly assassins

Brigandir: supernatural warrior(s) of Nifleheim

Churchmen: a generic term for the diverse group of priests and knights of various orders

Coriana Sorlons: daughter of Frem Sorlons

Dark Sendarth: famed assassin

Dolan Silk: (Doe`-lin) Theta's manservant

Dramadeens: royal bodyguards for House Tenzivel

Du Maris, Sir Hithron: Preceptor of the Sundarian Chapterhouse in Tragoss Mor; from Dor Caladrill

Einheriar: supernatural warriors of Nifleheim

Freedom Guardsmen: soldiery of Tragoss Mor

Freesword: a independent soldier or mercenary

Harbinger of Doom, The: legendary, perhaps mythical being that led a rebellion against Azathoth

Hedge Wizard: a wizard specializing in potions and herbalism, and/or minor magics

High Magister: a member of Lomion’s Tribunal.

Korvalan of Courwood, Captain: Commander of the Dramadeens.

Keeper, The: elven “keeper” of the Orb of Wizard beneath Tragoss Mor

Kroth, Garon: newly appointed High Magister

Lindonaire Elves: from Lindenwood

Sluug, Sir Samwise: Preceptor of the Rangers Guild; Lord of Doriath Hall

Magling: a young or inexperienced wizard; also, a derogatory term for a wizard

Master Oracle: a highly skilled seer

Myrdonians: Royal Lomerian Knights

Picts: a barbarian people

Pipkorn, Grandmaster: (aka Rascatlan) former Grand Master of the Tower of the Arcane. A wizard.

Prior Finch: a prior of Thoth in Tragoss Mor

Sarq: a Thothian Monk. Known as the Champion of Tragoss Mor

Seer (sometimes, “Seeress”): women with supernatural powers to see past/present/future events.

Shadow League, The (aka The League of Shadows; aka The League of Light): alliance of individuals and groups collectively seeking to bring about the return of Azathoth to Midgaard

Snor Slipnet: Patriarch of Clan Rumbottle; a gnome

Talidousen: Former Grand Master of the Tower of the Arcane; created the fabled Rings of the Magi.

Thothian monks: monks that rule Tragoss Mor and worship Thoth

Vanyar Elves: legendary elven people

Volsungs: alternate word for men/humans

Wizard (aka Mage, Sorceror, etc.): practitioners of magic