
Alder Stone, The: a Seer Stone held by House Alder

Amulet of Escandell: a magical device that detects the presence of danger; gifted to Claradon by Pipkorn

Articles of the Republic: the Lomerian constitution

Asgardian Daggers: legendary weapons created in the first age of Midgaard. They can harm creatures of Nifleheim.

Chapterhouse: base/manor/fortress of a knightly order

Dargus Dal: Asgardian dagger, previously Gabriel's, now Theta's

Worfin Dal: “Lord's Dagger”, Claradon's Asgardian dagger

Wotan Dal: “Odin's Dagger”; gifted to Theta by Pipkorn.

Axe of Bigby the Bold: made of Mithril; gifted to Ob by Pipkorn

Dor: generic term for a fortress

du Marnian Stone, The: a Seer Stone held by Azura du Marnian

Dyvers Blades: finely crafted steel swords

Ether, The: invisible medium that exists everywhere and within which the weave of magic travels/exists.

Ghost Ship Box: calls forth an illusory ship; created by Pipkorn and gifted to Claradon.

Mages and Monsters: a popular, tactical wargame that uses miniatures

Mithril: precious metal of great strength and relative lightness

Orb of Wisdom: mystical crystal spheres that can be used to open portals between worlds.

Ranal: a black metal, hard as steel and half as heavy, weapons made of it can affect creatures of chaos

Rings of the Magi: amplify a wizard's power; twenty created by Talidousen

Seer Stones: magical “crystal balls” that can see far-off events.

Shards of Darkness: the remnants of the destroyed Orb of Wisdom from the Temple of Guymaog.

Squad: a unit of soldiers typically composed of 15 men; can refer to any small group of soldiers

Squadron: a unit of soldiers typically composed of two squads of approximately 15 men each.

Tribunal: the highest-ranking judiciary body in the Kingdom of Lomion

Weave of Magic; aka the Magical Weave: the source of magic