Quit yelling at me. You’re just taking your frustrations out on an innocent computer, when you know in your heart that there’s not one thing I could have said to Triana to stop her from going. It’s not that she’s stubborn, she’s just … Okay, she’s stubborn.

However, here’s something that you should probably consider: if this wormhole does indeed deposit her into the waiting arms of an advanced alien civilization, can you think of a better representative from Galahad?

See? We’ve come full circle, back to the brain versus the mind. I understand where your emotions are coming from, but admit it: your intellect is telling you that she was the one who had to go.

Which leads to some extremely important questions. First, what in the world is going to happen to Triana? Have we seen the last of her? And if she does somehow return, will she still be the same Tree?

Then there’s the issue of Galahad’s Council. With this wildly unexpected turn of events, who takes charge? I can’t believe that Dr. Zimmer would have planned on his Council Leader jumping into a borrowed space pod and plunging through a wormhole into either (a) another part of our galaxy, or (b) some parallel universe. Well, maybe he did, but probably not likely. Does Gap automatically assume the reins? Lita? Certainly it couldn’t be Bon … or could it?

Or maybe someone not currently on the Council would like to throw his or her hat into the ring.

And besides, there’s still a lot of space out there. If it’s been this heart-stopping so far, what might be lurking beyond the next dust cloud?

Before you get too worked up, try to remember that our intrepid young star travelers still have their intellect, their courage, their training, and me. There, feel better?

One thing that troubles me is that Bon now has complete and total access to the Cassini, whenever he feels like it. Is that a good thing? Is he the type to heed Triana’s warnings, or is the pull from Titan’s masters just too strong?

I recommend that you make plans to join me for the next dizzying adventure. If you just can’t wait, find the nearest wormhole and take a shortcut.