AM | Arthur F. Marotti, “Shakespeare’s Sonnets as Literary Property,” in Soliciting Interpretation, ed. E. D. Harvey and K. E. Maus (Chicago University Press, 1990). |
BDC | Ben Crystal and David Crystal, The Shakespeare Miscellany (Overlook Press, 2005). |
BV | Brian Vickers, Shakespeare, A Lover’s Complaint John Davies of Hereford (Cambridge University Press, 2007). |
CAB | Charles Armitage Brown, Shakespeare’s Autobiographical Poems (James Bohn, 1838). |
EKC | E. K. Chambers, Shakespearean Gleanings (Oxford University Press, 1943). |
GT | Gary Taylor, Reinventing Shakespeare (Hogarth Press, 1990). |
HCB | H. C. Beeching, Shakespeare’s Sonnets (Athenaeum Press, 1904). |
HL | Harold Love, The Culture and Commerce of Texts: Scribal Publication in 17th Century England (University of Massachusetts Press, 1998). |
HR | Hyder Edward Rollins, The Sonnets: A New Variorum Edition, 2 vols. (Lippincott, 1944). |
HRW | H. R. Woudhuysen, Sir Philip Sidney and the Circulation of Manuscripts, 1558-1640 (Oxford University Press, 1996). |
JWB | J. W. Bennett, “The Alleged Piracy of Shakespeare’s Sonnets and of Some of Jonson’s Works,” Studies in Bibliography (1973). |
KDJ | Katherine Duncan-Jones, “Was the 1609 Shake-Speares Sonnets Really Unauthorized?” Review of English Studies 34, no. 134 (1983). |
KW | Katharine M. Wilson, Shakespeare’s Sugared Sonnets (Allen and Unwin, 1974). |
MSS | Martin Seymour-Smith, “Shakespeare’s Sonnets 1-42: A Psychological Reading,” in New Essays on Shakespeare’s Sonnets, ed. Hilton Landry (AMS Publishing, 1976). |
Q | Quarto; refers to Shakes-speares Sonnets (London, 1609). |
SB | Samuel Butler, Shakespeare’s Sonnets (London, 1898). |
SL | Sidney Lee, A Life of William Shakespeare (John Murray, 1916). |
SL-F | Sidney Lee, Shake-speares Sonnets [Facsimile edition of Q] (London, 1905). |
WA | William Archer, “Shakespeare’s Sonnets: The Case against Southampton,” Fortnightly Review 78, December 1, 1897. |