Abuses Stript and Whipt (Wither)
Account of the English Dramatick Poets (Langbaine)
Acheson, Arthur
“Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by vesting the Copies of Printed Books in the Author, An”
Addenbrooke, John
Aeneid (Virgil)
Affectionate Shepherd, The (Barnfield)
Alleyn, Edward
Allott, Robert
Amores (Ovid)
Amoretti (Spenser)
Amourous Sonnets
Amours (J.D.)
Anacreontic verses
Anderson, Robert
Anne, Queen
Antipodes, The (Brome)
Antony & Cleopatra (Shakespeare)
Apologie for Actors (Heywood)
Arcadia (Sidney)
Archer, William
Fitton-Herbert thesis and
Lee and
Pembroke and
reorganization and
on Southampton
theory of
Arden edition
“Armour VIII” (Drayton)
Art of Poetry, The (Jonson)
Art of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, The (Vendler)
Arte of English Poesie, The (Puttenham)
Arte of Rhetorique, The (Wilson)
As You Like It (Shakespeare)
Aspley, William
Stationers’ Company and
Thorpe and
Astrophil & Stella (Sidney)
adulterous love and
Daniel and
quote from
sonnet-sequence of
suppression of
Attempt to Ascertain the Order in which the Plays of Shakespeare Were Written (Malone)
Aubrey, John
Auden, W. H.
Graves and
on Shakespeare’s anonymity
on sonnets

Bacon, Francis
Bailey, Benjamin
Banishment of Tarquin, The (Quarles)
Barnes, Barnabe
Barnfield, Richard
Barrett, William
Basement Tapes, The
Bate, Jonathan
Beaumont, Francis
Beeching, H. C.
organization and
on Q143
Beeston, Christopher
Belvedere (Bodenham)
Bennett, J. W.
Benson, John
Brome and
copyright and
Cotes and
Crooke and
Jonson and
Marotti on
padding by
Passionate Pilgrim, The, and
Poems and
publication by
Q and
Thorpe and
titles by
Biathanatos (Donne)
Bird, Master
Black, John
Blackwood’s Magazine, Wilde in
Blood on the Tracks, The (Dylan), notebook
Blount, Edward
copyright for
dedication to
Hero and Leander and
Jonson and
Pericles and
Roberts and
Thorpe and
Boaden, James
Daniel and
on Pembroke
on Spenser
on W.H./Sonnets
Bodenham, John
Bonian, Richard
“Bonnie Earl of Moray, The”
Book Known as Q, The (Giroux)
Booke of Passionate Sonnetes (Watson)
Booth, Stephen
Bootleg: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Recording Industry (Heylin)
Boswell, James
on Drake
Bowdler, Thomas
Bray, Denys
Breton, Nicholas
Bridgeman. G. O.
Brief Chronicle (Stow)
Bright, Timothy
Britton’s Bowre of Delights (Breton, Jones, and Rollins)
Brody, John
Brome, Alexander
Brome, Richard
Beeston and
Benson and
Crooke and
Jonson and
Whitlock on
Brooke, Tucker
Brown, Charles Armitage
essay by
Brown, Henry
Browning, Robert
Bruce, Sir John
Burbage, Richard
Burghley, Lord
Burre, Walter
Burrow, Colin
Butler, Samuel
Byron (Chapman)

Campion, Thomas
Capell, Edward
Carey, Elizabeth
Carey, Sir George
Cartwright, Robert
“Case against Southampton, The” (Archer)
Cecil, Robert
Chadwyck-Healy LiOn (Literature Online)
Chalmers, George
Chamberlain, John
Chamberlain’s Men
Chambers, E. K.
on Bray
marriage sonnets and
organization and
on Thorpe
on W.H.
Chambers, Robert
Chapman, George
Daniel and
Davies and
dedication by
Hero and Leander and
as Rival Poet
sonnet to
Chapman, J. A.
Characterie; An Arte of Shorte, Swifte and Secrete Writing by Character
Characteristics of English Poets (Minto)
Characters of Shakespeare’s Plays, The (Hazlitt)
Charles I, King
Charles II, King
Chester, Robert
Child Ballad 100:
Churchyard, Thomas
Civitas Dei (St. Augustine of Hippo)
on character flaw
Cockpit Theatre, Brome and
Coleridge, Hartley
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Complaints (Spenser)
Complete Works, The (Wells and Taylor)
Condell, Henry
dedication by
Conrad, Hermann
Constable, Henry
English law on
registration and
in Shakespeare’s time
Copyright Act (1709)
Coryat’s Crudites (Davies)
Cotes, Thomas
Benson and
copyright and
Passionate Pilgrim, The, and
Counterfeiting Shakespeare: Evidence, Authorship and John Ford’s Funerall Elegye (Vickers)
Court Beggar, The (Brome)
Crooke, Andrew
Culture and Commerce of Texts: Scribal Publication in 17th Century England, The (Love)
Curll and Sanger (firm)

Daniel, Samuel
Chapman and
dedication by
Delia and
Jonson and
Pembroke and
as Rival Poet
Dark Lady
characteristics of
Davenant as
Dowden on
Fair Youth and
Fitton as
Lanier as
Pembroke and
romantic imagination and
Dark Lady of the Sonnets, The (Shaw)
Dark Lady sonnets
as portfolio sonnets
Q40-42 and
Davenant, Anne: as Dark Lady
Davenant, Sir William
Davies, Sir John
Chapman and
dedication by
Drayton and
Ellesmere and
entry for
“female complaint” and
Grossart and
“Lover’s Complaint” and
neologisms and
papers of
Pembroke and
personality of
Q and
quote of
as Rival Poet
sonnets by
stolen reports and
Thorpe and
writing by
Davison, Francis
De Grazia, Margreta
De Montemayor, Jorge
De WaillyÈon
Dee, John
Defense of Poesie, The (Sidney)
Delia (Daniel)
Derby, Alice, Countess of
Dering, Sir Edward
Desiderata Curiosa (Peck)
Diana (Constable)
Diana (de Montemayor)
Diana/Cupid sonnets
Dictionary (Johnson)
Dictionary of National Biography (DNB)
Dictionary of Printers and Booksellers (Plomer)
Digby, Lady
Digby, Sir Kenelm
Digges, Leonard
Discovery of a New Worlde, A
Disordered appendix
DNB. See Dictionary of National Biography
Donne, John
poems by
on suicide
Douglas, Lord Alfred
Dover-Wilson, John
on Dark Woman
on Herbert
on “Lover’s Complaint”
on Thorpe
Dowden, Edward
Drake, Nathan
biographical information and
Boswell on
Dramatic Works (Rowe)
Drayton, Michael
Chambers and
Davies and
Dryden, John
Dubrow, Heather
Duncan-Jones, Katherine
authorized publication and
on Davies
on Fair Youth sequence
on Jaggard piracy
on Jonson
“Lover’s Complaint” and
Marotti and
on Pembroke/Sonnets
rebuttal by
sonnet-sequence and
on suppression
Thorpe and
on Wittes Pilgrimage
“Dutifull Message, A”
Dylan, Bob

Eastward Ho (Jonson, Chapman, and Marston)
Edinburgh Review, The
Edward III (Shakespeare)
Edward VI, King
Eld, George
Elizabeth I, Queen
Davies and
death of
illness of
sonnets and
Ellesmere, Lord
Elliott, Ward
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
England’s Parnassus (Allott)
England’s Worthies (Fuller)
Englefield, Sir Francis
English Civil War
English Dancing Master, The (Playford)
English Poetry 900-1900 (Vickers)
Epigrammes (Jonson), dedication of
Epigrammes and Elegies (Davies)
Epipsychidion (Shelley)
Erasmus, Desiderius
Erskine, John
Essays (Chapman)
Essays and Studies (Mackail)
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of
Ever Green, The (Ramsay)
Execration against Vulcan with Other His Smaller Epigrams (Jonson)

Fair Youth
Dark Lady and
identity of
Pembroke as
Q94 and
Southampton as
Fair Youth sonnets
“Greek” element of
as secret/private sonnets
Faustus (Marlowe)
“Female complaint” genre
Field, Richard
First Folio
First Fruits (Florio)
Fitton, Mary
as Dark Lady
Pembroke and
Southampton and
Flaccus, Quintus Horatius (Horace)
“Flea, The” (Donne)
Fletcher, John
Florio, John
dedication to
Southampton and
Florio, Rose
Folk Music Journal
“Force of Love, The”
Forman, Simon
Forsyth, Ebenezer
Fortnightly Review, The
Foul papers
“Foure-fould Meditation, A” (Southwell)
Fourfold Meditation (Southwell)
Fourth Folio
Fowler, Alastair
Fraser’s Magazine
Frost, David: on Eld
Frye, Northrop
Fuller, Thomas
Furnivall, Frederick

Gentleman of Stratford (Brody)
Gentleman’s Magazine
Gildon, Charles
Gillet, Louis
Giroux, Robert
Golding, Arthur
Gorges, Carew
Gorges, Sir Arthur
Gosson, Henry
Graham, Cyril
Graves, Robert
Greg, W. W.
Greville, Fulke
Grossart, Alexander
on Davies
“Lover’s Complaint” and
Gulling Sonnets

Hadow, G. W.
Hailes, Lord
Hall, Joseph
Hall, William
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
“Hardyknute” (Wardlaw)
Harrison, W. A.
Hathaway, William
Hatton, Lady
Hazlitt, William
Healey, John
Heminge, John
dedication by
Henley, W. E.
Henry, Prince of Wales
Henry IV (Shakespeare)
Henry V (Shakespeare)
Henry VI (Shakespeare)
“Her Minde” (Jonson)
Herbert, Montgomery
Herbert, Philip
Herbert, William. See Pembroke, Herbert William, Earl of
Herford. H.
Hero and Leander (Marlowe and Chapman)
Hervey, Sir William
Heton, Richard
Heywood, Thomas
Brome and
Passionate Pilgrim, The, and
Hieatt, A. Kent
Hieatt, Charles W.
“His Mistress Drawne” (Jonson)
Historical Essay on National Song (Ritson)
History of Cardenio, The (Fletcher and Shakespeare)
History of English Poetry (Warton)
Holgate Commonplace Book
Holy Roode, The (Davies)
“House” (Browning)
House of the Titans (Russell)
Hughes, W.
Hughes, Willie
Hugo, Francois-Victor
Humours Heav’n on Earth (Davies)
Hunsdon, Lord
Hunt, Leigh
Huntly, George Gordon, Earl of
Hutton, James

Ideas Mirrour (Drayton)
“Idiot Wind” (Dylan)
Iliad (Homer)
“Immortality” sonnets
“Incertainties Now Crown Themselves Assur’d” (Dubrow)
Isaac, Hermann

Jackson, MacDonald P.
“Lover’s Complaint” and
Mackail and
phrasal resemblance and
quote of
thesis of
on Thorpe
Jaggard, Dorothy
Jaggard, Isaac
Jaggard, William
copyright and
death of
Passionate Pilgrim, The and
piracy by
Q sonnets and
Troia Britanica and
James I, King
James VI, King
Jameson, Anna
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, Richard
Jonson, Ben
additional poems by
Benson and
Brome and
Daniel and
death of
dedication by
Digby and
epigram by
eulogistic ideologization by
notoriety for
and Shakespeare compared
Thorpe and
Joviall Crew, A
Joyce, James

Keats, John
Kelley, Edward
Ker, Sir Robert
Kerrigan, John
Kerrigan, Paul
King Lear (Shakespeare)
King’s Men
Knight, Charles

Labouchere amendment (1885)
Langbaine, Gerard
Lanier, Emilia: as Dark Lady
Lee, Sidney
Archer and
on Benson/Thorpe
on Chapman
on Cotes
death of
on eye
“Lover’s Complaint” and
on patronage
Southampton and
Thorpe and
W.H. and
W.S. and
Leveson, Richard
Lewis. S.
criticism of
internal/external evidence
on self-abnegation
Lintott, Bernard
Literary Hour, The: Drake in
Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets (Gildon)
Lodger, The (Nicholl)
London, Bishop of
Loomie, Albert J.
Lord Chamberlain
“Losse and Gaine”
Love, Harold
on scribal author-publisher
on Vickers’s thesis
Love Labours Won (Shakespeare)
“Lover’s Complaint, A”
authorship of
Davies and
publication of
secret history of
“‘Lover’s Complaint, A’: A Reconsideration” (Muir)
Love’s Labours Lost (Shakespeare)
Love’s Martyr, or Rosalin’s Complaint (Chester)
Lovesick Maid, The (Brome)
Lucrece, The Rape of
dedication of
publication of
Southampton and
Lucy, Sir Thomas
Lyrical Ballads (Wordsworth and Coleridge)

Mackail, J. W.
“Lover’s Complaint” and
on Shakespeare’s genius
thesis of
Malcontent, The (Marston)
Malone, Edmund
on Benson
death of
homoerotic subtext and
Minto and
protest by
Q and
Rival Poet and
Steevens and
W.H. and
Manuall of Epictetus (Epictetus)
dedication of
Marlowe, Christopher
Hero and Leander and
Pharsalia and
Marotti, Arthur
on Benson
challenge by
Duncan-Jones and
on Malone
on patrons/sonnets
Marriage sonnets
Marshall, William
Marston, John
Masque of the Gypsies, The (Jonson)
Masques of Blackness and Beauty (Jonson)
Massey, Gerald
ìMaster-mistress sonnet, Theî (XX)
Measure for Measure (Shakespeare)
Mechanik Exercises on the Whole Art of Printing (Moxon)
Memoirs of the Loves of the Poets (Jameson)
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare)
Meres, Francis
Shakespeare/Ovid and
Merry Wives of Windsor, The (Shakespeare)
Metamorphoses (Ovid)
Microcosmos (Davies)
Middleton, Thomas
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare)
Milton, John
Minto, William
Malone and
on Q3
Rival Poet and
W.H. and
Mirum in Modum (Davies)
“Mistress Masculine, The”
Moray, James Stewart, Earl of
Moseley, Humphrey
Mowle, Peter
Moxon, Joseph
Much Ado about Nothing (Shakespeare), Aspley/Wise and
Muir, Kenneth
Mundus alter et idem (Hall)
Murry, J. Middleton
Muses Sacrifice, The, “Grenville” copy of
Muses Teares, The (Davies)
Mustapha (Greville)
My First Two Thousand Years (Viereck)
Myth of Shakespeare, A (Williams)

Nashe, Thomas
Neil, Samuel
“Never the Twain” (Frye)
New Arcadia (Sidney)
New Shakespeare Society
New York Observer, The
Newman, Thomas
Newton, Sir Isaac
Nicholl, Charles
Noble Kinsman, The
Northern Lasse, The (Brome)
Nottingham, Earl of

Okes, John
Old Arcadia (Sidney)
Oldys, William
“On His Mistress’ Beauty,” (CVI)
Othello (Shakespeare)
Oxford, Earl of
Oxford History of English Literature, The (Lewis)

Palatine Anthology
Palladis Tamia: Wits Treasury (Meres)
Paltrow, Gwynneth
Parsons, Robert
Passionate Centurie of Love (Watson)
Passionate Pilgrim, The
Benson and
Heywood and
Jaggard and
publication of
Q138/Q144 in
rights to
sonnets of
subtitle for
Pavier, Thomas
Peace of Vervins (1598)
Peck, Francis
Peeter, William
Pembroke, Countess of
Daniel and
Davies and
patronage of
Pembroke, William Herbert, Earl of
Daniel and
Dark Lady and
Davies and
death of
dedication to
as Fair Youth
Fitton and
Florio and
Lady Rich and
personification of
restoration of
Sonnets and
Southampton and
theory about
Percy, Bishop
Percy, Henry
Percy, Lord
Percy Folio, The
Pericles (Shakespeare)
Blount and
Gosson and
reprint of
Pharsalia (Lucan)
Phelps, W. L.
Philips, Katherine
Philips, Marvell
Phoenix & the Turtle, The (Shakespeare)
Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere (Knight)
Pierce Penniless (Nashe)
Pilgrimage to Paradise, The (Breton)
Playford, John
Plays & Poems, The (Malone)
Plomer, Henry R.
Publication of the Modern Lanuage Association (PMLA)
Poems, ìMoseleyî edition of
Poems (Keats)
Poems (Roe)
Poems (Shakespeare)
Poems (Waller)
Poems Written by Wil. Shakespeare. Gent (Benson)
Poetaster, The (Jonson)
Poetical Rhapsody (Davison)
Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton, The (Milton)
Poets of Great Britain (Anderson)
Ponsonby, William
Pope, Alexander
Portfolio sonnets, Dark Lady sonnets as
“Portrait of Mr. W.H., A” (Wilde)
Prescott, Anne Lake
Print and the English Renaissance Lyric (Marotti)
Privy Council, Shakespeare and
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
Proceedings of the Bibliographical Society of America
Psalms (David)
Puritan, The
Puttenham, George

alternate source for
authorial “integrity” and
contents of
dedication of
history of
literary allusions in
numbering system in
publication of
rediscovery of
reorganization and
sonnets of
circulation of
manuscript copies of
procreation theme of
text of
Minto on
procreation theme of
Dark Lady sonnets and
Q94: Fair Youth and
Quarles, John

Raleigh, Sir Walter
Ramsay, Allan
Rape of Lucrece, The
Ravishment of Lucrece, The
Recollections (Rossetti)
Red Bull
Reinventing Shakespeare (Taylor)
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry
“Revealed at Last, Shakespeare’s Dark Lady” (Rowse)
Review of English Studies, The
Revue des deux mondes (de Wailly)
Reynolds, J. H.
Rich, Lady Penelope
Rich, Lord
Richard II (Shakespeare)
Ritson, Joseph
Rival Poet
Chapman as
Daniel as
Davies as
Roberts, James
Robertson, John M.
Robinson, Richard
Rochester, Earl of
Roe, John
Rollins, Hyder E.
on Benson
on dated sonnet
on Heywood
on italicized words
“Lover’s Complaint” and
on Shakespearean studies
Romeo & Juliet (Shakespeare)
Rosenbaum, Ron
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Stoppard)
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Rostenberg, Leona
Rowe, Nicholas
Rowse, A. L.
Dark Lady and
on dedication
Roydon, Matthew
Russell, George W.

Salisbury Court Theatre, Brome and
“Scandal of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, The” (de Grazia)
Schiffer, James
Schlegel, A. W.
Schoenbaum, Samuel
Scholasticus, Marianus
Schollers Purgatory, The (Withers)
School of Shakespeare, The (Frost)
Scourge of Folly, The (Davies)
Scourge of Paper-Persecutors, A (Davies)
“Sea Crabb, The”
Second Folio
Secret Drama of Shakespeare’s Sonnets Unfolded, with the Characters Identified, The (Massey)
Sejanus (Jonson)
Select Second Husband for Sir Thomas Overbury‘s Wife (Davies)
Seton, Gregory
Sewell, George
Seymour-Smith, Martin
on Lewis
“Lover’s Complaint” and
on sonnets
on Thorpe/Sonnets
“Shadow of Night” (Chapman)
Shakespeare, Hannet
Shakespeare, William
boasts by
deadly sins and
as Great Tragedian
literary status of
popular tastes and
social climbing by
success for
Shakespeare, A Lover’s Complaint and John Davies of Hereford (Vickers)
Shakespeare and Chapman: A Thesis on Chapman’s Authorship of ‘A Lover’s Complaint’ (Robertson)
Shakespeare & His Times (Drake)
Shakespeare and the Rival Poet (Acheson)
Shakespeare in Love
Shakespeare Studies, Jackson in
Shakespeare Wars, The (Rosenbaum)
Shakespearean Apocrypha
Shakespeare’s ‘A Lover’s Complaint’: Its Date and Authenticity (Jackson)
Shakespeare’s Autobiographical Poems: Being His Sonnets Clearly Developed: with His Character Drawn Chiefly from His Works (Brown)
Shakespeare’s Sonnet Story , 1592-1598 (Acheson)
Shake-speares Sonnets (Eld)
dedication of
distribution of
failure of
Shakespeare’s Sonnets (Dowden)
Shakespeare’s Sonnets (Thorpe)
Shakespeare’s Sonnets: The Problems Solved (Rowse)
Shakespeare’s Sugared Sonnets (Wilson)
Shaw, Bernard
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Shindler, Robert
Shrewsbury, Earl of
Sidney, Sir Philip
adulterous poems of
Astrophil and
dedication to
rhyming and
Sidney, William
Simpson, Evelyn
Simpson, Percy
Sir John Oldcastle
Sir Philip Sidney and the Circulation of Manuscripts , 1558-1640 (Woudhuysen)
Sir Thomas More
Smethwick, John
Smith, William
Sonnets, See also Q
Sonnet 8:
Sonnet 18:
Sonnet 20:
Sonnet 22:
Sonnet 26:
dedication of
Sonnet 27:
Sonnet 57:
Sonnet 72:
Sonnet 80:
text of
Sonnets, See also Q
Sonnet 87:
Sonnet 101:
Sonnet 116:
Sonnet 130:
Sonnet 138:
Sonnet 144:
thematic/structural coherence of
Sonnets (Thorpe), copyright for
Sonnets, The (Kerrigan), “Lover’s Complaint” and
Sonnets, The (Rollins), “Lover’s Complaint” and
Sonnets, The (Seymour-Smith), ìLover’s Complaintî and
Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, Earl of
death of
dedication to
as Fair Youth
Fitton and
Florio and
imprisonment of
Lee and
Pembroke and
poem for
scandal involving
sonnets for
as Young Man
Southwell, Robert
Sparagus Garden, The (Brome)
Spens, Sir Patrick
Spenser, Edmund
“Spes Altera” (II)
text of
Stationers’ Company
Aspley and
Benson and
copyright and
influence of
Newman and
Passionate Pilgrim, The, and
publishing by
Thorpe and
Walkley and
Stationers’ Register
“Statute of Anne, The,”
Steevens, George
Malone and
on sonnets
Stock, Richard
Stopes, Charlotte
Stoppard, Tom
Stow, John
Strachey, Lytton
Succinct Philosophicall Declaration of the Nature of Clymactericall Yeeres, A (Wright)
Summa Totalis (Davies)
Supplement (Malone)
Supplement to the Edition of Shakespeare’s Plays Published in 1778 (Johnson and Steevens)
Surrey, Earl of
Survey of London, The (Stow)
Swinburne, Algernon

Talbot, Mary
Tarlinskaja, Marina
Taylor, Gary
on copyright
extrapolation of
on Passionate Pilgrim, The
on Tonson
Taylor, Sir Henry
“Teares of Peace, The” (Chapman)
Tempest, The (Shakespeare)
Terrors of the Night (Nashe)
Theobald, Lewis
Third Folio
“Thomas Thorpe, Publisher of Shakespeare’s Sonnets” (Rostenberg)
Thorpe, Thomas
appendix and
apprenticeship of
Aspley and
Benson and
Blount and
booklegging and
copyright and
Dark Lady and
Davies and
death of
dedication by
disintegrationists and
Healey and
initials and
Jonson and
letter from
“Lover’s Complaint” and
Malcontent and
piracy by
publication and
religious leanings of
risks by
scandal involving
Shakespeare and
sonnet-sequence of
Sonnets and
Stationers’ Company and
sugred sonnets and
W.H. and
Wither and
Tieck, Ludwig
Tiger’s Head, The
Times, The: Rowse in
Times Literary Supplement (TLS)
Titchfield, Baron of
TLS. See Times Literary Supplement
ìTo The Onlie Begetter,î
“To What Person the Sonnets of Shakespeare Were Actually Addressed” (Boaden)
Tolkein, J. R. R.
Tonson, Jacob copyright and
Tottel, Richard
Tottel’s Miscellany
Tragedy of Albovine, The (Davenant)
Troia Britanica (Heywood)
Troilus & Cressida (Shakespeare)
True History of Shakespeare’s Sonnets (Douglas)
Twenty of the Plays of Shakespeare (Steevens)
Tyler, Thomas
Dark Lady and
Lee and
on scandal

Ulysses (Joyce)

Valenza, Robert
Vendler, Helen
Ventris, Michael
Venus & Adonis (Shakespeare)
publication of
Vere, Bridget
Vernon, Elizabeth
Vicars, Samuel
Vickers, Brian
on Davies
Jackson and
“Lover’s Complaint” and
rebuttal to
on rhyme scheme
thesis of
Victoria, Queen
Viereck, George Sylvester
VII, Sonnet (Watson), text of
Volpone (Jonson)

Walkley, Thomas
Waller, Edmund
Walsingham, Sir Francis
Wardlaw, Lady
Wardlaw, Sir Henry
Wars of Religion
Warton, Thomas
“Was the 1609 Shake-speares Sonnets Really Unauthorized?” (Duncan-Jones)
Watkins, Richard
Watson, Thomas
Wells, Stanley
Westmorland, Francis Fane, Earl of
identity of
Thorpe and
Whalley, Henry
White, R. G.
Whitlock, Keith
Whyte, Rowland
Widow of Watling Street, The
Wilde, Oscar
novella by
W.H. and
William Shakespeare: A Documentary Life (Schoenbaum)
William Shakespeare: A Study of Facts and Problems (Chambers)
Williams, Charles
Willobie His Avisa
Wilson, Arthur
Wilson, Katharine M.
Wilson, Thomas
Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare)
Wise, Andrew
Wither, George
Wither’s Motto
Wittes Pilgrimage (Davies)
Wolfe, John
Wolff, M. J.
Woodward, Rowland
Wordsworth, William
Works (Rowe)
Worlde of Wordes, A (Florio)
Woudhuysen, H. R.
on Complaints
on Daniel
on presentation manuscripts
on scribal copies
Wright, John
Wright, Thomas
Wyatt, Sir Thomas
Wyndham, George

Yong, Bartholomew
Yorkshire Tragedy, The
“‘Youth’ of the Sonnets, The” (Dover-Wilson)